Written self旷课英文检讨书

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第一篇:Written self旷课英文检讨书

Written self-criticism

First of all, I want to say, I felt deeply sorry for his actions.This is not the first time I write a written self criticism, but this is the first time I write English written self criticism.Believe that all the students alike.I like to learn English well.But it must be admitted that it is difficult.English is the most difficult subject for me.From high school, my English is on the edge of the failed.Tried many methods.All kinds of cram school.Have no effect.Until the college entrance examination.As luck would have it.The college entrance examination English is my first time in one hundred.For this matter.I feel lucky and proud.Then say it.I want to say sorry to my English teacher Gibson ca.Didn't go to your class really is my loss.Follow you have been learning English for more than a year.Because understand your good nature.Will not go to class.This is my own problem.I don't know you angry because this one thing.Because we have gone too far.Man is a third of the students in the class.If I think to most of the students didn't go.Then I will go to class.Here, I assure the teacher.In the future I must be on time for class.Never skip classes.Responsible for yourself.Take responsibility for their own future.I understand the teachers are anxious about our English test band 4.Just as common saying of China: the emperor is not urgent eunuch nasty.I am very grateful to the teacher of the pay to us.Grateful to the teacher severe punishment for us.I don't want to find any reason to vindication, because of the wrong, is wrong, to find reasons to escape, will only let me deeper and shirk responsibility, easy to become a habit, absenteeism is not a small thing, the teacher to find when we talk, I really deeply realized that he was wrong, especially the teacher asked us what do you usually do to skipping classes, indeed, generally we skip classes are in the dormitory surfing the Internet, the teacher said the question, parents buy a computer for us is for the sake of what, what did we use a computer to do, is nothing more than watching movies, playing games, watching entertainment news, for the teacher said that the livelihood of the people of our country's GDP, the trend of real estate, and what we learn professional knowledge, such as how recent car sales, we never thought about the computer to know these, I feel live up to their parents and live up to the teacher, live up to myself.Today the teacher said so much, I want to actually for me, this time the teacher is a good thing for me, let me think a lot, first of all, I deeply realized the mistake of skipping classes, secondly, correct mistakes, I think, is an urgent thing, in the end, I want to better your future goals in life, not blindly.In the next day, I will: 1.Is to write a written self criticism to apologize, since made a mistake, should to take, avoid making the same after fault.2.To improve discipline, abide by the rules the school rules, 3.To improve their ideological consciousness, develop good study life style 4.Coordinate with the student union work time to study 5.As an adult, learn what you can't do not to do 6.Learning plan, not blindly, and efforts to the final exam Finally, I want to say, in fact review is just a dead already, correct mistakes not write a review, but by practical action, only real realize his mistakes, can correct mistakes, and this review will be one of my oversight, a wake-up call, supervise me solid step by step to correct the mistakes, I will use the actual action to prove his awakening, a hard never disappoint you.Skipping classes are divided into two kinds: one kind is the dominant class, is a recognized obvious truancy, embodied in the early, late, absent without cause, etc.;The other is a recessive skipping classes, the manifestation is a disguised form classes risk is very big sleep in the classroom, daydreaming, reading a novel magazines, chat, etc.The manifestation of several classes in our classroom is common enough, if not in time to stop the phenomenon will lead to serious consequences, starts from me rise ideology put an end to the undesirable phenomenon.Truancy phenomenon is not rare in the university, many college students based on psychological stress, emotional factors, infatuated with network, personal emotions and body unwell wait for a reason for the shield, skipping classes and university enrollment expansion in recent years, more underachievers into university, students' comprehensive quality is uneven, lead to more serious students truancy.Really is a dead fish “red in a pot of soup”.Of late, this is not a negligible.Many students don't think I'll be late for a few minutes? This is not compulsory course is elective courses, elective courses to learn not learn ambiguous anyway examination didn't test, if it is a compulsory course to think oneself is very smart thinking consciousness is very high, corrupt a crumb of said is not so for a few minutes? This simple book I have a look at will.Some of these ideas as a college student should not be, first of all, failure to observe the school rules system on time for class, second to study attitude is not correct, the study purpose is not clear, did not enter the correct thought track, in the past for a long time to develop life, learning, laid-back approach, made a bad example to the whole class had a bad effect.Leave early, is not we can ignore the small things.Since we came into the classroom before class to get out of the classroom after the class, what students waiting for me to the party, what this class is optional, what the teacher is not interested in it, as a student all of these reasons for it is not reasonable.There is no reason not to be punctual, no reason to live up to what our teacher of course, there is no reason to cheat parents expect of you, there is no reason to put their future.Absent without cause, is one of the most serious of skipping classes, rather than to be late, leave early more serious plot.Many school teacher in that it is forbidden to truancy, although only one day of kuang class will reflect a lot of problems.Knowledge is like building a tower, also did not play a good foundation to beautiful skyscrapers stand the test of “social hurricane”.When I undergo the examination room war, only to find that knowledge this sharp arrows no good grinding, finally ended in failure.Knowledge like chains do a ring by ring, if one didn't fasten chain is not strong.Like learning, although there are no on this lesson, but the next lesson recycle to the knowledge of the lesson, lesson knowledge didn't understand the serious impact to the next class of quality of listening to lectures, many students to begin and end, and don't like to ask the teacher after class and over time to produce anaerobic class imperceptibly lost his mood a vicious cycle.Sleeping in the class, ignoring this kind of phenomenon is not only in the university, is also very common in middle school or primary school, this seemingly “in the classroom, the heart in different ground” disguised skipping classes affected college students' learning quality.The teacher's meaning, also is not required to listen to, class I didn't go out to play in the classroom, so the school can't buckle my credits, learn these Born from the ideological astray is sometimes more serious than dominant truancy.In many schools in the university dormitory night chat, play CARDS until even 1 PM to 12 PM of restful sleep, this approach not only make oneself body exhausted burnout, burnout, and the one of classmates want to sleep can't sleep.Because of a shortage of the previous night sleep time, sleep quality is bad, so absent-minded in class, play, sleep is often the case with internal heat.Dropping, this phenomenon will make students course, learning spirit trance, can't complete their studies, gradually lost his way.


The importance of attending class and staying till the end

Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that students always absent for class.Even though they take the attendance, they may probably leave the room before the end of the class.Personally, I would like to say that being attending in the class and staying until the end is essential.First of all, it is good for students to obtain more knowledge when they fully take the lessons.The time of each class is limited, and teachers cannot teach the students everything in such a short time.For this reason, in order to absorb more useful things, students have to take advantage of that precious time as efficient as possible.On the contrary, if students absent for class, or they go away before the class finished, they will miss things that may be important.For example, in the Listening & Speaking class, students are required to watch movies and write about the critics.They won’t be able to hand in a good assignment if they miss the movies, or they do not finish watching them.In this case, they cannot learn what they should have learned because of their silly actions.Thus, leaving early or absences of class are bad for students.Secondly, one thing that students have to do to admire teachers is taking the attendance and staying until the end.Most people, both teachers and students, are looking for other’s respect.In this way, students respect teacher by taking attendance and stay until the bottom of the class.If the students do not go the class, or they leave at the half of the class, the teachers may feel regardless.Therefore, not missing class and keeping listening to teachers are good ways to show respect.Some students may argue that they miss classes for the lesson is boring.However, they are wrong.Class is always less interesting than playing, such as going KTV or playing DOTA.Moreover, there are few things that are more important than taking a class, except some family affair or sickness.As a student who is receiving high level education, it their own business to take responsibility for their study.In addition, attending class on time helps students acquire good habit.In stead of studying by themselves, the students always miss classes because they want to sleep more.Thus, taking lessons forces them to live a regular life.In conclusion, taking attendance and staying until the end of the class is obviously important to students.At the beginning, students can learn more things when they are in the classroom.Also, staying in the classroom and listening carefully to the teachers is respectful to the people who educate us.In addition, it’s students’ responsibility to take charge of their study.In short, we should never miss a class, or leave the room before the lesson finished.


The importance of attending class and staying till the end

Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that students always absent for class.Even though they take the attendance, they may probably leave the room before the end of the class.Personally, I would like to say that being attending in the class and staying until the end is essential.First of all, it is good for students to obtain more knowledge when they fully take the lessons.The time of each class is limited, and teachers cannot teach the students everything in such a short time.For this reason, in order to absorb more useful things, students have to take advantage of that precious time as efficient as possible.On the contrary, if students absent for class, or they go away before the class finished, they will miss things that may be important.For example, in the Listening & Speaking class, students are required to watch movies and write about the critics.They won’t be able to hand in a good assignment if they miss the movies, or they do not finish watching them.In this case, they cannot learn what they should have learned because of their silly actions.Thus, leaving early or absences of class are bad for students.Secondly, one thing that students have to do to admire teachers is taking the attendance and staying until the end.Most people, both teachers and students, are looking for other’s respect.In this way, students respect teacher by taking attendance and stay until the bottom of the class.If the students do not go the class, or they leave at the half of the class, the teachers may feel regardless.Therefore, not missing class and keeping listening to teachers are good ways to show respect.Some students may argue that they miss classes for the lesson is boring.However, they are wrong.Class is always less interesting than playing, such as going KTV or playing DOTA.Moreover, there are few things that are more important than taking a class, except some family affair or sickness.As a student who is receiving high level education, it their own business to take responsibility for their study.In addition, attending class on time helps students acquire good habit.In stead of

studying by themselves, the students always miss classes because they want to sleep more.Thus, taking lessons forces them to live a regular life.In conclusion, taking attendance and staying until the end of the class is obviously important to students.At the beginning, students can learn more things when they are in the classroom.Also, staying in the classroom and listening carefully to the teachers is respectful to the people who educate us.In addition, it’s students’ responsibility to take charge of their study.In short, we should never miss a class, or leave the room before the lesson finished.



尊敬的xx老师:今天,我怀着愧疚和懊悔给您写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对旷课这种不良行为的深刻认识以及再也不旷课的决心。见 微知着,由小及大,我作为学生干部、共青团员,有事没请假 给全班同学作了坏榜样造成了极恶劣的影响。对于我旷课的事情,所造成的严重后果我做了深刻的 反思:1 这样有事没请假,让老师担心我的安全。本应按时出现的我未能按时出现,试问怎么不会让平时十分关心爱护每一个学生的老师担心。而这样的担心很可 能让老师整天工作分心,造成更为严重的后果。2 在同学们中间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷课,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,也是对 别的同学的父母的不负责。3影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高 如今,错以铸成,我深感懊悔,深刻检讨自己的错误。4 思想 觉悟不高,对错误的认识不足,试想如果当时我就认识到事情的严重性,错误就不可能发生。这所有的问题都归结于我还未能达到一个现代大学生该具有的认识问题 的水平未能对老师的辛勤劳作做出回报,我越来越清晰的感觉到自己所犯错误的严重性 为此在以后的几年里 我一定会严格要求自己 在认真完成学业的同时,使自己的言行都与一个现代大学生相符合望老师能在我初范,认识深刻,而且平时表现也不错的份上~从轻处理,请关心爱护我的老师同学继续监督、帮 助我改正缺点,取得更大的进步。我不想像许多人那样写虚伪的检讨,检讨只是一份死物,改正错误不是靠写检讨,而是靠实际行动!只有真真切切认识到自己的错 误,才能改正错误。任何事情都有一个过程,改正错误也有一个过程,而这份检讨将是我的一个监督,一个警钟,监督我一步一步踏踏实实地改正所犯的错误!同时 也感谢学院各位老师给我机会,我一定用自己的行动来证明自己的觉醒,绝对不辜负你们的一片苦心!检讨人:xxx





正如老师所说,既然选择了一门课程,就应当尊重任课老师及其劳动成果,并且为自己的行为负责任。所以,我也不想找理由为自己开脱,或是找理由逃避,这样只会使自己越陷越深。作为学生,本职工作应当是学习,而我离开课堂,一定程度上扰乱了正常的课堂教学。旷课,的确不是一件小事。因而,结合自己的本次行为,我认为自己今后应该做到以下几点: 第一,戒除侥幸心理,脚踏实地学习。这堂课其实讲的挺好,自己也曾经为这门课花过一些功夫,但是在最后一周,我认为不会被查到,因此错误的选择了交完作业并离开课堂。虽然最后我也是去学习,但是对正规的课堂的这种侥幸投机心理,造成了一系列的不良后果。学习不是投机事业,不应当抱着侥幸心理,脚踏实地的学习才是一个学生该做的事情。这些不良的心理是以后应当戒除的。






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