
时间:2019-05-12 18:33:11下载本文作者:会员上传


一、学 科: 英语

二、课例名称: UFOs

三、执教教师: 李英

四、指导教师: 王科文

五、课 型: 英语阅读课

六、年 级: 六年级




UFOs 教学设计


About Teaching contents:

New Standard English Book 12, Reading for pleasure.This text tells us what a UFO is,and there are three little stories about people and the UFOs.About Studens::

The students have learned English for nearly 6 years.They have got a certain amount of English,and they’ve also got to know some reading skills,such as skimming,scanning and so on.Young children are very interested in stories about Science.They are eager to know what happened in the stories.Teaching aims:

1.Intellective aim:



2.Capability aim:通过对本课阅读材料的学习,渗透阅读策略培养,训练学生从阅读材料


3.Moral educational aim:激发学生热爱科学,探索宇宙的兴趣,引导学生努力学习,掌握扎实的知识基础,才能更好地探索宇宙,开创美好未来。

Important points:

Understand the meaning of the story.Difficult points:

Master the reading skills.Teaching methods:

TPR, information gap, cooperative learning method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method Teaching aids: Real objects:some paper

Property:CAI some word cards some pictures Teaching Steps: I.Greetings

Hello,boys and girls.Good afternoon.II.Reading Step1 交流导入


a.T: Do you like movies?I saw a great movie yesterday.Do you want to have a look? Let’s enjoy a short film

(CAI shows some video about UFOs)(播放《长江七号》片段)

T: What did you see just now? Ss:(UFOs)

T: What does the UFO look like? Ss: …

T: What are UFOs? What do people say some of the UFOs look like? b.T: Let’s read the first two paragraphs.(快速阅读课文1,2段,找出关键信息。)Ss: ….板书: UFOs are spaceships from other planets.ice creams Some look like plates


… c.More pictures of UFOs

T: Here,I’ve got more pictures of UFOs.Look, what are they like?(CAI 展示各种各样 UFO图片,紧紧吸引学生的注意力,将他们带入UFOS的奇幻世界。也为下一个问题做好铺垫。)d.预测故事

T: Did you ever see UFOs in real life? Ss: No.T: Well, Some people say they saw UFOs.What happened after they saw UFOs? Imagine!

Ss: ….(设计意图: 设置问题情境,学生预测故事发生的情况,为进入故事打好基础。)Step2.初步阅读


Fast Reading

T: Maybe you’re right.Now, here are some stories.Let’s read them.a.Read the stories silently and quickly.b.Number the stories.How many stories are there?

c.Answer some “T” or “F” questions 1.Now I will say something about the stories, tell me “T” or “F”.2.The woman saw a beautiful bird when she was washing her car.()3.The man’s house was not there.()4.The American man had a bad headache, so the little man helped him.()(设计意图:借助图片,提出四个“是非题”,帮助学生理解故事梗概。)



a.Story 1 You’re very clever!Now let’s read story 1, and get more details about it.1.talk about the picture Who’s there? What was she doing? She seemed so scared.Why? What happened? What happened next? 2.Read the story

Let’s read the story1again and get to know it.3.指导朗读 Look at the first sentence, it is very long.Let’s read it.Pay attention to the pause.A woman in Australia says/ she was washing her car /when she saw a UFO coming towards her.(指名读,轮流读)4.Answer the questions.Where did the story happen?

What did she do after she saw the UFO? What happened the next day?(板书:in Australia

coming towards

ran away

half-clean half-dirty)

(设计意图:板书story1关键词语,为学生自己找关键词做出示范。)5.Retell the story together Story 1 tells us, in Australia, a woman was washing her, then a UFO was coming towards her.She was so scared,so she ran away.The next day,she found that half of the car was clean and half was dirty.6.Talk

So,what do you think happened? Did the UFO wash it? b.Story 2

The UFO gave the woman a surprise.How about the man in story 2.Did he see a UFO too? What happened? Let’s listen to story 2.1.Listen to the CAI 2.Answer two questions 1)When he came home, what was not there? 2)What was there? 3.Go on the story What will happen next? What will the man do?If you’re the man’s neighbors or friends,what will you say to him?Let’s go on the story,and act it out with your partner.(设计意图:story2 情节比较简单,在这里设计续编故事的环节,给了学生广泛灵活运用语言并自由表演的空间。)

c.Story 3

Maybe the UFO took the house away.That’s very bad!But in Story 3.The UFO did sth good.What did it do? 1.Read story 3,try to find out the answers.1)What was wrong with the man? 2)What did the little man do? 3)How is his back now?

2.Retell the story


We don’t know if this is true.What do you think?

(I think it is true./I don’t think it is true.)


a.More news about UFOs Many people believe it.There are more people say they saw UFOs.And there are many news about UFOs.Let’s have a look.1.August,28th,2007.In Shanghai, many people saw a UFOfloating in the sky.2.Scientists(科学家)received signals(信号)from other planet 5,000 years ago.It was an SOS message.3.All over the world, there are more than 350 kinds of books are researching about UFO.(设计意图:拓展,丰富学生的知识,开阔学生的眼界,为下一步讨论营造情境。)b.Talk about “UFOs”

(CAI shows some pictures of the Universe)T: If there are really UFOs,one day,a UFO come to our school,what will happen? What will you do? What do the UFOs look like? What can they do? Are there any E.T.s on it? …

Talk about it with your friends.III.Summary and homework

1.Think and Write “What will you do if you see a UFO? What will happen?”

(设计意图:把课堂知识延伸到课外,逐步培养学生写的能力。)2.Search more information about UFOs on the internet after class

writing on the board:


spaceships from other planets

ice cream



Story1 in Australia

coming towards

ran away

half-clean half-dirty Story2 came home

his house

a hole Story3 had a bad back helped him







在进入课文时,教师借助多媒体给学生展示了各种各样的UFO的图片,紧紧吸引了学生的眼球,将学生带入课文情境。接着提出问题,“Some people say they saw UFOs,what happened to them?”,引起学生无限遐想,为故事教学做了很好地情境铺垫。在故事的教学过程中,教师提出适当的问题,能使学生产生读的需要,带着目的去读。而借助图片的帮助和多媒体课件中生动的画面,将设置出逼真的情景,使学生带着浓厚的兴趣学习。

二、阅读故事与听说读写演相结合为提高学生的阅读能力,我让学生的阅读活动与听说读写演相互结合。如在教学story2时,让学生根据故事发展的情况,续演故事2。学生对此活动非常感兴趣,创编了多种版本的故事,在表演过程中,不仅加深了对故事的理解,更进一步运用了已学语言知识。在学完故事后,我让学生说说“What will you go if you see a UFO? What will happen?”,学生充分发挥起想象力,说得很好,说完之后,我布置学生写的作业,将你的想法写下来,句子多少都不限制,给了学生广泛的拓展空间。之外,我还设置了听故事,做是非题,问答法等,使学生的阅读能力与其他技能相辅相成,有效提高。














PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 Shadow教学设计

教学目标 Knowledge aims: Teach the students the new word “shadow” and the new sentences “It’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”.Ability aims: The students can use the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives in real situation.Emotion goals: Guide the students to love their parents.Guide the students to grateful to their parents.2学情分析 评论


3重点难点 评论

Teaching key points: Master the usage about the comparative of the adjectives.Teaching difficult points: The students can retell the story by using the new words and the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives.4教学过程

Step 1.Warm-up The teacher and the students greet with each other.Step 2.Preview Show the students some photos of our school and our city.Teach the new sentences “ It’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”

(设计意图:这一环节我用学生们熟悉的今日的校园和池州城与昔日的校园和池州城作对比,让他们在我为其创设的真实的情境中感知这些变化,让学生们对句型 “ it’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”有个直观的认识,知识的传授显得生动、形象而易理解。)Show the students a shadow of a tree in our school.Teach the new word “shadow”.The students try to find some shadows in our classroom.(设计意图:这一环节旨在引导学生认识、理解 “ shadow” 一词,我运用了直观教学法,通过图片和找一找教室里的影子,帮助学生理解、掌握这个生词,也让学生们在上课的第一时间把握了学习的主动性。)Step 3.Presentation Skimming The students read the story quickly and choose a title for the story.(设计意图:这一环节之所以被称之为“略读”,目的是让学生们通过快速通篇阅读,把握文章的主要内容。这对提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力大有益处。)Scanning Read Paragraph 1 carefully and write T(true)or F(false).1.The sun is getting higher and higher.2.The duck’s shadow is getting shorter and shorter.Read Paragraph 2 carefully and underline the little duck’s questions.Read Paragraph 2 carefully and choose.Read Paragraph 3 carefully and underline the old tree’s answering.Read paragraph 3 carefully and finish the dialogue.(设计意图:这一环节被称为“寻读”,意为带着思考和任务去阅读。我将任务教学法渗透其中,学生们从泛泛而读变为咬文嚼字,他们只有更为细致地理解每一段落的具体内容,才能完成老师留给他们的任务。)Demonstration and practice The scientist explains the change regulation of the shadow.The teacher makes an experiment about the shadow.(设计意图:这一环节中,我运用了自然法和活动教学法,旨在通过实验去探究影子长短变化的规律,大大激发了学生的学习热情。)Step 4.Practice Task: Think and write Step 1: Discuss.Step 2: Write down the changes in yourself.Step 3: Share.I’m getting

Because I like I’m becoming The teacher acts as a reporter.She will interview the students about their changes and their future.The students enioy a poem “ Where did the time go?”(设计意图:通过前面几个环节的层层铺垫,到了这一环节,学生们已经能完成老师布置的任务,在完成任务的过程中,我运用了合作学习法,让学生们分小组合作完成任务。最后,我用一首小诗将这节课所学的知识渗透其中,也将情感目标渗透其中,使得这节课有了升华。)Step 5.Homework 1.Retell the story to your friends and your parents.2.Write down the changes about your friends.3.Give your parents a hug, and say “I love you” to them.Blackboard design The little duck’s shadow





Smarter It’s getting„„ It’s becoming„„





一、课例名称:Unit6 The Story Of Rain Part A Let’s read




五、教学设计: 1. 教材分析

本单元PartA部分重点是学习水循环的表达,涉及到自然科学方面的内容比较抽象,相对比较复杂,特别是Let’s read 部分虽然是一篇短剧,但容量大,难点多。这就需要通过创设真实的情景帮助学生理解,采用多种教法逐步一突破重、难点,进一步引导学生结合自己的生活经验去理解表达。2. 教学目标:



3)情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强孩子们的环境保护意识。3. 教学重点和难点: 1)使学生通过阅读进一步理解水循环的过程 2)对文章能听、读、理解及获取其中的主要信息 3)学会运用与短文有关的重要词语

4. 教学方法:情境教学法、直观教学法、任务型教学法等

5. 教具准备:小水滴和风先生等头饰、多媒体课件、录音机、磁带等 6. 教学过程: StepⅠ:warm up 1)Greeting each other 2)Say a chant to review what they learned in PartA.Chant I’m rain.I’m rain.I’m from the clouds.I’m cloud.I’m cloud.I’m from the vapour.I’m vapour.I’m vapour.I’m from the water.StepⅡ Leading in Miss Flower and Little Water Drop are good friends.Today is sunny.They feel very hot.Miss Flower is thirsty.She asks Little Water Drop give her some water.But Little Water Drop is too small.He wants to ask his friends to help her together.But where are his friends? Can they help Miss Flower? Now let’s read the passage.StepⅢ 课文展现与分析

1.播放多媒体动画,初步感知短文。2.listen and read: 任务设计

Read the passage after the tape, trying to guess the meaning of the new words according to the context.Then answer the questions.(1)出示问题,让学生带着问题再看短剧动画,督促学生仔细观察、认真聆听并圈出新单词,同伴互助,组内自学生词,然后在班级内学习组内未解决的词。(2)Read the sentences and fill in the blank Little Water Drop sleeps in the river.He _______ up.He _______ very hot.It ____ be _______ up in the sky, he ______.Little Water Drop goes ______ and ______.He ____ many _____ little water drops.Little Water Drop becomes very _____.Little Water Drop and his friends ______ _______ into a lake.(设计的目的:加深对重要词汇的理解达到对词汇的掌握,使学生将更多的注意力放在语句中,让单词的记忆不再孤立。)(3)全班齐读故事(4)分角色读故事

(5)学生带着问题自读故事,在书中寻找答案。Questions:1)What’s the weather like?

2)Does Little Water Drop feel very hot in the river? 3)Where is he going? 4)Who does he meet when he goes up? 5)Does he meet many of his friends in the sky? 6)Does Little Water Drop become very heavy? 7)How does Little Water Drop feel when the sun comes out? 8)Can Mr.Wind help little water drop go up to the sky again?(采取小组竞赛的形式完成本任务,每答对一题给小组加10分)StepⅣ Work in groups 任务设计:

Discuss the passage carefully in groups, then try to draw the rout of Little Water Drop




(设计目的:阅读和写作在英语教学中占有很大的比重,也是学生语言学习能力的综合体现,这里设计听说读写相结合,旨在巩固所学语言中的重点和难点,提高学生综合运用所学语言的能力)StepⅤ Consoldation and extension


(become, go up, meet, shines, rain, lives, come out, heavy, feel, vapour, wants, fall down, sunny)Miss Water ____ in the river.It’s a ________ day.The sun ____.miss water and her sisters ____ hot and become ______.They ____ to the sky.they ____ together and become a _____.Miss Water becomes _____, her sisters, too.They _______ into the river and become ____.The sun _______ again.Miss Water ____ to go up to the sky again.2、完成活动手册

StepⅥ Summary:小组讨论本节课的收获。设计任务:

After reading the passage, ask the students conclude the useful words and expressions in reading.(设计目的:由学生自己总结本课的知识点和语法项目,有利于培养学生自主学习的良好习惯)StepⅦ看有关水的纪录短片,了解地球上水资源严重缺乏的情况,根据学校当前存在学生浪费水的现象比较严重对学生进行环境保护教育。StepⅧ Homework





What's your hobby?

一、教学目标与要求 言语技能目标



1、能够正确听、说、认读以下词语: hobby.2、能够正确地听、说、认读以下句子:

I'm interested in collecting stamps.

I like listening to music. 情感态度目标







1、能够正确听、说、认读以下词语: hobby.2、能够正确地听、说、认读以下句子:

I'm interested in collecting stamps/ toy cars/ candy paper.I like listening to music./My hobby is collecting toy cars.教学难点:能够用英语向别人简单介绍自己的兴趣和爱好


Step 1

Warming Up a.Greetings b.Free talk

Step 2

Presentation、T show the toy cars and ask S “What’s this ?”

S try to answer “toy cars ”.2、T show the toy cars and say “toy cars, collecting toy cars”

3、The same way teach “candy paper ,collecting candy paper,”

“ stamps ,collecting stamps”

4、T say “I like collecting stamps.Do you like collecting stamps?”S try to answer “I like listening to music”.4、T ask S“ What’s your hobby?” S try to answer it.5、“My hobby is collecting toy cars”

6、S-S practice it.7、I'm interested in collecting stamps/ toy cars/ candy paper T ask S“ What’s your hobby?” and try to help S answer“ I'm interested in collecting stamps/ toy cars/ candy paper”.8、S-S practice in pairs.9、T-S look at the book and practice the dialogue

10、S-S practice in pairs.Step 4 Practice

1T-S look at the book and practice the dialogue.2、S-S look at the book and practice the dialogue.3、S-S perform it.Step 5Sum

up T-S sum up together.Step6 Extensive

S-S make the dialogue Homework(作业)

1、S-S practice the dialogue.2、S-S make the dialogue.四、板书设计:

Unit 3



hobby ? Lesson



hobby ?

.candy paper





toy cars


I'm interested in collecting stamps/ toy cars/ candy paper.I like listening to music./My hobby is collecting toy cars 对以上教案的反思以及 建议:

1.Step 2的环节:


2.、Step 4的环节: 教学设计缺乏小组合作,培养学生个体意识的练习只有





《Unit 2 Ways to go to school》Part A Let's learn & Write and say



本节课是PEP教材第七册《Unit 2 Ways to go to school》Part A Let's learn & Write and say,为本单元的第二课时,分为单词、对话、练习三部分。第一部分要求学生看交通工具图片,学习人们的日常交通出行方式以及英语的表示方法,本环节通过单词卡片和玩具车引结合的形式帮助学生学习词组on foot、by taxi、by bus、by train、by plane、by ship、by subway。

通过学习这些交通方式之后,还要求学生根据自己的情况和兴趣谈谈自己平时上学和其它外出的出行方式。谈谈平时喜欢坐哪种交通具,以及出行时应该注意哪些交通规则,再谈谈自己的家人的的工作以及他们的上班出行情况。第二部分是对第一部分学习的延伸,要求学生对对话不仅做简单的听说读写,还要会表演对话,更要运用到日常的生活,达到运用知识进行交流的目地。第三部分通过Let's learn的学习延伸学习句型How do you get to the USA from China?课文中的句子How do we get there?是本课的重要句型,要求学生能够做到听说读写,还用句子进行提问及回答,这 是为Let’s talk部分的主句型做得铺垫。在本课教学中,教师尽量表扬学生开口说英语,教师的讲解要尽量简明扼要,图片及玩具实物演示清楚明了、生动,能给学生留下深刻的印象。让学生继续保持学习英语的兴趣。了解出行方式知识,培养学生选择不同的出行方式的表达与交流。

二、教学目标: 1.知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写动词词组: on foot、by taxi、by bus、by train、by plane、by ship、by subway。

(2)能够听、说、认读句子Let’s go to the nature park--Hooray(3)了解Write and say中从某地到某地的出行生活常识。2.能力目标:(1)能正确运用句子How do you get there? By bus.../on foot.(2)能够演练Write and say的句式How do you get to the USA from China? 操练 “How do you get to the...from...?”




三、教学重、难点: 1.重点:有关出行方式的七个动词词组。on foot、by taxi、by bus、by train、by plane、by ship、by subway。


四、教学方法: 1.教法


2.学法 1,巩固记忆法。学生在老师的引导下通过词卡巩固以前学过的红黄绿交通灯以及向左转、向右转、直走”的英语词组。2,听、说、读、写结合法。在老师出示的图片、实物和动作中理解词组的意思。在老师的引导下抢读、跟读、齐读、男女生读单词及句子3,合作学习法。在小组合作中学生有自己发挥的空间,掌握快的同学可以帮助掌握慢或者读音不是很正确的同学,学生在活动中互相交流学习方法,将知识得到了巩固。在巩固练习学生通过指认游戏、问答和书写Write and say进一步巩固词组,从中学会合作、交流。

五、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片。实物交通玩具


Step 1 Preparation 1.出示卡片复习red light/yellow light/green light/turn left/turnright/go straight(红黄绿交通灯以及向左转、向右转、直走)的英语词组。(设计意图:学生边说边做动作,活跃课堂气氛,通过肢活动的形式复习Part A 的单词,既激发了学生学习的热情,也复习了旧知识,从中为下面的新授课作了一个铺垫。)2.Play a guessing game.围绕“向左向右直走” 的内容,教师或学生上台做动作,让其他学生猜猜,并说出词组的英语。(互动游戏,;拉近了老师与学生或学生与学生之间的距离,同时,也活跃了整个课堂气氛。)

Step 2 Presentation 1.学习Let's learn(1)教师拿出一辆玩具公交车,自问自答:How do I go to school?I go to school by bus.并在黑板上写下:by bus。教师再重复刚才的句子并问某一学生:What about you?How do you go to school?学生如果回答:Me,too!教师就继续问下一名学生,直到有不同答案,教师帮助学生说出完整的句子:I go to school by„并将相应的短语写在黑板上。教师示范朗读by bus,学生跟读,老师出示by bus的卡片,学生隔空说英语,by bus。齐读,分组读、拉火车读,by bus,一口气训练法说英语,by bus、by bus、by bus......。师生互问训练,How do I go to school?I go to school by bus。之后又生生练习。同法教授on foot、by taxi、by train、by plane、by ship、by subway。


教师叫学生上台出示事先准备好画着不同交通工具的短语卡片,让学生迅速地贴在黑板上,构成“by...”短语,台下学生读单词词组;老师出示玩具,学生快递读单词及词组,如老师出示公交车,学生说bus,by bus。用同样的教法操练全部短语。然后老师引出句子“How do we get there?”,教师领读短语和句子“How do we get there?” “ By„”。

(3)学生熟读let's learn中的短语。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调。特别注意指导taxi、train、ship、subway的发音和拼写,还有th字母组合的发音规则和口型。

(4)教师播Part A Let's learn的录音,模仿录音语调跟读对话,学习对话。老师教读对话,学生齐读对话。


(6操练重点句型。教师叫学生在课文上圈出本课重点句型 “How do we get there?” “ By„”。师生操练,生生操练。2.学习Write and say(1)呈现课件学习句型“How do you get to the USA from China?” “ By plane”。


(3)学生对话。小组内选代表分角色表演对话。Step 3 Consolidation and class exercise(1)教师利用课件展示七种交通工具,请出四名愿意接受挑战的学生到讲台上,其余任何一名学生选择一副图片提问“How do we get there?”被提问的学生要根据所指的图片回答“By„”能够五次快速正确回答提问的学生挑战成功。


(3)师生订正课堂练习。Step 4 Summary and Homework(1)这节课我们学习了什么?

(2)布置作业:熟读背诵本课的词组和对话,抄写英语语组on foot、by taxi、by bus、by train、by plane、by ship、by subway,英语5遍汉语1遍,完成相应的课后练习。

七、板书设计: Unit 1How do you go there?!Let’s learn Write and sayp15

on foot

by bus

by plane

by taxi by ship

by subway

by train How do you get there? By bus.../on foot.八、课后反思(上课之后再写反思)



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