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总地来说,SSAT阅读涉及到的知识点较多,包括词汇、语法、长难句等,所以对于中国学生来说是个难点,短期内取得显著提高难度较大。但有计划地按照科学的方式备考,就能取得进步。备考的过程也是个自我提高的过程。尤其建议备考时间充裕的学生增加阅读量,扩充北美文化背景知识。SSAT阅读就曾反复出现过《绿野仙踪》中的选段,以及另一篇讲述萨勒姆巫师审判的文章,这些阅读内容对于中国学生来说较为陌生,但美国学生却比较熟悉,美国某些中学的阅读任务就包括以萨勒姆巫师为题材的《the crucible》这本书。三立教育





在SSAT考试中词汇部分覆盖面很广,这让很多备考的考生无从着手!但是,有一点必须切记,针对SSAT考试你没有必要牢记每一个英语单词来提高自己的分数。记单词前,花费一定量的时间制定一张明细表,采用小步骤攻破单词,而不要一次征服整个word list。






第三篇:2018年 SSAT写作题目分类整理(范文模版)

下面对SSAT作文题目大概分了这几类:亲人篇,朋友篇,失败篇(成功篇,这两个可以互相转化,具体见下文),追求理想篇(比如你是追求金钱和名利还是do what you want),善恶美丑篇,素质道德篇,生活篇等。


Can success be disastrous?

It is true that one can always find opportunity, even in trouble? 科技,教育,娱乐,政治,体育,商界,艺术,职场,安全(战争),成功篇

Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted?

It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening?


Do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear, or does fear control people?

Do you agree with the idea that war is never justified?

Brave heart------for freedom and justice~


What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible?


Do you believe, with Michelangelo, that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do?

Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame?


Does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary person? Do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish?

It is true that there are no ugly things?


Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better?


What motivates people to change?


Do people have to be highly competitive in order to success? Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money?


1.The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.2.Every cloud has a silver lining.3.Actions speak louder than words.4.Haste makes waste.5.Two heads are better than one.6.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.7.The best things in life are free.8.All that glitters is not gold.9.All things are difficult before they are easy.10.Practice makes perfect.11.Nothing can be gained without some loss.12.Winter comes fast on the lazy.13.Honesty is the best policy.14.The first step is the hardest.15.To destroy is easier than to build.16.Without valley there will be no peak.17.Winning isn’t everything.18.It is better to give than to receive.19.Look before you leap.20.Be careful what you ask for because you may get it.21.You get what you pay for.22.In order to see the rainbow, you must endure the rain.23.No pain, no gain.24.Bad thing never dies.25.Neither a borrower nor a lender be.26.The end justifies the means.陈述类

1.Free speech on the Internet should be protected at all costs.2.We learn more from mistakes than from our success.3.Thanks to technological advances, the world is getting smaller every day.4.Capital punishment serves no purpose and should be ended.5.Tougher registrations should be imposed on buying handguns.6.Voting is such an important responsibility that all citizens should be required to vote in every election.7.We have become too dependent on technology in our lives today.8.Education means developing the mind, not stuffing the memory.9.The most important qualities of a hero are bravery, compassion, and selflessness.10.We can reduce the level of violence in society today by stronger gun control.11.Sports in a school should be considered as important as academics.12.Travelling is one way to learn about other cultures.13.Studying the past is one way to prepare for the future.14.Pets provide more for owners than owners provide for the animals.15.Students should wear uniforms to school.16.Everyone should be computer literate.17.Every day we have new things to learn.18.A person is known by his or her friends.19.If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.20.It is better to study with your eyes than with your ears.21.Going backwards is the best way for us to move forwards.22.Where you have been is not as important as where you are going.23.People talk faster when they don’t know what to say.24.Common things are more useful than normal education.25.A person’s greatest limitation is bad attitude.26.It is easier to succeed by doing less.27.People rarely stand up for what they believe.28.It’s not what you do, but how well you do it.29.Experience is the best teacher.30.Cooperation is better than competition.31.Good ideas often come as jokes.32.People learn more from experience than books.33.No student is immune to peer pressure.34.Some people care too much.35.Simple questions are the hardest to answer.36.Preparation is the secret of success.37.Taking risks is an important part of learning.38.The act of kindness, however small, is never worthless.39.Any problem can be solved with a little more effort and a positive attitude.40.Behind a funny joke, oftentimes there is a deep meaning.41.It is better to know when to exit than when to enter.42.Argument is the worst kind of conversation.43.People dislike all things that are unfamiliar.44.Being curious is more important than cleverness or talent.45.It is better to find a remedy than to find a fault.46.People learn most about themselves by observing others.47.When faced with a problem, the easiest way is to act, but the smartest way is to think.48.Change is the most difficult thing in the world.49.People learn something new every day.50.The best way to overcome fear is to take action.51.It is difficult to transform thoughts into action.52.Being alone and being lonely are two different things.53.A day without reading is a wasted day.54.Nothing of value could be created without effort.55.The books that help you are those which make you think most.56.People change without telling each other.57.Times change and people changes with them.58.Preparation is the secret of success.59.If you like the rainbow you have to accept the rain.60.More failure results from doing too much rather than too little.61.Taking risks is an important part of learning.62.Good advice is almost always ignored.63.Being happy is the same as being perfect.64.Some small acts to you means a lot to others.65.To think is easy, to do is hard.66.Listening is easier than speaking.67.Silence is overwhelming.开放类

1.How can we help the elderly in our community? 2.What I value most in life is…

3.Pretend you and your family could go any place you wanted for one day.Where would you go? What would you do? 4.The event that most changed my life was… Explain why.5.I never felt better than when I…

6.If I could visit another city, I would choose… 7.What matters more? The things you know or the things you do not.8.If you can meet a person in the past, which one would you like to meet? 9.If you could be alive at any time in history, when would it be and why? 10.Which 3 literary figures would you invite to dinner and why? 11.Who is one literary character with whom you identify strongly and why? 12.The opinions of one’s peers can be influential on one’s behavior.Is this good or bad? 13.The greatest sorrows are those we cause ourselves, is this true? 14.If you could do something over again, what would it be and why? 15.What children's book do you remember well and why? 故事类

1.They didn’t think they would be able to do it.2.He seemed very confused, so she tried to explain.3.She walked away without her bag.





一个长方形区域,尺寸为20 feet × 14 feet,若分割为4 feet × 7 feet的小区域,则需要多少feet的栅栏。






若一条直线过经过点(3, 1)和点(3,-5),则这条直线的斜率______。




It is better to know when to exit than when to enter.知道什么时候退出,比知道什么时候行动更好。

Argument is the worst kind of conversation.吵架是最糟糕的一种对话形式。

People dislike all things that are unfamiliar.人们不喜欢他们不熟悉的东西。

Being curious is more important than cleverness or talented.拥有好奇心比拥有聪明或天赋更重要。

It is better to find a remedy than to find it is a fault.找出方法,比找出问题好。

Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

Winning is not everything.赢不代表一切

Look before you leap.三思后行

Haste makes waste.欲速则不达



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