
时间:2019-05-14 17:13:14下载本文作者:会员上传



Your Excellency Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, Your Excellency Juan Antonio Samaranch, Honorary President of the International Olympic Committee, Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families, Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 今晚,北京奥运会将隆重开幕,我们共同期待的这个历史性时刻就要到来了。我谨代表中国政府和人民对各位嘉宾莅临北京奥运会,表示热烈的欢迎!

The grand opening of the Beijing Olympic Games will be held this evening.The historic moment we have all been waiting for will soon arrive.On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests who have come to Beijing for the Games.在北京奥运会申办和筹办的过程中,中国政府和人民得到了各国政府和人民的真诚帮助,得到了国际奥委会和国际奥林匹克大家庭的大力支持。在这里,我谨向你们并通过你们,向所有为北京奥运会作出贡献的人们,表示诚挚的谢意!In the course of bidding and preparing for the Olympic Games, the Chinese Government and people received sincere help from governments and people of various countries and strong support from the International Olympic Committee(IOC)and the Olympic Family.I would like to express heartfelt thanks to you and, through you, to all those who have contributed to the Beijing Olympic Games.借此机会,我对国际社会为中国抗击汶川大地震提供的真诚支持和宝贵帮助,表示衷心的感谢!世界各国人民的深情厚谊,中国人民将永远铭记!

I also wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the international community for the warm support and valuable assistance given to China in our rescue and relief efforts after the devastating Wenchuan earthquake.The Chinese people will remember forever the profound friendship of people throughout the world.女士们、先生们、朋友们!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 2800多年前在神圣的奥林匹亚兴起的奥林匹克运动,是古代希腊人奉献给人类的宝贵精神和文化财富。诞生于1894年的现代奥林匹克运动,集成了古代奥林匹克传统,发展成为当今世界参与最广泛、影响最深远的文化体育活动。在历届奥运会上,各国运动员秉承更快、更高、更强的宗旨,顽强拼搏,追求卓越,创造了一个又一个佳绩,推动了世界体育运动蓬勃发展。

The Olympic Movement, which started over 2,800 years ago in the sacred Olympia, is a valuable spiritual and cultural asset offered to humanity by the people of ancient Greece.The modern Olympic Movement, born in 1896, has built on the ancient Olympic heritage and grown into a cultural and sporting event with the broadest participation and greatest impact in today's world.At successive Olympic Games over the years, athletes from across the world, committed to the motto of “CitiusFortius”, have made their utmost efforts in quest of sporting excellence and set one record after another, leading to the rapid development of athletic sports.奥运会是体育径赛的盛会,更是文化交流的平台。国际奥林匹克运动把不同国度、不同民族、不同文化的人们聚集在一起,增进了世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊,为推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出了重大贡献。

The Olympic Games is a great sporting event and it also offers a platform for cultural exchanges.By bringing together people of different countries, ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds, the Olympic Movement has helped enhance mutual understanding and friendship among all peoples and made significant contribution to the noble cause of peace and development.当今世界既面临着前所未有的发展机遇,也面临着前所未有的严峻挑战。世界从来没有像今天这样需要相互理解、相互包容、相互合作。北京奥运会不仅是中国的机会,也是世界的机会。我们应该通过参与奥运会,弘扬团结、友谊、和平的奥林匹克精神,促进世界各国人民沟通心灵、加深了解、增强友谊、跨越分歧,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

Today, the international community faces both development opportunities and grave challenges unprecedented in history.There has never been a greater need for us to understand, accommodate and cooperate with each other.The Beijing Olympic Games is an opportunity not only for China but also for the whole world.By participating in the Olympic Games, we should carry forward the Olympic spirit of solidarity, friendship and peace, facilitate sincere exchanges among people from all countries, deepen mutual understanding, enhance friendship and rise above differences, and promote the building of a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.女士们、先生们、朋友们!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 举办奥运会,是中华民族的百年期盼,是全体中华儿女的共同心愿。2001年北京申奥成功以来,中国政府和人民认真履行对国际社会的郑重承诺,坚持绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运理念,全力做好各项筹办工作。我相信,在国际奥委会和国际奥林匹克大家庭支持下,我们一定能够共同把北京奥运会办成一届有特色、高水平的奥运会。

To host the Olympic Games is a century-old dream of the Chinese nation and the shared aspiration of all the Chinese people.Since Beijing won the bid in 2001, the Chinese government and people have been working earnestly to honor the solemn commitment we have made to the international community.Guided by the concept of “green Olympics, high-tech Olympics and people's Olympics”, we have done our utmost in the preparations for the Games.I am confident that, with the support of the IOC and the Olympic Family, and together with you, we will deliver a high-standard Olympic Games with distinctive features.现在,我提议:为国际奥林匹克运动蓬勃发展,为世界各国人民团结和友谊不断加强,为各位嘉宾和家人身体健康,干杯!I now propose a toast, To the strong growth of the Olympic Movement, To greater solidarity and friendship among people from all over the world, and To the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.Cheers!


胡锦涛在大运会开幕式欢迎宴会上的致辞 尊敬的基里安主席,Your Excellency George E.Killian, President of the International University Sports Federation 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑,Distinguished Heads of State and Government, 尊敬的各位国际大体联执委会委员,Distinguished Members of the Executive Committee of the International University Sports Federation, 尊敬的各位来宾,Distinguished Guests,女士们,先生们,朋友们:Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 今晚,第二十六届世界大学生运动会将在深圳隆重开幕。我谨代表中国政府和人民,对各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!Tonight, the grand opening of the 26th Summer Universiade will be held here in Shenzhen.I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, a very warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.世界大学生运动会自1959年创办以来,秉承“发展大学生体育运动、促进国际团结合作”的宗旨,为各国各地区大学生运动员同场竞技、展示英姿搭建了平台,为世界各国各地区青年加深互相了解、增进友好感情架起了桥梁,有力推动了国际青年体育事业发展。Since its birth in 1959, guided by the principle of developing university sports and promoting unity and cooperation across the world, the Universiade has offered university athletes around the world a platform to compete with each other and showcase their sportsmanship.It has served as a bridge that brings young people in the world together to deepen their mutual understanding and friendship, thus giving a strong boost to the cause of international youth sports.半个世纪以来,各国各地区大学生运动员在赛场上奋力拼搏、勇创佳绩,展现了朝气蓬勃、昂扬向上的青春风采。不同国家、不同民族、不同宗教信仰的青年学子在大 运会上友好交流、积极互动,多彩文化在这里交融,友谊种子在这里播撒,合作信念在这里凝聚。这是大运会的魅力和真谛所在。Over the past 50 years and more, university athletes all over the world have been actively engaged in sports competition to bring out their best and displayed youthful vigor.University students from different countries, ethnic groups and religious backgrounds have forged a bond of friendship through exchanges and ineractions at the Universiade.Here, diverse cultures mingle, the seed of friendship is sown and the spirit of cooperation is fostered.This is where the appeal of the Universiade lies, and this is what the Universiade is all about.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends, 深圳是中国最年轻的大城市,这里充满生机活力,是观察当代中国的重要窗口。我相信,在深圳市政府和人民几年来精心筹办的基础上,在国际大体联和各国各地区代表团积极参与和共同努力下,本届大运会一定能办成一届有特色、高水平的运动会,在世界大运会历史上写下精彩的一页。As the youngest metropolitan city in China, Shenzhen is full of vitality.It is an important window through which you can learn about contemporary China.I am convinced that thanks to the good preparations made by the government and people of Shenzhen over the past several years and with the active participation and joint efforts of the International University Sports Federation and the delegations of various countries and regions, this Summer Universiade will go down in the history of the Universiade as a unique and high-standard sporting event.现在,我提议:

为本届大运会圆满成功,为世界各国人民团结和友谊,为各位嘉宾和家人健康,干杯!Now I wish to propose a toast, To the success of the 26th Summer Universiade, To unity and friendship among the people of the world, and To the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.Cheers!











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the following is the full text of the closing speech delivered by international olympic committee president jacques rogge at the closing ceremony of the beijing olympic games on SUNday night.以下是国际奥委会主席罗格在周日晚北京奥运会闭幕式上的讲话全文。INma'CVbeTv{!?4F [ 本 资 料 来 源 于 贵 州 学习网 演讲致辞讲话致辞 http://





中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Toast by Hu Jintao President of the People’s Republic of China At Welcoming Luncheon of the Opening Ceremony of the 26th Summer Universiade


Shenzhen, 12 August 2011


Your Excellency George E.Killian, President of the International University Sports Federation, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Members of the Executive Committee of the International University Sports Federation,Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 今晚,第二十六届世界大学生运动会将在深圳隆重开幕。我谨代表中国政府和人民,对各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!

Tonight, the grand opening of the 26th Summer Universiade will be held here in Shenzhen.I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, a very warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.世界大学生运动会自1959年创办以来,秉承“发展大学生体育运动、促进国际团结合作”的宗旨,为各国各地区大学生运动员同场竞技、展示英姿搭建了平台,为世界各国各地区青年加深互相了解、增进友好感情架起了桥梁,有力推动了国际青年体育事业发展。

Since its birth in 1959, guided by the principle of developing university sports and promoting unity and cooperation across the world, the Universiade has offered university athletes around the world a platform to compete with each other and showcase their sportsmanship.It has served as a bridge that brings young people in the world together to deepen their mutual understanding and friendship, thus giving a strong boost to the cause of international youth sports.半 个世纪以来,各国各地区大学生运动员在赛场上奋力拼搏、勇创佳绩,展现了朝气蓬勃、昂扬向上的青春风采。不同国家、不同民族、不同宗教信仰的青年学子在大 运会上友好交流、积极互动,多彩文化在这里交融,友谊种子在这里播撒,合作信念在这里凝聚。这是大运会的魅力和真谛所在。

Over the past 50 years and more, university athletes all over the world have been actively engaged in sports competition to bring out their best and displayed youthful vigor.University students from different countries, ethnic groups and religious backgrounds have forged a bond of friendship through exchanges and ineractions at the Universiade.Here, diverse cultures mingle, the seed of friendship is sown and the spirit of cooperation is fostered.This is where the appeal of the Universiade lies, and this is what the Universiade is all about.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends, 深圳是中国最年轻的大城市,这里充满生机活力,是观察当代中国的重要窗口。我相信,在深圳市政府和人民几年来精心筹办的基础上,在国际大体联和各国各地区代表团积极参与和共同努力下,本届大运会一定能办成一届有特色、高水平的运动会,在世界大运会历史上写下精彩的一页。

As the youngest metropolitan city in China, Shenzhen is full of vitality.It is an important window through which you can learn about contemporary China.I am convinced that thanks to the good preparations made by the government and people of Shenzhen over the past several years and with the active participation and joint efforts of the International University Sports Federation and the delegations of various countries and regions, this Summer Universiade will go down in the history of the Universiade as a unique and high-standard sporting event.现在,我提议:

Now I wish to propose a toast, 为本届大运会圆满成功,To the success of the 26th Summer Universiade, 为世界各国人民团结和友谊,To unity and friendship among the people of the world, and 为各位嘉宾和家人健康,To the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.干杯!




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