
时间:2019-05-12 03:16:31下载本文作者:会员上传











Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!

I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech!To begin with ,I want to ask a question.Does everybody dream a good dream last night? Actually ,today I want to talk about dream

with you.Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us.Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners,we can chart our course by them.With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.I have a dream: To be a doctor.,because doctor may relieve the pain of patients.May let the human change the health.At the same time, I believed that, those who help others may be able to obtain joyfully.Therefore, I hoped in the near future ,I might be a doctor.But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel

depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always comfort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead.Young!Fortunately, I am young now.Just due to it, I know that nothing is firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way.If I can’t realize my dream,it result from that I haven’t work harder enough and I won’t find other excuses.If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right.If you think the god haven’t blessed you and there is no truth here, you can become the god and create the truth.”My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains.” At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements.Each achievement results from my hard work.I

always believe that “If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder.” In some extent, the dream is the hope.If you can insist on doing something, the victory will come.Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams.Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.Let’s---move----out!

Thank you for your listening!中学生英语课前演讲稿三分钟篇2

I have a dream Every one has his own I was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own.But now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.I have got quite different experience

from other they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story.I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart--to be an ,of course ,I’m an athlete,I’m so proud of that all the time.When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put training was really hard ,I couldn’t bear the heavy shot in my hands.But I always believe that “god only help those who help themselves”.During those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same be an athlete is my most correct ,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly really didn’t want to stop my sports career anyway.Today I say to you my friends that even though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow.I still have

a dream.It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.I have a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be.I have a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.I have a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic all the cameras pointing at will tell everyone that I’m so proud to be a Chinese athlete!

This is my hope.This is the faith that I continue my steps with!!

With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up!

So let victory ring from my heart,from all of we allow victory to ring.I must be the one!

In my imagination,I’m a bird ,a magical carry my dreams all with me by

my big wings.I fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!

Every night ,I have a dream ,I see a girl---smiling!中学生英语课前演讲稿三分钟篇3

Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold my topic is about choice and research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life.In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice.There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference.Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get.Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process.The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles.Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate.After the choice,days have been harsh for cannot understand the new lessons at all.For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before.However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted.I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life.Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths , I learned to act instead of complaining.In

retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.NO matter what the choice is, enjoy the process.In the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will come to you.These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see make your life colorful.There is no need and I donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but I congratulate to myself for I gain and enjoy this fantastic experience.So my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process.I am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to come here.Thank you!




Good morning,dear teacher and my friends.It’s a very intresting topic today.I think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child.we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid.Every child has a good and great father, and so do i.my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years.My father always stands in the center of my life,from past till now and possibly in the future.My family was rather poor when i was in my www.xiexiebang.com childhood.we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby,small room rented from my father's factory.the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk.i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents.this is terrible both for my parents and me.But father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer.When i was little, i did everything with my dad.you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him.every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character.








刚才,我的同学提醒我时间快要到了,那么,就让我做好这最后大善的小事,成就这最后小节中的大德—— 谢谢大家。










“识礼” 既要懂得礼仪,知道礼节,深知做人的道理。

















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