
时间:2019-05-12 12:32:17下载本文作者:会员上传


Reading Report of Celebrity Preach

Celebrity Preach was produced in the early of 20th century by Roman Rolland includes three parts: Beethoven biography, Michelangelo biography, and Tolstoy biography.It has a great influence no matter at that time or in later age.In the three biographies, the author tries to grasp the common ground between the three artists who are specialized in different areas.The book put forth the effort to describe the long-term sufferings from the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful.Open the book.We can see the paragraph in the forward, “Heavy as the air around us.Old big Europe with corruption in heavy polluted atmosphere, BiSu materialism unconscious thoughts, obstruct the leads the government and individual action.Open the window!” Let free air to come in!Breathe hero breath.“ Here he wants to rectify the deviation of the society by heroism.After reading the book, Beethoven's perseverance, pioneering spirit and never concede to life impress me most and teach me most.I thought Beethoven, as a great musician, was lucky.But I am wrong.Behind sheen is always painful experience.His childhood was miserable.His father was impatient to exploit his musical geniuses.His father forced him to practice various musical instruments with violence.When he grew up, bad luck visited him again.He lost his dearest mother.Beethoven was ugly so he was denied by love not only for once.And his body betrayed him too.He was deaf and communicated with others only by paper.Most of his opuses were composed after his deaf.He went through his life with difficulty both in his physical condition and spirit.Although all these miserable experiences, he never give up music and push European classical music to a new peak.You cannot imagine how hard it is to keep his faith with such great difficulties.Beethoven lived a miserable life.But why he can still succeed? Why can he do the things that even a normal people can not do? Well, that arouses my curiosity.Thinking deeply, maybe it is his super perseverance and pioneering spirit that make him successful.Facing with difficulties, he can fight bravely with no fear.Beethoven has only a few friends because of his odd temper, so in his difficulties, he fight alone and hard.Although lonely, he learned a lot which others can not learned.As long as give oneself unbounded courage,no matter how terrible the enemy is, you can beat it.The boil of life raises the end of music.Beethoven longs for happiness too.He do not believe that his misfortune is incurable.He is eager for love.He has hope.Beethoven fight with destiny and finally become a celebrity.In the same way, we should try studying hard and be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar.There is a line Beethoven writes to his brother: ”Only moral, not the money, can make people happy." Then what the Celebrity preach exactly want to tell us is that only the tragedy overcoming

Misery can help us carry the cruel fate and push on.Besides it also reminds us that miserable fate and painful test do not only come to ordinary people, but also the great people.When we are suffering, we should not blame everyone and everything but not ourselves, and we should in our faith and try as best as we can to fight for ourselves.If you are suffering, maybe it is a sign of the growth of a great man.So do not be afraid of difficulties, just face them and fight.



Celebrity Preach was produced in the early of 20th century by Roman Rolland includes three parts: Beethoven biography, Michelangelo biography, and Tolstoy biography.It has a great influence no matter at that time or in later age.In the three biographies, the author tries to grasp the common ground between the three artists who are specialized in different areas.The book put forth the effort to describe the long-term sufferings from the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful.Open the book.We can see the paragraph in the forward, “Heavy as the air around us.Old big Europe with corruption in heavy polluted atmosphere, BiSu materialism unconscious thoughts, obstruct the leads the government and individual action.Open the window!” Let free air to come in!Breathe hero breath.“ Here he wants to rectify the deviation of the society by heroism.After reading the book, Beethoven's perseverance, pioneering spirit and never concede to life impress me most and teach me most.I thought Beethoven, as a great musician, was lucky.But I am wrong.Behind sheen is always painful experience.His childhood was miserable.His father was impatient to exploit his musical geniuses.His father forced him to practice various musical instruments with violence.When he grew up, bad luck visited him again.He lost his dearest mother.Beethoven was ugly so he was denied by love not only for once.And his body betrayed him too.He was deaf and communicated with others only by paper.Most of his opuses were composed after his deaf.He went through his life with difficulty both in his physical condition and spirit.Although all these miserable experiences, he never give up music and push European classical music to a new peak.You cannot imagine how hard it is to keep his faith with such great difficulties.Beethoven lived a miserable life.But why he can still succeed? Why can he do the things that even a normal people can not do? Well, that arouses my curiosity.Thinking deeply, maybe it is his super perseverance and pioneering spirit that make him successful.Facing with difficulties, he can fight bravely with no fear.Beethoven has only a few friends because of his odd temper, so in his difficulties, he fight alone and hard.Although lonely, he learned a lot which others can not learned.As long as give oneself unbounded courage,no matter how terrible the enemy is, you can beat it.The boil of life raises the end of music.Beethoven longs for happiness too.He do not believe that his misfortune is incurable.He is eager for love.He has hope.Beethoven fight with destiny and finally become a celebrity.In the same way, we should try studying hard and be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar.There is a line Beethoven writes to his brother: ”Only moral, not the money, can make people happy."

Then what the Celebrity preach exactly want to tell us is that only the tragedy overcomingMisery can help us carry the cruel fate and push on.Besides it also reminds us that miserable fate and painful test do not only come to ordinary people, but also the great people.When we are suffering, we should not blame everyone and everything but not ourselves, and we should in our faith and try as best as we can to fight for ourselves.If you are suffering, maybe it is a sign of the growth of a great man.So do not be afraid of difficulties, just face them and fight.


Celebrity preach produced in the early of 20th century by Romain Rolland includes three parts: Beethoven biography, Michelangelo biography, and Tolstoy biography.It has a great influence no matter at that time or in later age.In the three biographies, the author tries to grasp the common ground between the three artists who are specialized in different areas.The book put forth the effort to describe the long-term sufferings from the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful.Open the book.We can see the paragraph in the foreword ,“Heavy as the air around us.Oldbig's Europa with corruption in heavy polluted atmosphere, BiSu materialism unconscious thoughts, obstruct the leads the government and individual action.The humble social in cleverly die selfishness, human breath.Open the window!” Let free air to come in!Breathe heroes breath.“ Here he wants to rectify the deviation of the society by heroism.After reading the book, Beethoven's perseverance, pioneering spirit and never concede to life impress me most and teach me most.I thought Beethoven, as a great musician, was lucky.But I am wrong.Behind sheen is always painful experience.His childhood was miserable.His father was impatient to exploit his musical geniuses.His father forced him to him to practice various musical instruments with violence.When he grew up, bad luck visited him again.He lost his dearest mother.Beethoven is ugly so he was denied by love not only for once.And his body betrayed him too.He is deaf and can communicate with others only by paper.Most of his opuses were composed after his deaf.He went through his life with difficulty both in his physical condition and spirit.Although all these miserable experiences, he never give up music and push European classical music to a new peak.You cannot imagine how hard it is to keep his faith with such great difficulties.Beethoven lived a miserable life.But why he can still succeed? Why can he do the things that even a normal people can not do? Well, that arouse my curiosity.Thinking deeply, maybe it is his super perseverance and pioneering spirit that make him successful.Facing with difficulties, he can fight bravely with no fear.Beethoven has little friends because of his odd temper,so in his difficulties, he fight alone and hard.Although lonely, he learned a lot which others can not learned.As long as give oneself unbounded courage, no matter how terrible the enemy is, you can beat it.The boil of life raise the end of music.Beethoven longs for happiness too.He do not believe that his misfortune is uncurable.He is eager for love.He has hope.Beethoven fight with destiny and finally become a celebrity.In the same way, we should try studying hard and be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar.There is a line Beethoven write to his brother:”Only moral, not the money, can make people happy." An unlucky person,made by poverty, disability, loneliness, and suffering,the world don't give him joy, but he creates a joy to give the world.He use his misery to cast joy.Yes, that pain won welcome, is the exhortation of his life.It is what that support Beethoven for so long? They are the quality that never lower his head, the determination that never been bribed, and the courage that take fate by the throat!It is these spirit that helped Beethoven go through the innumerable pains.Then what the Celebrity preach exactly want to tell us is that only the tragedy overcoming

Misery can help us carry the cruel fate and push on.Besides it also reminds us that miserable fate and painful test donot only coming to ordinary people, but also the great people.When we are suffering, we should not blame everyone and everything but not ourselves, and we should in our faith and try as best as we can to fight for yourself.If you are suffering, maybe it is a sign of the growth of a great man.So do not be afraid of difficulties, just face them and fight.





贝多芬在即将面临失聪的时候,他曾在一封信中写道:“……我多祝福你能常在我的身旁!你的贝多芬真是可怜已极。得知道我的最高贵的一部分,我的听觉,大大地衰退了。当我们同在一起时,我已觉得许多病象,我瞒着,但从此越来越恶化……还会痊愈吗?我当然如此希望,可是非常渺茫;这一类的病是无药可治的。我得过着凄凉的生活,避免我心爱的一切人物,尤其是在这个如此可怜、如此自私的世界上!……我不得不在伤心的隐忍中找栖身!固然我曾发愿要超临这些祸害,但又如何可能?” 这是贝多芬写给友人阿芒达牧师的信。面临失聪对一个音乐家来说意味着什么?就好像雄辩家失去了说话的能力,摄影师失去了光明,这对于贝多芬来说是致命的打击。在此,他更深刻地体会到世界的可怜和自私。是的,在贫困,失恋的重重打击之下,贝多芬再次承受如此大的痛苦,这是上帝给他开的玩笑吗?古人云:天将降大任于是人也,必先若其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。由此看来,苦难是每一个想成为伟大的人必须经历的一关,就好像司马迁在《报任安书》中这样写道:西伯拘而演《周易》;仲尼厄而作《春秋》;屈原放逐,乃赋《离骚》;左丘失明,厥有《国语》;孙子膑脚,《兵法》修列;不韦迁蜀,世传《吕览》;韩非囚秦,《说难》、《孤愤》;《诗》三百篇,大底圣贤发愤之所为作也。此人皆意有所郁结,不得通其道,故述往事,思来者。乃如左丘无目,孙子断足,终不可用,退而论书策,以舒其愤,思垂空文以自见。贝多芬就在这样一种情况之下,成功的创造出了《第九交响曲》,这一部激励了许许多多处于逆境之中的人,以高昂的精神与命运做抗争,不屈不挠。在此,我们在逆境到来的时候,是否会想得更加明白,透彻呢?

老子曾说:“祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏” 意思是祸与福互相依存,可以互相转化。比喻坏事可以引出好的结果,好事也可以引出坏的结果。苦难是坏事吗?不一定。关键是我们用什么态度看待苦难。顺境可以使我们在安全的环境之中成长,但是逆境可以使人在自我实现之中成长,有一句话说对手是推向我们成功的另一只手,苦难的降临让我们感受到人生拼搏的意义。没有苦难,哪有战胜苦难之后的成就感?没有苦难,我们怎么能感受到来之不易的简单的幸福?没有苦难,又应该到哪里吸取我们成长的养分呢?试想一下,如果贝多芬的没有经历过重重的曲折,他又怎能创造出伟大的作品











Celebrity preachproduced in the early of 20th century by Romain Rolland includes three parts: Beethoven biography, Michelangelo biography, and Tolstoy biography.It has a great influence no matter at that time or in later age.In the three biographies, the author tries to grasp the common ground between the three artists who are specialized in different areas.The book put forth the effort to describe the long-term sufferings from the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful.Open the book.We can see the paragraph in the foreword ,“Heavy as the air around us.Oldbig's Europa with corruption in heavy polluted atmosphere, BiSu materialism unconscious thoughts, obstruct the leads the government and individual action.The humble social in cleverly die selfishness, human breath.Open the window!” Let free air to come in!Breathe heroes breath.“ Here he wants to rectify the deviation of the society by heroism.After reading the book, Beethoven's perseverance, pioneering spirit and never concede to life impress me most and teach me most.I thought Beethoven, as a great musician, was lucky.But I am wrong.Behind sheen is always painful experience.His childhood was miserable.His father was impatient to exploit his musical geniuses.His father forced him to him to practice various musical instrumentswith violence.When he grew up, bad luck visited him again.He lost his dearest mother.Beethoven is ugly so he was denied by love not only for once.And his body betrayed him too.He is deaf and can communicate with others only by paper.Most of his opuses were composed after his deaf.He went through his life with difficulty both in his physical condition and spirit.Although all these miserable experiences, he never give up music and push European classical music to a new peak.You cannot imagine how hard it is to keep his faith with such great difficulties.Beethoven lived a miserable life.But why he can still succeed? Why can he do the things that even a normal people can not do? Well, that arouse my curiosity.Thinking deeply, maybe it is his super perseverance and pioneering spirit that make him successful.Facing with difficulties, he can fight bravely with no fear.Beethoven has little friends because of his odd temper,so in his difficulties, he fight alone and hard.Although lonely, he learned a lot which others can not learned.As long as give oneself unbounded courage, no matter how terrible the enemy is, you can beat it.The boil of life raise the end of music.Beethoven longs for happiness too.He do not believe that his misfortune is uncurable.He is eager for love.He has hope.Beethoven fight with destiny and finally become a celebrity.In the same way, we should try studying hard and be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar.There is a line Beethoven write to his brother:”Only moral, not the money, can make people happy."

An unlucky person,made by poverty, disability, loneliness, and suffering,the world don't give him joy, but he creates a joy to give the world.He use his misery to cast joy.Yes, that pain won welcome, is the exhortation of his life.It is what that support Beethoven for so long?They are the quality that never

lower his head, the determination that never been bribed, and the courage that take fate by the throat!It is these spirit that helped Beethoven go through the innumerable pains.Then what the Celebrity preach exactly want to tell us is that only the tragedy overcoming

Misery can help us carry the cruel fate and push on.Besides it also reminds us that miserable fate and painful test donot only coming to ordinary people, but also the great people.When we are suffering, we should not blame everyone and everything but not ourselves, and we should in our faith and try as best as we can to fight for yourself.If you are suffering, maybe it is a sign of the growth of a great man.So do not be afraid of difficulties, just face them and fight.



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