
时间:2019-05-12 03:35:55下载本文作者:会员上传


As early as when I chose the software professional , I always think of software engineering is nothing but the code to knock.knock from the process of code to realize the meaning and use all the code in software engineering.I have always been a hard knock code to learn software development when haven't learned.After learning of software engineering ,I feel I've learning method is wrong.I used to only focus on the code, rather than on theoretical knowledge as well as programming ideas ,and the program's structure.My knowledge of software engineering point of this course summary as below : ● Software: Software is able to complete the intended function and performance of the executable computer program and the procedures required for the normal execution of data, coupled with the program's operation and use of documents.● Software features:(1)software is a logical entity, rather than specific physical entity, so it has the abstract.(2)software is the people's intelligence activities, the knowledge and technology transform into a product of information.(3)After software transform into the product, its production simply copy different from the hardware manufacturer.(4)the maintenance process more complex than hardware, and even lead to new errors.● Software crisis: refers to the process of software development and maintenance of a range of serious problems encountered.Cause of a software crisis:(1)The sharp increase in software maintenance costs, a direct threat to the expansion of computer applications.(2)software production technology progress is slow.● Software Engineering: a guiding engineering disciplines of development and maintenance of computer software.● Software life cycle: from definition to a software development, use and maintain, until finally

being abandoned, to undergo a long period of time, usually the software through this long period of time known as the life cycle.Software life cycle can be divided into the following stages: Problem Definition;Feasibility study;Demand Analysis;Overall(summary)design;Detailed design;Coding and unit testing;Integrated Test;Software Maintenance.● ● software process models: software development model is the whole process of software Waterfall model is that the life cycle model, proposed by the BMBoehm , it is the basis for development, software development activities and structural framework of the relationship between them.software engineering model.Its core idea is to simplify the problem by process, implementation and design of functional separation, to facilitate division of labor.The use of structured analysis and design methods, the logical and physical implementation to achieve separation.Waterfall model emphasizes the role of the document and asked each stage must be carefully verified.● ● ● ● Rapid prototyping model: to achieve the customer or a future user interaction with the system.Phased development: increments and iterations(repeated increments).Spiral model: the combination of the waterfall model and rapid prototyping models.It Agile methods: Agile development is a people-centered, iterative, incremental development emphasized the neglect of other risk analysis models, especially for large complex systems.methodology.In agile development, software project build was cut into several subprojects, each subproject results are tested, with the integration and operation characteristics.In other words, it is to a large project into multiple interrelated, but small projects can be run independently, and were completed.In this process, the software has been in a usable condition.● Feasibility study: compression simplified systems analysis and design process, that is to say a

higher level in a more abstract approach to the design process.Not solve the problem, but the problem is solvable and determine whether it is worthwhile solution.● ● System flow chart is a traditional tools of depicting the physical system.It is expressed in the Structured method of analysis using data flow diagrams and data dictionary to describe.Its core data flow between the various components in the system, rather than the data processing control process.idea is simple decomposition of the problem, said the physical and logical separation of data and logic of the system abstraction.Summarize, structural analysis is stream-oriented top-down stepwise refinement, a needs analysis.● Data flow diagram(DFD): describe the flow of information and data move from input to output in the process of change experienced.● Data Dictionary(DD)effect: the software provides a definition of each data entry in order to maintain the consistency of the data in the system.● ER diagram have three core constructs: An entity: depicted as a rectangle, represents a collection of real-world objects that have common properties and behaviors.A relationship: depicted as an edge between two entities, with diamond in the middle of the edge specifying the type of relationship.An attribute: an annotation on an entity that describes data or properties associated with the entity.● The tasks of requirements analysis: requirements analysis work to be done in-depth description of software functionality and performance, to determine the limits of software design and software interface with other system elements in detail ,to define the validity of the other software requirements.In general, the needs analysis phase of the mission and work: 1 , to determine the complex requirements of the system.(1)functional requirements(2)performance requirements(3)operational requirements(4)possible future expansion requirements(5)reliability and availability requirements(6), error handling and security requirements(7)Interface Requirements(8)Design constraint, etc.2, the data analysis system requirements(1)to build conceptual models:(2)image depicts the data structure and standardized data structure 3, the logical model derived 4, to amend the plan: the revaluation cost, schedule, etc.5, the prototype system to verify the correctness and the system meets the requirements.● requirements analysis principles:(1)must be able to express and understand the problem of data fields and function fields;(2)by top-down, layer by layer decomposition of the problem;(3)to given the system's logical and physical views.● ● Requirements definition: A complete listing of everything the customer wants to Requirements specification: Restates the requirements as a specification of how the proposed achieve ,describing the entities in the environment where the system will be installed.system shall behave.● Software design task: to produce the software requirements analysis phase into a description of methods of representation with the appropriate software design documentation.No matter what kind of software design, software design generally includes data design, architecture design, interface design and process design and so on.● Structured design methods: a stream-oriented design methods, the central task is to use the DFD diagram shows the system model into a software architecture model to determine the software architecture and interfaces.● Data stream type: Data flow-oriented design methods to map the flow of information into a software architecture, information flow type determines the mapping method.Information flow has the following two types: transformation flow and transaction flow.● Structured analysis methods: Module: It is a entity with clearly defined input, output and physical characteristics of the program.All input modules are essential to achieve the function, all outputs are generated action.Modular: the program is divided into several modules, each module has a sub-function, these modules lumped together to form a whole, can complete the assigned functions, to achieve the requirements of the problem.Modular design: the large-scale software in accordance with the principles laid divided into a smaller , relatively independent but interrelated modules.Decomposition and module independence, is the modular design of the important guiding ideology.Abstract: that is, characteristics of the nature of things out not to consider them in detail.Information Hiding: The information contained in the module does not allow other modules do not need to call information.Module independence: the software system software requirements for each module involves only the specific sub-functions, while the rest of the system and software modules interface is simple.Cohesion : mark a module with all elements of the close of each other.Coupling : a software architecture is the interconnection between various modules within the measure of the degree.Depth: that software architecture to control the number of layers, it can often mark a system roughly the size and complexity.Width: within the structure of the software module on the same level of maximum total.Fanout: a module direct control(call)number of modules, fan-out is too large means that the module is too complex, fan-out is too small(for example, is always 1)is not good.Fan: the number of higher level modules that directly call it, the greater the share of the fan module, the more the higher number of modules, which is good.● We can measure coupling along a range of dependence

● The basic principles of software design: Modular;abstract;information hiding;module independence.● ● The basic software design experience: Module independence, low coupling, high cohesion, The difference between testing and debugging: Test is to find errors in the program and program public module.execution process.Debugging by locating and correcting errors, eliminate software failures, to ensure reliable operation of the program.● ● Types of tests: According to test whether the actual application environment to points, there are Test methods: Black box testing method, according to the program's functionality to design test static analysis and dynamic testing.cases;White-box testing method, according to the internal structure of the program under test design test cases.The usual practice is to use black box method the basic design of the test program, and then add some white-box method program.● Software testing test case design is a central element.Test a program to use multiple test cases, and each test case should include a set of test data and a corresponding expected test results.● Black box testing method in the three common techniques: equivalence division method, boundary value analysis, error guessing(guessing)method.● ● operation ● Software Reliability: It is a program, in accordance with the provisions of the specification the probability of a successful run in a given time interval.● ● Software Maintenance: Software operation phase of the software product modifications is The type of software maintenance: improving maintenance;adaptive maintenance;maintained.commissioning maintenance;preventive maintenance.● Software maintainability: measure of the ease of software maintenance of a software attribute.Qualitative said, depends on the maintainability of software the following properties: intelligibility, modifiability and testability.● Software configuration: Software life cycle, its various forms, various versions of the documentation and procedures in general.● Software Re-engineering: reverse engineering, restructuring and other technology, a full understanding of the original software, based on the decomposition, synthesis, and re-building software to improve software understandability, maintainability, reusability.● UML class diagram of Figure 9 include: class diagram;object graph;use case diagram;sequence diagram;collaboration diagram;state diagram;activity diagram;component diagram;deployment diagram.● Using UML for modeling the demand: that we can use cases(use case)needs to proceed as a good starting point for modeling.Use cases are organized according to the system using the system.To use cases as a starting point for requirements modeling, allows us to focus attention on customers.Use case diagram is to show a set of use cases, the relationship between the participants and their plans.Use case diagram includes the following three aspects.1.Participants.2.Use cases.3.Dependence, generalization and association.● diagram.Activity Diagram: these will be described in the UML activity flow graph is called an activity

White-box testing method: logic coverage test and path testing method.Test steps: 1.Unit testing 2.Integration Testing 3.Validity of test 4.System Testing 5.Parallel

● ● ● State Diagram: to model the dynamic aspects of the system.From the UML design point of view, the type of class usually can be divided into three types: The relationship between classes(analysis): entity class, the boundary type and the control class.Relationships is the link between things.(1)dependency(2)generalization(3)implementation(4)associated.● Component diagrams and deployment diagrams relations: Component diagrams used to describe the composition of software systems, but did not describe the system in hardware-related composition.Deployment plans used to describe the physical topology of the system hardware and software running on this structure.● Forward process and reverse engineering: Forward process is to achieve positive language mapping and the process model into code.Reverse engineering is the mapping from a specific implementation language and the code to model the process.Personally think, the course of Software Engineering is a a necessary science courses for people who do software development.By learning this course, programmers will focus on software development, theoretical knowledge, and to do project development ideas.After learning of the course you will not write a program to blindly apply the code, but to clarify the structure of the program and ideas.When the program from the start, when to stop.What needs to be added in the middle of the function, to improve the software.In fact, software engineering is not difficult to learn and easy.If Software Engineering linked to daily life, then, is the day you should do first, what to do after.Understand what to do first, what to do after the after the write process is not so difficult, more complex programs can be divided into several large pieces.After you sort out the idea of the program step by step solution can be one of the problems, and ultimately software.If you do not learn software engineering process to clarify the idea , then do a large project development, so much code, not a very good structure, it will eventually lead to procedural confusion, mistakes, even more aware of the code will do nothing of the elements.All in all, as a programmer to learn software engineering course is necessary, if not to learn software engineering, you will not do the project development, it is impossible to develop a complete software out.









软件技术是信息技术产业的核心之一,软件技术的发展是与信息技术产业的发展互相促进的。当今世界,信息技术正处于新一轮重大技术突破的前夜。预计今后 20~30 年是信息科学技术的变革突破期,可能导致 21 世纪下半叶一场新的信息技术革命。近年来,从 IT 界到一些国家首脑,都高度关注以物联网为标志的新一轮信息技术的发展态势,认为这是继 20 世纪 80 年代 PC 机、90 年代互联网、移动通信网之后,将引发 IT 业突破性发展的第三次 IT 产业化浪潮。每一次重大的技术变革都会引起企业间、产业间甚至国家间竞争格局的重大变化,也促进了软件技术与软件产业的重大变革与发展。

近年来,信息技术、软件技术、软件系统与软件产业的发展备受关注,已有不少论述、分析与判断。近10 年内网络技术经历宽带化、移动化和三网融合将走向基于 Ipv6 的下一代互联网,2010 年 1 月,国家 863 计划信息技术领域办公室和国家 863 计划信息技术领域专家组,在上海举办“信息-物理融合系统 CPS发展战略论坛”,提出“信息-物理融合系统 CPS 是一个综合计算、网络和物理环境的多维复杂系统,是信息和物理世界的深度的融合交互,可实现大型工程系统的实时感知、动态控制和信息服务,使系统更加可靠、高效与实时协同,使得人类物理现实和虚拟逻辑逐步融合,具有重要而广泛的应用前景。业界关于软件工程的代表性观点创立与使用健全的工程原则,以便经济地获得可靠且高效率的软件。应用系统化,遵从原则,可被计量的方法来发展、操作及维护软件;也就是把工程应用到软件上。与开发、管理及更新软件产品有关的理论、方法及工具。一种知识或学科,目标是生产品质良好、准时交货、符合预算,满足用户所需的软件。实际应用科学知识在设计、建构电脑程序,与相伴而来所产生的文件,以及后续的操作和维护上。













1.Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts Answer: b 2.WebApps are a mixture of print publishing and software development, making their development outside the realm of software engineering practice.Answer: b 3.Software engineering umbrella activities are only applied during the initial phases of software development projects.Answer: b 4.Planning ahead for software reuse reduces the cost and increases the value of the systems into which they are incorporated.Answer: a 5.The essence of software engineering practice might be described as understand the problem, plan a solution, carry out the plan, and examine the result for accuracy.Answer: a 6.In agile process models the only deliverable work product is the working program.Answer: b 7.A most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need.Answer: a 8.In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers.Answer: b 9.Software processes can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project.Answer: a 10.Process technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by skipping unimportant activities.Answer: b 11.It is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software processes and create high quality end products.Answer: a 1.Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.Answer: a 2.A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development.Answer: b 3.It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.Answer: a 4.Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions.Answer: a 5.Use-case actors are always people, never system devices.Answer: b 6.Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems.Answer: a 7.In win-win negotiation, the customer’s needs are met even though the developer’s need may not be.Answer: b 8.In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility.Answer: b

1.Object-oriented domain analysis is concerned with the identification and specification of reusable capabilities within an application domain.Answer: a 2.In structured analysis models focus on the structure of the classes defined for a system along with their interactions.Answer: b 3.Creation and refinement of use cases if an important part of scenario-based modeling.Answer: a 4.It is important to consider alternative actor interactions when creating a preliminary use case.Answer: b 5.Brainstorming is one technique that may be used to derive a complete set of use case exceptions.Answer: a 6.In many cases there is no need to create a graphical representation of a usage scenario.Answer: a 7.One or more attributes of a data object must be defined as a key to allow the location of an instance of the data object.Answer: a 8.Attributes are chosen for an object by examining the problem statement and identifying the entities that appear to be related.Answer: b 9.An analysis package involves the categorization of analysis model elements into useful groupings.Answer: a 10.The data flow diagram must be augmented by min-spec that can serve as a guide the design of the software component that will implement the process.Answer: a 11.The UML sequence diagram show the order in which system events are processed.Answer: b 12.Analysis patterns are discovered, they are not explicitly created.Answer: a 13.It is not possible to justify the time required for WebApp requirements analysis.Answer: b 14.UML activity diagrams can be used to represent the user observable functionality delivered by the WebApp as well as the operations contained in each analysis class.Answer: a 15.Configuration analysis focuses on the architecture of the user’s web browsing environment.Answer: b 16.Content objects are extracted from use cases by examining the scenario description for direct or indirect content references.Answer: a 1.With thorough testing it is possible to remove all defects from a program prior to delivery to the customer.Answer: b 2.Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.Answer: b 3.The cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a PDL representation of an algorithm without drawing a program flow graph.Answer: a 4.Graph-based testing methods can only be used for object-oriented systems Answer: b 5.Equivalence testing divides the input domain into classes of data from which test cases can be derived to reduce the total number of test cases that must be developed.Answer: a 6.Boundary value analysis can only be used to do white-box testing.Answer: b 7.Orthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the coverage of the test cases devised for relatively small input domains.Answer: a 8.Client/server architectures cannot be properly tested because network load is highly variable.Answer: b 1.The best representation of system architecture is an operational software prototype.Answer: b 2.The architectural representations can be an enabler for communication among project stakeholders.Answer: a 3.An architectural description is often documented using an architecture template.Answer: b 4.An architectural genre will often dictate the architectural approach that may used for the structure to be built.Answer: a 5.Before an architectural pattern can be chosen for use in a specific system it must have a code implementation to facilitate its reuse.Answer: b 6.Once selected, archetypes always need to be refined further as architectural design proceeds.Answer: a 7.Quantitative methods for assessing the quality of proposed architectural designs are readily available.Answer: b

Chapter 10 Self-Check Quiz

1.In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 10.1)

2.In the context of object-oriented software engineering a component contains

a.attributes and operations b.instances of each class c.roles for each actor(device or user)d.set of collaborating classes

Answer: d(Section 10.1.1)

3.In traditional software engineering modules must serve in which of the following roles?

a.Control component b.Infrastructure component c.Problem domain component d.All of the above

Answer: d(Section 10.1.2)

4.Software engineers always need to cerate components from scratch in order to meet customer expectations fully.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 10.1.3)

5.Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-level design?

a.Dependency Inversion Principle b.Interface Segregation Principle c.Open-Closed Principle d.Parsimonious Complexity Principle

Answer: d(Section 10.2.1)

6.The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 10.2.2)

7.Classes and components that exhibit functional, layer, or communicational cohesion are relatively easy to implement, test, and maintain.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 10.2.3)

8.Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 10.2.4)

9.WebApp content design at the component level focuses on content objects and the manner in which they interact.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 10.4.1)

10.A WebApp functional architecture describes the key functional components and how they interact with each other.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 10.4.2)

11.Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail?

a.box diagram b.decision table c.ER diagram d.flowchart

Answer: d(Section 10.5.1)

12.A decision table should be used

a.to document all conditional statements b.to guide the development of the project management plan c.only when building an expert system d.when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component

Answer: d(Section 10.5.2)

13.A program design language(PDL)is often a

a.combination of programming constructs and narrative text b.legitimate programming language in its own right c.machine readable software development language d.useful way to represent software architecture

Answer: a(Section 10.5.3)

14.In component-based software engineering, the development team examines the requirements to see which are amenable to composition, rather than construction, before beginning detailed design tasks.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 10.6)

15.Which of the following is not one of the major activities of domain engineering?

a.analysis b.construction c.dissemination d.validation

Answer: d(Section 10.6.1)

16.Which of the following factors would not be considered during component qualification?

a.application programming interface(API)b.development and integration tools required c.exception handling d.testing equipment required

Answer: d(Section 10.6.2)

17.Which is the following is a technique used for component wrapping?

a.black-box wrapping b.clear-box wrapping c.gray-box wrapping d.white-box wrapping

Answer: b(Section 10.6.2)

18.Which of the following is not one of the issues that form a basis for design for reuse?

a.object-oriented programming b.program templates c.standard data d.standard interface protocols

Answer: a(Section 10.6.3)

19.In a reuse environment, library queries are often characterized using the ________ element of the 3C Model.a.concept b.content c.context d.all of the above

Answer: c(Section 10.6.4)

1.The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word a.b.c.d.Answer: d(Section 8.1)

2.Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all design methods?

a.configuration management b.functional component representation c.quality assessment guidelines d.refinement heuristics

Answer: a(Section 8.2.2)

3.Which of the following can be used to represent the architectural design of a piece of software?

a.Dynamic models b.Functional models c.Structural models d.All of the above

Answer: d(Section 8.3.2)

4.Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software?

a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 8.3.3)

5.Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to have too many modules in a proposed design.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 8.3.5)

6.Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program.accuracy complexity efficiency quality

a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 8.3.6)

7.Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

a.can be written more compactly.b.focuses on just one thing.c.is able to complete its function in a timely manner.d.is connected to other modules and the outside world.Answer: b(Section 8.3.7)

8.Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

a.can be written more compactly.b.focuses on just one thing.c.is able to complete its function in a timely manner.d.is connected to other modules and the outside world.Answer: d(Section 8.3.7)

9.When using structured design methodologies the process of stepwise refinement is unnecessary.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 8.3.8)

10.Software designs are refactored to allow the creation of software that is easier to integrate, easier to test, and easier to maintain.a.True b.False

Answer: a(Section 8.3.10)

11.Which of the following is not one of the five design class types

a.Business domain classes b.Entity classes c.Process classes d.User interface classes

Answer: b(Section 8.3.13)

12.Which design model elements are used to depict a model of information represented from the user’s view?

a.Architectural design elements b.Component-level design elements c.Data design elements d.Interface design elements

Answer: c(Section 8.4.1)

13.Which design is equivalent to the floor plan of a house?

a.Architectural design b.Component-level design c.Data design d.Interface design

Answer: a(Section 8.4.2)

14.Which design model is equivalent to the detailed drawings of the access points and external utilities for a house?

a.Architectural design b.Component-level design c.Data design d.Interface design

Answer: d(Section 8.4.3)

15.Which design model is equivalent to a set of detailed drawings for each room in a house?

a.Architectural design b.Component-level design c.Data design d.Interface design

Answer: b(Section 8.4.4)

16.The deployment design elements specify the build order for the software components.a.True b.False

Answer: b(Section 8.4.5)














































6、软件运行和维护:修改 第二章软件工程方法与工具



1、结构化图形工具箱。通过数据流程图DFD进行功能分析。包括DFD图形工具,实体-关系图(E-R)图形工具,Jackson图形工具,Warnier图形工具,Visio综合工具,2、面向对象工具,Rational Rose,PowerDesigner,Visio 设计工具(1)概要设计工具:设计目标软件的体系结构、控制结构和数据结构。软件的体系结构通常用模块结构图来描述。模块的数据结构通常用实体-关系图来描述。Visio。Rational Rose 详细设计工具。设计模块的算法和内部实现细节。详细设计描述方法有输入-处理-输出(IPO)图。问题分析图(PAD)。盒图(NS图)。流程图(FC)。程序设计语言(PDL)。结构化语言。判定表。判定树

第三章软件需求获取与结构化分析方法 需求获取的主要任务是与用户沟通,了解系统或产品的目标是什么,客户或用户想要实现什么,系统和产品如何满足业务的要求,最终系统或产品如何用于日常工作。获取并理解用户的需求是软件工程师所面对的最困难的任务之一。


































9、缺乏必要的提示语句 第六章软件测试方法









(2)危机原因:科学的工程化思想组织和指导,完善的质量保证体系,软件文档的不重视,软件的不可见性,系统规模庞大,生产工程化程度低,对用户需求关心不 够,对维护不够重视,开发工具自动化程度低。5.软件工程




二、软件工程过程模型 1.软件生命周期 如同任何事物都有一个发生、发展、成熟直至衰亡的全过程一样,软件系统或软件产品也有一个定义、开发、运行维护直至被淘汰这样的全过程,我们把软件将要经历的这个全过程称为软件的生命周期。它包含:软件定义、软件开发、软件运行维护三个时期,并可以细分为可行性研究、项目计划、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、编码实现与单元测试、系统 2 集成测试、系统确认验证、系统运行与维护等几个阶段。

软件定义期 软件定义是软件项目的早期阶段,主要由软件系统分析人员和用户合作,针对有待开发的软件系统进行分析、规划和规格描述,确定软件是什么,为今后的软件开发做准备。这个时期往往需要分阶段地进行以下几项工作。1.软件任务立项 软件项目往往开始于任务立项,并需要以“软件任务立项报告”的形式针对项目的名称、性质、目标、意义和规模等作出回答,以此获得对准备着手开发的软件系统的最高层描述。2.项目可行性分析 在软件任务立项报告被批准以后,接着需要进行项目可行性分析。可行性分析是针对准备进行的软件项目进行的可行性风险评估。因此,需要对准备开发的软件系统提出高层模型,并根据高层模型的特征,从技术可行性、经济可行性和操作可行性这三个方面,以“可行性研究报告”的形式,对项目作出是否值得往下进行的回答,由此决定项 目是否继续进行下去。3.制定项目计划 在确定项目可以进行以后,接着需要针对项目的开展,从人员、组织、进度、资金、设备等多个方面进行合理的规划,并以“项目开发计划书”的形式提交书面报告。4.软件需求分析 软件需求分析是软件规格描述的具体化与细节化,是软件定义时期需要达到的目标。需求分析要求以用户需求为基本依据,从功能、性能、数据、操作等多个方面,对软件系统给出完整、准确、具体的描述,用于确定软件规格。其结果将以“软件需求规格说明书”的形式提交。在软件项目进行过程中,需求分析是从软件定义到软件开发的最关键步骤,其结论不仅是今后软件开发的基本依据,同时也是今后用户对软件产品进行验收的基本依据。软件开发期 在对软件规格完成定义以后,接着可以按照“软件需求规格说明书”的要求对软件实施开发,并由此制作出软件产品。这个时期需要分阶段地完成以下几项工作。1.软件概要设计 概要设计是针对软件系统的结构设计,用于从总体上对软件的构造、接口、全局数据结构和数据环境等给出设计说明,并以“概要设计说明书”的形式提交书面报告,其结果将成为详细设计与系统集成的基本依据。模块是概要设计时构造软件的基本元素,因此,概要设计中软件也就主要体现在模块的构成与模块接口这两个方面上。结构化设计中的函数、过程,面向对象设计中的类、对象,它们都是模块。概要设计时并不需要说明模块的内部细节,但是需要进行全部的有关它们构造的定义,包括功能特征、数据特征和接口等。在进行概要设计时,模块的独立性是一个有关质量的重要技术性指标,可以使用模块的内聚、耦合这两个定性参数对模块独立性进行度量。2.软件详细设计 设计工作的第二步是详细设计,它以概要设计为依据,用于确定软件结构中每个模块的内部细节,为编写程序提供最直接的依据。详细设计需要从实现每个模块功能的程序算法和模块内部的局部数据结构等细节内容 3 上给出设计说明,并以“详细设计说明书”的形式提交书面报告。3.编码和单元测试 编码是对软件的实现,一般由程序员完成,并以获得源程序基本模块为目标。编码必须按照“详细设计说明书”的要求逐个模块地实现。在基于软件工程的软件开发过程中,编码往往只是一项语言转译工作,即把详细设计中的算法描述语言转译成某种适当的高级程序设计语言或汇编语言。为了方便程序调试,针对基本模块的单元测试也往往和编码结合在一起进行。单元测试也以“详细设计说明书”为依据,用于检验每个基本模块在功能、算法与数据结构上是否符合设计要求。4.系统集成测试 所谓系统集成也就是根据概要设计中的软件结构,把经过测试的模块,按照某种选定的集成策略,例如渐增集成策略,将系统组装起来。在组装过程中,需要对整个系统进行集成测试,以确保系统在技术上符合设计要求,在应用上满足需求规格要求。5.系统确认验证 在完成对系统的集成之后,接着还要对系统进行确认验证。系统确认验证需要以用户为主体,以需求规格说明书中对软件的定义为依据,由此对软件的各项规格进行逐项地确认,以确保已经完成的软件系统与需求规格的一致性。为了方便用户在系统确认期间能够积极参入,也为了系统在以后的运行过程中能够被用户正确使用,这个时期往往还需要以一定的方式对用户进行必要的培训。在完成对软件的验收之后,软件系统可以交付用户使用,并需要以“项目开发总结报告”的书面形式对项目进行总结。

软件运行与维护期 软件系统的运行是一个比较长久的过程,跟软件开发机构有关的主要任务是对系统进行经常性的有效维护。软件的维护过程,也就是修正软件错误,完善软件功能,由此使软件不断进化升级的过程,以使系统更加持久地满足用户的需要。因此,对软件的维护也可以看成为对软件的再一次开发。在这个时期,对软件的维护主要涉及三个方面的任务,即改正性维护、适应性维护和完善性维护。2.瀑布模型 瀑布模型诞生于20世纪70年代,是最经典的并获得最广泛应用的软件过程模型。瀑布模型中的“瀑布”是对这个模型的形象表达,即山顶倾泻下来的水,自顶向下、逐层细化。(1)特点:线性化模型、阶段具有里程碑特征、基于文档的驱动、阶段评审机制。(2)作用:为软件项目按规程管理提供了便利,为其他过程模型的推出提供了一个良好的 拓展平台。(3)局限性:主要适合于需求明确且无大的需求变更的软件开发,但不适合分析初期需求 模糊的项目。3.原型模型(1)快速原型方法:是原型模型在软件分析、设计阶段的应用,用来解决用户对软件系统在需求上的模糊认识,或用来试探某种设计是否能够获得预期结果。(2)原型进化模型:针对有待开发的软件系统,先开发一个原型给用户使用,然后根据用 户的使用意见,对原型不断修改,使它逐步接近,并最终到达开发目标。



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