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香港律政司司长2010年法律年度开启典礼致辞时间:2010-02-03 12:48来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:859次

SJ's Speech at Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2010

The following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2010 on January 11:


Chief Justice, Chairman of the Bar Association, President of the Law Society, Members of the Judiciary, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,终审法院首席法官、大律师公会主席、律师会会长、司法机构各位成员、各位嘉宾:

A very warm welcome to you all, particularly our guests from overseas and the Mainland.首先热烈欢迎各位来宾,特别是来自海外和内地的嘉宾,出席二〇一〇年法律年度开启典礼。

As we begin a new decade, as well as a New Year, it is perhaps timely to review Hong Kong's place in a China which is now recognised as one of the great economic powers in a world which is still struggling to overcome the effects of the near collapse of its financial institutions.Almost all the analysis points to Hong Kong having an edge in our legal system: being part of China, yet having a separate and well-established legal system guarded by an independent judiciary, manned by a mature legal profession and trusted by the world.The annual Opening of the Legal Year is a fitting occasion to remind ourselves of the lynchpin of our success and to consider what more has to be done to strengthen it.新年伊始,又适逢踏入新的十年,这或是适当时候让我们检视香港在国家的定位;中国现已被视为世界经济大国之一,而整个世界却仍在奋力应付全球金融机构濒临倒闭所造成的影响。差不多所有分析都显示,香港的法律制度仍是我们优势之所在∶香港是中国的一部分,但拥有独立稳健的法律制度,这套法制受独立的司法机构维护,有精明干练的法律专业人员所支持,因而深受全球信赖。法律年度开启典礼提供一个适当的场合,让我们重温香港赖以成功的基石,同时思考在那些方面我们仍需努力,使其更加巩固。

The foundation of our legal system is judicial independence.Despite the numerous constitutional and other challenges by way of judicial review, the Government does both appreciate and insist that the Court must continue to judge independently without fear or favour.With scrutiny by an able judiciary which is trusted by all, the Government has to be and has continued to be vigilant to ensure its actions, policies and legislative proposals are compliant with the law, particularly with regard to the rights protected under the constitution.司法独立是香港法制的基础。尽管面对众多与宪制及政府其他行为有关的司法覆核,政府明白到并且会坚持,法院必须继续无惧无偏地作出独立的裁决。在健全和深受各界信赖的司法机构的监察下,政府务必并会一如既往地谨慎行事,确保政府的行为、政策及立法建议符合法律规定,特别是涉及宪法保障的权利方面。

However, I would just echo the Chief Justice's remarks that the Court should not be burdened with essentially political or economic issues, and trust that the Court's discretion on costs would be appropriately exercised so as to get that message across.不过,我亦想呼应终审法院首席法官所提出的意见,就是不应把本质属政治或经济问题的案件压在法庭的肩膊。我相信法院会适当地行使裁定讼费的酌情权,从而把有关信息向大家传达。

Prosecutorial independence is another important pillar in the administration of justice.After more than a decade of dedicated service as Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP), Mr Grenville Cross SC retired last October and was succeeded by Mr Ian McWalters SC.A new DPP provides an opportunity for a new look at the needs of the Prosecutions Division and how it can more effectively serve the community.As a first step, young counsel are being given more exposure to trial advocacy and sub-divisions have been streamlined to ensure greater specialisation and efficiency.独立的检控工作是执行司法工作另一个重要支柱。江乐士资深大律师竭诚担任刑事检控专员超过十年后,于去年十月退休,并由麦伟德资深大律师接任该职。刑事检控专员的新任命提供一个机会,让我们可从一个新角度审视刑事检控科的需要,并探讨如何更有效地服务社会。作为第一步,我们现正安排更多机会让年青的同事取得出庭讼辩的经验,并已精简各分科的职务,以确保各分科的职务更专门化和更有效率。

To increase the accessibility of legislation, the Department is also taking steps to make both the English and Chinese texts more readable and comprehensible.These include measures to simplify the language and to promote greater uniformity and consistency in its use, the adoption of a gender-neutral drafting policy and improvements to the appearance of our legislation.A feasibility study has also been commissioned on the establishment and maintenance of a verified and authenticated electronic database of Hong Kong legislation.为了使公众更易取览和阅读香港法例,本司亦采取多项措施,令香港法例的中英文版本都更易读易明;其中包括行文去繁就简,用语贯彻统一,不以男性为用语中心的法律草拟政策及改善香港法例的版面设计等。此外,我们亦考虑设立一个香港法例电子资料库,其内容将予核实、认证和不断更新,为此我们已委聘顾问进行可行性研究。

Expansion of Hong Kong's capacity as an international arbitration centre continues to be a prime policy objective.The Arbitration Bill, aiming at bringing the domestic arbitration regime in line with the Model Law of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL), is now before a Bills Committee of the Legislative Council.New UNCITRAL initiatives to be implemented include conferring on the Hong Kong court the power to recognise and enforce interim measures ordered by an arbitration tribunal sitting outside Hong Kong.加强香港作为国际仲裁中心的能力,继续是我们主要的政策目标。我们已将《仲裁条例草案》提交立法会的法案委员会审议。《仲裁条例草案》的目的,是使本地的仲裁制度跟联合国国际贸易法委员会(“贸法委”)《示范法》一致。我们将会落实新的贸法委措施,包括授予香港法院权力,以承认和执行香港以外的仲裁庭所颁令的临时措施。

It is encouraging to learn that the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, which established a secretariat in Hong Kong in 2008, is making good progress.By November last year, it was administering 120 arbitrations that were conducted in the region.The number of arbitrations handled by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre in 2008 has also reached a record high of 602 cases.These figures are proof that arbitration is gaining popularity in Asia and Hong Kong is well-placed to serve as a regional hub for international arbitration.国际商会国际仲裁院于二〇〇八年在香港设立秘书处分处后,发展进度良好,令人十分鼓舞。截至去年十一月,该秘书处分处处理的区内仲裁个案有120宗。与此同时,香港国际仲裁中心在二〇〇八年处理了602个仲裁个案,数目亦为有纪录以来最高。这些数据证明,仲裁在亚洲已日趋普及,而香港亦已具备条件,成为区域性的国际仲裁枢纽。

As regards promotion of mediation, I am pleased to report that the cross-sector Working Group on Mediation has completed our Report and recommendations.We are now finalising the Chinese translation, and expect to release our Report in early next month for public consultation.Meanwhile, with a view to supporting the Practice Direction on mediation just implemented, the Working Group has promulgated the Hong Kong Mediation Code, which recommends standards expected of mediators in Hong Kong and a sample Agreement to Mediate.在推广调解服务方面,我很高兴让大家知道,跨界别调解工作小组已完成报告和建议。我们现正就报告的中文译本定稿,预计可于下月初发表报告,并进行公众谘询。同时,工作小组颁布了《香港调解守则》,就调解员在香港应有的水平作出建议,并提供调解协议样本,以配合刚实施的《调解实务指示》。

I have already written to mediation service providers to encourage them to adopt the Code and to set up a robust complaints and disciplinary process for its enforcement.In addition, the Working Group has also launched the “Mediate First” Pledge, with leading businesses vowing to mediate before litigating.A pilot project is also underway making available two community centres for use as venues for community mediation.我已去信各个调解服务提供者,鼓励他们采用守则,并设立健全的申诉及纪律审裁程序,以执行守则。除此之外,工作小组亦推出“调解为先承诺书”,让各主要商业机构承诺在展开诉讼之前会先尝试调解。我们亦已推行试验计划,提供两个社区中心作为社区调解场地。

To further internationalise Hong Kong's legal services and thereby enhance Hong Kong's position as a legal service hub in the Asia Pacific, a Bill to enable solicitors to form limited liability partnerships(LLPs)is expected to be introduced to the Legislative Council within the current legislative session.为了进一步使香港的法律服务国际化,以提升香港作为亚太区法律服务枢纽的地位,我们预计在本立法会会期内提交条例草案,让事务律师能够以有限法律责任合伙模式经营业务。

Stakeholders are being consulted on our legislative proposals, which recognise the need to strike a proper balance between limiting professional liability on the one hand and safeguarding public interests on the other.We believe LLPs would encourage small local firms to join forces to diversify their practice, and also attract more foreign law firms operating as LLPs to come to Hong Kong.我们正就立法建议征询持份者的意见;有关建议认同有需要在限制专业法律责任与保障公众利益两者间求取适当平衡。我们相信,有限法律责任合伙模式可以鼓励本地小型律师行共同经营,使业务更多元化,同时亦可吸引更多采用有限法律责任合伙模式经营的外国律师行来香港发展业务。

The Legal Practitioners(Amendment)Bill 2009 to enable solicitors to exercise higher rights of audience in the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal will resume its second reading on January 20.We expect the Bill to be enacted within the current legislative session.Under the Bill, solicitors who satisfy the eligibility requirements would be able to apply to an assessment board for higher rights of audience.《2009年法律执业者(修订)条例草案》旨在容许事务律师享有高等法院及终审法院出庭发言权。该条例草案将于一月二十日恢复二读辩论,我们预期条例草案可于本立法会会期内通过成为法例。根据该条例草案,事务律师如符合资格规定,便可向评核委员会申请享有较高级法院出庭发言权。

We anticipate the assessment board would be in a position to invite applications within one year after the Bill's enactment and after the necessary subsidiary legislation has been made.The public will then have a wider choice of advocates able to meet the standards required in the higher courts.我们预期,评核委员会可于条例草案制定及所需附属法例订立后一年内接受申请。届时公众在找寻符合较高级法院所需讼辩水平的出庭代讼人时,便可有更多选择。

Moving on to the Mainland legal services market, the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement has been instrumental in opening the door for Hong Kong's legal profession.However, experience in the past few years tells us that further development should be strategic and specific, both in terms of locality and measures.至于内地法律服务市场方面,《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》已发挥重要作用,为香港的法律专业打开通往内地的大门,但过去数年的经验显示进一步的发展,就地区及措施两方面而言,都需要有策略性和针对性的考虑。

Under the Supplement implemented since October 1, 2009, the criteria for forming association with Guangdong law firms and the period of pre-qualification training to be undertaken by those who passed the national judicial examination have been relaxed.The former is a pilot measure which we hope may be expanded to the rest of the Mainland if it proves effective and beneficial.根据自二〇〇九年十月一日起实施的补充协议,有关与广东省律师事务所组成联营的准则和已通过国家司法考试的律师取得资格前的培训时间规定都已放宽。前者是“先行先试”的措施,我们希望如证实有关措施具有成效和益处,可以推展至内地其他地区。

The Arrangement with the Mainland on Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, which came into effect in August 2008, demonstrates the goodwill and versatility on both sides to strengthen judicial co-operation.Statistics have revealed that since 2006, about 30% of marriages registered in Hong Kong annually involved a Mainland party.At present, there is no legal mechanism to facilitate recognition and summary enforcement of matrimonial orders, raising concerns regarding the welfare of ex-spouses and children of such marriages.已于二〇〇八年八月生效的香港与内地签订的《相互执行民商事判决的安排》,充分显示双方在加强司法合作方面的诚意和多元发展能力。统计数字显示,由二〇〇六年开始,每年在香港注册的婚姻中,婚姻一方为内地人士的约占三成。目前,我们并无法律机制可达成对有关婚姻及家事命令的承认或以简易程序的方式强制执行这些命令,这都令人关注到跨境婚姻中的前配偶和子女的福利是否得到充够保障。

The Department is now reviewing the relevant issues and has conducted initial discussions with the Supreme People's Court on establishing a mechanism to facilitate the mutual recognition and enforcement of matrimonial orders made by the courts.律政司现正检讨相关的事宜,并已就设立机制以便相互承认和执行法院所作出有关婚姻及家事的命令,与最高人民法院进行初步讨论。

On the related question of divorce decrees obtained outside Hong Kong, where our courts do not currently have jurisdiction to entertain applications for financial relief, we will propose a bill to amend the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance(Chapter 192)later this year, so that the court would in certain circumstances be empowered to deal with such applications.关于在香港以外地区获批离婚判令的相关问题,本港法院现时并无司法管辖权受理财政济助的申请,我们会在今年稍后时间提出条例草案,以修订《婚姻法律程序与财产条例》(第192章),使法院在某些情况下获赋权处理该等申请。

To maintain our status as an international city and the preferred gateway to China, we must take advantage of our unique status under the Basic Law and participate in the wider legal fraternity.For instance, as a member of the Financial Action Task Force(FATF), Hong Kong has been contributing towards the promulgation of international standards to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.Last year, the Department representing Hong Kong, China, took up a two-year appointment as co-chair of an Expert Working Group reviewing certain of the recommended legal standards, to improve their efficacy and implementation across member jurisdictions.香港既是一个国际城市,也是进入中国的首选门廊,要维持我们的地位,我们必须善用在《基本法》下所享有的独特优势,并且参与国际法律同业的事务。举例来说,香港作为打击清洗黑钱财务行动特别组织(特别组织)的成员,一直致力协助制定打击清洗黑钱及恐怖分子融资活动的国际标准。去年,本司代表中国香港,获委任为一个专家工作小组的联合主席,任期两年。该专家工作小组负责检讨建议的若干法律标准,以期提高成效和改善在各司法管辖区成员的实施情况。

International co-operation, particularly in the form of multilateral treaties, presents challenges.One example is the increase of claims under what is known as the UN Convention Against Torture.I am pleased to learn that a Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements with the Duty Lawyer Service was concluded just before Christmas to enable screening of claims to resume in compliance with the legal requirements.After receiving the training organised by the profession, over 220 lawyers have been accredited by the Service to provide legal representation to claimants.I would like to express my gratitude to the legal profession for their assistance in this difficult situation.参与国际间的合作,特别是多边条约形式的合作,也带来挑战。举例来说,根据《联合国禁止酷刑公约》提出的声请有所增加。我很高兴得悉刚在圣诞节之前,我们与当值律师服务签订了行政安排备忘录,使我们能够按照有关法律的要求,恢复进行审核声请的工作。在接受业界举办的培训后,有超过220名律师已获当值律师服务认可,可以担任声请人的法律代表。对于法律专业在这个困难问题上所提供的协助,我深表谢意。

The pursuit of economic progress and integration with the Mainland can and should be undertaken without compromising the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.Amidst rapid changes globally and ever increasing economic integration and social interaction with the Mainland, there is no room for indifference or inertia.Hong Kong must embrace these challenges.谋求经济发展和与内地融合,可以并且应该在不损害“一国两制”原则的情况下进行。全球急剧转变,香港与内地之间的经济融合和社会交流日趋紧密,在这形势下,香港不可能固步自封,停滞不前。我们必须奋力迎接这些挑战。

I should like to conclude by expressing our deep gratitude to the Chief Justice for his historic role in the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle and in the establishment of the Court of Final Appeal.With the impressive legal talent which he has recruited into the judiciary over the years, we have every confidence that our judges led by the new Chief Justice will continue to serve Hong Kong staunchly in the protection of the rule of law.最后,我谨向终审法院首席法官致以最衷心的谢意,他在成功落实“一国两制”原则及设立终审法院这些历史性任务上居功至伟。多年来,他为司法机构物色了不少能干的法律人才,我们深信,新任终审法院首席法官定能领导我们的司法群英继续坚决捍卫香港的法治。

It only remains for me to wish you all good health and a happy new year.最后,我谨祝各位身体健康,新年快乐。



律政司司長致辭全文 ******************




1997年7月,特區政府成立不久,在馬維騉一案,被告人挑戰臨時立法會的法律地位,如果不是法院在很短的時間內, 肯定了它的地位,特區的立法機關通過的法律的合法性將會受到長期的質疑,必然影響特區的穩定。繼而行政長官以行政命令頒佈公務員僱聘和管理是否符合法律程序?居港權証明書的要求是否違反《基本法》第24(2)條? 《法律適應化修改(釋義條文)條例》是否給予中央駐機構太上皇的特權?沒有按《個人資料(私隱)條例》檢控新華社社長是否偏袒國家機關?省兩地都有管轄權時,未有向內地法院提出反對審訊張子、李育輝是否有損香港司法管轄權?國旗國徽條例和區旗區徽條例是否違反《基本法》第39條所保証的《公民權利及政治權利國際公約》所述的發表自由?終審法院對《基本法》某些條文作出司法解釋後,人大常委是否還有權就同樣條文作出法律解釋?取消區域市政局和鄉事選是否違反《基本法》第26條和第39條? 還有不涉及 『一國兩制』和《基本法》的胡仙事件。這些事情都極具爭議性,因而引不少人對特區政府的批評,還有對我提出不信任動議,認為特區政府不尊重法治,有損司法獨立,破壞『一國兩制』。時間不容許我在此一一申辯,我只想請各位閱讀終審法院就吳嘉玲、陳錦雅、劉榕等,和吳恭劭等案件的裁,上訴庭就馬維騉案和外地高級公務員協會司法覆核的裁,原訟庭撤銷劉慧卿議員對姜恩柱(原新華社社長)私人檢控的裁。除非婚生子女和《人民入境(修訂)條例》的追溯效力和小部份技術問題外,這些裁証實了特區政府依法辦事。當然,有些案件正待聆訊或上訴,也有一些問題不涉及法律訴訟,因而難以說明孰是孰非。可是,從過去三年的經驗,以下幾點已是清楚地建立來。




在吳恭劭及另一人案件中, 終審法院確認『一國兩制』原則極其重要, 而國旗與區旗正是『一國兩制』的象徵,所以裁定捍衛國旗區旗免受侮辱對於維護國家統一及領土完整至為重要,《國旗和國徽條例》及《區旗和區徽條例》是按《基本法》第18條特區履行落實全國性法律而通過的法律,有充份理由把侮辱國旗區旗定為刑事罪行,這是保障表達意見自由範圍內的合理限制,也沒有違反《基本法》。這是一個很好的例子,可以得見《基本法》所引入的全國性法律和《香人權法案條例》可以相互容納而不產生矛盾。自1997年7月1日,《基本法》是骨幹,普通法、衡平法、條例、附屬立法和習慣法等,與《基本法》融合成一體,成為我們整體的法律制度,也是我們新憲制的一部份。《基本法》落實中央對特區的長遠政策,草擬時已考慮到原有法律制度,故此與其他本地法律並不矛盾,可以相互容納,充分體現『一國兩制』。

『一國兩制』 得以落實


行政立法, 相互配合、相互制衡


雖然特區有可行的機制,仍需實施時的經驗,因此初期的爭是無可避免的。更多的會議,更多的實例,立法機關的慣例慢慢地開始建立來,去年七月,立法會主席對公共開支、政治架構、政府運作和政府政策所作的裁定, 使大家對第74條的意義更清,而官員也漸漸熟習上述保持立法主導的機制。因此,我希望下一屆的議會運作能更順利。

外國對 『一國兩制』的認識

由於上述的案件和種種問題,對香港情況不了解的外國傳媒,紛紛質疑回歸以後,香港法治是否得以保留,司法獨立是否受損,原有法制會否被內地法制所代替?他們的顧慮,我們十分理解。一直以來,我們都以香港的法制和法治精神自豪, 因此《基本法》特別說明原有法律不變,原有立法和司法方面的制度不變。我們都十分珍惜普通法的原則,例如無罪推論、法律面前人人平等......,可是法律必須隨時代發展而作出適應,按社會情而修訂,特區的法制,必需繼續發展,以保持它的生命力,而珍惜原有制度的一部份人,其中包括一些法律界人士,未能認同這些發展,轉而責難特區政府,認為原有法制被侵蝕。

隨案例的發展,本地和外國社群漸漸開始接受香港的新憲制,同意我們要以開放的態度,給予我們原有的法制發展的空間,並接受人大常委解釋《基本法》的合憲性和合法性。另一方面,他們開始明白香港主權回歸中國的意義:雖然香港是一個高度自治的特區,它在一個中國之內,有些方面,例如主權,國防和外交,總不能脫離中國。1997年6月,美國一個地區法院作出裁決,否認香港公司有權在美國法院起訴,認為它不是一個法人(見 Matimak Case)。1999年11月,美國聯邦法院裁定香港公司是一個中國法人,有權引用外國法人司法管轄權(見Favour Mind Case)。早些時候,美國一個地區法院拒絕把逃犯移交香港,因為香港並非一個國家,根據美國法律,沒有權和美國簽訂移交逃犯協議。上月24日,美國上訴法院把這裁決推翻,肯定了特區政府與美國政府所簽署的移交逃犯協議,同意把疑犯移交香港。







香港终审法院首席法官2010法律开启典礼致辞时间:2010-02-03 12:37来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:744次

The following is the full text of the speech delivered by the Hon Chief Justice Andrew Kwok-nang Li at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2010 on January 11:


CJ's Speech at Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2010


Secretary for Justice, Mr Chairman, Mr President, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,律政司司长、大律师公会主席、律师会会长、各位嘉宾:

On behalf of all my colleagues in the Judiciary, I would like to welcome all of you warmly to this Opening of the Legal Year.I thank you sincerely for your support by your presence.This is the 13th and the last address which I have the honour of giving at this event.我谨代表司法机构全体人员,热列欢迎各位莅临本的法律开启典礼,并衷心感谢在座各位出席支持。本人在法律开启典礼上致辞,实感荣幸;这是我上任以来第十三次,也是最后一次在这典礼上致辞。

This year, we are particularly honoured by the presence of a number of distinguished visitors, including Vice-President Wan Exiang of the Supreme People's Court;Mr Zhang Fusen of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;Chief Justice Zaki Azmi of Malaysia;Chief Justice Spigelman of New South Wales and judges from various jurisdictions attending the Commercial Litigation Seminar;and the leaders of the legal profession from the Mainland, Macau, Taiwan, France, Korea and the Philippines.I would like to welcome all of them to Hong Kong and to thank them for their attendance.今年承蒙多位贵宾光临,倍感荣幸。当中包括最高人民法院万鄂湘副院长;全国政协张福森常务委员;马来西亚Zaki Azmi首席法官;新南威尔士Spigelman首席法官及来自多个司法管辖区的法官,他们行将出席在香港举行的商业诉讼研讨会;以及来自内地、澳门、台湾、法国、韩国及菲律宾的法律界领袖。我向他们表示热烈欢迎,并感谢他们出席典礼。

Judicial Independence


It is now over 12 years since Hong Kong entered the new constitutional order as part of China under the principle of “one country, two systems”.During this period, judicial independence has been universally recognised and accepted to be of pivotal importance to Hong Kong.The constitutional guarantees for an independent Judiciary have been fully implemented.Further, conventions and practices which accord with judicial independence have developed.香港在“一国两制”的新宪制秩序下回归中国,至今已超过12年。在此期间,各方面已广泛认同和接受司法独立对香港是极其重要。宪制上,对司法独立的保证已全面落实。此外,与司法独立相符的惯例及做法亦已形成。

It is essential to judicial independence that the process of judicial appointment should never be politicised.In our jurisdiction, it has not been politicised and I trust that it will never be.This includes the endorsement process in the Legislative Council for the most senior judicial appointments.司法任命过程绝不应政治化,这一点对司法独立,至为重要。在我们的司法管辖区,司法任命过程从不政治化,我深信日后亦会如此。立法会在同意最高级别司法人员任命的过程中,亦当如是。

I am glad to see that the Legislative Council has adopted a procedure for dealing with endorsement which ensures that whilst enabling it to discharge its duty, the process is not politicised.I am confident that the Council will continue to deal with the process of endorsement without politicising it.我乐见立法会就考虑同意司法任命的事情上,已采纳既定程序,确保其在履行职责时,过程不会政治化。我有信心,将来立法会在考虑同意司法任命的事宜时,必定会一如以往,不会让过程政治化。

Role of the Judiciary


Each jurisdiction has its own constitutional arrangements distributing power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches and providing for the relationships between them.The arrangement for each jurisdiction reflects its own history and its own circumstances.The arrangement for one jurisdiction may not be appropriate for another.每一个司法管辖区都有各自的宪制安排,分配行政、立法与司法机关的权力,以及三者的相互关系。每一司法管辖区的安排,均反映本身的历史背景及本身的情况。一个司法管辖区的安排,对另一管辖区而言,未必适合。

It is important for the role of the independent Judiciary in Hong Kong to be reiterated and strongly emphasised and for its role to be clearly understood.The Hong Kong's system involves checks and balances between the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.The independent Judiciary has a vital constitutional role to ensure that the acts of the Executive and the Legislature comply fully with the Basic Law and the law and that our fundamental rights and freedoms, which are at the heart of Hong Kong's system, are fully safeguarded.对香港而言,一个独立司法机关所担当的角色,须予以重申及强调,并为各界清晰理解,这是很重要的。在香港的制度下,行政、立法和司法机关互相制衡。在宪制上,独立的司法机关肩负重要任务,确保行政、立法机关的运作完全符合《基本法》和法律的规定,以及确保市民的基本权利和自由得到充分保障。这些基本权利和自由正是香港制度的精义所在。

Everyone, including all organs of government and all public officials, are subject to and equal before the law.The Judiciary is and must be seen to be impartial.Judges resolve all disputes, whether between citizens or between citizen and government in an impartial manner.法律之前,人人平等。我们必须遵守法律,所有政府机关及全部公职人员均须如此。司法机关不单要不偏不倚,还要让人得见我们行事是不偏不倚的。法官审理纠纷,不论是市民之间,或是市民与政府之间的纠纷,均以不偏不倚的态度作出裁决。

In dealing with cases involving the Executive or the Legislature, Judges adopt neither a confrontational approach nor an approach designed to favour them.They simply administer justice without fear or favour.So where the Executive or the Legislature is successful in a case, this is not the result of the court seeking to favour them.Equally where a judgment goes against the Executive or the Legislature, the court is not seeking to confront them.In either case, the court is simply discharging its constitutional duty of adjudicating the dispute fairly and impartially.在处理涉及行政或立法机关的案件时,法官既不采取对抗态度,亦不刻意偏袒任何一方。法官的职责是执行司法工作,无惧无偏。若行政或立法机关胜诉,这不是因为法庭有意偏袒。同样,若判行政或立法机关败诉,也不是因为法庭有意对抗。无论判决如何,法庭都只是履行宪法职能,公平公正地审理案件。

Judicial review


A major development in the legal landscape since 1997 has undoubtedly been the growth of judicial review.Excluding the right of abode cases, 116 applications for judicial review were filed in 2001.In 2005, the number had grown to 149.In the last few years, the number ranged from 132 in 2006 to 147 in 2008.In 2009, 144 applications were filed.自1997年以来,法律环境的其中一项重要发展,无疑是司法覆核案件的增加。撇除居港权案件,2001年共有116宗司法覆核申请,至2005年已升至149宗。过去数年,司法覆核申请的数目介乎2006年的132宗至2008年的147宗。2009年,入禀的司法覆核申请共有144宗。

This is a common phenomenon in many common law jurisdictions.I have previously explained publicly the factors which have led to it in the Hong Kong context: the growth in the volume of legislation to deal with an increasingly complex society, the enactment of the Bill of Rights and the Basic Law and the greater awareness on the part of citizens of their rights.I have also previously made clear that the court's role on judicial review is only to define the limits of legality.And that the solution to political, social and economic problems cannot be found through the legal process and can only be found through the political process.这个现象在许多普通法适用地区亦属常见。我在此之前已公开?明,引致香港社会出现这个现象的因素包括:随社会日趋复杂,法例的制定也日见繁多;还有是《人权法案》及《基本法》的制定;此外,社会各界对公民权利的意识亦日渐提高。我亦早已表明,法庭在司法覆核程序的职能,仅是厘定合法性的界限。政治、社会或经济问题,只能经由政治过程,而非通过法律程序去谋求解决办法。

It is interesting to examine the figures in the last two years.In 2008, 147 applications for judicial review were filed.Leaving aside those which had been withdrawn and those which were still pending at the end of the year, 130 applications were dealt with.Leave was granted in 66 cases and refused in 64 cases, that is, 49%.The picture for 2009 was not materially different.Of the 119 cases dealt with, leave was granted in 63 cases and refused in 56 cases, that is, 47%.过去两年的数字值得我们探讨。2008年入禀的司法覆核申请有147宗。除却其后撤回及截至年底尚未判决的申请,已处理的个案共有130宗;其中66宗获法庭给予许可以进行覆核,其余64宗(即49%)则被拒绝给予许可。2009年的情况与此相去不远。在已处理的119宗司法覆核申请当中,63宗获给予许可以进行覆核,而被法庭拒绝给予许可的有56宗(即47 %)。

So, in the past two years, a substantial number of applications for judicial review were refused at the initial leave stage because they failed to meet the threshold test of a reasonably arguable case laid down by the Court of Final Appeal in November 2007.These figures provide food for thought and the community may consider it worthwhile to reflect on them.由此可见,过去两年有很多司法覆核申请,早在法律程序最初的“申请许可阶段”即被拒绝,原因是该等申请未能符合由终审法院于2007年11月所设定“合理争辩的申索”的门槛。这些数字也许值得社会各界思考。

The Court of Final Appeal


Over the last 12 years, the Court of Final Appeal has been functioning smoothly.The Court is now hearing about 40 appeals a year and dealing with about 150 applications for leave to appeal, of which about 50-60% are disposed of on the papers without a hearing.终审法院在过去12年一直运作畅顺。法院现时每年聆讯约40宗上诉,以及处理约150宗上诉许可申请,其中约有50-60%的申请是根据文件处理,而毋须进行聆讯的。

The participation of one non-permanent overseas judge in the collegiate court of five judges drawn from a panel of eminent judges from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has worked well.Of course, as is well appreciated by the overseas judges, when they sit on the Court, they function as and only as Hong Kong judges in Hong Kong's own circumstances under “one country, two systems”.I am delighted to have on the platform today as part of our Judiciary, Sir Anthony Mason, the former Chief Justice of Australia, who has made such a signal contribution to our Court.终审法院合议庭由五位法官组成,包括一位海外的非常任法官,这做法一向运作良好,这些海外的非常任法官是澳洲、新西兰及英国的著名法官。当然,来自海外的法官深明,参与终审法院的聆讯时,他们是在“一国两制”下的香港,履行香港法官的职责,亦仅限于香港法官的职责。今天,前澳洲首席法官梅师贤爵士,以我们司法体系一员的身份,一同在台上参与典礼,我实感高兴。梅师贤爵士对终审法院,实在贡献良多。

The Court is a relatively young court and we have much to learn.The Court's jurisprudence has been increasingly cited in other common law jurisdictions.I would venture to suggest that it has made good progress in establishing its stature.相对来说,终审法院仍是一个比较新的终审法院,还需进一步累积经验,但终审法院在法理方面的论述,已日渐广为其他普通法适用地区援引。我敢说,终审法院在建立其地位的过程上,已取得良好进展。

Planning work is proceeding on the relocation of the Court to the present Legislative Council Building.Renovation works cannot start until the Council moves and the relocation may be made in around 2014.The Building will presumably be the Court's permanent home and in order to ensure that the people of Hong Kong can be justly proud of it, we should make haste slowly in getting it ready.终审法院迁往立法会现址的策划工作已经展开,至于修建工程,则须待立法会迁出方可进行。预计终审法院可于2014年左右搬迁,相信这会是法院的永久院址。正因如此,我们必须周详筹划,让大楼设施完备,使香港市民以此为荣。

I for one shall be nostalgic for the French Mission Building where the Court spent its formative years and which holds so many memories of the challenges during my tenure.But it will be time to move on.日后,我定会怀念这座前法国外方传道会大楼,这个地方毕竟见证了法院的成长,还载有我在任?经历挑战的回忆。然而,我们都总是要迈步向前。



The approximately 180 judges in the Judiciary have a strong collegiate spirit.In the last 12 years, we have recruited good talent from the legal profession at the magisterial, District Court and the Court of First Instance levels.I am pleased that the number joining at the higher levels has increased and that we have developed some momentum in this regard.And I am glad that we also have good judges who have the potential of advancing to higher levels.我们约有180位法官,他们秉持司法机构的理念,同侪共事。过去12年,我们罗致法律界优秀人材,出任裁判法院、区域法院及原讼法庭法官。我喜见有更多法律界优秀人材出任较高级别法院法官,而且已成趋势。同时,我亦乐见司法机构也不乏优秀人材,他们具备潜质可升任较高级别法院的法官。

But whatever position the Judge occupies in the Judiciary, his or her work is essential and makes an important contribution to the administration of justice.The work of supporting staff in Judiciary administration is also important and is greatly appreciated.然而,法官无论在司法机构身居何职,他们每一个人的工作,对秉行公正,都各有重要贡献,不可或缺。此外,司法机构政务处支援人员的工作亦属重要,对他们的表现,我深表认同。

Judges are deeply conscious of the community's high expectations of the Judiciary.It is of fundamental importance that judges should observe the highest standards of conduct.I am glad that we have developed the Guide to Judicial Conduct and have operated a proper system for dealing with complaints against judges' conduct.法官深明社会大众对司法机构抱有殷切的期望。法官在行为上应当严守至高标准,这点极为重要。我乐见司法机构已为此订下法官行为指引,并施行适当机制,处理关于法官行为的投诉。

Exchanges with other Jurisdictions


Under “one country, two systems”, it is of course important that Judges in the Mainland and Hong Kong have a mutual understanding of each other's system and the differences between them.In the last 12 years, we have made great efforts to develop this through conferences, visits, courses and the like.As the only common law jurisdiction in China under “one country, two systems”, it is equally important that Hong Kong continues to maintain its links with leading common law jurisdictions through similar activities.在“一国两制”下,内地与香港法官对两地制度,以及彼此的差异都应相互了解,这一点当然重要。过去12年,我们一直致力举办会议、互访及研讨课程等活动,促进彼此交流。另一方面,香港是“一国两制”下中国境内唯一的普通法司法管辖区,我们透过同类交流活动,与其他主要的普通法适用地区继续维持联系,亦同样重要。

The Legal Profession


A competent and independent legal profession is of crucial importance to our community and is indeed essential to the functioning of an independent Judiciary.Conditions in the profession are increasingly competitive.But whilst efficiency is necessary, ultimately, the practice of law cannot be treated merely as a business.It is an honourable profession with high ethical standards and with ideals of service.All lawyers should contribute their fair share to service of the profession and public service.They should also do their part to develop pro bono services which are much needed.称职而独立的法律专业,对香港社会至为重要,对司法机构的独立运作,更是不可缺少。业内竞争日趋激烈,维持高效率固属必需,但法律执业始终不能仅视为商业活动。法律专业是一门崇高的职业,执业者必须维持高专业道德操守,并以服务社会为理想。所有律师都应为其专业及社会,并为推动需求殷切的义务法律服务,作出贡献。

The long standing issue of higher rights of audience for solicitors has been satisfactorily resolved with the support of all stakeholders.The necessary legislation will soon be enacted and will be brought into force later this year.The Higher Rights Assessment Board to be chaired by a judge will then be established.I am confident that the Board will ensure that whilst widening the choice of advocates for users, high standards of advocacy will be maintained.律师在较高级别法院出庭发言权的问题,讨论已久,现终能在有关各方支持下,取得令人满意的成果。所需的法例快将制定,并将于今年稍后施行。届时,较高级法院出庭发言权评核委员会亦会成立,将由一位法官出任主席。我有信心,委员会定能确保日后有更多出庭代讼人可供选择,同时,庭上讼辩的高水平亦得以维持。

This issue was first raised by the Law Society well over a decade ago.Although it had taken some considerable time to settle, it has been worthwhile to take time to evolve a consensus solution.赋予律师较高级法院出庭发言权一事,早于十多年前由香港律师会首先提出,虽然最近才有定论,但最终能达成凝聚共识的解决方案,讨论经年,亦有所值。

Civil Justice Reform and Mediation


Civil Justice Reform has been a major exercise.Under the leadership of the Chief Judge of the High Court and with the support of judges and supporting staff, its implementation in April 2009 went smoothly.But it will take some time for the Reform to fully settle in.A central feature is active case management by the court.In due time, this will bring about a change of culture in the conduct of litigation which would increase cost-effectiveness and ensure expedition.Another key feature is the facilitation by the court of the settlement of disputes by encouraging parties to engage in mediation.The relevant Practice Direction came into force on 1 January.It is expected that mediated settlements satisfactory to the parties will significantly increase.A Committee chaired by the Chief Judge is monitoring the working of the reformed system.民事司法制度改革是大型的改革工作。在高等法院首席法官领导,及其他法官和支援人员协助下,民事司法制度改革已于2009年4月顺利实施。然而,要完全稳固改革后的制度,仍需要一段时间。积极的案件管理是改革的重点。假以时日,这将改变我们的诉讼文化,从而提高成本效益,并确保案件得以迅速处理。另一特点是由法庭藉鼓励争议各方采用调解来解决纠纷。有关的实务指示已于1月1日生效。通过调解而圆满解决纠纷的个案,预期会显著增加。至于改革后制度的运作,现正由高等法院首席法官担任主席的委员会监察有关情况。

Access to Justice


As we stand at the threshold of the second decade of the 21st century, our judicial system faces the major challenge of seeking to ensure access to justice for all.The rich and the big corporations may be able to afford to litigate.Those with low income are eligible for legal aid.But the bulk of the population, including small and medium enterprises, find it difficult to afford the legal fees involved in litigation.踏入廿一世纪一○年代,本港司法制度面对的重大挑战是,如何使人人均可向法院寻求公道。富有的人和大公司或能负担讼费,低收入人士也符合申领法律援助的资格,但社会上大部份人,包括中小企业,却难以负担诉讼所招致的法律费用。

To maintain the Judiciary's impartiality, our Resource Centre for Unrepresented Litigants can only assist on procedure but cannot provide legal advice.There is no magic wand which can be waved to solve the problem.A number of measures are necessary to alleviate the situation, including making procedures less complex, the availability of pro bono services and the use of mediation.为保持中立公正,司法机构的无律师代表诉讼人资源中心只能就程序事宜给予协助,并不能提供法律意见。要纾缓有关情况,不能一蹴即就,我们要采取简化程序、提供义务法律服务及采用调解等措施,多管齐下。

Public resources are inevitably limited.But one area where they could be usefully employed is to provide citizens with the opportunity of obtaining legal advice at an early stage so that a dispute could either be avoided or resolved speedily.Everyone in the legal community should be concerned with and should contribute to meeting the challenges involved in ensuring access to justice for all.公共资源无疑有限。要公共资源用得其所,其中一个方法是为市民提供机会,好让他们在纠纷最初阶段获得法律意见,从而使纠纷得以避免或迅速解决。要确保人人均可向法院寻求公道,当中会涉及种种挑战,法律界人士均应责无旁贷,致力面对挑战,并为此作出贡献。



Since I shall only be stepping down at the end of August, I shall not be bidding farewell now.This will be done at a farewell sitting in the Court of Final Appeal in July.我于八月底才离任,所以不在此跟各位道别,还是留待七月我在终审法院的仪式时,才与各位话别。

On this occasion, I shall only say that it has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as your Chief Justice and to be given an opportunity to contribute at this dawn of the new constitutional order of Hong Kong as part of China under “one country, two systems”.今天,我只想说:香港在“一国两制”下回归中国,在新宪制下,我出任香港终审法院首席法官,有机会在这新时代出一分力,是我一生的最高荣誉。

It remains for me to wish you on behalf of all my colleagues in the Judiciary good health and every happiness in the new year.Thank you.最后,我谨代表司法机构全体人员,祝愿各位身体健康、新年快乐!多谢各位!



2014年法律开启典礼 香港终审法院首席法官马道立致辞






去年,我集中谈论了香港法律制度的要素---或精髓。我称之为法律持正不阿的精神。今天,值得重申的就是法律持正不阿的精神的几个要点∶真正独立的司法机构、单单根据法律的条文和精神去恰当地引用法律的法官,以及看重法院所做的一切须具有透明度,以彰显法律持正不阿的精神。后者尤为重要,因爲要使人对一个社会享有法治有信心,并非单凭某些人(包括终审法院首席法官)所说的话,或者某些机 构(包括政府)所说的话。反而,我们必须严谨地检视各项相关的客观因素,来评估法治是否存在。




乏关于公法的诉讼。最能体现法律持正不阿的精神的,也许就是这一类案件。公法案件---当中很多是司法复核的案件---所涉及的可能不单是关乎极大的公众重要性和利益的问题,有时亦涉及立法、行政与司法机关之间的分界线的争议。于我而言,司法机构的宪制权限清晰明显∶法院和法官只处理诉诸法院的纠纷所引致的法律问题,并只就这些法律问题作出裁决。即使诉讼各方之间的纠纷或会产生政治、经济2 或社会上的影响,例如那些关乎政府政策的案件,法院仍贯彻始终,只会考虑诉讼各方争议的法律问题。正如我之前多次谈及,法院的角色并不包括就法律问题以外的任何其他范畴作出决定。《基本法》清楚订明立法、行政、司法机关三权分立的原则,并以颇爲明确的字眼界定三者的不同角色。就司法机构而言,其宪制角色所涉的范围是司法权力的行使,即依据法律审理诉诸法院的纠纷。




要妥善执行司法工作,关键在于各级法院法官的质素。很久以前,法院的工作量明显比现时的轻省得多,案件亦远不如现今诉讼中惯见的复杂或困难。现时,司法机构所聘任的法官必需具备至高的水平,这是社会上公认的期望,亦是 我们务必要维持的标准。司法机构自1997年起作出的司法任命,充分反映本港法官和司法人员的水平卓越。我们必须坚持委任的法官必须具备至高的水平的一贯政策。法官并非由终审法院首席法官一人甚或一组的法官委任。候选人由一个按《基本法》规定成立、称为「司法人员推荐委员会」的法定组织考虑是否适合接受任命∶此组织的职能是就所有级别法院法官(包括终审法院首席法官)的任命,向行政长官作出推荐。推荐委员会由终审法院首席法官担任主席,并由八名其他委员组成,当中有三位是与法律执业无关的业外人士。推荐委员会委员必须作出与法官的司法誓言一般庄严的就职宣誓∶他们声明在履行职能时,定必本着不惧不偏、无袒无憎的精神,直率地向行政长官提供意见。


是以下述四项准则为依据,即法律知识、为官性情、言行操守及案件管理能力。推荐委员会作出推荐的基本信念,乃是唯有具备卓越才能的候选人,才值得推荐接受任命。此做法过往一直行之有效,并将继续是适当、甚至是唯一的做法。委员会所作的推荐,会提交行政长官,行政长官有最终职责作出实际任命。我从未获悉或听闻行政长官曾拒绝接纳委员会所作推荐,或试图以任何方式影响委员会的决定。就终审法院首席法官、终审法院法官及高等法院首席法官的任命而言,行政长官亦须征得立法会同意。本港的法官任命程序的4 目的,是确保只有具备卓越才能、专业水平及良好操守的人选才能获得任命。




终审法院首席法官在执行司法工作方面的其中一项职责,是评估司法机构将来的实际需要---包括短期、中期及长期需要。我们法院的工作依然繁忙,而社会上各类重大的、具有深远影响的法律问题和挑战,仍有待我们的法官去处理。我在过去一段日子,不断评估司法机构未来的实际需要。这评估包括严谨地研究人手情况,检视是否需要增加香港法官的数目。无论根据任何标准,以我们所处理案件的数量和复杂程度而言,本港司法机构的规模相对细小;我们的法官及司法人员编制人数为193位。倘若考虑增加法官的数 目,亦必定要研究相关的事情。譬如,如果司法机构增加法官的人手,就必须确保有足够的法庭数目和办公地方,才能配合人手的扩充。与此同时,其他后勤支援方面,自然亦要加以考虑。

去年七月,我曾就司法机构需要更大的办公地方和足够 的资源的事宜,与行政长官通信。这次通信的原因,是因爲倘若不考虑这些事宜,不但任何扩充的计划会受到掣肘,司法机构要应付现时的种种需求亦会饱受压力。正如大家所知,司法机构现正筹备成立竞争事务审裁处,作为司法机构辖下的一部分。除此之外,多个级别的法院---高等法院、区域法院、家事法庭及土地审裁处等均需要大量的办公地方。




界。这反映出法律在香港的重要性,反映出香港市民认同司6 法工作是重要的。司法机构改善民事司法制度的措施(民事司法制度改革于2009年推行)、对调解的推广、亟需改革的家事诉讼程序法律(司法机构于不久的将来会就此谘询所有相关持份者),以及其他各个方面,均需要足够的资源才能取得全面的成效。司法工作的有效执行,符合公衆最佳利益;也为法治奠定有利条件,促进社会稳定,同时巩固大家对社会现今与未来福祉的信心。



「 正如所有同僚一样,我只是履行了每一名担任法官之职的人所应完成的职务。我们肩负宪制上的职责,公平和公正地审理案件,维护法治,以及保持司法独立。我们清楚明白,我们所作的每一个决定,不仅对法庭内诉讼各方是重要的,同时亦会影响公众人士对司法工作的观感。我们必须确保每一个来到法官席前的人,都享有公平机会去提出其案情理据;在合理范围内我们必须耐心聆听其所作的陈述。我们必须不断提醒自己,无论是在庭内或庭外,我们的言行举止,均会深深影响公衆人士对法治及司法独立的信心。这些 年来,正如我所有同僚一样,我只是竭尽自己所能,忠于我的司法誓言。」
























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