
时间:2019-05-14 00:42:18下载本文作者:会员上传
















Excel in something = have advantage in something

1.图表描述:The graph shows/illustrates/displays …

2.表程度:Fell dramatically/significantly/astonishingly/considerably/steadily to approximately 100 and 200 respectively;noticeable decrease

Slightly/marginally more women than men …

3.表上升:The graph showed an upward trend/ something soars to…;雅思写作词汇 Increase/ rise/ grow/ go up/ improve/ climb/ boom/ leap

4.表下降:decrease/fall/drop/dip/go down/decline/reduce

Exceed/overtake/outnumber – e.g.Men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts.5.数值相同:Coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980,which was matched by natural gas


6.讨论类:An intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to … Can be a vehicle(=solution/way/method etc.)for reinvigorating(振兴)… From a pragmatic point …

Foresee certain cases of exemptions

Make = yield(产出成果、效果、收益etc.)

7.提出自己观点:While I admit that…/I am convinced that…

8.其他:Beyond our wildest expectations

Inevitable = inescapable

Underground railway systems = subway networks

Genetic factors & environment / nature & nurture










1.Different people have different notions on happiness.What are the reasons for the different understanding of happiness? Which element do you think is the most important for your own happiness?

2.The invention of robots will change the working condition of human beings forever, but others believe that it also contains potential risks in the future.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.3.Some believe that women should not do such kinds of jobs like military or police force.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.Economic success is the only way to measure personal success.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5.The traffic jam in big cities is a huge trouble for most residents, so people should move to the countryside for a better living.Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

6.Some people believe that higher education will provide people a chance to improve their academic performance in the future.However, others believe that it is a way to gain an academic qualification.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.7.The high tuition will force students from poor families to quit in their college and university, so the local government should pay the bill for the student.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.The advertisements of toys and snacks will have negative influence on kids, so it should be prohibited on TV and other media.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9.The popularization of new media like the Internet and cellphones will put a threat on the traditional ones like printed books.What are the reasons for this issue? What measures should be taken to deal with it?

10.Rules and laws organized by government should be respected by every citizen for a public stability, which may deny freedom to an individual to some extent.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.11.Some people believe that criminals should be put into prison as long as possible rather than give them a second chance in community.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12.The high proportion of aging population in many countries will impose negative influence on not only individual but also the whole society.What are the effects on both sides?

13.The local industry relying on the local marketing and consuming to some extent, so the local people should only spend money on the local foods and products instead of imported foods from other places in the world.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14.The fossil fuels are out of storage soon and will have negative influence on people’s healthy condition.What are effects on people’s health from using fossil fuels? What other ways can we apply to change the current energy crisis?

15.The developing countries should always get financial aid from developed nations, but it will bring about some sacrifice for the poor nations in many aspects.What are the sacrifices for the poor nations? What are the other ways to help those countries out of problem?

16.The relationship between families and friends are less close than we used to be.What are the reasons for this issue? What measures should be taken to deal with this problem?

17.As international tourists, one should always adhere to the local customs.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

18.Some believe that students should learn in a group, but others believe that learning one-to-one is a better choice.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.19.The reports on newspaper and TV are focusing on violence and other negative social problems.Why do they broadcast these reports? What are the effects on the young generation in this issue?

20.The local government should concern the healthy condition of citizens through more hospitals and sports facilities.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1.a lot of/lots of

这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了。可以用A considerable number of代替。

2.Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides



这个词不好。按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间。可以用 In the last 5 years…/since….代替。

4.There is survey……

老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one 也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了。

5.And, because, but

这三个词我们还是经常会用到.其实最好用in addition, therefore, however等代替。

6.不能用vivid 来形容world,vivid可以用来说memories或者是dream之类的。

7.No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly


8.in a word


9.Meanwhile don’t use in general academic writing or for task 2-but it is ok for describing a process in task 1


理由和3差不多,这个词用在文章里显得太普通了,老师的原话是it does not mean very


11.It is a well known fact… 最好不要用, 有的考官会扣分。

12.advantages and disadvantages 换成merits and drawback 和pros and cons

13.In my opinion, I dis/agree with this

这是多余的表达.When stating your opinion you follow with a fact 相信大家都能看懂,,就不翻译了。

14.IELTS文章中千万不能用缩写, 例如I’m 在考场上别犯懒,平时最好也别写缩写,多多注意,养成习惯。

15.very不能用来形容delicious, lovely, fantastic, wonderful, amazing, gorgeous and huge.16.human being MS这个词指的是动物+植物,以后可以用man kind代替。



宁波沃尔得国际英语学校教您如何在职场面试中脱颖而出Most of the job seekers fail in the interviews because they:


1.Didn’t research the company.Didn’t know the CEO’s name, the size of the company, their business, the market cap, the ticker symbol(for public companies),etc。


2.Didn’t sell themselves, or forgot to communicate: “This is what I can do for you, because this is what I have done in school, and for others,” etc。


3.Were nervous, had poor body language, or didn’t look the interviewer in the eye.They obviously didn’t practice interviewing or selling themselves.They say things like, “What would you like to know about me?”


4.Didn’t have a real understanding of the position(i.e.not doing their homework about the job)or even asking about the position’s responsibilities。


5.Were not enthusiastic or did not demonstrate a level of commitment to work, the position, or the industry。


6.Didn’t remember what is on their resume.For example, being asked a question about a part-time or summer job and not remembering much about it。


7.Were not thoughtful or inquisitive questions to ask at the end of the interview。


8.Were not able to differentiate themselves from other candidates(i.e.what makes them a better candidate than others)。


9.Were not able to identify their weaknesses and show how they plan to strengthen them。


10.Were unable to relate what they have studied or what they have done to a business setting。




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