我是七年级(5)班的,今天我演讲的题目是《回顾历史 把握今天 放眼未来 振我中华》。
我是来自一年三班的赵理琳,今天我演讲的题目是行中华正气事,做中华正气人.历史的长河波涛滚滚,岁月飘走,泥沙淘尽,它,依然是波涛之中的中流砥柱;历史的黄沙汹涌滚滚,岁月冲刷,时间沉积,它, 依然在黄沙中熠熠生辉.时光荏苒,岁月蹉跎.我相信,我们中的每一个人都不会忘记-------12月9日,一个普通但不平凡的日子.历史定格在那个时刻,寒风凛冽,草木凋零,北平五千多名学生举行示威,打击腐败政府气焰,唤起民众觉醒,,书写了青年学生以天下为己任的光辉篇章!
是的,我们不能停歇,时代的马达正全速运转。但那些峥嵘岁月,永远值得炎黄子孙铭记。历史不是一页书签,可以供我们轻佻地把玩;历史不是已经成为化石的过去,History always repeats itself.;历史不是时间长河中一段孤立的截取场景,和中国的现在与未来毫无瓜葛;历史是祖先的脚印,一行行、一代代的努力才把中华民族自身发展的道路前仆后继铺到了今天;历史是是一艘摆渡的巨轮,不断地把我们赖以生存和发展的社会往前摆渡;历史是一个民族曾经精神符号的记忆,它们曾经在竭蹶的背景、风雨交加的时代下彰显出和平时代所不能目睹的绚烂;历史是一段段螺旋上升的楼梯,我们靠着它不断抵达一个又一个高度……
1936年12月9日,西安万余学生举行一二·九运动一周年的纪念活动。张学良将军为了避免流血事件,亲自前往临潼道上的十里铺劝阻学生,表示“我张学良的爱国心情跟你们一样,你们的要求就是我的要求,也许我的要求比你们的要求还急迫。但现在你们不要再往前走了,不然会发生流血事件。”学生们则回答“爱国就不怕牺牲!”张学良最终表示要在一星期内用事实对学生作出回答.1936年12月12日,西安事变爆发:张学良以兵谏的形式迫使蒋介石投入抗日大潮。西安事变——一群学生与一位将军一种情怀的契合与共鸣。在我看来,这是中国近代史上最让人感动和欣慰的镜头之一.一二九运动的火种,传到了国民党编制核心之下的以张学良将军为代表的人心中.1940年,日军发动枣阳会战。张自忠作为集团军总司令,本大可不必亲率部队出击,但他不顾部众的再三劝阻,亲率仅剩的2个团加总司令部直属特务营渡过襄河作战,最后举枪自戕壮烈殉国。风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还,夫哲人者,舍其事而成其心.与此同时,中国GCD也进行着艰苦卓绝的抗日斗争.一二九运动,注定会成为可与五四运动比肩的具有重大历史意义的学生运动.Down the drain, waves exhaust themselves, eternal treated.Fillip, the anti-Japanese ancestors of those memorable days have been lightly doubled in the past that a re-opened another world.The establishment of the new China, those of us trying to Chinese citizens in the forthcoming mission of the times entrusted to our charge.Just more than half a century, China has been under bathed in the glory of modern civilization.“Vietnam Millennium events, Wei Wu Whiplash, to the east by Lord has spared piece, chilling wind today is that of the world.”Busy not risen, in the face of great historical opportunity we can not risen.We can not allow the operation of the conveyer belt to maintain social “idling”, the old man who owns the issuing Fujian enjoy life’s achievements.Yes, we have not risen, the times of the motor is operating in full swing.But those memorable days, the Chinese people should always remember.History is not a page bookmarks, rather for us to a point;History is not the past has become fossils.History always repeats itself.;History is not a long time for some isolated interception scene, and no connection to the present and future;History is the ancestral footprints of his trip.Generation after generation of Chinese people to their own development efforts before the entire road to the shop today;History is a ferry ship, we continue to forge ahead with the ferry’s survival and development of society;History is the memory of a nation once symbols of the spirit, they have Jiejue in the background,The Times underlines the wind and rain have not seen the splendid era of peace;History is a section of the spiral staircase.We rely on it constantly arrived one after another : the stairs were not discarded : high, not to forget history.Modern society is based on the allocation of resources and international integration into the global economy of the basic characteristics.In this material safely in the earth, and common villagers crowded by the start was difficult and exciting game for a long time,We must clearly sees the potential dangers that an ill omen.The Chinese nation has faced the crisis of national subjugation and genocide, but now if we have a slip, thenthe same may be eaten up precious national interests, hollow body.Some long-looking nation and the country around, try hard.If history is not removed and the staircases, why do we not use the wealth and lessonslooking for symbols of national spirit in memory of the heroic gesture, we have yet to fully learn.down the drain, waves exhaust themselves.eternal treated.However, “Since ancient times, people who work, people do desperate effort, pleading for the peopleThe method of a suicide ”, which is the backbone of our nation and the erosion of time have not draining away!“vertical and horizontal rain through the two continents.waves lashing the earth into the river flows.Amoy figure was more than immense, relying on wind and thunder made to seek their fortunes.”This is the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898, Liang Qichao robbed exile abroad after surviving a first poems.He is in fact inadvertently completed ahead of the new-democratic revolution of patriotic heroes description.Opium War,the state has fallen.Generation after generation of high ideals outraged, defying cynical vicious aggressors,This is tantamount to placing personal life took into meat grinder.“I know, that I have to keep, I do not know, that I want anything else.”But in that period of history, people are gradually waking up.understand and support the ancestors to be equally physically participate in the cause of the nation.Qu Qiubai “premature deaths”.in the gifted and talented, because he is absolutely become Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu’s learned rivaling everyone.He had no regrets.Hundreds of thousands of those who have either had no regrets and threw home wrecker “Lam people” who can be said to have no regrets go up in smoke.The birth of New China.with numerous personal life is blossoming into a meat grinder to explore save aggressors will perish due to the path of the martyrs.crusading this road in the country.Do the People’s Bank of early morning mountain more pedestrian.Lin Zexu, a feudal officials, out of simple patriotism,He wrote, “If something is in the interest of the country and who evade” the sentence and joined the anti-smoking campaign.support of the translation of overseas information.Modern China called “the first person to open their eyes to see the world.” a world of the Chinese nation is a great nation.I would like to be living in such a force can bend the country proud.This is the 64 anniversary of the sacrifice General Yang Jingyu,Today is the 69 anniversary of the December 9th Movement.As a student,We must not forget these tragic silhouettes.Habitat built heart, to keep the world.This is the logic of the Chinese students show spirit.Let us turn our gaze 69 years ago bars :at 10:00 on December 9, 1935, more than 3,000 people gathered in Beijing Xinhua major secondary school students in front of the petitioners.Followed by large-scale demonstrations against Ji and Cha Committee, the north against the “anti-communist movement autonomy.”against the Japanese invasion of northern China.Octagonal in Xidan procession with police and the East conflict, many students were injured and arrested dozens of people.December 10, the implementation of the Beijing school students general strike.Hangzhou, Zhejiang University students, the student movement in Beijing in response and electricity nationwide.December 11, the Nanjing government-designated “Ji and Cha Committee,” 17 members, appointed Zhe as chairman.Zhe send military police stationed major school gate, prohibited students from school demonstrations.December 12, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan and Guangzhou and other major Chinese schools solidarity with the students in Beijing.December 14, the university students to save the sea will be set up, energized solidarity with the student movement in Beijing.December 16, in Beijing, more than 10,000 students in 44 school and again held a demonstration.Procession was police repression, and arrested 20 to 30 people and injuring more than 400.Beijing strike, strike, strike.Made up of the original “Ji and Cha Committee”, an extension of the establishment.In January 1936, Beijing and Tianjin and other student organizations in the south propaganda teams, the anti-Japanese propaganda to the masses of workers and peasants.March 31 to 17 secondary school students-versity, died in prison in Beijing, Beijing carried the coffin demonstrations.May 28, Beijing held demonstrations and processions is the slogan : “Anti-Japanese military support 29”“Carry forward the tradition of 29 anti-Japanese armed forces”, “Down with Japanese imperialism.”May 30, Ji and Cha Zhe Committee chairman and 29 military commander issued a statementsaid, “If Japan is still asking for northern China, with more than 29 officers and men of the anti-Japanese practice.”June 13, the 4th Beijing students held demonstrations against Japan will continue to increase its military presence in northern China.Along the procession without police interference, and be sympathetic.Taking the modern student movement, the May 4th Movement in the media and preparations for the first Revolution, people, ideas and cadres.December 9 Movement is a powerful impetus to the anti-Japanese national united front to establish a recollection of history worth repeating.May 4th Movement and inspired young patriots “way to” this issue, however,part of revolutionary intellectual remain in the country to continue with the revolution, part of which went to France, Germany,Belgium, a work-study program.the quest for the truth.Zhou Enlai is a brilliant example of work-study students.This is a very profound impact on modern Chinese history.December 9 Movement? December 9, 1936.More than 10,000 students in Xi’an on January 29 commemoration of the first anniversary of the movement.Zhang Xueliang in order to avoid bloodshed, Lintong Road to the Tombs went to discourage studentssaid, “I niece of the patriotic feelings with you, your request is my request.Perhaps my request with the requirements of urgency than you.But you should not move forward.otherwise bloodshed.”The students replied“ patriotic sacrifices are not afraid!”Zhang said in the final week of the students answered with facts.December 12, 1936.Xi’an Incident broke out in the form of suicide : Zhang soldiers forced Chiang Kai-shek into anti-Japanese tide.Xi’an Incident--A group of students with a general feeling of Harmony and sympathy.In my view, this is the modern history of China, the scene of one of the most impressive and gratifying.January 29 sports sitesreached under the KMT establishment to the core of people’s minds to represent Zhang Xueliang.1940.69th Zaoyang campaign.Zhang Zhizhong as a group army commander, just personally led troops to attack, but he repeatedly ignored the Department of Public discouraged,personally led a delegation added to the remaining two special forces battalions under the command through xiang HE operations and shooting committed suicide, a heroic martyred.Felt that he most probably would never return, a warrior can do to you also, Fuzhe persons, homes project from its center.Meanwhile,Chinese Communist Party is engaged in arduous struggle against Japanese aggression.December 9th Movement,Stores with the May 4th Movement is destined to become the great historical significance of the student movement.