
时间:2019-05-12 00:43:32下载本文作者:会员上传


首届山东省旅游饭店行业服务技能大赛 中西餐宴会摆台、鸡尾酒调制项目


题型一 中译英


译:In whose name is the banquet reservation made? 2.我们晚餐开餐时间是下午5点到晚上10点。

译:The time for dinner is from 5 pm until 10 pm.3.您打算每人的用餐标准是多少?

译:How much would you like to pay for each person? 4.您的这瓶酒已经添完了。请问是否需要再加一瓶?

译:Your bottle of wine is empty.Would you like one more bottle? 5.您需要把菜分一下吗?

译:May I separate the dish for you? 6.您要不要来点烈性酒呢?要是喜欢酒精度低的话,我们这还有 米酒。

译:Do you care for something a little stronger? If you prefer something milder, there is rice wine available here.7.祝您有个好胃口,先生。

译:Have a good appetite, sir.8.全部的菜已经上齐了,接下来还有点心。

译:This is the complete course.There is dessert to follow.9.您们需要再加把椅子吗?。

译:Do you need one more chair, please?.10.请问您需要一杯冰水吗?

译:Would you like a glass of cold water, please? 11.有多种不同的烹调方法。

译:There are a large variety of ways to cook.12.先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请随我来。

译:Your table is ready now, sir.Please come with me.13.您使用维萨信用卡结账享受9折优惠。

译:You have got a 10% discount for your Visa Card.14.这是我们厨师长的拿手菜。

译:This is our chef’s recommendation.15.我们给你带来了这么多麻烦,为了表达歉意,特为您提供免 费甜点。

译:To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert.16.做好这道菜大约需要15分钟。

译:It takes about 15 minutes to prepare the dish.17.您想要什么饮品来配您的主菜?

译:What drinks would you like to go with your main course? 18.您是想坐在窗边还是挨着吧台?

译:Would you like to sit near the window or by the bar counter? 19.您的鸡尾酒需要加冰吗?

译:Would you like the cocktail on the rocks or straight up? 20.这是您的账单,请您过目。

译:Here’s your bill.Please check it.题型二 英译中

1.At the dinner banquet Chinese food will be served and the minimum charge of RMB 80 Yuan is required for each person.译:晚宴将是中餐宴会,最低消费每位80 元,不包括酒水 2.What drinks are you going to have for the banquet?


3.We don’t have any tables by the windows available.译:现在没有靠窗的位子了。4.Let me just confirm your reservation.译:让我来确认一下您的预订。

5.I’d like a private room for 15 people at eight thirty tomorrow evening.译:我想订明晚8点半可以容纳15人的包间。6.Could you give me some more napkins? 译:请多给我几张纸巾.7.Do you have vegetarian dishes? 译:你们供应素食吗? 8.Here are our cold dishes, sir.译:先生,这是我们的凉菜。

9.We have fresh orange juice, apple juice, watermelon juice.译:我们有鲜榨的橙汁、苹果汁、西瓜汁。

10.What kind of tea would you prefer to begin/start with, black tea or green tea? 译:您先喝什么茶?红茶还是绿茶?

11.Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures.译:中国菜有着悠久的历史,是中国文化中的瑰宝。

12.A deposit of RMB 500 Yuan is required to secure your booking.译:您需预交500元押金去确保您的预订。

13.Let me make you a special offer.译:我给你一个特别优惠价。

14.Here are some complimentary vouchers for you.You can pay with them next time when you have dinner in our restaurant.译:我们有一些赠券送给您,下次在我们餐厅用餐时可以使用。

15.It would be on the house.译:那是免费的。

16.I’d like two T-bone steak and a rump steak for the main course.译:主菜我想要两份T骨牛排和一份牛腿排。

17.When leaving the table during the course of your meal, put your napkin on your chair, not the table.译:用餐中如果需要暂时离席,将餐巾放在你的座位上而不是餐桌上。

18.How would you like the steak done, rare, medium or well-done?


19.In American bars you pay drink by drink as you get it.译:在美国的酒吧里,您喝一杯就得付一杯的酒钱。

20.The most common before-dinner drink is the cocktail, aconcoction of liquor and ingredients such as fruit juices, ice and fruits.译:鸡尾酒是最常见的餐前酒,它是烈酒和其他配料如果汁、冰块、水果的混合物。

题型三 情景对话

1.What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal? And how do you serve him / her?

Answer: Firstly, I will greet the guest by saying “Good morning, welcome to our Restaurant.”, and then ask the guest if he / she has a reservation by saying “Have you got any reservation?” If the guest has reserved a table, I will ask for his name and check it for the guest.Afterwards I’ll show him / her the way to the seat.If the guest doesn’t have any reservation,I will ask about the number of people, seat preference, and then arrange a table for the guest by saying “How many people do you have?” “Will this table do?”

2.If a foreign guest comes to ask for suggestions about Chinese food, and he/she would like something hot and spicy, what kind of dish would you recommend?

Answer: There are four major Chinese cuisines, or say, four styles.Each cuisine is distinctive with its own style and flavor.As the guest prefers something hot and spicy, I’d recommend Sichuan dishes are hot and spicy and taste different.Mapo Tofu and Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork are worth trying.3.What’s the major difference between liquor and wine? Answer: Liquor is an alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation.But wine is the beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volume.4.Do you think the service of Chinese banquet is much simpler than that of a western one? Why? Answer: No, I don’t think the service of Chinese banquet is simpler.Chinese are used to taking dinning as part of their culture, and while serving a Chinese banquet, we have to follow various rules.Although the working procedures of Chinese banquets are quite the same as those of Western ones, working staff should also pay attention to the Chinese dining etiquettes and provide proper services.For example, when receiving a wedding banquet, we have to serve hundreds of guests at the same time.It isn’t an easy job.5.If the guest complains about waiting for a long time, what would you do? Answer: First I would listen to his complaints with concerns patiently.And then I would say “Sorry to have kept you waiting”.Afterwards I would give him a solution by saying “I’ll check it right away./ I’m sorry, sir.We are short of help today.Would you like to have a drink first?”

6.While you are on duty, what would you do if the guest invites you to a drink?

Answer: It is against hotel regulations to go out for a drink with a guest when I am working.So, I would first tell the guest that I am working, and I am not available for the invitation.And at the same time, I would thank the guest all the same.7.What is your own opinion towards tips? Please state your idea in your own words.Answer: I think tips means that the guest is satisfied with my service.I know it is quite common in Western countries to accept tips from a guest.If the policy permits, I won’t refuse tips in case the guest would feel embarrassed.8.What is Russian service that is used to serve Western food? Key: For Russian service, waiters go around the table and present large dishes of food to each guest in turn.Waiters will help the guests, or the guests help themselves, to as much or as little as they like.9.Q:What will you do when the guest tells you that there’s something wrong with the bill?

A:I will check it with the guest carefully.If there is a mistake , I must make an apology to the guest,and then bring the bill to the cashier’s desk to correct it.10.What would you like to say when the guest orders a cup of coffee? A:Would you like black coffee or white coffee? / Would you like your coffee with cream or milk? 6




Part one

句子: 中译英:


译:How many people are there in your party? 2.我们已经为您预订一张6点半的餐台。译:We have reserved a table for you at 6:30.3.请问您在我们餐厅有预订吗?

译:Do you have a reservation with us? 4.早餐的供应时间是7点到9点。

译:Breakfast will be served from 7:00 to 9:00.5.对不起,这张桌子已经有客人预订了。译:Sorry, this table has been reserved.6.请问您有什么特殊要求?

译:Do you have any special needs? 7.角落的位子怎样?

译:How about a seat in the corner? 8.这张桌子可以吗?

译:Will this table be all right for you? 9包间已经准备好了,先生。

译:The private room is ready now, sir.10.您是要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区?

译:Would you like smoking area or non-smoking area? 11.包间的最低消费是800元。

译:For a private room, there is a minimum charge of 800 Yuan.12.请您在休息室里稍等一下,一有桌子我们就会安排您入座。

译:Could you wait for a moment in the lounge, please?We’ll seat you as soon as we have a table.13.先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请随我来。

译:Your table is ready now, sir.Please come with me.14.这是菜单,服务员随后就到。

译:Here is the menu.The waiter will be with you in a moment.15.这是菜单和酒水单。

译:Here is the menu and the wine list.16.请问您现在可以点菜了吗?

译:Are you ready to order now?


译:In China, there are four major cuisines, that is, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine.18.这是您的账单,请您过目。

译:Here’s your bill.Please check it.19.广东菜比较清淡而川菜的口味就比较重。

译:Guangdong cuisine is light while Sichuan cuisine tastes strong.20.您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?

译:Would you like to try our specialty? 21.我们的大厨很棒。

译:We have an excellent chef.22.我这就去和厨师商量。

译:I’ll speak with the chef right away.23.烤鸭大概需要半个小时。

译:Roast duck may take half an hour.24.你想喝点儿什么,先生?

译:What would you like to drink, sir? 25.请签上您的姓名和房间号码。

译:Please sign your name and room number here.26.干白葡萄酒是按瓶卖的。

译:The dry white wine is sold by bottle.27.你们有什么牌子的啤酒?

译:What brands of beer do you have? 28.如果您还有其他需要,请您随时告诉我们。我们很乐意为您效劳。

译:If you like to have something else, just feel free to ask.We are always at your service.29.您点的菜上齐了。请慢用。

译:That’s everything you ordered.Please enjoy your meal.30.恐怕您点的菜太多了。

译:I’m afraid you have ordered too much.31.我能帮您换一下盘子吗?

译:May I take your plate, please? 32.您还要再添米饭吗?

译:Would you like some more rice? 33.您想要点开胃菜或汤吗?

译:Would you like an appetizer or soup? 34.您想要什么主菜呢?

译:What would you like for the main course? 35.您要一瓶红葡萄酒配牛排吗?

译:Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your steak? 36.先生,这是您的牛排,请慢用。

译:Excuse me, sir.Here’s your steak.Please enjoy it.37.很抱歉,请多等一会。我们会尽快给您上菜。

译:I’m really sorry.Please wait a few more minutes.I’ll bring the food to you as soon as possible.38.您的菜上齐了,甜点稍后上。

译:This is a complete course.There is the dessert to follow.39.我想来杯加冰的威士忌。

译:I’d like a glass of whisky on the rocks.40.先生,您总共消费856元。译:It comes to 856 Yuan, sir.41.牛排做得太老了。

译:The steak is as tough as leather.42.非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?

译:I do apologize.Is there anything else I can do for you? 43.请问您要如何付账?

译:How would you like to pay? 44.是现金付账,还是信用卡付账?

译:Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card? 45.是一起买单还是分开买单呢?

译:Would you like to pay one bill or separate bills? 英译中:

1.We are looking forward to serving you.译:我们期待着您的光临。

2.I want a table with a view of the river.译:我想要张能看见江景的餐台。3.How late do you stay open? 译:你们几点打烊?

4.I’m sorry, sir.There’s no vacant table for the moment.译:先生,很抱歉。现在没有空位了。

5.I’m sorry, sir.There aren’t any tables left for 7 this evening.译:抱歉,先生。今晚七点没有空位了。

6.I’m afraid that we can only guarantee a table before 8:00 this evening.译:恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上八点。7.We’ll give you a 20% discount.译:我们给您八折优惠

8.In whose name was the reservation made? 译:请问以谁的名义预订的? 9.Would you come this way please? 译:请您这边走。

10.This table is too close to the kitchen.Can we move to another table? 译:这张桌子离厨房太近了,我们能换一张吗?

11.Our restaurant is full now.We might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.译:我们餐厅现在没有空位了。大约20分钟后我们可以安排您入座。

12.Here’s the menu.Please take your time and a waiter will come to take your order.译:这是菜单。请您慢慢看,待会儿服务员会来帮您写菜单。13.We’d like a variety of typical Chinese foods.译:我们想要点几个中国特色菜。

14.Please arrange a 500 Yuan menu for the five of us.译:请给我们五个人准备500元的菜单。15.What are your specialties?


16.The characteristics of Sichuan food are its strong local flavor,which is spicy and hot.译:川菜的特点是有很浓郁的地方风味,即麻辣。17.What kind of cold dishes have you got? 译:你们这有什么凉菜?

18.I’m terribly sorry.The dish will be replaced immediately.译:非常抱歉。这就给您把这道菜换掉。19.You can choose some snacks from the trolley.译:您可以在手推车里选些小吃。

20.The specialty of Sweet and Sour Pork is crispy.译:糖醋里脊的特点是酥脆。

21.I’m afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant.May I recommend something else? 译:恐怕我们餐厅没有这道菜。我能给您推荐点别的吗? 22.How would you like your prawn prepared? 译:您的虾准备怎么做呢?

23.I would like to suggest steaming the fish to remain its freshness.译:我建议您蒸着吃以保持鱼的新鲜。

24.May I recommend sauteed shrimp with green peas? 译:我向您推荐青豆炒虾仁,好吗? 25.Our restaurant specializes in Guangdong cuisine.译:我们餐厅的特点是以广东菜为主。26.May I repeat your order, sir?

译:先生,我重复一遍您点的菜吗? 27.Please rush our orders as we are in a hurry.译:我们赶时间,请催一下我们的菜。28.Would you like anything else? 译:请问还需要别的吗?

29.Would you like buffet or a la carte? 译:请问您要吃自助餐还是点餐? 30.May I recommend the chef’s salad?


31.How would you like the steak? Medium, medium well or well-done? 译:请问您的牛排需要半熟、七分熟、还是全熟? 32.What would you like to go with your steak? 译:您的牛排配什么菜呢? 33.Would you like some desserts? 译:您需要上甜点吗?

34.Would you like to try our special drinks? 译:您想尝尝我们的特饮吗?

35.I’d like to try some Chinese spirits.译:我想尝下中国的白酒。

36.Cocktails are available, such as Martini, Manhattan, Gin & Tonic.Which do you prefer? 译:我们有各种鸡尾酒,如:马丁尼、曼哈顿、杜松子酒。您要哪种? 37.Straight up or on the rocks? 译: 加不加冰?

38.May I open the bottle for you now? 译:我现在帮您把瓶子打开好吗?

39.A 10% service charge has been added to the total.译:总费用中加收了10%的服务费。

40.Sorry, I’ll make it clear and inform you as soon as possible.译:对不起,我去弄清楚并尽快告诉您。

41.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.译:感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意.42.Go along the corridor and the restroom is on your left.译:顺着走廊走,洗手间在您的左手边。43.Please pay the bill at the cashier’s desk.译:请在收银台结账。

44.Could you please sign here, sir? 译:先生,请在这儿签字。

45.Is everything to your satisfaction? 译:请问是否一切都满意?

Part two


1.Q:If the guest wants to reserve a table, what information do you have to know?

A:I have to know the time for reservation, the number of guests, the name of the guest, his telephone number, special needs and so on.2.Q:What would you like to say to the guest who walks into your restaurant for dinner?

A:Welcome to our restaurant.Do you have a reservation? 3.Q:If you are a hostess, what’s the first thing you have to find out when the guest comes? A:I have to find out whether the guest has a reservation or not.4.Q:What would you like to say if the guest wants a table that has been reserved? A:I’m sorry, sir.That table has been reserved, but would you like to have the table over there? 5.Q:What would you like to say if the guest wants to know the business hours in your restaurant?

A:We’re open from 6:30 a.m.to 10:00 p.m.6.Q:Before taking orders for the guest, what should you usually offer? A:I should offer the menu and the wine list.7.Q:How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest?

A:I would tell the guest the business hours, the specialties, the popular dishes and so on.8.Q:What would you like to say when you want to take order for the guest? A:May I take your order now? 9.Q:What would you like to say when you want to recommend something to the guest? A:May I recommend…? / How about…? / Why not try our…? / Would you like to try? 10.Q:What do you need to do after the guest has finished ordering? A:I need to repeat all his orders to confirm the orders with the guest.11.Q:After you have finished the orders, what would you like to say? A:Thank you.Please wait a minute, we’ll be back soon with your orders.12.Q:What would you like to say to the guest when all the dishes have been served? A:That should be all you ordered.Enjoy your meal.13.Q:If the guest wants to smoke in the non-smoking area, what would you like to say? A:I am sorry there is no smoking here, but if you like, there is a smoking area.14.Q:What would you like to say if the guest asks for the dish that has been sold out? A:I am sorry that is not available, but would you like to try…?

15.Q:What would you like to say to the guest if you recommend your house specialty? A:Would you like to try our house specialty? It’s very popular among our guests.16.Q:What would you like to say when the guest has been waiting for a long time? A:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.17.Q:What would you like to say when you want to know whether the guest is happy with his meal? A:Is everything to your satisfaction? / How was everything? 18.Q:What would you like to say when the guest orders a cup of coffee? A:Would you like black coffee or white coffee? / Would you like your coffee with cream or milk? 19.Q:What would you like to say when you recommend special drinks to the guest? A:Would you like to try our special drinks? 20.Q:What would you like to say when the guest asks “Where can I have cocktail?” A:We serve cocktails in the lobby bar.21.Q:What would you like to say if the guest asks for a steak? A:How would you like your steak, medium, medium well or well-done? 22.Q:What will you do when the guest tells you that there’s something wrong with the bill? A:I will check it with the guest carefully.If there is a mistake , I must make an apology to the guest,and then bring the bill to the cashier’s desk to correct it.23.Q:What is the most important thing that you need to do when the hotel guest would like to charge his bill to his room? A:I must ask the guest to show his room card.24.Q:How can you know the method of payment that the guest would like to choose? A:How would you like to pay, sir? 25.Q:What will you say to the guest when he is leaving the restaurant? A:Thank you for your coming./ We are looking forward to serving you again.


重庆市第七届中职技能大赛酒店服务赛项 中餐宴会摆台项目专业知识口试参考题库








7.根据《旅游饭店星级的划分与评定释义》的要求,商务会议型饭店大宴会厅或多功能厅的净高度不低于 3.5 米。











































3.零点餐厅早餐开餐前服务员的准备工作有哪些? 答:(1)开餐前做好餐厅的环境卫生工作,以符合卫生要求;(2)按早餐摆台要求摆台,桌椅横竖对齐;(3)准备好各种早餐所需用具;



















10.中餐宴会的“八知”是什么? 答:(1)知宴请规模;(2)知宴会标准;(3)知开餐时间;(4)知菜单内容;(5)知宾主情况;(6)知收费办法;(7)知宴请主题;(8)知主办地点。























17.宴会分鱼服务时,应根据其不同的食用方法而进行不同的分割装碟。一般情况下,分鱼的具体要求有哪些? 答:(1)分鱼前,应备好餐碟、刀、叉、勺;











1.接到客人电话预订时怎么办? 答:(1)礼貌地向客人问好;



2.客人来就餐但餐厅已经客满怎么办? 答:(1)礼貌地告诉客人餐厅已客满,并征询客人是否先到候餐处等待;(2)迎宾员要做好候餐客人的登记,请客人看菜单,并提供茶水服务;




3.餐厅客人中有儿童,服务时怎么办? 答:(1)客人中有小童应热情帮忙摆放儿童椅;



4.客人订了宴会,但过了预订抵达时间还未到,怎么办? 答:(1)马上与宴会营业部联系,查明客人是否取消宴会或推迟赴宴;(2)若是宴会延迟,立即通知厨房;


5.用餐的客人急于赶时间,怎么办? 答:(1)将客人安排在靠近餐厅门口的地方就餐,以方便客人离开;




6.为客人推荐酒水时,怎么办? 答:(1)站在主人的右侧或适当的位置上;



7.若客人点的是需要冰冻的酒水(如白葡萄酒、香槟酒)怎么办? 答:(1)应准备一套冰桶,加四成冰块,再加水至冰桶八成满;(2)把所点的酒水斜放在冰桶里,商标朝上;(3)如客人事先预订,要事先冰镇好酒水待用;(4)是否需要冰镇,提前征求客人意见。

8.上菜时,台面已摆满了菜,怎么办? 答:(1)征询客人意见,将桌上快吃完的菜分让给客人;(2)征求客人意见,将桌上快吃完的菜换成小碟盛装;



9.主宾、主人需离席讲话,负责主台的服务员怎么办? 答:(1)在主宾、主人离席讲话前,要先斟好主台每位宾客的酒水;



10.客人在用餐过程中感到不适时,服务员应如何处理? 答:(1)保持镇静;(2)报告上级;(3)食物留样;


11.客人因等菜时间太长,要求取消食物,怎么办? 答:(1)先检查点菜单,了解原因;



12.如何为行动不便的宾客提供就餐服务? 答:(1)应尊重、关心、体贴和照顾;


13.客人在用餐过程中,要求改菜,怎么办? 答:(1)对客人的要求,我们要尽量满足;



14.当客人用餐期间反映物品遗失时,餐厅应如何处理? 答:(1)当在场客人告诉服务员有物品遗失时,服务员要首先报告给当值主管;(2)当值主管应立即对现场客人和环境给予了解;



15.发现未付账的客人离开餐厅时,服务人员该怎么办? 答:(1)为预防此类情况发生,值台服务员应密切关注所负责区域内客人的动向;(2)将对让给客人;(3)一旦发现未付账的客人离开餐厅时,服务员应马上追上前有礼貌地小声把情况说明,请客人补付餐费;



2017贵州省职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项 客房中式铺床项目英语口试题库 情景应答及答题要点:

1.Q:How do you respond if a guest wants to buy something nice to take back to his little girl? A:I will recommend the hotel gift shop to the guest.And if time permits, I will recommend the local market to him as well.2.Q:You come to make up room for a guest, but he tells you that he prefers it later

because he is busy doing some paper work , what will you say? A:I will say: That’s all right.I will come back later.What time would it be convenient for you, sir?

3.Q:You are making up rooms when a guest comes and asks you to reschedule and

clean up his room now, since he is having a visitor in an hour.What will you say? A: I will say: We usually do the check-out rooms first, but we can make up rooms earlier on request.4.Q:What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer, but it’s 110 volts?

A:I will tell the guest that the electrical voltage in China is 220 volts.And I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.5.Q:If the guest says that he will leave and come back 2 days later, and he is not able to take the laundry the next day.What will you say? A:I will tell him: they provide “hold-for-return” service in the Laundry Department, where he can have his laundry kept until he returns.6.Q:You are going to do turn-down service for the guest, but he is working, what will you do?

A:I will ask the guest if he’d like me to do the turn-down service now.If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him.7.Q:What will you say if the guest tells you the temperature in the room is not agreeable? A:Don’t worry.I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.8.Q: If the guest comes to you and says he can’t open the door with the key to his room, what will you do? A: I will go and have a check with him, and help to have his key changed if necessary.9.Q:What do you ask so as to see whether the guest needs some more help? A:Good afternoon.Is everything all right? Is there anything else I can do for you?

10.Q:If the guest complains that there is hair all over in the bathroom, what will you do? A: I will apologize first, and then I will tell the guest we’ll have a room attendant take care of this immediately, as hygiene and tidiness is our top priority.11.Q:Try to introduce the different types and styles of rooms in the hotel to Mr.Bellows

who is making a reservation over the phone.A:What kind of room would you like, Mr.Bellows? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, British,Roman, French and presidential styles.12.Q:A guest tells you that he is attending an important conference, and wants to have his suit dry-cleaned as soon as possible.What will you do to help? A: I will suggest that he take the express laundry service.There will be an extra charge of 50% for the express, but the laundry will be sent back to him in four hours.13.Q:What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel?

A:I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room.Besides, guest is always welcome to the Business Centre or the Internet Café of the hotel.14.Q:What’s the information you give when you’re introducing a guestroom to the guest?

A:I will introduce the equipment, the services provided, special facilities and the view the guest may get from the room.15.Q:When a guest calls to ask if you can send someone to take her laundry, what will you say?

A:Sure I will inform the valet to pick up your laundry.May I have your room number, please?

15.Q: You show the guest to his room, and he asks where he can get the slippers.What will you say? A: “Let me get the slippers for you, they are here in the wardrobe.”

17.Q:If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what will you suggest? A:Please press the “Do Not Disturb”(DND)button before you go to bed, and you won’t be disturbed the next morning.18.Q:A guest wonders if the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is a right place to cool off and relax.A: Our outdoor roof-top swimming pool features a 150-metre long pool.It presents an excellent oasis for the guests to cool off and relax after a busy day.19.Q: If the guest asks you to look after the baby for her, what will you say? A: I’m sorry, madam.I can’t do that.It’s against our hotel’s regulation.But we have a very good baby-sitting service.The sitters are well-educated and reliable.20.Q:What do you need to check when you collect the guest’s laundry?

A: I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled out the laundry list.21.Q:What will the attendant say to help if a guest asks to have a stain on his clothes removed? A:Sure.We will try our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.22.Q:What will you say when the guest has finished checking-in at the Front Desk? A:Here is your room key and the bellboy will show you up to your room.Hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel.23.Q:As a Front Office clerk, how do you deal with a miscalculated bill? A:I will apologize for the miscalculation to the guest first, and then check it with the department concerned.24.Q: What will you say if the guest complains the beef steak sent by Room Service is rare, while he asked for well-done? A: I’m terribly sorry.I will inform the Food and Beverage Department;they’ll see to the matter and have another steak prepared to your appetite.25.Q:What will you say if there is no room available for the guest who is calling to make a reservation? A:I’m sorry, but we are fully booked.Shall I put you on the waiting list? We will contact you if there is a cancellation.26.Q: If the guest says some of the lights in the room are flashing, what will you do? A: I’m sorry.I will inform the Maintenance Department to deal with it right away, and they will make sure to change some new lights for you as soon as possible.27.Q:What do you say to the outside phone caller when you’ve got no response after putting him through to one of the guest’s room?

A:I’m afraid he is not in the room at the moment.Would you call back later?

28.Q:What will you say when you notice a guest is not feeling well?

A:Are you all right / What’s the matter, Mr.Simpson? You look pale.Shall I send for a doctor?

29.Q: What will you say if the guest calls to borrow a patch board? A: May I have your room number? I will send an attendant up with a patch board to you right away.30.Q: How do you respond to an unexpected request from the guest?

A: I’m not sure, but we’ll see what we can do for you./ I can’t guarantee, but let’s see what we can do.31.Q:Tell the guest how to use the “Make up Room” sign.A:If you want the housemaid to make up your room earlier, just hang the “Make up Room” sign outside on the door.32.Q:Tell the guest how to ask for Room Service by telephone.A:You can dial 515 to ask for Room Service.Room Service is available round the clock.33.Q:Inform the guests about breakfast service in the hotel.A:The hotel provides buffet service for breakfast, which is available between 6:30am and 10:00 am.34.Q:Explain to the guest the hotel preference policy in making up rooms.A:We always make up the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.35.Q: Explain to the guest the use of the Hotel Service Directory.A:By referring to the Hotel Service Directory on the writing desk, you’ll find detailed information about all the services we provide in the hotel.36.Q:Inform the guests about the free shoe shining service of the hotel.A:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.Just put them into the shoe basketif you want to have them polished.37.Q:Tell the guests about the voltage difference between the USA and China;remind him that the sockets in the bathroom are for 110 volts and 220 volts respectively.A:The voltage here is much higher than that in the USA.There’re two sockets in the bathroom, one is for 110 volts and the other 220 volts.38.Q:The guest would prefer the turndown service for him after 9:00 pm when you’ll be off duty.How do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir.I will make sure to let the night staff know, and he’ll do the turndown service for you after 9:00 pm.39.Q:Introduce 3-4 types of laundry services the hotel provides to the guests.A:The Laundry Department of our hotel is experienced, and they provide the same-day service, the express service, the next-day service and the express pressing service.40.Q:A guest calls to complain that there are not enough hangers in his room, how do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir, I will have some more hangers sent to your room right away.May I know your room number? 41.Q:Explain to the guest how to use the door knob menu to order and have his breakfast in the room.A:You may use the door knob menu to order Room Service.Just tick the items you’d like for breakfast, write down the time, and hang the door knob menu outside the

door before you go to bed tonight 42.Q:The guest orders Room Service, and now you are delivering his breakfast to the room.What do you say after knocking on the door?

A:This is Room Service.I’ve brought you your breakfast.43.Q:The guest complains that the water tap is leaking, and the noise of it is driving him crazy.How do you respond? A: I will tell the guest that I will report it to the Maintenance Department and have the tap fixed as soon as possible.44.Q:Phone the guest and tell him that you’ve found the cell phone he lost the other day.A:This is Lost and Found.We have found your cell phone.45.Q:Apologize to the guest for the delay of his baggage delivery.A:I’m sorry for the delay.But the bellman is delivering your baggage up to your room now.46.Q:A visitor comes to meet Mr.Smith in Room 2501, but he is not in the room now, what do you say to the visitor?

.A:I’m afraid Mr.Smith is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message?

47.Q:How do you respond if a guest complains that one of the pillows in his room smells funny?

A: I’m sorry, sir.I will have a new pillow sent to your room right away.48.Q:What do you say when you want the guest to follow you to his room?

.A:Room 1502 is nice and comfortable.Let me show you to your room, sir.This way please.49.Q:How do you check with the guest when sending up his luggage?

.A:Here we are, Room 1208.You’ve got three pieces of luggage in all.Is that right, sir?

50.Q:How do you ask the guest to make sure if there is something identical attached to his luggage?

A: Is there a tag or anything identical attached to your luggage, sir?

51.Q:The guest wants to know if he can make a direct dial international call from his room.A:Yes, sir.You can make a direct-dial international call from your room.Please dial 9 first, and then the country code, the area code and finally the telephone number.52.Q:Tell the guest where to leave his laundry..A: Just leave your laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.The attendant will come and collect the laundry.53.Q:Tell the guests to contact you when they have requests..A:If you have any requests, please feel free to let us know, we are always at your service.54.Q:You’re sending back the laundry to Mr.Dave.Tell him a button on his shirt is missing, and you’ve sewed on a new one for him..A:Mr.Dave, here’s your laundry.By the way, one button was missing from your shirt, and we’ve sewed on a new one.55.Q:One guest looks worried, show your concern and offer your help..A:Good afternoon, you look worried.What has happened? How can I help you? / Can I be of assistance?

56.Q:Apologize for the inconvenience caused to the guest, and assure him it will not happen again..A:I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir.I assure you this won’t happen again.57.Q:The guest tells you that he’s just had a shower, and the bathroom is quite a mess.A:Don’t worry sir.I will tidy up your bathroom right away.58.Q:How do you respond if the guest asks you whether baby-sitting service is available in the hotel? A:Yes, we do have Baby-Sitting Service in the hotel.You can dial 888 for Baby-Sitting Service.The sitters are competent and experienced.59.Q: How do you greet the checking-in guests at the Front Desk?

A: Good morning.Welcome to the Hotel.Do you have a reservation?

60.Q:How do you bid farewell to a checking-out guest?

A:Thank you for coming.Hope you enjoyed your stay with us.Good bye.61.Q:Inform the guests that the hotel provides a hand torch for the guest.A:There’s a hand torch in the drawer of the bedside table for your convenience.62.Q:What are the items of information a receptionist should ask the guests to enter when filling out the registration form? A:The receptionist should make sure that such information items as the guest’s full name, address, nationality, forwarding address, visiting purpose and signature are all entered correctly and legibly.63.Q:How do you ask for guests’ personal information politely?

A:Excuse me.May I have your name, address and your telephone number?

64.Q:Inform the guest that you are able to accept his booking.A: We are glad to tell you that we are able to accept your booking.65.Q:How to ask about the Room Rate for a double room? A:What is the price for a double room? / How much is a double room per night?

66.Q:How do you ask the guest to fill out the registration form while you’re busy with the key card? A:Would you please fill out this registration form while I prepare your key card?

67.Q:You’ve helped the guest check in at the Front Desk.And now tell him to follow the bell boy to his room.A:If you are ready, the bell boy will show you up to your room.68.Q:A guest is making a reservation and he wonders if there is a special rate for group reservation.A:Yes, there is.We offer a 10 per cent discount for a group reservation.69.Q:How to request for an extension of stay in the hotel? A:I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at the hotel.70.Q:How do you inform the guest of the arrival of his visitor? A:A certain Mr.Zhang wants to see you, sir.He is now waiting in the lobby.71.Q: Give an example of making a general comparison of three Hotels.A: The Palace, the Plaza and the Regent are distinguished international hotels.The Regent is the largest but the Palace is the most modern./ The Plaza is not as luxurious as the Palace, but it is just as comfortable as the Regent.72.Q: How do you ask the speaker to slow down? A: Excuse me, but would you please slow down a little? / Excuse me, madam, but would you mind slowing down a bit?

73.Q: How are advance reservations made?

A: Advance reservations are made in different ways.Some people send reservation letters to the hotel.Some go directly to the hotel and make reservations in person.Others call the hotel and make reservations over the telephone.Still others telegraph hotels for rooms.Nowadays, more and more people make reservations by Internet Service.74.Q: Give two examples of recommending an executive suite to the guests.A: May I suggest that you try the executive suite? / You might want to try the executive suite of our hotel./ Why don’t you try the executive suite? / You could try the executive suite if you like.75.Q: Give two examples of making courteous parting remarks.A: Thank you for calling us, sir./ Thank you for choosing us for your service, sir./

Thank you for staying with us, sir./ Thank you for using Room Service, sir.76.Q: Give two examples of quoting a price for a single room to the guests.A: A single room would run you between $80 and $95 at this time of year, madam./ A single room can cost you between $80 and $95, madam./ Room rate ranges from $80 to $95 for a single room, madam./ It is between $80 and $95 per night for a single room, madam.77.Q: How do you talk about distance when showing guests the way? A: It takes about 20 minutes to get there by taxi/bus/on foot./It is 20 minutes’ taxi ride/ bus ride/ walk from here.78.Q: How do you give directions when showing guests the way? A: Walk two blocks down Queen Street, until you hit Cypress Street./ Go straight along Sunshine Street, and turn left at the first traffic light./ Walk all the way down this street, until you get to the first intersection.79.Q: How do you check if the visitor of a guest, named Williams, has an appointment? A: Did Mr.Williams know that you were coming? / Is Mr.Williams expecting you? / Do you have an appointment with Mr.Williams?

80.Q: How do you offer to take a message for a guest? A: Would you like to leave a word/message? / Anything you’d like me to tell/pass along to the guest? 8

第五篇:2015全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项客房中式铺床项目英语口试参考题库 (范文模版)



Part one

句子: 中译英:


译:If you’d like to have your room cleaned later, please call the front desk.2.先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。译:Let me introduce the room to you, sir.3.在房间上网是免费的。

译:We offer free internet service in the room.4.除非有人要求,一般来说,我们总是先打扫走客房。

译:We always clean the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.5.对不起,先生。您再等20分钟可以吗?

译:I’m sorry, sir.But could you wait another 20 minutes, please? 6.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?

译:Excuse me, do you need laundry service? 7.我们随时为您服务。

译:We are always at your service.8.如果您需要帮助,请拨9到客房中心。

译:If you need any help, you may call the Service Center by dialing 9.9.我们总是尽力按要求尽早打扫房间。

译:We always try to have rooms made up early on request.10.客房电视可以接收中央台和地方电视台节目。

译:The TV set in the room can receive the China Central Television and local TV programs.11.酒店客房均设有个人密码保险箱,用于存放您的贵重物品。

译:The guestroom has safety box with personal password to store the valuables.12.房间里有小冰箱。

译:There is a mini-bar in the room.13.详细情况可以在服务手册中查到。

译:For detailed information, please refer to the service directory.14.酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。

译:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.15.我会在5分钟内将电源适配器给您送去。

译:I will deliver the adapter to your room in 5 minutes..16.离开房间时请记得带房卡。

译:Please take the room card with you when you leave the room.17.您能送一个婴儿床到1215房间来吗?

译:Could you send a baby cot to Room 1215? 18.先生,您什么时候比较方便?

译:What time would it be convenient for me to come back, sir? 19.您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间?

译:When would you like me to clean your room? 20.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。

译:I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water, please.21.你替我要一辆出租车好吗?

译:Could you get a taxi for me, please? 22.您希望什么时候把衣服给您送回来?

译:When would you like your laundry back? 23.请让我看一下您的房卡好吗?

译:Could you show me your room card, please? 24.这是我们酒店的规定。希望您能理解。

译:This is our hotel policy.I hope you can understand.25.请问您要快洗服务还是普通服务?

译:Would you like express service or standard service? 26.我想多要一床毛毯和两只枕头可以吗?

译:Can I have one more blanket and two more pillows, please? 27.我们这里有不同种类的服务,如水洗、干洗、烫、染和缝补。

译:We have different services here such as laundry, dry-cleaning, ironing, dyeing and mending.28.卫生间的香皂用完了,请再给我添一块新的,好吗?

译:The soap in the toilet has been used.Will you please give me a new one? 29.把要洗的衣服放在卫生间的塑料袋里就行了。每天早晨整理完床铺后


译:Just put your laundry in the plastic bag in the bathroom.I’ll collect it after I make the bed every morning.30.这是2139房间。请送一个电熨斗。

译:This is Room 2139.Can you send me an iron, please? 31.我们饭店提供24小时客房送餐服务。译:Room service is available 24 hours a day.32.请您填写洗衣单,好吗?

译:Could you fill in/out the laundry form, please? 33.我是送餐服务员,这是您的早餐。

译:This is Room Service.I’ve brought you the breakfast.34.您能提供一些关于您丢失物品的信息吗?

译:Could you give us some information about your lost item? 35.水龙头整晚都在漏水。

译:The tap has been leaking all night long.36.3206房间的电视机坏了,请派人来修理一下。

译:The TV in Room 3206 isn’t working.Please send someone to fix/repair it.37.这里是失物招领处。我们找到了您的手机。

译:This is Lost and Found.We have found your cell phone.38.我会通知维修部和客房服务员。

译:I will inform the Maintenance Department and the Housekeeping.39.史密斯先生不在房间,您需要留言吗?

译:I’m afraid Mr.Smith is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message? 40.别担心,我会通知夜班人员,他会为您做的。

译:Don’t worry.I’ll inform the overnight staff.They’ll do it for you.英译中:

1.We provide our customers with a variety of services such as currency exchange, food and beverage, laundry, mail, etc.译:我们向顾客提供货币兑换、餐饮、洗衣、函件等多项服务。2.Your room number is 3611.Follow me please.译:您的房号是3611。我带您过去。

3.Please contact us if you have any problems, sir.We’ll do our best to help you.译:先生,有什么问题请与我们联系。我们会尽力给予帮助。4.The room is at the end of the corridor.译:房间在走廊的尽头。

5.The pillowcases are dirty;could you change them for us? 译:枕套脏了,请您换一下好吗?

6.If a guest wants his room done at some specific time, he can hang the sign outside on the doorknob.译:如果客人要求在特定的时间整理房间,他可以把标记牌挂在门外的把手上。

7.The guestrooms are equipped with mini bar to offer you a variety of drinks.Please sign the wine list after you drink.译:酒店客房设有迷你酒吧,为您提供多款饮品,请您饮用后在酒水单上签字。

8.When will I have my laundry back? 译:我什么时候能取回送洗的衣服?

9.Here’s your room.May I put your luggage/baggage here? 译:这是您的房间。我把您的行李放这里好吗? 10.You’ve got three pieces of luggage/baggage.Is that right, sir? 译:先生,您一共有三件行李,是吗? 11.Excuse me, could you return the printer because another guest wants to use it.译:请把打印机还给我们好吗?有一个客人要用。12.Is there a tag attached to the luggage/baggage? 译:行李上面有标签吗? 13.There’s a 10% discount for a double room.译:大床间可以打九折。14.I’ll send them up to your room, just one moment, please.译:我马上把东西送到您的房间,请稍等。15.I would like to store my laptop in your safety box.译:我想把我的笔记本电脑存在饭店的保险柜里。16.Could you remove the stain on my skirt, please? 译:您能把我裙子上的污点洗掉吗?

17.We will refund the cost of the laundry.You may buy a new sweater and give us the receipt.译:我们可以退还洗衣费。您可以买件新毛衣,把发票寄给我们。18.The shirt lost a button, could you sew it on for me? 译:这件衬衫掉了一颗纽扣,能帮我缝上吗? 19.Please deposit your money, jewelry and other valuables in the hotel safety box.译:请将您的现金、珠宝和其他贵重物品寄存在酒店的保险箱内。20.We will check them with the security section.译:我们会同保安部的工作人员一起去查找一下。21.You can make long distance calls from your room.译:您可以在房间里打长途电话。22.I’m sorry, sir.I’m going to your room as soon as I finish this one.译:对不起,先生,我打扫完这个房间就去您的房间。23.If you have any requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.译:如果您有需求,请随时找我们。24.Could you check the contents in your parcel? 译:您检查一下您包裹里的物品好吗? 25.I’d like to have an extra blanket and one more glass.译:我想多要一张毯子和一个玻璃杯。26.I’m sorry to hear that, madam.But would you tell me exactly what happened? 译:很遗憾,发生了这种事,您能把事情经过详细描述一下吗? 27.Could you call maintenance to fix the window and housekeeping to clean the carpet, please? 译:您能派名维修人员来修理窗户并派名客房服务员来打扫一下地毯吗? 28.Do you prefer laundry returned on the same day or by express service? 译:您的衣服是要当日取还是快洗服务? 29.I’ll send maintenance to your room to check it right away.He will be here in a few minutes.译:我马上派一名维修工到您房间检查一下,他马上就到。30.We’re very sorry for the delay, sir.Your luggage/baggage was wrongly delivered to Room 608.译:很抱歉行李送晚了,您的行李被误送到608房间了。31.We apologize for troubling you so much.译:很抱歉给您添了这么多麻烦。32.I’m sorry to disturb you.I’m here to check the smoke detector in your

room.译:对不起打扰了。我来查看您房间里的烟感器。33.I assure you it will never happen again.译:我向您保证这类事情以后不会再发生了。34.I’m afraid all printers have been sent out.译:恐怕我们的打印机都被借走了。35.If the guest doesn’t know how to use the electric facilities in the room, show him how to use it or give some explanations.译:如果客人不会使用房间的电器设备,给客人演示或解释。36.For baby-sitting service, the charge is 50 Yuan per hour.译:托儿服务每小时收费50元。37.How would you like to pay, by credit card or in cash? 译:请问您要怎么付款,刷卡还是付现金? 38.I’ve come to repair the facilities in the bathroom.Can you please tell me what the problem is, please?

译:我来维修卫生间的设施,请您详细地告诉我什么坏了,好吗? 39.According to the regulations, anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay for it.译:根据规定,任何打碎玻璃杯的人都得赔偿。40.I am Sandy from housekeeping.If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.译:我是房务部的Sandy。如果您有任何需要,请及时联系我。

Part two


1.Q:What would you say if the guest wants you to bring some drinks for him?

A:I will send them to your room right away.2.Q:You are going to clean the room for the guest, but he tells you that it is not convenient for him now, what will you say?

A:I’ll say: That’s all right.I will be back later.What time would be convenient, sir?

3.Q:What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer but it’s 110 volts?

A:I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.4.Q:You are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but he is working, what will you do?

A:I will ask the guest if I should do it now.If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him.5.Q:What would you say if the guest tells you the temperature is low in the room? A:I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.6.Q:What would you say when you want to know whether the guest needs some more help?

A:Is there anything else I can do for you?

7.Q:If the guest complains that there is hair all over his bathroom counter and in his tub, what will you do? A:I will apologize first.And then explain that cleanliness is very important to us.I will have a room attendant take care of that immediately.8.Q:If a guest calls to complain that his room key does not work, what will you say?

A:I’m sorry for the inconvenience.I will make you a new key right now, however I need your identification please.9.Q:What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel? A:I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room, and there is an internet café in the hotel as well.10.Q:How will you introduce a guestroom to the guest?

A:I will introduce the equipment, the views, the services provided and so on to the guest.11.Q:When a guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what will you say?

A:Certainly, madam.I will inform our housekeeping to pick up your laundry.May I have your room number, please?

12.Q:If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what would you say?

A:Please press the “Do Not Disturb” button so the room will be cleaned after tomorrow lunchtime.Is that OK?

13.Q:When a guest asks about the express laundry service, what will you say? A:For express service, you may get your laundry back in 4 hours.But

there is a 50% extra charge.14.Q:What do you need to check when you collect the guest’s laundry? A: I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled in the laundry list.15.Q:What would you say if a guest asks the attendant to remove a stain on his clothes?

A:We will do our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.16.Q:What will you say when the guest has finished checking-in?

A:Here is your room key and a bellboy will show you to your room.Is there anything else I can do for you? I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.17.Q:How would you deal with a wrong bill?

A:I will apologize first, and then check it with the department concerned.18.Q:What would you say if there is no room available for the guest?

A:I’m sorry, but today we are fully booked.Can I have your name and telephone number? We will contact you if there is any cancellation.19.Q:When a visitor calls to talk to a guest, but the guest is not in his room currently, what would you say?

A:I’m afraid he is not in the room currently.Would you like to leave a message?

20.Q:What should you say when you notice a guest is not feeling well? A:I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.What’s the matter, Mr Simon? Is there anything I can do for you?



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