
时间:2019-05-12 21:24:37下载本文作者:会员上传


1.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。2.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。

3.No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。

4.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。

5.No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。

6.No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时。7.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。8.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。

9.No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。10.No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。

11.No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。12.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

13.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

14.An apple a day, keep the doctor away.每日一苹果,医生远离我。

15.No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.没有人可以做任何事,但是每个人可以做一些事。16.Character------It’s what you do when nobody’s looking 品质——就是当你在无人看着时的所为。

17.Reading a book is like opening a window to life.读一本书,像对生活开了一扇窗。18.A good book is a light to your soul.一本好书,照亮心灵。

19.Respect yourself Respect others Respect your school 尊重自己 尊重他人 尊重学校

20.It is better to be faithful than famous.守信用胜过有名气。

1.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。2.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。

3.No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。

4.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。

5.No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。

6.No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时。7.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。8.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。

9.No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。10.No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。

11.No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。12.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

13.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

14.An apple a day, keep the doctor away.每日一苹果,医生远离我。

15.No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.没有人可以做任何事,但是每个人可以做一些事。16.Character------It’s what you do when nobody’s looking 品质——就是当你在无人看着时的所为。

17.Reading a book is like opening a window to life.读一本书,像对生活开了一扇窗。18.A good book is a light to your soul.一本好书,照亮心灵。

19.Respect yourself Respect others Respect your school 尊重自己 尊重他人 尊重学校 20.It is better to be faithful than famous.守信用胜过有名气。

A friend in need(需要)is a friend indeed(真正的).患难见真情。2.A good beginning(开始)makes a good ending(结束).善始者善终。

3.All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。

4.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

5.A man is known(知道)by his friends.什么人交什么朋友。

6.A snow year, a rich(富裕的)year.瑞雪兆丰年。

7.A year's plan starts(开始)with spring.一年之计在于春。

8.Bad news has wings(翅膀).好事不出门,坏事传千里。

9.Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。

10.Do it now.机不可失,时不再来。

11.Do well(好的)and have well.善有善报。

12.Easy come, easy go.来也匆匆,去也匆匆。

13.Every day is not Sunday.好景不常在。

14.Every dog has his day.谁都有得意的时候。

15.A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

16.No pains(痛苦,辛苦), no gains(获得).不劳无获.17.There’s a will, there’s a way.有志者事竟成.18.A fact(事实)is a fact.事实胜于雄辩.

第二篇:小学生英语谚语 练习

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.A cat has nine lives.A friend in need is a friend indeed.。

A good medicine tastes bitter.A little learning is a dangerous thing.A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.A new broom sweeps clean.All roads lead to Rome.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth.As you sow,so shall you reap.Barking dogs seldom bite.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Better late than never.Blood is thicker than water.Do in Rome as the Romans do.Easier said than done.。

East or west,home is best.Easy come,easy go.Every dog has his day.First come,first served.Great minds think alike.Haste makes waste.Health is better than wealth.History repeats itself.It is better to give than to take.It is never too late to learn.Kill two birds with one stone.Knowledge is power.Let bygones be bygones.Life is short and time is swift.Like father,like son.Look before you leap.Love me,love my family.Mind your own business.Money talks.No cross,no crown.No gain without pain.No man can serve two masters.No news is good news.Practice makes perfect.Rome was not built in a day.Saying is one thing and doing is another.Second thoughts are best.Seeing is believing.Silence is golden.The early bird catches the worm.Time and tide wait for no man.Time flies.Time is money.Time is the great healer.Times change.Tomorrow is another day.Union is strength.。Walls have ears.Well begun is half done.Where there's a will there's a way.No pains,no gains.Facts speak louder than words.One is never too old to learn.He laughs best who laughs last.


Unit 1: Configure Your Operating System 操作系统配置

Part 1:Key Words Computer Name 计算机名 Workgroup 工作组 user account 用户账号 hidden file 隐藏文件

e‐mail account 电子邮件账户 visual effect 视觉效果 My Documents 我的文档 Quick Launch bar 快速启动栏 Screen resolution 屏幕分辨率 Windows Update Windows 更新 icon 图标

Folder Option 文件夹选项 View 查看 Apply 应用

Click something 单击

right‐click on something 右键单击 the Quick Launch bar 快速启动栏 taskbar 任务栏 Properties 属性 Tab 选项卡

Start button 开始按钮 Start Menu 开始菜单 Control Panel 控制面板 Desktop 桌面 Settings 设置 Display 显示 Drag 拖动 Slider 滑块

Recommend 推荐

Interface with 妨碍,干扰

Default 默认(值),缺省(值)License 许可

Administrator 管理员 Vulnerable 易受攻击的 Security 安全(性)Virus [计] 病毒 Performance 性能 Maintenance 维护 Version 版本

Unplug 切断(一个电器的)电源 2 Privilege 权限

Malicious 怀恶意的 Drive 驱动器

Hard drive 硬盘驱动器 Floppy drive 软盘驱动器 Release 发布 Digital 数字的 Processor 处理器 Macintosh 麦金托什 Pentium [计] 奔腾处理器 Kernel 内核 Code 代码 Chip 芯片 Browse 浏览

Active Desktop 活动桌面 Edition 版,版本 Celeron [计] 赛扬 Launch 发行,发布

RAM Random Access Memory 随机存取存储器

DVD Digital Video/Versatile Disk 数字化视频/通用光盘 USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线 Part 2 :Speaking Sample:1.1 Add a New E‐mail Account in Microsoft Outlook Leo:Tony,could you tell me how to receive e‐mails on my own computer? It takes too much time to check e‐mails on the web site, since I do it quite often.Tony:You don’t have to log on to the web site every time.You can receive your e‐mails with

Microsoft Outlook.Leo:Can you tell me tow to do that? I have no clue at all.Tony:After running Outlook, you can first click E‐mail Accounts on the Tools menu.And then select Add a new e‐mail account.Leo:I see.What type of e‐mail server should I choose? Tony:In this case, you need to choose POP3.And on the next page, in the appropriate boxes, you need to type the information our administrator gave you, such as your e‐mail address, user name, password, and the POP3 and SMTP addresses.Leo:I got it.But one more question, do I have to type the password every time I check my messages? Tony:No, you don’t.You can type it in the Password box and select the Remember password check box.In this way, you can have Outlook remember your password and you don’t have

to type it in next time you check your e‐mails.Leo:That’s very helpful.Thank you very much, Tony.Tony:You’re welcome.Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.Leo:I won’t.Thank you.1.1 Leo:Tony,能告诉我如何在我的电脑上收邮件吗?我需要经常查收邮件,而到网站上收邮件


Tony:不用每次都登录到网站上去收邮件。你可以用Microsoft Outlook 啊。Leo: 能告诉我该怎么做吗?我一点也不懂。





件地址,用户名,密码和POP3 以及SMTP 服务器的地址。

Leo:知道了。不过还有一个问题,每次我收邮件的时候,都要输入密码吗? Tony:不用啊。你可以在密码框中输入密码,并选中“记住密码”复选框。这样,Outlook 就能记住你的密码,你下次收邮件的时候就不必再输入了。Leo:真是太有帮助了。谢谢你,Tony。


Sample:1.2 Change Windows Visual Effects Leo: Tony, I have a question.Tony: What’s up, Leo?

Leo: I have been using my computer for a while.It has been running much slower since I installed some application software.What can I do to get if faster? Tony: If all the programs are necessary, you can then solve the problem by giving up some visual effects of the system.Leo: What exactly should I do about that? Tony: What you need to do is to adjust the system for its best performance instead of best appearance.You can just right‐click My Computer and select Properties.On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button under Performance.Are you with me? Leo: Yes, go on please? Tony: OK.On the Visual Effects tab, you can make your choice.For example, select the Adjust for best performance radio button and all the special visual effects will be disabled but the system can run faster as you expected.Leo: That’s cool.Thank you.But wait, how can I remove the background of the desktop icon labels? Tony: Oh, right.Just select the check box of use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop in that dialogue box.Leo: Problem solved.Thank you very much, Tony.1.2 Leo:Tony,我有一个问题。Tony:什么事,Leo?



Tony:要是所有这些软件都是必要的话,那么你可以通过放弃一些系统的视觉效果来解决这 个问题。

Leo:那我具体应该怎么办? Tony:你需要把系统调整为最佳性能而非最佳外观。你可以右键单击“我的电脑”,选择“属

性”。在“高级选项卡”上,点击“性能”下面的“设置”按钮。跟得上吗? Leo:能,继续吧。


选按钮,这样所有的特殊效果就都被禁用了,但系统就能如你所愿跑得快些了。Leo:太棒了。谢谢啊。不,等一下,怎么能把桌面图标标签的背景去掉? Tony:哦,对了。就在那个对话框中选择在“桌面上为图标标签使用阴影”的复选框就行了。


Sample:1.3 Move My Documents to another Location Tony: I just remember something.Leo, where do you save your documents? Leo: In My Documents.Why? Tony: Did you ever move it to somewhere else? Leo: No.Am I supposed to? Tony: Well, then I suggest you move it to somewhere other than the C drive, the primary partition.Leo: Can I ask why? And if I need to, what should I do? Tony: The folder is originally located in the C drive.When you format the drive and reinstall your system in case of system failure, the documents in the folder will be lost.You know what I mean? Leo: Yeah, you’ve made your point.What exactly should I do now? Tony: Just right‐click My Documents and select Properties.Click the Move button on the Target tab and choose the target folder location or you can create a new folder for it.Leo: That seems easy.Thank you, Tony.I really appreciate your advice.Tony: Anytime.1.3 Tony: 我刚想起来一件事儿。Leo,你把文档都保存到哪里? Leo: 在“我的文档”里。怎么了? Tony: 你把它们转移到别的地方了吗? Leo: 没有。应该这么做吗?

Tony: 哦,那我建议你还是把它们转移到主分区C 盘之外的地方去。Leo: 能问一下为什么吗?要是需要这么做的话,我该怎么操作呢?

Tony: 这个文件本来是位于C 盘的。当出现系统失败,需要格式化C 盘、重装系统的时候,那里面的文档就都丢失了。懂我的意思吗?

Leo: 是的,你说得很明白了。那我具体应该如何做呢? Tony: 右键点击“我的文档”,选择“属性”。然后在“目标文件夹”选项卡上点击“移动”

按钮,并选择目标文件夹或者你可以为它创建一个新的文件夹。Leo: 似乎不是很难啊。谢谢你,Tony。非常感谢你的建议。Tony: 别客气。Unit 2: Install and Configure Software Programs 软件安装与配置

Part 1: Key Words Review 评价 Version 版本 Service 服务

Configuration 配置 Utility 实用(程序)Feature 特色,功能 Customize 自定义

Context menu 关联菜单 Virtual 虚拟的

Reinstallation 重新安装 Intellectual 知识的 Property 财产 Informal 非正式的 Interview 面试 Check box 复选框 Load 加载 Program 程序

Control Panel 控制面板 Directory 目录 Delete 删除

Add/remove 添加/删除 Uninstall 卸载

(an)email message 一封邮件 Installation folder 安装文件夹 Back up(sth.)备份 Client 客户端

Receive/send 收取/发送 Module 模块 Category 种类

Corresponding 相应的 Delve 钻研 Ballast 石碴

Defragment 整理„„的碎片 Extensive 详尽的,范围广泛的 Co‐worker 同事 Sound card 声卡 Driver 驱动程序

Earphone 耳机(统称)Earpiece 入耳式耳机

Headphone/headset 头戴式耳机 Speakers 音箱 Part 2:Speaking Sample:1.1 Add features in Microsoft Office 2003 Leo: Tony, do you have a second? I have a question.Tony: Sure, what’s that?

Leo: I use Microsoft Excel quite a lot in my work, you know.I thought I was familiar with the program.But I found the other day that one of the guys beside me was using an Excel template I’d never known.It is a sales invoice or something.But I cannot find it back on my own computer.I am so confused.Is there anything wrong with my Office programs? Tony: Oh, I know what you mean.No, there is nothing wrong with your Office.In fact, you can get extra templates in many ways, such as downloading them from online resources websites or from the Office installation CD.Leo: The CD? I have got the CD!Tony: Yes.For example, as to the sales invoice template you mentioned, it is already on the installation CD, and what you need to do is just to add the feature to your Excel.Leo: The CD has been in my drawer all the time!Tony, tell me how to add the feature, would you? Tony: OK.First find Microsoft Office 2003 in the Add or Remove Programs list and click Change.Then select Add or Remove Features in the Setup dialogue box.Click and select Choose advanced customization of applications, and select the components that you want to install in the next window.In your case, you need to select Spreadsheet templates under the component of Microsoft Office Excel, choosing Run from My Computer.At last, click Update to finish the whole process.Leo: So I can add any other features any time I want in the future.Tony: Yes, as long as it is on the CD.Leo: Thank you, Tony.Tony: That’s alright.1.1 Leo: Tony,有时间吗?我有点问题想问你。Tony: 有啊,什么事?

Leo: 我在工作中经常用到Excel。我觉得自己对它还挺熟悉的。可是,前两天我看到我旁

边的同事在用一个我从来没有见过的Excel 模版。好像是叫销售发票之类的东西。但

是我在自己机器上却没找着。我不明白了,是我的Office 有什么问题吗? Tony: 哦,我明白你什么意思了。没事,你的Office 没什么问题。事实上,这些额外的模

版你用过很多方式都可以弄到,比如从网上下载,或从Office 的安装光盘里安装。

Leo: 从安装盘里?我有安装盘啊!

Tony: 当然啊。录入你刚才提到的销售发票模版,在安装盘里就有,你需要做的就是把这

个功能添加到Excel 中就行了。

Leo: 安装盘一直就放在我的抽屉里呢!Tony,能告诉我怎么添加那个功能吗? Tony: 好的。首先在“添加/删除程序”列表中找到Microsoft Office 2003 并点击“更改”。



Microsoft Office Excel 部件下的“电子表格模版”,选择“从本地运行”。最后,点击


Leo: 这样的话,我以后就能随时添加其他的组件了。Tony: 是的,只要在安装盘上有就行。Leo: 谢谢你,Tony。Tony: 不客气。

Sample:1.2 Customize WinRAR Context Menus Leo: Tony, can I ask you a question? Tony: Sure, go ahead.Leo: I have installed quite a few programs lately.I find that the context menu is becoming longer and longer and it takes such a long time to display all of it.Is there anything I can do to make it faster? Tony: The once‐and‐for‐all solution is to uninstall all the programs that add themselves to the menu.Leo: Ah? That is the only way? Tony: Just kidding, We do have alternatives apart from uninstalling unnecessary programs.Let’s

just take WinRAR for example.Jus open WinRAR, and select Settings on the Options menu.Leo: And then? Tony: Click the Integration tab and select the check box of Cascaded context menus under Shell integration.And that will do.Leo: Let me have a try… Yes!The menu for WinRAR is shorter now!Great!Thank you, Tony.Tony: Anytime.1.2 Leo: Tony,我能问你个问题么? Tony: 当然,说。

Leo: 最近我安装了不少软件。我发现关联菜单变得越来越长了,而且要花很长时间才能显

示出来。怎么才能让它显示的快一点呢? Tony: 最彻底的办法,就是把所有那些把自己添加到右键菜单的程序都卸载了。Leo: 啊?只有这一个办法?

Tony: 开玩笑了。除了卸载不必要的程序之外,我们确实有别的办法。就拿WinRAR 为例。


Leo: 然后呢? Tony: 点选“整合”选项卡,选中“外壳整合”区域中的“层叠右键关联菜单”。这就行了。

Leo: 我来试一下啊„„好了!WinRAR 的菜单变短了!太好了!谢谢你,Tony。Tony: 不客气。

Sample:1.3 Configure Microsoft Virtual PC Leo: Tony, can you come here please? I really need your help here.Tony: What’s up? Leo: I want to install Microsoft Virtual PC on my computer.Could you give me some advice? Tony: What do you do that for? Leo: I need to try some programs our guys have just developed.I have to avoid any system failures in case they were written incorrectly.Tony: That’s a good idea.Have you got the software installed yet? 8 Leo: Yes.But I have trouble configuring the program.Tony: OK, Let’s see.Mm, first, you will need to run the New Virtual Machine Wizard.This will allow you to create a virtual drive.This drive contains all of the system and boot files.Leo: I see.I just created a new virtual machine.Tony: It is a good idea to assign the virtual machine a unique name that is descriptive and easy to understand.When you have chosen a name, click Next.Leo: That is done.Tony: Then select the operating system you plan to install on this virtual machine.It is Windows XP, I guess? Leo: Yes.On the next page, I am asked to allocate the RAM on this virtual machine.How much memory should I give to it? Tony: You may use the recommended RAM, but I would suggest you double the recommended amount.And on the next screens, you need to assign your virtual disk a name and location.And it is important to turn on undo disks since you need to use the machine for testing.Leo: I got it.Are we done now? Tony: Yes.You can now install a guest operating system on the virtual machine.Just open the Virtual PC console and begin.Leo: Thank you so much, Tony.I really appreciate your help.Tony: No problem.1.3 Leo: Tony,你能来一下吗?我很需要你的帮助。Tony: 怎么了?

Leo: 我想在电脑上安装Microsoft Virtual PC。你能给我点建议吗?

Tony: 装它干嘛?

Leo: 我想试用一下我的同事刚开发出来的软件。万一编写中有错误的话,我可不想由此造 成系统故障。

Tony: 想得很对。你已经把程序装好了吗? Leo: 是的。但是我不会配置。

Tony: 好的。看看啊,呣,首先,你要运行“新建虚拟机”向导。这样可以创建一个虚拟的

驱动器。这个驱动器将包括虚拟系统的所有的系统文件和启动文件。Leo: 明白。我刚刚创建了一个虚拟机。

Tony: 最好给这个虚拟机起一个唯一的描述性的好记的名字。等你选好了,就点击“下一步”。Leo: 选完了。

Tony: 然后选择你想要在虚拟机上安装的操作系统。是要装Windows XP,对吧? Leo: 是的。在下一个页面上,要求我指定虚拟机的内存。我该给它多少内存呢? Tony: 你可以使用推荐值,但是我建议你实用推荐值两倍的内存大小。在下面的页面上,你


磁盘”就非常重要。Leo: 知道了。现在完成了吗? Tony: 对。现在你就可以在虚拟机上安装客户操作系统了。打开虚拟机控制台,就可以开始 了。

Leo: 非常感谢你,Tony。真的谢谢你的帮助。Tony: 没关系。Unit 3: Computer Security 电脑安全性

Part 1: Key Words Password 密码,口令 Scan 扫描

Firewall 防火墙

Antivirus software 反病毒软件 System restore 系统还原 Security 安全 System 系统

Properties 属性 Tab 选项卡

Start button 开始按钮 Start Menu 开始菜单 Control Panel 控制面板

Rising Antivirus 瑞星杀毒软件 Version 版本 Update 更新 Online 在线 Offline 离线 Download 下载 Package 包

Suite 一套,套件 Intrusion 闯入,侵扰 Privacy 隐私,秘密

Spam 兜售信息[邮件,广告,新闻,文章]。与junk mail 同义。Investigate 调查,研究 Legitimate 合法的,合理的 Inbox 收件箱 Quarantine 隔离

Crawl 缓慢的进行,蠕动 Hitch 故障

Compatibility 兼容性 Filtration 过滤,筛选 Definition 定义 Heuristic 启发式的

Script blocking 脚本阻止 Compressed 压缩的 Registry 注册表 Tutorial 指南 Behavioral 动作的 Analyzer 分析器

Comprehensive 全面的,广泛的 Consistent 一致的 Manufacturer 厂商 Bulletin 公告

Comparative 比较的,相当的 Replication 复制 Interval 时间间隔 Entry 条目

Directory 目录 Features 特性

A favorable price 优惠价格

Multi‐layered security 多层安全防护 Be fully compatible with 全面兼容 Assign 指定 Level 级别 Part 2: Speaking Sample:1.1 Enable your firewall Leo: Tony, I often hear the word “firewall”.Could you tell me what exactly it is? Tony: OK, no problem.Actually, a firewall is a software program or a hardware device that helps screen out hackers and malware(Malicious software)like viruses and worms that try to reach your computer over the network.Leo: It seems very important to the computer system.Do I have a firewall in my Windows XP system? Tony: If you’re running Windows XP Service Pack 2(SP2), Windows firewall is built into the system and enabled by default.However, it might be turned off in some cases.Leo: I see.What shall I do if my Windows Firewall is turned off? Tony: In that case, you’d better follow these steps to enable your Windows Firewall: 1.Go to Control Panel and enter Windows Security Center 2.Click Windows Firewall 3.Select On(recommmended)Leo: I got it.But would you please tell me more about Windows Firewall? For instance, how does it work? Tony: Since you are so interested in this, I’d like to tell you some more details.If you run a program such as an instant messaging program that needs to receive information from the network, the firewall will ask if you want to keep blocking or unblock the connection.You would see a dialogue box.Leo: If I do want to use the program, I need to select Unblock, right? Tony: Yes, if you choose to unblock the connection, Windows Firewall will create an exception so that the firewall won’t bother you when that program needs to receive information in the future.Leo: I see.Thank you so much.Tony: You are welcome.1.1 Leo: Tony,我经常听到“防火墙”一词,你能告诉我它究竟是什么吗? Tony: 好的,没有问题。其实防火墙就是一个软件程序或者硬件设备,它可以帮助屏蔽试 11 图通过网络入侵你计算机的黑客以及病毒、蠕虫等恶意程序。Leo: 看起来防火墙对于计算机系统还是很重要的。那我的系统中有防火墙么? Tony: 如果你使用的是Windows XP(SP2),那系统中就内置了防火墙,并且默认设置下

Windows 防火墙是开启的。然而,有些情况下,防火墙可能会被关闭。Leo: 明白了。如果防火墙被关掉了,我该怎么做呢? Tony: 如果是这种情况,你可以这样做:

1. 进入“控制面板”,选择“Windows 安全中心”。2. 点击“Windows 防火墙”。3. 选择“开启(推荐)”。

Leo: 我懂了。关于Windows 防火墙你能不能再给我详细的讲解一下?比如说它是如何工 作的呢?

Tony: 既然你对此这么感兴趣,我就跟你具体讲一下吧。如果你运行一个即时通讯的程序,这个程序需要通过网络来接收信息。防火墙就会询问你是否要“继续阻止”或者“解


Leo: 如果我确实需要使用这程序,是不是就应该选择“解除阻止”?

Tony: 是的,如果你选择了允许这一连接,Windows 防火墙会创建一个例外,这样一来,以后你再实用这个程序接收信息的时候就不会受到干扰了。Leo: 我明白了,十分感谢你。Tony: 不客气。

Sample:1.2 Keep your antivirus software up to date Leo: Hi, Tony, yesterday I read a magazine named PC Fans.Tony: __________It’s pretty good.Anything new? Leo: Yes.There is an article about viruses.It lists a few primary indicators that your computer might be infected by viruses.Tony: Oh? What are they? Leo: Well, perhaps these are the signs of viruses: 1.Your computer runs much slower than it usually does.2.Your computer stops responding or locks up often.3.Your computer crashes, restarts on its own and then fails to run normally.4.Applications on your computer don’t work correctly.5.Disk drives are inaccessible.Tony: These are common signs of infection‐but they might also indicate hardware or software problems that have nothing to do with a virus.Leo: Does it mean my computer is in danger all the time? Tony: You needn’t have to worry about it too much.Antivirus software programs can help protect your computer from viruses.However, Microsoft Windows does not come with any antivirus software.You must purchase and install one separately.Leo: Oh, I see.If my computer is infected by a virus, how should I remove it? Tony: Firstly, you ought to visit Microsoft Update and install the latest updates.Then if you are current using antivirus software, visit the manufacturer’s web site, update your software, and then perform a thorough scan of your computer.If not, subscribe services and scan your computer immediately.Leo: I got it.Thanks a lot.12 1.2 Leo: Tony,昨天我看了一本名字叫“电脑爱好者”的杂志。Tony: 那本杂志挺棒的。有什么新消息么?

Leo: 是的。里面有一篇文章是关于病毒的。文中列出计算机被病毒感染后的几种主要的 迹象。

Tony: 哦,都有什么啊?

Leo: 下列是你的计算机可能被病毒感染的几个征兆: 1.计算机运行速度比平时慢很多。2.计算机经常停止响应或锁上。


Tony: 这些是被感染的常见症状‐这些也可能暗示是你的硬盘或软件有问题,和病毒无关。

Leo: 这意味着我的电脑就一直都有危险?

Tony: 你也不需要过分担心,杀毒软件可以帮助你抵御病毒的攻击。不过,微软的Windows 系统不自带杀毒软件,你需要单独购买并安装。

Leo: 恩,我知道了,如果我的电脑中了病毒,我应该如何移除它呢? Tony: 首先你要去访问微软的更新网站并安装最新的更新文件。之后如果你当前使用了杀


全面的扫描。如果你没有使用杀毒软件,则需立即订购,并扫描一下你的计算机。Leo: 我记住了,多谢。

Sample:1.3 Fight against spyware Leo: I have a question to ask you, Tony? Have you ever heard “antispyware” ? Can you tell me about it? Tony: Yes.First of all, you should know something about spyware.Leo: Spyware? The software which works like a spy? Tony: Oh, not exactly.Spyware is a general term used to describe software that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first.Leo: How can I tell whether there are spyware programs in my computer? Tony: Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements(called adware)or software that tracks personal or sensitive information.Leo: Don’t you think I need to have an antispyware in my computer? Tony: Of course, that’s a good idea.Antispyware will help protect your computer against slow performance, pop‐ups, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software.To keep up with the latest forms of spyware, you must keep your antispyware updated.Leo: I would appreciate it if you could recommend an antispyware program, and tell me how to use it to get rid of the spyware.Tony: That’s not difficult.You can use Windows Defender.(Windows Defender comes with Windows Vista.If you use Windows XP SP2, you can download Windows Defender for free.)Run the program to scan your computer for spyware and other unwanted software.13 Remove suspicious files by following the instructions.Leo: Your help means a lot to me.Thank you.Tony: My pleasure.1.3 Leo: Tony,想问你个事情,你听说过“反间谍软件”吗?能跟我说说么? Tony: 好啊,但首先,你要了解一下什么事“间谍软件”。Leo: 间谍软件?一种类似间谍一样的软件吗?

Tony: 恩,不完全是。间谍软件通常是用来描述那些在事先没有正当地获得你同意的情况

下,进行散布广告、盗取个人信息和篡改计算机配置等活动的软件。Leo: 那我如何知道我的机器里是否有间谍软件呢?

Tony: 间谍软件经常和一些显示广告的软件,或者是那种追踪个人信息或敏感信息的软件 关联在一起。

Leo: 在你看来,我机器里最好装一个反间谍软件喽?

Tony: 当然了,这绝对是个好主意。反间谍软件会帮助你避免系统运行缓慢,并保护你的


方面的威胁。要想查杀最新的间谍陈故乡,你必须要及时更新你的反间谍软件。Leo: 你能推荐几款反间谍软件,并告诉我如何去除间谍软件吗? Tony: 这不难,你可以使用Windows Defender(Windows Defender 是Windows Vista 系统

自带的软件。如果你使用Windows XP SP2 则可以免费下载)。运行该软件即可扫描

你电脑上的间谍软件和不请自来的软件。根据提示移除可疑的文件。Leo: 听君一席言,胜读十年书啊,多谢啦。Tony: 不客气。Unit 4: Communicate Online 在线交流工具

Part 1: Key Words Rule 规则

Contact 联系人 Attachment 附件 Conference 会议 Signature 签名 Function 功能

Instant Messaging 即时通信 Feedback 反馈

Business Card 名片

Contact List 联系人列表 Specify 指定

Display as 显示为 Entry 条目 Field 区域

The down arrow 下拉箭头 Options 选项

Mail format 邮件格式 Signature 签名 New 新建 Font 字体

Paragraph 段落 Alignment 对齐方式 Attach 附加 vCard 名片

Distribution List 通讯组列表 Add new member 添加新联系人 Select member 选择列表成员 Remove 移除

Address Book 地址簿 Display name 显示名字 Custom type 自定义类型 Internet Format 因特网格式 Prioritize 区分优先次序

Streamlined 最新型的,改进的 Layout 版面设计

Scroll 滚动显示(文本等)Filter 过滤

Evaluate 评价,估计 Analysis 分析,分解 Junk e‐mail 垃圾邮件

Navigation pane 导航窗格 Interface 界面 Vertical 垂直的

Categorize 归类:分类 Criteria 标准 Template 模板

Calendar 日历,历法 Alert 通知

Notification 通知,告示 Subscription 订阅

Convention习俗,惯例,手法 Critical mass 临界状态 Ubiquity 到处存在 Vendor 销售商

Incorporate 合并,混合

Sophisticated 精致的,成熟的 Rudimentary 处于发展早期的 Interactive 交互式的 Correspondence 通信联系 Facilitate 使容易,使便利 Perception 理解,感觉 Initiative 率先,开端 Recruit 招收,补充 Admission 进入,加入

Institution 教育等公共机构的 Faculty 教职人员

Prospective 未来的,预期的 Session 会议

Chronological 按年代顺序排列的 Epitomize 代表,体现 Notion 观念,想法 Spectrum 系列,范围 Ingrained 根深蒂固的 Relegate 移交,归入 Infuse 灌输,注入

Serendipity 异遇奇缘的运气 Occupy 占用 Evolving 进化的,展开的 Syntax 语法 Shorthand 速记 Lexicon 词汇

Approximate 接近,近似 Downside 不利方面 Disruptive 分裂性的 Distraction 娱乐,消遣 Foster 培养,鼓励 Susceptible 易受感染的 Eavesdrop 偷听,窃听 Loom 隐现,逼近Spam 垃圾邮件 Bogus 伪造的

Solicitation 恳求,诱惑 Blur 使模糊

Turn taking 交谈角色转换 Proliferation 扩散 Overhead 经常费用 Part 2: Speaking Sample:1.1 Send an e‐mail with an attachment Leo: Are you busy now? I have got a question to ask you.Tony: Not really.What’s up? Leo: I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 to send my colleague an email with an attachment, but it won’t work.Tony: Is your attachment very large? There is usually an attachment size limit.Leo: I don’t think so.The size of the attachment is only 1.4MB.Tony: Then what is the type of the attached file? There are security risks in certain files, such as the files with the filename extensions of.asp,.exe,.reg etc.In such cases, Microsoft Outlook 2003 will prohibit the e‐mails by default when you send them.Leo: Why does Microsoft Outlook 2003 block them? Tony: Because the files with such extensions may contain viruses which will harm your computer.Leo: I see.Then extension of my attachment is.exe.That’s why it can not be sent.Then how can I send the attachment to my colleague? Tony: There are usually two ways to solve the problem.One is to change the extension, and tell you colleague to change it back to.exe before opening the attachment;the other is to compress the attachment with WinRAR or other programs, and you can send it to your colleague then.Leo: Thank you so much for helping me out, Tony Tony: Anytime.1.1 Leo: Tony,你现在忙不忙啊?我有个问题想问你。Tony: 不忙,什么问题啊?

Leo: 我使用Microsoft Outlook 2003 给一个同事发一个附件,但是发不出去。Tony: 你的附件很大吗?邮箱通常对附件大小有限制。Leo: 不是很大,只有1.4 兆字节。

Tony: 那么你发的附件是什么类型的文件?有些文件存在一定安全风险,比如扩展名

是.asp、.exe、.reg 等的文件,这种情况下,Outlook 会默认禁止邮件的发送。Leo: 为什么Microsoft Outlook 2003 会阻止这样的文件呢? Tony: 因为带这种扩展名的文件可能包含危害电脑的病毒。

Leo: 那我知道了。我的附件是.exe 文件,所以发不出去。那我怎样才能把这个附件发给 我同事呢?

Tony: 通常你可以使用两种方法。一种是改变扩展名,然后告诉你同事收到后把扩展名改

回.exe 再打开。另一种方法是把附件使用WinRAR 等软件进行压缩,然后再发送。

Leo: 真实太谢谢你了,Tony Tony: 不客气。

Sample:1.2 Use Skype to talk with others Leo: Tony, have you ever used Skype? Tony: Yep.Why? Leo: My friend has recommended it to me.But I am not sure whether it is good or not.Tony: I often talk to my fiends in America with Skype.Leo: What are the features of it ? Tony: Skype uses VOIP, that is, Voice over Internet Protocol.You can use it to communicate with others on the Internet.And you can also dial regular phone numbers in some areas.Leo: Will it charge me if I use Skype? Tony: Well, it depends.If you make PC to PC calls on the Internet, it is free.But if you call a regular phone number, you will have to pay for it.Leo: What about the call quality? Tony: You can make a test call and leave a message after the “beep”, and then Skype will play your sound record.In this way, you can know the quality of your call.Leo: Can I chat with several people at the same time? Tony: You can chat with several people at the same time by making a conference call or starting a group chat.But the latter one just allows you to chat by sending text messages.Leo: Sounds great.I will give it a try sometime.Thank you, Tony.Tony: My pleasure.1.2 Leo: Tony,你用过Skype 吗? Tony: 用过啊,怎么了?

Leo: 我朋友向我推荐这个软件,但是我不知道是否好用? Tony: 我经常使用Skype 和在美国的朋友交流。Leo: 这个软件有什么特点?

Tony: skype 属于VoIP 软件,你可以通过它跟其他人在网上通话。当然你也可以拨打在某


Leo: 那么使用Skype 通话收费吗?

Tony: 这要视情况而定。如果在电脑之间通话,那么就是免费的。但是如拨打普通电话,那么就要收费。

Leo: 通话效果怎么样啊?

Tony: 你可以拨打测试电话,你可以在“嘀”声之后留言,然后Skype 回放录音,你就知


Leo: 那么我可以同时和几个人聊天吗?

Tony: 你可以通过创建电话会议或者群组聊天的方式,同时和多个人聊天。不过,后者是


Leo: 看来这个软件不错。我有时间使用它试一试。谢谢你,Tony。Tony: 不客气。Sample:1.3 Conduct conferences with Netmeeting Tony: I am planning to hold a video conference with my colleagues by Netmeeting.Can you tell me how to do it? Leo: First, make sure that the webcam and the microphone are connected to your computer correctly.And then run the Netmeeting program.Tony: Where can I find it ? Leo: There are usually two ways to find it.One is to locate the program in the folder where it is installed.And it is usually in the Program Files folder on drive C.And then double click conf.exe to start it.The other way is to click Run on Start menu, input conf in the Open dialogue box and press the Enter key.You also need several simple steps to finish the configuration, like entering your user information.Tony: So I can start the video conference now? Leo: Not yet.You need to host a meeting first.Select Host Meeting on the Call menu, and specify the name of the meeting.Tony: Oh, then how can I let my colleagues join in the meeting.Leo: You need to tell them your IP address, and they can call you at your IP address.You will see a dialogue box of an incoming call.Click Accept to allow them to join in.Tony: Then all I need to do is to accept the call? Leo: Yes.Furthermore, you can also allow your colleagues to see what you are presenting on your desktop.Tony: What can I do to let them see it? Leo: You can choose Share on the Tools menu, and then select your Desktop or the program you want to share with others.Tony: I got it.Thank you very much for your help.Leo: You are welcome.1.3 Tony: 我打算用Netmeeting 和同事召开视频会议,我该怎么做啊? Leo: 首先要安装好摄像头和麦克风。然后打开Netmeeting 程序。Tony: 从哪儿能找到它呢?

Leo: 通常有两种方法。一种是找到Netmeeting 所在的文件夹。通常在C 盘Program Files 下的Netmeeting 文件夹中,双击conf.exe 文件就可以打开了。另一种是在开始菜单 的运行对话框中,输入conf,然后按回车键。这样就打开Netmeeting 程序了。当然,你还需要进行一些简单的配置,比如填写你的个人信息。Tony: 这样就能够进行视频会议了吗?

Leo: 暂时还不行。你还要主持会议。在呼叫菜单上选择主持会议,然后输入会议名称。

Tony: 哦,那我的同事怎么加入我主持的会议啊?

Leo: 你把你的IP 地址告诉你的同事,他们可以通过你的IP 地址呼叫你,当你看到一个呼

入的对话框时,点击接受就可以允许对方加入。Tony: 那么我所需要做的就是接受呼叫了?

Leo: 是的,而且你还可以让你的同事同时看到你电脑桌面上的内容。Tony: 那我怎样才能让对方看到我桌面上的内容呢?

Leo: 你可以在工具菜单上选择共享,然后点击共享桌面或所要共享的程序就可以了。

Tony: 我明白了。非常感谢你的帮助!Leo: 别客气。Unit 5:Office Automation(Software)办公自动化(软件篇)

Part 1: Key Words Input Method 输入法

Automatic File Recovery 自动文件恢复 Package 打包

Header and Footer 页眉和页脚 Find 查找

Manual 手动的 Duplex 双向的 Prompt 提示

Odd 奇数的,单数的 Even 偶数的

Menu bar 菜单栏 View 视图 Cursor 光标 Edit 编辑 Find What 查找内容 Edition 版,版本 Processor 处理器

Dominant 占优势的,支配的 Version 版本 Format 格式 Platform平台 Release 发布

Spreadsheet 电子数据表 De facto 实际的,事实上的 Client 客户(端)

Transparency 幻灯片,透明度 Wordart 艺术字 Autoshape 自选图形 Database 数据库 Flowchart 流程图 Template 模板 Integrated 综合的 Peer‐to‐peer 对等的 Supplant 排挤掉,代替 Suite 套

Attempt 企图

Unprecedented 空前的 Stack up 比得上

Underpowered 动力不足的

Open‐source 源代码公开的,开源的 Exorbitant 过高的,昂贵的 Functionality 功能性 Reliant 信赖的,依靠的 Denouncement 公开指责

Email client 邮件客户端程序 Compatibility 兼容性

The contacts list 联系人列表 Import 导入 Export 导出

Sample:1.1 Document compatibility Leo: Tony, can you do me a favor? Tony: Of course.What’s up? Leo: Recently I often received some new documents from clients, with filename extension “.docx”.I can’t open or edit the documents with Microsoft Office 2003.How can I solve this problem? Tony: I can offer you 2 solutions.“.docx” is the new filename extension that Microsoft Word 2007 uses with it saves documents as the default file format.So you can install Microsoft Office 2007 to open and edit those documents.Leo: Oh, but that’s too complicated.Is there any other way? Tony: If you download and install an Office compatibility pack from Microsoft, it will enable you to open and edit.docx files.But some objects generated from new features in Microsoft Word 2007 will be converted to images, so you can only view but not edit them.Leo: That’s very helpful.Thank you so much!Tony: You’re welcome.Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.Leo: I won’t.Thank you very much.1.1 Leo: Tony,能帮个忙吗? Tony: 当然可以,什么问题?

Leo: 最近我总从一些客户那里收到一些文档,扩展名是.docx,我用Microsoft Office 2003 无法打开或编辑。你能告诉我如何解决这个问题吗? Tony: 我可以给你提供两种解决方案。.docx 是新的文件格式,是Microsoft Word 2007 在保存文档时的默认格式,因此安

装Office 2007 你就可以打开和编辑那个文档了。Leo: 哦,但是那样太麻烦了,还有其他办法吗?

Tony: 如果你从微软网站下载一个Office 兼容包的话,安装之后你也可以打开和编辑.docx 文件。但是一些由Microsoft Word 2007 中新功能所生成的对象将被转换成图片,因


Leo: 真是太有帮助了。非常感谢!

Tony: 不必客气。有什么问题尽管来问我吧。Leo: 我会的。非常谢谢。Sample:1.2 Outlook Calendar Reminder Tony: How are you doing, Leo? Leo: It’s been awful!The manager got angry with me.I forgot a very important appointment with a client and kept him waiting for more than an hour, which almost drove the client crazy.Maybe, I really need a secretary myself.Tony: Come on, get real!Why not use Microsoft Outlook Reminder? Leo: Outlook Reminder? I’ve never heard of it.What’s that? How can I use it? Tony: Reminder is a feature in Outlook Calendar.It could remind you about your appointments, meetings, tasks, etc.First, run Microsoft Outlook and select Calendar on the Go menu.Leo: Great!But if I want repeat the reminding every week, for example for the appointment on every Wednesday, what should I do? Tony: Click New Recurring Appointment from the Actions menu.Under recurrence pattern, set the interval as Weekly and select Wednesday.Under Range of recurrence, select a start date in the Start list, and then select a stop time.Click OK.Leo: Oh, I got it.Tony: At last, in the Subject box of the Untitled‐Appointment window, type a name for the reminder, and then click Save and Close.Leo: That’s so cool, Tony!You are always so helpful to me.Tony: Don’t mention it.1.2 Tony: Leo,你还好吗?

Leo: 糟透了!经理对我发火了,我忘记了和一个客户的重要约会,让人家等了一个多小


Tony: 得了,实际一点吧!为什么不用Microsoft Outlook 的提醒功能呢? Leo: Outlook 的提醒功能?我从来都没听说过。那是什么?又怎么使用呢? Tony: 提示是Outlook 日历中的一项功能,它可以对约会、会议、任务等等进行提醒。运

行Microsoft Outlook 后,点击“转到”菜单上的“日历”。Leo: 好的,请继续。

Tony: 就以提醒一个约会为例吧。选择“动作”菜单里的“新约会”。在“约会”选项卡下,输入主题,设定约会开始和结束时间,之后再选择一个提醒的时间。Leo: 太好了!但是如果我想让它每周提醒我一次,比如提醒我每周三的约会,又该怎么 做呢?

Tony: 这次点击“动作”菜单中的“新定期约会”。在“定期模式”中将“时间间隔”设为


结束时间。点击“确定”。Leo: 哦,我明白了。

Tony: 最后在未命名‐约会窗口中的主题框中为这个提醒键入一个名字。然后点击“保存并 关闭”。

Leo: 太棒了,Tony!你总是给我很多的帮助。Tony: 不客气。

Sample:1.3 PowerPoint packaging Tony: What’s up, Leo? You look so depressed.Leo: What should I do ? There is no Microsoft Office installed on the computer in our meeting 22 room.So I can’t show my PowerPoint presentation at the meeting tomorrow.Do I have to install a whole set of Office suite on it? Tony: Don’t worry about that, Leo.If you package your presentation and copy it to the meeting room computer, you can play it without installing Microsoft Office.Leo: Really? Could you tell me how to do it in detail? Tony: Ok, you can just follow my instructions.First, open your presentation in PowerPoint.Click Package for CD on the File menu.Leo: Ok.I already opened the Package for CD dialog box.Tony: Click the Copy to Folder button.Specify the name and location of the destination folder, and click OK.Leo: I am prompted that the files are being copied to the folder.Tony: Yeah.Close the Package for CD dialog box after it is done.You may copy the folder to the computer.In the folder, you can find a program named pptview.exe.Double‐click to run this program.Leo: OK.I think I should click the Accept button to continue using the application.Tony: Yes.In the PowerPoint Viewer dialog box, select the presentation in the folder, and then click the Open button to run it.And, of course, you may burn the folder onto a CD, which will be all your decision, Leo: Great!I can never thank you enough for you help Tony: Don’t mention it.It is not a big deal.1.3 Tony: 怎么了,Leo?你看起来情绪低落。

Leo: 我该怎么办啊?会议室里的计算机上没有安装Microsoft Office,那我的ppt 演示文

稿在明天的会议上就无法放映了。难道非要安装整套的office 软件么? Tony: 别担心,Leo,如果将你的ppt 演示文稿打包的话,再拷贝到会议室的电脑上,那么 无需安装Office 也可以播放。Leo: 真的吗?快详细跟我说说!

Tony: 好的,你可以按我说的来操作。首先打开你做好的ppt 演示文稿,点击“文件”菜


Leo: 好的,我打开了“打包成CD”的对话框。

Tony: 点击“复制到文件夹”按钮,确定目标文件夹的名字和保存位置,然后点击“确定”。

Leo: 系统提示正在将文件复制到文件夹。

Tony: 对,然后关闭“打包成CD”对话框。把这个文件夹拷贝到没有PowerPoint 的电脑



Leo: 好的,我想我应该点击“Accept”来继续使用这个应用程序。Tony: 是的。在“PowerPoint Viewer”对话框中选择这个包中的ppt 演示文稿,然后点击

“打开”就可以运行了。当然,你也可以把这个文件夹刻录到CD 上,这就由你来


Leo: 太棒了!对于你给我的帮助我真是感激不尽。Tony: 别这么说,没什么的。Unit 6:Surf the Network 网络冲浪

Part 1: Key Words Broadband connection 宽带连接 Network configuration 网络配置 Wireless network 无线网络

files and folders 文件和文件夹 FTP site FTP 站点 Remote Desktop 远程桌面 Favorites 收藏夹

proxy server 代理服务器

browser statistics 浏览器统计数据 Memo 备忘录

available 可利用的 Related 有关系的 Preferred 首选的 Properties 属性 range 范围

create in 创建到 Links 链接

alphabetize 按字母排序 sort by name 以名称排序 Rename 重命名 list 列表 LAN 局域网

Connections 连接 Advanced 高级

address box 地址框 port box 端口框 by default 默认 introduce 引进 popularity 流行 release 发布 navigation 导航 tab 标签

RSS(Really Simple Syndication)a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content(一种用于发布内容更新的网络提示形式)RSS feed RSS 源 zoom 缩放 adjust 调整

JavaScript java 描述语言

cookie 一个用于收集 本地用户浏览网络情况的集合 dynamic 动态的 adware 广告软件 spyware 间谍软件 suite

(一)套 framework 框架

application 应用程序

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)层叠样式表

XML(Extensible Markup Language)可扩展标记语言 RDF(Resource Description Framework)资源描述框架 open‐source 开放源码 code 编码 ashes 残余物

community 界,社会,社区 standard 标准

popup 自动弹出窗口 block 阻止

compliant 适应的 device 设备

branch out 扩展 acclaim 喝彩

end‐user 终端用户 banner Ad 横幅广告 statistic 统计量 respondent 回答者 by far 到目前为止 claim 声称 tilt 倾向

utility 功用,作用

virtually 事实上,实质上 emerge 显现,浮现 anonymous 匿名的

substantially 相当大地 portion 一部分,一份 interaction 交流,交互

transactional 交易的,交互的 auction 拍卖 fraction 小部分 despite 尽管 fury 暴怒

correlate 使相互关联 exceed 超越,胜过 extent 程度

preempt 预先占有

proportionally 按比例地

additional 另外的,附加的,额外的 dramatic 引人注目的 substitute 替换,代替 telecommuting 远程办公 commute 通勤

stop responding 停止响应 crash 崩溃 streaming media 流媒体 Part 2 :Speaking Sample 1.1 Share Folders and Files in Windows XP Leo: Tony,is there any way to allow others on a network to access the resources in my computer? Tony: Yes, there is a simple way.You can share the files or folders with other users on the network.Leo: So what shall I do? Tony: First, you should disable the default Simple File Sharing.On the View tab in the Folder Options dialogue box, deselect Use simple file sharing in the Advanced Settings area.Leo: Ok, it is done.Tony: Second, right‐click on the folder you want to share and select Sharing and Security.On the Sharing tab, select Share this folder.At lase, click Apply.Leo: How can others access my shared folder? Tony: Others can do this by searching for your computer by your computer name or IP address.And besides, to allow others to access your computer, you should turn on the Guest account.Leo: It is so helpful.Thank you, Tony.Tony: You are welcome.Leo: Tony,有什么办法允许网络中的其他人访问我电脑里面的资源吗?

Tony: 有一个简单的方法。你可以将文件或文件夹共享给网络中的其他用户。Leo: 那我该怎么做呢? Tony: 首先,你要禁用系统默认的“简单文件共享”。在“文件夹选项”中的“视图”选项卡

里,取消对“高级设置”中“使用简单文件共享”的选择。Leo: 好,做完了。

Tony: 其次,右键单击你想共享的文件夹,选择“共享与安全”。在“共享”选项卡中,点选

“共享这个文件夹”。最后,点击“应用”就可以了。Leo: 那别人怎样才能访问我共享的文件夹呢?

Tony: 其他人只要通过你的计算机名或IP 地址来查找你的计算机就行了。此外,为了允许其


Sample 1.2 Create an FTP server in Windows XP Professional Leo: I heard that FTP is an easy way to transfer files over a network.Is it true? Tony: Sure.Using FTP can make it easier to upload and download a large number of files.Leo: What shall I do to share my files by using it? Tony: First, you need to create an FTP sites on your computer.If you are using Windows XP professional, you can do this in Internet Information Services(IIS).Leo: I got is.What's next? 26 Tony: Next, you need to configure the properties of the FTP site in IIS, such as your IP address and the home directory.Leo: Well, what should I do about this? Tony: In Control Panel, enter Administrative Tools, and then open Internet Information Services.In the left pane, expand “(local computer)” and “FTP Sites”, and then right‐click on “Default FTP Site” and select Properties.In the Properties dialogue box, find the FTP Site and Home Directory tabs to specify the IP address and home directory.Leo: Is that all? Tony: Yes.Others can visit your FTP site by typing “ftp://” plus your IP address in the address bar of the browser.We can have a try after you are done with that.Leo: That sounds great.Leo: 我听说使用FTP 可以方便地在网络中传输文件,是这样的吗? Tony:的确如此。使用FTP 可以更轻松地上传和下载大量文件。Leo: 我该怎样做才能使用FTP 来分享文件呢?

Tony:首先你要建立一个FTP 站点。如果你在使用Windows XP Professional,你可以在“Internet 信息服务”中建立一个FTP 站点。Leo: 明白了,接下来要做什么?

Tony:接下来你需要在“Internet 信息服务”中配置FTP 站点的属性,如IP 地址和主目录。

Leo: 嗯,这又如何操作呢?

Tony:在控制面板中,进入“管理工具”,打开“Internet 信息服务”。展开左边栏中的“(本地

计算机)”和“FTP 站点”,再右键单击“默认FTP 站点”选择“属性”。在“属性”

对话框中找到“FTP 站点”和“主目录”选项卡,设置IP 地址和主目录。Leo: 这样就可以了吗?

Tony:是的,其他人只要在浏览器的地址栏中输入“ftp://”加IP 地址就可以访问FTP 站点了。

你设置完成后我们可以试一试。Leo: 真是太好了。

Sample 1.3 Using Remote Desktop in Windows XP Professional Leo: I have two computers with Windows XP Professional, one at work and the other at home.Could I remotely control the computer in the office with the one at home? Tony: Certainly.Remote Desktop can do this.Leo: What should I do about this? Tony: Before using Remote Desktop, you need to configure the host computer, that is, the computer in your office.First, you must set passwords for any user that will connect remotely.Log on to the system as an administrator, open User Accounts in Control Panel, and then select user account and click Create a password.Leo: Ok, it is done.Tony: Next, enable Remote Desktop.Enter Control Panel, double‐click the System icon.On the Remote tab, select the checkbox before Allow users to remotely connect to this computer.Click the Select Remote Users button to add users who can connect to the host computer remotely.You can now connect to the host computer from a remote computer using the Remote Desktop Client.Leo: Ah, it sounds great.How can I log on to the host computer using the Remote Desktop Client? 27 Tony: On the Start menu, click All Programs, Accessories, and Communications;then select Remote Desktop Connection.Enter the hostname or the IP address and click the Connect button.You should be presented with the logon prompt for the host computer.Enter username and password for the account.Leo: I will log in and be able to remotely use my computer!Thank you very much, Tony.Tony: That's all right.If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask me.Leo: 我在公司和家中各有一台装有Windows XP 专业版的电脑,我可以使用家里的电脑遥控





并点击“创建密码”。Leo: 好,做完了。



主机的用户。现在就可以使用远程桌面客户端来连接主机了。Leo: 啊,太好了。那怎么样使用客户端登录主机呢?


输入主机名或IP 地址,点击“连接”。然后会出现主机的登录窗口,输入用户名和 密码。


Unit 7:Work with Search Engines 搜索引擎的应用

Part 1: Key Words search engine 搜索引擎 Google 谷歌 Baidu 百度

image 图片,图像

Google Toolbar 谷歌工具栏

Internet Explorer 微软的WEB 浏览器 recommend 推荐

Google Alert 谷歌快讯 format 格式

language Tools 语言工具 highlight 加亮,使显著突出 interaction 交互

overstate 夸大的叙述,夸张 potential 潜能,潜力 capture 夺取 scan 浏览,扫描 pattern 式样,模式 horizontal 水平的 vertical 垂直的

predictable 可预见的

consistent 一致的,稳定的 query 查询

transparency 透明,透明度 spam 垃圾信息 blog 博客,是webblog 的简称 traffic 通信量,流量

multitasking 多(重)任务处理 crawler 爬虫

web crawler 网络爬虫(搜索引擎技术)directory 目录,名录,指南 encyclopedia 百科全书 index 索引

internal 内部的 external 外部的 access 访问

launch 开办(企业)compile 编译,汇编 catalog 将„„编入目录 acquire 获得,学到 webmail 网络邮件 inbox 收件箱

mobile access 移动访问 Part 2 :Speaking Sample 1.1 Discuss and Recommend a Search Engine Leo: Tony, may I ask you a question? Which domestic search engine is the best? Tony: Oh, I think Baidu is the best one in China, very convenient and fast too.And not only can you search for news on it, but also for MP3 files and lyrics.Leo: You know, I often need to search for some information on the Internet at work.I've tried some other search engines before, but didn't feel good about them.I often couldn't find what I needed.Tony: Which search engines have you used before? Leo: I've tried Sohu's search engine, and Sina's too.Tony: Well, those two have become web portals now.The are not specialized in search engine business, so they are not the best choice.Leo: Oh, that sounds reasonable.Tony: Why not try Google? That is the best of all, and it's easy to search for information in both Chinese and English.And actually, Google supports over 100 languages throughout the world.29 Leo: Pardon me, what did you call if? Tony: Google, G‐O‐O‐G‐L‐E.Leo: Strange name!Why is it called Google? Tony: Well, it was from the word googol, which has the same pronunciation and the similar spelling.Googol is the large number 10^100, that is , 1 followed by one hundred zeros.The company chose this name for their search engine to indicate that users could find tons of information through Google.Leo: That's interesting!I will try it out!Leo: Tony,可以问你一个问题吗?国内哪一个搜索引擎是最好的? Tony: 我觉得国内最好的搜索引擎就是百度啦,使用非常方便,而且速度也很快。通过百度

不仅可以搜索新闻,还可以搜索MP3 音乐和歌词呢!

Leo: 我在工作过程中经常需要到互联网上搜索相关的信息。我已经试过几个其他的搜索引

擎了,但感觉一点都不好!经常找不到我需要的信息。Tony: 你都用过哪些搜索引擎啦?

Leo: 搜狐的搜索引擎,新浪的也用过。Tony: 是这样的,搜狐和新浪都已经成为门户网站了,他们不是专营搜索业务的,所以他们


Leo: 嗯,怪不得呢。(这个解释很合理)

Tony: 你为什么不试一试Google?那可是最棒的搜索引擎了!搜索中英文资料都十分方便。

Google 在全世界支持100 多种语言呢!Leo: 抱歉,你说它叫什么?

Tony: 叫Google,拼写是G‐O‐O‐G‐L‐E Leo: 怎么起了这么个怪名字呢?

Tony: Google 这个名字是从Googol 这个词演化过来的,他们的发音一样,拼写也非常相似。

Google 是一个非常大的数字,10^100,也就是1 后面有100 个0!他们用这个方法

来命名自己的搜索引擎,言下之意就是通过Google 能够找到海量的信息!Leo: 真有意思!我马上试一下!

Sample 1.2 Search for Web Pages in the Language that You Choose Tony: Hi, Leo!What have you been searching for? You've been working on the Google homepage for quite a while!Leo: Hi, Tony.I am searching for some English information on the hardware firewalls produced by foreign IT companies.But most of the results in the list are in Chinese, which makes it hard to retrieve the English information from the list.Tony: Oh? Don't you remember what I told you? Google supports over 100 languages throughout the world.And you can search for web pages in the language you choose by setting your Preferences.Leo: Really? Can you show me how to do it? Tony: Sure.Visit Google at www.xiexiebang.com.click Preferences on the homepage which is to the right of the search box.Leo: Yeah, this opens a web page.What shall I do next? Tony: The following steps are even easier.Select English in the Drop‐Down Box in the Interface Language section if you want to use Google with the English interface.And for web pages in English, just select English in the Drop‐Down Box in the Search Language section.30 Finally, click Save Preferences at the bottom of the web page.Leo: I got it!The web page shows that the default search language of Google is Search for pages written in any language.Is this set to get as many results as possible? Tony: You are quite right.Though Google lets you search fro web pages in the language that you choose, which is quite convenient, these searches only see part of the web.Therefore, Google suggests using Search for pages written in any language as your default option.Leo: Well, I see.Thank you for your help, Tony!Tony: Never mind!Just feel free to ask me stuff about Google.I'm a super Google fan!Leo: Ok, I will.Tony: 嗨!Leo,在搜索什么呢?我看你在Google 的主页上琢磨好长时间了。Leo: 嗨!Tony,我在互联网上搜索国外IT 企业有关硬件防火墙产品的英文信息。但是结果


Tony: 哦?你不记得我告诉过你Google 可以支持上百种语言吗?遇到这种情况,你可以设置

你的Google“使用偏好”来用你选定的语言来进行搜索。Leo: 是吗?能给我演示一下吗?

Tony: 当然。访问Google 的主页www.xiexiebang.com,然后在主页上点击“使用偏好”,她的位


Leo: 嗯,点击这个链接带来了一个网页,之后呢?

Tony: 之后的操作就更简单了。如果你想使用英文界面的Google,那就在“界面语言”右侧 的下拉框中选择“英文”。如果你想让Google 只显示英文的搜索结果,那就在“搜

索语言”右侧的选项中选择“英文”。最后点击页面下方的“储存使用偏好”。Leo: 哦,知道了!网页上显示Google 默认的搜索语言是“所有语言”,这么做的目的是要

获得尽可能多的搜索结果吗? Tony: 对啊!Google 可以在你选定的语言中搜索网页,这个功能是非常使用的。不过这样一

来只能搜索到互联网上的一部分信息,所以“所有语言”被设定为默认选项。Leo: 明白了,谢谢你的帮助!

Tony: 不客气!如果在Google 的搜索方面有任何问题就随时问我吧!我可是个Google 迷啊!

Leo: 好的,有问题我会找你的。Sample 1.3 Create a Google Alert Leo: Hi, Tony!I've got another problem.I got to search for the information on hardware firewall products everyday and I have to look for the newly updated web pages from the list again and again.You can't imagine how tiring it is!Is there an easier way to do it? Tony: Sure!Google Alerts will help solve your problem.Leo: What is that? Another service offered by Google? Tony: Yeah.Google Alerts are emails automatically sent to you when there are new Google results based on your search terms.For example, if the latest web pages that contain the search terms of your choice appear in the top twenty results of Google Web search, an email will be automatically sent to your email address to keep you informed.Leo: Wow, that's terrific!I never knew Google could do that!Tell me how to use it.Tony: First you should sign up for it.Visit its homepage at www.xiexiebang.com/alerts.Input hardware firewall as the Search items and select Comprehensive as the Type.After that, set How often to Once a day.Finally, type in your email address and click Create Alert.Leo: And after that I will receive emails from Google everyday? 31 Tony: Not that fast!After clicking Create Alert, Google will semd a verification email to your email address.You will not receive Google Alerts on this topic until you click the link in the email and confirm your request.Leo: Thanks, Tony!You did me a great favor!You are such an expert.Tony: Come on, forget it!Leo: Tony,我又有问题了。最近我每天都要上网搜索关于硬件防火墙产品的信息,每次我都

要在结果列表里面反复查找最近更新的内容,简直是太麻烦了!又没有什么简单的 方法?

Tony: 有啊,Google 快讯就可以解决这个问题。

Leo: Google 快讯是什么?也是Google 的一项服务吗?

Tony: 是的。Google 快讯是党你在搜索的字词出现新的搜索结果时,自动发送给你的电子邮

件。举个例子吧,如果在Google 网络搜索中,前二十个搜索结果中出现了包括你的 搜索字词的新网页,Google 快讯就将通过电子邮件告诉你。Leo: 太好了!我从来都不知道Google 能做到这一点呢!怎么才能使用Google 快讯呀?

Tony: 首先你需要注册一下。访问Google 快讯主页:http://www.xiexiebang.com/alerts,然后在“搜


天一次”,最后输入你的Email 地址,然后点击“创建快讯”即可。Leo: 这样我就能每天收到Google 发给我的邮件了吗?

Tony: 别着急呀,点击“创建快讯”后Google 会想你的电子邮箱发送一封确认电子邮件。你

必须点击邮件中的链接,确认你的请求,这样才会收到有关此主题的Google 快讯。

Leo: 太棒了!Tony,你真是个搜索专家呀!Tony: 别客气,小事一桩!

Unit 8: Office Equipment(Hardware)办公设备(硬件篇)

Part 1: Key Words printer 打印机 share 共享

microphone 麦克风 scanner 扫描仪

digital camera 数码照相机 Dual View 双屏显示 USB hub USB 集线器 UPS 无间断供电 Icon 图标 Wizard 向导

Plug and play 即插即用 Obtain 获得 Preview 预览 Fax 传真

convert 转换

OCR(Optical Character Recognition)光学字符识别 Scan 扫描

Image 图片

Blackout 断电事故

UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)无间断供电 Peripheral 外部的

User Manual 生产说明书 live wire 火线 neutral wire 零线

Overload 使„„..超负荷



1、No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

2、No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。

3、No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。

4、No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。

5、No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时。

6、No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。

7、No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。

8、No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

9、No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。

10、No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。

11、A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。

12、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。

13、A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

14、All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。

15、A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。

16、An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。

17、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。

/ 3

18、As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

19、A year's plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。20、A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

21、Cannot see the wood for the trees.一叶障目,不见泰山。

22、Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。

23、Do well and have well.善有善报。

24、Easier said than done.说得容易,做得难。

25、Every man has his hobbyhorse.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

26、Fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

27、Far water does not put out near fire.远水救不了近火。

28、Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.隔墙有耳。

29、Four eyes see more than two.集思广益。30、It is hard to please all.众口难调。

31、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。

32、Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

33、Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鳖。

34、Like for like.一报还一报。

35、Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

36、Many heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。

37、Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高

38、Money isn't everything.钱不是万能的。

39、Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未

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40、Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

41、One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见。

42、Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

43、The grass is greener on the other side.这山望着那山高。

44、Think twice before you do.三思而后行。

45、Two heads are better than one.一个好汉三个帮。

46、Well begun is half done.好的开始,是成功的一半。

47、Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

48、You cannot eat your cake and have it.鱼与熊掌,不可得兼。

49、Easy come, easy go.来也匆匆,去也匆匆。50、Take things as they come.既来之,则安之

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1.All for me,one for all.人人为我,我为人人。2.To think is to see.思考就是明白。3.Time is life.时间就是生命。4.One man,no man.个人力量,微不足道。

5.Study while you study, play while you play.学习时学习,娱乐时娱乐。6.Without learning, without eyes.没有学识就是盲人。7.All men cannot be first.不能人人都第一。8.Nothing is impossible!

一切皆有可能!9.Let’s do it by ourselves.让我们自己做。10.Keep smile on your face.面带微笑。11.A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

12.A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。13.No pain,no gain.没有汗水,没有收获。14.The wall has ears.隔墙有耳,防不胜防。15.A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。

16.A good book is a light to your soul.一本好书,照亮心灵。17.A cat has 9 lives.猫有九条命。18.A cat may look at a king.人人平等。19.A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。20.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

第 1 页 29.Adversity leads to prosperity.穷则思变。30.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。31.A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

32.All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。33.All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。34.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。35.All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。36.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子。37.A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。38.A mother's love never changes.母爱永恒。

39.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,不用请医生。40.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。41.As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。42.A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆丰年。

43.A year's plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。44.A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。45.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

46.Look before you leap.三思而后行.47.Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。48.Better late than never.再晚也不算迟。

49.All that glitters is not gold.并非闪光的都是金子。

第 2 页 50.As you sow,so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。51.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

52.It's my cup of tea.那恰是我所喜欢的。53.No sweet without sweat.一分耕耘,一分收获。54.Time is money.时间就是金钱。

55.Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。

56.Every man has his taste.人各有所好。

57.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。58.Good mind, good find.好心有好报。59.Love me ,love my dog.爱乌及乌。60.Give and take.礼尚往来。61.So said ,so done.言出必行 62.Time flies.光阴似箭

63.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。64.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

65.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

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