Unit 2Lesson 1National Holidays(五篇范例)

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第一篇:Unit 2Lesson 1National Holidays

Unit 2Lesson 1National Holidays

Language Points:

1.去观光go sightseeing


3.从那时起 ever since then

4.观看烟火表演watch fireworks displays

5.享受幸福的生活enjoy a happy life

6.过着幸福的生活live /lead a happy life

7.在十月初in early October

8.笑脸 smiling faces

9.在那一天on that day

10.五星红旗five-star red flag

11.中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of China

12.庆祝我的十四岁生日 celebrate my 14th birthday

13.庆祝这个特殊的日子 celebrate this special day

14.走亲访友 visit /call on relatives and friends

15.开庆祝会 have a gala

16.开国庆联欢会 have a National Day gala

17.家庭成员family members

18.真可惜!What a shame!

19.以……装饰 decorate …with…

20.入党join the Party参军 join the army

21.发展中国家 a developing country发达国家a developed country

22.献花give flowers

23.送贺卡 send cards

24.还是要谢谢你。Thank you anyway.=Thank you all the same.25.接受去宴会的邀请 accept the invitation to the party

26.邀请 make an invitation接受邀请 accept an invitation

谢绝请贴decline an invitation

27.一起吃饭have dinner together

28.一些……一些…还有另一些some…others…still others

29.一个……另一个one …the other(范围两个)

30.一群青年a group of youths

31.大多数人most people /most of the people

32.周末计划plan for weekend

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