进入高三之后,平时的课业就非常繁重,要做到每天积累几乎是不可能完成的任务。我觉得我的成功之处就在于有一个较为全面扎实的基础和较为科学的复习方案。对于千分考的每个科目进行有针对性的复习,分数提高也是自然而然。下面我来说一下各学科的复习心得: 语文:语文试题范围非常的广泛,但是试题会有很重的一部分涉及文言文的基本常识,可以在寒假里对这一块加强巩固。
Good afternoon.Professor I’m a little nervous sitting here with excitement for what I think the most important interview so far in my life finally comes.NowI feel instantly the need to say something always embedded on my mind.Fudan University, with its profound cultural connotation, leading education environment, as well as the Fudan spirit of serving the country and society, is always the dream university in my heart.Fudan is also my dream university.I can still remember the emotion and aspiration that hit me when I first occasionally heard headmaster Mr.Yang ‘speech on a graduation ceremony.Through every word of his speech, I can see a vivid picture for an instructional, cultural and solemn university, but in the mean time, full of dynamic and innovative spirit.And then, I told myself, one day I will try my best to be one member of this school and graduates from mathematics
As an optimistic girl, I love literatures, like writing my feelings towards life down with my own pens, also, I love Mathematics.Mathematics and I are just meant to each other, I think.I can spend several hours’ time on math a day without feeling boring at all since my childhood.At the same time, I can feel my attachment to mathematics never fades with the time but daily increases.My personal talent on it also devotes me to making up my mind to entering this major-my dream major, with the belief that mathematics is foundation for all areas in our life so that worthy of consistent exploration.Anyway
I will appreciate it a lot if I ‘m lucky enough to enter into my dream university.Thank you.
名学堂和你一起努力,成功自招!咨询热线:4006334478 复旦自主招生自荐信模板和建议
我是来自上外附中的 XXX, 参加这次复旦自主招生的申请很激动。我在学校的成绩名列前茅,各门学科的发展都很均衡。我在上外附中学习了七年的法语,作为第一外语,在学习期间,我曾获得法语文化知识大奖赛一等奖,并由学校推荐到法国里昂和加拿大魁北克的两所高中分别交流过两星期,其间寄宿在同年级的外国学生家中。这种文化交流的经历使得我锻炼了语言能力和沟通能力,拓宽了国际视野,对非本国文化也有了一定的了解。
我之所以选择复旦大学,一方面是对复旦文史哲专业的信赖和好感,二来是欣赏复旦的 学风。我觉得复旦是一所能够让人安安心心地坐下来读书和研究的大学,空气里就有安定而 名学堂自主招生——沪上首家自主招生咨询机构
名学堂和你一起努力,成功自招!咨询热线:4006334478 愉快的因子。我在现实与网络上都遇到过许多复旦的学长学姐,大多是些聪明而深刻的理想
主义者,交谈起来有种同道中人的快意。复旦的教授和专著都对我有重要的意义,邵毅平老 师以前指导过我的课题,章培恒教授和骆玉明教授出版的《中国文学史新著》也对我有很大的启发。
自荐信点评: 优点:
1、对于文史哲三段的描述,可以突出自己的第一志愿中文,在中文上的篇幅可以大于后面 两段,体现出自己进第一志愿的决心,也不会让教授产生考生在几个志愿之间左右摇摆的不 好印象。尤其是对于其他专业填报非一致性的同学来说,更要回避这样的问题。
下文为曾经一位复旦自主招生面试直推生的自荐信,我们将对于此篇自荐信进行点 评和补充建议,各位同学也可以以此作为借鉴的模板。
我的课外实践活动也很丰富多彩。高一我参加了学校的“JA 商业经济课程”。该课程有经济的基础理论知识,也有以卖记忆笔为市场背景的游戏。6 人组成一个公司,进行商业决策,共有 7 或 8 个回合,最终 MPI 最高的公司获胜。高二时,我曾作为队长代表学校带领团队参加了上海市商业经济挑战赛。第一轮,我们根据宏观信息确定了战略。可由于战术原因和实力原因,我们前期一直处于劣势。大家的心里都很紧张,也很失落,怕战术效果不好,输了比赛。但是,和所有其他比赛一样,胜负是最后一刻才会揭晓的,现在放弃未免太早了,我这么激励着每一名组员,鼓励他们专心分析。结果,我们确实做到了,拿到了赛区第二名!这场比赛增强了我的领导能力,不言放弃的品格,也纠正了我一直以来认为资金投入越多越好的不正确观念。在之后的全球赛中,我们成功进入了亚太地区 24 强。
去年暑假,我还在复旦大学参加了由 JA 和汇丰银行联合举办的 YES 未来企业家峰会。这是一个撰写商业计划书的比赛。我们组的创业背景是有关农民工的。确定目标是艰难的,尽管提出了好几套方案,但队员们都互相指出对方方案的缺点,因此直到晚上 12 点都没确定好方案。此时,大家才感觉到了时间的紧迫性,于是在我的提议下,大家决定在现有的方案中选取最优的作为企业的计划,并最终确定了方案。然后大家开始分工,我负责做财务。一夜的通宵奋斗虽然没有换来任何奖项,但在反思中,我收获了很多。第一是要合理规划时间,第二是团队要团结一致,第三则是做财务工作应当具有宏观眼光。
我希望能迈进复旦大学经济管理学院的大门,并在金融方面有所建树,将来成为一名金 融工程师,融入国家金融领域的建设和发展中。我将一如既往地不断学习,努力进取,始终名学堂自主招生——沪上首家自主招生咨询机构
名学堂和你一起努力,成功自招!咨询热线:4006334478 怀着感恩之心,充实自己,回报社会。
自荐信点评: 优点:
2、虽然是直推生,成绩很优秀,但是并没有在成绩上写太多篇幅,因为成绩优秀的人有很多,并不能凸显他的优势。把篇幅放在了 YES 未来企业家峰会和 JA 商业课程中,阐述自己的经历。
3、通过自己的 2 个故事来表述自己对经管这个专业的兴趣,来和最后一段自己的目标和志向相契合。
4、在 2 个故事中讲述了自己的经历,在比赛中遇到的困难,团队是如何客服的,自己收获了什么,很好的利用了故事的材料来表现自己优秀的品质,把例子的效用 100%的发挥了出来。
尊敬的复旦大学教授、老师: 你们好!
我是来自大同中学理科班的 XXX。能作为学校的直推生之一参加复旦大学的面试我深感荣幸。
十八年的历练塑造了一个乐观、坚强的我。16 岁那年,家庭变故,我也曾一度抑郁,但后来慢慢发现,一味的同情自己,除了使我停下自己的脚步以外,没有任何作用。这次小小的变故练就了我刚强的性格。从此,不为自己的失败找借口,成了我的作风。而坚定的目标与严格的时间管理,便是我成功的秘诀。
同样的,在学习中,我也不满足于被动接受知识,非常注重培养自己的独立思考能力。下课时常能见到我问问题的身影,甚至有些“奇怪”的问题让老师也无从下手。也曾参加与丹麦学校联合举办的“CIE 创新课堂”,体验头脑风暴。我还曾就不同的水煎熬中药的疗效差异进行课题研究,亲自设计实验方案。最后带着研究成果远赴日本进行学术交流。泡在实验室的那几个礼拜的确很累,但能不断地解决问题与发现新问题,对我来说,或许就是学习最大的乐趣吧!
名学堂和你一起努力,成功自招!咨询热线:4006334478 并重新开始思考志愿者精神到底是什么:志愿者究竟是在改变社会,还是体验社会?
同时,大同也提供给了我一个宽广的平台来展示自己的才华、锻炼自己的组织协调能力。班长一职让我学会了统筹安排以及如何增强团队的凝聚力,班级迎新会、篮球赛等活动的开展更是让我懂得万事不能一人独挡,要充分发挥团队的力量。作为学校根与芽小组的负责人,我组织开展了如“百万植树计划”“、爱心集市义卖活动”等;在暑假里,擅长英语 的我还当起了 F1 赛车场的志愿者,接待外国车手!
自荐信点评: 优点:
1、“博学而笃志,切问而近思”是复旦的校训,但是没有必要在自荐信中对此进行生搬硬套,来拉进自己和复旦之间的距离。而且这个材料所有的考生都可以写,完全凸显不出个 人的特色。
2、如果在自荐信中写到“热爱读书,涉猎很广”,在面试中很容易被问到天马行空的书 目问题,如果不是在读书方面很广泛的话,建议避开,只说自己对读书感兴趣,并不用说自 己在读书上很专很广。
3、在“同样的”这段中,写了好几条故事凸显出自己学习上的故事和能力,这样报流 水账的形式不如单写一个故事,把那个故事写详细了更能凸显出自己的特色和能力。
名学堂和你一起努力,成功自招!咨询热线:4006334478 说明 此事,后面列出的一些活动也无法有效证明你的组织协调能力。在凸显自己的能力上应该尽 量详细。
2、在说明自己的“故事”之前要进行一定的挑选,回顾自己高中三年的学生生涯,挑 选最能突出自己的特色和特点的故事来进行详写,在故事中描述过程中着重过程与自己的收 获。
2009/12/3()1.After Christmas, _____ clothes on sale in that shop attracted quite a few housewives.A.a variety of B.a number of C.the number of D.the great deal of()2.The mayor has promised the city government _____ the building of new roads with the
taxes it collects.A.shall finance B.may support C.can help D.should provide()3.Whoever does wrong to his country or to the people deserves _____.A.to punish
B.to be punished
C.to punishment D.of being punished()4.Some children usually behave in their own way _____ they do not get along well with their
classmates and there are often disagreements between them.A.even though B.on condition that C.so that D.unless()5.Secondary and higher education _____ available to all high school graduates in this
country so far.A.have made B.were made themselves C.have been made D.were made it()6.The mother believes that John’s stupid, but it’s different _____ of Mary;she’s just lazy.A.in spite B.in the case C.in the course D.in case()7.The image of a devoted and noble angel in white _____ heals the wounded and rescues
the dying is making a comeback _____ the nation faces a crisis.A.that…because B.who…when C.which…that D.what…as
()8.About how many elements _____ make up most of the substances we meet in everyday life? A.it is which B.what it is
C.is it that
D.it is that()9.The government was believed to be considering _____ a law _____ it a crime to import any kind of weapon.A.to pass ….to making
B.to be passing ….to make
C.passing … made
D.passing ….making.()10.Dewitt Wallance founded the Reader’s Digest as a pocket-sized, non-fiction magazine
_____ to inform and entertain.A.was intended B.intending C.to intend D.intended()11._____ this instrument should have put its work permit number on the box.A.Who checked
B.Whoever inspected
C.No matter who examined
D.Those who estimates()12.I am sure I can help you find ____ bed for your new house, but now I’m heading for
____ bed and ____ good sleep.A.a , a , the
B.a , / , a
C.the , a , a
D.a , the , a()13.Two of the notebooks ____ Tom had lost on the bus were returned to the main desk at his dormitory.A.what
D.whose()14.The drink taste a little ____ to me.A.strong
C.so strong D.too much strong()15.My roommate lost a lot of weight ____ every day.A.to exercise
B.with exercise C.for exercise D.by exercising()16.We students should learn to be good citizens.A crime may ____ cause lifelong regret.A.however B.otherwise
D.absolutely()17.They arrived there at last, ____.A.was tired and hungry
C.being tired and hungry
C.tired and hungry
D.tiredly and hungrily()18.---What was the party like?
---Wonderful.It’s years ____ I enjoyed myself so much.A.before
D.since()19.Time should be made good use ____ our lessons well.A.of to learn B.of learning C.to learn
D.to learning()20.You cannot be ____ careful when you drive a car.A.very
D.enough()21.When he arrived, he found ____ the aged and the sick at home.A.nothing but B.none but C.none other than D.no other than()22.John seems a nice person.____, I don’t trust him.A.Even though B.Even so C.Therefore
D.Though()23.Excuse me.If your call’s not too urgent, do you mind ____ mine first?
A.I make
B.if I make C.me to make D.that I make()24.We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best tourist guide.A.whatever
B.whomever C.whichever
D.whoever()25.____ she realized it was too late to go home.A.No sooner it grew dark than
B.Hardly did it grow dark that
C.Scarcely had it grown dark than
D.It was not until dark that()26.They are going to have the serviceman ____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.A.install
B.to install
C.to be installed
D.installed()27.There is an increase of 16% in the consumption of tobacco_____ the previous year.A.over
D.then()28.______ on time, I think, the medicine will work on him before long.A.Taken
B.Being taken
C.If taking
D.Take()29._____ you want me to fire you, I suggest you stop wearing sports clothes at office.A.As long as
B.As far as
D.Unless()30.Nobody in the class except you and me _____ to the principal about the air quality
problems.A.has complained B.have complained C.complain D.complaining()31.---Why can’t you smoke?
---At no time _______ in the meeting room.A.does smoking permit
B.smoking be permitted
C.is smoking permitted
D.permits smoking()32.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___on benches, chairs
or boxes.A.having seated
C.having been seated
D.seated()33.These winners from that key school are wise and diligent, actually there are
______students in that school.A.many such
B.such many
C.so many
D.so much()34.Jack got a good mark although he had done _____ the others.A.half as much as
B.as much as half
C.as half as
D.as much half as()35.In the USA, both the federal and state governments have laws _____ to guard consumers against deceptive advertisements
A.to be designed B.designed
C.to design D.designing()36 It is _____honor for Mrs.Black to be invited to act as an hostess at the party.A.an
D.the()37.Don’t forget the appointment with the principal at the registry office, _____you?
D.shall()38 We have no interest in the actress’s scandal(丑闻), _____has been the focus of the
newspaper’s attention for months.A.which
D.that()39.Terry doesn’t like the idea of his wife _____ in that affair.A.being involved B.involving C.involved D.to be involved()40._______ to be much chance of our catching him up in the near future.A.You don’t seem
B.There doesn’t seem
C.That doesn’t seem
D.It doesn’t seem
()41.___known to all , China will be an ___and powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time.A.As is…advancing
B.As is…advanced
C.It is…advancing
D.It is...advanced()42.---I’m going to the post office.---_____you're there, can you get me some postcards?
C.Because D.If()43._____ a total investment of 12.2 billion yuan , the tunnel will run 17 meters beneath the
Yangtze, the country’s longest river.A.With
D.In spite of()44.Beijing's Wangfujing Bookstore brought in various popular science titles with stories and questions and answers about China's first successful manned space flight, and attracted more buyers________.A.than usual B.as usual C.than that D.in effect()45.In spite of the heavy loss left by the earthquake, the people tried to go about their own
business ______ nothing had happened.A.only if B.as if
C.even if D.if only()46.Smith, William and Jenkins are all famous magazine publishers, _______their ancestors, they are not famous newsmen...A.but unlike B.but likely C.unlikely D.though unlikely()47.The past six years have witnessed miraculous changes in the construction of Pudong, a
hot land in the east _____now has become the focus of the world attention.A.who
B.which C.whom
D./()48.Scientists are concentrating on antiviral(抗病毒的)drugs already in drugstores, ______ something that will quickly help people stop dying from the new disease H1N1.A.hoping to find
B.to hope to find
C.if to find
D.whether finding()49._______you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.A.Now that B.After
D.As soon as()50.The purpose of new technologies is to make our life easier, ______it more difficult.A.not make
B.not to make C.not making D.do not make()51.We'll have to finish the task ,_________.A.long it takes however
B.it takes however long
C.long however it takes
D.however long it takes()52.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.A.however
B.whatever C.whichever
D.whenever()53 Watching the sun rise above the branches of trees whose roots stretch deep into the heart
of the Wall, you feel you are standing on a man-made structure that has indeed become
part of _________.A.the nature B nature
C.a nature
D.natures()54.______ I admit that there are still some problems about the traffic in this area, I don’t
mean that they can’t be solved.A.While
D.As()55.The true value of life is not in _____ but in _____.A.which we get;what give us
B.what we get;what we give
C which do we get;which do we give D.how we get;how we give()56._________ his expression, he’s greatly moved.A.To judge from B.Judged for
C.Judging from
D.Judged with()57.People are not allowed _____ the garden to prevent the flowers _________.A.entering, being destroyed
B.to enter, to destroy
C.to enter, being destroyed
D.entering, destroying()58._________ going to the exhibition.A.All but he and me is
B.All but he and me are
C.All but he and I are
D.All but he and I am()59.It looks like rain.It _______ go out and watch TV at home.A.is better not to
B.had better not
C.isn’t better to
D.had no better()60.“Let’s have dinner in the hotel dining-room.”
“On, I’m afraid it may be_____ expensive.A.too much
B.much too C.greatly
D.very great()61.Psychologists say that________ our emotions will make us feel better and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.A.relieving
D.removing()62.I hate people who____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A.reveal
D.reverse()63.The heavy rain _______ the harvest of the wheat by two weeks.A.set out
B.set off
C.set aside
D.set back()64.“ _______ are the Olympic Games held?” “They _____ once every four years.”
A.How soon, occur
B.How long, are held
C.How often, occur
D.How far, are held()65.No harm _______ your health if you dream a little when you are sleeping.A.does to
B.is done to
C.does for
D.is done for()66.Tom hopes to become a friend of ________ shares his interests.A.anyone
D.who()67.He looks worried;I think he ______ in the exam.A.must have failed
B.ought to have failed
C.should have failed
D.must fail()68.I don’t have a job.I would find one but I ______ no time.A.had
B.didn’t have C.had had
D.have()69.I am not sure how long they _____.A.have married B.have been married
C.have got married
D.married()70.This kind of car is believed _____ in a few years.A.to have been made B.to be made
C.should be made D.to make()71._____ gathered in front of the Town Hall, waiting for the mayor to meet them.A.Several hundred people B.Several of hundred of
C.Several hundreds people D.Several hundred of people()72.All that I need _____ a large sum of money with which to buy my wife a diamond ring.A.are to be B.is
C.are D.were()73.The prize winner stood on the platform, _____.He could hardly keep back his tears.A.excited B.excitedly C.exciting D.calmly()74.Will you buy me a stamp if you _____ a post-office.A.have passed B.will pass C.are passing D.will have passed()75.I once worked in the place _____ I visited last week.A.where
B.which C.in which D.in that()76.This was ____ was known _____ “the Survival of the Fittest”.A.which … as
B.that … to C.what … as D.it..for()77.---Need he do all these exercise again?
---Yes, he _____.A.must
D.needs()78.She made a note of it _____ she might forget.A.in order that B.so that
D.in case()79.---Were the exercises difficult?
--Not at all.In fact, I found _____.A.it very easy to do B.them very easy to do
C.very easy to do it D.very easy to do them()80.We often heard of people _____ in some countries.A.rob and beat
B.being robbed and beaten up
C.be robbed and beaten up D.to be robbed and beaten up()81.Hearing Mummy at the door, _____.A.off the bed the little girl jumped
B.off the bed jumped the little girl
C.off the little girl jumping the bed
D.off jumped the bed the little girl()82.All the methods he could think of _____ the traffic jam _______.A.solving … wasn’t working
B.to solve … didn’t work
C.solving … didn’t work
D.to solve …wasn’t working()83.---You look very pleased today!---Yes, I ____ so happy as I do now for a long time.A.didn’t feel B.wasn’t feeling
C.don’t feel D.haven’t felt
()84.That ____ girl is Mary’s cousin.A.pretty little Swedish
B.Swedish little pretty C.Swedish pretty little
D.little pretty Swedish()85.It’s ____ so easy as you imagine.A.almost not B.not nearly
D.not almost()86.While watching TV, ____.A.the telephone rang
B.the telephone was ringing C.the telephone was heard ring
D.I heard the phone ringing()87.You rarely have breakfast at home, _____ you? A.do
()88.The Australian teacher had all his students ____ their English names on cards.A.written
B.to write
D.writing()89.It was not ___ I saw Helen the next morning ____ I felt relieved.A.until, that
B.when, that
C.until, when D.when, then
()90.When you have seen the film, you’ll find the hero ____.A.a person too perfect not to be true B.a too perfect person to be true C.too perfect a person to be true D.too perfect a person to be not true()91.Edith has invented a device ____ can solve the problem of saving electricity.A.which she claims B.she claims it C.as she claims D.what she claims()92.Everybody was looking for you when the meeting was over.You ____ without a word.A.mustn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t leave()93.I can hardly imagine a boy of ten ____ so cruelly.A.to be treated B.to treat
C.be treated D.being treated()94.So ____ that the little girl covered her ears with her hands.A.loud was the thunder
B.loud the thunder was C.the thunder was loud
D.was the thunder loud().95.I would have come sooner, but I ____ that you were waiting.A.hadn’t known
B.wouldn’t know C.haven’t known D.didn’t know
()96.____ hearing the news, all of us jumped with joy.A.At
D.In()97.Naughty as my brother is, ____ he is never late ____ his homework.A.but...for
D./...with()98.What is ____ troubles you most from time to time? A.it that
D.it()99.My father always warns me that there’s no such thing as a free lunch because we can’t get ____ for nothing.A.everything
D.nothing()100.Martin, with his wife, both working in the same company, ____ decided that they would send their little daughter to the nearest kindergarten.A.is
D.has 答案分析
5.C将被动语态还原成主动语态, 此题测试的是make sth.adj.结构,表示“使成为。。”。6.B in the case of 意为:就。。来说,至于; in case of 意为:以防万一 7.B who引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词angel in white“白衣天使”;而 when引导的是时间状语从句,表示“当国家(民族)面临危机时。” 8.C 强调句,被强调部分是“ how many elements”。
9.D consider后只能用动名词做直接宾语,排除AB;而后一空格用making构成现在分词短语作定语。10.D
11.B whoever引导主语从句,失去疑问含义,表示强调“无论谁;谁。。谁就。。”等于 anyone who;而who引导名词性从句时,who保留疑问含义“谁”。
12.B bed作为和(睡眠,病床)有关连的意义使用时通常不加冠词,但看作一件(家具)时就要加冠词。第一个 bed指家具,前面要用冠词;而 head for bed相当于 go to bed,前面不用冠词。
13.B 14.A
17.C 形容词作结果状语,等于They arrived there at last so that they were tired and hungry.18.D 19.A 将句子还原成主动语态We should make use of time to learn our lessons well.后,就不难看出“ To learn„„” 作目的状语。20.C can’t too 加形容词表示“越。。越好。。都不为过”。
21.B 空格后the aged and the sick, 等于the old people and the sick people, 所以but前应用表示“人”的不定代词。
24.D 25.D 26.A 在have sb.do sth.结构中 do sth.做宾语 the serviceman的补足语,和 serviceman构成了逻辑上的主语和谓语的关系,表示“叫某人做某事”。27.A over介词“比”。如用than前面要有形容词比较等级。再如: As a secretary, girls are favored over boys.28.A
29.D 30.A.nobody 做主语,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。31.C
32.D 33.A such与不定冠词连用时要放在它的前面;而与some, any, no, every, another, many, all等连用时放在它们的后面。34.A
35.B 36.A.honor 在此题中代指一件具体的事,作可数名词,表示 “(一件)引以为荣的事”;也可以表示 “引以为荣的人”。
37.C 祈使句的反意疑问句有:1)表示建议以Let’s开始的句子,用shall we?;2)表示有礼貌的邀请用won’t you?;3)表示不耐烦用can’t you?;4)其它情况用 will/ would you?。38.A 39.A 40.B There seems /doesn’t seem to be„ “似乎有/没有”;而You seem/ don’t seem to be„ “你好象是/不是; 根据后面主语chance,应用 B项。
41.B逗号前是用as引导的是非限制性定语从句;而选用it开始的句子时,to all后应用that引导主语从句。
42.B while 表示利用机会,翻译成“ 趁。。。时” 43.A 用with短语表示伴随。
45.B 46.A 47.B 48.A 表示心愿的动词hope, wish, want等不做目的状语。用hoping to find做伴随状语,相当于and hope to find。
49.A 前后两句是因果关系,所以用now that(= since 或seeing that),表示“既然”。
50.B 与前面to make our life easier 呼应。但意义相反,故用B项 51.D
52.B 与前面 to make our life easier呼应。但意义相反,故用B项。53.B
55.B 56.C Judging from /by„ 构成独立成分,不受主句中主语和谓语的影响;再如: Generally speaking, talking of, To begin with, To be sure, To be frank等。57.C allow后面的补足语只能用不定式to do,即:allow sb.to do sth.(宾补);be allowed to do sth.(主补)而prevent sb.from doing sth.中from 可以省略。
58.C all “所有的人”是复数性,指“全部,一切,万事”是单数性。
59.A had better do sth 的主语是指人的名词(You’d better to go out„表示建议或劝告);而此句中是形式主语指代实际主语不定式。所以用A项.60.B 61.C
63.D 64.C
67.A 68.D I have no time 与I don’t have a job同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,I would find one是虚拟语气一般时,表示“本来应该找分工作”。
69.B How long表示一段时间,应于延续性动词连用,而 marry(主动语态)是非延续性动词,故排除AD。C项中 get也是非延续性动词。所以选B项.70.B in a few years表示将来时间“几年之后”,应与不定式一般时to do 或to be done连用.71.A
72.B 73.A excited是形容词化的过去分词,做伴随状语,相当于and he was excited。74.C
78.D 79.B 选项中的代词 it和 them是用来指代上文中的 exercises(复数),排除 AC; 答语中结构 found them easy to do等于 found that the exercises were very easy to do。80.B
82.B he could think of 的宾语关系代词that以省略了,如将从句还原为he could think of the methods就很容易得出其后应用to solve。83.D
84.A 三个形容词修辞顺序为“ 描绘型形容词 + 大小形容词 + 国际或出处形容词”,故选A.85.B 在“主语+ 系词 + 表语”句型中,否定式只能用nearly ;在“主语+ 谓语+宾语” 句型中,almost就可以使用了。86.D
88.C 89.A 此句用It was „„that强调句型,强调until时间状语从句,需注意的是:此时必须将主句中not一起提前强调。
90.C 高中英语中常见四个副词可用于 adv.–adj.---a/ an---n.结构中。他们是 so(that)/ as/ too/ how。
91.A which she claims中, 把she claims看作插入语,解题时先去掉she claims,就能比较容易的得出正确答案。
92.B 93.D imagine有如下结构:imagine sb.as(= to be)„/ sb(‘s)doing sth./ that„„ 94.A
96.B On hearing ……= When all of us heard…..97.D 98.A 强调句。去掉is和空格(it that), what能还原,构成特殊疑问句,what做 troubles的主语。