
时间:2019-05-12 19:05:41下载本文作者:会员上传


L1 A 1.He hugged her and handed her a bouquet of roses.他拥抱她,接着递给她一束玫瑰花。

2.The hostess gave us a cordial greeting.女主人热忱地欢迎我们。

3.The volunteers for community service are doing a good job.社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。

4.We saw priceless paintings at the museum.我们在博物馆看到贵重的名画。

5.The old lady is very cautious with money.那位老太太用钱很谨慎。

6.A banquet was given in honor of the visiting President.为来访的总统举行了宴会。

7.I am grateful to have you help me repair the house.承你帮忙修缮房子,我十分感激。

8.No prior knowledge should be required.不需要预先学得什么知识。

9.The celebration of Christmas is a custom.庆祝圣诞节是一种风俗。

10.They all avoided mentioning that name.他们都避免提及那名字。

11.Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment.在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。

12.Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends.昨天我们接待了几位朋友。

13.I informed his wife of his safe arrival.我通知他太太他已平安抵达。

14.I am going to get everything ready beforehand.我将事先把一切准备好。

15.As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew.随着年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。16.The plan was rejected.该计划遭拒绝。

17.Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer.怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。

18.I ought to have told you in advance.我应该事先告诉你。

19.Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。

20.She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。

21.He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.许多年来他一直保持着收集旧历书的嗜好。B He has a good sense of humor.Please avoid making noise.Tripping over on the road can be a real embarrassment.She likes to eat chocolate.Be cautious with those glasses.Friendship is priceless.L2 A 1.Please excuse my intrusion.请原谅我擅自进来。

2.President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.肯尼迪总统于一九六三在达拉斯遭暗杀。

3.Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin.昨天我们看了一部查理·卓别林主演的电影。4.The baby was raised on soya-bean milk(豆浆).这孩子是用喂养大的。

5.She is an outstanding actress.她是一个杰出的演员。

6.This is the most mature of his plays.这是他最成熟的一部剧作。7.She speaks French fluently.她法语说得很流利。

8.The actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。

9.They attempted to finish the task before July.他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。

10.Rumours of an imminent earthquake started a panic.谣传即将发生地震引起了一阵恐慌。11.He is a very talented actor.他是一个很有天赋的演员。

12.The President nominated him Ambassador to Russia.总统提名他担任驻俄国大使。

13.There was only one survivor from the plane crash.这次飞机失事只有一个幸存者。

14.The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.那档电视节目插进的商业广告太多了,不断被打断。

B She started to appear in TV commercials since she was three years old.She released her debut album.This is the role he always dreams about.She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress.Due to his outstanding performance, he got the job.I like watching thriller movies.L3 A 1.John is very knowledgeable about classical music.约翰对古典音乐有丰富的知识。

2.He referred all his troubles to bad luck.他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。

3.This paper has a circulation of more than a million.这一报纸的发行量达一百多万份。

4.New York is a great financial center.纽约是一个重要的金融中心。

5.He purchased this stamp at an auction.他在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。6.She had small, neat writing.她的字写得小而工整。

7.No register of his death was found.没有查到他的死亡记录。

8.He majors in Russian literature.他主修俄罗斯文学。

9.This is an unprofitable discussion.Our standpoints are too different.这是一种无益的讨论。我们的立场太不一样了。

10.The company came up with a new, more compact computer.公司推出了一种新的更小型的电脑。

11.Influential friends helped him to get a good job.有权势的朋友们帮他弄到一份美差。

12.When I mentioned what I had come for, he immediately offered to lend me help.我说明来意之后,他立即提出要帮我忙。13.Hard work is essential to success.成功必须努力工作。

14.They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。

15.The original price of the car was a bit too high.这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。

16.Coloring differentiates the sexes in many birds.鸟的雌雄通常可就其颜色予以区分。

17.Little of the original architecture remains.原先的建筑物几乎没有残留。

18.The New York Times has correspondents in many countries.《纽约时报》在许多国家有它的通讯记者。

19.The mailman delivered the letters promptly.那个邮差准时地投递信件。B Many people listen to the broadcast radio show.She majors in English literature.That correspondent was hurt.He prefers to read broadsheet newspapers.The magazine has a neat typesetting.He purchased a computer at that shop yesterday.L5 A 1.The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking.市政府计划发起禁烟运动。

2.The athlete won two gold medals in the Olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。3.He devoted himself to writing.他专心写作。

4.I was then under contract to a bus company.那时候我按合同为一家公共汽车公司工作 5.Can you date the fossil exactly? 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗? 6.This is Europe's premier port.这是欧洲第一大港。

7.We launched a new project.我们开始从事一个新项目。

8.He received a challenge to a TV debate.他接到电视辩论的挑战。

9.Several nations formed a defense league.几个国家结成了防御联盟。

10.He is a very talented actor.他是一个很有天赋的演员。

11.The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.花儿的芳香散发到四面八方。

12.The rich lady left all her money to charities.那个阔太太把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业。13.He was appointed ambassador to France.他被任命为驻法国大使。14.He is a major writer.他是位大作家。

15.They sang with great passion.他们满怀激情地歌唱。B We are Manchester United supporters.She has no passion for this job.The students from a football league.His achievements are incomparable.He was not afraid to confront with the new challenge.This parking space is reserved for disabled drivers.L误

It is said that the pirates buried their treasure________ on this island.据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上。They are _willing________ to come.Replacing all the windows would be too costly.He held a knife in his hand.他手里握着一把刀。

The enemy troops withdrew.敌军撤退了。

He made his escape in disguise.他化装后逃走了。

You must be very careful with this _sharp_______ knife.Japan does lots of trade with the United States.日本与美国间的贸易频繁。

The ___royal_____ family consists of the king and queen and their relations.He sold his company to become Minister of Agriculture.他为了当农业大臣把公司卖了。He is the hero of an old legend.他是一个古老传说中的英雄。

The fried chicken is _____delicious___.She was pale with fear.她吓得脸色发白。

Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。

The millionaire kept 39 ______servants__.The curtains hang well.窗帘挂得很好。B Have you ever visited the Summer Palace? I am tired of eating rice.I am willing to help you.What delicious food!He risked his life to save the child.You must return the book on time.L6 A 1.He easily defeated his opponent in the election.选举中他轻易地击败了对手。

2.Mr.Wells tackled the difficult problem, but he couldn't solve it.威尔斯先生处理过这一难题,但未能解决。3.She cut the cake into quarters.她把蛋糕切成四份。

4.Tom thought of the war as an aggressive one.汤姆把这场战争视作侵略战争。5.The collision between the ships was caused by fog.船只相撞事件因雾造成。6.The present trouble was imposed on him.目前的困难是强加在他身上的。

7.They padded the seat of the chair with horse-hair to make it soft.他们往椅子的坐垫里填塞马鬃以使之柔软。8.The Industrial Revolution originated from the invention of the steam engine.工业革命始于蒸汽机的发明。9.You confused Australia with Austria.你把澳大利亚和奥地利搞混了。10.Smoking is prohibited in the office building.办公楼内禁止抽烟。11.You didn't obey the manager's instructions.你没有执行经理的指示。12.A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。13.There are now stiffer penalties for drunken drivers.现在对酗酒开车的处罚更严厉了。

14.Bees and wasps both sting, but they have other similarities too.蜜蜂和黄蜂都螫人,但它们还有其他相似之处。

B.They are discussing about new offense tactics.The team has a poor defense.The fire caused severe injuries.He dribbled the ball passes half way line and scored a goal.The referee gave him a sending-off.He was tackled by the opponent when advancing the ball.L7 1. A stable government is essential to economic growth.稳定的政府对经济增长是重要的。2.This wine complements the food perfectly.用这酒配这些菜肴,相得益彰。3.This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint.在我看来,此事全错了。

4.Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.这一地区经常发生地震。

5.He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙于油漆家具。6.The economic crisis lasted for several years.经济危机持续了好几年。7.This is the most mature of his plays.这是他最成熟的一部剧作。

8.Something told him that this was a crisis in their lives.他意识到这是他们生活中的一次危机。

9.The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman.新首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。10.They have published a lot of new books on international issues.他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。11.That was a critical time in the nation's history.那是涉及国家命运的一个关键时刻。12.The well-known writer is open-minded enough to admit that not all his novels are first-rate.那位著名作家很虚心,承认他的小说并非全是上乘之作。13.He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。

14.The artist craved recognition of his talents.这位艺术家渴望他的天才得到承认。

15.Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.之后就是一连串的下雨天,把我们的假期弄得一团糟。16.He likes me, and vice versa.他喜欢我,我也喜欢他。

17.The girl's warm personality is her greatest charm.那女孩热情的个性是她最迷人之处。B This is not an ordinary book.I don’t want to discuss about this issue right now.He never reads a tabloid.We’re not interested in her new romance.They are curious about this matter.Her boyfriend is farsighted.L8 A He took part in the competition for the glory of the school.他为学校的荣誉参加了竞赛。

The rowers lost their rhythm and the boat lost speed.桨手们划桨的节奏乱了,赛艇因此慢了下来。

Our team won the championship in the basketball tournament.我们队在篮球联赛中赢得冠军。

Fulfillment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.人要寻求满足必须通过心灵,而不是通过身体或是脑子。Susan won the spelling championship.苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名 I like vocal music.我喜欢声乐。

The Japanese yen hit an all-time high last week on the money markets.日元上周在货币市场上达到历史最高点。Is the news official? 这消息是官方发布的吗? The chart showed the company's rapid growth in recent years.图表显示了该公司近年来的迅速发展。Paul likes playing very loud rock.保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。

The band played the national anthem.B This is her official website.This song shows the spirit of football games..Please sing the national anthem.Their kids are energetic.Do you know that composer? Her performance won her much praises.L9 A The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。He convinced me of his innocence.他使我相信他是无辜的。

She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格。

The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hands.发言人挥舞双手强调他所说的。The rain spoiled our picnic.这场雨弄得我们的野餐一团糟。

She discredited his good name with ugly gossip.她散布恶毒的流言蜚语,坏败他的好名声。A judge must give an objective opinion.评判员必须发表公正的意见。

All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan.公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。They have planned a tight schedule of travel.他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。

Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes.纱窗能有效地挡住蚊子。

You're required to submit a resume.你必须交一份个人简历。

He gave a clear and concise summary of what had happened.She is an outstanding actress.她是一个杰出的演员。

His nationality isn't relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师不相关。The club excluded women from membership.该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。

I started primary school when I was 5 years old.我五岁时开始读小学。

The bank has branches all over the country.该银行在全国各地均有分行。

No matter whether these figures are accurate, we have to recheck them.B They set up a branch office last month.A secretary is responsible for his/her supervisor’s daily schedule.This is an effective strategy.Her suggestion was excluded.This is a remarkable accomplishment.She doesn’t have any relevant skills.L10 1.India was once a British colony.印度曾是英国的殖民地。

2.Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner.从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。3.They did an expedition to the Himalayas.他们到喜马拉雅山去考察了一次。

4.The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp.士兵们离开营房时,迎面遇到两个恐怖分子。5.Professor King often contributes to the medical journal.金教授常为那个医学刊物撰稿。

6.We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。7.I have no sympathy for beggars.我不同情乞丐。

8.One of his new comedies is to be presented.他的一个新喜剧将要上演。9.My lifestyle is to go for a walk after supper.10.It is one of the great masterpieces of European art.它是欧洲艺术最杰出的作品之一。

11.The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。12.He is a remarkable linguist.他是一位杰出的语言学家。

13.This is an irreconcilable conflict.这是一个不可调和的矛盾。

14.Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death, suffering or disaster.悲剧作品是文学的一种,内容常涉及死亡,不幸和灾难。

B Dinosaurs once existed on the earth.She likes British Literature.His father is one of the most famous authors in China.This is a comedy.She doesn’t like tragedies.He took an expedition to the South Pole.L11 A His personality________ left a deep impression on us.他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。The results, as an example, are given with the determining accuracy______ of about? This ruler has one scale________ in centimeters and another in inches.这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度。

Winning gave us emotional_________ satisfaction.获胜给予我们感情上的满足。

He fancies himself a bit of a psychologist________.他自以为有一点心理学家的天分。

He has a great capacity ________for learning languages.他学语言的能力很强。

Crime has to be studied in its social contexts________.犯罪活动得联系其社会背景来研究。

He predicted ________that an earthquake was imminent.他预言即将发生地震。

Compare________ this with that, and you will see which is better.将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。

Mr.Paine made a request________ that I should help him.佩恩先生要求我帮助他。

The amount of rain affects ________the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。

All humans do have some kind of innate mental ________ability.凡是人确有某种天生的智力。

This picture represents________ a scene at King Arthur's court.这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。

Practical ________experience is often very important.实践经验往往是很重要的。

The teacher did not explain its grammatical function_________.老师没有解释它的语法功能。

I detected ________anger in her voice.我察觉出她说话声里含着愤怒。

B The purpose of the test is to detect intelligence.The machine can detect if you’re telling the truth.These children are suffering mental retardation.No one can really predict the future.Do you know how to solve this formula? Please make sure the accuracy of these data.L12 A 1.Nature is permanent.自然是永恒的。

2.We needed additional money for our trip.3.He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他将城市发展建议提交市议会。我们出去旅行需要更多的钱。4.Tax revenues increased last year.去年税收增加了。

5.Can I get a tax deduction if I give money to The Cancer Fund?

6.The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.战争中断两国间的邮政通讯。

7.Ellen has got a temporary job.艾伦找到一份临时工作。

8.This is a gold necklace, hence it is expensive.这是根金项链,因此很贵。

9.Do you know the charitable funds

10.The United States has a federal government.美国有联邦政府。

11.The hunter tracked the wolf and managed to catch it.猎人追踪狼,并设法逮住它。

12.The bank loan is due this month.银行贷款本月到期。

13.The chairman was quite familiar with the procedure for conducting a meeting.主席对开会的程序很熟悉。14.I got this money legally.我得到这笔钱是合法的。

15.Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗?

16.The invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization.纸的发明是对人类文明的一大贡献。

17.His boss obligated him to work on weekends.18.Two guards looked after the security of the property.两个警卫看管财产的安全。

B You must pay income tax.I was obliged to testify on court.Pension is one of the deductions.I made a contribution to the orphanage.Are you a permanent resident of this country? They are not residents of this place.L13 A A refrigerator was then a luxury.那时候冰箱是种奢侈品。

It took them two years to construct the bridge.他们用了两年时间建这座桥。

She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar.她用糖和醋给鱼调味。

The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world.古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods.我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。

She soon got used to the hustle and bustle of city life.她不久就习惯了城市生活的喧闹繁忙。

The museum has many antiquities from ancient Egypt.All this gracious living isn't for me;I prefer the simple life.这种优裕的生活对我不合适;我还是喜欢简朴的生活。Can you recommend me a brochure on vacations abroad? 你能给我推荐一本国外度假指南册吗?

The company dominates this segment of the market.该公司控制了这一部分市场。

He has a stiff manner of speaking.他演讲的样子很不自然。

Tom is the architect of this building.汤姆是该建筑的设计师。

I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。

The council are trying to decide where to situate the new hospital.委员会正试图决定将新医院建在何处。

We reached our destination, tired and hungry.到达目的地时,我们又累又饿。Soya is excellent for fattening pigs.用大豆给猪增膘是极好的。

The whole story is a fantasy.这整个故事只是一个虚构。

I like the hustle and bustle of Marseilles.我喜欢马赛熙熙攘攘的景象。

B This is our destination.She likes to read romantic novels.He has a brochure in his hand.He keeps staring at that sculpture.You intentionally tripped me over.There is a fig tree in the orchard.L14 A They lived in a house on the edge of a forest.他们住在森林边缘一所房子里。

By the end of August we had completed the work.我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。

We studied the anatomy of the snake.我们研究了蛇的解剖结构。

She counseled with her husband about the problem.她同丈夫商量了这个问题。Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group.教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。

Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.职员一年可享受十五天带薪的假期。

The oral opening in an earthworm is small.蚯蚓的口是很小的。

Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.牙齿的蛀洞是由蛀蚀造成的。

He straightened the bent strip.他把那弯曲的金属片弄直了。

The secretary enrolled our names.秘书登记了我们的名字。

Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.事故正在愈加频繁地发生。

The two doctors made different diagnoses of my disease.两位医生对我的病下了不同的诊断结论。We are applying for a license to sell wine.我们正申请执照卖酒。

Her remarks seemed a bit adolescent.她的这番话似乎有点幼稚。

The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。

B Credit issues occur with increasing frequency.He made an appointment with the dentist for this afternoon.We are waiting for the doctor’s diagnosis.We interpret a smile as a sign of joy.She counseled with me about this issue.You must enroll by Friday.L15 A The novel earned him a literary award.这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。

He was uneasy about my decision.他对我的决定感到不安。

It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bites.它常被用作民间药物治疗蛇咬伤。

Older people prefer ballads to pop music.年纪大一些的人喜欢民歌,而不喜欢流行音乐。He refused the request on moral grounds.基于道德上的考虑,他拒绝了这个请求。

Their statement was correct.他们的说法是对的。

Our current methods of production are too expensive.我们现今用的生产方法太花钱了。

A new movie is to be released tonight.今晚要发行一部新电影。

Her speech was recorded on a tape.她的演讲录在录音带上。

The pop singer is the idol of young people.这位流行歌手成为年轻人崇拜的偶像。

B This is a new art genre.She is listening to balled music.They are living a miserable life.The singer released a new album.Do you want to buy her record? Her album was certified platinum.L16 A There's an error in your calculation.你计算中有个错误。

He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。

They urged us to go at once.他们催促我们马上去。

Teaching is one of the holiest tasks.教书是最神圣的工作之一。

The candidate captured 55% of the vote.那位候选人获得百分之五十五的选票。

The family has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。

My parents are enthusiastic skiers.我的父母是滑雪迷。

The soldiers marched by the reviewing stand.士兵们从检阅台前齐步走过。

The professor does not approve the government's foreign policy.那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。

Do you learn about our country ‘s territorial waters? The city was conquered overnight.那座城市在夜里被攻克。

B He did military service for two years.We settled down in England.Mother urged me to tidy up my room.The wall has been destroyed.The robber robbed the old nanny.I returned home late today.L17 A The end of the war brought the release of the prisoners.战争的结束使所有战俘得到释放。

The patient lost consciousness.病人失去了知觉。

A young woman kidnapped the baby while the baby’s mother was not looking.The police seized an escaping convict.警察抓住了一个在逃犯。

He is furious at being kept in the dark(被隐瞒).他因为被瞒着而大发雷霆。

The animal is dangerous when cornered.野兽一旦陷于绝境就会变得很危险。

This case is representative of the attitudes of the police.这个事例典型地反映了警方的态度。

the capacity to respond swiftly to market changes 对市场变化能迅速作出反应的能力

The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.老人拿起杯子喝了一口,继续讲他的故事。

For years the country was ruled by a tyrant.这个国家被一个暴君统治了好多年。

The Prime Minister's visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries.首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。

She crept into the room and kissed the sleeping child.她悄悄地走进房间,吻了吻睡着的孩子。

How can I sympathize with his foolish opinions? 我怎么能同意他愚蠢的意见呢?

B He wants to be a president when he grows up.The statesman has been assassinated.Let’s go to a play together.Don’t yell at me.She is in a coma.I attended his funeral.L18 A

Some cattle were drinking at the pond.几头牛正在池塘边饮水。

The king retired to his chamber.国王回到他的房里休息了。

He lives in a grand house.他住在一栋富丽堂皇的房子里。We make bricks from clay.我们用泥土制砖。All the members received duplicated notices of the meeting.所有会员都接到同样的会议通知。

She had access to some very prominent people.她能接近一些名人。

We must take care to preserve our national heritage.我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。We undertook a trip to the west.我们到西部作了一次旅行。

Dig a pit and bury the garbage.挖一个坑把垃圾埋了。

We admired the grandeur of the mountains.我们赞美这山脉的雄伟壮观。

We visited a magnificent palace in the city.我们参观了一座城里的宏伟宫殿。

A true warrior values glory and honor above life.一个真正的勇士珍视荣誉胜过生命。

B Some villagers made a big discovery.The beautiful scenery attracts many people.Who do you report to? Would you prefer sea view or mountain view? What she said represents our opinion.Our nation will become a powerful country.L19 A There were five applicants for the position.有五人申请那个职务。

There was a serious slump in the 1930s.二十世纪三十年代发生严重的经济衰退。

The Ministry has resigned.内阁已辞职。

The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars.老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿美元。

White wine should be slightly chilled.白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。

The ratio of 15 to 5 is 3 to 1.十五与五的比率是三比一。

The general manager is trying to meet the payroll.总经理在设法筹措款项支付工资。

She faltered toward the door in the dark.她在黑暗中向门口摇摇晃晃地走去。

We were asked to pare down our budget.我们被要求削减预算。

A radio is an accessory to a car.收音机是汽车的附件。I happen to have the latest population statistics with me.我手头正好有最新的人口统计资料。

There's too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain.在英国酒的消耗量太大了。

I had a substantial meal.我饱餐了一顿。

B Japan’s unemployment rate rose.It is a kind of household product.Household spending is large.The sales dropped.He mentioned how to save money.The company hired many university graduates.L20 A 1.This enterprise is doing a good business.这家企业生意兴隆。

2.The current trend is towards informal clothing.目前的趋势是穿着比较随便。

3.She has acting potential, but she needs training.她有表演潜力,但需要训练。4.They have bought a house of generous dimensions.他们买了一所宽敞的房屋。

5.The moon emerged from behind a cloud.月亮从云层后面钻了出来。

6.Release the dog.He has been chained up for hours.放开这条狗。它已被拴了好几小时了。

7.Let's get to the core of the matter.让我们看看事情的核心。

8.The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。

9.Dickens portrayed his characters to the life.狄更斯把他笔下的人物描绘得栩栩如生。

10.His reluctance to compromise is an obstacle to his political success.他不肯妥协是他政治上成功的一个障碍。11.I'll do nothing without consulting you.我采取行动之前一定和你商量。

12.The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.卡车沿着陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。

B There are a lot of markets in the street.Your price is competitive.I like this operating system very much.I want to work in fashion industry.He bought a new computer recently.Your work performance is very good.L21 A I would love to see the aurora borealis in iceland!我很想看到冰岛北极光!

Australia has a very low population density.澳大利亚人口密度很低。

No.Jupiter really is flattened.木星真是扁平的。

See was a night that is luminous.夜里看得话就是个夜光的。

Match the ovals to the turtle by size.依大小配对椭圆形与乌龟。

Charged particles 'motion in the electric field.带电体在电场中的运动。

She be enthral by the story she hear.她被她听到的故事迷住了。

At what altitude are we flying now? 现在我们在什么高度飞行?

Eyes are composed of two layers of hemisphere.眼睛由两层半球组成。

This exhibit also features magnetic fluid.也是一件介绍磁性液体的展品。

An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter.原子是最小的不可分的物质微粒。

Lines of equal latitude are called parallels.相等纬度的连线叫纬圈。

Electron lens is used to focus on electronics.电子透镜用来会聚电子。

In spring and summer, there are small greenish white flowers.在春季和夏季,长了呈绿色的小白花。

The place continues to fascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery.这个地方神秘莫测,依然强烈吸引着游客。

In the southern hemisphere, it's called aurora australis, or southern lights.在南半球,它被称为南极光,或南极光。

Spectrum imaging is equipped with a range of photocopiers.光谱成像配备了一系列的复印机。

Numerous stars were born after the big bang.大爆炸以后产生了众多的恒星。

B Most of the earth’s surface is water.The aurora is an unusual phenomenon.Grass land surrounds my house.Stretch out your arms and legs.I encountered numerous obstacles.The dog slowly approaches.L22 A Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him...卢克就坐在飞行员后面,并且和他说着话。

The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。

Easing the joystick back she brought the plane in to land.她慢慢地往后扳动驾驶杆,使飞机下降着陆。The economy is currently in a bust.目前经济处于崩溃之中。

The plane is carrying emergency supplies for refugees.那架飞机正在为难民运送应急物资。

There should be enough space left in your schedule for maneuver.你的计划当中应当留有足够的机动空间。Stroke is the number one cause of death.卒中是首位死亡原因。

Your audio hardware does not support recording.音频硬件不支持录音。

Both doctors and nurses have increasingly made a specialty of the care of the aged.越来越多的医生和护士专门从事老年人的护理工作。

You've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files.你已经非法访问并盗用了机密的安全文件。

He claimed to be a virtual prisoner in his own home.他说自己在家里简直就像是个囚犯。

The scheme required an initial outlay of 3 000000 pounds.该项计划初步需要300万英镑的经费。

Farmers will monitor crops remotely and respond quickly to changing weather.农民可以监控偏远的庄稼,对天气变化作出快速反应。

Some momentous decisions will be taken at the next conference.下次会议将做出几项重要的决定。

B The robot is the latest technology.He was discharged from the hospital.The patient has no appetite.Physicians provide medical information.We interact with each other well.Thanks for your assistance.L23 A A Failure to evolve can then lead to extinction.在进化中失败将导致灭绝。

Standardization of order forms reduces delivery time.定单标准化可以缩短交货时间。

The local inhabitant do not like noisy tourist in summer.当地居民不喜欢夏季喧闹的游客。He asked to see the chief of the tribe.他求见这个部落的酋长。

Venus lies near the upper right edge of the frame.金星位于影像的右上方边缘附近。How can I widen my vocabulary? 怎样扩大自己的词汇量? He is a native of Beijing.他是土生土长的北京人

Reading other people's mail is a invasion of privacy.阅读他人信件是侵犯他人隐私权.The variety of goods in this shop is rich.这家商店货物品种丰富。

Big players have a dominant presence in the market.大公司在市场占主导地位。

Whole book subject is outstanding, the structure is concise.全书主题突出,结构简洁.Long& double vowel pronunciation should be plump.长元音和双元音饱满。

National design must derive the essence from national culture.民族的设计必须汲取民族文化的精髓。

B The Normans invaded England in 1066.This English word is derived from a French word.Two similar languages evolved into one common language.The kid always makes the spelling mistakes.Wide reading can expand your vocabulary.He enjoys modern art.L24 A Usually flying is a positive symbol in a dream.通常梦见飞是积极的象征。

Do you prefer to socialize with friends who gamble? 你是否乐意和赌博的人交往?

Sometimes the inner beauty is more beautiful.有时内在美更加重要呢。

A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.几个星期后,他说他也许把自己的各种人际关系看得太消极了。

You can watch reruns of nearly every old sitcom.几乎每部旧的情境喜剧你都可以看到节目回放。Wisdom is more precious than wealth.智慧比财富更珍贵。

The contractor will define the criteria for the format.承包商将确定该格式的标准。How is he doing physically? 在身体上进行得怎么样了?

We do not always know how to speak simply, concretely, in images which are familiar and intelligible to the masses.我们远不是随时都善于简单地、具体地、用群众所熟悉和懂得的形象来讲话。God bless you and your grandpa!上帝保佑你还有你大爷!

The carol has a primitive strength and haunting simplicity.这首颂歌有一种原始的力量和令人难忘的纯朴。We work hard in pursuit of happy life.我们努力追求幸福的生活。

The village changed its name in compliment to him.这村庄为表示对他的敬意而改名。

Fellow practitioners with their friends savor traditional vegetarian delicacies.同修们携友结伴一起品尝传统美食。Do not complicate the argument with new ideas.不要用新的想法使问题复杂化。

Woman is physically but not mentally weaker than man.女子在体力上而不是智力上比男子弱。Have you got credit cards? 你有信用卡吗?

It is particularly important to reaffirm this point today.今天重申这一点,有特别重要的意义。

It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors' fears.中央银行很快便消除了投资者的担忧。The gloomy weather shows no sigh of improving.阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。

B The pursuit of happiness is the most important goal in life.Do not complicate the situation.Thanks for your compliments.I’d like to travel around the world.She likes creating beautiful things.Seize the moment.L25 A That novel is completely void of merit.那部小说毫无价值。

Confucianist management ideas pay attention to ethics, focuses on interpersonal relationship, and treats people as vi-tal factor.儒家管理思想重视伦理道德,讲究人际关系,以人为本。Transgenic technology is no exception.转基因技术也不例外。

Have you had any practice in nursing the sick? 你有护理病人的经验吗?

Keeping improving can make up the deficiency in capability.精益求精可以弥补能力的不足。

Why should we put so much emphasis on individualism? 为什么我们如此强调个人主义?

What do you think of the performance of your counterpart? 您认为你们的对手表现如何?

The pattern of the world is changing towards multi-polarity.世界格局向多极化发展。

President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。

Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval...过于墨守成规通常都是由于担心得不到认可。

Family structure has major impact on children.家庭结构对子女产生重要影响。The citizen is a political concept.公民是一个政治概念。

He related to his students his adventures vividly.他向学生们生动地叙述了他的奇遇。

He must often memorize large amounts of material.他一定经常记住了不少素材。

He is not very conventional in his behavior.他的举止并不过分拘泥。

To feminists she is a classic victim of the patriarchal society.在女权主义者眼中,她是父权社会的典型受害者。

B Western culture values art.He used to live in the Asian area.I love my country.We should show respect to our teachers.We had a traditional wedding ceremony.Different laws obtain in different places.L26 A She concerns herself with social welfare.她从事社会福利工作。

The lease runs out in two years'time.该租约两年后到期。

Proficiency standards is to achieve answered without thinking.熟练的标准就是要达到不假思索地脱口而出。The evaluation industry began late in china.中国的评价业起步晚。

They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather.他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。

Market orientation emphasizes the needs of the customer.市场定位强调顾客的需要。

They reached an accommodation with neighboring countries.他们同邻国和解了。

The essay seems to start unexpectedly.文章开头有点秃。

This mixture is then feed into a blast furnace.将此混合料送入高炉。

His explanation will resolve your doubts.他的解释将解决你的疑问。I've got a tutorial this afternoon.今天下午我有导师辅导。

B She is an international student in this school.Thank you for your constant support.I am not familiar with this topic.He is learning creative writing.The day was a mixture of sun, clouds and rain.You can raise your grade through other evaluation.L27 A A group of people got together spontaneously at the scene of the accident.一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。

Beggars afterwards just know the bum is the emperor.叫花子事后才知道这个流浪汉就是当今皇上。She oiled her words in order to sound persuasive.她使用花言巧语使话有说服力。Logically this would be impossible.逻辑上讲,这是不可能的。

I happened to bump into a dog at lunch yesterday afternoon.昨天中午我碰上道格了。

An analysis of the survey data was performed.调查数据经过了分析。

Their respondent comment are very enthusiastically.他们回答的批评非常热烈。No blame attaches to you in this affair.这件事不怪你。

Each car should have a spare tyre.每辆车都应有个备用轮胎。We fib to avoid conflict.我们扯谎是为了避免冲突。

She earns incredible amount of money.她赚钱多得难以置信的。They are literally syntactically translated into the underlying syntax that we've already seen.它们在语法上,完全转换为我们已经看到的基础语法。

The talkative woman is always barging in other people's conversation.那个多嘴的妇人总是爱插嘴。A piece of glass stuck in my skin.我被玻璃刺到了。

B Do you mind if I smoke? A latest research shows that people often tell fibs.A survey says that most of the children have a sweet tooth.Mary is a very common female name.Car accidents become frequent at this intersection.There are two main characters in the story.L28 A

The author has probe into the tourism consume trend of guangzhou residents by questionnaire.摘要作者通过问卷调查来研究广州市常住居民的旅游消费倾向。

It is only gradually, with the lapse of years, that they come to a clear understanding of their position.随着岁月的流逝,他们才逐渐清楚地认识到自己的地位。During which all the stars would gradually vanish from the sky.而在这个期间,所有的星辰会逐渐从夜空中消失。Inadequate recovery will diminish the value of this workout.不充分的恢复会削弱锻炼效果。

To date, approximately 30 million people have obtained professional credentials in china.目前,全国近3000万人获得了职业资格证书。Do you know anything against insomnia? 你知道有什麽东西可以治疗失眠吗? Private companies usually try to minimize net earnings and thus reduce federal and state income taxes.非上市公司通常将净收益最小化,这样可以少交联邦和州政府的所得税。He snore all night, and I can not sleep.他整晚打鼾,我无法睡觉。

Untreated chicken has about 45 to 60 mgs of sodium per four-ounce serving.一份四盎司的未经处理的鸡肉含有大约45至60毫克的钠。The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine.加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的。What is the term of registration? 注册的期限是多长? I'm really sorry to interfere in your business.我真的很抱歉妨碍了你们的生意。

B He has a good memory.Sleep is a basic human need.Can you hear your biological clock ticking? We are under a lot of pressure.My mother suffers from insomnia.The doctor told me some tips on how to overcome sleep problems.L29 A The Chancellor could use the Budget to bring in taxation reforms.财政大臣可以利用政府年度预算演讲的机会提出税收改革事宜。

The software can recognize faces in photos and videos.该软件可以识别出照片和视频中的面孔。This coat's a beautiful fit.这件大衣完全合身。

Mr.Obama is mourning a mentor and a friend.奥巴马追思肯尼迪是导师、朋友和政治偶像。

Bracelet represents lifetime connection to spouse's hand and heart.手链代表着一生一世套住爱人的手和心。There's no reason to get so upset.完全没有理由如此心烦意乱。

Consumption values has positive influence on consumer involvement.消费价值对消费者涉入有正向的影响。

His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions.他的热情的演讲打动了我们的感情。

British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.要想奏效,英国的国防政策必须具备3个条件。Educators sure have a different mentality from ordinary people!教育家的心理真与人不同!

Is it possible to combine the two parties? 那两党有没有合并的可能?

He is a very easy, accessible person, intends to strengthen the virtues of bilateral relations.他是一位很轻松、易接近的人,有意加强美德双边关系。Of wall street career terminative come from 911.华尔街生涯的终结源自911。

To function optimally, our brains need to maintain this level of fat.为了达到最佳运作效果,我们的大脑需要保持这个水平的脂肪量。We're talking about discipline and maturity!我们还在说纪律和成熟呢!

Until they do, the chances of synthesising an antidote are slim.而除非他们能办到,要合成解药的机会相当渺茫.It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour.这不是你半个小时就能学会的小窍门。

In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。The unoccupied house started to decay.无人住的房子开始败落。B We are glad that you joined us.With passion, you will work efficiently.I have been feeling upset all day long.She has a supportive family.The television doesn’t function well.We need time to implement the plan.L30 A She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.她明确表示,无论如何她都不会取消旅行。

Similarly, trees need time to be able to neutralize the toxins in the air and produce the balance that we need to survive.同样的道理,树木需要时间去成长,才能中和空气中的毒素,让生态平衡,适合我们生存。This remark lead to further arguments among the guests.这个评论在来宾中导致了更深的争论。Excessive drinking does harm to the system.过度饮酒对身体有害。

While you assess, innocent lives will be lost.在你们评估的时候,无辜的生命正在消失。The final revelation is at hand!最终的启示即将到来了!

How can he manage to live on that pension? 他靠那点养老金怎能生活? This case presents a distorted loyalty.这个案例反映了一种扭曲的忠诚。Terrorism is an obvious danger.恐怖主义的危险性显而易见。

We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.我们将进行民意测验。

With an abundance of caution, a wise executive would take the steps he is taking.为了慎重起见,一个聪明的行政官正在采取他所采取的步骤。Even a casual observer would notice that America is a consumer society.即使是一个非专业的观察家,也会留意到美国是个消费者社会。He refused to commit himself on the controversial subject.他不愿就这一有争论的问题表态。

He said that when he went away to school for the first time, the hardest thingto cope with was the severance from his family.他说当他第一次离家上学时,最难应付的事情就是和家庭分离。We must diminish the loss to the minimum.我们必须尽力把损失减小到最低限度。He is a major stockholder in an oil company.他是一家石油公司的大股东。

There will be compensation for delayed delivery.延期交货将需支付赔偿金。Government efforts to control inflation.政府控制通货膨胀的努力。

Most lawyers felt such an outcome was nevertheless inevitable.多数律师认为这是必然的。

When did you become the federal trade commission? 你什么时候进了联邦贸易委员会? We should analyse the causes of our failure.我们应该分析失败的原因。The boss finally increased her salary.老板最终增加了工资。

U.S.state department in this initiative played an important role.美国国务院在这项倡议中发挥了重要作用。I work for Chinese petroleum corporation.我在中国石油公司工作。Would you accuse me of lying as well.你还要告我说谎吗?

The increasing inflation impelled the government to extreme measures.日益严重的通货膨胀迫使政府采取了一些极端的措施。Gasoline prices skyrocket in some parts of our country.我国部分地区汽油价格暴涨。

Please bring me one portion of toast with fried eggs and a glass of milk.请送一份烤面包、煎蛋以及一杯牛奶。The wind were swooping down to tease the waves.大风猛扑到海面上戏弄着浪涛。

One of the perks of being a student is cheap travel.当学生的好处之一是旅行购票可以优惠。

B He shouted again but there was no replay.The values of yen might fall.We have decided to adopt the rule.It is obvious that he hasn’t come home yet.The stock price of our company is rising.My boss was not happy with my proposal.L31 A He's been trying to interest john in a speculation.他试图使约翰对一个投机感兴趣.This metal is plastic at high temper atures.这种金属在高温下具有可塑性。

The catalyst is subjected to a uniform ram pressure.催化剂承受均匀活塞压力。

All his nerves seemed to have come apart.他的神经似乎全部崩溃。

Painful is tentatively or a shadow of the mind!沉痛是姑且的或者是心灵的一种暗影!

The conference is called the new international student orientation.这个研讨会被称为新国际学生介绍会。

We are the green energy engineering specialist!我们是绿色能源工程专家!You can preserve meat or fish in salt.你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。

Foreign direct investment increased steadily.外商直接投资稳步扩大。

He was recovering from a heart transplant operation.他做了心脏移植手术,正在康复。

Does China need a second stimulus? 中国需要二次经济刺激吗?

Every name spoke trauma and tragedy.每个名字都讲述着一段创伤和悲剧。

Precipitation plus sunshine equals chromatical optical phenomenon.降水加上阳光就产生了彩色的光学现象。

Unemployment is rising steeply.失业率正在大幅上升。

B Scientists are doing further research on the environment.He’s badly wounded.He sat on my hat and it was badly deformed.What is the average rainfall in this city.There is plenty of speculation about those two.My teaching method encourages students to think creatively.L32 A The one-on-one is turning out to be so elastic.一对一谈话证明是非常灵活的。

Lime leaves in the bath are always used to alleviate pain.在洗澡水中放菩提叶经常被用来减轻疼痛。

The rule does not encourage self-sacrifice or financial abstinence.规则不鼓励自我牺牲或金融的节制.Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.印度尼西亚妇女已经获得了现代离婚法的保护,享有和丈夫同等的权利。How long before they restore critical systems? 他们恢复关键的系统大概需要多长时间? What's your business scope? 你们的经营范围是什么? How else could she show her immeasurable gratitude? 她怎能用别的办法向他表达无限的感激?

Lights clipped onto life jackets improve the chances of rescue.别在救生衣上的灯提高了获救可能性。

The peasant household has become prosperous through working hard.这户农家已经通过勤劳变得兴旺发达了。

When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it...老师布置作业时,学生通常认为完成作业是一种义务。Her requirements in a man were seriousness and stability.她对男人的要求是严肃和稳定。

Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages.英国正加紧努力确保人质的获释。

Banks are beginning to face liquidity and funding challenges.中国银行业开始面临流动性和融资困难。

Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police...目睹这次袭击的人都应向警方报告。I'll tell you when I regain consciousness.等我恢复知觉了我再告诉你.Sometimes the results may be rather startling.有时结果可能会令人吃惊。

Aziz's influence after the 1991 gulf war rose substantially, largely because of the loyalty he had shown.阿齐兹的影响力自1991海湾战争以来大大地提升。这很大程度上是因为他所显示出的忠诚。During his 29 years in power he has shown a decisiveness and far-sightedness that puts most other politicians, anywhere, to shame.在当政的29年中他显示了自己的果断和远见,令其他各地政客有点惭愧。She worked for the well-being of the underprivileged.她为下层贫困民众的福利而努力。B This has been an unsettling time.The government will do their best to regain stability to the markets.Many companies are unable to pay their daily transactions.This uncertainty has led to anxiety among our people.If I want to rent the house, I need to pay a deposit.We are executing our plan aggressively.L33 A A His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home...他在海外取得了成功,现在的任务就是要在国内再创辉煌。The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline.在联合国的最后期限到来前数小时取得了重大突破。

The hymn was written by an obscure Greek composer for the 1896 Athens Olympics.这首赞歌是希腊一位名不见经传的作曲家为1896年的雅典奥运会创作的。Our goal is to eliminate poverty.我们的目标是消除贫困。

The queer behavior of the child was an enigma, even to its parents.那个孩子古怪的行为,甚至对其父母亲来说都是个谜。

Most media coverage disapproves of the travelers' lifestyle and values.大多数媒体报道都不赞成那些旅行者的生活方式和价值观。

The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood...研究发现一些酗酒者在童年早期就显现出鲜明的人格特征。Then they replicate and move to the salivary glands.然后,他们复制并移动到唾液腺。B The children were all fascinated with his story.Lots of the press coverage concentrated on the possibility of cloning humans.I replaced salt with pepper.She made several attempts to run away.These remarks are not appropriate.Every year a lot of people in Africa starved to death.






教学重点:掌握Lesson1的单词和词组的意思及其用法,及掌握如何巧计单词的方法。教学难点: benefit;convenient;wherever;fed up;consequence;work out;argue等单词的用法。

教学工具:多媒体 教学过程: Step1 Lead-in List the new words and phrases.Step2 Presentation Task1 Ss read the words.Task2 Teacher teaches Ss how to pronounce the words and phrases and explain the uses of them.1.Someone who is driving a car.----motorist someone who is walking.-----pedestrian Someone who is riding on a bike.----cyclist 2.-ist 后缀可以表示:...主义者,...家 3.benefit 用法点滴

1>.不及物动词 vi.得益,受惠[(+by/from)] We benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。2>.名词 n.利益,好处;优势[U][C] The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。

谚语:We should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received.施惠莫记,受恩莫忘.4.convenient 用法点滴 合宜的;方便的;便利的

Please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。

be convenient for/to sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事会方便 5.convenient—convenience 1>.方便;合宜[U] The hotel has a restaurant for the guests’ convenience.这家旅馆为方便旅客设有餐厅。2>.便利设施;方便的用具[C] The kitchen has all the modern conveniences.这间厨房拥有一切现代化设备。

形容词以t结尾转变成名词为以ce结尾的词有哪些? 6.-ful 1.有...性质的 hopeful 用法点滴:(人)抱有希望的;充满希望的[(+of)][+that] He was hopeful that he would win.他抱有胜利的希望。7.-hood 性质,状态(n)8.wherever 用法点滴.Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。I will be right here waiting for you;我就在这里等候着你。Wherever 和where ever用法上有什么区别? 9.巧记 indeed A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 10.fed up 用法点滴 感到厌烦的;忍无可忍

She was fed up with her do-nothing sons.对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。I was fed up with my boss' constant complaints.我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。be fed up with 对….感到厌烦 11.consequence 用法点滴 n.结果,后果[C][(+of)] I’m quite willing to accept the consequences.我完全愿意承担后果。12.work out 用法点滴

1>.想出;制订出;产生出 work out a program 制订计划


Can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗? 3>.做运动;锻炼

The old man is working out in the park.13.argue 用法点滴:

1>.争论,辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] I'm not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争辩。

2>.提出理由[(+for/against)] He argued against the plan.他据理反对这个计划。Step3 Pratice Task43 T asks the students to read them out.Step4 Summary T teaches Ss how to recite the words and phrases efficially by heart.Step5 Consolidation Task4 Do the following exercises.单词拼写练习。(请根据首字母提示和语境,填写所缺单词)1.This book is of great b_______ to all of us.2.It’s c________ for us to travel around China.3.We should think about the c__________ if we do it.4.He a_______ with his father last night.5.Hearing the news, I felt a bit of f_____ up.6.I work o____ twice a week.7.The police a______ the young man for his drinking and driving.(Answers:1.benefit;2.convenient;3.consequences;4.argued;5.fed;6.out;7.arrested)Step5 Homework 1.请用以下单词或词组造句。

befenit, convenient,wherever,fed up,consequence,work out,argue.2.Rember the words.







再根据词的指向范围和对象来分,词可以分为以下几类: 专有名词:鲁迅、北京、中国等 一般名词:人、自行车、椅子等 人称代词、数量词:她、一、二等。






a.多义词的基本意义是指:一个词最主要、最常见的意义。——我们一般学习某一种语言最容易掌握的,也是一个词的最基本意义,而且这个基本意义是不要特别的语境提示,也能清晰地辨别出来的。例如,以书上80页,“火候”为例,它最基本的词义是: “火力的大小和时间的长短”,发展到最后才是用来比喻“人的修养程度的深浅”,或者是用来比喻“一个最关键的时刻”。b.本义与原义的辨析: “原义”:是指原初本义。




它们的形成方式有两种:通过本义的引申,以本义做比喻的方式形成。a.引申义: 由词的本义推广、扩大产生的词义。比如:“冷场”







同音词:指语音相同而意义不同的词。——从字的形体构成来看,可分为两类: a.书写形式相同的,叫同形同音词。



(二)同义词与反义词 1.同义词:


从构成的语素(构成词的最小的单位)来看,同义词可分为以下三类: ①语素相同,顺序不同:




①准确细腻地传情达意。②丰富构词手段 2.反义词(1)反义词:是指意思相对或者相反的词。


根据意义的对照,反义词可分为:绝对反义词、和相对反义词 ①绝对反义词:在性质上完全相互排斥,没有中间的状态。否定了一方,必然肯定了另一方。比如:战争——和平;男——女。(有个脑筋急转弯的题目:世界上有多少间厕所)②相对反义词:有中间状态,否定一方,并不一定否定另一方。



②味淡(说明味道比较清淡)——浓 ③颜色淡(说明颜色比较浅)——深


①有助于揭示事物的矛盾,深入展现事物特点。87页 ②构成概括性、鲜明生动的词、成语。









成语的四个字的结构一般可分为二二两端,就是这个成语可以从中间分作两半。基本的结构关系有以下几种——89页 ①联合式


如:世外桃源——主要讲的重点还是桃花源这个地方。③支配式: ④陈述式:


如:退避三舍——古代“一舍”是三十里,把军队往后撤退多元呢,后面就是补充具体的里程,九十里。⑥连动式 如:打草惊蛇——首先有打草这个动作,然后蛇才会被惊吓到。后一个动作和前一个动作时相关联的。⑦兼语式










天罗地网、天南地北、天经地义、天昏地暗——天X地X 4.正确使用成语




这其实是关于一个错别字的问题,在实际的写的过程中多注意就行了。(3)语音方面——不读错成语 如:

深恶痛绝——“恶”应读“wù”而不是“è” 乳臭未干——“臭”应读“xiù”而不是“chòu”













1.惯用语:是指在表意上具有整体性、结构上具有定型性的习用词组。在形式上大多呈三音节,比如:96页 吃小灶——表示额外的照顾


(1)其意义是大多是通过引申、比喻产生的,而不是词的意义的简单相加。96页 比如:他学习得正起劲,不要给他泼冷水——实际的意义是说“不要打击他的学习的积极性”。(2)形式相对固定,但又较灵活多变。

可以根据具体的使用环境,适当的改变它的字数。比如说:“敲竹杠——敲他的竹杠”。加进去“他的”,更有针对性,这样直接可以来到具体的场合来使用。(3)多带有贬义的情感色彩 比如上面讲的“敲竹杠”,以不合法的手段和方式去夺取别人的劳动成果,这就带有贬义的色彩。








——这一点是充分利用了汉语的同音异义字,从而获得了两种意思。比如:外甥打灯笼——照舅(旧)。一方面这个歇后语本来是用来嘲讽当舅舅的把一些不好的习惯和方式都教给了外甥,所以它看似是在说做外甥的品行不好、行为不端正,其实是这个人的舅舅也好不到哪去,实际上指责的是当舅舅的这个人——它一般用于这样一种情况,就是舅舅这个不干好事,外甥也不干好事; 用了“旧”之后,说明,以前这个事儿是怎干的,现在继续这么干,没有一点改变,很古板,很僵硬。













同义词的各个词汇,在意义上的表达上份量有轻重。如:轻视/鄙视 “轻视”:只是表示一般程度的,对某个人的言语、行为、身份地位的不以为意。“鄙视”:带有强烈的看不起,不屑一顾的味道。






(四)特定的对象 有些同义词,它的针对的对象是特定的,有固定的一种搭配。比如:摧残/摧毁 “摧残”:的对象只要针对生物体,一般多针对人的肢体、和心灵——如“摧残某人的心灵”。“摧毁”:一般多用于非生物体,包括建筑、文化典籍等等——如“导弹精确地摧毁了一座建筑物”。



同义词,就情感色彩来讲,可以分为:褒义词、贬义词、中性词三种。如:果断/武断 “果断”:是指在关键的时刻,正确地作出判断,从而引导事情往好的方面发展。——这肯定是一种赞赏,也就是褒义词。“武断”:是指对事情的发展没有大体的掌握,就草率地作出错误的决定,因此对事情的发展起到了不好的作用。——对这种判断方式,我们肯定是执批评的态度,所以它是一个贬义词。



(二)语体色彩 所谓“语体色彩”,主要是讲这个词,使用的时候是用于口头表达,还是用于书面语,还是口语和书面语都可以使用。


(三)情景色彩 指有些词,在特定的语言环境中,会感染上特定的情感色彩,甚至改变自己原来的情感色彩。可分为二种情况:






















以敦煌为圆心的东北东 这民族的海岸线像一支弓 那长城像五千年来待射的梦 我用手臂拉开这整个土地的重

蒙古高原南下的风写些什么内容 汉字到底懂不懂一样肤色和面孔 跨越黄河东登上泰山顶峰 我向西引北风晒成一身古铜 渴望着血脉相通无限个千万弟兄 我把天地拆封将长江水掏空 人在古老河床蜕变中






根据表达的需要,从整体上把握意义,然后对译。比如:诞辰——生日; 盘桓——逗留、停留























Teaching plan Student: junior school grade 2 Lesson tape: new words Teaching content: stomachache, headache, toothache Teaching procedures: 1.Draw a body picture on the blackboard;ask them where our stomach is? Repeat “stomach” three times.And write down the word “stomach” on the black board and write down “stomachache” at the same time.Tell them “ache” stand for pain when it adds in the word of our organs.Ask them to repeat the word.2.Ask them where our head is? Repeat “head” three times.And write down the word “head” on the black board and write down “headache” at the same time.Ask them to repeat the word.3.Ask them where our teeth are? Repeat “tooth” three times.And write down the word “tooth” on the black board and write down “toothache” at the same time.Ask them to repeat the word.




使用教材:《汉语教学法研修教程》、《汉语课堂教学技巧325例》 教学对象:成人高级班 授课学时:15分钟





























“同学们,知道中国最重要的是哪个节日吗?” “知道。是春节。”




































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