Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest men.Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in 1983.Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer products.Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy.During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the world's wealthiest man;his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century.Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January 1994.The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine(b.1996)and Phoebe Adele(b.2002)and son Rory John(b.1999)...Gates's personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries;in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years.中文,意下如何
威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和 首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。
盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。他们的父亲William H.GatesII是西雅图的一名律师。他们的已故母亲Mary Gates曾任中学教师、华盛顿大学的校务委员以及United WayInternational的女主席。
1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与Steve Ballmer住在同一楼层,后者目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-MITSAltair开发了BAS IC编程语言。BASIC语言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz于六十年代中期在Dartmouth学院开发的一种计算机语言。
三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。他们深信个人计算机将是每一部办公桌面系统以及每一家庭的非常有价值的工具,并为这 一信念所指引,开始为个人计算机开发软件。
盖茨有关个人计算机的远见和洞察力一直是微软公司和软件业界成功的关键。盖茨积极地参与微软公司的关键管理和战略性决策,并 在新产品的技术开发中发挥着重要的作用。他的相当一部分时间用于会见客户和通过电子邮件与微软公司的全球雇员保持接触。
在盖茨的领导下,微软的使命是不断地提高和改进软件技术,并使人们更加轻松、更经济有效而且更有趣味地使用计算机。微软公司 拥有长期的发展战略,这一点可以从本财政年度26亿美元的研究与开发投资中得到反映。
1995年,盖茨编写了《未来之路书》,在书中,他认为信息技术将带动社会的进步。该书的作者还包括微软公司首席技术官Na than Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《纽约时报》的最畅销书排名中连续7周位列第一,并在榜上停留了18周 之久。
《未来之路》在20多个国家出版,仅在中国就售出40多万册。1996年,为充分利用Internet所带来的新的商机,盖茨对微软进行了战略调整,同时,他又全面修订了《未来之路》,在新 版本中,他认为交互式网络是人类通讯历史上一个主要里程碑。再版平装本同样荣登最畅销排行榜。盖茨将其稿费收入捐给了一个非盈利 基金,用于支持全世界将计算机与教学相结合的教师。
除计算机情结之外,盖茨对生物技术也很感兴趣。他是ICOS公司的董事会成员以及英国Chiroscience集团及其位于 华盛顿州的全资子公司-ChiroscienceR&D公司?前身是DarwinMolecular)的股东。他还创立 了Corbis公司,该公司正在开发全球最大的可视化信息资源之一,提供全球公共与私人收藏的艺术和摄影作品的综合性数字文档。盖茨还与蜂窝电话的先驱者CraigMcCaw共同投资了Teledesic公司,该公司雄心勃勃地计划发射数百个近地轨道卫星,为全世界提供双向宽带电信服务。
在微软公司上市的12年时间里,盖茨已向慈善机构捐献8亿多美元,包括向盖茨图书馆基金会捐赠2亿美元,以帮助北美的各大图 书馆更好地利用信息时代带来的各种新技术。1994年,盖茨创立了William H.Gates基金会,该基金会赞助了一系列盖茨本人及其家庭感兴趣的活动。盖茨捐献的四个重点领域是:教育、世界公共卫生和人 口问题、非赢利的公众艺术机构以及一个地区性的投资计划-Puget Sound。
盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。8人3人评论(0)人 回答时间 20
Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest men.Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in 1983.Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer products.Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy.During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the world's wealthiest man;his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century.Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January 1994.The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine(b.1996)and Phoebe Adele(b.2002)and son Rory John(b.1999)...Gates's personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries;in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years.中文,意下如何
威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和 首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。
盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。他们的父亲William H.GatesII是西雅图的一名律师。他们的已故母亲Mary Gates曾任中学教师、华盛顿大学的校务委员以及United WayInternational的女主席。
1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与Steve Ballmer住在同一楼层,后者目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-MITSAltair开发了BAS IC编程语言。BASIC语言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz于六十年代中期在Dartmouth学院开发的一种计算机语言。
三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微
软公司。他们深信个人计算机将是每一部办公桌面系统以及每一家庭的非常有价值的工具,并为这 一信念所指引,开始为个人计算机开发软件。
盖茨有关个人计算机的远见和洞察力一直是微软公司和软件业界成功的关键。盖茨积极地参与微软公司的关键管理和战略性决策,并 在新产品的技术开发中发挥着重要的作用。他的相当一部分时间用于会见客户和通过电子邮件与微软公司的全球雇员保持接触。
在盖茨的领导下,微软的使命是不断地提高和改进软件技术,并使人们更加轻松、更经济有效而且更有趣味地使用计算机。微软公司 拥有长期的发展战略,这一点可以从本财政26亿美元的研究与开发投资中得到反映。
1995年,盖茨编写了《未来之路书》,在书中,他认为信息技术将带动社会的进步。该书的作者还包括微软公司首席技术官Na than Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《纽约时报》的最畅销书排名中连续7周位列第一,并在榜上停留了18周 之久。
《未来之路》在20多个国家出版,仅在中国就售出40多万册。1996年,为充分利用Internet所带来的新的商机,盖茨对微软进行了战略调整,同时,他又全面修订了《未来之路》,在新 版本中,他认为交互式网络是人类通讯历史上一个主要里程碑。再版平装本同样荣登最畅销排行榜。盖茨将其稿费收入捐给了一个非盈利 基金,用于支持全世界将计算机与教学相结合的教师。
除计算机情结之外,盖茨对生物技术也很感兴趣。他是ICOS公司的董事会成员以及英国Chiroscience集团及其位于 华盛顿州的全资子公司-ChiroscienceR&D公司?前身是
DarwinMolecular)的股东。他还创立 了Corbis公司,该公司正在开发全球最大的可视化信息资源之一,提供全球公共与私人收藏的艺术和摄影作品的综合性数字文档。盖茨还与蜂窝电话的先驱者CraigMcCaw共同投资了Teledesic公司,该公司雄心勃勃地计划发射数百个近地轨道卫星,为全世界提供双向宽带电信服务。
在微软公司上市的12年时间里,盖茨已向慈善机构捐献8亿多美元,包括向盖茨图书馆基金会捐赠2亿美元,以帮助北美的各大图 书馆更好地利用信息时代带来的各种新技术。1994年,盖茨创立了William H.Gates基金会,该基金会赞助了一系列盖茨本人及其家庭感兴趣的活动。盖茨捐献的四个重点领域是:教育、世界公共卫生和人 口问题、非赢利的公众艺术机构以及一个地区性的投资计划-Puget Sound。
盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。
8人3人评论(0)人回答时间 20
Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨)
Bill Gates was born on Oct, 28 in 1955 and grew up in Seattle with his two sisters.His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher.Bill Gates had his elementary school and high school education is Seattle.And it was during that time Bill founded that his interests lying in writing programs and began to write programs at 13.In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from Harvard three years later.He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and his friend Paul Allen.Owing to Bill’s talent and efforts, Microsoft developed rapidly and its software won more and more reputations among the publics.What’s more, Bill is also committed to philanthropy.So far, he has donated more than 29 billion dollars to establish a fund to support medical security and education careers in the world.Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates on Jan, 1st in 1994.They have three children.In the spare time, Bill has passion in reading books and playing golf.比尔·盖茨(比尔·盖茨)
Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist.He was born in 1847.When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked.He was in school for only three months.He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions.Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons.The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth teaching.When he told this to Edisons mother,she took her son out of school.As she had been a teacher,she taught him herself.The boy read a lot.Soon he became very interested in science.At the age of ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself.Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 and died on October 18, 1931.H
e was an inventor and businessman who developed many important devices.Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name.Most of these inventions were not completely original but improvements of earlier patents, and were actually works of his numerous employees.Nevertheless, Edison received patents worldwide, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany.Edison started the Motion Picture Patents Company, which was a conglomerate of nine major film studios.托马斯·爱迪生是一个著名的美国科学家。他生于1847年。当他还是个孩子的时候,他喜欢发现事物如何运作。他只在学校读了三个月。他问他的老师很多奇怪的问题。他们中的大多数和他的功课无关。老师认为这个男孩是不亮和不值得教学。当他告诉这爱迪生年代的母亲,她带她的儿子离开学校。她是一个老师,她教会了他自己。这个男孩读了很多。很快他就变得非常对科学感兴趣。在他10岁的时候,爱迪生已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。从那时起,他从未停止过寻找新的和更好的做事方法。
英文简历与中文简历所要的信息差不多,同样也需要填写基本资料。如,name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、Gender(性别)、height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)等。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。
I just graduated from a junior.My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother in the garment business, the younger brother is also a college student.I am optimistic personality is a person who likes to communicate with others.I love sports, especially basketball and tennis.Many of my friends who are very fond of sports.All the spare time, I will some on my classmates and friends to exercise together.Movement of the happy is very real.I like that feeling.And I like to watch sports events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf,Some of my favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX.Finally, I want to say is very pleased to be able to apply for this position today, the movement of professional, believe in your company some training and learning, I believe I can do the job.And would love the job.Please give me the chance.Iam a third-year students have just graduated.My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student.I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others.I like sports, especially basketball and tennis.Many of my friends are very fond of sports people.Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise.Movement which is very real pleasure.I like that feeling.I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX.Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job.And will fall in love with the job.Please give me such an opportunity.I am a third-year students have just graduated.My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student.I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others.I like sports, especially basketball and tennis.Many of my friends are very fond of sports people.Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise.Movement which is very real pleasure.I like that feeling.I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX.Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job.And will fall in love with the job.Please give me such an opportunity
everyone, I am going to introduce myself to you today.My name is XXX.By the end of July, I will become 12 years old(月份和年龄随便你改).Being an elementary school girl, I am very proud of my talent in drawing, singing, and dancing.(特长随便改)Moreover, I love talking in Chinese and English.I think the most interesting thing in life is acquiring knowledge.I want to become a doctor in the future.Thank you for listening to my presentation.