家乡的变化 - 学校网站空间[五篇模版]

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第一篇:家乡的变化 - 学校网站空间












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那么如何才能在网络上获得你需要的空间呢?就是到提 供“个人空间”服务的网站去申请。目前,很多网站都提 供个人空间。国内比较稳定的个人空间服务网站就有几十家,加上国外,找到几百个比较稳定的个人空间服务商应该不成问题吧。

具体的提 供空间的网站不能一一列举,你不妨用百度或者别的搜索引擎。像天互数据、西部数据等。其它知名网站等。

个人空间有收费和免费的两种,一般免费的特点是容量小(多数 20M以下),流量小(多数1G以下/月),空间附加功能少(如数据库等)等。如果你仅仅想玩玩,不是做专业性比较强的网站,可以申请免费空间。但如果你有固定的目的,要求空间服务稳定,不想被人踢的话一定要申请收费空间。


至于如何交费,可以认真阅读提 供服务的网站关于空间交费的说明及相关义务。交费方式大致有:

1、银 行 或 邮 局 现 金 汇 款。

2、上门收款。这个方式是某些大网站提 供的服务,一般限于有其常驻机构的大城市。

3、银 行 转 帐。


5、点卡支付。许多网站提 供点卡服务,你可以到计算机市场或软件销售点买到这种点卡,比如QQ、网易等。支付方法是在对方网站的固定支付页面进行充值,如同对手机话费充值一样。









In the past, the houses in our hometown were very small and dark, but now many people have moved into tall buildings.The water in the river was very dirty, but now the rivers are clean and people can swim in them.People used to go to work on foot or by bike, but now they can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work.我的家乡

There is a river and some small hills in my hometown.My friends and I like to go fishing and swimming in the river.Many tall trees and beautiful flowers are on the hills.There are many kinds of fruit in my hometown.Most of them are farmers.Everyone is friendly.They help each other.暑假

The summer holidays are coming.I would like to have an interesting holiday.I want to learn English in the morning.I hope to go to Children’s Palace to learn the piano in the afternoon.In the evening, I plan to help my parents cook dinner.I want to learn how to cook.I hope to have an interesting holiday.人口问题

The world’ population is growing faster and faster.Because of the large population, we are short of energy and water.The traffic is becoming heavier and heavier.It may be difficult for us to find a job.Even there will hardly be enough spare for everyone.So we must take measures to control the population.城市变化

Great changes have taken place in Haikou.Now, there are lots of new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it.Many beautiful flowers are on the street.水资源恶化及应对

We found the river was so dirty that we could hardly stay there.Some people threw rubbish into the river.Many factories poured waste water into the river.It really smells terrible.If the river all over the country were polluted like this, all the living things in the water would die and this would be harmful to the people living near the river.We hoped the river would be clean again soon.森林减少

More and more farmland is becoming sand.Our living environment is getting worse and worse.The environment problem is serious.We should build the Great Green Wall to stop the wind.Everyone should do something to protect our living environment.We must try to plant more trees, stop anyone from cutting down trees and make more people know how important it is to protect our environment.英语很重要和学习方法

There are about 3000 languages in the word.Among all of these languages, English is the most widely used one.If we are good at English, we are communicate with other people from all over the world easily, so it’s very important for us to learn English well.I like it not only because it’s useful, but also because I can have a lot of fun learning it.First, I enjoy listening to English songs and watching English films.I think they’re good ways to make my English learning easy.Second, you must listen carefully in class, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.Third, read English magazines or make pen-friends with foreigners.They are both very helpful.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.I’m sure you’ll learn English well.电视机用途

TV has been one of the most important ways to get information in our daily life.What we see on

TV such as movies, TV plays, sports and so on.After all, people like watching TV in order to relax themselves after work.我的梦想

Everyone has his dream.So do I.I want to be rich.As we know, there are still some poor families.There are many poor children.They need help very much.I hope I can make lots of money when I grow up.Then I can help the poor people a lot.In order to achieve my dream, I must study hard now.毕业

How time flies!We are spent three years in the school.I am very sad that I have to say goodbye to you.I have learned much in the past three years.Our teachers worked hard and took good care of us.All the students studied very hard and were very friendly to each other.体育锻炼

I always feel well and become stronger and stronger because I do sports every day.请假条

I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today.I have a bad cold.The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days.So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow.So I’d like to ask for two day’s leave.I hope I will get well very soon.Thank you!


It is very important for us to keep healthy, and there are many ways.First, you can eat fruit and vegetables, and you’d better drink more boiled water.Second, we should do exercising can help us to keep fit and strong.It is also a good way to relax.Third, we should get enough sleep.It is a healthy habit to go to bed early and get up early.When we feel sleepy and tired, we should have a good rest.Good habits help you keep in good health.音乐与我Music is a necessary part of my life.I like rock music best because it makes me excited and happy.My favorite rock band is U2.It is well known all over the world.动物与我I like animals.I think they’re our friends.Among all the animals, I like dogs best, because they can do more things than other animals.For example,some dogs can help people to look after sheep, to find the lost children, or to help blind man to do thing.I have a pet dog.Playing with it makes me happy and relaxed.Let’s share the world with animals.互联网

Internet is important for people today.More and more people use the Internet every day.The Internet can help us do lots of things.We can use the Internet for finding useful information and also talk to different people in other countries on the Internet.长城

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders in the world.It is about 4000 miles long.Every year, thousands of tourists go to visit the Great Wall.So it’s important and necessary for us to protect the Great Wall of China.学会微笑

In our life, there may be something unpleasant.For example, you fail in an exam, or your friends don’t understand you.Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? We should learn to smile to others.It will help you to get close to others.So, smile is the most widely understood language.







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