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阿克谢罗德竞赛。最终获胜的策略有如下特征: 1)善良的: 策略为首先合作,不会首先选择背叛。
















昨天杭州的晚霞太惊世骇俗了!朋友圈都被刷爆了杭州网2016-06-19 09:04昨晚的落日和晚霞惊艳了整个杭州,天辣么蓝,云辣么白,晚霞辣么美,那么美,美,美,美......昨天傍晚,落日后的杭州上空惊现形状各异的火烧云,在钱塘江水的倒影下更显壮美,引得无数游客驻足观景拍照,留住夕阳红的精彩瞬间。(来源 :青年时报)朋友圈也瞬间变成了杭州晚霞的摄影大赛。废话不多说,直接上图……跟随镜头欣赏一下~(LC 摄)清澈明丽的天空,才应该是这个季节的标配。(简洁儿 摄)(杨小树 摄)葡萄紫色的火烧云,梦幻般地出现在杭城上空,仿佛走进了宫崎骏的动画里。(吃土boy 摄)开阔的钱塘江上,夕阳躲在晚霞身后,慢慢收拢它泄出的万丈光芒。(弱水花开 摄)好像是被打翻的颜料,又好像是艺术家笔下的油画,看这淡雅的玫瑰色,已是美不胜收。(Dr.Morrise 摄)上苍给我们送来美景!红了满天,醉了一江…(光歌 摄)水风清,晚霞明。啧啧,摄影大赛竞争激烈!张张都是大片!(岗岗 摄)有一种美,叫粉粉的...(酒酿大狮子 摄)怎么样?有木有电影海报的赶脚?变幻的美,每一刻都那么令人惊叹!亲,你的滤镜咋特别有层次感涅?(Dr.Morrise 摄)搭配这新城的灯光秀,宝宝只想说:不生活在这城市,你一定会错过很多生活的美好!那么,问题来了!这是火烧云吗?城报君问度娘,答:太阳刚刚出来的时候,或者傍晚太阳快要落山的时候,天边的云彩常常是通红的一片,像火烧的一样,叫做火烧云,又叫朝霞和晚霞。城报君又请教气象专家,答:这个云的分类应该是积云,按照颜色又可分为淡积云和浓积云,昨天的云是淡积云。积云主要在白天形成,因为在阳光照射下地面会迅速增温,使空气变热,热对流导致积云产生。积云通常在湿润地区和热带地区出现,但有时也会在干燥地区出现。除非积云变成积雨云,否则一般不会出现降雨。古语有云:“朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里”,因为朝霞多是积云造成的,极容易发展为积雨云;而晚霞多是淡积云造成的,淡积云不会造成降水,而且一般预示着一定范围内未来几天将持续晴好。昨天的晚霞虽美,可也预示着真正的高温大戏即将上演。杭州市气象台说:下周二(6月21日)就是夏至了,在此后的一段时间里,气温会节节攀升,所以有“夏至不过不热”的说法。随着副热带高压的北抬,21日起,杭州将出现晴热高温天气,气温直逼35度,甚至超过35度!中央气象台说:下周开始,南方将迎来今年以来最大范围、同时也是持续时间最长的高温天气。部分地区高温日数或达到10天以上。而且,由于湿度较大,体感温度将直奔40℃以上,甚至超过45℃。以22日为例,省会级城市上海、杭州、长沙、南昌、福州、广州最高气温将达35℃以上,体感温度也能达到45℃左右!展开全部





又到了一年一度的艾美奖时间!今年的艾美奖,于美国时间9月17日晚8点举办,由深夜脱口秀主持人、政治讽刺家史蒂芬·科拜尔(Stephen Colbert)主持。让外界都预期他的开场段子将会出现许多讽刺川普的内容,不过大家没想到的是柯贝尔居然出奇招找到惹怒川普的秘密武器,请来前白宫发言人史派塞现身典礼,史派塞也在典礼上重炒前老板川普就职典礼人数争议的梗,讽刺意味十足。

艾美奖(Emmy Awards)是美国电视界的最高奖项,地位和电影界的奥斯卡奖、音乐界的格莱美媲美。接下来一起先欣赏一下扣叔如何幽默地吐槽川皇才是2017年艾美奖最佳得主。

2017 Emmy Award Stephen 2017艾美奖扣扣熊开幕爆笑脱口秀

The Emmys kicked off with a song-and-dance number by host Stephen Colbert who quickly turned the 2017 Emmy Awards into a roast of, well, President Donald Trump.The politically-infused monologue was right in Colbert’s sweet spot, and even featured a surprise cameo from Sean Spicer, who was introduced by the host as “Melissa McCarthy.”

Stephen Colbert’s 10 best jokes from his Emmys monologue… 1.Can you feel it? This room is crackling with the collective energy of people who, for the past 48 hours, have consumed nothing but distilled water and Crest Whitestrips.2.If you do win, don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you get up here — namely, “Game of Thrones” for not being eligible.3.Personally, I have to take a moment here to thank CBS chairman Leslie Moonves.I literally have to thank him.It’s in my contract.4.These days, everybody loves streaming video — just ask Ted Cruz.But knock first.You don’t just want to walk in.5.Millie Bobby Brown is here tonight.She’s amazing in that show, proving once and for all that there are roles for women in Hollywood over 12.6.I’m sure HBO will take home a lot of Emmys tonight, which they’ll have to melt down to pay for next year’s hacker ransom.Too soon?

7.This has been a great year for diversity in television… there are so many talented African-American nominees — Jeffrey Wright, Viola Davis, Samira Wiley, Uzo Aduba, Anthony Anderson from ABC’s “Black-ish,” and of course, Bill Maher.I assumed he’s black since he’s so comfortable using the N-word.8.Oprah is in the front row right now.Oprah was snubbed this year.What is wrong with you people? What in the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks is wrong with you people? I’m so sorry, Oprah — I was really hoping this would be your breakout year.9.We all know that the Emmys mean a lot to Donald Trump because he was nominated multiple times for “Celebrity Apprentice,” but he never won.Why didn’t you give him an Emmy? I’ll tell you this — if he had won an Emmy, I bet he wouldn’t have run for president.So this is all your fault.I thought you people love morally compromised antiheroes.You like Walter White — he’s just Walter much whiter.10.Unlike the presidency, Emmys go to the winner of the popular vote.Stephen Colbert's Opening Monologue Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 69th Emmy Awards.I’m your host Stephen Colbert.This is exciting, can you feel, this is TV's highest honors.Us celebrating us.Tonight, we binge ourselves, can you feel it? This room is crackling with the qualitative energy of people who for the last 48 hours have consumed nothing but distilled water and Crest White Strips.All the nominees look so beautiful this evening, so happy, so hopeful.Just a reminder if you do win, don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you get up here, mainly Game of Thrones for not being eligible this year.Now, personally I have to take a moment to thank CBS chairman Leslie Moonves — I literally have to thank him.It’s in my contract.Unfortunately, Les could not be tonight to receive my gratitude, so I accepted on his behalf.We did it.But while we are thanking people, nobody deserves more thanks right now than our first responders.They have been working tirelessly following the disasters in Texas and Florida.And we have to thank also the friends who showed up with the food.The neighbors with boats, the nuns with chainsaws, the complete strangers who stepped up to help rebuild.If you haven’t donated to the hurricane relief yet, you still can by going to handinhand2017.com and giving generously.I believe Billy Eichner is still standing by to take your call.How’s it going Billy?

Billy Eichner: “Stephen I’m on the phone!Please don’t embarrass me in front of Louie Anderson.Oh, they just hung up.' I apologize to all of you.Well, what a year it has been for television.The industry is booming, there are over 450 original scripted shows made this year.Of course, there’s no way anyone could possibly watch that much TV, other than the president, who seems to have a lot of time for that sort of thing.Hello sir, thank you for joining us!Looking forward to the tweets.And there have never been more platforms to get your TV than right now.You have broadcast, you have cable, you have Amazon, you have YouTube, Hulu, voodoo, Netflix, Vitamix, Vimeo, you have Twitch, you have Crackle, you have Crunchle, Bumble, Twerk-gorp, Flurp, Uber-eyeball, and DintyMooreStew.com.Oh yes, it’s going to be in the trades tomorrow.Dinty Moore has a 10-episode deal with Martin Scorsese.Rumor is, Liev Schreiber is playing a brooding chunk of meat.Yes, just like that, but with carrots and potatoes around him.Of course, these days everyone loves streaming video, just ask Ted Cruz.But knock first — you want to just walk in? Netflix alone raked in 92 Emmy nominations this year.Why not? And may I remind you, five years ago their hottest show was a scratched DVD of Finding Nemo.Now we’ve got amazing shows like Stranger Things.Millie Bobby Brown is here tonight.She’s amazing in that show, proving once and for all that there are roles in Hollywood for women over 12.Of course, premium cable still has a ton of great shows.I’m sure HBO will take home a lot of Emmys tonight, which they’ll have to melt down to pay for next year’s hacker ransom.Too soon?

Broadcast TV also had its triumphs this year, remember broadcast? The TV O.G.? Where it started? Broadcast TV is breaking new ground.In fact, this season, CBS will have twice as many Sheldons as any other network in history.All the broadcast networks have put out great shows the past year, like This Is Us, incredible.But seriously, Milo, you’re going to die this season, right? Just give us a hint.Do you slip in a bathtub? Bad clams? Are you mauled by a circus lion in a convenience store? What happens? I’m just saying, your fans want to see you dead.It’s a compliment.And this has been a great year for diversity in television.In fact, for the third year in a row, this is the most diverse group of nominees in Emmy history.That’s impressive, I did not know you could applaud while patting yourself on the back at the same time.Well done, lovely job.And there’s so many talented African-American nominees.Jeffrey Wright, Viola Davis, Samira Wiley, Uzo Aduba, Anthony Anderson from ABC’s Black-ish, and of course Bill Maher.I assume he’s black since he’s so comfortable using the N-word.I don’t know.Goodnight!That’s my time everybody.There’s so many stars here tonight.Oprah, Oprah’s in the front row right now.Yeah, Oprah was snubbed this year, what is wrong with you people? What in the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is wrong with you people? I’m so sorry, Oprah, I was really hoping this would be your breakout year.Hopefully next year you’ll have a better seat.I’m sorry.But if we’re honest with ourselves as artists — and we have to be honest with ourselves — we know that the biggest TV star of the last year is Donald Trump.No, we may not like it, but he’s the biggest star.And you know, Alec Baldwin, obviously.You guys are neck and neck.And Alec, you’re up against a lot of neck.However you feel about the president, and you do feel about the president, you can’t deny that every show was influenced by Donald Trump in some way.All the late-night shows obviously, House of Cards, the new season of American Horror Story, and of course, next year’s Latin Grammys, hosted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.Muy caliente.And we all know the Emmys mean a lot to Donald Trump, because he was nominated multiple times for Celebrity Apprentice, but he never won.Why didn’t you give him an Emmy? I tell you this, if he had won an Emmy, I bet he wouldn’t have run for president.So in a way, this is all your fault.I thought you people loved morally compromised antiheroes.You liked Walter White, he’s just Walter Much-Whiter.And he never forgave you, and he never will.The president has complained repeatedly that the Emmys are rigged.He even went after the host a few years back, tweeting, “That Seth Meyers is hosting the Emmy Awards is a total joke.He is very awkward with almost no talent.Marbles in his mouth!' Wow, marbles in his mouth, that’s harsh.That’s quite an accusation, do you have a response Seth?(Marbles fall out of Meyers' mouth).And even during the campaign, he wouldn’t let it go.This actually happened, this exchange actually happened in the debates.(Video showing Clinton mentioning Trump's Emmy loss in debate).But he didn’t.Because unlike the presidency, Emmys go to the winner of the popular vote.Where do I find the courage to tell that joke in this room? Of course, what really matters to Donald Trump is ratings.He’s got to have the big numbers, and I certainly hope we achieve that tonight.Unfortunately, at this point, we have no way of knowing how big our audience is.I mean, is there anyone who could say how big the audience is? Sean, do you know?(Sean Spicer comes out on podium).Sean Spicer: “This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period.Both in person, and around the world.”

Wow, that really soothes my fragile ego.I can understand why you’d want one of these guys around.Melissa McCarthy everyone, give it up!Beautiful.



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