第十六章 国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)

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第一篇:第十六章 国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)

第十六章 国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)

教学目标:掌握有关国际商事合同责任以及免责条款的翻译方法。课堂教学 概述


1、Each Party hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless the other Party against any claims, suits, losses, or costs arising out of any actual or alleged breach or failure to comply with any provisions hereof.参考译文:

合同各方在此同意,如一方实际违约或被指控违约或未遵守本合同任何规定,引起任何索赔、诉讼、损失,应由该方赔偿另一方,使其免受损害。常用表达方式:(1)、”indemnify someone against/from”: “promise to pay someone an amount of money if he suffers any loss“,是指“保证赔偿某方可能受到的损失或伤害“。

如:The Party in breach shall indemnify the innocent Party against/from any losses or disbursement(“expense”)the innocent Party may incur arising out of the breach.(2)、” indemnify someone for”, “to pay someone an amount of money because of the damage or loss that party has suffered”,是指“赔偿某方已受到的损失或伤害,为某方受到的损失或伤害做出赔偿“。

如:The infringer shall indemnify the holder of patent right for the losses incurred by the right holder arising out of the acts of infringement on the patent.(3)、”indemnify and hold harmless someone against/from ”: 两者经常连用,与”indemnify someone against/from”意义相同,所以在汉译英时,可以省去”hold harmless”,但英译汉时,可译为“使不受或免受损失或损害“。

2、Party A hereby indemnifies, hold harmless and defend Party B against any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages asserted against Party B by any third party in case that the know-how delivered in the form of drawings, data or documents infringes on the right of trade secret or patent of that third party;provided that Party B shall(a)immediately notify Party A of said assertions as they come to its awareness;(b)authorize Party A to conduct the defense of said claims;and(c)follow Party A’s instruction to cease use of the know-how, which, by Party A’s judgment, is likely to constitute an infringement on that third party’s right of trade secret or patent.参考译文:

甲方在此表示,如其以图纸、数据或文件形式交付的专有技术侵犯了第三方商业秘密权利或专利权,导致第三方向乙方提出索赔,要求赔偿损失、开支或损害赔偿金,甲方应赔偿乙方,使其免受损失并为其答辩,但乙方应(1)、在获悉前述主张时立即通知甲方;(2)、授权甲方进行针就前述索赔进行的答辩;(3)、遵照甲方指示,停止使用经甲方判断有可能侵犯该第三方商业秘密权或专利权的专有技术。词语辨析: “infringement”and “tort” “infringement”,通常表示对“知识产权的侵权行为“,如”patent infringement”,” copyright infringement”, “trademark infringement”, ” infringement of/ on intellectual property”,被侵权人(infringee)可以向侵权人(infringer)提起侵权之诉(infringement litigation/action)。

如:Party A filed an action against Party B in respect of Party B’s infringement of patent right of utility models.“tort”, 泛指侵权(行为),指“私法上对人身、人格或财产权利的侵犯”(a wrongful act or omission for which damages can be obtained in a civil court by the person wronged)。The law of tort provides protection for interests such as reputation, personal freedom, title to property, commercial interests and so on.其针对的对象如:” tort against property”, “tort against reputation”, “tort against personal freedom”,” tort against the person”,对此,可以针对侵权行为人(tortfeasor)提起侵权之诉(tort action),其类型大致有:”tort of negligence”(过失侵权), “tort of intention”(故意侵权)等。

如:The woman filed an action against the tort affecting her reputation resulting from the defamation committed by her colleague.例


You shall, upon demand by us, indemnify us against any losses, fees(including but not limited to legal fees), expenses or liabilities sustained by us as a consequence of the occurrence of any non-performance by you of any of your obligations under the Credit Documents, unless otherwise judged or ordered by the court.例

4、Each Party hereto release and discharge the other Party from all claims, allegations, actions and demands arising out of the Claim asserted by a third party and existing in the term of this Agreement, including but without limitation to any liability for legal costs arising out of the subject matter under the Claim.参考译文:


“release and discharge the other Party from…”, 表示”免除某方的责任/义务“。

如:Party A hereby release and discharge Party B from any costs, charges, damages, losses incurred by Party A arising from the breach of this Sales Contract by Party B.例

5、Party B hereby agrees that Party A or its employees shall not be liable to Party B for any actions, damages, claims, liabilities or losses arising out of the services performed under this Agreement for an aggregate amount exceeding the Service Fees paid by Party B to Party A for the services provided by Party A.参考译文:




1、Any waiver made or any indulgence granted by us to you of any breach of the Credit Agreement shall not affect all or any of our rights, powers and remedies under this Agreement which may be exercised by us at any time thereafter, as though no such waiver had been made or indulgence has been granted.参考译文:


2、In consideration of our making available the Facility set forth herein, you shall indemnify us in respect of all claims, liabilities, losses, reasonable expenses and all other reasonable monies of whatever nature which we may incur in any way as a consequence of our making available any such Facility, and to pay to us all sums which may be claimed from us together with interest thereon calculated from the date on which we paid or incurred the relevant sum or other reasonable costs.参考译文:




Licensee agrees to indemnify Licenser from all claims, actions against Licenser or losses incurred by Licenser, including but without limitation to reasonable retaining fees, as a result of improper manufacture or sale of the Products by Licensee.

第二篇:第十四章 国际商事合同保证条款的翻译

第十四章 国际商事合同陈述与保证条款翻译




国际商事合同中的陈述与保证条款(Representation and Warranties),用以说明合同各当事人对保证合同得以顺利签订与履行的某些基本事实做出陈述并保证其真实性、准确性、完整性,对此陈述所做的保证在合同签订时做出,并贯穿整个合同有效期。一旦合同某方行为与其在陈述与保证条款中的陈述不符,须承担违约责任。可见,保证条款的内容通常构成国际商事合同签订以及有效履行的基础。

对于该条款中的“保证”(Warranties),指(1)、合同法中由合同一方做出的承诺或许诺,如果违反,守约方可以请求损害赔偿(a term or promise in a contract, breach of which will entitled the innocent party to damages);(2)、在保险法中被保险人做出的承诺,如果违反,保险人可以解除合同(a promise by the insured, breach of which will entitled the insurer to rescind the contract);(3)、产品制造商做出的书面承诺,保证维修、更换缺陷产品或做出赔偿,此时,与”guarantee”同义(a manufacturer’s written promise as to the extent he will repair, replace, return or otherwise compensate for defective goods)。


1、(the Clauses of Representation and Warranties in a facility agreement)

In consideration of the Facility available under this Agreement, you hereby represent and

warrant that such representations and warranties as follows are true at the execution date hereof

and will remain true throughout the term of this Agreement unless and until all the outstanding

sums hereunder have been wholly repaid to us:

(1)You have duly accepted, immediately upon your execution of this

Agreement,which is legally binding on and enforceable to you subject to the terms and

conditions hereof;

(2)You are a limited liability company duly organized and validly

existing under the laws of the PRC, and have the power to perform any and all of your

obligations under this Agreement on the execution date hereof and at all times hereafter;

(3)your execution and

delivery of any and all documents constituting the Wholesale Finance Documents, and for your

performance of any and all of your obligations thereunder;

(4)Finance Documents does not and will not constitute an event of default hereunder, a violation

of any of the governing laws and/or regulations or a breach of any of the provisions of your

articles of association, the Wholesale and Financing Master Agreement, or any other contract,agreement or arrangement to which you are a party or which is binding on you;

(5)Your latest annual report and audited accounting statements are

true and accurate in all respects, represent a true and fair view of your financial situation as of

the date of such accounting, and have made full and complete disclosure of all debts of you as

of the date on which the related statement is made and as for the time being, in accordance with

the generally accepted accounting principles.No material changes have occurred since the

most recent financial statement is made, and, in particular, neither your net assets have been

deteriorated, nor have you entered into any agreement that might be materially burdensome to

you or create any collateral or other security interest on your assets;

(6)You are neither engaged in any litigation, arbitration or administration

proceedings against you;

2、(in a License Agreement for the Transfer of Technology)

Party A warrants to Party B that any parts or components delivered to Party B under this Agreement will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use when assembled according to Party A’s specifications.Party A’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing at the factory designated by Party A any parts or components which shall be examined by Party A and found defective.This warranty will cease fifteen(15)months after receipt of the parts or components by Party B.例

3、(in a Contract for the Establishment of a Joint Venture)






4、(clauses of warranties not to compete in a Contract of Agency)








1、Party A agrees and warrants to Party B that neither Party A nor any Connected Person shall,during the term of this Contract, and for two(2)years after the expiry of or termination of this


(a).undertake any business in direct competition with the business of Party B without prior

written consent by Party B;

(b).solicit or entice away any customer, employee, director or supplier of Party B for whatever


(c).manufacture any products competitive with the Products without prior written authorization

of Party B.2、Party A represents and warrants to Party B that the statements set out in Appendices Ⅱ

are on the execution date of this Contract and shall in the entire term hereof be true and

accurate.Party A agrees that Party B has entered into this Contract in reliance on the


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