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Passage 1

Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big?

1.To what do—harvest moon(All of these)

2.The main purpose—is to(inform)

3.The author knew—the moon(mysterious)

4.The moon looks bigger if(it is--horizon)

5.The autumm moon(help farmers--crops)

Passage 2

Strange thing happens to time when you travel.1.The best title—is(how time--world)

2.The difference in—is(one hour)

3.From this –ocean(is divided--zones)

4.The international—name for(the point--begins)

5.If you cross—clock(ahead one--zone)

Passage 3

Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month

1.The government—have a(3-day)

2.Workers in the—from(Tuesday to Friday)

3.Which statement—passage?(All the--vacation)

4.The reason—that(no one--place)

5.Which of the—passage?(Something—U.S)

Passage 4

Sarah Winchester was a very rich woman.1.What did—house(Making it bigger)

2.The story—had(7 floors)

3.Who did—house(Carpenters--workers)

4.How long—continue(For 38 years)

5.Sarah’s—finished(when she died)

Passage 5

The diner is only a humble restaurant,1.What’s the—2(The attraction--people)

2.The purpose—to(gove a--passage)

3.Why do—diner?(It’s--loneliness)

4.Diners attract(many--people)

5.Diners are(fascinating)

Passage 6

In the past two years,millions-

1.The word—to(make use of)

2.It can—fitness,(bicyle--rise)

3.The bicycle is(enjoying--revival)

4.The reader—are(concerned--lives)

5.in the—means(a rapid--sale)

Passage 7

Doctors have known for a long time that— Or loss

1.Doctors have—that(one many--noise)

2.This passage—hearing(will be--second)

3.According to—aspirin(makes hearing--worse)

4.Millions of—they(take--aspirin)

5.The purpose—find(whether aspirin--noises)

Passage 8Just two month ago,Ana,a teenager,was—

1.Ana realizes that(she must--exam)

2.Ana has—for(seven years)

3.Ana experiences—with(the--lectures)

4.Ana tells—about(her family)

5.The best—is(Ana comes--colors)

Passage 9

Any mistake made in the printing of a – Collectors.1.A postage—if(a mistake--printing)

2.In 1847—were(not--stamps)

3.In 1847—in the(wording)


5.The valuable—by(British printers)

Passage 10

In the English educational system,1.The purpose—to(describe--on)

2.The exam—age of(fifteen)

3.We may—that(the exam--exams)

4.The passage—that(schooling--England)

5.As used—means(to take--of)

Passage 11

For centuries,in the countries of south and—the

1.What can—passage?(It is hard--them)

2.Thailand was—because(white—1920s)

3.Why is—author?(Because--owners)

4.Which of—times?(Today--5150)

5.The passage—from(a research report)

Passage 12

The communications explosion is on the scale of the rail,1.By saying—to(display--life)

2.The author—is(amazing)

3.Which of—true?(The--functionally)

4.According—us to(talk and--are)

5.The phrase—by(each car)

Passage 13

Many private institutions of higher education around the—danger.1.According to—of(their characteristics)

2.The author—mean(get into difficulties)

3.We can—support(private schools)

4.Which of-NOT-schools?(Private--schools)

5.Which of--schools?(National--support)

Passage 14

Japan is getting tough about recycling—and------kind of way.1.According to—of(the consumers)

2.Which of—plastics?(It retains--reprocessing)

3.According to—to(a kind--layer)

4.In the—that(21-inch—so far)

5.The author—to(inform)

Passage 15

A friend of mine,in response to aconversation—of life,1.The author—because(like--unfair)


3.The second—discusses(it’s—of life)

4.In the—fact that(life--fair)

5.From the—life is(positive)

Passage 16

People appear to be born to compute.1.What does—discuss?(The--children)

2.From the—children(begin—and talk)

3.In his—is(objective)

4.According to—children(didn’t think)

5.Which of—of?(Children--easily)

Passage 17

The small coastal town of Broome,in northwest Australia,1.The first—that(Broome--vast)

2.Sun Pictures—in that(the—the grass)

3.Gregory Peck—(a movie star)

4.The non—refers to(an insect--incident)

5.It can—by(the Sun Pictures)

Passage 18

A new technology is going to ripe,one that could transform—lives,1.As is—superconductivity(is--development)

2.The new—that(it is being--world)

3.What does—wold?(Dramatic)

4.From the—that(Asian--technology)

5.Which of—passage?(Superconductivity:)

Passage 19

More surprising,perhaps,than the current difficulties—and thriving.1.By calling—that(more--Europeans)

2.From the—that(traditional--difficulty)

3.Which of—families?(Many--acceptable)

4.Part-time children(are--spouses)

5.Even though—families,(the--marriage)

Passage 20

People become quite illogical when they try to decide—cannot.1.The wold—means(disgusting)

2.We can—author(was angry--plants)

3.The author—snails(are the--food)

4.The best—be(One--Poison0

5.As indicated—because(they learn--families)

Passage 21

All the use ful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun.1.The sun is the source---EXCEPT(atomic power)

2.Radiant energy is stored---by(plants)

3.The sun’s energy provides---all EXCEPT(water)

4.The largest part lf the---earth is(absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere)

5.Of the sun’s total---receives(a very samall portion)

Passage 22

The market is a concept---for the passage?

1.Which of the following---passage?(What Is the Market?)

2.All of the following---EXCEPT(attending a night school)

3.You are buying---when you(dine at a restaurant)

4.The word---probably mean(concrete)

5.In what way is the market---something?(It tells you what to produce)Passage 23

X-rays wer first discovered by a German scientist---togethe.1.What puzzled Rontgen---was(some radiation---tube)

2.The screen didn’t---when(it was moved to the next room)

3.Rontgen put his hand---to(find out more about the rays)

4.The rays proved to---through(bone)

5.From the passage---are(invisible)

Passage 24

“Body clocks”are biological methods of controlling---were doing.1.According to the passage(one can help---“body clocks”)

2.Irregular signs shown---warning of(possible illnesses)

3.We tend to do physical---because(our body is most active then)

4.The author suggests---study is(at night)

5.According to the---day-dream(every hour in the day time)

Passage 25

Plastics are materials which are softened---cheaply

1.The word“sympathetic”in---means(agreeable)

2.It can be concluded from this passage that(plastics are cheap as antiques)

3.Which of the following---plastics?(Carbon)

4.Plastics that harden----called(thermosetting)

5.Which lf the following---passage?(The Development---Material)

Passage 26

When we analyze the salt salinity of ocean---of the world

1.This passage mainly tells us about(the causes of the--salinity)

2.It can be inferred from—by(evaporation)

3.Which of the following---salinity(Formation of sea ice)

4.Which of the following---passage(The temperature---salinity)

5.The purpose--Weddell Sea is(to give an example of---salinity)Passage 27

The science of meteorology is concerned with---meteorology

1.Which of the following is –-passage(Approaches to--Meteorology)

2.The predictions of synoptic---based on the(preparation r----maps)

3.Which of the following is not---weather forecasting(Sports)

4.The author implies—will lead to(greater protection--property)

5.In the last sentenceof-refers to(mathematics and physics)

Passage 28

As we have seen,the focus of medical care in our—of daily life

1.Today medical care is placing-on(removing peoples bad living habits)

2.In the first paragraph—that(good health is more than not being ill)

3.Traditionally,a person—if he(is free from any kind of disease)

4.According to the author---(to strive to maintain—possible health)

5.According to what—healthy?(People who try to--limitations)Passage 29

IF you want to teach your---is not

1.If a mother adds—(the childs may feel that--apolgy)

2.According to the author—(I’m aware--blame)

3.It is not advisable—(it is vague and ineffective)

4.We lean from—(their ages should--account)

5.It can be inferred—(not as-seems)

Passage 30

Scratchy throats---catching one

1.According to the—(shorten the--illness)

2.We learn from the passage that(over-the-counter---)

3.According to the passage—(one should take_disease)

4.Which of the—cold(A high temperature)

5.If children have –(are advised not to--aspirin)

Passage 31

Sign has become a scientific—stuff

1.The study of sign—(a challengeto---)

2.The present growing—(an English--deaf)

3.According to Stokoe—(a genuine language)

4.Most educators objected—(a language could--sounds)

5.Stokoe’s argument is—(language is a product of the brain)Passage 32

It is hard to track the blue—miles

1.The passage is chiefly about(the civilian--system)

2.The underwater---(to trace and locate---)

3.The deep-sea---(the unique property--)

4.It can be inferred—(military---)

5.Which of the following—(it is now partly--)Passage 33

You never see them—recovered

1.What does the author—(It is an indispensable--)

2.What information –(Data for analyzing--)

3.Why was the black—(The early models often---)

4.Why did the Federal—(To make them--)

5.What do we know—(there is still---)Passage 34

New technology links------to the firm

1.What is the author’s attitude—(positive)

2.With the increased---(are attaching more-----)

3.In this passage—(missing opportunities for---)

4.According to the—(Ability to speak---)

5.The advantage of—(better control the---)


1.Feature ofpower generation

The simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that ……P282

2.Types of circuit breaker

The high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors ,……P283 3.Optical fiber communication

Optical fiber communication is a 10-pound note kind of information communication by optical fiber.……P284

4.Power plant

According to the mode of energy conversion ,power plants can be classified into fossil-fired……P283

5.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units 1000mwgrade

Taking a 10-pound note general view of the 1000mw grade high-efficiency supercritical unit designed ……P286

6.The role of the condenser

The condenser is a 10-pound note surface heat exchanger in which cooling water passing through the tubes ……P287

7.Hydraulic structure

The selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on topographic,……P288

8.Heat treatment

The purpose of post-weld heat treatment is :to diminish the residual stress in the welded……P289

9.Business and risks

Marx once quoted a famous saying in his work capitalism ……P290


Electricity may be dangerous.it always takes the shortest way to the ground ……P290

11.Undersea life

The undersea world is very mysterious.……P291

12.Advice on friendship

We all need friends.without friends we may feel empty and sad ……P292 13.Australis

Australis is a vast continent,the sixth largest in world.……P292


Biomass is a cost-effective source of energy.……P293

15.Nuclear radiation

Nuclear power’s danger to health ,safety ,and even to lifeitselfcan be summed up in one world ……P294

16.Livestock’s long shadow

When you think about the growth of human population over the last century or so ,it is all ……P295

17.Pain management

Years ago ,doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life.……P295

18.The obama administration’sbank rescue proposal

Among the criticisms of the boama administration’s bank ……P296


1.Feature of power generation The simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that ……P282 2.Types of circuit breaker The high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors ,……P283 3.Optical fiber communication Optical fiber communication is a 10-pound note kind of information communication by optical fiber.……P284 4.Power plant According to the mode of energy conversion ,power plants can be classified into fossil-fired……P283

5.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units 1000mw grade

Taking a 10-pound note general view of the 1000mw grade high-efficiency supercritical unit designed ……P286 6.The role of the condenser The condenser is a 10-pound note surface heat exchanger in which cooling water passing through the tubes ……P287 7.Hydraulic structure The selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on topographic,……P288 8.Heat treatment The purpose of post-weld heat treatment is :to diminish the residual stress in the welded……P289 9.Business and risks Marx once quoted a famous saying in his work capitalism ……P290 10.Electricity

Electricity may be dangerous.it always takes the shortest way to the ground ……P290

11.Undersea life The undersea world is very mysterious.……P291 12.Advice on friendship We all need friends.without friends we may feel empty and sad ……P292 13.Australis Australis is a vast continent,the sixth largest in world.……P292 14.Biomass

Biomass is a cost-effective source of energy.……P293 15.Nuclear radiation

Nuclear power’s danger to health ,safety ,and even to lifeitself can be summed up in one world ……P294 16.Livestock’s long shadow When you think about the growth of human population over the last century or so ,it is all ……P295 17.Pain management Years ago ,doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life.……P295 18.The obama administration’s bank rescue proposal Among the criticisms of the boama administration’s bank ……P296


1.Advice on friendship

We all need friends.Without friends we may feel empty and sad.……P314

2.Business and risks

Mars once quoted a famous saying in his work capitalism, ……P311

3.Closed loop operation of power grid

The closed loop operation of power grid refers to the mode of connecting the substations or transformers ……P303


Electricity may be dangerous.It always takes the shortest way to the ground.……P312

5.Feature of power generation

The simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that the electric power generation,……P302

6.Grounding of electric equipment

Connecting electric equipment with a grounded conductor in the earth is called grounding.……P305

7.Heat treatment

The purpose of post-weld heat treatment is: to diminish the residual stress in the welded joints;……P310


The selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on 8.Hydraulic topographic……P310

9.Optical fiber communication

Optical fiber communication is a kind information by optical fiber.……P306


Do you know the key to the following question?……P313

11.Power plant

According to the mode of energy conversion, power plants can be classified into fossil-fired,……P307

12.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units of 1 000MW grade

Taking a general view of the 1 000MW high-efficiency supercritical unit designed and made in China,……P308

13.Types of circuit breaker

The high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors,……P304

14.The role of the condenser

The condenser is a surface heat exchange in which cooling water passing through the tubers ……P308


The undersea world is very mysterious.In the daytime, there is enough light.……P313



Passage 1 Functions of power transmissionCEADB

The function of(1)is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange。。

A.step-down substations and connected transmission equipment

B.power network operation

C.power transmission

D.transmission at high voltage

E.power networks

Passage 2 Substation misoperation and its preventingCEABD

The misopemtion that can lead to(1)mainly are:①on-load switching of isolating switch;

A.preventing the misoperation in substation

B.the closing of grounding switch with power on

C.accidents in the electrical operation of the substation

D.the persons from illegal entering the lived bay

E.the grounding wire(closing the grounding switch)with power on

Passage 3 A brief introduction on the development of supercritical boilers and their main advantagesBDEAC

In(1)such as U.S.A,Japan and European countries,the supercritical。。

A.good homogenization of distribution

B.some advanced countries

C.whole process management is strengthened

D.great advantages oil economy and environmental protection

E.subcritical once-through boiler

Passage 4 Steam generation and useBEADC

Steam is one of man’s dependable servants More and more in the background。。

A.first generating steam

B.an electrically heated home

C.use of steam for electric power generation

D.the new generating capacity being installed

E.the fuel is uranium and the heat is supplied

Passage 5 Circuit breakerBDAEC

Circuit breakers are automatically operated high voltage(or high current)switches.。。

A· to perform any switching operation after long periods

B.to control electrical power networks

C.of the circuit breaker

D.to switch the current which can be from a few amperes

E.of the highest importance for high reliability

Passage 6 The ratio of distance to height of pumped-storage power plantBDACE

For pumped-storage power plant, generally the ratio of distance to height(l),。。

A.is most economic

B.is used to evaluate topographic condition of power plant

C.is not desirable

D.is the ratio of horizontal distance between upper and low reservoirE.is the best

Passage 7 Fuel cellsBAECD

Fuel cells are devices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-rich compounds and oxygen are supplied to。。

A.further development is under way

B.there is no storage capacity in a fuel cell

C.many cells are operated in series to obtain voltages

D.supply alternating current from fuel cells

E.as they are being developed there have been some applications

Passage 8 Substations pace into the Digital AgeCAEBD

Substations constitute the main part of power transmission and distribution in a power grid.。。

A.substation automation technology has reached a certain level

B.simulation training technology for substation operation

C.composed of a large number of primary and secondary equipments

D.a full-digital automation system

E.all of which has become an indisputable fact

Passage 9 Overcoming the Problem of WasteCADEB

Many large cities are anything but beautiful Streets are littered with trash.In this trash, however,(1)。。

A.there is no time to be lost

B.building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dream

C.there is still something that can be useful

D.it can be put to use again

E.more and more machines are designed for this purpose

Passage 10 HibernationEBDAC

The weather in winter.Call be very cold.Some animals sleep during the winter,。。

A.So they don’t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animals

B.We call this kind of sleep in wintertime “hibernation’’

C.As it gets warmer and warmer in spring,the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for food

D.Hibernating animals don’t need to eat much because they don’t moveE.They can sleep for a long time

Passage 11 SatellitesBDACE

The body that is neatest to the Earth is the moon.(1).This satellite is。。

A.The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravity

B.It circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the Earth

C.To get out into space we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull

D.A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a circle

E.Artificial satellite can be used for various purposes

Passage 12 Secondary equipment in power systemBDEAC

The secondary equipments in power system are(1), measuring,regulating。。

A.5A rated current of the current transformer secondary winding

B.the equipments that provide protecting,monitoring

C.50V rated voltage of PT secondary side

D.the equipments that send the command signals

E.current values in secondary system

Passage 13 Switching overvoltageEABCD

A sudden change in the configuration of transmission network caused(1)or by the appearance of a fault can。。

A.determine the insulation requirements of transmission lines

B.the cost of transmission and 1ine failure rate

C.at both opening and closing of circuit breakers

D.by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in 500kV system

E.by the operation of a circuit breaker

Passage 14 Transmission line and distribution lineADBCE

The high voltage power line through which power is(1)is called power transmission line.。。

A.transmitted from power plant’s step-up substation to step-down substation

B.the overhead transmission line

C.lightning frequently happening and heavy raining

D.the power line that transmits the power from step-down substation

E.1arge spanning line section

Passage 15 Transformer insulationCEABD

The insulation of a transformer can be categorized into internal insulation and external insulation.。。

A.The main insulation materials inside transformer are transformer oil

B.The degradation of insulating properties of insulation materials under long period of influence

C.The internal insulation refers to the insulation of various parts inside the oil tank

D.If the winding temperature is within the scope of 80~140 oC

E.The main insulation refers to the insulation between windings and grounding parts and the insulation between windings

Passage 16 The electricity marketBDAEC

The aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring various parties more。。

A.to agree on the price and quantity to be traded

B.a wholesale market

C.to register as a market customer

D.a retail market

E.to choose electricity suppliers

Passage 17 Electric powerCBDAE

Electric power is a most convenient,clean,safe,and useful form of energy which


A.its growth rate

B.its unavailability

C.the lack of electricity(a blackout)

D.social disorder, and even national tragedy

E.high electric power consumption per capita

Passage 18 Copyright piracyBDAEC

There are numerous examples of what has become known as copyright piracy.。。

A.new chemicals

B.the research and development

C.physical property

D.the fake and real items

E.the intellectual property

Passage 19 Electrical energyDEBAC

Electrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge.。。

A.Alternating current

B.electrical energy

C.Electrical potential

D.static electricity

E.electrical charge

Passage 20 Solar energyADBCE

Many people think of alternative solar energy as a new technology,。。



C.the collected energy is used to heat a fluid

D.the best known is photovoltaic cells


Passage 21 Electrical energy conservationCDEAB

Electrical energy conservation refers to the process of reducing energy used through various means.。。

A.turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter

B.looking for other opportunities for electrical energy conservation in the home

C.reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at home

D.making use of alternative clean energy sources

E.contributing to climate change



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