
时间:2019-05-14 20:17:40下载本文作者:会员上传




You're welcome to crack English with us using “Blurt Out” II This book is dedicate to all the Chinese to working hard to crack English.The power of blurting out.Blout out is more than just a slogan or empty advice.It really does have the power to give you a break-though in English.The following are two stories that show how Blurt Out has affeced English learners of all ages.Are you Kim? I was in a bookstore in Hainan when a very small girl 我在海南一家书店购书 的时候,approached me with confidence and asked, 一个小女孩自信地走近我,问道:

“Are you Kim?” I barely had time to say yes “Are you Kim?”我还来不及回答“ 是的”,before the girl recited the whole pledge from 这个小女孩就开始整篇 背诵第一期《脱口而出 》 the first page of the first issue of Blurt Out!第一页上的“我的誓言”。I was amazed to hear 听到这样一个小女孩说 出那么纯正的英语 such a young girl speak such perfect English.真的让我惊讶不已。

The sentences in that oath are far more challenging 那篇“誓言”里的句子比 起我所见过的小学英语 教材里的 than anything I have ever seen in a primary English book, 任何句子都要难多了,but this little girl never hesitated.但是这个小女孩一点也 没有犹豫。

I couldn't keep a smile from my face as I heard her clear 当我听到她那清脆的童 声脱口而出“英语只是 小菜一碟”时,little voice blurt out that “English is a piece of cake!” 我忍不住露出了笑颜。

I told her she was wonderful and asked how old she was.我告诉她,她简直棒极 了,并问她今年几岁了。She continued to blurt out in perfect English, 她继续用极为纯正的英 语脱口而出:

“I'm eight years old and I love English, and I love you!” “我八岁了,我喜欢英 语,我也喜欢你。” I was so moved that I wanted to cry!我感动得想哭!Her mother was standing behind her proudly 她的母亲骄傲地站在她 身后,but couldn't speak English at all.但是一点英语都不会说。This little girl ran away from me 我还来不及问小女孩的 名字和地址,before I could even get her name or address, 她就跑开了,but I will always remember her just the same.但是我同样会一直记得 她。

If you get discouraged, or think that blurting out 如果你泄气了,或者认 为脱口而出句子 sentences isn't helping you, 对你没有帮助,just think of this little girl.那就想一想这个小女孩 吧!If she can do it, you can too!如果她可以做到,那么 你也可以做到!Hello, every one, nice to meet you, I'm Ellen the editor of Blurt out II.I'm so happy that I can introduce myself directly to all of you!In our new issue, I did my very best to find most valueble useful material for you to study and make noticeable progress in your English.You can count on me, no matter what and how you have studied in English.As long as you determine to break soon, follow this book, practise and practise, cause you know that practise make perfect.and eventually you get a lot and surely beyond you expectation.Thank you!第一部 第一节 疯狂精神 Crazy spirit My Pledge My Oath II 我的誓言

I can't stand my poor English!我不能忍受我的破烂英 语!

I can't stand ten years of wasted time!我不能忍受我十年来虚 度的光阴!I can't stand being looked down upon!我不能忍受被别人看扁!I can't stand being laughed at!我不能忍受被别人嘲笑!I want to improve my situation!我要改善我的处境!I want to change my life!我要改变我的生活!I want to be successful!我要成为成功人士!I want to be international!我要成为国际人才!

I don't want to let my parents down!我不想让我的父母失望!

I don't ever want to let my country down!我也不想让我的祖国失 望!

Most important, I don't want to let myself down!更重要的是,我不想让 我自己失望!I want to speak perfect English!我要说一口纯正的英语!

I want to understand all kinds of accents!我要听懂各种各样的口 音!I want to write beautiful articles!我要写一手漂亮的文章!

I want to read thousands of books!我要阅读成千上万的书 籍!

I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.我要在中英文之间自由 转换。

I want to be the master of the world's two most important languages: 我要成为世界上最重要 的两种语言--Chinese and English.汉语和英语的大师。I must act at once!我必须立即行动!

I must open my mouth to practice!我必须张嘴练习!

I must surprise them with my excellent English!我必须用我出色的英语 令众人惊叹!I must realize my dream!我必须实现我的梦想!I must succeed!我必须成功!

My Pledge My Oath II 我的誓言

I can't stand my poor English!我不能忍受我的破烂英 语!

I can't stand ten years of wasted time!我不能忍受我十年来虚 度的光阴!I can't stand being looked down upon!我不能忍受被别人看扁!I can't stand being laughed at!我不能忍受被别人嘲笑!I want to improve my situation!我要改善我的处境!I want to change my life!我要改变我的生活!I want to be successful!我要成为成功人士!I want to be international!我要成为国际人才!

I don't want to let my parents down!我不想让我的父母失望!

I don't ever want to let my country down!我也不想让我的祖国失 望!

Most important, I don't want to let myself down!更重要的是,我不想让 我自己失望!I want to speak perfect English!我要说一口纯正的英语!

I want to understand all kinds of accents!我要听懂各种各样的口 音!I want to write beautiful articles!我要写一手漂亮的文章!

I want to read thousands of books!我要阅读成千上万的书 籍!

I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.我要在中英文之间自由 转换。

I want to be the master of the world's two most important languages: 我要成为世界上最重要 的两种语言--Chinese and English.汉语和英语的大师。I must act at once!我必须立即行动!

I must open my mouth to practice!我必须张嘴练习!

I must surprise them with my excellent English!我必须用我出色的英语 令众人惊叹!I must realize my dream!我必须实现我的梦想!I must succeed!我必须成功!

第二部 第一节 100个句型 1 allow me to...请允许我……。

Allow me to introduce our manager, Stone Lee.请允许我介绍一下我们 的经理,李斯通先生。2 Any idea...? 你知道……吗?

Any idea what time it is? 你知道现在几点了? 3 Are you fond of...? 你喜欢……吗?

Are you fond of children? 你喜欢孩子吗?

Are you fond of Chinese food? 你喜欢吃中国菜吗? 4 as if...好像……

When I told them my plan, they looked at me as if I was crazy.当我告诉他们我的计划 时,他们把我当疯子一 样地看着我。Don't talk to me as if I am stupid!不要把我当笨蛋一样和 我说话? 5 as long as...只要……

You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully.只要你保证小心驾驶,我就让你开我的车。

A: As long as we're out we should stop and visit my mother.只要我们出门,我们就 应该去看望我母亲。B: OK, as long as we don't have to stay long!好吧,只要我们不必呆 得太久。6 as soon as...一……就……

I'll come as soon as I finish.我一做完就来。7 ask...for...向某人要……

He asked me for money.他向我要钱。8 be able to...能够

I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.最近我总是睡不好。9 be against...反对……

Are you against me? 你反对我吗? 10 be away from...离开……

Actually, I really hate being away from my family so much.事实上,我真讨厌经常 离开我的家人。11...be going well.……很顺利

Everything is going well.一切都很顺利。12 believe in...相信……

I don't believe in ghosts.我不相信有鬼。13 By the time...到……时候

By the time we got to the movie theater the film had already started.当我们到了电影陆军的 时候,电影都开始了。14 •Can I remind you to...? 我想提醒你……?

Can I remind you to call me at 7 to morrow morning? 我想提醒你一下,明早 七点叫醒我。15 can't afford to...无法承受……

We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we sold it.我们养不起我们那辆车,只好卖掉了。16 can't agree...more 完全同意……

I couldn't agree with you more.我完全同意你的意见。17 Do you approve of...? 你赞成/同意……吗?

Do you approve of the new manager? 你认同这个新上任的经 理吗? 18 Do you have...? 你有……吗?

Do you have anything to say? 你有什么话要说? Do you know how to...Do you know how to cook? 你会做饭吗? 20 Do you recall...? Do you recall the name of the book? 你记得书的名字吗? 21 enough...to...足够做……

I haven't got enough money to go on vacation.我没有足够的钱去度假。

I don't have enough time to waste talking to you!我没有太多时间可以浪 费来和你说话。22 get something done 叫别人做某事

When are you going to get the roof repaired? 你准备什么时候叫人来 修屋顶? 23 have difficulty in...People often have great difficulty in reading my writing.通常人们都很难看清我 写的字。24 have never...before.从来没有……。

He has never driven a car before.他从来没有开过车。haven't...for a long time.We haven't seen each other for a long time.我们好久没见了。26 haven't...so far 目前为止还没有……。

We haven't had any problem so far.目前为止我们还没有遇 到任何问题。27 How often...? 什么时候……一次?

How often do you go to the movies? 你多久去看一次电影?

How often do you go out to eat? 你多久在外面吃一次饭 ?

How often do you visit your parents? 你多久去看望你父母一 次? How often do you call your wife? 你多久给你妻子打一次 电话?

How often do you read the newspaper? 你多久看一次报纸? 28 How was...? ……怎么样?

How was your trip to America? 你的美国之旅怎么样? 29 I'm always doing...我总是……。

I'm always losing things.我总是丢东西。

I'm always forgetting people's names.我总是忘记别人的名字。30 I'm calling to...我打电话来……。

I'm calling to confirm your booking.我打电话来确认你的订 票。I'm calling to ask about the advertisement I read in today's paper.我打电话来询问我们今 天在报纸上看到的广告。I'm calling to request a catalogue.我打电话业索取目录册。I'm calling to file a complaint.我打电话来投诉。31 I'm good at...我擅长……。

I'm good at English.我擅长英语。

I'm good at cooking.我擅长做菜。

I'm good at judging other people.我擅长判断别人。

I'm good at remembering names.我擅长记住别人的名字。32 I'm here to...我是来这里……。

I'm here to let you know the troth.我是来这里告诉你真相 的。33 I'm interested in...我对……感兴趣。

I'm interested in the Internet.我对互联网很感兴趣。I'm interested in everything.我对所有的事都感兴趣。34 I'm looking for...I'm looking for Stone.Do you know where he is? 我在找斯通,你知道他 在哪儿吗? 35 I'm making every effort to...我尽力……。

I'm making every effort to impress my new boss.我正在尽一切努力给我 的新老板留下深刻的印 象。36 I'm opposed to...我反对……。

Actually, I'm stongly opposed to the plan.我强烈反对这项计划。37 I'm sorry to...……感到难过。

I'm sorry to hear that your father was ill.听说你父亲病了,我感 到很难过。38 I'm thinking of...我在考虑……。

I'm thinking of buying a car.我在考虑买辆车。

I'm thinking of moving to Australia.我在考虑移民去澳大利 亚。I'm thinking of getting married.我在考虑结婚。

I'm thinking of changing my job.我在考虑跳槽。39 I'm trying to...我正在试图……。

I am trying to find a job but it's not easy.我正在试图找份工作,但是并不容易。40 I apologize for...我对……表示歉意。

I apologize for what I said about you.我对我说过你的闲话向 你表示歉意。41 I can't believe...我不敢相信……。

I can't believe what I'm hearing.我简直不敢相信我的耳 朵。42 I can't understand...I can't understand why he's so selfish.我搞不懂他怎么会这么 自私。43 I come from...I come from Beijing, China.我来自中国北京。44 I don't think...I don't think that's a good idea.我认为那不是个好主意。

I don't think we should wait for him.我认为我们不应该等他。45 I'd rather...than...我宁可……而不……。

I'd rather stay at home tonight then go to the movies.今晚我宁可呆在家里,也不愿去看电影。46 I have a passion for...我对……很痴迷。

I have a passion for soccer.我对足球特别感兴趣。

I have a passion for sweet food.我特别喜欢甜食。

I have no experience in...I have no experience in dating girls.我没有和女孩子约会的 经验。48 I have nothing to do with...I have nothing to do with the matter.这件事与我无关。

I have nothing to do with my old classmates anymore.我和我的老同学都不再 有联系了。49 I insist... 我坚持……。

I insist that you let meal.我坚持由我来买单。50 I must have been...我肯定是……。

The phone rang but I didn't hear it.I must have been asleep.电话响了,但是我没听 到。我肯定是睡着了。I must have been crazy to fall in love with you!我当时爱上你一定是疯 了。51 I prefer...to...我更喜欢……而不……。

I prefer driving to travelling by train.我更喜欢自己开车而不 愿坐火车旅行。

I prefer the weather in Guangzhou to the weather in Beijing.和北京的天气比起来,我更喜欢广州的天气。52 I promise...我发誓……。

I promise that I won't tell anybody what you said.我发誓我决不会将你对 我说的话告诉任何人。53 I refuse to...我拒绝……。

I refuse to answer such a silly question.我拒绝回答这么愚蠢的 问题。54 I regret doing...我后悔……。

I now regret saying what I said.现在我为自己说过的话 感到后悔。55 I regret to...我很抱歉……。

I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job.我很抱歉地通知你,我 们无法向你提供这份工 作。56 I suggest...我建议……。

It's a nice day.I suggest that we go out for a walk.今天天气真好,我建议 大家出去散步。I suggest you study more and fool around less.我建议你多学习少到处 游荡。

I suggest you apply for your visa as early as possible.我建议你尽早去申请签 证。I suggest that you take better care of your health.我建议你多加注意你的 健康。57 I used to...我过去常常……。I used to watch TV a lot.我过去常常看电视。

I used to smoke, but I quit two years ago.我过去常吸烟,但是两 年前戒掉了。I used to worry all the time.我以前总是担心这担心 那的。

I used to make a lot less money than I do now.我以前比我现在挣的钱 少多了。

I used to think learning English was a waste of time.我以前认为学英语是浪 费时间。58 I've already...我已经……。

I've already been there.我已经去过那里了。

I've already told you three times!我已经告诉过你三次了!59 I've got...我有……。

I've got a new car.我有辆新车。60 I've just...我刚刚……。I've just had lunch.我刚刚吃过午饭。61 I've no idea...我不知道……。

I've no idea what he is like.我不知道他这个人什么 样。62 I was told...我听说……。

I was told the meeting is cancelled.我听说会议取消了。63 I wish...我祝愿/希望……。I wish you good luck.祝你好运。

If I did...,I would...如果我……,我一定会 ……。

If I know his number, I would phone him.如果我知道他的电话号 码,我一定会打电话给 他。If I had enough money, I would buy a car.如果我有钱的话,我一 定会去买部车。65 in case...以免/以防……

I'll draw a map for you in case you can't find our house.我还是画张地图给你,以免你找不着我们家。

Here's my number in case you're ever in town and you need anything.这是我的电话号码,以 防你来到需要什么帮助。66 In spite of...尽管

In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacation.尽管下着雨,我们还是 尽情享受假日。

He managed to get into college ill spite of his bad grades.尽管他的考分很低,他 还是想方设法进了大学。67 Is there...? 有……吗?

Is there anyone you know who can do this job? 你知道有谁能做这件事 吗? 68...isn't for me.……不是我所喜欢的。Baseball isn't for me.棒球不是我所喜欢的运 动。69 It is expected that...预计/估计……。

It is expected that the weather will be good soon.估计天气很快会好起来。70 It is getting...It is getting dark.Let's go home.天快黑了,我们回家吧!71 It is impossible to...不可能……。

Your writing is awful.It is impossible to read it.你的字写得太糟了,完 全没法读。72 It is said that...据说……。

It is said that she works 16 hours a day.据说她每天工作16个小 时。

It is said that English is the international language.听说英语是国际语言。

It's a waste of time/money doing...……真是浪费时间/金 钱。

It's a wade of money buying things you don't need.你买些自己不需要的东 西, 真是浪费金钱。It's a waste of time me memorizing grammar rules 去记忆语法规则和浩瀚 的词汇,and lifeless vocabulary words.真是浪费时间。74 It's no use...……没有用。

There's nothing you can do about the situation.既然你没法改变这个情 况,It's no use worrying about it.老是担心也没用。75 It's not worth...The film isn't very good.It's not worth seeing.这场电影不怎么好,不 值得看。76 It's the first time...这是第一次……。

It's the first time he has driven a car.这是他第一次开车。77 It's time...是时候做……。

It's late.It's time we want home.天晚了,我们该回家了 ?

It's time we took better care of the environment.是我们该好好保护环境 的时候了。78 It looks like...看上去……。

It looks like it's going to be a dreary day.看上去一天都会阴沉沉 的。79 It might...可能会……。

It might rain.We'd better take an umbrella.可能会下雨,我们最好 带把伞!80 Maybe you should...Maybe you should quit smoking.我想你应该戒烟。

Maybe you should ask someone for directions.我想你应该向别人问问 路。81 might as well...不妨/不如……

I'm so tired.We might as well get a taxi.我太累了,我们不如搭 出租车吧!

It's so late, we might as well forget about seeing the movie.太晚了,我们不如不要 去看电影了吧!82 not...any more/longer.不再……

Ann doesn't work here any more/longer.She left last month.安已经不在这里工作了。她上个月就离开了。83 not...until...直到……才……

I didn't get up until half past ten.直到十点半我才起床。

84.Say hello to sb.for me.替我向……问好

Say hello to your parents for me.替我向你父母问好。85.so that...以便……

She's learning English so that she can study in America.她正在学英语,以便可以去美国读书。

I'm trying to speak slowly so that you will understand me better.我尽量说慢点,以便你更加明白我的意 思。86.The..., the better...越……越好。

The warmer the weather, the better I feel.天气越温暖,我感觉越好。

The farther away you are, the better you look!你离得越远,看起来就越帅。87.There is no doubt about...无疑……

There is no doubt about his role in the robbery.他无疑参与了这桩抢劫 案。88.There's no point in...……毫无意义。

There is no point in complaining.They can't do anything to help you.抱怨毫无意义。他们没办法帮助你。89.There is no reason to...没有理由……

Come on!There is no reason to feel discouraged.没事!你不用泄气。90.too...for...对某人来说太……

This shirt is too big for me.这件衬衣对我来说太大 了。91.unless..除非……否则……

You can't go in unless you are a member.除非你是会员,否则不得入内。

We can't help you unless you tell us what the problem is.除非你告诉我们出了什 么问题,否则我们帮不了你。92....very often 经常……

Ann doesn't drink coffee very often.安并不常常喝咖啡。

I don't lose my temper very often, but when I do, look out!我并不是常常发脾气,但是我发脾气的时候,你要小心点!93.What kind of...? 什么样的……?

What kind of food do you like best? 你最喜欢吃什么?

What kind of perfume are you wearing? 你喷的是什么香水?

What kind of books do you like to read? 你喜欢看什么书? 94.What time...? 什么时候……?

What time do the banks close in Hong Kong? 香港的银行什么时候关 门?

Hat time are you leaving for Beijing tomorrow? 你明天什么时候去北京 ? 95.What's...like? ……怎么样?

What's Stone Lee like? 李斯通怎么样?

What's living in China like? 住在中国怎么样?

What's your new boss like? 你的新老板怎么样?

What's your mother-in-law like? 你岳母这人怎么样?

96.Would it be correct to...? ……对吗?

Would it be correct to say that San Francisco has a large Chinese population? 旧金山有很多中国人,对吗? 97.Would you please...? 你可不可以……?

Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.你可不可以安静一点? 我没未能集中精神。Would you please give me your number? 你可不可以告诉我你的 电话号码? 98.You must be...你一定……

You've been traveling all day.You must be tired.你整天都在旅途中,一定累了吧!

You walked home in the dark by yourself? You must be crazy!你一个人在黑夜中独自 走回家? 你一定是疯了!99.You'd better...你最好……

You'd better work harder.你最好工作努力点。You'd better believe me.你最好相信我。

You'd better take a break.你最好休息一下。

You'd better listen to your mother.你最好听你妈妈的话。100.You're bound to...你肯定……。

You're sure bound to have a good vacation.你肯定会有一个愉快的 假日。

You're bound to forget something if you leave in a hurry.如果你离开得太匆忙,你肯定会忘东西的。

You're bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!如果你学习实用的句型,你的英语肯定会进步的。

You're bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!如果你学习实用的句型,你的英语肯定会进步的。第二部 第二节 100个超级短句 1.Any more? 还有吗?/还要吗? 2.Are you alone? 你一个人吗? 3.Are you ready? 你准备好了吗? 4.Be my guest.别客气!/请用!5.Can you believe it? 你能相信这种事吗? 6.Don't argue.别争了。

7.Don't be childlish.别幼稚了。8.Don't bother.不要麻烦了。9.Don't get upset!不要烦恼!

10.Don't mind me.别管我。11.Did you get it!你懂了吗? 12.Forget it!算了吧!

13.Enjoy yourself!尽情享受吧!

14.Get off my back!别烦我了!/我受够了!15.Go ahead!去吧!/请便!

16.He gave me the cold shoulder.他对我很冷漠。17.He hit the roof!他勃然大怒!18.He was a fake.他是骗子。

19.He's bad medicine.他是个丧门星。20.Here you go.就是这样。

21.I cam sorry to be late.对不起我迟到了。22.I disagree.我不同意。22.I don't care.我不在乎。

24.I have no problem with that.对此我没有问题。25.I wish it were true.我希望这是真的。

26.I'd be the last to know.= How would I know? / I really don't know.我怎么知道?/我真的 不知道。

/ I have no idea./I'm the wrong person to ask./你问错人了。27.I'd rather not.我不愿意。28.I'll say.就是嘛!29.I'm full.我吃饱了。

30.It slipped my mind.我记不起来了。31.It really got to me.我太感动了。32.It was all in vain.一切都枉费心机。

33.It is beyond my means.' 我买不起。

34.It's a different way of life.这是不同的生活方式。35.it's a fact.这是事实。

36.It's a good idea.是个好主意。

37.It's all the same to me.对我来说都一样。38.It's driving me crazy.简直要把我逼疯了。39.It's getting worse!越来越糟了!40.It's inevitable.这是不可避免的。41.It's my treat!我请客!

42.It's not going to happen again.这种事不会再发生了。43.It's painful to admit it.承认这一点是痛苦的。44.It's natural.这很自然。

45.It's up for sale.这是供出售的。46.Keep quiet!安静!

47.Keep out.切勿内!

48.Let me explain.让我来解释。

49.Let's keep in touch.让我们保持联系。50.Like what? 比方说?

51.May I go now? 我可以走了吗?

52.Mind your own business.不要多管闲事。53.Neither can I.我也不能。54.Never again!没有下一次了!55.Never mind.算了; 没关系。56.No problem!没问题!

57.Not in my lifetime!不可能!

58.Now I understand.现在我明白了。

59.only yourself to blame.只能怪你自己。

60.Parking is impossible!请勿停车!

61.Please forgive me.请原谅我。

62.See you soon.呆会儿见。

63.So far, so god.目前为止,一切顺利。64.So what? 那又怎么样? 65.Stay out of it.你不要管闲事。66.Take it easy.别着急。

67.That depends.那要看情况。

68.That doesn't make sense.那是胡说。

69.That doesn't matter at all.真的没关系。

70.That makes my mouth water.真是让我垂涎欲滴。71.That looks easy.看上去很容易。

72.That should be easy.那应该很容易。73.That surprises me.真让我吃了一惊!

74.That's against the law.那是违法的。75.That's it!就是这样!76.That's life.生活就是这样。77.That's not fair.那不公平。

78.There's no hurry.不用着急。

79.There's not much hope.没有多大希望。

80.There's something wrong here.这儿有点不对劲。

81.Things are looking good.事情看起来很顺利。82.Well done!干得好!

83.What a bore!真是个惹人讨厌的家伙!84.What a nice surprise!真是令人喜出望外!85.What a shame!真是可惜!

86.What happened? 发生了什么事?

87.What's the problem? 怎么回事? 88.What's up? 怎么了?

89.Who knows!谁知道啊!

90.Why not ask them? 为什么不问他们? 91.You bet!当然!

92.You can say that again.一点也没错。

93.You can't be serious!你开玩笑吧!/你不会 是当真吧!94.You know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吗? 95.You said it.我也这么觉得。

96.You should apologize.你应该道歉。

97.You should make up your mind.你应该下决心。98.You should save your money.你应该节约钱。

99.You shouldn't get your hopes up.你不应该抱太大希望。100.You're telling me!说的一点没错。Pronunciation /a:/ 1.She got a better job in a popular fashion shop.她在一家受欢迎的时装 店获得了一份更好的工 作。2.I'll ask the boss if I can have a day off.我想问老板能不能请一 天假。3.This coffee is too hot to drink.' 这咖啡烫得不能喝。

4.My girl has got a cot bed.我女儿有一和轻便单人 床。

5.We should promote the project at all costs.我们无论如何都要推进 这项计划。6.I caught a dog, not a fox.我抓了一条狗,不是一只狐狸。7.He has a lot of cards in his pocket.他的口袋里有好些卡片。

8.This morning I saw a cop with a dog.今天早上我看到一个警 察带着一只狗。9.The man walking on the lawn is my boss.走在草地上的那位先生 是我的老板。

10.Lots of work in the office and lots of chores at home.在办公室里有一大堆工 作,在家里又有一大堆家务。How I envy you, John!约翰,我真羡慕你!

11.The party stopped at half past nine.聚会在九点半结束了。

12.I was sorry to hear your bad news.听到你的坏消息,我很难过。13.Do you often watch television? 你经常看电视吗?

14.It's a very popular song.那是一首非常流行的歌 曲。15.Barking dogs do not bite.吠犬不咬人。

16.Do what you want.做你想做的。

17.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

18.I know what you mean.我明白你的意思。

19.Thank God you're safe!谢天谢地,你平安无事。

20.I've got a job for you: wash these dishes.我有点活人你做,把这些盘子洗一洗。21.I'll watch the baby while you are away.你们不在时我来照看孩 子。

22.You go first and I'll follow(you)later.你先走,接着就来/随后就到。

23.Where is the watch I put in my pocket to 我放在口袋里准备拿到 店里

take to the shop because it had stopped? 去修的那块破表哪儿去 了?

24.Try to finish the job as soon as possible.设法尽早完成这项工作。

25.I would bet my bottom dollar that if this stern-looking man 如果这位面色严厉的人 is a manager of a company, 是某家公司的经理的话,the company will hardly suffer a heavy loss, for he is a crafty boss.那这家公司就不大可能 会亏损,因为他是个狡猾的老板。对此,疯狂对话操练

A: Hey, don't walk on the lawn.喂,别在草地上走。

B: Sorry, I'm looking for my wallet.对不起,我在找钱包。

A: You lost your wallet? Anything important in it? 丢了钱包? 里面有什么重要的东西 吗?

B: Yes.A lot of money.Almost three thousand dollars.是的。有很多钱,差不多3000美金呐!

A: That's too bad.Better report it to the police officer walking three.真不幸,你最好向那儿巡逻的警 官报告一下。

We faced extreme danger when we traveled to the mountains of India.当我们经过印和安山脉 时,我们面临极大的危险。

The little town is located in located in the extreme north of the country.这座小镇位于国家的最 北端。She is now in extreme pain.她处在极度的痛苦之中。

An extreme illness bothered the poor old man.这个可怜的老人身患重 病。

He showed extreme patience kindness/gentleness.他表现得极为耐心/和 蔼/温柔。

The extreme penalty of the law in some countries in the death penalty.有些国家的极刑是死刑。

我什么都敢赌。In order to lose weight, she goes on an extreme diet almost once a month.为了减肥,她几乎每个月都要进行 一次极度节食。Judy is crazy about following the extreme fashion in clothes.朱迪热衷于追求极其时 髦的衣着。She is moderate, I am extreme.她稳健,我偏激。

His political ideas are too extreme for me.我认为他的政治观点太 偏激了。He is a supporter of the extreme right.她是极右政治观点的拥 护者。Let's suppose it's true.我们假定那是真的。

What makes you suppose I'm against it? 你根据什么认为我反对 这件事? She'll be there today, I suppose.我想她今天会到哪儿去。

I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? 我猜你又来找我借钱了 吧。

It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.一般都认为上事不会再 发生了。

We always supposed that he was innocent.我们一直认为他是无辜 的。

Suppose that the news is true, what then? 就算这消息是真的,那又怎么样?

Suppose you had a million dollars, how would you spend it? 假如你有一百万美金,你会怎么花呢? Suppose we go for a swim!咱们去游泳吧!

Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one? 我是应该打扫所有的房 间,还是只打扫这一间? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.你应该在一小时之前赶 到这里。

You're not supposed to play football in the street.在大街上是不准踢足球 的。Supposed he were to see us!要是他看到我们,那可不得了!

She said very little, but a great deal by implication.她说得很少,但是有许多言外之意。

Failure to say “No” may, by implication, be taken to mean “Yes”.没有否定,就可能意味着默认。

He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.他似乎储蓄地承认了那 个事实。

He smiled, but the implication was that he didn't believe me.他笑了,但却隐含着对我不相信。The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting.这一最新报告对广播业 的前途有意味深长的暗 示。The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.你这话的弦外音是我错 了。Stone is very interested in studying 斯通对研究总统声明的 含义

the implications of the president's statement.很感兴趣。

China's entry into the WTO carries global implications.中国加入世贸含有全球 性意义。

The economic decline has grave implications for unemployment.经济衰退严重关系到失 业问题。The trial resulted in the implication of 审讯结果表明这个组织 中

several major figures in the organization.有几个主要人都牵连在 案。额外奉献 1.abroad 国外

I'm thinking of going abroad to study net year.我在考虑明年到国外去 学习。2.accumulate 积累

If you just learn two or three sentences a day, 如果你每天学2-3个句 子,you will accumulate a wealth of English in a very short time.你就会在短时间内积累 丰富的英语知识。3.adequate 足够的

Your works is adequate but I'm sure you could do better.你的工作做得不错,但我肯定你还能做得更 好些。4.administration 管理

This office is under the administration of the Chinese Government.这个办事处是受中国政 府管辖的。

5.amaze: 使……大为惊讶;使惊 愕

I am amazed by what you have told me.我听到你说的话感到惊 讶。We were amazed by your English!我们对你的英语感到惊 讶!6.amend: 改正,修正;修改;改 进;改好

Some people think that the US Constitution should be amended.一些人认为美国的宪法 需要修改。7.announce: 宣布;宣告;发表

They announced the winning Olympic city on July 13.他们在7月13日宣布了 获胜的奥运城市。8.anxious: 忧虑的,担忧的;渴望 的,急切的 She is very anxious about her son's health.她非常担心她儿子的健 康。

We are anxious to find our exam results.我们急切地想知道我们 的考试结果。9.appoint: 挑选(某人)做某工作 或任某职务;任命;委 托 Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢 ? 10.argue: 争论,说理;争辩;讨 论,辩论;争吵 Life is too short to argue about little things.生命大短暂,经不起为 小事争辩不休。

We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们跟服务员争执那顿 饭的价钱。1.ancient: 古代的;古老的;远古 的

Xi'an was once an ancient capital.西安曾是一个古代的都 城。2.behavior: 待人态度;举止;行为 ;

She was ashamed of her children's bad behavior.她为她孩子的不良举止 感到羞愧。3.conversation: 交谈;谈话;对话

He was deep in conversation with his boss.他与他的老板深入交谈。4.dangerous: 有危险的;危险的

It is too dangerous to walk home alone.独自步行回家太危险了。5.escape: 逃脱;逃走;

There was no way to escape the boring meeting.没有办法可以逃脱这个 无聊的会议。

She longed to escape from her mother's domination.她渴望摆脱她母亲的操 纵。6.famous: 出名的;着名的

The Great Wall is famous all over the world.长城世界闻名。

New York's famous for its skyscrapers.纽约以其摩天大楼驰名。7: favorite: 最喜欢的

Who is your favorite writer? 你最喜欢哪位作家? 8.mistake: 错误;过失;误解;误 会

If you always worry about making mistakes, 如果你总是担心犯错,you'll never make any progress in your English!那你的英语永远都不会 进步。The waiter made a mistake in the bill.服务员把账算错了。9.operate: 工作,运转;操纵;经 营,管理

He operates three factories and a huge warehouse.他经营着三空工厂和一 个大仓库。10.patient: 有耐性的;忍耐的;容 忍的

Learning English takes time.You have to be patient.学习英语需要时间。你 必须有耐心。You should be more patient with your family.你应该对你的家人耐心 一点。

I should be more patient with my stupid students.Some of my students are really stupid.but not stupid than I was.There are no stupid students, there are only poor teachers.第二部 第五节 语法大战 短文中操练语法

第一篇 海洋度假村 大战形容词和副词最高 级 The ocean resort hotel Cindy and Jim took a vacation last year at the Ocean Resort Hotel.去年,辛迪和吉姆去了 海洋度假村度假。

They really loved the hotel and had a terrific time on their vacation.他们真的非常喜欢这个 度假村,在那儿玩了个 不亦乐乎!The beach was the cleanest and most beautiful they had ever seen.那儿的海滩是他们所见 过的最干净、最漂亮的 海滩;

The ocean water was the clearest and warmest they had ever swum in.那儿的海水是他们所游 过的最清澈、最暖和的 海水; Their room was the most luxurious 他们的房间是他们所住 过的最豪华

and most comfortable they had ever stayed in.和最舒适的房间;

The food was the most delicious they had ever eaten.那儿的食物是他们所吃 过的最可口的食物; The hotel staff was the friendliest 度假村的员工是他们所 遇到过的最友好 and most courteous they had ever encountered.最有礼的员工。

The golf course was the most challenging they had ever played on.那儿的高尔夫球场是他 们所用过的最具挑战性 的球场院; And the nightclub show was the most exciting they had ever been to.那儿的晚间俱乐部节目 也是他们所看过的最令 人激动的节目。Cindy and Jim really enjoyed themselves at the Ocean Resort Hotel.辛迪和吉姆在海洋度假 村确确实实玩得很开心。It was the best vacation they had ever taken.那是他们度过的最美好 的一个假期。A visa Interview Kelly didn't do as well 在今天的签证面试中,as she should have at her visa interview today.凯利本可以表现得很好 的,但她没有。She didn't get the visa, 所以她没有获得签证,and she realizes now that 现在她意识到,she should have done a few things differently.她本应做些事情来完善 她自己的。She should have spoken English, 她本应该讲英语;

she should have told more about her previous education 她本应该向面试考官陈 述更多有关她受教育的 情况 and work experience, 和工作经历;

and she probably should have worn more conservative clothes.或许,她还应该穿得更 保守些。

In addition, she shouldn't have arrived late 另外,在如此重要的一 次面试中,for such an important interview.她本不应该迟到的;

She shouldn't have smoked in the interviewer's office.她不应该在考官的办公 室内抽烟; And she DEFINTELY shouldn't have asked the interviewer 她更万万不该要求面试 官 to repeat himself so many times.对他所说的重复那么多 次。

Kelly will certainly do things differently the next time 在下次的签证面试中,she has a visa interview!凯利一定会有不同的表 现的。第二部 第六节 三最短文

Jiang Calls for Strengthened Positive Role of U.N.江泽民主席要求加强联 合国的积极作用 Chinese President Jiang zemin on Wednesday 星期五,在联合国千年 首脑会议上,called for the strengthening of the United Nations' positive role, 中国国家主席江泽民发 表演讲,and the defense of the world body's authority, in the new century.要求加强联合国在新世 纪的积极作用,In a speech delivered at the U.N.Millennium Summit, 扞卫这个世界性组织的 权威。Jiang said that the organization's 他说:

“positive role must be strengthened and not weakened ”联合国的积极作用必 须加强,不能削弱,and its authority defended and not jeopardized.“ 其职权也必须扞卫,不 可危及。” “We must firmly defend the purposes 他党政军强调说:

and principles of the U.N.Charter, ”我们必须坚持扞卫联 合国宪章的宗旨和原则,continue to give play to the positive role of the U.N.在处理国际事务中,and its Sencurity Council in handling international affairs 继续发挥联合国以及安 理会的积极作用,and safeguarding world peace, 保卫世界和平,and ensure all the member States have their right to participate 确保所有的成员国有术 在平等的基础上

in world affairs on an equal footing,“ he stressed.参与国际事务。

Chinese President Jiang zemin on Wednesday 星期五,在联合国千年 首脑会议上,called for the strengthening of the United Nations' positive role, 中国国家主席江泽民发 表演讲,and the defense of the world body's authority, in the new century.要求加强联合国在新世 纪的积极作用,In a speech delivered at the U.N.Millennium Summit, 扞卫这个世界性组织的 权威。Jiang said that the organization's 他说:

”positive role must be strengthened and not weakened “联合国的积极作用必 须加强,不能削弱,and its authority defended and not jeopardized.” 其职权也必须扞卫,不 可危及。“ ”We must firmly defend the purposes 他党政军强调说:

and principles of the U.N.Charter, “我们必须坚持扞卫联 合国宪章的宗旨和原则,continue to give play to the positive role of the U.N.在处理国际事务中,and its Sencurity Council in handling international affairs 继续发挥联合国以及安 理会的积极作用,and safeguarding world peace, 保卫世界和平,and ensure all the member States have their right to participate 确保所有的成员国有术 在平等的基础上

in world affairs on an equal footing,” he stressed.参与国际事务。

第二部 第八节 成语的挑战 Kill two birds with one stone 一举两得/一箭双雕

A: Is there anything I can do for you, Stone? 有什么需要我帮忙的吗,斯通? I'd like to help you in some way if I can.我希望能尽点力,帮你 点什么。

B: I can't think of anything at the moment, 一下子我也想不起来,but I know there is something important I have to do today.我只知道今天确实有要 事要办,It just slipped my mind.我都给忘得一千二净了!

A: Well, it will come to you eventually.别急,你到底会想起来 的。

Maybe I could run some errands for you or something.也许我能帮你跑跑腿什 么的。

B: Ah!I remember!I need to cash a check 啊!我想起来了!我得 兑换支票,because I'm going on a trip to New York next week.因为我下星期要到纽约 去旅游。Actually, I want to buy some traveler's checks.事实上,我想买些旅行 支票。

You can drive me to the bank if you have time.如果你有时间不妨载我 到银行去。

A: You remembered just in the nick of time.还好你在这时候想起来 了,The bank will be closed tomorrow for a holiday!明天是节假日,银行要 关门的。

B: Do you think it's a good idea to buy some traveler's checks? 你觉得买旅行支票合适 吗? A: Definitely!那是肯定的!

Don't carry large amounts of cash with you when you're traveling.旅行时不要随身带太多 的现金。We have a rule of thumb: 我们的经验之谈是:

“Never carry around any more cash than you can afford to have stolen.” “随身带钱要适量,丢 了也不会太心疼。” To be on the safe side, you'd better ask for smaller denominations: 为了安全起见,你最好 要些面额较小的货币,$20 or $50.如二十元或五十元。B: Thanks for your advice.谢谢你的建议。

I have some questions to ask you concerning health insurance, too.我还想问你一些关于医 疗保险方面的问题,And maybe you could clue me in on American tax laws too.或许你还可以给我介绍 一下美国的税法。

It's so hard to learn all the differences between America 你知道要在这么短的时 间里就搞清楚美国

and China in such a short time.You really are a big help.和中国所有的差异有多 难,你真是帮了大忙。A: No problem.没问题。

Actually the insurance business is also done at the bank.其实银行也做医疗保险 方面的业务。Let's go.We can kill two birds with one stone.走吧,我们可以一举两 得。B: Thanks a million, 太感谢了。

if you ever have any questions about doing business in China, 如果你对在中国做生意 有任何问题,I hope I can help you as much as you've helped me.我希望我可以帮助你,就像你现在帮助我一样。第三部 第一节 新生的自我介绍 Hello everybody.My name is Stone.嗨,大家好。我的名字 叫斯通,I come from Guangdong province in China.我来自中国广东。

I am very happy to come here to study with you.我很高兴来这里和你们 一起念书。

When I arrived at this school three days ago, 当我三天前来到这个学 校时,I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, 我就喜欢上它了。这里 是那么笑丽,那么振奋 人心,and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim.这里的每个人都对我很 亲切,特别是金姆老师。This class feels just like one big family to me.而这个班集体对我来说 就像一个大家庭。

I'm interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.我对运动、音乐和爬山 很有兴趣。

I also enjoy playing soccer.I would love to play with you sometime.我也喜欢踢足球。我非 常想和你们一起踢球。I hope I can become friends so.Thank you very much!最后,我希望我能很快 成为你们的朋友,谢谢。Hello everybody.My name is Stone.嗨,大家好。我的名字 叫斯通,I come from Guangdong province in China.我来自中国广东。

I am very happy to come here to study with you.我很高兴来这里和你们 一起念书。

When I arrived at this school three days ago, 当我三天前来到这个学 校时,I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, 我就喜欢上它了。这里 是那么笑丽,那么振奋 人心,and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim.这里的每个人都对我很 亲切,特别是金姆老师。This class feels just like one big family to me.而这个班集体对我来说 就像一个大家庭。

I'm interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.我对运动、音乐和爬山 很有兴趣。

I also enjoy playing soccer.I would love to play with you sometime.我也喜欢踢足球。我非 常想和你们一起踢球。I hope I can become friends so.Thank you very much!最后,我希望我能很快 成为你们的朋友,谢谢。第二节 魅力来自于幽默 A Clever Dog 聪明狗 A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, 一只狗的主人声称如果 给他的狗一些钱的话,would go to the news stall to buy a paper.它就会跑到售报亭去买 一份报纸回来。

His friend insited on a demonstration and handed the god some money.他的朋友坚持要试验一 下。于是就给了那只狗 一些钱。The dog trotted off, 狗叼着钱一溜烟儿地跑 掉了。

but an hour later he had still not returned with the paper.可是过了一个小时,狗 还没有把报纸买回来。“How much did you give him” ask the owner.“你给了它多少钱?”狗 的主人问。“Five dollars.” “五块。” “Well, that explains it.”这就是了。

When you give him five dollars, he goes to movie.“ 你给它五块钱,它就去 看电影了。”主人解释 道。第三部 第三节 中文成语 藏龙卧虎

(Kim's note)This idiom was also a title of an Oscar winning movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was an national hit!.This exciting movie not only won several awards, it's also inspired the United State to learn more about Chinese culture.The stars from this movie are now world wide celebrities!Where Dragons Hide and Tigers Crouch A: I hear that many Hong Kong companies recently 我听说最近很多香港公 司 held a job fair in Guangdong.到广东来举行招聘会。

B: You know there are a lot of talented people 你知道在广州和深圳

in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.有好多人才,It's really where dragons hide me and tigers crouch!真可以说是藏龙卧虎啊!

The companies in Hong Kong know this secret now.现在香港的那些公司都 知道了。(2)九死一生

A Narrow Escape From Death A: I can't believe that your car was hit by a bus 我真不敢相信你的车被 公共汽车撞了,and you don't have any injuries!你居然一点都没受伤。B: I really am lucky.我的确很幸运,Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death. 并不是很多像我这样九 死一生。(3)落井下石

To hit a person when he is down A: You know I just lost my job yesterday, 你知道吗?我昨天丢了 工作,my girlfriend is breaking up with me 现在女朋友又和我分手,and I have to find a new place to live.我不得不另外找地方住。

I am having the worst week of my life!这是我一生中最倒霉的 一周。

I know, and I kind of hate to bring this up now, 你知道其实我打心眼里 不想在这时候提起这事,but I really need that one hundred dollars 但是我现在真的很需要 你上个月 you borrowed from me last month.从我这里借的那一百关 金。

A: Wow, you really know how to hit a person when he is down!喔!你真是会落井下石 啊!

That remind me the joke with two friends who were walking along through the night and they got robbed, so the robbers apoint the guns to the two friends and one friend took the money at the pocket and said“ Here's the money I give you.” to the other friend.How good time to pay the money back.That's good.(4)捷足先登

The swift-footed arrive first A: I heard you had great seats for the Three Tenors Concert in Beijing.我听说你买到了世界三 大男高音北京演唱会的 好票。B: That's true.是的。

I bought them as soon as I heard the concert announcement.我一听到演唱会的消息 就去买票了。The swift footed arrive first you know.这就叫做捷足先登。

A: You're a lucky dog!Even if I was the most swift-footed, 你可真幸运!尽管我比 谁都先到,I didn't have enough money to go!但是我没有那么多钱买 票。

I guess the swift-footed and the richest get the best tickets!我看不但要脚最快还要 票子最多才能拿到最好 的票。(5)如鱼得水

Feel like a fish in the water.A: You don't seem to be having any trouble 你好像很容易

adjusting to life in Beijing.适应北京的生活。

B: I've wanted to study at Beijing University my whole life.去北京大学学习是我一 生的梦想。

I also love the culture and the weather in Beijing.我还喜欢北京的文化气 氛和天气。I feel just like a fish in waster.我在北京简直就是如鱼 得水。A: But as long as you are in Beijing, 只要你在北京呆久了,you may be more like a fish in ice!你就不是如鱼得水,而 是如鱼得“冰”了!

You know that is interesting that we don't have the same idiom in English but we do have the idiom to feel like a fish out of the water.Feel like a fish out of the water.第四节 形容词大战 1.angry: filled with anger 发怒的;愤怒的

There is nothing worse than having to face an angry wife. 没有什么比不得不面对 一个愤怒的妻子更糟糕 了。I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long.他让我等了这么久,我 真的生他的气了。2.awful: very bad;dreadful 很坏的;糟透的

I'm sorry to be so short-tempered but I have an awful headache.我很抱歉脾气这么坏,但是我头疼得要命。The film was awful.那部电影真是糟透了。

3.boring: not interesting in any way 无趣的;无聊的

There is no way I am sitting through another boring meeting.要我再次坐着开这种无 聊的会议绝不可能。He is about the most boring person I've ever met.他可能是我见过的最无 趣的人了。4.careless: not taking care;inattentive 粗心的;疏忽的

My son could get better grades if he wasn't so careless.如果我儿子不是粗心的 话,他可以得更高的分 数。

He's a very careless driver;he never thinks about what he's doing.他是一个粗心大意的驾 驶员,从来也不考虑自 己在做什么。5.cunning: clever at deceiving people 狡猾的;狡诈的;善于 欺骗的

I don't trust your new secretary, she's just too cunning. 我不信任你的新秘书,她太狡猾了。He's a cunning old fox.他是诡计多端的老狐狸。

6.depressing: make one feel depressed 令人忧愁的;令人沮丧 的

I hated that movie.It was too depressing. 我讨厌那部电影,太令 人沮丧了。It's a totally depressing thought. 这完全是个令人沮丧的 主意。7.gloomy: sad;depressed 阴沉的;阴暗的;忧愁 的;沮丧的

I don't know why you stay in such a gloomy room all day 我不明白天气这么好为 什么 when the weather's so beautiful. 你还呆在一个阴沉沉的 房间里。

What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up!你为什么情绪这么低落 ?振作起来吧!8.hopeless: showing or giving no hope;useless 没有希望的;令人绝望 的;没用的

I just have to give up on you.You're just hopeless. 我不得不放弃你了,你 真是令人绝望。It's hopeless trying to convince her.要说服她是没有希望的。

9.impatient: not patient;unable to wait for something 不耐烦的;无耐性的

My teacher is too impatient.我的老师太没耐心了。

She yells at me every time I make a mistake.每次我犯了错她都要对 我大喊大叫。Don't be impatient!The bus will be here soon.别那么不耐烦!公共汽 车马上就来了。10.inconsiderate: not considerate;thoughtless;不体贴人的;考虑不周 的;

I don't know why I married such an inconsiderate man.我不明白为什么我嫁给 了这么一个不体贴的男 人。He's often inconsiderate to his family.他常常不体谅他的家人。

11.indifferent: not interested in;not caring about or noticing 不感兴趣的;不关心的 ;冷淡的

I don't have any feelings toward him.I'm completely indifferent. 我对他没有任何感觉,我完全不感兴趣。How can you be so indifferent to the sufferings of staving people? 你怎能对饥民的疾苦无 动于哀呢?

12.jealous: want to get what someone else has;envious 嫉羡的;嫉妒的

You'd better not talk to her.你最好不要和她说话。

Her husband is an extremely jealous man.她丈夫是个醋罐子。

He is jealous of our success.他嫉妒我们的成功。

13.miserable: poor in quality or quantity;too small 低劣的;贫乏的;少得 可怜的

How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 我怎么能靠这么可怜的 工资养家?

My father was a miserable man.He was always complaining.我父亲是个可怜的人,他总是抱怨。14.nasty: unpleasant;disgusting 令人不愉快的;令人讨 厌的 Who's that nasty old woman? 那个令人讨厌的老婆子 是谁? This room has such a nasty smell.这个房间有一种恶心的 气味。15.ridiculous: silly;absurd 荒谬的;可笑的

What a ridiculous idea!多么荒谬的念头!

You look completely ridiculous in that outfit.你穿着那套服装看上去 真是滑稽。16.selfish: 自私的;

He's too selfish to think of lending me his car.他很自私,不想把汽车 借给我。

You're the most selfish person I ever met.你是我见过的最自私的 人。

17.stubborn: determined not to give way;strong-willed;obstainate 倔强的;固执的;顽固 的

I knew you'd be too stubborn to listen.我就知道你这个固执的 家伙是不会听的。You are as stubborn as a donkey!你倔得像一头驴。

18.unfortunate: not fortunate;unlucky 不幸的;倒霉的

I was unfortunate enough to lose my keys.我把钥匙丢了,真倒霉。

第四部 疯狂实战篇

Chapter 4: Crazy real life success battle Five people suffered minor injuries 今天早上

when an earthquake measuring 6.2 台湾发生6.2级地震,on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning.有五人受轻伤。

It caused some panic but little serious damage.James Pomfret reports.地震引起了高民的惊慌,但是几乎没有严重损 失。占姆士·庞夫瑞特 报道: “The earthquake stuck at 10:35 this morning(girls screams), ”早晨10点35分台北发 生地震女孩子尖叫,rocking Taipei for 20 seconds, 地震持续了20秒钟,though much of the city was left unscathed.但是城市大部分安然无 恙。

Only a few buildings were damaged.只有少数几座建筑受损。

This hospital's outer wall was unable to with stand the shock, 这所医院的外墙经不住 震动,crashing onto the pavement, though no one was injured.“ 倒塌在人行道上,但无 一人受伤。” “There were power cuts in some areas ”部分地区发生断电

and public transport was disrupted, 和交通瘫痪,including the Mass Rapid Transit system, 其中包括大型都市捷运 系统,which was closed temporarily for safety checks.“ 现已暂停使用以进行安 全检查。” “According to the central weather bureau, ”根据中央气象局报告,the quake measured 6.2 on the open-ended Richter scale, 此次地震达到无限量震 级6.2级,with its epicenter at sea off Taiwan's northeast coast.震中心位于台湾东北海 岸外海域。

Just last night, a quake mwasuring 6.3 originated from a similar area, 昨晚,几乎同一海域发 生了6.3级地震,but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related.但据推测两场地震并无 关联。

Nine minor aftershocks have been recorded.“ 记录显示有九次微小余 震。” “Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most.”台湾金融市场可能损 失最重。

The stock market fell more than 1.7 percent, 股市下跌超过1.7%,on worries that aftershocks could affect the island's in dustries.人们还担心余震会影响 岛内的工业。

Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999, 台湾最近的一次大地震 发生在1999年9月,measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.震级为7.6级,50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake, 50,000座建筑被毁,2,400人死亡。James Pomfret, TVB News.“ 占姆士·庞夫瑞特报道。TVN新闻。” 第二节 广告配音员的梦想

(kim's note)Advertisement are really a top way to improve your English They always use English in the most effective way possible and they are full of useful adjective that appear on many exams!In fact, advertisements contain more adjectives than any other type of learning material.Instead of memorizing long lists of them, try reciting some advertisements and watch your vocabulary power immensely.Hair beauty(美发品)Shamp oo and conditioner(洗发、护 法品)Dry scalp? It needs moisture, more than medicine.when a scalp's tight, dry and itchy from abuse like everyday hair care routines, it may not be dandruff(头皮屑)It could be dry skin.So it needs shampoo that's formulated to protect the scalp.Dry scalp shampoo.Its unique formula helps maintain the natural moisture balance of your scalp while its gentle conditioners care for your scalp.广告常用形容词 1.dry 干的;干燥的

I hate the dry air in Beijing. 我讨厌北京干燥的空气。

I think you cooked this chicken too long.It tastes really dry.我认为你煮鸡煮得太久 了,尝起来太干了。We haven't had a dry day in Guangzhou in months!广州好几个月没有晴天 了。2.itchy 痒的;渴望的

I can't wear anything that's itchy. 我不能穿任何令人发痒 的衣服。

My legs are itchy from so many mosquito bites.我的腿被蚊子咬了好多 包,痒死了。

I'm so hot and itchy!I can't wait to take a shower. 我又热又痒,我恨不得 马上就洗个澡。3.unique 唯一的;独一无二的; 独特的

Crazy English is a unique way to learn English.疯狂英语是学习英语的 一种独特的方法。

My husband isn't handsome, but he certainly is unique.我丈夫不帅,但是他肯 定是独一无二的。Where did you get that unique watch? 你在哪里买到这块独特 的手表? 4.natural 自然的;天然的

China has so much natural beauty.中国有很多美丽的自然 景观。

Try to relax and speak in a natural voice.尽量放松,用自然的声 音说话。5.gentle 温和的;和善的;仁慈 的

I don't like such a hard massage.I prefer a gentle touch. 我不喜欢如此强烈的按 摩,我更喜欢温柔的接 触。My mother is a kind and gentle woman.我妈妈是一个亲切和善 的女人。

The weather was warm with a gentle breeze. 天气很温暖,伴着一丝 和风。Creamy oil(润肤油)

Believe it or not, you've just struck oil.soft and silky, never greasy.Introducing Johnson's Creamy Baby Oil.A new moisturizer(润肤露)made from pure Johnson's Baby Oil, swirled light and creamy.Try it , and strike it rich.New!Johnson's Creamy Baby Oil.第四部 第三节 成功的翻译必备 1.The project is making slow progress 1.他的不合作态度

because of his uncooperativeness.使这个项目进展十分缓 慢。

2.There seems to be little chance that he will grant such a request.2.想让他答应如此要 求恐怕不大可能。3.If by any chance you want to cancel the trip, 3.万一你想取消这次 旅行,please notify us in writing at least one month in advance.请至少提前一个月书面 通知我们。

4.This situation will not remain unchanged.4.这种情况不会延续 下去。

5.The new regulations will come into force next year.5.新规则明年起生效。

6.She looks pretty much like a friend of mine.6.她长得很像我的一 个朋友。

7.This kind of instant noodle is preservative-free.7.这种方便面不含防 腐剂。

8.He doesn't like others to call him by his nickname.8.他不喜欢别人叫他 的外号。9.You should not dream your life away.9.你不要在空想中蹉 跎一生。

10.The ship was flying the Chinese flag.10.那艘船悬挂中国国 旗。

11.His excellent performance enabled us to win the match.11.他的出色发挥使我 们赢得了比赛。

12.Her latest solo album has made her very famous 12.她最近的独唱专集 使她 in the world of pop music.在流行乐坛名声大振。

13.What he said made no sense to me at all.13.他说的什么我一点 都不明白。

14.Whether they come makes no difference to me.14.他们来不来我根本 无所谓。

15.When I needed you the most, I could not find you anywhere.15.在我最需要你时,却哪儿都找不到你。第四节 做个幽默的主持人 Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们,先生们:

It is my job to introduce the foreign guests 我的责任是介绍这些将 与

who will be spending the week with us here.我们共度这一周的外国 客人们。

I must say that I'm a little at a loss as to how to introduce them.我必须表明对于如何介 绍他们,我有点不知所 措。I wanted to say at first the tall one, 刚开始我想介绍说高个 的、or the one with blond hair, or the one with blue eyes, 金发的、或蓝眼睛的

or something like that to help you remember them.帮助你们记住他们。

Now, seeing them all here together for the first time, 现在他们都到了这里,I see what a problem I have: they're all tall, 我遇到了个大问题:他 们都是高个子,they all have blond hair, and they all seem to have blue eyes, too.金发,看起来也都是蓝 眼睛。

Oh, well, you'll just have to remember their names.好吧,你们只好记住他 们的名字了。

Mr.Sam White comes to us from the University of Kentucky 山姆·怀特先生来自肯 塔基大学,where he is majoring in economics.主攻经济学。

He is most noticeable for his southern accent.他有很浓重的南方口音。

Miss Kelly Brown comes from the University of Wisconsin.凯利·布朗小姐来自威 斯康星大学,She is majoring in modern languages, 专业是现代语言学,so she will be happy to speak in French or Chinese to any one of you.她会很高兴与你们中的 某个人讲法语或中文。Mr.Jim Smith is from the City College of New York.吉姆·吏密斯先生来自 纽约城市大学。He tells me he is a city boy, 他告诉我他是一个都市 男孩,and this is his first time to live in a camp like this.这是他第一次过这种野 营生活。

If he gets scared at the night noises, be patient with him.如果他晚上感到害怕,请你们多多见谅。The last person is Miss Julia Cook, 最后一位要介绍的是朱 利亚·库克,who is a social worker for the City of Los Angeles.她是洛杉机市政府的社 会工作者,She has a headache, owing to the weather here, 由于这里的天气原因她 有些头疼,but she is now accustomed to it.不过她现在已经适应了。

Seriously, thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp.说真的,谢谢你们来加 入我们的野营。All of us hope that you will enjoy yourselves.我们全体人员祝你们过 得愉快。第四部 第五节 演讲家的风采 Happy birthday We're here today to celebrate a very special occasion.今天我们在此庆祝一个 非常特别的日子。I'm sure everybody will agree with me that 我相信大家都会同意,Tom has always been a great boss and a great leader.汤姆一直是个很棒的领 导和上司,He has also been a good rold model and friend.同时也是我们的楷模和 朋友。

I have never met a person who is as understanding, 我从来没有遇见过像汤 姆这么体恤他人、patient, and sincere as Tom.有耐心又真诚的人。

We have thrown this birthday party 我们举办这个生日晚会,not only to celebrate your birthday, 不只是要庆祝你的生日,but also to express our gratitude for your thoughtful leadership.我们还要对你体贴的领 导表示感激。You have really done a lot for everone here.你为在场的每一位都做 了很多,So thank you from all of us.我们大家全体感谢你。

Happy birthday, Tom, and many happy returns!生日快乐,汤姆,并祝 你福如东海,寿比南山。经典祝贺二 Wedding congratulations 新婚快乐 John and Mary, 约翰,玛丽,you have my warmest congratulations on this wonderful day.在今天这个美妙的日子 里我衷心地祝贺你们。I am really very happy for you two.我真为你俩感到高兴。

I have know John for about five years, 我认识约翰已经五年了,and I have always been envious of his talent 我一直嫉妒他

and abilities in many respects.在各个方面的才能。

He is not merely a competent professional in international trade;他不仅是一位能干的外 贸人才,he is exceptional in doing almost anything.而且在各个方面都很杰 出。

Today, I have become even more envious of John, 今天我更嫉妒约翰了,because he just got married to one of the most beautiful brides 因为他刚娶了世界上最 美丽的 in the world.新娘之一。

But don't let our envy bother you, John, 不过,别介意我们的嫉 妒,because we want you to become the happiest couple in the world, 因为我们希望你们是世 界上最幸福的一对; and keep us envious of you two forever!并且请让我们永远嫉妒 你们吧!

Congratulations, and be happy!We all wish you the very best!恭喜你们,祝你们愉快!我们大家祝你们幸福!What a fantastic wedding toste.第六节 商务谈判高手之路 谈判现场:

James: I'd lie to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.我想不从价钱方面开始 谈吧!

Stone: Shoot.I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.洗耳恭听!我很乐意答 复任何问题。James: Your products are very good.贵公司的产品很出色;

But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.但对于你们开的价码,我觉得有点困难。

Stone: You think we should be asking for more?(laughs)你是觉得我们应该把价 格开高点?(笑)James: That's not exactly what I had in mind.(莞尔)我不是这个意思。

I know your research costs are high, 我知道你们投入很高的 研究经费,but what I'd like is a 20% discount.但是,我想要的是八折。

Stone: That seems to be a little high, Mr.White.怀特先生,这个折扣似 乎多了点。

I don't know how we make a profit with those numbers.这样的价格,我真是怀 疑我们公司怎么能有利 润可赚!James: Please, Stone, call me James.斯通,请叫我占姆士好 了。

Well, if we promise future business, volume sales,(稍停)这样吧!若我们 答应以后继续和你们合 作,而且是大笔的生意,that will slash your costs for making the “Heating Pad”, right? 就可以使你们大幅度降 低“热疗垫”的制造成本,对不对? Stone: Yes, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders.嗯!不过,我实在看不 出来您怎能下这么大笔 的订单? How could you mm over so many?(pause)贵公司如何销售这么多 的货呢?(略停)We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.我们要的可是继续做生 意的保证,而不是随口 答应就算数的哦!James: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period.我们说过半年内订货10 00件。What if we place order for twelve months, with a guarantee? 如果现在我们保证一年 内都会跟你们订货,你 意下如何? Stone: If you can guarantee that on paper, 如果你们能以书面做保 证,I think we can discuss this further.我想我们可以再详谈下 去。第八节 一个成功的导游必备 Beijing 北京

As the capital of China 北京是中国的首都

and one of the seven ancient capitals in Chinese history, 和中国七大古都之首,Beijing is the first one of the state-listed 国家级历史

famous cultural and historic cities.文化名城之一。

It blends a traditional outlook 在北京,古代遗址景观

as well as a spectacular view of the modern metropolis.与现代大都市的壮观景 色混为一体。The Great Wall, the Palace Museum, 长城、故宫、and the site of Zhoukoudian-home of Peking Man, 北京周口店猿人遗址

have been listed as the world heritage.被列为世界遗产。

Beijing is also a noted city for international tourism.北京是着名的国际旅游 名城,The architecture of the Imperial Palaces 明清帝都建筑完善,of the Ming and Qing dynasties have been preserved well.轴线引导,圈层布局。

On the axis from south to north are Yongding Gate, 南北轴线上重要的古建 筑由南向北排列:永定 门、Zhengyang Gate, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, 正阳门、毛主席纪念堂、The Monument to the People's Heroes, Tian'anmen Gate, Duan Gate, 人民英雄纪念碑、天安 门、端门、the Palace Museum, Jingshan Park(Coal Hill), 故宫博物院、景山、Drum Gate, and Bell Tower.鼓楼、钟楼。

Around the Palace Museum is the Impe-rial City.故宫的外圈旧时是皇城,There are the Temple for Ancestral Worship, 有太庙、the Altar of the Earth and Harvest, the Beihai Park.社稷坛、北海等,The outer lane is the Inner City.再外圈是内城,There are the Imperial College, Yonghegong, Miaoying Temple, etc.有国于监、雍和宫、妙 应寺等。

Outside the Inner City are the Temple of Heaven, 内城之外圈的天坛、the Temple of Earth, the Temple of Agriculture, the Summer Palace, 地坛、先农坛、颐和园、the Yuanmingyuan Ruins, etc.圆明园遗址等。

In the outer suburbs are the Ming Tombs, the Great Wall, 远郊是明十三陵、长城、and the Site of Zhoukoudian-home of Peking Man.周口店猿人遗址,The newly-opened natural sights include the Stone Flower Cave, 还辟有石花洞等自然景 观

Daguanyuan(Grand View Garden), the World Park and many more.和大观园、世界公园等 主题名园。

Beijing is rich in the former homes of famous people, 北京多名人故居,京味 胡同与街景、the Beijing-style lanes(Hutongs)and street view, 民间艺术及荚味住肴等,folk arts, and delicacies.极具旅游参与性魅力。

第五部 第一节 超级地道美国话 第一篇 约会迟到找借口 1.Uh, I was stuck in traffic!我碰到交通堵塞了!

2.Well, there was an accident on the road, you see!哎,你知道吗?路上有 一桩交通事故。

3.The bus broke down on my way here!It was a nightmare!在我来的途中公共汽车 坏掉了!真是倒霉!4.There were so many people waiting for the bus, 等车的人太多了,I couldn't even get on it.我根本就挤不上车。5.I lost my car keys!我找不到车钥匙了。6.My car died!我的车坏掉了。7.Oh, I overslept.哎,我睡过头了。8.Nobody woke me up!没人叫我起床。

9.I didn't go to sleep until 3:00 last night!我昨晚3点钟才睡着。10.My alarm didn't go off!我的闹钟罢工了。

11.My cat died!/My dog died!我的爱猫/爱狗归天了。12.My mother called!我老妈打电话给我!--耽误了一点时间。

13.My son got really sick.I had to take him to the hospital.我儿子生病了,我必须 送他去医院。1.What's your excuse this time? 这次你的借口又是什么 ? 2.What is it this time? 你这次又怎么了? 3.All right, let's hear it.好吧,让我们听听你的 借口。4.What's your story this time? 这次你又有什么故事?

5.All right, it's better be good.好吧!你最好给我个好 理由。

6.So, do you have an excuse this time? 那,你这次还有什么借 口呢? 7.So what's today's excuse? 今天的借口又是什么呢 ?

8.All right, don't tell me your dog or cat died!好了,不要再告诉我你 的狗狗或猫猫又死掉了。(这个借口实在是用 了太多次了!)9.Don't tell me.Let me guess.You overslept, right? 不要告诉我,让我猜。你睡过头了,对不对? 10.Do you have any idea what time it is? 你知道现在几点钟了吗 ? 11.Man, I don't wanna(=want to)hear it!兄弟,我不想再听任何 借口了。

12.I'm sick of your excuse.Can't you just be on time for once? 我对你的借口烦透了。你能不能准时一次?

I'm sick of your excuse.Can't you just be on time for once? 我对你的借口烦透了。你能不能准时一次? 第二节 高级口译自测

朱?基总理记者招待会 片段 Premier Zhu's press conference Premier Zhu definetely has a gift for communicating.His answers are always direct, to the point and well worded.He does't give long, vague answers.If he isn't prepared to answer or does't want to, he just says so.This no nonsense approach wins him a lot of respect in the international community.He is more than just a role model for English, He is also a role model for good communication skills in general!Correspondent: Thank you.From Reuters.记者:谢谢,我是路透 社记者。

Premier Zhu, I noticed in your work report 朱总理,我注意到在您 的工作报告中,you included several elements of Jiang Zemin's theories, 您谈到了江泽民主席的 一些理论。

including the Three Represents and Rule by Virtue.比如说,“三个代表”的 思想,“以德治国”的理 念。

Since you're famous for very plain, easy to understand language, 因为您以平实、易懂的 语言着称,can you explain to us what the Three Represents 您能不能解释一下…… 那么请问对于街上的普 通人来说,means to the man on the street, “三个代表思想”对他们 意味着什么,and also what Rule by Virtue means, as you plan to practice it.而你打算实施的“以德 治国理念”对他们又意 味着什么? Zhu Rongji: The theor of Three Represents 朱熔基我想江泽民主席 提出的 and the philosophy of Rule of Virtue “三个代表”的思想,put forward by President Jiang Zemin “以德治国”的理念,is actually the exten sion and development of Marxism theory.都是对马克思主义理论 的发展。

This is not the work of President Jiang Zemin himself, 那么,也不是他一个人 的意见,the entire CCCP committee has agreed on these points.我们中央在这个问题上 的意见是完全一致的。But I don't think today this is a fitting occasion for me 当然,你要我在这个地 方来阐明这个思想,to give you a thorough elaboration 我想这不是时候,perhaps it would need an international seminar 也许我们需要开一次

for a thorough discussion about the question you've raised.国际研讨会。Thank you.谢谢!

第六部 第一节 教你一招

(Kim's note)This is a serious problem among Asian English learners.Even people with outstanding English seem to have a hard time with this skill.I think the culture difference has something to do with it.In any case, these endings are much better than abruptly saying “OK, I go now.” Making a graceful exit will ensure that you are remebered long after you leave.How to end a conversation 1.师生之间(between teacher and student): A:Tank you for your time, Ms.Lee.I enjoyed speaking with you.李老师,占用了您的时 间,真是太感谢了。与 您交谈非常高兴。B:You're welcome, Stone, any time.别客气,斯通,随时欢 迎你。

A:Tank you for your time, Ms.Lee.I enjoyed speaking with you.李老师,占用了您的时 间,真是太感谢了。与 您交谈非常高兴。B:You're welcome, Stone, any time.别客气,斯通,随时欢 迎你。2.商友之间(between businessmen): A: Well, you're a busy man, Mr.Smith.I'll let you get back to work.好了,史密斯先生,您 是个大忙人。我还是不 打扰您工作吧。B: Thanks for dropping by.谢谢你来看我。

3.家庭主妇之间(betw een housewives): A: Sue, I'd love to talk longer 苏,我很想和你多聊一 会儿,but I've got to pick up my son from school.但我还要去学校接我儿 子,Give me a call later, okay? 稍后再给我打电话好吗 ? B: Sure, I'll talk to you later.当然,以后再聊。

4.朋友之间(between friends)A: It's been good talking to you, Sam.山姆,与你交谈真高兴,I'm sorry, but I have to meet someone in 10 minutes.遗憾的是十分钟后我约 了别人见面。B: Well, I'd better let you go.See you later.好吧,我还是让你走吧,再见。I wish we had more time to talk.真希望我们能多谈会儿。

5.网友之间(between online chatters): A: I'm sorry, but I've got to make a phone call.对不起,我要打个电话,Can I get back with you later? 稍后再聊好吗?

B: Sure.No problem. 当然,没问题。

1.You company is a big name in China.贵公司在中国很有名气。

2.Your business card looks very professional.您的名片看起来很有专 业水准。

3.You were a big help to me and I hope I can repay you some day.你真是帮了大忙,我希 望有机会报答你。4.We couldn't have done it without you.没有你我们就办不成这 事。

5.Seeing you all again is simply wonderful!再次见到大家,真是太 棒啦!

6.Your good advice was very much appreciated.非常感谢您的宝贵建议!

7.It's good to know we're working with such a strong partner.很高兴得知我门的合作 伙伴如此有实力!8.Your presence meant a great deal to us.您的光临使我们不胜荣 幸!

9.Thanks again for your clever and useful suggestion.再次感谢您宝贵的建议。



Language is the art of blurting out!语言就是脱口而出的艺 术!

Blurting out is the best way to learn a language!学习语言就是苦练脱口 而出的!

It's not enough to just understand what you read.看懂是骗人的!

Nor is it enough to just understand what you hear.听懂是骗人的!

You can only master a language by speaking!只有说出来才是自己的!

You can really learn something by blurting out!只有脱口而出才是真正 “学到东西”!

Blurting out is the best way to prove your English level!脱口而出是检验英语水平的惟一标准!Blurt out!This is the real success!脱口而出!才是真正的成功!Now as quickly as possible.用最快的速度读出来。

Language is the art of blurting out!语言就是脱口而出的艺 术!

Blurting out is the best way to learn a language!学习语言就是苦练脱口 而出的!

It's not enough to just understand what you read.看懂是骗人的!

Nor is it enough to just understand what you hear.听懂是骗人的!

You can only master a language by speaking!只有说出来才是自己的!

You can really learn something by blurting out!只有脱口而出才是真正 “学到东西”!

Blurting out is the best way to prove your English level!脱口而出是检验英语水平的惟一标准!Blurt out!This is the real success!脱口而出!才是真正的成功!Blurt Out 脱口而出

Come on!Let's get started!Let's get busy!Come on and blurt out!来吧!开始练习吧!脱口而出吧!Chapter 1 Crazy Spirit 第一部

疯狂精神篇 My pledge my oath(Ⅳ)我的誓言

(四)--Persistence produces miracles 坚持创造奇迹

The secret to success is just two words: to persist!成功的秘密就是两个字 : 坚持!

I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;

I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候,再咬牙坚持一会儿; I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持、坚持、再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天,我一定会发现:

I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!

I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!

I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!My pledge my oath(Ⅳ)我的誓言

(四)--Persistence produces miracles 坚持创造奇迹

The secret to success is just two words: to persist!成功的秘密就是两个字 : 坚持!

I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;

I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候,再咬牙坚持一会儿; I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持、坚持、再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天,我一定会发现:

I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!

I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!

I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!As quickly, as clearly, as louder as possible.“三最”口腔肌肉法

I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持 ;

I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;

I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候,再咬牙坚持一会儿; I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;

I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持、坚持、再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天,我一定会发现:

I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!

I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!

I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!Chapter 2 Crazy Preparation 第二部

疯狂准备篇 1.If I were you, I would...如果我是你的话,我会„„。

1)If I were you, I would quit smoking.如果我是你的话,我会把烟戒了。2.If I were you, I would accept the job.如果我是你的话,我会接受这份工作。3.If I were you, I would be a little more polite.如果我是你的话,我会更礼貌些。

4.If I were you, I would be honest with Harold.如果我是你的话,我会对哈罗德说实话。

5.If I were you, I would tell him exactly what I think.如果我是你的话,我会告诉他我真实的想 法。6.If I were you, I would try to bargain a little.如果我是你的话,我会再把价砍低一点。

7.If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing.如果我是你的话,我会把整件事忘得一干 二净。8.If I were you, I would try to find a better-paying job.如果我是你的话,我会去找一份高薪的工 作。9.If I were you, I would not believe him.如果我是你的话,我不会相信他说的话。10.If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.如果我是你的话,我不会为这件事担心。From 1 to 10 as quickly as possible.用最快的速度从1到读 到10。If I were you, I would quit smoking.如果我是你的话,我会把烟戒了。If I were you, I would accept the job.如果我是你的话,我会接受这份工作。If I were you, I would be a little more polite.如果我是你的话,我会更礼貌些。

If I were you, I would be honest with Harold.如果我是你的话,我会对哈罗德说实话。

If I were you, I would tell him exactly what I think.如果我是你的话,我会告诉他我真实的想 法。If I were you, I would try to bargain a little.如果我是你的话,我会再把价砍低一点。

If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing.如果我是你的话,我会把整件事忘得一干 二净。If I were you, I would try to find a better-paying job.如果我是你的话,我会去找一份高薪的工 作。If I were you, I would not believe him.如果我是你的话,我不会相信他说的话。If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.如果我是你的话,我不会为这件事担心。

It is a very useful sentence pattern, one of the most useful sentence pattern.这个句型很有用,它是最有用的句型之一。Yes.If I were you,...没错,如果我是你的话„„ Jim's favorite sentence Jim最喜欢的句子

If I were you, I would take a vacation.如果我是你的话,我就会去度假。

Slowly: If I were you, I would take a vacation.慢速: 如果我是你的话,我就会去度假。Quickly: If I were you, I would take a vacation.快速: 如果我是你的话,我就会去度假。2....all the same.还是要„„。

Thank you all the same.还是要谢谢你。

I know she will forgive you, but you should apologize all the same.我知道她会原谅你,但你还是要道歉。3.All we can do is...我们所能做的就是„„

All we can do is sit back and hope for the best.我们所能做的就是坐等 最好的结果。

All we can do is forget the experience of failure and work hard together.我们所能做的就是忘记 失败的经历,一起努力。All you have to do is...你只要„„就行了。All you have to do is ask.你问就是了。

All you have to do is fill out this form.你只要填写一下这张表 就可以了。5.As I see it,...依我看,„„。

As I see it, the government has done a good job fighting SARS.依我看,政府在对抗“非典型性 肺炎”中做得很不错。As I see it, teachers should get more pay.依我看,老师的薪水应该再高一 些。But for...,...若不是因为„„,如果没有„„。But for your help, I couldn't have done it.要不是你帮我,我肯定做不成。

But for the storm, we would have already arrived in Rome.要不是因为暴风雨,我们已经到了罗马了。6....by any chance...? 有没有可能„„?

Could you by any chance give me a lift home? 你有没有可能让我搭个 便车回家?

I wonder if you could by any chance lend me some money.我想知道你有没有可能 借我点钱。Come to think of it,...细想起来,„„。

Come to think of it, you're probably right.细起起来,你也许是对的。

Come to think of it, your plan is probably workable.细想起来,你的计划还是行得通的。Is this sentence useful? 这个句子有用吗?

I like this sentence pattern very much: Come to think of it.我很喜欢这个句型: 细想起来。Yeah, come to think of it.对,细想起来。

Could I possibly ask you to...? 我可不可以请你„„?

Could I possibly ask you to drive me to the airport? 我可不可以请你开车送 我去机场?

Could I possibly ask you to help me carry the suitcase upstairs? 我可不可以请你帮我把 箱子拿到楼上去? 10...either...or...要么„„,要么„„。

Either you leave now or I call the police!要么你马上离开,要么我就叫警察!

You can either write or phone to request a copy.我可以写信或打电话去 索取一份资料。

Hello, my name is Michael.I'm from America.I grew up in Texas.大家好,我叫迈克尔。我是美国人,在德克萨斯州长大。I enjoy helping you learn your good English.我很乐意帮你们学好英 语。

If you keep practising, you keep studying and you keep speaking out loud, 如果你不断地练习、学习和大声说,I think you'll do a great job.I hope I can help you.我想你一定会成功的。希望我能帮得上忙。Hi.My name is Eve.I'm from the US.大家好。我叫伊夫,我是美国人。

I hope I'll help you learn English and want to give you the courage to speak.希望我能帮你们学好英 语并带给你们说的勇气。Excuse me for interrupting, but...对不起,打扰一下,„„

Excuse me for interrupting, but you are just making too much noise.对不起,打扰一下,你们实在太吵了。

I'm afraid I'm going to hav e to ask you to be a little more quiet.恐怕我不得不请你们小 声点。

Excuse me for interrupting, but you have an important call.对不起,打扰一下,你有个很重要的电话。12.Forgive me for...请原谅我„„。

Forgive me for my carelessness.请原谅我的草率。

Forgive me for interrupting, but I don't understand.请原谅我打断一下,我不明白。13.Have you considered...? 你有没有考虑过„„?

Have you considered studying abroad? 你有没有考虑过出国留 学?

Have you considered changing your job? 你有没有考虑过换工作 ?

How are you getting along with...? 你跟„„相处得怎么样 ?

How are you getting along with your roommate? 你跟随你的室友相处得 怎么样?

How are you getting along with your new girlfriend? 你跟你的新女朋友相处 得怎么样? 15.How much shall I pay for...? 我该为„„付多少钱?

How much shall I pay for this? 这个多少钱?

How much shall I pay for the hotel room? 宾馆住宿要多少钱?

16.How would you react to...? 对于„„你有什么看法 ?

How would you react to working overtime this Sunday? 对于这周日加班你有什 么看法?

How would you react to canceling this project? 对于取消这个项目你有 什么看法? 17.I(don't)doubt that...我(不)怀疑„„

I doubt that he will leave.我怀疑他会离开。

I don't doubt that it's her choice.我确信这是她的选择。I cannot help...我忍不住„„。

I cannot help worrying about my job interview.我忍不住担心我的工作 面试。I cannot help yelling when I get cross.我生气的时候会忍不住 大喊大叫。I can't stand...我忍受不了„„。

I can't stand her arrogance.我受不了她的傲慢。I can't stand it anymore.我再也受不了了。20.I can't wait to....我迫不及待„„。

I can't wait to read his new novel.我迫不及待想看他的新 小说。

It smells so delicious that I can't wait to take a bite.好看啊!我真想咬一口。I hate to say it, but...我实在不想这样说,但„„。

I hate to say it, but I'm afraid I can't keep my promise.我实在不想这样说,但我恐怕不能遵守我的 诺言。I hate to say it, but I really need my money back.我实在不想这样说,但我真的需要把我的钱 要回来。22.I have no choice but to...除了„„,我别无选择。

I have no choice but to believe what you're saying.除了相信你的话,我别无选择。

I have no choice but to accept his invitation.除了接受他的邀请,我别无选择。23.I just said...我刚才说,„„。

I just said I needed some money.How many times do you want me to say it? 我刚才说,我需要钱。你要我说多少遍?

I just said Jim was going to be the new manager of LYCE company.我刚才说,吉姆将成为LYCE公司新 一任经理。I mean...我的意思是„„。

I mean I don't want to go out with you tonight.我的意思是我今晚不想 和你出去。

I mean I don't want to leave my family too long.It makes me feel homesick.我的意思是我不想离开 家长太久,我会想家的。25.I really appreciate...我非常感谢„„

I really appreciate your help.非常感谢您的帮助。

I really appreciate your useful advice.非常感谢你有用的建议。I really don't want to...我实在不想„„

I really don't want to let you down.我实在不想让你失望。

I really don't want to let this chance slip away.我实在不想错过这个机 会。27.I recommend...我建议„„; 我推荐„„。I recommend the movie to you.我建议你看这部电影。

I recommend her for the position.我推荐她担任这个职务。I should(not)have done...我本(不)该„„。I shouldn't have done it.我本不该做的。

I should have gotten up earlier.我本该早点儿起床的。I strongly advise you to...我强烈建议你„„。

I strongly advise you to learn to speak some English.我强烈建议你学说英语。

I strongly advise you to apply for the position.我强烈建议你申请这个 职位。30.I was impressed by...令我印象深刻。

I was impressed by your warm welcome.您的热情招待给我留下 了深刻的印象。I was impressed by your perfect English.你流利的英语给我留下 了深刻的印象。I wouldn't be surprised if...如果„„,我不会觉得奇怪。

I wouldn't be surprised if she passed the English exam this time.如果她这次英语考试及 格,我不会觉得奇怪。

I wouldn't be surprised if he fired employees without any reason.如果他无缘无故解雇员 工,我不会觉得奇怪。32.I'd be happy to...我很乐意„„。

I'd be happy to lend you the guitar.我很乐意把吉他借给你。

I'd be happy to help you, but I have to finish my work first.我很乐意帮你,但我得先做完我的工作。I'd like to point out that...我想指出„„。

I'd like to point out that you are right.我想指出你是对的。

I'd like to point out that you completely misunderstood me.我想指出你完全误解我 了。I'll bet...我敢打赌„„。

I'll bet she couldn't do this job.我敢打赌她做不了这个 工作。I'll bet he'll win the next election.我敢打赌他会赢得下一 届选举。I'm bored with...我厌倦„„。

I'm bored with the movie.我厌倦了这部电影。

I'm bored with his nonsense.我厌倦了他的废话。36.I'm convinced that...我确信„„。

I'm convinced that what he said is right.我确信他说的是对的。

I'm convinced that the share price is going to drop.我确信股价会下跌。37.I'm honored to...我很荣幸„„。

I'm highly honored to be the chairman.能成为主席,我深感荣幸。I'm honored to work with you.我荣幸能跟您共事。I'm just in the mood for...我只是想„„。

I'm just in the mood for learning English.我只是想学英语。

I'm just in the mood for making friends with you.我只是想跟你交个朋友。39.I'm mad about...我对„„很着迷。

I'm mad about Tom Cruise.我迷死汤姆·克鲁斯了。I'm mad about rock music.我对摇滚很着迷。I'm not really one to...不是那种„„的人。

I'm not really one to follow the crowd.我不是那咱爱跟潮流的 人。

I'm not really one to criticize everything.我不是那种事事都挑剔 的人。I'm occupied with...我忙于„„。

I'm occupied with learning English.我忙着学英语。

I'm occupied with cooking now.现在我忙着做饭。42.I'm positive...我肯定„„

I'm positive she'll show up for class soon.我肯定她很快就会来上 课的。

I'm positive he is the man I saw yesterday.我能确定他就是我昨天 见到的那个人。I'm terrible at...我很不擅长„„。

I'm terrible at making friends.我很不擅长结交朋友。

I'm terrible at logical reasoning.我很不擅长逻辑推理。I'm tired of...我厌倦了„„。

Shut up!I'm tired of all your nonsense.闭嘴!我受够了你那些废话。I'm tired of working with him.我厌倦了与他共事。45.I'm willing to...我愿意„„

I'm willing to accept responsibility.我愿意承担责任。

I'm willing to go so long as Sam won't be there.只要萨姆不去,我就愿意去。I'm wondering...我在想/我想知道/我不 知道/我纳闷„„ I'm wondering why she did this.我想知道也为什么这么 做。

I'm wondering what to tell my mom.我不知道怎么告诉我妈 妈。I've been meaning to...我一直在打算„„。

I've been meaning to ask you when you're available.我一直想问你什么时候 有空。

I've been meaning to pack up my things and leave.我一直在打算收拾行囊 离开。48.In addition to...,...除„„之外,„„。

In addition to the two people, there are four other candidates.除了这两位,还有另外四个候选人。In addition to that, I love her kindness.除此之外,我还爱她的善良。In any case,...不管怎么样,„„

In any case, that is very unfair.不管怎么说,那是很不公平的。

In any case, you shouldn't treat her like that.不管怎么说,你不应该那样对待她。50.In other words,...换句话说,„„。

In other words, you failed French.换句话说,你的法语不及格。

Don't bother coming back tomorrow.In other words, you're fired.你明天不用回来了,换句话说,你被解雇了。...is a serious decision to make.„„是个很难做出的/ 重大的决定。

Divorcing her husband at a time like this is a serious decision to make.在这个时候跟她丈夫离 婚真是个重大的决定。

Changing one's career in middle age is a serious decision to make.人到中年再转换职业,这是个很难做出的决定。52....is exactly what I need.„„正是我所需要的。

The book is exactly what I need.我正需要这本书。

Your precious advice is exactly what I need right now.我目前最需要的就是您 宝贵的意见。...is fine with me.„„我都没问题。

Whatever you order is fine with me.无论你点什么菜我都没 问题。

Wherever you'd like to spend the holidays is fine with me.无论你想在哪儿度假我 都没问题。Is it all right to...? „„行吗?

Is it all right to play music late at night? 深夜播放音乐可以吗?

Mom, is it all right to come back at ten? 妈妈,(我)十点回来行吗? Is it convenient for you to...? 你是否方便„„?

Is it convenient for you to give her the message? 你是否方便给她带个口 信?

Is it convenient for you to buy me something to eat? 你是否方便帮我买点菜 吃? 56.Is it so that...? „„,是真的吗?

Is it so that you got an A on your English exam? 你英语考试得了A,是真的吗? Is it so that you will get a raise at work? 你将获得加薪,是真的吗?...is not acceptable.„„让人无法接受。

This explanation is not acceptable.这种解释让人无法接受。

You way of doing this is not acceptable.你处理这件事的方式让 人无法接受。58....is one thing;...is another.„„是一回事,„„是另一回事。Saying is one thing;doing is another.说是一回事,做是另一回事。

To understand a foreign language is one thing, and to speak it is quite another.能理解外语是一回事,能说出来是另一回事。...is really something!„„真是了不起!

Running your own company at age 20 is really something!20岁就开办自己的公司,你真是了不起!

She is really something to have passed that TOEFL exam in her freshman year.她大一时就通过了托福 考试,真是了不起。It doesn't matter if..如果„„也没关系。

It doesn't matter if I miss the bus;I can walk.错过公共汽车也没关系,我可以步行。It doesn't matter if you really can't come.如果你实在来不了,那也没关系。It goes without saying that...不用说,„„。

It goes without saying that learning English takes persistence.不说用,学习英语需要持之以恒。

It goes without saying that practice makes perfect.熟能生巧,这是肯定的。62.It is...that...是„„。

It is patience that we need most right now.我们当前最需要的是耐 心。It is time that has changed us.是时间改变了我们。It is/was apparent that...很显然,„„。

It is apparent that they don't want to cooperate.很显然,他们不想合作。

It was apparent that she was very disappointed with her husband.很显然,她对丈夫非常失望。It is/was a shame...„„真可惜。

It's a shame you have to leave so early.可惜你这么早就得走了。

It was a shame you didn't come to our wedding.你没来参加我们的婚礼 真可惜。It might be a good idea to...„„也许会比较好。

It might be a good idea to start early.早点开始或许比较好。

It might be a good idea to leave him alone.让他一个人待着可能比 较好。66.It seems to me that...似乎„„

It seems to me that you've been feeling down recently.你最近看起来似乎很沮 丧。It seems to me that it's a good idea.这个主意似乎很好。It's forbidden to...禁止„„

It's forbidden to walk on the grass.禁止践踏草地。

It's forbidden to smoke here.这里禁止吸烟。It's good to...„„真是太好了。

It's good to hear you making great progress lately.听说你最近一直都进步 神速,真是太好了。It's good to hear from you.能收到你的信真是太好 了。..., let alone...„„,更不用说„„

I can't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy it.那样的房子我连租都租 不起,更别说买了。She will not help her own brother, let alone a stranger.她连自己的弟弟都不肯 帮,更别说去帮陌生人了。Let me put it this way,...我这么说吧,„„

Let me put it this way, he is not himself today.我这么说吧,他今天不舒服。Let me put it this way, you're fired.我这么说吧,你被解雇了。71.Looking back on...回想„„

Looking back on it, I shouldn't have given up so easily.回想起来,我本不应该就这么放弃 的。

Looking back on my childhood, I was the happiest child in the world.回想起我的童年,那时的我是世上最快乐 的了。

72.„mean a great deal to me.

„„对我意义重大/对 我来说很重要。1)Your help meant a great deal to me.您的帮助对我意义重大。

2)My family means a great deal to me. 我的家人对我来说很重 要。73.My advice would be to...我的建议是„„。

1)My advice would be have a rest.我的建议就是休息一下。

2)My advice would be to leave her alone. 我的建议就是别打扰她。74.My idea is that...我认为„„。

1)My idea is that we should try to cut our costs. 我认为我们应该尽量削 减开支。

2)My idea is that we should sign a formal contract.我认为我们应该签订一 份正式的合同。75.Nobody could imagine...没有人会想到„„

1)Nobody could imagine his becoming an actor.没有人会想到他能成为 一名演员。

2)Nobody could imagine her doing such an awful thing. 没有人会想到她能做出 这样可怕的事。76.On the contrary,...恰恰相反,„„。

1)It was not boring.On the contrary, we were greatly interested. 这不无聊,恰恰相反,我们非常感兴趣。2)He's not stupid.他不傻,On the contrary, I have found him amazingly talented. 恰恰相反,我发现他非常有才华。77.Owing to...因为/由于„„,所以„„。

1)Owing to the bad weather, we have to stay at home. 由于天气不好,我们只好待在家里。

2)Owing to his lively sense of humor, he has made many friends.由于他非常有幽默感,所以他交了不少朋友。78.Perhaps it's none of my business, but...这或许不关我的事,但„„。1)Perhaps it's none of my business, 这或许不关我的事,but you really shouldn't have been mad at him. 但你真的不该生他的气。

2)Perhaps it's none of my business, 这或许不关我的事,but you really should change your attitude to her.但你真的应该改变对她 的态度。79.Please notice that...请注意,„„

1)Please notice that the meeting has been canceled. 请注意,会议已取消。2)Please notice that 请注意,there will be a delay of one hour before the plane takes off.飞机将推迟一个小时起 飞。80....so...that…


1)The movie was so boring that I slept through it.这部电影太无聊了,我一直都在睡。

2)She is so beautiful that I can't help falling in love with her.她太漂亮了,我忍不住坠入情网。81.That can't be...那不会„„。

1)That can't be too hard.那不会太难的。2)That can't be right.那不可能是对的。

82.There's(not)a chance that...(没)有可能„„。

1)There's a chance that they might come back tomorrow.他们有可能明天回来。

2)There's not a chance that she might fail.她是不可能失败的。

83.There is nothing as + adj.+ as...没有什么比„„更„

1)There is nothing as tiresome as gossiping.没有比说三道四更无聊 的事了。

2)There is nothing as enjoyable as watching Hollywood movies.没有比看好莱坞电影更 开心的事了。84.To tell the truth,...说实话,„„。

1)To tell the truth, I'd rather stay at home.说实话,我更愿呆在家里。

2)To tell the truth, he really likes boasting.说实话,他可真喜欢自吹自擂。85.What became of...? „„结果怎样/情况如 何?

1)What became of the dreams of our youth? 我们年轻时的梦想都到 哪儿去了? 2)I wonder what became of neighbors.不知道我们的邻居怎么 样了。86.What do you say...? 你对„„怎么看?/„ „如何? 1)What do you say about my decision? 你对我的决定怎么看?

2)What do you say to a nice cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡如何?

87.What seems to be the problem with...? „„怎么了?

1)What seems to be the problem with you? 你怎么了?

You look very upset this morning.今天早上你看上去心烦 意乱。

2)What seems to be the problem with those two? 他们俩怎么了? Did they right again? 又打架了吗?

88.What should we do if...? 如果„„,我们该怎么办?

1)What should we do if we lose all our money? 如果我们的钱全没了,我们该怎么办?

2)What should we do if someone finds out what we are doing? 如果有人发现我们在做 什么,那该怎么办? 89.What would you like to...? 你想„„?

1)What would you like to know? 你想知道什么?

2)What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么?

90.What you are really saying is...? 你的意思是说„„?

1)What you are really saying is you don't like it? 你的意思是说,你不喜欢?

2)What you are really saying is you don't believe me? 你的意思是说,你不相信我? 91.What's your opinion about...? 你对„„有什么看法?

1)What's your opinion about my plan? 关于我的计划,你有什么看法?

2)What's your opinion about the election results? 你对选举结果有什么看 法? 92.When are you going to...? 你打算什么时候„„?

1)When are you going to buy a new house? 你打算什么时候买新房 子?

2)When are you going to ask your boss for a raise? 你打算什么时候要求你 老板给你加薪? 93.When do you want me to...? 1)When do you want me to have it ready for you? 你想让我在什么时候为 你准备好?

2)When do you want me to report for work tomorrow? 你想我明天什么时候报 到上班? 94.Why didn't you...? 你为什么没有„„?

1)Why didn't you call me last night? 你昨晚为什么没有给我 打电话? 2)Why didn't you wait for me? 你为什么没有等我? 95.Why is it that...? 为什么„„? 1)Why is it that I find computer games so addictive? 我觉得电脑游戏很容易 上瘾是为什么?

2)Why is it that I keep having nightmares every night? 为什么我每天晚上都做 噩梦? 96.Word has it that...? 有传言说„„。

1)Word has it that the CET band 4 will be canceled. 有传言说大学英语四级 考试要被取消了。2)Word has it that she is talking drugs. 有传言说她在吸毒。

97.Would you be interested in...? 你有兴趣„„吗?

1)Would you be interested in doing something outdoors? 你有兴趣做些户外运动 吗? 2)Would you be interested in 你有兴趣

yelling English with me every morning? 每天早上和我去喊英语 吗? 98.You should avoid doing... 你应该避免„„。

1)You should avoid making the same mistake next time. 下次你要避免犯同样的 错误。

2)You should avoid hurting her feelings. 你应该避免伤她的心。99.You won't believe...1)You won't believe who I ran into yesterday. 你不会相信我昨天碰到 谁了。

2)You won't believe what I heard just now. 你不会相信我刚才听说 了什么。100.You're not supposed to...„„你不能/不应该„ „ 1)You're not supposed to do that.你不应该那样做。

2)You're not supposed to park your car here. 你不能将车停在这里。第二节 100个口语要素 Monday 1.A little bit.一点点。

A: Don't you think that is stupid? 你不觉得那样很愚蠢吗 ? B: A little bit.有点。2.Anytime.别客气。

A: Could you pass me the book? Thank you.可以把那本书递给我吗 ? 谢谢。B: Anytime.别客气。

3.Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗?

A: Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗?

B: No, but I might be able to arrange a special bargain for you. 不打折,但我没准能给你优惠一 点。4.Ask around.去问问别人。

A: Are you kidding? That couldn't be real. 你开玩笑吧? 那不可能是真的。

B: If you don't believe what I said, ask around.如果你不相信我的话,可以去问问别人。I'm sure people will tell you the same thing. 我相信别人说的也会是 一样的。5.Calm down.镇定点。/冷静点。/稍 安毋躁。A: Damn it!When can we get there? 该死!我们什么时候才能到那 里? B: Calm down.We still have time. 稍安毋躁,我们还有时间。6.Can I come along? 我可以一起去吗? A: Can I come along? 我可以一起去吗?

B: Sure!Hop in the back seat.当然可以!快坐到后排去。7.Can we just drop this? 我们不要再吵季好吗? A: Can we just drop this? 我们不要再吵了好吗?

B: Not until you admit you're wrong.除非你承认你错了。8.Can't complain.没有什么好抱怨的。A: How are you doing? 最近过得如何? B: Can't complain.挺好。9.Cheer up!振作起来!

A: Boy, I feel rotten today. 天啊,我今天觉得很颓废。

B: Cheer up!You can't let life get you down like this. 振作起来!你不能像这样对生活感 到沮丧。10.Count me in.算我一份。

A: We are going to have a picnic this weekend. 这个周末我们要去野餐。B: Count me in.算我一份。

11.Cut to the chase.闲话少说。

A: And so then I told Rose 所以我告诉露丝,that if she didn't watch out she was going to have to... 如果她不小心点,她就会„„

B: Cut to the chase.What does this have to do with me? 闲话少说。这和我有什么关系? 12.Do you have a minute? A: Do you have a minute? 你有时间吗? B: What's up? 什么事?

13.Don't bring it up again.不要旧事重提了。

A: Remember last Christmas? 记得去年圣诞(发生的 那件事)吗? B: Don't bring it up again.不要旧事重提了。14.Don't get me wrong.请别误解我。

A: Don't get me wrong.I think Michael is a very nice person, 你不要误会我的意思。我认为迈克尔是个很好 的人,but you have to admit he isn't very responsible. 不过你必须承认他不是 很负责任。B: I guess you're right.我想你说得对。

15.Don't give it a second thought.别想太多。

A:Mr.Gates had been yelling at me all day.盖茨先生一整天对我又 吼又嚷的,I'm afraid he's going to fire me. 我怕他会炒我的鱿鱼了。B: Oh, he's just in a bad mood.哎,他只是心情不好,He's been yelling at everybody all day.今天一整天他对谁都是 又吼又嚷的,Don't give it a second thought.别想太多了。

16.Don't let me down.不要让我失望。A: Don't let me down.不要让我失望。

B: Have I ever failed you before? 我以前让你失望过吗? 17.Don't push me!别催我!

A: You've got to hurry up.We're falling behind!你得快点!我们落后了!

B: Don't push me!I can't handle all this pressure!别催我!我受不了所有这些压力!18.Don't rush to judgment.别急着下定论。

A: He will never succeed!他这辈子都不会有出息!B: Don't rush to judgment.别急着下定论。

19.Don't waste your breath.不必费力气了。

A: I have a bone to pick with you.我有笔帐要跟你算。B: Don't waste your breath.不必费力气了。20.Easy does it.轻一点/慢慢来。

A: Help me out of bed, honey. 亲爱的,扶我起床。B: Easy does it.慢慢来。

The doctor said you should take it easy for at least a week. 医生说你应该放松休息 至少一个星期。Tuesday 21.Feel free to ask me questions.欢迎大家提问题。

A: Well, that's the end of my report.我的报告作完了。

Feel free to ask me questions.欢迎大家提问题。

B: I have a question.Where do your statistics come from? 我有个问题。你的统计数字是从哪里 来的? 22.Get out of here.少来,走开。

A: You are the best singer I've ever seen!你是我见过的最好的歌 手!B: Get out of here.少来,走开。

23.Give it to me straight.有话就直说吧。

A: I'm sorry I don't have good news for you. 很抱歉,我有坏消息告诉你。B:Give it to me straight, Doctor.有话就直说吧,医生。

A: Your son will have to lose his left leg. 你儿子的左腿保不住了。B: Oh, my God!噢,天啊!24.Good job!干得好!

A: I won first prize in the ping pong competition. 我获得了乒乓球比赛的 第一名。B: Good job!I knew you could do it!干得好!我就知道你做得到的。25.How come? 怎么会这样?/为什么 ? A: I didn't get your mail.我没有收到你的邮件。B: How come? 怎么会这样?

26.How did you get through it? 你是怎么熬过来的?

A: Both my parents died of AIDS.我的双亲都死于爱滋病。

B: That must have been very traumatic.那一定非常痛苦。

How did you get through it? 你是怎么熬过来的?

27.I'm a newcomer here myself.我也是新来的。

A: Can you tell me the way to the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里?

B: Sorry, I'm a newcomer here myself.对不起,我也是新来的。28.I'm flattered. 过奖了。

A: You are the best.你是最棒的!B: I'm flattered.过奖了。29.I'm going nuts.我快疯了。

A: I'm going nuts.我快疯了。

I just can't take this on-the-go lifestyle anymore. 我再也不能忍受这样忙 碌的生活方式了。You should take a little rest.你应该休息一会儿。30.I'm with you.我同意你的看法。

A: I say, everyone deserves a good education!我是说,每个人都应该受到良好 的教育。B: I'm with you.我同意你的看法。

31.My leg has fallen asleep.我的脚麻了。

A: Damn!My leg has fallen asleep.见鬼!我的脚麻了。B: Here, let me help you.来,让我来帮你。32.I can't get over it.我想不通。/我不相信。A: I can't get over it.B: Me neither.It just doesn't make sense.33.I can't help it.我忍不住啊。

A: Stop hiccupping!别再打嗝了!B: I can't help it.我忍不住啊。

34.I could hardly wait.我简直等不及了。

I bet you were eager to get out of here, huh? 你一定渴望离开这里,是吧? I could hardly wait.我简直等不及了。35.I couldn't care less.我才不在乎呢。James called for you three times while you were out.你出去的时候詹姆斯找 了你三次。I couldn't care less.我才不在乎呢。36.I don't argue that.我同意

He's a liar and a cheat.他是个大话精,是个大骗子。I don't argue that.我同意。37.I forgot.我忘了。

Did you tell Ally? 你告诉爱丽了吗? Oh, I forgot.我忘了。

38.I give you my word.我保证。

A: I will be there on time.I give you my word.我会准时到的,我保证。

B: I'm afraid your word isn't worth much. 恐怕你的话不值得相信。

39.I've heard so much about you.久仰大名。

A: Hi, I am Bill Gates. 你好,我是比尔·盖茨。B: I've heard so much about you.久仰大名。40.I have to run.我得赶时间。

A: Lisa, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to run.莉萨,不是我没礼貌,不过我真的得赶时间。B: Oh, I'm sorry I've kept you. 噢,真抱歉把你耽搁了。Wednesday 41.I know exactly how you feel.我完全明白你的感受。A: I've never been so upset.我从来没这么生气过。I know exactly how you feel.我完全明白你的感受。42.I'm all ears.洗耳恭听。

A: Give me a minute, will you? 给我一分钟的时间,好吗?

B: OK.What do you want to tell me? 好吧,你有什么要说的? 我洗耳恭听。43.I'm fed up with you.

我受够你了。/我烦透 你了。

A: I promise to get you the money by next week. 我发誓下周之前还你钱。

B: I'm fed up with you.You told me the same thing last week!我受够你了。你上周就是这样跟我说 的。44.I'm running late. 我快迟到了。

A: Good morning, dear.Aren't you going to have some breakfast? 早上好,亲爱的。你不吃点早餐吗? B: Sorry, sweetheart, I'm running late.对不起,亲爱的,我快迟到了,I've got to catch the bus. 我还得赶公交车。45.I smell a rat.我觉得有点不对劲。

A: I smell a rat.What did you do to my computer? 我觉得有点不对劲,你在我电脑上搞了什么 名堂? B: Nothing!I swear to god!It wasn't me!没什么!我对天发誓!不是我!46.I told you!我早跟你说了!

A: My date with Patrick was awful. 我和帕特里克的约会糟 透了。B: I told you!He is not your type. 我早跟你说了,他不适合你。47.I will sleep on it.我会考虑考虑。A: What do you say? 你怎么看?

B: I will sleep on it and give you my answer tomorrow.我会考虑考虑,明天再答复你。48.I won't be long.我马上就好。

A: Go on.I won't be long and I'll catch up with you at the gate.你先走,我马上就好,我会在门口赶上你。B: Alright, but hurry.好吧,不过要快点。49.I'll get back to you.我会再和你联络。

A: Did you find the answer to my question? 我的问题你找到答案了 没有?

B: Not yet.I should know in a couple of days.When I do, 还没有。不过

一、两天内应该会 知道,I'll get back to you.到时候我会再和你联络 的。50.I'm not done.还没完呢。

A: Have you finished your research paper? 你的论文写完了吗? B: No, I'm not done.没有,还没完成。

There are a couple more books I want to read. 我还想再读几本书。51.It doesn't work.坏了/不管用。

A: What is wrong with the scanner? 扫描仪怎么了? B: It doesn't work.坏了。

52.It has been a long day.今天真的很累。

A: Will you come a long? 你要和我们一起去吗?

B: Sorry, I'd better stay here.It has been a long day.不好意思,我最好还是呆在这里。今天真的很累。53.It's a slap in the face.这太耻辱了!

A: I can't accept your offer.It's a slap in the face.我不能接受你的施舍。这太耻辱了!

B: Take it or leave it.It doesn't matter to me. 要不要随你。我无所谓。54.It's better than nothing.总比没有好。

A: Do you think we should accept it? 你认为我们应该接受吗 ? B: It's better than nothing.总比没有好。

55.It's not my fault.这不是我错。

A: You left my book in the library? 你把我的书落在图书馆 了。B: It is not my fault!这可不是我的错!

56.Just between you and me.A: Just between you and me, he's not really sick.不要告诉别人,他其实没有生病。B: I knew it all along!我早就知道了。

57.It is part of my job.这是我的份内事。

A: You'll take it for me? That's very kind of you.你会帮我拿吗? 你真是太好了。B: It is part of my job.这是我的份内事。

58.That's the last thing I want to see.这是我最不想见到的。

A: You want me to starve to death? 你想我饿死吗?

B: That's the last thing I want to see!这绝不是我所希望看到 的!59.It's a date.就这么说定了。

A: I have two tickets to the Twins' concert tomorrow night.我有两张明晚Twins的 演唱会入场券,Do you want to go with me? 你想和我一块去吗? B: Sure.It's a date.当然,就这么说定了。60.It's a deal.就这么决定。

A: I'll teach you Chinese if you teach me English.如果你教我英语,我就教你中文。B: OK, it's a deal.好哇,就这么决定。Thursday 61.It matters to me!这对我很重要!

A: I don't think we should spend so much time discussing it.我觉得我们不应该花太 多时间来讨论这个东西。B: But it matters to me!可是这对我很重要。62.It really hit me.这对我打击很大。

A: You've been working a lot harder since the boss chewed you out. 自从老板训斥你之后,你做工作比以前努力多 了。B: It really hit me.If I lose this job I have nothing.

这对我打击很大,如果我失去这份工作我 就什么都没有了。63.It would cost me my life. 这会毁了我的一生。

A: Just have a try.Nobody will know.你就试一下吧,没有人会知道的。B: No way.It would cost me my life.不行,这会毁了我的一生。64.Just in case.以防万一。

A: Mommy, I don't need the umbrella. 妈妈,我不需要雨伞。

B: Take it with you.Just in case. 拿着,以防万一。

65.Just put yourself together.别慌。/保持冷静。

A: But the baby is locked inside!What should I do? 但宝宝被锁在里面了!我该怎么办?

B: Just pull yourself together.Kitty may have the key.别慌,基蒂可能有钥匙。66.Keep that in mind.记往了。/牢记。/别忘 了。

A: He told me that he's not a bad man. 他跟我说他不是坏人。

B: Bad men will never say they are.Keep that in mind. 坏人从来不说他们是坏 人。记住了。67.Leave me alone.别烦我。

A: Don't you love me anymore? You know I... 你不再爱我了吗? 你知道我„„ B: Leave me alone, please!别烦我,拜托

68.Let me get this straight.让我弄清楚!A: I just took all my sayings and bought a Honda 500. 我刚把所有的积蓄拿去 买了一部本田500。

B: Let me get this straight.You just spent all the money 什么!你是说,你就这么把存下来

you were saying for college on a motorcycle instead? 上大学的钱全拿去买了 一部摩托车? 69.Let me give you a lift.让我送你一程吧。

A: I've got to get downtown. 我得进城一道。

B: I'm heading that way.Let me give you a lift. 我正往那头走,让我送你一程吧。70.Let's get down to business.我们转入正题吧。

A: Shall we start our meeting? 我们可以开始开会了吗 ?

B: Yes, let's get down to business.好的,我们转入正题吧。71.Name the time and place.你说个时间和地点吧。A: Hello, Lisa.This is David.喂,莉萨,我是大卫。

I've got something to talk to you about.Could we get together? 我有事要和你谈谈,可不可以出来见个面? B: Sure.Name the time and place.当然可以,你说个时间和地点吧。72.None of your business.少管闲事。

A: Did David hit you just now? 大卫刚才打了你吗? B: None of your business.少管闲事。

73.Now you are talking.你终于说对了(说了中 听的话)。

A: But she did say you were a good husband.不过她确实说过你是个 好丈夫。B: Now you are talking.这还差不多。

74.over my dead body!休想!/除非我死了!

A: I think I want to marry Michael, Mother.妈妈,我想嫁给迈克尔。

B: Over my dead body!He is 20 years older than you.你休想!他比你大20岁。75.Pretty awesome!太棒了!

A: Check out my new stereo.看看我新买的立体音响。B: Pretty awesome. 太棒了

76.sensational!太棒了!/太刺激了!/广耸人听闻!/轰动 一时!A: Take a look at the picture.看看这幅画。B: Sensational.太棒了!

77.Sounds a bit crazy.听起来有点疯狂。

A: Lucy invested all her money into the business? 露西把所有钱都投进这 桩生意中去了吗? B: Sounds a bit crazy, but it is true.听起来有点疯狂,但确实是这样。78.Stay out of it.别插手。/不关你的事。

A: You aren't going back to the library, are you? 你不会要回图书馆吧?

B: Stay out of it.This is between me and the librarians. 别插手。这是我和那些图书管理 员之间的事。79.Stop beating around the bush. 不要再拐弯抹角了。

A: You know that one cannot be lucky all his life.你知道,一个人不可能一辈子走 运。

B: Stop beating around the bush.Tell me the truth.不要再拐弯抹角了,把真相告诉我。80.Take control of your life.掌握自己的命运。

A: This is probably for the best, you know, independence, 要知道,这样也许是最好的,独立生活,taking control of your life.掌握自己的命运。

Are you sure you can handle it? 你们你确信你能应付吗 ? Friday 81.Take it or leave it.要不要随你。

A: The price is not good.价钱不太合理啊。B: Take it or leave it.要不要随你。

82.That never enters my mind.我从来没有想过这个。

A: You aren't worried about the danger? 你不担心危险吗?

B: That never enters my mind.我从来没有想过这个,83.That's sweet of you.谢谢你的好意。/你真 是太好了。A: Hey, Mom, I bought you a present.嗨,妈妈,我给你买了一件礼物。

B: Oh, my favorite perfume!That's sweet of you, dear.噢,我最喜欢的香水!谢谢你的好意,孩子。84.That's the way it goes.事情总是这样的。

A: Peter borrowed a book from me, 彼得向我借了一本书,and he still hasn't returned it. 到现在还没有还。

B: That's the way it goes.事情总是这样的。

That's why I never lend out anything I care about.这也就是我从来不把自 己心爱的东西借给别人 的原因。85.That was a close call!好险啊!

A: That was a close call!好险啊!

B: You shouldn't drive so fast.你不该开那么快。

Next time you may not be so lucky. 下次你可能就没这么幸 运了。86.The party's over. 休息时间结束了。

A: Sales are really down this month. 本月的销售量下降了很 多!

B: Yeah, the party's over.We've really got to get moving.是啊,悠闲时间过了。我们真得好好加油了。87.They bought everything.他们全都信以为真。A: Did they believe you? 他们相信你说的话吗? B: They bought everything.他们全都信以为真。88.This is not over.这还没完呢。

A: I have to go.But this is not over.我得走了,但这还没完呢。

I will talk with you when I get back.我回来再和你谈。B: OK.Fine with me.好吧。我没问题。

I'll be here to discuss the matter with you further.我会呆在这里和你进一 步讨论这件事。89.Up to you.随你。

A: When should I come? 我该什么时候来呢? B: Up to you.随你。

90.We're almost there.很快就到了。

A: I'm tired of walking.我走累了,Maybe we should take a cab the rest of the way.也许剩下的路我们该搭 出租车。B: There's no need;We're almost there.没必要,很快就要到了。91.You are not kidding.可不是嘛。

A: That movie drives me crazy.那电影让我快疯掉了。B: You are not kidding.可不是嘛。

92.You don't owe me any explanation.你不需要我解释。

A: Can you give me a chance to explain it? 可否给我一个机会解释 一下? B: You don't owe me any explanation.你不需要跟我解释。93.You've gone too far.你太过分了。

A: You've gone too far.I don't want to see you again.你太过分了。我再也不想见到你了。B: I'm sorry.对不起。

94.You made my day.你真让我开心。

A: Here, I brought some beer.B: Boy, am I glad to see you!You made my day.好家伙,见到你可真高兴!你真让我开心。95.You set this up? 是你安排好的吗?

A: Why is he here? You set this up? 为什么他在这里? 是你安排好的吗? B: You two need to work out our differences.你们俩应该解决你们的 分歧。96.You screwed it up.你把事情弄得一团糟。

A: You screwed it up and they plan to fire you.你把事情弄得一团糟,他们要解雇你。

B: Damn!I knew I should have been more careful.见鬼!我知道我应该更细心一 点。97.You wish.你想得倒挺美。

A: I am just as good as David.我和大卫一样棒。B: You wish.你想得倒挺美。98.You got it.你说对了。

A: I was so nervous about the test 我好紧张这次考试,I didn't sleep at all last night.昨晚整夜没睡着。

B: I bet you were in terrible condition to take it. 我敢说你考试的时候状 态很糟。A: You got it.I think I flunked.

你说对了,我想我这次不及格了。99.You'll get it soon.很快你就会了。

A: I wish I could dance half as well as you.但愿我跳舞能跳得有你 一半好就好了。B: Don't worry.You'll get it soon.不用担心,很快你就会了。100.You're on the right track.你想的/做的没错。

A: Do you think I'll succeed? 你认为我会成功吗?

B: Yes, you're on me right track.是的,你做得不错。第三节 发音 1.early 2.first 3.thirsty 4.perfect 5.nervous 6.super 7.bother 8.perhaps 9.surprise 10.pleasure


1.I am eager to travel around the world.我渴望环游世界。

2.The harder you work, the sooner you will succeed.你工作越努力,你就会越快成功!

3.The Andersons go to church every Saturday.安德逊一家每个星期六 都去教堂做礼拜。4.I've never heard anything worse than this.我从来没听说过比这更 糟的事。

5.My brother is never nevous in front of girls.我哥哥在女孩子面前从 不紧张。

6.Mere exposure to English doesn't work;蜻蜓点水般的接触英文 是没有用的;

you have to blurt out a large number of useful sentences.你得脱口而出大量的实 用句子。

7.You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.如果你不记得她的生日,她会很伤心。

8.Poor Edward has to do his homework after dinner, 可怜的爱德华不得不在 晚饭后做家庭作业,because he dare not go against his mother's orders.因为他不敢违抗母亲的 命令。

9.The girls learned world history in their first and third 女孩子们在大学的第一 和第三 terms at the university.学期学习世界历史。

10.Her younger brother is a writer, 她弟弟是个作家,and her elder sister is a doctor.而她姐姐是个医生。Jim's Favorite Sentence I prefer going to bed early, 我宁愿早点睡觉,so I can get up early and do my exercises.这样我可以早起锻炼身 体。A: Is something burning? 什么东西烧焦了? B: Oh, my crackers!哦,是我的饼干!

A: Mm, I love burnt crackers.嗨,我就爱吃烤焦的饼干。B: Curse this oven!Curse it!这讨厌的烤箱!真是可恨!A: But I prefer burnt crackers.但我更喜欢吃烤焦的饼 干。B: It's the worst oven in the world.这烤箱真是全世界最差 的。A: Wonderful!A perfect cracker!太棒了!这饼干正合我意。

B: There are thirty of them.Oh, have another.一共烤了30个。给,再来一个。available 1.I am available tomorrow to see you.我明天有时间,可以见你。

2.If I'm not available when you phone, ask for my brother.你打电话来时如果我不 在,可以叫我哥哥代接。3.Your secretary is really pretty.Is she available? 你的秘书很漂亮。她有男朋友吗? 4.Sorry, this is the only room available.不好意思,只剩下这个房间了。

5.I'm afraid that dress is no longer available, Madam.女士,对不起,那条裙子已经卖完了

6.I'm sorry, sir.Those shoes are not available in you size.对不起,先生。这双鞋没有你要的尺码。7.Is the new magazine available yet? 最新的杂志到了吗?

8.Please inform me when the disc is available.这张碟有货时请通知我。

9.Do you have any tickets available 请问9点40分飞往上海 的航班 for the 9:40 fight to Shanghai? 还有票吗?

10.Do you know if there are any apartments available 你知道这一带还能找到 in this area? 出租公寓吗?

11.Do you have a job available for me? 请问你们有没有空缺的 职位? 12.This information is easily available to 这些资料很容易

everyone at the local library.在本地的图书馆找到。

13.Details of the competition are available from our head office.比赛的详细说明可以从 我们的总办事处那里得 到。

14.We want to make our products available to a wider market. 我们想使我们的产品拥 有更为广阔的市场。15.The president is not available for comment. 总统无暇做出评论。1.suitable 适当的;相配的

1)You should wear clothes suitable for the occasion.你应该穿适合这种场合 的服装。

2)That kind of language isn't suitable for the classroom!那样的语言不适合在课 堂上说。2.reasonable 合理的; 有道理的

1)The price of the coat was very reasonable, so I bought it.这件外衣的价钱很公道,所以就买了。2)Come on.Be reasonable!拜托,讲点道理!3.comfortable 舒适的

1)Please make yourself comfortable.别客气。

2)Be sure to wear comfortable shoes.一定要穿舒服的鞋,You will be doing a lot of walking.你要走很远的路。4.valuable 贵重的; 有价值的

Thank you for your valuable advice.谢谢你的宝贵建议。

2)You're a valuable asset company.你是我们公司的宝贵人 才。5.enjoyable 愉快的; 快乐的

1)We had an enjoyable day at the beach. 我们在海滩度过了愉快 的一天。

2)Personally, I don't find opera music that enjoyable. 就我个人而言,我觉得戏曲不好听。6.changeable 可变的; 易变的

1)The weather in my hometown is very changeable in the springtime. 在我的家乡,春季的天气往往多变。2)Her moods are extremely changeable.她的心情变化无常。

You never know if she will be happy or sad. 你永远不可能知道她会 高兴还是悲伤。7.acceptable 可接受的; 合意的

1)Wearing a shirt without a tie 在这里,赴宴时

is acceptable dress for dinner her.可以穿衬衣不系领带。

2)There is more than one acceptable answer to my question.我的问题不止一个标准 答案。8.predictable 可预言的

1)His failure on the college entrance examinations was 他高考失败是预料中的 事,predictable because he was too lazy.因为他太懒了。

2)Some people become bored when a relationship 一些人在关系渐渐明确 后 becomes predictable.就觉得无趣了。9.accountable 应负责的; 有责任的

1)He is accountable for the missing money.丢了钱,他负有责任。

2)I'm going to hold you accountable for all you promises!我要你为你所有的承诺 负责。10.unforgettable 忘不了的; 令人难忘的

We had an unforgettable vacation.It was wonderful.我们度过了一个难忘的 假期。真是太棒了!

I'm sure your trip to the Great Wall will be unforgettable!我相信你去长城的旅行 将非常难忘。Amy's life story Amy was born in Guangdong.She grew up in a small village.艾米出生在广东省,她长在一个小村庄里。She began school when she six years old.她6岁开始上学。

She went to elementary school, but she didn't go to high school.她上完了小学,但她没有上中学。Her family was very poor, 她家里很穷,and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old.她13岁就不得不出去打 工。

She worked on an assembly line in a shoe factory.她在一家鞋厂的组装生 产线上工作。When Amy was seventeen years old, 当艾米17岁的时候,her family moved to the United States.她家搬到美国。

First they lived in Los Angeles, 起初他们住在洛杉矶,and then they moved to San Francisco.后来他们又搬到了旧金 山。When Amy arrive in the United States, she wasn't very happy.艾米刚到美国的时候,她很不开心。She missed her friends back in Guangdong, 她想念她在广东的朋友,and she didn't speak one word of English.而且她一句英语也不会 说。She began to study English at night, 她开始在晚上学英语,and she worked in a factory during the day.白天在工厂里上班。

Amy studied very hard, and now she speaks English well.艾米学习很努力,现在她英语说得非常好。

She's still studying at night, but now she's studying typing.她还坚持在晚上学习,但现在她是学打字,She wants to be a secretary.她想成为一名秘书。

Amy still misses her friends back home.艾米还是很想念她在家 乡的朋友,But she's very happy now, 但她现在非常开心。

and she's looking forward to her future in her new country.她正期待着她在这个新 的国家的未来。Wu Urges Maintenance of Peace 吴邦国极力主张维护亚 洲和平

China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国,昨天

called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府

to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇,缔造亚洲普遍、持久的 peace and development in the region.和平,谋求共同发展。

“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia “当前,维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流,and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,” 和发展经济作为首要任 务。”

he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届

Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说。“China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定。he told the meeting.“We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作,and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起,将相互的交流

and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平,携手营造

peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.” 和平、合作、合谐和亚洲地区环境。” China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国,昨天

called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府

to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇,缔造亚洲普遍、持久的 peace and development in the region.和平,谋求共同发展。

China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国,昨天

called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府

to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇,缔造亚洲普遍、持久的 peace and development in the region.和平,谋求共同发展。

“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia “当前,维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流,and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,” 和发展经济作为首要任 务。”

he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届

Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说。“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia “当前,维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流,and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,” 和发展经济作为首要任 务。”

he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届

Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说。“China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定。he told the meeting.“We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作,and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起,将相互的交流

and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平,携手营造

peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.” 和平、合作、合谐和亚洲地区环境。”

“China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定。he told the meeting.“We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作,and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起,将相互的交流

and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平,携手营造

peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.” 和平、合作、合谐和亚洲地区环境。” 1.legislator 2.parliament 3.maintenance 4.be committed to sth.5.priority 6.stability 7.intensify 8.mutual 9.harmony I've Been Overworking Myself 我近来劳累过度

Jim: Hi, Li.What's up? 嗨,小李,你怎么了?

You're looking a little under the weather.你看上去好像不舒服。

Are you taking care of yourself? 你没照顾好自己吗?

I've just been overworking myself, 由于考试和其他所有的 事,what with all my exams and everything.我近来劳累过度:

I just finished my history exam and I screwed up.我刚刚考完历史,我考得糟透了。

I tried as hard as I could to think of the answers, 我尽可能地思考答案,but I kept drawing a blank.但我脑子里一片空白。

Well, not to mention that I'm not getting enough sleep 哎,而且我睡眠不足,and I think I'm coming down with something.我想我生病了。

Jim: You're a wreck;you'd better get some rest.你很憔悴,你最好休息一下。

Why don't you catch some Z's this weekend? 为什么不在这个周末补 一补觉呢? You know, the New Year is almost here 你看,新年就快到了,and you don't want to be sick for the holiday!你不想在假期里生病吧。

That's a good idea.I'm running a temperature, actually, and I've got a sore throat.I feel rotten.觉得很虚弱。

I'm going to take your advice and get some R&R this weekend.我会听取你的建议,这个周末休息放松一下。What about you, Jim? How are you feeling? 你呢,吉姆? 你感觉怎么样?

You look like you're in good shape.What's your secret? 你看上去身体很好。你有什么秘诀? You always seem to be in top condition.你总是显得精神奕奕。

Jim: I take care of myself and lead a balanced life.我照顾好自己并保持均 衡的生活。I don't take as many courses as you do.我不像你上那么多课。

I'm on the football team.I have a healthy diet, 我参加了足球队,我保持健康的饮食,and I get enough sleep.保持充足的睡眠。

Honestly, taking care of myself is my number one priority.说实话,照顾好自己是我的头等 大事,I can't see any reason to work myself so hard!我觉得没有必要让自己 学得那么辛苦。Li: Well, as soon as I get better, 嗯,等我身体好起来,I'm going to start doing some exercises every day.我就开始每天锻炼。

I'm sure physical exercise does wonders for a person's health.我相信锻炼身体对一个 人的健康非常有益。Jim: I'd like to take you to the city gym once you feel better.你好起来后我就带你去 市体育馆。That's an ideal place for us to work out.那是我们锻炼身体的理 想场所。

It has some state-of-the-art exercise equipment. 那里有一些最先进的健 身器材。Li: Good idea!Thanks, Jim.好主意!谢谢你,吉姆。I'll give you a call next week.我下个星期给你打电话。

But now I am going straight home and going to sleep!现在我要直接回家去睡 觉。

Jim: OK, take care.I'll be waiting to hear from you!好的,保重。我等你的消息。

My name is Jessie.I am a graduate of Nanjing University.我叫杰西,毕业于南京大学,I majored in English Literature.As an English major, 主修英语文学。作为英语专业的学生,I had ample opportunity to practice and master spoken English.我有很多机会去练习并 掌握英语口语。

I love this language and hope to find a job in which 我很喜欢这门语言,并希望可以找到一份 I can put my English to good use.能充分运用英语的工作。

Also, I've studied economics and business administration.同时,我也修过经济及企业管 理的课程。

I am confident and I feel I can contribute many ideas to 我很有信心,我认为我能为贵公司贡 献很多想法,your company.I have experience from a previous internship 我以前在一家外企实习过,with a foreign company, where I gained valuable insight 在那儿我获得了一些宝 贵的经验

and work-related skills that would benefit you.和工作技巧,相信会对贵公司有所贡 献。

I have firsthand knowledge about the inner workings of 我对贸易公司的内部工 作方式

a trade company, and I think it would be a great asset 有直接的了解,我认为我将成为贵公司 to you and your staff.有用的人才。

I really would enjoy working with you here, 我将非常乐意为贵公司 工作,and hope you consider me for the position.希望您能为我提供这个 职位。Sunbathing 太阳浴

Sarah spent almost all of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of her hotel.She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way 但第二天,她认为在那么高的地方,谁也看不见她,up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.于是全身脱光,想把全身晒成棕褐色。

She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs.她刚刚开始晒时,就听到有人跑上楼来。She was lying on her stomach, 因为她是俯卧着的,so she pulled a towel over her rear.“Excuse me, miss,” 所以她扯了条毛巾盖住 臂部。“对不起,小姐,” said the flustered assistant manager of the hotel, 酒店副经理跑上楼后气 喘吁吁,out of breath from running up the stairs.慌张地说道。

“The Hilton doesn't mind your sunbathing on the roof, “希尔顿酒店不会介意 您在屋顶上晒太阳浴,but we would very much appreciate your wearing a bathing suit 但是我们非常乐意您像 昨天那样 as you did yesterday.” 穿着游泳衣晒。”

“What difference does it make?” Sarah asked rather calmly.“那有什么区别呢?” 莎拉镇定地问道,“No one can see me up here, and besides, “我在楼顶上,没有人能看得见,而且,I'm covered with a towel.” 我还盖着条毛巾。”

“Not exactly,” said the embarrassed man.“不是的,”那位尴尬 的男人说道,“You're lying on the dining room skylight.” “你正躺在餐厅的玻璃 顶上。” Chinese Dumplings Jiaozi(Chinese Dumplings)are a traditional Chinese food, 饺子是中国的传统食品,which is essential during the holidays in Northern China.在中国北方,过年过节总少不了饺子。

Chinese dumplings have become one of the most widely loved 饺子成为大多数中国人 种爱的食品

foods in China for many reasons.Here are just a few of them.是有很多原因的,下面我们给大家讲一讲。

Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods 饺子是中国人过春节时

during the Chinese New Year.Since the shape of Chinese 最重要的食品之一。因为饺子的形状

dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingot, 很像中国古代的金锭和 银锭,they symbolize wealth.Traditionally, family members 所以饺子象征着财富。按照传统,除夕那天,get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve.全家人都要聚在一起包 饺子。

They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings.他们会在其中一个饺子 中藏一个硬币,The person who finds the coin is said to have good fortune 据说吃到那个硬币的人 在新的一年里会有好运。in the New Year.Chinese dumplings are also popular 饺子在其它中国传统节 日中

during other Chinese holidays or festivals, 也很受欢迎,so they are deftnitely a part of Chinese culture and tradition.所以它无疑是中国文化 和传统的一部分。Making dumplings really takes teamwork.包饺子需要团体协作。

Usually all family members will join in the work.通常所有家庭成员都参 与其中。

I started to make dumplings when I was just a kid in my family.我从小在家里开始学包 饺子,This is when most Chinese learn how to make dumplings 大多数中国人都是在小 时候就学包饺子,and why almost every Chinese person knows how!所以几乎每个中国人都 会。

I am very good at making dumplings, particularly making skins, 我很会包饺子,尤其是做饺子皮,which is the hardest part of making tasty and light dumplings.要知道,做饺子皮是包出精巧美 味的饺子最难的一个环 节。Chinese dumplings are often the food eaten before sending off 我们送别朋友或家人时,friends or family members away on a trip.通常都会吃饺子。

I guess this is another tradition and another reason 我想这是另一个传统,why dumplings are such a big part of Chinese culture!也是饺子成为中国文化 中重要部分的另一个原 因。1.above 在„„之上; 超出„„之外

1)You can always hear her voice above everyone else's.你总是能听见她的声音 比别人大。2)Fixing computers is above my head!修电脑我可干不了!2.across 在„„对面; 横过; 越过

1)Would you like me to help you across the street? 我来扶您过马路,好吗?

2)It's amazing that he can swim across the Yangtze River.他能游过长江,真是太令人惊讶了。3.against 相反; 反对; 靠着

1)Are most people for or against the decision? 大多数人是支持还是反 对这个决定?

2)Don't lean against the wall.The paint isn't dry yet.不要靠着墙,油漆还没干。4.besides 除„„外

1)He has few friends besides us. 除我们之外他没有什么 朋友。

2)Will there be anyone else we know at the party 这个聚会上,除了吉姆和金姆之外,besides Jim and Kim? 还有其他我们认识的人 吗? 5.behind 在„„后面; 落后于; 支持 1)There must be something behind it.其中必有隐情。

2)We are three points behind the other team. 我们比另一个队落后3 分。

3)Don't be afraid.We're all behind you!不用怕,我们大家都支持你。6.beyond 在„„那一边; 超过; 为„„所不能及 1)The lights witch is beyond my reach.我够不着电灯的开关c 2)Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 我看不懂这篇文章。7.except 除了„„之外

1)Everyone was invited to the party except me.除了我以外,所有人都被邀请去参加 聚会了。2)We're open every day except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都营业。8.opposite 在„„对面

1)The guy sitting opposite me looked very familiar.坐在我对面的那个人看 上去很面熟。

2)It's easy to find-there's a supermarket just opposite my house.很容易找到--我家对面 有一家超市。9.toward 朝„„方向; 对于; 为了

1)We have made some progress toward(s)reaching an agreement. 我们在达成协议方面已 取得了一些进展。

2)The local people are always very friendly toward(s)tourists. 当地人对游客一向非常 热情。10.without 没有; 不

1)I can't do it without your help.没有你的帮助,我做不了这件事:

2)He solved the math problem for me without any difficulty.他毫不费劲地帮我解开 了这道数学题。

Fears over SARS is(are)also having a huge impact on economies 人们对SARS的恐惧也给 世界各地的经济带来极 大冲击,around the world, especially in Asia.尤其是亚洲。

The World Health Organization says that Thailand has seen 世界卫生组织称泰国只 发现

only seven cases of SARS, with no new cases in weeks.7个SARS病例,而且几星期以来没有新 的病例出现。But as Tom Mintier reports, the country's tourism industry 但据CNN记者汤姆·明 蒂报道,泰国的旅游业却 is reeling.步履蹒跚。

The beach chairs on Pataya shoreline may be empty 沿芭堤雅海岸线的海滩 长椅恐怕只能是空着了,as tourists decide to travel elsewhere.因为游客们决定去别处 旅行。

But at this travel fair in Bangkok there are plenty of 但在这次曼谷旅游展上,商家们却看到很多

interested potential customers.Domestic tourists in Thailand 兴致盎然的潜在顾客。国内的游客 are being offered deals like never before, 正享受前所未有的优惠,as hotels in tourists' destinations seek to recover some of 因为旅游区的各大旅馆 正努力想要挽回 their losses.他们的一些损失。

Er...since the effect from the SARS from the overseas tourists, 嗯„„因为海外游客受 到SARS的影响,we put more concentrate on the domestic campaign at the moment.所以我们目前专注于国 内业务的经营。

A concentration that could save tourists anywhere from 30-70 “专注”的结果是游客 们一次度假就能节省30-70% percent on a vacation.的费用。

I think it's more than the 60-65 percent.我们的降价幅度

We are going to be cut the price down 恐怕要超过60%-65%,but this is for the Thai and for the domestic only.不过我们这些业务只向 泰国人或境内的游客开 放。We don't do like this in the past.我们过去可没有这样做 过。

At any other time, the discounts would be a sign of a thriving 在其他任何时期,打折都意味着生意很兴 旺,industry, but not these days.The crowds are an indicator of 但目前却不是如此。这里的人头攒动恰恰意 味着

the devastating effect that SARS has had on the tourism industry SARS已经给泰国及其他 地方的旅游业 in Thailand and elsewhere.Last year, 带来破坏性的冲击。去年,six out of ten tourists to Thailand came from regional tourism.10个到泰国的游客中有 6个都来自于其它区域。

Last month's arrivals to Thailand from the region plunged more 但是上个月,区域旅游的入境游客人 数下降了 than 40 percent.Business is so bad that five-star resorts 40%以上。生意如此惨淡,and hotels who normally cater to international clients 以至于那些通常接待国 际客人的五星级度假村 和酒店 have been offering “Buy one, get one free” campaigns, 推出了“买一送一”的 促销活动,to fill the rooms and pay staff.以保证房间的入住率,维持经营。I am going to be worried is...我担心„„

very few of guests from the overseas countries to Thailand 没什么海外的旅客来泰 国,that I am going to be worried.., 这是我担心的„„

and then it is going to be effect to the employment 这会影响就业

or the economy of the Thailand...和泰国的经济,because the tourism business is the main income of Thailand.因为旅游业务是泰国主 要的收入来源。So that if the SARS more continues, 所以如果SARS继续蔓延,it is going to directly effect the Thailand.将直接影响到泰国经济。Economists are already worried.经济学家们已经在担心 了。

The Bank of Thailand is reporting that tourists' arrivals 泰国银行报道说今年入 境的游客数量 will dip nearly 25 percent this year.将下降近25%。

Resorts and hotels are already reporting occupancy rates of 各大旅游度假村和酒店 目前报告的入住率

just 15 or 20 percent.The impact of SARS fears is easy to see.也只是15%或20%。对SARS的恐慌所带来的 冲击随处可见,This bed and breakfast resort is now offering a room for 瞧,这家提供住宿加早餐的 酒店提供的双人房间,two for just over 20 US dollars a night.每晚收费仅二十几美元。Tom Mintier, CNN-Bangkok.CNN记者汤姆·明蒂在 曼谷报道,I have flown in my time.我一直在乘飞机旅行。

I have been indulged like crazy.我已经疯狂地沉溺其中。

I've been in more Limousines than the president.我坐豪华轿车的次数比 总统还多,I've been on planes with bars!我曾坐过配有酒吧的飞 机!

I've been in planes with foods and drinks like 我曾坐过向顾客提供超 级关味的食物和饮品的 you wouldn't imagine!飞机!

I've been in planes with beds!我曾坐过配有床的飞机!But I've never done it all at once!但我从未一次全部享受 过!Until now!直到现在!

Here's to being spoiled rotten.让我们为被宠坏而干杯!

1.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 到了罗马,照着罗马人做。=入乡 随俗。I'm learning to use chopsticks.我在学习用筷子。

You know when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 常言道,入乡随俗嘛!

2.All good things must come to an end.

好事皆有结尾时。=天 下没有不散的宴席。

This is the last day of our crazy English summer camp.今天是我们疯狂英语夏 令营的最后一天。All good things must come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席。We hope to see you next year.我们希望明年再见到你 们。

3.What goes around comes around.

出去的是什么,回来的就是什么。=种 豆得豆,种瓜得瓜。I worked overtime every week for one year.一年来,我每个星期都加班。Today my boss gave me a promotion.今天老板给我升了职。

What goes around comes around, I guess. 我想,这就是种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜。4.Birds of a feather flock together.

同一种羽毛的鸟聚集在 一起。=物以类聚,人以群分。I really like singing and dancing with many of my friends.我非常喜欢和我那一大 群朋友唱歌跳舞。As they say, birds of a feather flock together.俗话说得好: 物以类聚,人以群分。5.It's no use crying over spilt milk. 牛奶已泼,哭也没用=覆水难收。It is no use crying over spilt milk.俗话说: 覆水难收。

You can't take back what you said to her.你不能收回对她说过的 话。

I think she will eventually forgive you. 我认为她最终会原谅你 的。

6.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

不冒险,无所得。=不入虎穴,焉得虎子。I really want to open my own business.我很想自己创业。

But my wife worries we'll lose money.但我妻子担心我们会亏 本。

But I feel nothing ventured, nothing gained.

第三篇:李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第 4 辑

李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第 4 辑

Language is the art of blurting out!语言就是脱口而出的艺 术!Blurting out is the best way to learn a language!学习语言就是苦练脱口 而出的!It's not enough to just understand what you read.看懂是骗人的!Nor is it enough to just understand what you hear.听懂是骗人的!You can only master a language by speaking!只有说出来才是自己的!You can really learn something by blurting out!只有脱口而出才是真正 “学到东西”!Blurting out is the best way to prove your English level!脱口而出是检验英语水平的惟一标准!Blurt out!This is the real success!脱口而出!才是真正的成功!Now as quickly as possible.用最快的速度读出来.Language is the art of blurting out!语言就是脱口而出的艺 术!Blurting out is the best way to learn a language!学习语言就是苦练脱口 而出的!It's not enough to just understand what you read.看懂是骗人的!Nor is it enough to just understand what you hear.听懂是骗人的!You can only master a language by speaking!只有说出来才是自己的!You can really learn something by blurting out!只有脱口而出才是真正 “学到东西”!Blurting out is the best way to prove your English level!脱口而出是检验英语水平的惟一标准!Blurt out!This is the real success!脱口而出!才是真正的成功!Blurt Out 脱口而出 Come on!Let's get started!Let's get busy!Come on and blurt out!来吧!开始练习吧!脱口而出吧!Chapter 1 Crazy Spirit 第一部 疯狂精神篇 My pledge my oath(Ⅳ)我的誓言(四)--Persistence produces miracles 坚持创造奇迹 The secret to success is just two words: to persist!成功的秘密就是两个字 : 坚持!I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持;I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候, 再咬牙坚持一会儿;I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持, 坚持, 再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天, 我一定会发现: I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!My pledge my oath(Ⅳ)我的誓言(四)--Persistence produces miracles 坚持创造奇迹 The secret to success is just two words: to persist!成功的秘密就是两个字 : 坚持!I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持;I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候, 再咬牙坚持一会儿;I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持, 坚持, 再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天, 我一定会发现: I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!As quickly, as clearly, as louder as possible.“三最”口腔肌肉法 I'll persist even when others don't understand.别人不理解的时候坚持;I'll persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;I'll persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm desperate.绝望的时候坚持;I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候, 再咬牙坚持一会儿;I'll persist even when it's extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持, 坚持, 再坚持!Some day, I'll find: 有一天, 我一定会发现: I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!I will become a master of my destiny!我将成为命运的主人!I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!Chapter 2 Crazy Preparation 第二部 疯狂准备篇 1.If I were you, I would...如果我是你的话, 我会…….1)If I were you, I would quit smoking.如果我是你的话, 我会把烟戒了.2.If I were you, I would accept the job.如果我是你的话, 我会接受这份工作.3.If I were you, I would be a little more polite.如果我是你的话, 我会更礼貌些.4.If I were you, I would be honest with Harold.如果我是你的话, 我会对哈罗德说实话.5.If I were you, I would tell him exactly what I think.如果我是你的话, 我会告诉他我真实的想 法.6.If I were you, I would try to bargain a little.如果我是你的话, 我会再把价砍低一点.7.If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing.如果我是你的话, 我会把整件事忘得一干 二净.8.If I were you, I would try to find a better-paying job.如果我是你的话, 我会去找一份高薪的工 作.9.If I were you, I would not believe him.如果我是你的话, 我不会相信他说的话.10.If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.如果我是你的话, 我不会为这件事担心.From 1 to 10 as quickly as possible.用最快的速度从 1 到读 到 10.If I were you, I would quit smoking.如果我是你的话, 我会把烟戒了.If I were you, I would accept the job.如果我是你的话, 我会接受这份工作.If I were you, I would be a little more polite.如果我是你的话, 我会更礼貌些.If I were you, I would be honest with Harold.如果我是你的话, 我会对哈罗德说实话.If I were you, I would tell him exactly what I think.如果我是你的话, 我会告诉他我真实的想 法.If I were you, I would try to bargain a little.如果我是你的话, 我会再把价砍低一点.If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing.如果我是你的话, 我会把整件事忘得一干 二净.If I were you, I would try to find a better-paying job.如果我是你的话, 我会去找一份高薪的工 作.If I were you, I would not believe him.如果我是你的话, 我不会相信他说的话.If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.如果我是你的话, 我不会为这件事担心.It is a very useful sentence pattern, one of the most useful sentence pattern.这个句型很有用, 它是最有用的句型之一.Yes.If I were you,...没错, 如果我是你的话…… Jim's favorite sentence Jim 最喜欢的句子 If I were you, I would take a vacation.如果我是你的话, 我就会去度假.Slowly: If I were you, I would take a vacation.慢速: 如果我是你的话, 我就会去度假.Quickly: If I were you, I would take a vacation.快速: 如果我是你的话, 我就会去度假.2....all the same.还是要…….Thank you all the same.还是要谢谢你.I know she will forgive you, but you should apologize all the same.我知道她会原谅你, 但你还是要道歉.3.All we can do is...我们所能做的就是…… All we can do is sit back and hope for the best.我们所能做的就是坐等 最好的结果.All we can do is forget the experience of failure and work hard together.我们所能做的就是忘记 失败的经历, 一起努力.All you have to do is...你只要……就行了.All you have to do is ask.你问就是了.All you have to do is fill out this form.你只要填写一下这张表 就可以了.5.As I see it,...依我看, …….As I see it, the government has done a good job fighting SARS.依我看, 政府在对抗“非典型性 肺炎”中做得很不错.As I see it, teachers should get more pay.依我看, 老师的薪水应该再高一 些.But for...,...若不是因为……, 如果没有…….But for your help, I couldn't have done it.要不是你帮我, 我肯定做不成.But for the storm, we would have already arrived in Rome.要不是因为暴风雨, 我们已经到了罗马了.6....by any chance...? 有没有可能……? Could you by any chance give me a lift home? 你有没有可能让我搭个 便车回家? I wonder if you could by any chance lend me some money.我想知道你有没有可能 借我点钱.Come to think of it,...细想起来, …….Come to think of it, you're probably right.细起起来, 你也许是对的.Come to think of it, your plan is probably workable.细想起来, 你的计划还是行得通的.Is this sentence useful? 这个句子有用吗? I like this sentence pattern very much: Come to think of it.我很喜欢这个句型: 细想起来.Yeah, come to think of it.对, 细想起来.Could I possibly ask you to...? 我可不可以请你……? Could I possibly ask you to drive me to the airport? 我可不可以请你开车送 我去机场? Could I possibly ask you to help me carry the suitcase upstairs? 我可不可以请你帮我把 箱子拿到楼上去? 10...either...or...要么……, 要么…….Either you leave now or I call the police!要么你马上离开, 要么我就叫警察!You can either write or phone to request a copy.我可以写信或打电话去 索取一份资料.Hello, my name is Michael.I'm from America.I grew up in Texas.大家好, 我叫迈克尔.我是美国人, 在德克萨斯州长大.I enjoy helping you learn your good English.我很乐意帮你们学好英 语.If you keep practising, you keep studying and you keep speaking out loud, 如果你不断地练习, 学习和大声说, I think you'll do a great job.I hope I can help you.我想你一定会成功的.希望我能帮得上忙.Hi.My name is Eve.I'm from the US.大家好.我叫伊夫, 我是美国人.I hope I'll help you learn English and want to give you the courage to speak.希望我能帮你们学好英 语并带给你们说的勇气.Excuse me for interrupting, but...对不起, 打扰一下, …… Excuse me for interrupting, but you are just making too much noise.对不起, 打扰一下, 你们实在太吵了.I'm afraid I'm going to hav e to ask you to be a little more quiet.恐怕我不得不请你们小 声点.Excuse me for interrupting, but you have an important call.对不起, 打扰一下, 你有个很重要的电话.12.Forgive me for...请原谅我…….Forgive me for my carelessness.请原谅我的草率.Forgive me for interrupting, but I don't understand.请原谅我打断一下, 我不明白.13.Have you considered...? 你有没有考虑过……? Have you considered studying abroad? 你有没有考虑过出国留 学? Have you considered changing your job? 你有没有考虑过换工作 ? How are you getting along with...? 你跟……相处得怎么样 ? How are you getting along with your roommate? 你跟随你的室友相处得 怎么样? How are you getting along with your new girlfriend? 你跟你的新女朋友相处 得怎么样? 15.How much shall I pay for...? 我该为……付多少钱? How much shall I pay for this? 这个多少钱? How much shall I pay for the hotel room? 宾馆住宿要多少钱? 16.How would you react to...? 对于……你有什么看法 ? How would you react to working overtime this Sunday? 对于这周日加班你有什 么看法? How would you react to canceling this project? 对于取消这个项目你有 什么看法? 17.I(don't)doubt that...我(不)怀疑…… I doubt that he will leave.我怀疑他会离开.I don't doubt that it's her choice.我确信这是她的选择.I cannot help...我忍不住…….I cannot help worrying about my job interview.我忍不住担心我的工作 面试.I cannot help yelling when I get cross.我生气的时候会忍不住 大喊大叫.I can't stand...我忍受不了…….I can't stand her arrogance.我受不了她的傲慢.I can't stand it anymore.我再也受不了了.20.I can't wait to....我迫不及待…….I can't wait to read his new novel.我迫不及待想看他的新 小说.It smells so delicious that I can't wait to take a bite.好看啊!我真想咬一口.I hate to say it, but...我实在不想这样说, 但…….I hate to say it, but I'm afraid I can't keep my promise.我实在不想这样说, 但我恐怕不能遵守我的 诺言.I hate to say it, but I really need my money back.我实在不想这样说, 但我真的需要把我的钱 要回来.22.I have no choice but to...除了……, 我别无选择.I have no choice but to believe what you're saying.除了相信你的话, 我别无选择.I have no choice but to accept his invitation.除了接受他的邀请, 我别无选择.23.I just said...我刚才说, …….I just said I needed some money.How many times do you want me to say it? 我刚才说, 我需要钱.你要我说多少遍? I just said Jim was going to be the new manager of LYCE company.我刚才说, 吉姆将成为 LYCE 公司新 一任经理.I mean...我的意思是…….I mean I don't want to go out with you tonight.我的意思是我今晚不想 和你出去.I mean I don't want to leave my family too long.It makes me feel homesick.我的意思是我不想离开 家长太久, 我会想家的.25.I really appreciate...我非常感谢…… I really appreciate your help.非常感谢您的帮助.I really appreciate your useful advice.非常感谢你有用的建议.I really don't want to...我实在不想…… I really don't want to let you down.我实在不想让你失望.I really don't want to let this chance slip away.我实在不想错过这个机 会.27.I recommend...我建议……;我推荐…….I recommend the movie to you.我建议你看这部电影.I recommend her for the position.我推荐她担任这个职务.I should(not)have done...我本(不)该…….I shouldn't have done it.我本不该做的.I should have gotten up earlier.我本该早点儿起床的.I strongly advise you to...我强烈建议你…….I strongly advise you to learn to speak some English.我强烈建议你学说英语.I strongly advise you to apply for the position.我强烈建议你申请这个 职位.30.I was impressed by...令我印象深刻.I was impressed by your warm welcome.您的热情招待给我留下 了深刻的印象.I was impressed by your perfect English.你流利的英语给我留下 了深刻的印象.I wouldn't be surprised if...如果……, 我不会觉得奇怪.I wouldn't be surprised if she passed the English exam this time.如果她这次英语考试及 格, 我不会觉得奇怪.I wouldn't be surprised if he fired employees without any reason.如果他无缘无故解雇员 工, 我不会觉得奇怪.32.I'd be happy to...我很乐意…….I'd be happy to lend you the guitar.我很乐意把吉他借给你.I'd be happy to help you, but I have to finish my work first.我很乐意帮你, 但我得先做完我的工作.I'd like to point out that...我想指出…….I'd like to point out that you are right.我想指出你是对的.I'd like to point out that you completely misunderstood me.我想指出你完全误解我 了.I'll bet...我敢打赌…….I'll bet she couldn't do this job.我敢打赌她做不了这个 工作.I'll bet he'll win the next election.我敢打赌他会赢得下一 届选举.I'm bored with...我厌倦…….I'm bored with the movie.我厌倦了这部电影.I'm bored with his nonsense.我厌倦了他的废话.36.I'm convinced that...我确信…….I'm convinced that what he said is right.我确信他说的是对的.I'm convinced that the share price is going to drop.我确信股价会下跌.37.I'm honored to...我很荣幸…….I'm highly honored to be the chairman.能成为主席, 我深感荣幸.I'm honored to work with you.我荣幸能跟您共事.I'm just in the mood for...我只是想…….I'm just in the mood for learning English.我只是想学英语.I'm just in the mood for making friends with you.我只是想跟你交个朋友.39.I'm mad about...我对……很着迷.I'm mad about Tom Cruise.我迷死汤姆克鲁斯了.I'm mad about rock music.我对摇滚很着迷.I'm not really one to...不是那种……的人.I'm not really one to follow the crowd.我不是那咱爱跟潮流的 人.I'm not really one to criticize everything.我不是那种事事都挑剔 的人.I'm occupied with...我忙于…….I'm occupied with learning English.我忙着学英语.I'm occupied with cooking now.现在我忙着做饭.42.I'm positive...我肯定…… I'm positive she'll show up for class soon.我肯定她很快就会来上 课的.I'm positive he is the man I saw yesterday.我能确定他就是我昨天 见到的那个人.I'm terrible at...我很不擅长…….I'm terrible at making friends.我很不擅长结交朋友.I'm terrible at logical reasoning.我很不擅长逻辑推理.I'm tired of...我厌倦了…….Shut up!I'm tired of all your nonsense.闭嘴!我受够了你那些废话.I'm tired of working with him.我厌倦了与他共事.45.I'm willing to...我愿意…… I'm willing to accept responsibility.我愿意承担责任.I'm willing to go so long as Sam won't be there.只要萨姆不去, 我就愿意去.I'm wondering...我在想/我想知道/我不 知道/我纳闷…… I'm wondering why she did this.我想知道也为什么这么 做.I'm wondering what to tell my mom.我不知道怎么告诉我妈 妈.I've been meaning to...我一直在打算…….I've been meaning to ask you when you're available.我一直想问你什么时候 有空.I've been meaning to pack up my things and leave.我一直在打算收拾行囊 离开.48.In addition to...,...除……之外, …….In addition to the two people, there are four other candidates.除了这两位, 还有另外四个候选人.In addition to that, I love her kindness.除此之外, 我还爱她的善良.In any case,...不管怎么样, …… In any case, that is very unfair.不管怎么说, 那是很不公平的.In any case, you shouldn't treat her like that.不管怎么说, 你不应该那样对待她.50.In other words,...换句话说, …….In other words, you failed French.换句话说, 你的法语不及格.Don't bother coming back tomorrow.In other words, you're fired.你明天不用回来了, 换句话说, 你被解雇了....is a serious decision to make.……是个很难做出的/ 重大的决定.Divorcing her husband at a time like this is a serious decision to make.在这个时候跟她丈夫离 婚真是个重大的决定.Changing one's career in middle age is a serious decision to make.人到中年再转换职业, 这是个很难做出的决定.52....is exactly what I need.……正是我所需要的.The book is exactly what I need.我正需要这本书.Your precious advice is exactly what I need right now.我目前最需要的就是您 宝贵的意见....is fine with me.……我都没问题.Whatever you order is fine with me.无论你点什么菜我都没 问题.Wherever you'd like to spend the holidays is fine with me.无论你想在哪儿度假我 都没问题.Is it all right to...? ……行吗? Is it all right to play music late at night? 深夜播放音乐可以吗? Mom, is it all right to come back at ten? 妈妈,(我)十点回来行吗? Is it convenient for you to...? 你是否方便……? Is it convenient for you to give her the message? 你是否方便给她带个口 信? Is it convenient for you to buy me something to eat? 你是否方便帮我买点菜 吃? 56.Is it so that...? ……, 是真的吗? Is it so that you got an A on your English exam? 你英语考试得了 A, 是真的吗? Is it so that you will get a raise at work? 你将获得加薪, 是真的吗?...is not acceptable.……让人无法接受.This explanation is not acceptable.这种解释让人无法接受.You way of doing this is not acceptable.你处理这件事的方式让 人无法接受.58....is one thing;...is another.……是一回事, ……是另一回事.Saying is one thing;doing is another.说是一回事, 做是另一回事.To understand a foreign language is one thing, and to speak it is quite another.能理解外语是一回事, 能说出来是另一回事....is really something!……真是了不起!Running your own company at age 20 is really something!20 岁就开办自己的公司 , 你真是了不起!She is really something to have passed that TOEFL exam in her freshman year.她大一时就通过了托福 考试, 真是了不起.It doesn't matter if..如果……也没关系.It doesn't matter if I miss the bus;I can walk.错过公共汽车也没关系 , 我可以步行.It doesn't matter if you really can't come.如果你实在来不了, 那也没关系.It goes without saying that...不用说, …….It goes without saying that learning English takes persistence.不说用, 学习英语需要持之以恒.It goes without saying that practice makes perfect.熟能生巧, 这是肯定的.62.It is...that...是…….It is patience that we need most right now.我们当前最需要的是耐 心.It is time that has changed us.是时间改变了我们.It is/was apparent that...很显然, …….It is apparent that they don't want to cooperate.很显然, 他们不想合作.It was apparent that she was very disappointed with her husband.很显然, 她对丈夫非常失望.It is/was a shame...……真可惜.It's a shame you have to leave so early.可惜你这么早就得走了.It was a shame you didn't come to our wedding.你没来参加我们的婚礼 真可惜.It might be a good idea to...……也许会比较好.It might be a good idea to start early.早点开始或许比较好.It might be a good idea to leave him alone.让他一个人待着可能比 较好.66.It seems to me that...似乎…… It seems to me that you've been feeling down recently.你最近看起来似乎很沮 丧.It seems to me that it's a good idea.这个主意似乎很好.It's forbidden to...禁止…… It's forbidden to walk on the grass.禁止践踏草地.It's forbidden to smoke here.这里禁止吸烟.It's good to...……真是太好了.It's good to hear you making great progress lately.听说你最近一直都进步 神速, 真是太好了.It's good to hear from you.能收到你的信真是太好 了...., let alone...……, 更不用说…… I can't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy it.那样的房子我连租都租 不起, 更别说买了.She will not help her own brother, let alone a stranger.她连自己的弟弟都不肯 帮, 更别说去帮陌生人了.Let me put it this way,...我这么说吧, …… Let me put it this way, he is not himself today.我这么说吧, 他今天不舒服.Let me put it this way, you're fired.我这么说吧, 你被解雇了.71.Looking back on...回想…… Looking back on it, I shouldn't have given up so easily.回想起来, 我本不应该就这么放弃 的.Looking back on my childhood, I was the happiest child in the world.回想起我的童年, 那时的我是世上最快乐 的了.72.…mean a great deal to me.……对我意义重大/对 我来说很重要.1)Your help meant a great deal to me.您的帮助对我意义重大.2)My family means a great deal to me.我的家人对我来说很重 要.73.My advice would be to...我的建议是…….1)My advice would be have a rest.我的建议就是休息一下.2)My advice would be to leave her alone.我的建议就是别打扰她.74.My idea is that...我认为…….1)My idea is that we should try to cut our costs.我认为我们应该尽量削 减开支.2)My idea is that we should sign a formal contract.我认为我们应该签订一 份正式的合同.75.Nobody could imagine...没有人会想到…… 1)Nobody could imagine his becoming an actor.没有人会想到他能成为 一名演员.2)Nobody could imagine her doing such an awful thing.没有人会想到她能做出 这样可怕的事.76.On the contrary,...恰恰相反, …….1)It was not boring.On the contrary, we were greatly interested.这不无聊, 恰恰相反, 我们非常感兴趣.2)He's not stupid.他不傻, On the contrary, I have found him amazingly talented.恰恰相反, 我发现他非常有才华.77.Owing to...因为/由于……, 所以…….1)Owing to the bad weather, we have to stay at home.由于天气不好, 我们只好待在家里.2)Owing to his lively sense of humor, he has made many friends.由于他非常有幽默感, 所以他交了不少朋友.78.Perhaps it's none of my business, but...这或许不关我的事, 但…….1)Perhaps it's none of my business, 这或许不关我的事, but you really shouldn't have been mad at him.但你真的不该生他的气.2)Perhaps it's none of my business, 这或许不关我的事, but you really should change your attitude to her.但你真的应该改变对她 的态度.79.Please notice that...请注意, …… 1)Please notice that the meeting has been canceled.请注意, 会议已取消.2)Please notice that 请注意, there will be a delay of one hour before the plane takes off.飞机将推迟一个小时起 飞.80....so...that… 如此……以致…….1)The movie was so boring that I slept through it.这部电影太无聊了, 我一直都在睡.2)She is so beautiful that I can't help falling in love with her.她太漂亮了, 我忍不住坠入情网.81.That can't be...那不会…….1)That can't be too hard.那不会太难的.2)That can't be right.那不可能是对的.82.There's(not)a chance that...(没)有可能…….1)There's a chance that they might come back tomorrow.他们有可能明天回来.2)There's not a chance that she might fail.她是不可能失败的.83.There is nothing as + adj.+ as...没有什么比……更… 1)There is nothing as tiresome as gossiping.没有比说三道四更无聊 的事了.2)There is nothing as enjoyable as watching Hollywood movies.没有比看好莱坞电影更 开心的事了.84.To tell the truth,...说实话, …….1)To tell the truth, I'd rather stay at home.说实话, 我更愿呆在家里.2)To tell the truth, he really likes boasting.说实话, 他可真喜欢自吹自擂.85.What became of...? ……结果怎样/情况如 何? 1)What became of the dreams of our youth? 我们年轻时的梦想都到 哪儿去了? 2)I wonder what became of neighbors.不知道我们的邻居怎么 样了.86.What do you say...? 你对……怎么看?/… …如何? 1)What do you say about my decision? 你对我的决定怎么看? 2)What do you say to a nice cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡如何? 87.What seems to be the problem with...? ……怎么了? 1)What seems to be the problem with you? 你怎么了? You look very upset this morning.今天早上你看上去心烦 意乱.2)What seems to be the problem with those two? 他们俩怎么了? Did they right again? 又打架了吗? 88.What should we do if...? 如果……, 我们该怎么办? 1)What should we do if we lose all our money? 如果我们的钱全没了, 我们该怎么办? 2)What should we do if someone finds out what we are doing? 如果有人发现我们在做 什么, 那该怎么办? 89.What would you like to...? 你想……? 1)What would you like to know? 你想知道什么? 2)What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么? 90.What you are really saying is...? 你的意思是说……? 1)What you are really saying is you don't like it? 你的意思是说, 你不喜欢? 2)What you are really saying is you don't believe me? 你的意思是说, 你不相信我? 91.What's your opinion about...? 你对……有什么看法? 1)What's your opinion about my plan? 关于我的计划, 你有什么看法? 2)What's your opinion about the election results? 你对选举结果有什么看 法? 92.When are you going to...? 你打算什么时候……? 1)When are you going to buy a new house? 你打算什么时候买新房 子? 2)When are you going to ask your boss for a raise? 你打算什么时候要求你 老板给你加薪? 93.When do you want me to...? 1)When do you want me to have it ready for you? 你想让我在什么时候为 你准备好? 2)When do you want me to report for work tomorrow? 你想我明天什么时候报 到上班? 94.Why didn't you...? 你为什么没有……? 1)Why didn't you call me last night? 你昨晚为什么没有给我 打电话? 2)Why didn't you wait for me? 你为什么没有等我? 95.Why is it that...? 为什么……? 1)Why is it that I find computer games so addictive? 我觉得电脑游戏很容易 上瘾是为什么? 2)Why is it that I keep having nightmares every night? 为什么我每天晚上都做 噩梦? 96.Word has it that...? 有传言说…….1)Word has it that the CET band 4 will be canceled.有传言说大学英语四级 考试要被取消了.2)Word has it that she is talking drugs.有传言说她在吸毒.97.Would you be interested in..?.你有兴趣……吗? 1)Would you be interested in doing something outdoors? 你有兴趣做些户外运动 吗? 2)Would you be interested in 你有兴趣 yelling English with me every morning? 每天早上和我去喊英语 吗? 98.You should avoid doing...你应该避免…….1)You should avoid making the same mistake next time.下次你要避免犯同样的 错误.2)You should avoid hurting her feelings.你应该避免伤她的心.99.You won't believe...1)You won't believe who I ran into yesterday.你不会相信我昨天碰到 谁了.2)You won't believe what I heard just now.你不会相信我刚才听说 了什么.100.You're not supposed to...……你不能/不应该… … 1)You're not supposed to do that.你不应该那样做.2)You're not supposed to park your car here.你不能将车停在这里.第二节 100 个口语要素 Monday 1.A little bit.一点点.A: Don't you think that is stupid? 你不觉得那样很愚蠢吗 ? B: A little bit.有点.2.Anytime.别客气.A: Could you pass me the book? Thank you.可以把那本书递给我吗 ? 谢谢.B: Anytime.别客气.3.Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗? A: Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗? B: No, but I might be able to arrange a special bargain for you.不打折, 但我没准能给你优惠一 点.4.Ask around.去问问别人.A: Are you kidding? That couldn't be real.你开玩笑吧? 那不可能是真的.B: If you don't believe what I said, ask around.如果你不相信我的话, 可以去问问别人.I'm sure people will tell you the same thing.我相信别人说的也会是 一样的.5.Calm down.镇定点./冷静点./稍 安毋躁.A: Damn it!When can we get there? 该死!我们什么时候才能到那 里? B: Calm down.We still have time.稍安毋躁, 我们还有时间.6.Can I come along? 我可以一起去吗? A: Can I come along? 我可以一起去吗? B: Sure!Hop in the back seat.当然可以!快坐到后排去.7.Can we just drop this? 我们不要再吵季好吗? A: Can we just drop this? 我们不要再吵了好吗? B: Not until you admit you're wrong.除非你承认你错了.8.Can't complain.没有什么好抱怨的.A: How are you doing? 最近过得如何? B: Can't complain.挺好.9.Cheer up!振作起来!A: Boy, I feel rotten today.天啊, 我今天觉得很颓废.B: Cheer up!You can't let life get you down like this.振作起来!你不能像这样对生活感 到沮丧.10.Count me in.算我一份.A: We are going to have a picnic this weekend.这个周末我们要去野餐.B: Count me in.算我一份.11.Cut to the chase.闲话少说.A: And so then I told Rose 所以我告诉露丝, that if she didn't watch out she was going to have to...如果她不小心点, 她就会…… B: Cut to the chase.What does this have to do with me? 闲话少说.这和我有什么关系? 12.Do you have a minute? A: Do you have a minute? 你有时间吗? B: What's up? 什么事? 13.Don't bring it up again.不要旧事重提了.A: Remember last Christmas? 记得去年圣诞(发生的 那件事)吗? B: Don't bring it up again.不要旧事重提了.14.Don't get me wrong.请别误解我.A: Don't get me wrong.I think Michael is a very nice person, 你不要误会我的意思.我认为迈克尔是个很好 的人, but you have to admit he isn't very responsible.不过你必须承认他不是 很负责任.B: I guess you're right.我想你说得对.15.Don't give it a second thought.别想太多.A:Mr.Gates had been yelling at me all day.盖茨先生一整天对我又 吼又嚷的, I'm afraid he's going to fire me.我怕他会炒我的鱿鱼了.B: Oh, he's just in a bad mood.哎, 他只是心情不好, He's been yelling at everybody all day.今天一整天他对谁都是 又吼又嚷的, Don't give it a second thought.别想太多了.16.Don't let me down.不要让我失望.A: Don't let me down.不要让我失望.B: Have I ever failed you before? 我以前让你失望过吗? 17.Don't push me!别催我!A: You've got to hurry up.We're falling behind!你得快点!我们落后了!B: Don't push me!I can't handle all this pressure!别催我!我受不了所有这些压力!18.Don't rush to judgment.别急着下定论.A: He will never succeed!他这辈子都不会有出息!B: Don't rush to judgment.别急着下定论.19.Don't waste your breath.不必费力气了.A: I have a bone to pick with you.我有笔帐要跟你算.B: Don't waste your breath.不必费力气了.20.Easy does it.轻一点/慢慢来.A: Help me out of bed, honey.亲爱的, 扶我起床.B: Easy does it.慢慢来.The doctor said you should take it easy for at least a week.医生说你应该放松休息 至少一个星期.Tuesday 21.Feel free to ask me questions.欢迎大家提问题.A: Well, that's the end of my report.我的报告作完了.Feel free to ask me questions.欢迎大家提问题.B: I have a question.Where do your statistics come from? 我有个问题.你的统计数字是从哪里 来的? 22.Get out of here.少来, 走开.A: You are the best singer I've ever seen!你是我见过的最好的歌 手!B: Get out of here.少来, 走开.23.Give it to me straight.有话就直说吧.A: I'm sorry I don't have good news for you.很抱歉, 我有坏消息告诉你.B:Give it to me straight, Doctor.有话就直说吧, 医生.A: Your son will have to lose his left leg.你儿子的左腿保不住了.B: Oh, my God!噢, 天啊!24.Good job!干得好!A: I won first prize in the ping pong competition.我获得了乒乓球比赛的 第一名.B: Good job!I knew you could do it!干得好!我就知道你做得到的.25.How come? 怎么会这样?/为什么 ? A: I didn't get your mail.我没有收到你的邮件.B: How come? 怎么会这样? 26.How did you get through it? 你是怎么熬过来的? A: Both my parents died of AIDS.我的双亲都死于爱滋病.B: That must have been very traumatic.那一定非常痛苦.How did you get through it? 你是怎么熬过来的? 27.I'm a newcomer here myself.我也是新来的.A: Can you tell me the way to the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里? B: Sorry, I'm a newcomer here myself.对不起, 我也是新来的.28.I'm flattered.过奖了.A: You are the best.你是最棒的!B: I'm flattered.过奖了.29.I'm going nuts.我快疯了.A: I'm going nuts.我快疯了.I just can't take this on-the-go lifestyle anymore.我再也不能忍受这样忙 碌的生活方式了.You should take a little rest.你应该休息一会儿.30.I'm with you.我同意你的看法.A: I say, everyone deserves a good education!我是说, 每个人都应该受到良好 的教育.B: I'm with you.我同意你的看法.31.My leg has fallen asleep.我的脚麻了.A: Damn!My leg has fallen asleep.见鬼!我的脚麻了.B: Here, let me help you.来, 让我来帮你.32.I can't get over it.我想不通./我不相信.A: I can't get over it.B: Me neither.It just doesn't make sense.33.I can't help it.我忍不住啊.A: Stop hiccupping!别再打嗝了!B: I can't help it.我忍不住啊.34.I could hardly wait.我简直等不及了.I bet you were eager to get out of here, huh? 你一定渴望离开这里, 是吧? I could hardly wait.我简直等不及了.35.I couldn't care less.我才不在乎呢.James called for you three times while you were out.你出去的时候詹姆斯找 了你三次.I couldn't care less.我才不在乎呢.36.I don't argue that.我同意 He's a liar and a cheat.他是个大话精, 是个大骗子.I don't argue that.我同意.37.I forgot.我忘了.Did you tell Ally? 你告诉爱丽了吗? Oh, I forgot.我忘了.38.I give you my word.我保证.A: I will be there on time.I give you my word.我会准时到的, 我保证.B: I'm afraid your word isn't worth much.恐怕你的话不值得相信.39.I've heard so much about you.久仰大名.A: Hi, I am Bill Gates.你好, 我是比尔盖茨.B: I've heard so much about you.久仰大名.40.I have to run.我得赶时间.A: Lisa, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to run.莉萨, 不是我没礼貌, 不过我真的得赶时间.B: Oh, I'm sorry I've kept you.噢, 真抱歉把你耽搁了.Wednesday 41.I know exactly how you feel.我完全明白你的感受.A: I've never been so upset.我从来没这么生气过.I know exactly how you feel.我完全明白你的感受.42.I'm all ears.洗耳恭听.A: Give me a minute, will you? 给我一分钟的时间, 好吗? B: OK.What do you want to tell me? 好吧, 你有什么要说的? 我洗耳恭听.43.I'm fed up with you.我受够你了./我烦透 你了.A: I promise to get you the money by next week.我发誓下周之前还你钱.B: I'm fed up with you.You told me the same thing last week!我受够你了.你上周就是这样跟我说 的.44.I'm running late.我快迟到了.A: Good morning, dear.Aren't you going to have some breakfast? 早上好, 亲爱的.你不吃点早餐吗? B: Sorry, sweetheart, I'm running late.对不起, 亲爱的, 我快迟到了, I've got to catch the bus.我还得赶公交车.45.I smell a rat.我觉得有点不对劲.A: I smell a rat.What did you do to my computer? 我觉得有点不对劲, 你在我电脑上搞了什么 名堂? B: Nothing!I swear to god!It wasn't me!没什么!我对天发誓!不是我!46.I told you!我早跟你说了!A: My date with Patrick was awful.我和帕特里克的约会糟 透了.B: I told you!He is not your type.我早跟你说了, 他不适合你.47.I will sleep on it.我会考虑考虑.A: What do you say? 你怎么看? B: I will sleep on it and give you my answer tomorrow.我会考虑考虑, 明天再答复你.48.I won't be long.我马上就好.A: Go on.I won't be long and I'll catch up with you at the gate.你先走, 我马上就好, 我会在门口赶上你.B: Alright, but hurry.好吧, 不过要快点.49.I'll get back to you.我会再和你联络.A: Did you find the answer to my question? 我的问题你找到答案了 没有? B: Not yet.I should know in a couple of days.When I do, 还没有.不过一,两天内应该会 知道, I'll get back to you.到时候我会再和你联络 的.50.I'm not done.还没完呢.A: Have you finished your research paper? 你的论文写完了吗? B: No, I'm not done.没有, 还没完成.There are a couple more books I want to read.我还想再读几本书.51.It doesn't work.坏了/不管用.A: What is wrong with the scanner? 扫描仪怎么了? B: It doesn't work.坏了.52.It has been a long day.今天真的很累.A: Will you come a long? 你要和我们一起去吗? B: Sorry, I'd better stay here.It has been a long day.不好意思, 我最好还是呆在这里.今天真的很累.53.It's a slap in the face.这太耻辱了!A: I can't accept your offer.It's a slap in the face.我不能接受你的施舍.这太耻辱了!B: Take it or leave it.It doesn't matter to me.要不要随你.我无所谓.54.It's better than nothing.总比没有好.A: Do you think we should accept it? 你认为我们应该接受吗 ? B: It's better than nothing.总比没有好.55.It's not my fault.这不是我错.A: You left my book in the library? 你把我的书落在图书馆 了.B: It is not my fault!这可不是我的错!56.Just between you and me.A: Just between you and me, he's not really sick.不要告诉别人, 他其实没有生病.B: I knew it all along!我早就知道了.57.It is part of my job.这是我的份内事.A: You'll take it for me? That's very kind of you.你会帮我拿吗? 你真是太好了.B: It is part of my job.这是我的份内事.58.That's the last thing I want to see.这是我最不想见到的.A: You want me to starve to death? 你想我饿死吗? B: That's the last thing I want to see!这绝不是我所希望看到 的!59.It's a date.就这么说定了.A: I have two tickets to the Twins' concert tomorrow night.我有两张明晚 Twins 的 演唱会入场券, Do you want to go with me? 你想和我一块去吗? B: Sure.It's a date.当然, 就这么说定了.60.It's a deal.就这么决定.A: I'll teach you Chinese if you teach me English.如果你教我英语, 我就教你中文.B: OK, it's a deal.好哇, 就这么决定.Thursday 61.It matters to me!这对我很重要!A: I don't think we should spend so much time discussing it.我觉得我们不应该花太 多时间来讨论这个东西.B: But it matters to me!可是这对我很重要.62.It really hit me.这对我打击很大.A: You've been working a lot harder since the boss chewed you out.自从老板训斥你之后, 你做工作比以前努力多 了.B: It really hit me.If I lose this job I have nothing.这对我打击很大, 如果我失去这份工作我 就什么都没有了.63.It would cost me my life.这会毁了我的一生.A: Just have a try.Nobody will know.你就试一下吧, 没有人会知道的.B: No way.It would cost me my life.不行, 这会毁了我的一生.64.Just in case.以防万一.A: Mommy, I don't need the umbrella.妈妈, 我不需要雨伞.B: Take it with you.Just in case.拿着, 以防万一.65.Just put yourself together.别慌./保持冷静.A: But the baby is locked inside!What should I do? 但宝宝被锁在里面了!我该怎么办? B: Just pull yourself together.Kitty may have the key.别慌, 基蒂可能有钥匙.66.Keep that in mind.记往了./牢记./别忘 了.A: He told me that he's not a bad man.他跟我说他不是坏人.B: Bad men will never say they are.Keep that in mind.坏人从来不说他们是坏 人.记住了.67.Leave me alone.别烦我.A: Don't you love me anymore? You know I...你不再爱我了吗? 你知道我…… B: Leave me alone, please!别烦我, 拜托 68.Let me get this straight.让我弄清楚!A: I just took all my sayings and bought a Honda 500.我刚把所有的积蓄拿去 买了一部本田 500.B: Let me get this straight.You just spent all the money 什么!你是说, 你就这么把存下来 you were saying for college on a motorcycle instead? 上大学的钱全拿去买了 一部摩托车? 69.Let me give you a lift.让我送你一程吧.A: I've got to get downtown.我得进城一道.B: I'm heading that way.Let me give you a lift.我正往那头走, 让我送你一程吧.70.Let's get down to business.我们转入正题吧.A: Shall we start our meeting? 我们可以开始开会了吗 ? B: Yes, let's get down to business.好的, 我们转入正题吧.71.Name the time and place.你说个时间和地点吧.A: Hello, Lisa.This is David.喂, 莉萨, 我是大卫.I've got something to talk to you about.Could we get together? 我有事要和你谈谈, 可不可以出来见个面? B: Sure.Name the time and place.当然可以, 你说个时间和地点吧.72.None of your business.少管闲事.A: Did David hit you just now? 大卫刚才打了你吗? B: None of your business.少管闲事.73.Now you are talking.你终于说对了(说了中 听的话).A: But she did say you were a good husband.不过她确实说过你是个 好丈夫.B: Now you are talking.这还差不多.74.over my dead body!休想!/除非我死了!A: I think I want to marry Michael, Mother.妈妈, 我想嫁给迈克尔.B: Over my dead body!He is 20 years older than you.你休想!他比你大 20 岁.75.Pretty awesome!太棒了!A: Check out my new stereo.看看我新买的立体音响.B: Pretty awesome.太棒了 76.sensational!太棒了!/太刺激了!/广耸人听闻!/轰动 一时!A: Take a look at the picture.看看这幅画.B: Sensational.太棒了!77.Sounds a bit crazy.听起来有点疯狂.A: Lucy invested all her money into the business? 露西把所有钱都投进这 桩生意中去了吗? B: Sounds a bit crazy, but it is true.听起来有点疯狂, 但确实是这样.78.Stay out of it.别插手./不关你的事.A: You aren't going back to the library, are you? 你不会要回图书馆吧? B: Stay out of it.This is between me and the librarians.别插手.这是我和那些图书管理 员之间的事.79.Stop beating around the bush.不要再拐弯抹角了.A: You know that one cannot be lucky all his life.你知道, 一个人不可能一辈子走 运.B: Stop beating around the bush.Tell me the truth.不要再拐弯抹角了, 把真相告诉我.80.Take control of your life.掌握自己的命运.A: This is probably for the best, you know, independence, 要知道, 这样也许是最好的, 独立生活, taking control of your life.掌握自己的命运.Are you sure you can handle it? 你们你确信你能应付吗 ? Friday 81.Take it or leave it.要不要随你.A: The price is not good.价钱不太合理啊.B: Take it or leave it.要不要随你.82.That never enters my mind.我从来没有想过这个.A: You aren't worried about the danger? 你不担心危险吗? B: That never enters my mind.我从来没有想过这个, 83.That's sweet of you.谢谢你的好意./你真 是太好了.A: Hey, Mom, I bought you a present.嗨, 妈妈, 我给你买了一件礼物.B: Oh, my favorite perfume!That's sweet of you, dear.噢, 我最喜欢的香水!谢谢你的好意, 孩子.84.That's the way it goes.事情总是这样的.A: Peter borrowed a book from me, 彼得向我借了一本书, and he still hasn't returned it.到现在还没有还.B: That's the way it goes.事情总是这样的.That's why I never lend out anything I care about.这也就是我从来不把自 己心爱的东西借给别人 的原因.85.That was a close call!好险啊!A: That was a close call!好险啊!B: You shouldn't drive so fast.你不该开那么快.Next time you may not be so lucky.下次你可能就没这么幸 运了.86.The party's over.休息时间结束了.A: Sales are really down this month.本月的销售量下降了很 多!B: Yeah, the party's over.We've really got to get moving.是啊, 悠闲时间过了.我们真得好好加油了.87.They bought everything.他们全都信以为真.A: Did they believe you? 他们相信你说的话吗? B: They bought everything.他们全都信以为真.88.This is not over.这还没完呢.A: I have to go.But this is not over.我得走了, 但这还没完呢.I will talk with you when I get back.我回来再和你谈.B: OK.Fine with me.好吧.我没问题.I'll be here to discuss the matter with you further.我会呆在这里和你进一 步讨论这件事.89.Up to you.随你.A: When should I come? 我该什么时候来呢? B: Up to you.随你.90.We're almost there.很快就到了.A: I'm tired of walking.我走累了, Maybe we should take a cab the rest of the way.也许剩下的路我们该搭 出租车.B: There's no need;We're almost there.没必要, 很快就要到了.91.You are not kidding.可不是嘛.A: That movie drives me crazy.那电影让我快疯掉了.B: You are not kidding.可不是嘛.92.You don't owe me any explanation.你不需要我解释.A: Can you give me a chance to explain it? 可否给我一个机会解释 一下? B: You don't owe me any explanation.你不需要跟我解释.93.You've gone too far.你太过分了.A: You've gone too far.I don't want to see you again.你太过分了.我再也不想见到你了.B: I'm sorry.对不起.94.You made my day.你真让我开心.A: Here, I brought some beer.B: Boy, am I glad to see you!You made my day.好家伙, 见到你可真高兴!你真让我开心.95.You set this up? 是你安排好的吗? A: Why is he here? You set this up? 为什么他在这里? 是你安排好的吗? B: You two need to work out our differences.你们俩应该解决你们的 分歧.96.You screwed it up.你把事情弄得一团糟.A: You screwed it up and they plan to fire you.你把事情弄得一团糟, 他们要解雇你.B: Damn!I knew I should have been more careful.见鬼!我知道我应该更细心一 点.97.You wish.你想得倒挺美.A: I am just as good as David.我和大卫一样棒.B: You wish.你想得倒挺美.98.You got it.你说对了.A: I was so nervous about the test 我好紧张这次考试, I didn't sleep at all last night.昨晚整夜没睡着.B: I bet you were in terrible condition to take it.我敢说你考试的时候状 态很糟.A: You got it.I think I flunked.你说对了, 我想我这次不及格了.99.You'll get it soon.很快你就会了.A: I wish I could dance half as well as you.但愿我跳舞能跳得有你 一半好就好了.B: Don't worry.You'll get it soon.不用担心, 很快你就会了.100.You're on the right track.你想的/做的没错.A: Do you think I'll succeed? 你认为我会成功吗? B: Yes, you're on me right track.是的, 你做得不错.第三节 发音 1.early 2.first 3.thirsty 4.perfect 5.nervous 6.super 7.bother 8.perhaps 9.surprise 10.pleasure 十大精彩例句 1.I am eager to travel around the world.我渴望环游世界.2.The harder you work, the sooner you will succeed.你工作越努力, 你就会越快成功!3.The Andersons go to church every Saturday.安德逊一家每个星期六 都去教堂做礼拜.4.I've never heard anything worse than this.我从来没听说过比这更 糟的事.5.My brother is never nevous in front of girls.我哥哥在女孩子面前从 不紧张.6.Mere exposure to English doesn't work;蜻蜓点水般的接触英文 是没有用的;you have to blurt out a large number of useful sentences.你得脱口而出大量的实 用句子.7.You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.如果你不记得她的生日 , 她会很伤心.8.Poor Edward has to do his homework after dinner, 可怜的爱德华不得不在 晚饭后做家庭作业, because he dare not go against his mother's orders.因为他不敢违抗母亲的 命令.9.The girls learned world history in their first and third 女孩子们在大学的第一 和第三 terms at the university.学期学习世界历史.10.Her younger brother is a writer, 她弟弟是个作家, and her elder sister is a doctor.而她姐姐是个医生.Jim's Favorite Sentence I prefer going to bed early, 我宁愿早点睡觉, so I can get up early and do my exercises.这样我可以早起锻炼身 体.A: Is something burning? 什么东西烧焦了? B: Oh, my crackers!哦, 是我的饼干!A: Mm, I love burnt crackers.嗨, 我就爱吃烤焦的饼干.B: Curse this oven!Curse it!这讨厌的烤箱!真是可恨!A: But I prefer burnt crackers.但我更喜欢吃烤焦的饼 干.B: It's the worst oven in the world.这烤箱真是全世界最差 的.A: Wonderful!A perfect cracker!太棒了!这饼干正合我意.B: There are thirty of them.Oh, have another.一共烤了 30 个.给, 再来一个.available 1.I am available tomorrow to see you.我明天有时间, 可以见你.2.If I'm not available when you phone, ask for my brother.你打电话来时如果我不 在, 可以叫我哥哥代接.3.Your secretary is really pretty.Is she available? 你的秘书很漂亮.她有男朋友吗? 4.Sorry, this is the only room available.不好意思, 只剩下这个房间了.5.I'm afraid that dress is no longer available, Madam.女士, 对不起, 那条裙子已经卖完了 6.I'm sorry, sir.Those shoes are not available in you size.对不起, 先生.这双鞋没有你要的尺码.7.Is the new magazine available yet? 最新的杂志到了吗? 8.Please inform me when the disc is available.这张碟有货时请通知我.9.Do you have any tickets available 请问 9 点 40 分飞往上海 的航班 for the 9:40 fight to Shanghai? 还有票吗? 10.Do you know if there are any apartments available 你知道这一带还能找到 in this area? 出租公寓吗? 11.Do you have a job available for me? 请问你们有没有空缺的 职位? 12.This information is easily available to 这些资料很容易 everyone at the local library.在本地的图书馆找到.13.Details of the competition are available from our head office.比赛的详细说明可以从 我们的总办事处那里得 到.14.We want to make our products available to a wider market.我们想使我们的产品拥 有更为广阔的市场.15.The president is not available for comment.总统无暇做出评论.1.suitable 适当的;相配的 1)You should wear clothes suitable for the occasion.你应该穿适合这种场合 的服装.2)That kind of language isn't suitable for the classroom!那样的语言不适合在课 堂上说.2.reasonable 合理的;有道理的 1)The price of the coat was very reasonable, so I bought it.这件外衣的价钱很公道 ,所以就买了.2)Come on.Be reasonable!拜托, 讲点道理!3.comfortable 舒适的 1)Please make yourself comfortable.别客气.2)Be sure to wear comfortable shoes.一定要穿舒服的鞋, You will be doing a lot of walking.你要走很远的路.4.valuable 贵重的;有价值的 Thank you for your valuable advice.谢谢你的宝贵建议.2)You're a valuable asset company.你是我们公司的宝贵人 才.5.enjoyable 愉快的;快乐的 1)We had an enjoyable day at the beach.我们在海滩度过了愉快 的一天.2)Personally, I don't find opera music that enjoyable.就我个人而言, 我觉得戏曲不好听.6.changeable 可变的;易变的 1)The weather in my hometown is very changeable in the springtime.在我的家乡, 春季的天气往往多变.2)Her moods are extremely changeable.她的心情变化无常.You never know if she will be happy or sad.你永远不可能知道她会 高兴还是悲伤.7.acceptable 可接受的;合意的 1)Wearing a shirt without a tie 在这里, 赴宴时 is acceptable dress for dinner her.可以穿衬衣不系领带.2)There is more than one acceptable answer to my question.我的问题不止一个标准 答案.8.predictable 可预言的 1)His failure on the college entrance examinations was 他高考失败是预料中的 事, predictable because he was too lazy.因为他太懒了.2)Some people become bored when a relationship 一些人在关系渐渐明确 后 becomes predictable.就觉得无趣了.9.accountable 应负责的;有责任的 1)He is accountable for the missing money.丢了钱, 他负有责任.2)I'm going to hold you accountable for all you promises!我要你为你所有的承诺 负责.10.unforgettable 忘不了的;令人难忘的 We had an unforgettable vacation.It was wonderful.我们度过了一个难忘的 假期.真是太棒了!I'm sure your trip to the Great Wall will be unforgettable!我相信你去长城的旅行 将非常难忘.Amy's life story Amy was born in Guangdong.She grew up in a small village.艾米出生在广东省, 她长在一个小村庄里.She began school when she six years old.她 6 岁开始上学.She went to elementary school, but she didn't go to high school.她上完了小学, 但她没有上中学.Her family was very poor, 她家里很穷, and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old.她 13 岁就不得不出去打 工.She worked on an assembly line in a shoe factory.她在一家鞋厂的组装生 产线上工作.When Amy was seventeen years old, 当艾米 17 岁的时候, her family moved to the United States.她家搬到美国.First they lived in Los Angeles, 起初他们住在洛杉矶, and then they moved to San Francisco.后来他们又搬到了旧金 山.When Amy arrive in the United States, she wasn't very happy.艾米刚到美国的时候, 她很不开心.She missed her friends back in Guangdong, 她想念她在广东的朋友 , and she didn't speak one word of English.而且她一句英语也不会 说.She began to study English at night, 她开始在晚上学英语, and she worked in a factory during the day.白天在工厂里上班.Amy studied very hard, and now she speaks English well.艾米学习很努力, 现在她英语说得非常好.She's still studying at night, but now she's studying typing.她还坚持在晚上学习, 但现在她是学打字, She wants to be a secretary.她想成为一名秘书.Amy still misses her friends back home.艾米还是很想念她在家 乡的朋友, But she's very happy now, 但她现在非常开心.and she's looking forward to her future in her new country.她正期待着她在这个新 的国家的未来.Wu Urges Maintenance of Peace 吴邦国极力主张维护亚 洲和平China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国, 昨天 called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府 to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇, 缔造亚洲普遍, 持久的 peace and development in the region.和平, 谋求共同发展.“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia ”当前, 维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流, and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,“ 和发展经济作为首要任 务.” he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届 Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说.“China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定.he told the meeting.”We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作, and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起, 将相互的交流 and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平, 携手营造 peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.“ 和平, 合作, 合谐和亚洲地区环境.” China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国, 昨天 called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府 to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇, 缔造亚洲普遍, 持久的 peace and development in the region.和平, 谋求共同发展.China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday 中国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国, 昨天 called on all parliaments and governments in Asia 呼吁亚洲各议会和政府 to firmly seize opportunities to achieve universal and lasting 牢牢把握机遇, 缔造亚洲普遍, 持久的 peace and development in the region.和平, 谋求共同发展.“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia ”当前, 维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流, and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,“ 和发展经济作为首要任 务.” he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届 Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说.“The maintenance of peace is the main trend in Asia ”当前, 维护和平是亚洲形势的 主流, and almost all countries are committed to economic recovery 我们绝大多数国家都把 恢复 and development as their priority,“ 和发展经济作为首要任 务.” he said during the opening ceremony of the fourth General 吴邦国在第四届 Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace(AAPP).亚洲议会和平协会(AAP P)执行理事会开幕仪式 上如是说.“China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定.he told the meeting.”We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作, and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起, 将相互的交流 and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平, 携手营造 peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.“ 和平, 合作, 合谐和亚洲地区环境.” “China cannot develop without peace and stability in Asia,” 他在会上说道: “中国的发展离不开亚 洲的和平与稳定.he told the meeting.”We will intensify regional cooperation 我们将加强区域合作, and work closely with our neighbors to bring mutual exchanges 与周边国家一起, 将相互的交流 and co-operation to a new high to create an environment of 与合作推向新水平, 携手营造 peace, cooperation and harmony in Asia.“ 和平, 合作, 合谐和亚洲地区环境.” 1.legislator 2.parliament 3.maintenance 4.be committed to sth.5.priority 6.stability 7.intensify 8.mutual 9.harmony I've Been Overworking Myself 我近来劳累过度 Jim: Hi, Li.What's up? 嗨, 小李, 你怎么了? You're looking a little under the weather.你看上去好像不舒服.Are you taking care of yourself? 你没照顾好自己吗? I've just been overworking myself, 由于考试和其他所有的 事, what with all my exams and everything.我近来劳累过度: I just finished my history exam and I screwed up.我刚刚考完历史, 我考得糟透了.I tried as hard as I could to think of the answers, 我尽可能地思考答案, but I kept drawing a blank.但我脑子里一片空白.Well, not to mention that I'm not getting enough sleep 哎, 而且我睡眠不足, and I think I'm coming down with something.我想我生病了.Jim: You're a wreck;you'd better get some rest.你很憔悴, 你最好休息一下.Why don't you catch some Z's this weekend? 为什么不在这个周末补 一补觉呢? You know, the New Year is almost here 你看, 新年就快到了, and you don't want to be sick for the holiday!你不想在假期里生病吧.That's a good idea.I'm running a temperature, actually, and I've got a sore throat.I feel rotten.觉得很虚弱.I'm going to take your advice and get some R&R this weekend.我会听取你的建议, 这个周末休息放松一下.What about you, Jim? How are you feeling? 你呢, 吉姆? 你感觉怎么样? You look like you're in good shape.What's your secret? 你看上去身体很好.你有什么秘诀? You always seem to be in top condition.你总是显得精神奕奕.Jim: I take care of myself and lead a balanced life.我照顾好自己并保持均 衡的生活.I don't take as many courses as you do.我不像你上那么多课.I'm on the football team.I have a healthy diet, 我参加了足球队, 我保持健康的饮食, and I get enough sleep.保持充足的睡眠.Honestly, taking care of myself is my number one priority.说实话, 照顾好自己是我的头等 大事, I can't see any reason to work myself so hard!我觉得没有必要让自己 学得那么辛苦.Li: Well, as soon as I get better, 嗯, 等我身体好起来, I'm going to start doing some exercises every day.我就开始每天锻炼.I'm sure physical exercise does wonders for a person's health.我相信锻炼身体对一个 人的健康非常有益.Jim: I'd like to take you to the city gym once you feel better.你好起来后我就带你去 市体育馆.That's an ideal place for us to work out.那是我们锻炼身体的理 想场所.It has some state-of-the-art exercise equipment.那里有一些最先进的健 身器材.Li: Good idea!Thanks, Jim.好主意!谢谢你, 吉姆.I'll give you a call next week.我下个星期给你打电话.But now I am going straight home and going to sleep!现在我要直接回家去睡 觉.Jim: OK, take care.I'll be waiting to hear from you!好的, 保重.我等你的消息.My name is Jessie.I am a graduate of Nanjing University.我叫杰西, 毕业于南京大学, I majored in English Literature.As an English major, 主修英语文学.作为英语专业的学生, I had ample opportunity to practice and master spoken English.我有很多机会去练习并 掌握英语口语.I love this language and hope to find a job in which 我很喜欢这门语言, 并希望可以找到一份 I can put my English to good use.能充分运用英语的工作.Also, I've studied economics and business administration.同时, 我也修过经济及企业管 理的课程.I am confident and I feel I can contribute many ideas to 我很有信心, 我认为我能为贵公司贡 献很多想法, your company.I have experience from a previous internship 我以前在一家外企实习过, with a foreign company, where I gained valuable insight 在那儿我获得了一些宝 贵的经验 and work-related skills that would benefit you.和工作技巧, 相信会对贵公司有所贡 献.I have firsthand knowledge about the inner workings of 我对贸易公司的内部工 作方式 a trade company, and I think it would be a great asset 有直接的了解, 我认为我将成为贵公司 to you and your staff.有用的人才.I really would enjoy working with you here, 我将非常乐意为贵公司 工作, and hope you consider me for the position.希望您能为我提供这个 职位.Sunbathing 太阳浴 Sarah spent almost all of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of her hotel.She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way 但第二天, 她认为在那么高的地方 , 谁也看不见她, up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.于是全身脱光, 想把全身晒成棕褐色.She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs.她刚刚开始晒时, 就听到有人跑上楼来.She was lying on her stomach, 因为她是俯卧着的, so she pulled a towel over her rear.“Excuse me, miss,” 所以她扯了条毛巾盖住 臂部.“对不起, 小姐, ” said the flustered assistant manager of the hotel, 酒店副经理跑上楼后气 喘吁吁, out of breath from running up the stairs.慌张地说道.“The Hilton doesn't mind your sunbathing on the roof, ”希尔顿酒店不会介意 您在屋顶上晒太阳浴, but we would very much appreciate your wearing a bathing suit 但是我们非常乐意您像 昨天那样 as you did yesterday.“ 穿着游泳衣晒.” “What difference does it make?” Sarah asked rather calmly.“那有什么区别呢?” 莎拉镇定地问道, “No one can see me up here, and besides, ”我在楼顶上, 没有人能看得见, 而且, I'm covered with a towel.“ 我还盖着条毛巾.” “Not exactly,” said the embarrassed man.“不是的, ”那位尴尬 的男人说道, “You're lying on the dining room skylight.” “你正躺在餐厅的玻璃 顶上.” Chinese Dumplings Jiaozi(Chinese Dumplings)are a traditional Chinese food, 饺子是中国的传统食品 , which is essential during the holidays in Northern China.在中国北方, 过年过节总少不了饺子.Chinese dumplings have become one of the most widely loved 饺子成为大多数中国人 种爱的食品 foods in China for many reasons.Here are just a few of them.是有很多原因的, 下面我们给大家讲一讲.Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods 饺子是中国人过春节时 during the Chinese New Year.Since the shape of Chinese 最重要的食品之一.因为饺子的形状 dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingot, 很像中国古代的金锭和 银锭, they symbolize wealth.Traditionally, family members 所以饺子象征着财富.按照传统, 除夕那天, get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve.全家人都要聚在一起包 饺子.They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings.他们会在其中一个饺子 中藏一个硬币, The person who finds the coin is said to have good fortune 据说吃到那个硬币的人 在新的一年里会有好运.in the New Year.Chinese dumplings are also popular 饺子在其它中国传统节 日中 during other Chinese holidays or festivals, 也很受欢迎, so they are deftnitely a part of Chinese culture and tradition.所以它无疑是中国文化 和传统的一部分.Making dumplings really takes teamwork.包饺子需要团体协作.Usually all family members will join in the work.通常所有家庭成员都参 与其中.I started to make dumplings when I was just a kid in my family.我从小在家里开始学包 饺子, This is when most Chinese learn how to make dumplings 大多数中国人都是在小 时候就学包饺子, and why almost every Chinese person knows how!所以几乎每个中国人都 会.I am very good at making dumplings, particularly making skins, 我很会包饺子, 尤其是做饺子皮, which is the hardest part of making tasty and light dumplings.要知道, 做饺子皮是包出精巧美 味的饺子最难的一个环 节.Chinese dumplings are often the food eaten before sending off 我们送别朋友或家人时 , friends or family members away on a trip.通常都会吃饺子.I guess this is another tradition and another reason 我想这是另一个传统, why dumplings are such a big part of Chinese culture!也是饺子成为中国文化 中重要部分的另一个原 因.1.above 在……之上;超出……之外 1)You can always hear her voice above everyone else's.你总是能听见她的声音 比别人大.2)Fixing computers is above my head!修电脑我可干不了!2.across 在……对面;横过;越过 1)Would you like me to help you across the street? 我来扶您过马路, 好吗? 2)It's amazing that he can swim across the Yangtze River.他能游过长江, 真是太令人惊讶了.3.against 相反;反对;靠着 1)Are most people for or against the decision? 大多数人是支持还是反 对这个决定? 2)Don't lean against the wall.The paint isn't dry yet.不要靠着墙, 油漆还没干.4.besides 除……外 1)He has few friends besides us.除我们之外他没有什么 朋友.2)Will there be anyone else we know at the party 这个聚会上, 除了吉姆和金姆之外, besides Jim and Kim? 还有其他我们认识的人 吗? 5.behind 在……后面;落后于;支持 1)There must be something behind it.其中必有隐情.2)We are three points behind the other team.我们比另一个队落后 3 分.3)Don't be afraid.We're all behind you!不用怕, 我们大家都支持你.6.beyond 在……那一边;超过;为……所不能及 1)The lights witch is beyond my reach.我够不着电灯的开关 c 2)Understanding this article is beyond my capacity.我看不懂这篇文章.7.except 除了……之外 1)Everyone was invited to the party except me.除了我以外, 所有人都被邀请去参加 聚会了.2)We're open every day except Sunday.除了星期天, 我们每天都营业.8.opposite 在……对面 1)The guy sitting opposite me looked very familiar.坐在我对面的那个人看 上去很面熟.2)It's easy to find-there's a supermarket just opposite my house.很容易找到--我家对面 有一家超市.9.toward 朝……方向;对于;为了 1)We have made some progress toward(s)reaching an agreement.我们在达成协议方面已 取得了一些进展.2)The local people are always very friendly toward(s)tourists.当地人对游客一向非常 热情.10.without 没有;不 1)I can't do it without your help.没有你的帮助, 我做不了这件事: 2)He solved the math problem for me without any difficulty.他毫不费劲地帮我解开 了这道数学题.Fears over SARS is(are)also having a huge impact on economies 人们对 SARS 的恐惧也给 世界各地的经济带来极 大冲击, around the world, especially in Asia.尤其是亚洲.The World Health Organization says that Thailand has seen 世界卫生组织称泰国只 发现 only seven cases of SARS, with no new cases in weeks.7 个 SARS 病例, 而且几星期以来没有新 的病例出现.But as Tom Mintier reports, the country's tourism industry 但据 CNN 记者汤姆明 蒂报道, 泰国的旅游业却 is reeling.步履蹒跚.The beach chairs on Pataya shoreline may be empty 沿芭堤雅海岸线的海滩 长椅恐怕只能是空着了 , as tourists decide to travel elsewhere.因为游客们决定去别处 旅行.But at this travel fair in Bangkok there are plenty of 但在这次曼谷旅游展上 , 商家们却看到很多 interested potential customers.Domestic tourists in Thailand 兴致盎然的潜在顾客.国内的游客 are being offered deals like never before, 正享受前所未有的优惠 , as hotels in tourists' destinations seek to recover some of 因为旅游区的各大旅馆 正努力想要挽回 their losses.他们的一些损失.Er...since the effect from the SARS from the overseas tourists, 嗯……因为海外游客受 到 SARS 的影响, we put more concentrate on the domestic campaign at the moment.所以我们目前专注于国 内业务的经营.A concentration that could save tourists anywhere from 30-70 “专注”的结果是游客 们一次度假就能节省 30-70% percent on a vacation.的费用.I think it's more than the 60-65 percent.我们的降价幅度 We are going to be cut the price down 恐怕要超过 60%-65%, but this is for the Thai and for the domestic only.不过我们这些业务只向 泰国人或境内的游客开 放.We don't do like this in the past.我们过去可没有这样做 过.At any other time, the discounts would be a sign of a thriving 在其他任何时期, 打折都意味着生意很兴 旺, industry, but not these days.The crowds are an indicator of 但目前却不是如此.这里的人头攒动恰恰意 味着 the devastating effect that SARS has had on the tourism industry SARS 已经给泰国及其他 地方的旅游业 in Thailand and elsewhere.Last year, 带来破坏性的冲击.去年, six out of ten tourists to Thailand came from regional tourism.10 个到泰国的游客中有 6 个都来自于其它区域.Last month's arrivals to Thailand from the region plunged more 但是上个月, 区域旅游的入境游客人 数下降了 than 40 percent.Business is so bad that five-star resorts 40%以上.生意如此惨淡, and hotels who normally cater to international clients 以至于那些通常接待国 际客人的五星级度假村 和酒店 have been offering “Buy one, get one free” campaigns, 推出了“买一送一”的 促销活动, to fill the rooms and pay staff.以保证房间的入住率, 维持经营.I am going to be worried is...我担心…… very few of guests from the overseas countries to Thailand 没什么海外的旅客来泰 国, that I am going to be worried.., 这是我担心的…… and then it is going to be effect to the employment 这会影响就业 or the economy of the Thailand...和泰国的经济, because the tourism business is the main income of Thailand.因为旅游业务是泰国主 要的收入来源.So that if the SARS more continues, 所以如果 SARS 继续蔓延 , it is going to directly effect the Thailand.将直接影响到泰国经济.Economists are already worried.经济学家们已经在担心 了.The Bank of Thailand is reporting that tourists' arrivals 泰国银行报道说今年入 境的游客数量 will dip nearly 25 percent this year.将下降近25%.Resorts and hotels are already reporting occupancy rates of 各大旅游度假村和酒店 目前报告的入住率 just 15 or 20 percent.The impact of SARS fears is easy to see.也只是 15%或 20%.对 SARS 的恐慌所带来的 冲击随处可见, This bed and breakfast resort is now offering a room for 瞧, 这家提供住宿加早餐的 酒店提供的双人房间, two for just over 20 US dollars a night.每晚收费仅二十几美元.Tom Mintier, CNN-Bangkok.CNN 记者汤姆明蒂在 曼谷报道, I have flown in my time.我一直在乘飞机旅行.I have been indulged like crazy.我已经疯狂地沉溺其中.I've been in more Limousines than the president.我坐豪华轿车的次数比 总统还多, I've been on planes with bars!我曾坐过配有酒吧的飞 机!I've been in planes with foods and drinks like 我曾坐过向顾客提供超 级关味的食物和饮品的 you wouldn't imagine!飞机!I've been in planes with beds!我曾坐过配有床的飞机!But I've never done it all at once!但我从未一次全部享受 过!Until now!直到现在!Here's to being spoiled rotten.让我们为被宠坏而干杯!1.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.到了罗马, 照着罗马人做.=入乡 随俗.I'm learning to use chopsticks.我在学习用筷子.You know when in Rome, do as the Romans do.常言道, 入乡随俗嘛!2.All good things must come to an end.好事皆有结尾时.=天 下没有不散的宴席.This is the last day of our crazy English summer camp.今天是我们疯狂英语夏 令营的最后一天.All good things must come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席.We hope to see you next year.我们希望明年再见到你 们.3.What goes around comes around.出去的是什么, 回来的就是什么.=种 豆得豆, 种瓜得瓜.I worked overtime every week for one year.一年来, 我每个星期都加班.Today my boss gave me a promotion.今天老板给我升了职.What goes around comes around, I guess.我想, 这就是种豆得豆, 种瓜得瓜.4.Birds of a feather flock together.同一种羽毛的鸟聚集在 一起.=物以类聚, 人以群分.I really like singing and dancing with many of my friends.我非常喜欢和我那一大 群朋友唱歌跳舞.As they say, birds of a feather flock together.俗话说得好: 物以类聚, 人以群分.5.It's no use crying over spilt milk.牛奶已泼, 哭也没用=覆水难收.It is no use crying over spilt milk.俗话说: 覆水难收.You can't take back what you said to her.你不能收回对她说过的 话.I think she will eventually forgive you.我认为她最终会原谅你 的.6.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.不冒险, 无所得.=不入虎穴, 焉得虎子.I really want to open my own business.我很想自己创业.But my wife worries we'll lose money.但我妻子担心我们会亏 本.But I feel nothing ventured, nothing gained.但我觉得“不入虎穴, 焉得虎子”啊.7.Give him an inch and he will take a mile.给他一英寸, 他要一英里.=得寸进 尺.I loaned some money to my cousin last week.我上个星期借了些钱给 我表弟.He called me today to ask for more.他今天打电话来还要借 , The family knows, give him an inch and he will take a mile.家里人都知道, 他这个人得寸进尺.8.After praising the wine, they sell us vinegar.吆喝的是酒, 卖的是醋.=挂羊头卖 狗肉.That fellow said the car worked fine, 那个家伙说这辆车没问 题, but the motor went bad after one month.结果一个月后发动机就 坏了.After praising the wine, he sold us vinegar.真是桂羊头卖狗肉.9.Every potter praises his own pot.陶工都夸自己的瓦罐好.=王婆卖瓜, 自卖自夸.He said that his teacher considered his work brilliant, 他说他老师夸他的功课 很优秀, but I would rather hear it from his teacher's own mouth.但我更想亲耳听听他老 师怎么说.Every potter praises his own pot.Who's going to believe him? 王婆卖瓜, 自卖自夸.谁相信他呀? 10.Anger and haste hinder good counsel.愤怒和草率则会摈弃忠 言=怒摈忠言.You should calm down before you decide the next move.在你决定做下一步之前 , 先冷静一下.Anger and haste hinder good counsel.怒摈忠言啊.To announce the Beginning of a Meeting Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们, 先生们: I want to welcome you all here for the second annual meeting 欢迎大家来此参加第二 届销售人员年会.of our sales staff.I know you are all busy, 我知道大家都很忙, so I appreciate your making time in your schedules 所以非常感谢各位今天 在百忙中抽出时间来 to attend today.参加会议.There are 16 participants here today.今天有 16 位与会者, First, Mr.Tom Smith, our sales manager, 首先, 由我们的销售经理汤姆 史密斯先生 will make a few remarks.He will speak about 讲话.他要谈谈 the sales projections for the coming year 明年的销售计划, and the problems that some of us have had in the past year.以及过去一年里我们的 一些同事遇到的问题.After Mr, Smith's remarks, the meeting will be opened for 在史密斯先生讲话之后 , 会议将进入 comments and discussion from the rest of you.自由评论和讨论阶段.We hope that you will all eamestty take part in this meeting.我们希望大家都能热烈 地参与此会.You are all skilled and successful salesmen as shown by your 正如各位在销售领域的 业绩所显示, 你们都是技巧娴熟的成 功销售人员.records in the field.This company is growing by leaps 公司目前的业务正在迅 速增长.and bounds.The way to keep growing and to stay ahead of the 保持增长处于领先地位 的方法 competition is to openly and freely exchange our opinions 就是开放, 自由地交换我们的意见 and our successful techniques, and to speak about our failures.和成功的技巧, 还有谈谈我们的失败教 训.After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Chinese 会议结束后, 我们将在本宾馆的 restaurant of this hotel for dinner.中餐厅享用晚餐.Now, let's welcome Mr.Smith to the podium.现在, 让我们欢迎史密斯先生 上台讲话.Speech at a Graduation Ceremony 毕业典礼致辞 Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们, 先生们: It is always a pleasure for me to be present at graduation 能够参加毕业典礼, 我总是感到非常荣幸.ceremonies.I enjoy the chance to see so many students 我非常高兴有机会看到 这么多 eagerly anticipating the future.热切期待着未来的毕业 生.As a former student myself, I appreciate the long road you 作为一个曾经当过学士 的人, 当我回忆起长时间地苦 读, have taken to get to where you are today, 做研究和没完没了地写 论文的人, as I recall those long hours of reading, 我对你们在经历了漫长 的求学之路 conducting research and writing endless papers.而取得今天的成绩非常 地赞赏.It is indeed a moment of pride and a great relief-这确实是值得骄傲和倍 感轻松的时刻-for you to be rewarded after so much hard work and sacrifice.因为你们的努力和牺牲 将得到回报.I would even dare to say some of you hoping for a brief speech 我敢说你们当中的一些 人希望演讲简短一点, so we can get on with the awarding of your degrees!这样我们可以开始学位 投予仪式.In this regard, I promise not to disappoint you!在这点上, 我保证不会让你们失望.Some of you present today will perhaps pursue further studies 你们在座的各位, 有的可能会进一步深造 , while others will most probably try to find a suitable job, 而其他人多半会找一份 commensurates with your qualifications.与自己学历资格相称的 理想工作, I pray that you will all be successful in your endeavor.我祝你们都能如愿以偿.And on this, the day of your commencement, I extend my warmest 今天, 在你们的毕业典礼上, congratulations to you on your accomplishrnents so far.为你们目前所取得的成 就, 我向你们致以最热烈的 祝贺.May you all achieve your dreams.Thank you.祝大家能都实现自己的 梦想.谢谢.Stone: How about 10% the first six months, 前六个月九折, and the second six months at 5%, 后六个月改为九五折, with a guarantee of 2000 pieces? 保证订货 2000 件, 你意下如何? James:That's a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.这样我们要卖的货太多 , 而毛利又太低了.We're making next to nothing on this.我们这样谈下去是没有 结果的.I'm not sure I can go along with that.我想我不能同意这个条 件.Stone: It's about the best we can do, James.詹姆士, 我们没办法再让步了.We need to hammer something out today.今天说什么我们也要把 事情搞定.If I go back empty-handed, 如果我空手回去, I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job.大概很快就会来找你要 份工作了.James:OK, 12% the first six months, 8% for the second?!好吧!前六个月八八折, 后六个月九二折?!Stone: Good.That sounds like an offer I can live with.好吧, 这个提议我倒足勉强可 以接受.Let's iron out the remaining details.那么我们来解决剩下的 细节题, When do you want to take delivery? 您想要什么时候取货? We'd like you to execute the first order by the end of the month.我们希望贵公司能在月 底前履行第一笔订单.Let me run through this again: 我把约定再说一遍, the first shipment for 1000 pieces, 第一批货 1000 件, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.要在 27 天内, 也就是 31 号前运到.James: Right.We can't handle shipments any larger than that.对, 再多的货我们也没办法 一次处理.Tell you what.Let's make the first 1500, 这样吧, 第一批货运 500 件, the next 1500.The 31st is coming up soon下一批 1500 件;31 号就快到了, I don't know that we can swimming 1000.我不能保证能做 1000 件.I see no problem with that.Well, if there's nothing else, 这我没问题.那么, 如果弋有其他问题, I think we've settled everything.我想事情都解决了.James, this deal promises big returns for both sides.詹姆士, 这笔生意保证能让双方 都赚大钱, I like the way you do business.我喜欢你做生意的方式.James: It was a pleasure doing business with you too.和你做生意我也很愉快.Let's shake on the deal!让我们为这单生意握握 手吧.Dear Professor Cook, 尊敬的库克教授: I don't believe there are enough words to thank you for 再多的言辞也无法表达 我对您的感激之情.all you did for me during my two-week holiday in the U.S.万分感谢在美国度过的 两周假期中您为我所做 的一切.I will cherish your hospitality and friendship forever.我永远不会忘记您的盛 情和友谊.I hope I have an opportunity to be your host in the future.我希望将来有机会招待 您.I enjoyed your company as well as the many things you did for me.我非常喜欢您的陪伴以 及您为我做的许多事.I remember vividly the nice arrangements you made for me, 我清楚地记得您为我所 做的精心安排, especially the sightseeing in so many cities.特别是带我到许多城市 观光.I enjoyed staying with you and your lovely family.我非常喜欢和您以及您 可爱的家人呆在一起.The food was great as well.您的家宴真是妙不可言.I will never forget the wonderful banquet hosted by Dr.Jose.我永远也忘不了侯塞博 士为我举行的美妙的宴 会.The memories of that night will surely last a lifetime!那晚的回忆注定将永生 难忘!Nothing was more appreciated than visiting your university.最让我难忘的是能到贵 校参观访问.I was very impressed with the facilities4 and the quality of 贵校的设施, 工作质量都给我留下了 深刻的印象.work being done.The dedication of your faculty was heartwarming.教师们的奉献精神令人 感动.I hope this visit will promote more collaboration 我希望这次访问将推动 between Guangzhou University and Stanford.广州大学与斯坦福大学 之间的合作.I am personally very interested in this possibility and 我个人对合作的可能性 表示极大的关注, anticipate it being supported by your university.并期待着贵校给予支持.Once again, I want to express my gratitude for the wonderful 再一次对您在我访问期 间所给予的盛情款待 hospitality which was extended to me during my visit.表示谢意.Sincerely yours, Stone Lee 您诚挚的 李斯通 Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们, 先生们, if I could have your attention for a moment, please.请大家注意一下.We're arriving at the Ancient Culture Street now.我们现在来到了古文化 街, Please remove all valuables from the coach 请不要把贵重物品留在 车内, and watch your step when exiting.下车时留心脚下.Please stay with your assigned group.请大家走在自己的队伍 里.The street is very crowded and you can get lost easily, 这条街很拥挤, 很容易走丢, so don't wander off.Regarding photographs-所以请不要四处乱走.至于拍照的问题, these can only be taken at certain points in the street.这条街只有某些地方允 许拍照, So please watch the restrictions.所以请留意有关规定.The Ancient Culture Street was the oldest and busiest section 这条古文化街是这座城 市最古老, 最繁忙的地带.of the city.You could say that Tianjin developed from here.可以说天津就是从这儿 发展起来的.The whole street is 687 meters long 这条街全长 687 米, and covers an area of 22,000 square meters.占地 22000平方米.Along both sides, you can see more than 80 ancient buildings 在街的两旁, 可以看到 80 多座 which originated rom the Qing Dynasty.始建于清朝的古老建筑.The whole street was rebuilt in 1985.1985 年整条街进行了重 建.The street vendors tend to take advantage of tourists 如果你不讲价的话, if you don't bargain with them.这里的小商贩都想从旅 游者身上占点便宜.The right price is generally three fourths of the asking price.买东西时一般给开价的 四分之三就行了.I suggest that you offer half of the asking price 我建议你们先还一半的 价, and work your way up from there!再慢慢讲价.There are many traditional Chinese handicrafts on sale here.这里有很多传统的中国 手工艺品廉价出售.Probably the most famous is the so-called “four treasures of 可能最出名的要属”文 房四宝“了, a study”: the writing brush, ink stick, rice paper and ink slab.也就是笔, 墨, 纸, 砚.You will also find typical handicrafts of Tianjin, 还有天津特有的工艺品 , including colored clay figurines by master artist Zhang, 包括“泥人张” , kites by master artist Wei, “风争魏” , and New Year pictures and paper-cuts by Yang Liuqing artist.“杨柳青年画及剪纸”.Classic Reproaching Sentences 经典责备句子 1.Behave yourself!规矩点!2.Don't try any ticks!不要耍花招!3.You won't get away with it!你逃脱不了的.4.You should hedge your bets.你得给自己留条后路, 5.You are asking for the moon.你的要求太过分了.Reproaching Kids 责备孩子 1.You naughty boy!你这个调皮鬼!2.Come on, stop that!喂, 不行!3.You'll get a spanking if you do that.你要那么干, 看我不揍你一顿.4.How many times do I have to tell you? 我得告诉你多少次呢? 5.Why do you pick on your brother? 你为什么作弄你弟弟? 6.Now look what you've done!瞧你都干了些什么呀!7.There now!Didn't I tell you? 你看看!我没告诉过你吗? 8.It's not nice of you to tell a lie.说谎可不好.Reproaching Someone 责备他人 1.Don't butt in!别插嘴!2.Shame on you!真丢脸!3.What a shame for you to steal!偷东西, 多丢人!4.I felt so ashamed of you.我真为你感到羞耻.5.You ought to be ashamed of yourself!你应该为自己感到羞耻!6.How can you take upon yourself to behave so? 7.How can you do that to her? 你怎么能对她那样呢? 8.How could you be so rude? 你怎么能这么无礼呢? 9.How dare you speak to me like that!你竟敢这样和我说话!We would like to know your view on how we can bring about 台湾海峡两岸关系如何 能够进入良性的互动, a sound interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.我们想听听您的看法.In the past we have not heard much directly from you 在此之前我们一直没有 机会了解 on your perspective on the question of Taiwan, 您对两岸关系的看法, so your views would be appreciated.借这个机会想请您谈一 谈.Also, what will be the major items on the agenda of the 新一届政府成立以后, 在两岸关系上, new government concerning Taiwan? 有哪些将成为主要的议 程项目? Finally, what is your comment and what expectation 最后, 您个人在两岸关系上的 看法 do you have on the question of Taiwan? 和期望是什么? Through you, I would like to extend my best regards 我愿意通过记者女士向 台湾同胞 towards our Taiwan compatriots.表示亲切的问候.The achievement of peaceful reunification is the common 实现祖国的完全统一 aspiration of all Chinese people, 是包括台湾同胞在内的 including our Taiwan compatriots.全体中国人民的共同愿 望.The Chinese Government will continue to unswervingly 中国政府将坚定不移地 pursue the policy of peaceful reunification on the basis of 贯彻 “one country, two systems.” We will seek an early resumption “和平统一, 一国两制”的方针, of dialogue and negotiation between the two sides 在一个中国的原则基础 上, on the basis of one-China principle.尽早恢复两岸的对话和 谈判, We oppose Taiwan independence.反对“台独” , We will continue to support more economic and cultural exchanges 积极推进两岸经济, 文化的往来与交流, between the two sides.We want to bring about an early 推进两岸直接“三通” 的 achievement of the three direct links.早日实现, We hope to make bigger progress in the process toward 争取早日实现 peaceful reunification.和平统一.As premier of this large country with 1.3 billion people, 作为一个有 13 亿人口的 大国的总理, what I care most about is the stability and development 我最关心的是中国的稳 定和发展.of the country.And I know so well that the stability 我深知中国的稳定 and development of this country have not been easy to come by.和发展来之不易.The end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s 上世纪 80 年代末 90 年代 初, saw a highly volatile international situation.世界风云变幻, The Soviet Union disintegrated, 苏联解体, Eastern Europe changed dramatically, 东欧剧变, and political turbulence also occurred in China.在中国也发生了一场政 治**.The Party and the government relied firmly on the people, 党和政府紧紧依靠人民 , took resolute measures and stabilized the domestic situation.采取果断措施, 稳定了国内局势, And we also further advanced our reform, opening-up 并且继续推进改革开放 , and built socialism with Chinese characteristics.走中国特色社会主义道 路.The tremendous achievements we have scored over the past 13 13 年来, 中国所取得的巨大成就 说明, years have fully proved that stability is of vital importance.稳定是至关重要的.Top 1 chill/chill out 1)Let's just chill with some beers tonight.我们今晚喝点啤酒放松 放松吧.2)Chill out!Things are not that bad.冷静点!事情并没有那么糟.Top2 playa/player(名词)花花公子;暗中跟很多人约会的人.常用于男性.1)Michael is such a player;迈克尔真是个花花公子 , I saw him with Lisa today and Tracy yesterday.昨天还看到他跟特蕾西 在一起, 今天就跟莉萨搭上了.2)I can't believe you would go on a date with that playa!我真不敢相信你会跟那 个花花公子约会.Pot 3 sweet(形容词)很好;很棒;非常好;完美的;酷的;有魅力的;漂亮的 1)We had a sweet party last night.我们昨晚开了个很棒的 晚会: 2)I saw Jim with a really sweet girl in the cinema last night.昨晚我在电影院看到吉 姆和一个很漂亮的女孩 在一起.Top 4 trip(动词)反应过度;过度担心或紧张 1)I don't know what was wrong with him;he was tripping.我不知道他怎么了, 他反应太激烈了.She tripped when I told her the concert was five hundred dollars.当我告诉她音乐会票价 是 500 美元时, 她反应有些过度.Top5 dude(名词)一个人, 通常指男性.一个朋友, 常常用来代替名字.1)Dude, leave me alone!I have a midterm next Monday.老兄, 别来烦我.我下个星期一有期中考 试.2)Do you want another brew, dude? 要再来杯啤酒吗, 老兄? Top6 ride 名词)车;汽车 1)That's a cool ride.那辆车很酷.2)My old man is gonna buy me a sweet ride.我老爸打算给我买部靓 车.Top7 hot(形容词)有魅力的;漂亮的;性感的 1)That girl is so hot!I think I'll ask her out.那个女孩子真迷人, 我想我要去约她出来.2)That actor from the movie I saw yesterday is sooooo hot!我昨天看的那部电影中 的男主角真是太太太帅 了!I want to put his picture on my wall.我想把他的照片贴在墙 上.Top8 chick(名词)女性 1)I heard that chick is from the French Department.我听说那个小妞是法语 系的, She is half Chinese and half French.她是中法混血儿.2)There will be a lot of hot chicks at the party tonight.It's being hosted by the university cheer leaders.Top9 cool(形容词)很好;酷的;很棒;完美的;有魅力的;漂亮的 1)That's a cool cell phone.那款手机很酷!2)That club we went to last night was cool!我们昨晚去的那个俱乐 部太酷了!The music was awesome!那儿的音乐棒极了!Top10 crib/pad(名词)家 1)Are we gonna meet up at my crib or what? 我们是到我家集合还是 怎么样? 2)You can come over to my pad tonight and hang out.今晚你可以来我家住.1.Where are you calling from? The signal is very weak.你在哪里打电话? 信号很弱.2.Sorry, give me a second.I've got a call waiting.抱歉, 稍等一下.我有个电话打进来了.3.Speak louder I can't hear you clearly.大声一点.我听不太清.4.Oops, I forgot to recharge my cell phone battery last night.糟糕, 我昨晚忘了给手机充电.5.I was in a meeting, so I turned off my cell phone.我刚刚在开会, 所以我把手机关了.6.I tried to reach you on your cell phone.我试着打手机联络你.But I was in the basement couldn't get a signal at all.但我当时在地下室, 根本收不到信号.7.Why do you always set your cell to divert calls? 你为什么老是把手机设 定成转接? I can hardly reach you.我很难找到你呀.8.Did you get the short message I sent you this morning? 你有没有收到我今天早 上发给你的短信? 9.What's you phone number? 你的电话号码是多少? I'm gonna save it in my address list.我要把它存在我的电话 薄里.10.Hey, your cell phone ringer sounds really annoying.喂, 你的手机铃声听起来真 的很烦.Can you switch it to silent mode? 你可不可以切换到静音 模式?


李阳疯狂英语 第3辑;

第一部 疯狂精神篇;

My Pledge My OathIII;我的誓言III

Today I believe-This unique trip will completely change my life!;今天我相信--这段特殊的旅程将 彻底改变我的一生!Today I believe-That all my efforts will produce generous returns!;今天我相信--我所有的付出终将 得到丰厚的回报

Today I believe-English will be a powerful weapon in my life!;今天我相信--英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器!Therefore,I must devote all my energy to learning English with high spirit,;enthusiasm and vigor!;I will enjoy losing face!;I will pour all my effort into leaning English.;所以,我一定要 精神饱满、热情高涨、热爱丢脸、疯狂投入!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!;我必须对自己 百分之百地责任!I must not waste one minute, or even one second!;我必须每一分每一秒 全力以赴!I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!;挑战极限、超越自我!I will conquer English and charge toward success!;征服英文,迈向成功!I can speak good English!;我一定能讲一口 最漂亮的英文!

第二部 疯狂准备篇;第一节 疯狂演绎一百个 句型以一顶

十、以一顶百 的核裂变超级句型;1.According to...按照/根据......;According to my watch, it's five twenty now.;按我的手表看,现在是5点20分。According to our teacher, we should practise English for at least 30 minutes a day.;据我们老师要求,我们每天至少要用半个 小时来练习说英语。2.again and again 不断地/一遍又一遍地......;Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同 一个错误啊? 3.All I want...我所想要的......;All I want is a little peace and quiet.;我所想要的就是一点 安宁。All I want is you.;我所想要的就是你。

4.anything but...除了......,什么都有/并不,根本不......;I will eat anything but pork!;1除了肉,我什么都吃。2我吃除了肉以外的 任何东西。3我就是不吃肉。I can help you with anything but math.I'm terrible with numbers.;除了数学,我什么都可以 帮你。我的数学遭透了。5.Are there any....? 有......吗?;Are there any questions?;有什么问题吗? Are there any foreign teachers in your schools?;你们学校有外教吗? 6.Are you satisfied with...? 你对......满意吗?;Are you satisfied with your current salary?;你对目前的工资满意吗? Are you satisfied with our service?;你对我们的服务满意吗? 7.As far as...就......而言/至于......;As far as your tuition goes, I'll pay it.;至于你的学费,我会支付的。As far as going home earlythat's out of the question.;至于早点回家--那是不可能的。

8....as soon as possible.尽快......;Please reply as soon as possible.;请尽快回复。

You must get out of this place as soon as possible.;你必须尽快离开这里。9....be about to...刚要/正要......;A: How come you haven't called me?;你为什么没给我打电话? B: I was about to call you when you called.;我刚要给你打电话你就打给我了。He was about to say something, but Lucy spoke first.;他正要说些什么,露西却先开了口。

10....be regarded as...被认为是......;She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class.;她被认为是我们班上最有前途的学生之一。

11.Can't you...? 你就不能......吗?;Can't you speak a little louder?;你就不能说大声点吗? Can't you stop it? It's really pissing me off.;你就不能闭嘴吗? 真惹我恼火。12.Congratulations on...!恭喜/祝贺你......!;Congratulations on your award!;恭喜你获奖!Congratulations on becoming a father!;恭喜你当爸爸了!13.Could you tell me...? 你能告诉我......吗?;Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了吗? Could you tell me how to use this camera? 你能告诉我怎么使用这个照相机吗? 14....do something about...做点什么......;Can't you do something about the mess?;你就不能把这些乱七八糟 的东西整理一下吗? Do something about your English, or you'll fail the college entrance examination.;你的英语该加把劲了,不然你高考会失败的。15.Do you know...? 你知道......吗?;Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗? Do you know his phone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗? 16.Do you mean...? 你的意思是......?;Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? 你的意思是你要 找我借钱? Do you mean it's my fault? 你是说这是我的错? 17.Do you want to...? 你想......吗?;Do you want to know why? 你想知道为什么吗? 18.Don't be...!不要......!;Don't be silly!别傻了!;Don't be so sensitive!别这么敏感!19.Everybody knows...每个人都知道......Everybody knows the boss has a hot temper.每个人都知道这个 老板脾气暴躁。20....have trouble.........有困难/麻烦。;We're having trouble coming to an agreement on this point.;我们在这一点上很难 达成一致。

I have trouble remembering people's names.;我总是记不住别人 的名字。出。21.Have you decided on...? 你决定好......了吗? Have you decided on where to go for dinner?;你决定好去哪儿 吃晚饭了吗? Have you decided on a present for your girlfriend? 你决定好送给你 女朋友什么礼物了吗? 22.Have you...yet? 你......了吗? Have you made up your mind yet? 你决定好了吗? 23.How can you...? 你怎么能......?;How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我? How can you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢? 24.How come...? 为什么......?;How come you never call me? 你为什么从来 不给我打电话? How come I have to go to bed so early? 为什么要我这么 早睡觉啊!25.How do you know...? 你怎么知道......?;How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字? 26.How is...?......怎么样?;How is your family? 你家人怎么样? How is your English? 你英语学得怎么样了? 27.How quickly...?......最快要多久?;How quickly can you get here? 你最快多久能过来? 28.I can't imagine...!我真想不出......!I can't imagine who would do something like that!我真想不出谁会 做那样的事!I can't imagine how foolish I was at that time? 我真没法想象我 那时有多蠢!29.I don't know...我不知道......;I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么。

30.I don't really enjoy...我不怎么喜欢......;I don't really enjoy western food.我不怎么喜欢吃西餐。

I don't really enjoy chatting on the Internet.我不怎么喜欢网上聊天。31.I figure...我估计/我想......;I figure it's time to look for a new job.我想是跳槽的时候了。32.I hate...我讨厌......;I hate waiting in line.我讨厌排队。

I hate people asking me for money.我讨厌别人向我要钱。33.I have never...我从来没有......;I have never been to Shanghai.我从没去过上海。I have never broken my word.我从来没有失信过。34.I have to...我必须/不得不......;I have to ask my boss first.我得先问一下我的老板。35.I haven't...for...我已经......(时间)没......;I haven't taken a shower for a week.我已经一个星期 没洗澡了。I haven't studied English for three years.我已经三年没学英语了。36.I must...我必须......;It's late.I must go now.时候不早了,我必须走了。

I must tell you the truth..我必须告诉你 事情的真相。37.I suppose...我想/我看......;I suppose he's lying again.我看他又在撒慌。

I suppose you have to work harder next time.我看你下次得再加把劲。38.I want to...我想做......;I want to improve my English.我想要提高我的 英文水平。39.I wish you wouldn't...我希望你不要......;I wish you wouldn't smoke.我希望你不要抽烟。

I wish you wouldn't hog the phone..我希望你不要煲电话粥。40.I won't...我不会...;I won't let you down.我不会让你失望的。41.I'd appreciate...我会很感激......;I'd appreciate you finishing this by tomorrow.;你能在明天之前完成的话,我会很感激的。

I'd appreciate it if you'd lend me some money.如果你能借我点钱,我会很感激的。42.I'd rather...我宁愿......;I'd rather you didn't do it.我宁愿你不要这么做。I'd rather you told me frankly what you think.我宁愿你直截了当地 告诉我你的想法。43.I'll probably...我可能会......;I'll probably take off early this afternoon.今天下午我可能会 早点离开。44.I'm considering...我打算......;I'm considering starting my own business.我打算创业。45.I'm glad...我很高兴......;I'm glad you could make it.我很高兴你能来。46.I'm going to...我要......;I'm going to get married.我要结婚了。

47.I'm sorry, but...对不起,(但是)......;I'm sorry, but I can't make it.对不起,我来不了。I'm sorry, but the answer is no.对不起,答案是否定的。48.I've thought about...我已考虑过......;I've thought about what you said.And I decided that you're right.我已考虑过你说的话了,我认为你是对的。

I've thought about joining the army.我考虑过要不要参军。49.If only...!要是......就好了!If only I could speak perfect English!要是我能说一口流利的 英语就好了!If only I hadn't left my girlfriend!要是我没有和我女朋友 分手就好了!50.In my opinion...在我看来......;In my opinion, that's the right thing to do.在我看来,那样做是对的。In my opinion, the company should not launch this project.就我个人的观点,公司不应实施这个项目.51....in need of...需要......;He was definitely not in need of money.他确实不需要钱。You look as if you're in need of a bath!你看起来需要洗个澡了!52.Is it OK for me to...? 我......可以吗?;Is it OK for me to pay by check? 我用支票支付可以吗? Is it OK for me to leave early? 我可以早点走吗? 53.Is there anyone...? 有谁......?;Is there anyone willing to go with me? 有谁愿意跟我一起去吗? Is there anyone here who knows the para-para? 这里有谁会跳芭拉芭拉舞吗? 54....is up to you.......由你。;The choice is up to you.你自己选择。

55.Isn't it time for...? 难道现在不是......的时候吗? I'm so hungry.Isn't it time for dinner?我饿死了,难道现在不是吃晚饭的时候了吗? 56.It is great.........真是太好了。;It is great that you came.你来了,真是太好了。

It is great to have some time to myself.留一些属于自己的时间 真是太好了。57.It is true that...确实,......;It is true that we still have a long way to go.确实,我们仍有一段 很长的路要走。It is true that pollution has become more and more a serious issue.;确实,环境污染已经成为 一个越来越严重的问题。58.It sounds like...听起来......;It sounds like a wonderful place.;听起来这地方很不错。

Is sounds like he knows something.;听起来他似乎 知道些什么。

59.It was not until...that....直到......才......;It was not until yesterday that I heard the news.;我直到昨天才听到这个消息。It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true reason.;直到我看完你的信,我才明白真正的原因。

60.It is a pleasure to...很高兴......;It is a pleasure to work with you.;很高兴跟你一起工作。It is a pleasure to meet you.;很高兴认识你。61.It's not likely that...不太可能......;It's not likely that he will succeed.;他不太可能赢。It's not likely that they would agree.;他们不太可能同意。62.It's your turn to...轮到你......;It's your turn to make dinner.;轮到你做饭了。

63.Just let me know if...;如果......,就告诉我。Just let me know if I can do anything for you.;如果有什么我可以 帮忙的,就告诉我。

Just let me know if you don't understand.;如果你不明白,就告诉我。64.Maybe I will...或许我可以......;Maybe I will be able to see you tonight.;或许我今晚可以见你。65....means a lot to me.......对我来说很重要。;My family means a lot to me.;我的家庭对我来说很重要。66.My point is...我的意思是......;My point is that you're wasting your time at that job.;我的意思是你做那个工作是在浪费时间。My point is that you need to be more reponsible.;我的意思是你的 责任心不够。67....neither...nor...既不......,也不......;He neither drinks nor smokes.;他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。68.Nice to...很高兴......;Nice to meet you.;很高兴认识你。

Nice to see you again.;很高兴再次见到你们。69.No wonder...难怪......;You jogged 10 miles? No wonder you're so tired.;你跑了10英里? 难怪你这么累。70....not only..., but also...不仅......,而且......;His girlfriend is not only pretty, but also intelligent.;他的女朋友不仅漂亮,而且很聪明。71....not that...没那么......;I'm not that stupid!;我可没那么蠢!English is not that difficult.;英语没那么难。

72....nothing but...就只有....../除了......,啥都没有。;I did nothig but sleep all weekend.;整个周末,我除了睡觉,啥都没做。73.Now that...既然......;Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a couple of days.;既然你已经来了,就呆几天吧!74....one of the most...最......之一。;I think she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.;我想她是我见过的 最漂亮的女孩之一了。75.Please don't...请不要......;Please don't say that.It's not your fault.;请不要那样说。那不是你的错。Please don't make a fuss.;请不要小题大做。

76...., that is to say,...也就是说,......;He's a workaholic, that is to say, a man who devotes all his energy to work.;他是个工作狂,也就是说,他把全部精力 都投入到工作中。77.That reminds me...那提醒了我/ 那让我想起了......;That reminds me I need to buy my wife a gift for her birthday.那提醒了我要给我妻子买一件生日礼物。

That reminds me of the summer we spent on Hainan Island.那让我想起了我们在海南岛度过的夏季。

78.That's the best...那是最好的......;That's the best you'll find.那是你能找到的 最好的东西。79.That's very...of you.你真......;That's very nice of you.;你真好。

80.They say...听人说/有人说......;They say the president is going to resign.;听人说总裁要辞职。They say our manager is gay.;有人说我们经理是同性恋。81.What a...!真是/多么......!;What a surprise!;真是意想不到!What a pretty girl!;多漂亮的姑娘啊!82.What can we do to...?;我们怎样才能......? What can we do to change his mind?;我们怎样才能改变他的 想法呢? What can we do to help save the environment?;我们怎样才能保护 环境呢? 83.What do you mean by...? 你......是什么意思?;What do you mean by saying that?;你那样说是什么意思呢? What do you mean by raising your voice to me?;你提高声调对我说话 是什么意思? 84.What else...? 还有什么......?;What else have you heard?;你还听到了什么? What else do you want to know?;你还想知道什么? 85.What...for?......是为了什么?;What did you do that for?;你那样做是为了什么? What did you come back here for?;你回来是为了什么? 86.What I'm saying is...我是说......;What I'm saying is that you are going to get in trouble.;我是说,你会惹麻烦的。87.What if...? 如果......怎么办?;What if I fail?;如果我失败了怎么办? What if he finds out our secret?;要是他发现了我们的 秘密怎么办? 88.What makes you...? 是什么让你/ 你怎么会......?;What makes you so upset?;是什么让你这么 心烦意乱啊? What makes you change your job?;你怎么会跳槽呢? 89.What's...about?......是关于什么的?;What's this meeting about?;这次会议是关于 什么内容的? What's all the fuss about?;干嘛大惊大怪? 90.What's wrong with...?......怎么了?;What's wrong with him?;他怎么了? What's wrong with your eyes? Did you get in a fight?;你的眼睛怎么了?是不是 跟别人打架了? 91.What's your favorite...? 你最喜欢的......是什么?;What's your favorite food?;你最喜欢吃什么? What's your favorite pastime?;你最喜欢的消遣是什么? 92.When could you possibly...? 你大概什么时候能......?;When could you possibly let me know the result?;你大概什么时候能 告诉我结果? When could you possibly deliver the goods?;你们大概什么时候 能发货? 93.When would you like to...? 你想什么时候......?;When would you like to place an order?;你想什么时候下订单? When would you like me to come?;你想我什么时候来? 94.Who's...here? 这里谁是......?;Who's the manager here?;这里谁是经理? Who's the best pingpong player here?;这里谁乒乓球打得最好? 95.Why do you have to...?;你为什么要......? Why do you have to tell her the truth?;你为什么要告诉她真相? 96.Why do you think...? 你为什么会认为......?;Why do you think he is unqualified for the job?;你为什么会认为他 不能胜任这份工作呢? Why do you think going to English corners is useless?;你为什么会认为去 英语角没有用? 97.Why don't you...? 为什么不/何不......?;Why don't you come with me?;为什么不跟我一起去呢? Why don't you tell him the truth?;为什么不告诉他真相呢? 98.Would you like to...? 你想......吗?;Would you like to go for a walk?;你想出去散散步吗? Would you like to try some Beijing duck?;你想尝一尝北京烤鸭吗? 99.Would you mind...? 你介意......吗?;Would you mind waiting for an hour or two?;请你等一两个小时,你介意吗? Would you mind not smoking here?;请你不要在这里 吸烟好吗? 100.You shouldn't...你不应该......;You shouldn't waste your time.;你不应该浪费时间。;You shouldn't complain so much.;你不应该有那么多抱怨。

第二节 一百个纯正时尚、精炼达意的口语要素, 英语语言精华集中奉献!;1.All at the same time.;全部都挤在同一个时间。2.Allow me.;请让我来。

3.Am I getting through to you?;你懂不懂我的意思? 4.Anything you say.;好的/随你。

5.Are you ready for this?;你有心理准备吗? 6.As I see it.;依我看。

7.Can you handle it?;你能处理/解决吗? 8.Catch you later.;以后再聊。

9.Come see us again.;以后再来看我们。10.Could I join you?;我可不可以加入? 11.Dear me!/Oh my!;天啊/糟了!12.Do I make myself clear?;你听得懂我的意思吗? 13.Don't ask!;别提了/别问了!14.Don't be too sure.;别太肯定。

15.Don't drink and drive.;不要酒后驾车。16.Don't even think about it.;连想都别想。17.Don't make me laugh.;别让我笑了。

18.Don't speak too soon.;别说得太早。

19.Every now and then/Every now and again.;有时候。20.Fine with me.;我没问题。21.Get lost!;滚开!22.Go for it.;努力干。/加油。

23.Have fun!Have a good time!;玩得愉快!24.How's it going?;你好吗?/过得怎么样? 25.I am just looking.;我只是到处看看。

26.I don't believe this.;我真不敢相信 竟然会这样。27.I guess.;应该可以。

28.I'll be back soon.;我很快就会回来。29.Is that so?;真的吗? 30.It happens often.;那是常有的事。

31.It is becoming traditional.;这已经逐渐成了惯例了。32.It is inconvenient.;不太方便。

33.It was a stupid mistake.;那是个愚蠢的错误。

34.It was a tie game.It ended in a tie.;打成平局/势均力敌。35.It was an afterthought.;事后诸葛亮。36.It's a good deal.;这是笔好交易。

37.It's a significant investment.;那是一个重要的投资。38.It's either yes or no.;不是“是”就是“否”。39.It's for you.;给你的。

40.It's hard to believe.;那真令人难以相信。41.It's on me.;我请客。

42.It's really a different matter.;那是另一回事。43.It's water under the bridge.;事情都过去了。44.It's your best bet.;这是你最好的选择。45.Just think about it.;好好想想吧!46.Keep an eye on it.;多留心点。47.Keep in touch.;保持联系。48.Ladies first.;女士优先

49.Let it be.;顺其自然吧。

50.Let's eat outside.;我们在外面吃饭吧!51.Long time no see.;好久不见。52.Make it two.;我也要同样的。

53.Make no mistake.;别出错。/别弄错。54.Make up your mind.;作个决定。55.Mark my word.;记住我的话。56.No sweat.;没问题。57.Not bad.;不错。

58.Now what?;现在要做什么? 59.Oh, please.;噢,得了吧。

60.Once and for all.;最后/终于。

61.Please be more specific.;请说得更清楚一点。62.Same to you.;我希望你也是。63.Shame on you.;你真丢脸。

64.So do I.;我也是。

65.Take charge of it.;你负责管理吧。66.That does it.;我受够了。

67.That makes me angry.;那真让我生气。68.That makes sense.;那很有道理。

69.That might explain it.;那说明了一切。

70.That's a good place to start.;那是个好的起点。71.That's a joke!;开玩笑!72.That's easy for you to say.;你说起来当然轻松。73.That's no excuse!;那不能成为借口!74.That's our policy.;那是我们的政策。

75.That's too much.;那不行/那太过分了。

76.That's your point of view.;那是你的看法。77.The date is set.;日期已经定了。

78.The film was a box-office hit.;这部电影票房爆满。79.The rewards will be great.;报酬会很丰厚的。80.There is no question about it.;那是很明显的。81.There's first time for everything.;凡事都有第一次。82.There's no guarantee.;这没有保证。83.Trust me!;相信我!84.Try and cooperate.;试着合作些。85.Use your head.;动动脑筋。

86.Use your imagination.;发挥你的想象力。

87.We had nothing but trouble.;我们有大麻烦。88.What a struggle!;真是艰苦奋斗啊!89.What about it?;有什么问题吗? 90.What can I tell you?;要我说什么? 要我怎么说呢? 91.What day is today?;今天星期几? 92.What do you say?;你怎么说? 93.Where should I put this?;这东西我该放在哪里? 94.Who is it?;谁啊? 95.You're cheapskate!You're cheap!You cheap bestard!;你是个小气鬼!96.You're a poor loser.;你是个输不起的人。97.You can count on me.;你可以信任我。

98.You have my word of honor.;我以我的名誉向你保证。99.You just watch!;你等着瞧!100.You know what?;你知道吗?

第三节 一个最疯狂、最典型的美国发音奉献 “小开口45度音”[e];

【经典绕口令】;Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.;安给安迪送了10只母鸡,安迪给安送了10支钢笔。

The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells.;他每天卖的鸡蛋比别的任何一个人卖的要好一些。

【二十大精彩例句】;1.Better luck next time!;下次运气好点!2.I will remember it forever.;我将永远记住它。3.Please send him my best wishes.;请代我问候他。

4.Never let your parents down.;永远不要令你的 父母失望。

5.Everything is so expensive in Japan.;在日本什么东西 都那么贵。6.It's getting better every day.;每天都好一点了。7.Get some rest and get well soon!;好好休息,快点好起来!8.Let's get together again soon.;让我们不久后再相聚。9.Well fed, well bred.;吃得好,长得壮。

10.I never get what the president says.;我从未听懂过总统 说的话。11.I forget the rest of the lesson.;我忘了课文的剩余部分。

12.When I get depressed I eat less.;沮丧的时候,我会吃得少些。

13.I'm trying to get ready for my next test.;我在为下一次 考试作准备。14.He broke his leg when he fell from the bed.;他从床上摔下来,摔断了腿。15.Can I expect any help with this problem?;你能就这个问题给 我一点帮助吗? 16.Two heads are better than one.;一人不及两人智。

17.You never pretend to be my friend unless you want me to lend you some money.;除非向我借钱,否则你是绝不会装得对 我友善一点的!18.You extra effort will have excellent effects!;你这样加倍努力,一定会有显著效果的!19.My seven guests are a pain in the neck.;我的七个客人真是让人 心烦!They make a big mess, then go to rest in bed!I with they'd drop dead!;他们搅得乱七八糟,然后就上床休息去了!我希望他们见鬼去!20.Let's get ready for the next century.;让我们为下个世纪 作好准备。

第四节 四星级五星级六星级 单词全面奉献;

generation;1.Environmental resources must be preserved for future generations.;我们必须为后代保护 环境资源。

2.This tradition will be handed down from generation to generation.;这个传统将世世代代 传下去。3.It will take at least another generation;to find an answer to the problem of hunger in the world.;要解决世界上的饥饿 问题至少还需要一代人 的时间。4.This painting has been in the family for generations.;这幅画在这个家庭里 保存了好几代了。

5.They held a family party at which all three generations were present.;他们举行了一个三代 同堂的家庭聚会。

6.The younger generation smokes less than their parents did;年青的一代比他们父辈 吸烟吸得少。

7.Most people of my father's generation have experienced the hardships of war.;我父亲那一代人中的大多 数都经历过战争的磨难。

8.Falling water may be used for the generation of electricity.;高处落下的水可以 用来发电。9.The new generation of supersonic airliners;attracted a larger number of visitors to the exhibition.;新一代的超音速客机 吸引了一大批人来参观 展览会。

10.The company is launching the second generation model of this car in March.;公司将在三月推出此款 汽车的第二代产品。

11.Scientists are working on developing the next generation of supercomputers.;科学家们正致力于开发 下一代超型计算机。12.The generation gap is difficult for both the younger and the older generations.;代沟使青老两代人都 感到别扭。

额外奉献 十个以-tion 结尾的 常用名词;

1.application 申请,请求;应用,运用;I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing.;我写了五份求职信,但一无所获。

A new invention will have a variety of applications in industry.;一项新发现在工业上 可有多种用途。

2.appreciation 感谢,感激;赏识;欣赏;I want to express my appreciation to all my friends for their support.;我想感谢所有支持 我的朋友。

He showed little appreciation of my advice.;他对我的劝告并不 怎么领情。

3.connection 连接;联系;关系; 亲属;熟人;Do you know that there is a connection between smoking and heart disease?;你知道吸烟会导致 心脏病吗? My journey to London is in connection with my work.;我的伦敦之行与工作 有关系。

I fixed the loose connection between the TV antenna and the TV.;我修好了电视天线与 电视机的接触点。I telephoned my office from my car-phone,;but we had a bad connection, and I couldn't hear what they were saying.;我用车载电话同办公室 联系,但是线路不畅,我听不到他们在说什么。

She has connections with officials in the government.;她同政府官员有关系。His connections helped him get that job.;他的熟人帮他得到了 那份工作。

4.contribution 捐款,捐助;贡献; 促成;投稿;The signing of such a treaty would be a major contribution towards world peace.;签定这样一项条约,是对 世界和平的重大贡献。

The editor is short of contributions for the May issue.;编辑缺少五月号刊物用 的稿件。

5.convention 公约,协定;惯例,习俗;The countries 您使用的是未注册版本,只能输出前5个文件(并且每个文件仅能输出前36KB文字),如果需要使用完整功能,请注册本软件。



My Pledge My Oath Ⅲ 我的誓言Ⅲ Today I believe--今天我相信--This unique trip will completely change my life!这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生!Today I believe--今天我相信--That all my efforts will produce generous returns!我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报!Today I believe--今天我相信--English will be a powerful weapon in my life!英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器 Therefore, 所以,I must devote all my energy to learning English 我一定要精神饱满、with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor!热情高涨

I will enjoy losing face!热爱丢脸、I will pour all my effort into learning English.疯狂投入!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!我必须对自己百分之百 地负责

I must not waste one minute, or even one second!我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴

I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!挑战极限、超越自我!I will conquer English and charge toward success!征服英文,迈向成功!I can speak good English!我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文 My Pledge My Oath Ⅲ 我的誓言Ⅲ Today I believe--今天我相信--This unique trip will completely change my life!这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生!Today I believe--今天我相信--That all my efforts will produce generous returns!我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报!Today I believe--今天我相信--English will be a powerful weapon in my life!英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器

Therefore, 所以,I must devote all my energy to learning English 我一定要精神饱满、with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor!热情高涨

I will enjoy losing face!热爱丢脸、I will pour all my effort into learning English.疯狂投入!

I must be absolutely responsible for myself!我必须对自己百分之百 地负责

I must not waste one minute, or even one second!我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴

I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!挑战极限、超越自我!

I will conquer English and charge toward success!征服英文,迈向成功!

I can speak good English!

我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文 第二部 疯狂准备篇

Chapter2:Crazy Preparation 第一节 疯狂演绎一百个句型


十、以一顶百 的核裂变超级句型 Monday

1.According to… 按照/根据……。

According to my watch, it's 5:20 now. 按我的手表看,现在是 5点20分。According to our teacher, 据我们老师要求,we should Practice English for at least 30minutes a day.我们每天至少要用半个 小时来练习说英语。2.…again and again.不断地/一遍又一遍地 ……。

Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同一个 错误啊? 3. All I want… 我所想要的……。

All I want is a little peace and quiet.我所想要的就是一点安 宁。All I want is you.我所想要的就是你。

4.…anything but…

除了……,什么都有/ 并不,根本不……。I will eat anything but pork!

我什么都吃,就是不吃 猪肉。

I can help you with anything but math.I'm terrible with numbers.除了数学,我什么都可 以帮你。我的数学糟透 了。5.Are there any…? 有……吗?

Are there any questions? 有什么问题吗?

Are there any foreign teachers in your school? 你们学校有外教吗? 6.Are you satisfied with…? 你对……感到满意吗?

Are you satisfied with your current salary? 你对目前的工资满意吗 ? Are you satisfied with our service? 你对我们的服务满意吗 ? 7.As far as…


As far as your tuition goes, I'll pay It.至于你的学费,我会支 付的。

As far as going home early--that's out of the question.至于早点回家--那是不 可能的。8.…as soon as possible.尽快……。

Please reply as soon as possible.请尽快回复。

You must get out of this place as soon as possible.你必须尽快离开这里。9.…be about to … 刚要/正要……。

A:How come you haven't called me? 你为什么没给我打电话 ?

B:I was about to call you when you called.我刚要给你打电话你就 打给我了。

He was about to say something, but Lucy spoke first.他正要说些什么,露西 却先开了口。10. …be regarded as … 被认为是……。

She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class.她被认为是我们班上最 有前途的学生之一。11. Can't you…? 你就不能……吗?

Can't you speak a little louder? 你就不能说大声点吗?

Can't you stop it? It's really pissing me off.你就不能闭嘴吗?真惹 我恼火。12.Congratulations on…!恭喜/祝贺你……!

Congratulations on your word.Congratulations on becoming a father!恭喜你当爸爸了!

13.Could you tell me …? 你能告诉我……吗?

Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了 吗?

Could you tell me how to use this camera? 你能告诉我怎么使用这 个照相机吗? 14.…do something about… 做点什么/想想办法… …。

Can't you do something about the mess?

你就不能把这些乱七八 糟的东西整理一下吗? Do something about your English, 你的英语该加把劲了,or you'll fail the college entrance examination.不然你高考会失败的。15 Do you know…? 你知道……吗?

Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗 ? Do you know his phone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗 ? 16. Do you mean…? 你的意思是说……?

Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? 你的意思是说你要找我 借钱? Do you mean it's my fault? 你的意思是说这是我的 错? 17.Do you want to…? 你想……吗?

Do you want to know why? 你想知道为什么? 18 Don't be…!不要……!

Don't be silly!别傻了!

Don't be so sensitive!别这么敏感!

19. Everybody knows … 每个人都知道……。

Everybody knows the boss has a hot temper.每个人都知道这个老板 脾气暴躁。20.…have trouble… ……有困难/麻烦。

We're having trouble coming to an agreement on this point.我们在这一点上很难达 成一致。I have trouble remembering people's names.我总是记不住别人的名 字。Tuesday

21.Have you decided on…? 你决定好……了吗?

Have you decided on where to go for dinner? 你决定好去哪儿吃晚饭 了吗?

Have you decided on a present for your girlfriend? 你决定好送给你女朋友 什么礼物了吗? 22.Have you…yet? 你……了吗?

Have you made up your mind yet? 你决定好了吗?

23.How can you…? 你怎么能……?

How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我? How can you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢? 24.How come…? 为什么……?

How come you never call me? 你为什么从来不给我打 电话? How come I have to go to bed so early? 为什第要我这么早睡觉 啊? 25.How do you know…? 你怎么知道……? How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字? 26.How is…? ……怎么样? How is your family? 你家人怎么样? How is your English? 你英语学得怎么样了? 27. How quickly…!……最快要多久?

How quickly can you get here? 你最快多久能过来? 28.I can't imagine…!我真想不出……!

I can't imagine who would do something like that!我真想不出谁会做那样 的事!

I can't imagine how foolish I was at that time!我真没法想像我那时有 多蠢!29.I don't know… 我不知道……。I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么。30.I don't really enjoy… 我不怎么喜欢……。

I don't really enjoy western food.我不怎么喜欢吃西餐。

I don't really enjoy chatting on the Internet.我不怎么喜欢网上聊天。31. I figure… 我估计/我想……。

I figure it's time to look for a new job.我想是跳槽的时候了。32.I hate… 我讨厌……。I hate waiting in line.我讨厌排队。

I hate people asking me for money.我讨厌别人向我要钱。33. I have never… 我从来没有……。

I have never been to Shanghai before.我以前从没去过上海。I have never broken my word.我从来没有失信过。34.I have to… 我必须/不得不……。I have to ask my boss first.我得先问一下我的老板。35.I haven't…for…

我已经……(时间)没 ……。I haven't taken a shower for a week.我已经一个星期没洗澡 了。I haven't studied English for three years.我已经三年没学英语了。36. I must… 我必须……。

It's late.I must go now.时候不早了,我必须走 了。I must tell you the truth.我必须告诉你事情的真 相。37.I suppose… 我想/我看……。I suppose he's lying again.我看他又在撒谎。

I suppose you have to work harder next time.我看你下次得再加把劲。38. I want to… 我想做……

I want to improve my English.我想要提高我的英文水平。39. I wish you wouldn't… 我希望你不要……。I wish you wouldn't smoke.我希望你不要抽烟。

I wish you wouldn't hog the phone.我希望你不要煲电话粥。40. I won't …我不会……。I won't let you down.我不会让你失望的。Wednesday 41.I'd appreciate… 我会很感激……。

I'd appreciate you finishing this by tomorrow.你能在明天之前完成的 话,我会很感激的。I'd appreciate if you'd lend me some money.如果你能借我点钱,我 会很感激的。42. I'd rather… 我宁愿……。

I'd rather you didn't do it.我宁愿你不要这么做。

I'd rather you told me frankly what you think.我宁愿你直截了当地告 诉我你的想法。43. I'll probably… 我可能会……。

I'll probably take off early this afternoon.今天下午我可能会早点 离开。44.I'm considering … 我打算……。

I'm considering starting my own business.我打算创业。45. I'm glad… 我很高兴……。I'm glad you could make it.我很高兴你能来。46.I'm going to… 我要……。

I'm going to get married.我要结婚了。47. I'm sorry, but… 对不起,(但是)……。I'm sorry, but I can't make it.对不起,我来不了。

I'm sorry, but the answer is no.对不起,答案是否定的。48.I've thought about… 我已考虑过……。

I've thought about what you said.我已考虑过你说的话了,And I decided that you're right.我认为你是对的。

I've thought about joining the army.我考虑过要不要参军。49. If only…!要是……就好了!

If only I could speak perfect English!要是我能说一口流利的 英语就好了!If only I hadn't left my girlfriend!

要是我没有和我女朋友 分手就好了!50. In my opinion,… 在我看来,……。

In my opinion, that's the right thing to do.在我看来,那样做是对 的。

In my opinion, the company should not launch this project.就我个人的观点,公司 不应实施这个项目。51.…In need of… 需要……。

He was definitely not in need of money.他确实不需要钱。

You look as if you're in need of a bath!你看起来需要洗个澡了!52. Is it OK for me to…? 我……可以吗?

Is it OK for me to pay by check? 我用支票支付可以吗? Is it OK for me to leave early? 我可以早点走吗?

53. Is there anyone…? 有谁……?

Is there anyone willing to go with me? 有谁愿意跟我一起去吗 ?

Is there anyone here who knows the tango? 这里有谁会跳探戈吗? 54.…is up to you.……由你。……看你了。The choice is up to you.你自己选择。

55. Isn't it time for…?

难道现在不是……的时 候吗?

I'm so hungry, Isn't it time for dinner yet?

我饿死了,难道现在不 是吃晚饭的时候了吗? 56. It is great… ……真是太好了。It is great that you came.你来了,真是太好了。

It is great to have some time to myself.留一些属于自己的时间 真是太好了。57. It is true that… 确实,……。

It is true that we still have a long way to go.确实,我们仍有一段很 长的路要走。

It is true that pollution has become a more and more serious issue.确实,环境污染已经成 为一个越来越严重的问 题。58. It sounds like… 听起来……。

It sounds like a wonderful place.听起来这地方很不错。

It sounds like he knows something.听起来他了解挺多的。59. It was not until…that… 直到……才……。

It was not until yesterday that I heard the news.我直到昨天才听到这个 消息。It was not until I had read your letter 直到我看完你的信,that I understood the true reason.我才明白真正的原因。60.It's a pleasure to… 很高兴……。

It's a pleasure to work with you.很高兴跟你一起工作。It's a pleasure to meet you.很高兴认识你。Thursday 61.It's not likely that… 不太可能……。

It's not likely that he will succeed.他不太可能赢。

It's not likely that they would agree.他们不太可能同意。62.It's your turn to… 轮到你……。

It's your turn to make dinner 轮到你做饭了。63.Just let me know if… 如果……,就告诉我。

Just let me know if I can do anything for you.如果有什么我可以帮忙 的,就告诉我。Just let me know if you don't understand.如果你不明白,就告诉 我。64. Maybe I will…


Maybe I will be able to see you tonight.或许我今晚可以见你。65.…means a lot to me.……对我来说很重要。My family means a lot to me.我的家庭对我来说很重 要。66.My point is… 我的意思是……。

My point is that you're wasting your time at that job.我的意思是你做那个工 作是在浪费时间。My point is that you need to be more responsible.我的意思是你的责任心 不够。67. …neither…nor… 既不……,也不……。He neither drinks nor smokes.他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。68. Nice to… 很高兴……。

Nice to meet you.你高兴认识你。Nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们。69. No wonder… 难怪……

You jogged 10 miles? No wonder you're so tired.你跪了10英里?难怪你 这么累。70.…not only…,but also… 不仅……,而且……。

His girlfriend is not only pretty, but also intelligent.他的女朋友不仅漂亮,而且很聪明。71.…not that… 没那么……。I'm not that stupid!我可没那么蠢!English is not that difficult.英语没那么难。

72.…nothing but…

就只有……。/除了… …,啥都没有。I did nothing but sleep all weekend.整个周末,我除了睡觉,啥都没做。

There's nothing but bad news in the newspaper today.今天的报纸上全是坏消 息。73.Now that… 既然……。

Now that you have come, 既然你已经来了,you may as well stay for a couple of days.就呆几天吧!

74.…one of the most…


I think she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.我想她是我见过的最漂 亮的女孩之一了。75.Please don't… 请不要……。

Please don't stay that.It's not your fault.请不要那样说。那不是 你的错。Please don't make a fuss.请不要小题大做。76.…,that is to say,… ……,也就是说,…… He's a workaholic, that is to say, 他是个工作狂,也就说 是,a man who devotes all his energy to work.他把全部精力都投入到 工作中。77. That reminds me…

那提醒了我/那让我想 起了……。

That reminds me I need to buy my wife a gift for her birthday.那提醒了我要给我妻子 买一件生日礼物。

That reminds me of the summer we spent on Hainan island.那让我想起了我们在海 南岛度过的夏季。78. That's the best… 那是最好的……。

That's the best you'll find.那是你能找到的最好的 东西。79.That's very…of you.你真…。

That's very nice of you.你真好。

80.They say…


They say the president is going to resign.听人说总裁要辞职。They say our manager is gay.有人说我们经理是同性 恋。

81.What a...!真是/多么……!What a surprise!真是惊喜!What a pretty girl!多么漂亮的女孩!

82.What can we do to...? 我们怎样才能……?

What can we do to change his mind? 我们怎样才能改变他的 想法呢?

What can we do to help save the environment? 我们怎样才能保护环境 呢? 83.What do you mean by...? 你……是什么意思?

What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思?

What do you mean by raising your voice to me? 你提高声调对我说话是 什么意思? 84.What else...? 还有什么……? What else have you heard? 你还听到了什么?

What else do you want to know? 你还想知道什么? 85.What...for? ……是为了什么? What did you do that for? 你那样做是为了什么? What did you come back here for? 你回来是为了什么? 86.What I'm saying is...我是说……。

What I'm saying is that you are going to get in trouble.我是说,你会惹麻烦的。87.What if...?


What if I fail?


What if he finds out our secret?

要是他发现了我们的秘 密怎么办? 88.What makes you...?

是什么让你/你怎么会 ……? What makes you so upset?

是什么让你这么心烦意 乱啊? What makes you change your job? 你怎么会跳槽呢? 89.What's...about? ……是关于什么的?

What's this meeting about?

这次会议是关于什么内 容的? What's all the fuss about? 干嘛大惊小怪? 90.What's wrong with...? ……怎么了? What's wrong with him? 他怎么了?

What's wrong with your eyes? Did you get in a fight? 你的眼睛怎么了?是不 是跟别人打架了? 91.What's your favorite...? 你最喜欢的……是什么 ? What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢吃什么?

What's your favorite pastime? 你最喜欢的消遣是什么 ? 92.When could you possible...? 你大概什么时候能…… ?

When could you possible let me know the result? 你大概什么时候能告诉 我结果? When could you possibly deliver the goods? 你们大概什么时候能发 货? 93.When would you like to...? 你想什么时候……?

When would you like to place an order? 你想什么时候下订单?

When would you like me to come? 你想我什么时候来? 94.Who's...here? 这里谁是……? Who's the manager here? 这里谁是经理?

Who's the best pingpong player here? 这里谁乒乓球打得最好 ? 95.Why do you have to...? 你为什么要……?

Why do you have to tell her the truth? 你为什么要告诉她真相 ?

96.Why do you think...? 你为什么会认为……呢 ?

Why do you think he is unqualified for the job? 你为什么会认为他不能 胜任这份工作呢? Why do you think going to English corners is useless? 你为什么会认为去英语 角没有用? 97.Why don't you...? 为什么不/何不……? Why don't you come with me? 为什么不跟我一起去呢 ?

Why(do)not you just tell him the truth? 为什么不告诉他真相呢 ? 98.Would you like to...? 你想……吗?

Would you like to go for a walk? 你想出去散散步吗?

Would you like to try some Beijing duck? 你想尝一尝北京烤鸭吗 ? 99.Would you mind...? 你介意……吗?

Would you mind waiting for an hour or two? 请你等一两个小时,你 介意吗? Would you mind not smoking here? 请你不要在这里吸烟好 吗? 100.You shouldn't...你不应该……。

You shouldn't waste your time.你不应该浪费时间。

You shouldn't complain so much.你不应该有那么多抱怨。

第二节:一百个纯正时 尚、精炼达意的口语要 素--英语语言精华集中奉献!1.All at the same time.全部都挤在同一个时间。2.Allow me.请让我来。

3.Am I getting through to you? 你懂不懂我的意思? 4.Anything you say.好的/随你。

5.Are you ready for this? 你有心理准备吗? 6.As I see it.依我看。

7.Can you handle it?

你能处理/解决吗? 8.Catch you later.以后再聊。9.Come see us again.以后再来看我们。10.Could I join you? 我可不可以加入? 11.Dear me!/Oh my!天啊/糟了!

12.Do I make myself clear? 你听得懂我的意思吗? 13.Don't ask!别提了/别问了!14.Don't be too sure.别太肯定。

15.Don't drink and drive.不要酒后驾车。

16.Don't even think about it.连想都别想。

17.Don't make me laugh.别让我笑了。

18.Don't speak too soon.别说得太早。

19.Every now and then/Every now and again.有时候。20.Fine with me.我没问题。21.Get lost!滚开!

22.Go for it.努力干。/加油。/上吧。23.Have fun!/Have a good time.玩得愉快。

24.How's it going?

你好吗?/过得怎么样 ? 25.I am just looking.我只是到处看看。

26.I don't believe this.我真不敢相信竟然会这 样。27.I guess.应该可以。28.I'll be back soon.我很快就地回来。29.Is that so? 真的吗?

30.It happens often.那是常有的事。

31.It is becoming traditional.这已经逐渐成为惯例了。32.It is inconvenient.不太方便。

33.It was a stupid mistake.那是个愚蠢的错误。

34.It was a tie game./It ended in a tie.打成平局/势均力敌。35.It was an afterthought.事后诸葛亮。36.It's a god deal.这是笔好交易。

37.It's significant investment.那是一个重要的投资。38.It's either yes or no.不是“是”就是“否”。39.It's for you.给你的。

40.It's hard to believe.那真令人难以相信。41.It's on me.我请客。

42.It's really a different matter.那是另一回事。

43.It's water under the bridge.事情都过去了。44.It's your best bet.这是你最好的选择。45.Just think about it.好好想想吧!

46.Keep an eye on it.多留心点。/看着点儿。47.Keep in touch.保持联系。48.Ladies first.女士优先。49.Let it be.顺其自然吧。50.Let's eat outside.我们在外面吃饭吧。51.Long time no see.好久不见。52.Make it two.我也要同样的。53.Make no mistake.别出错。/别弄错。54.Make up your mind.作个决定。55.Mark my words.记住我的话。56.No sweat.没问题。57.Not bad.不错。

58.No what? 现在要做什么? 59.Oh, please.噢,得了吧。

60.Once and for all.最后/终于。

61.Please be more specific.请说得更清楚一点。62.Same to you.我希望你也是。63.Shame on you.你真丢脸。64.So do I.我也是。

65.Take charge of it.你负责管理吧。66.That does it.我受够了。

67.That makes me angry.那真让我生气。68.That makes sense.那很有道理。

69.That might explain it.那说明了一切。

70.That's a good place to start.那是个好的起点。71.That's a joke!开玩笑!

72.That's easy for you to say.我说起来当然轻松。73.That's no excuse!那不能成为借口!74.That's our policy.那是我们的政策。75.That's too much.那不行/那太过分了。76.That's your point of view.那是你的看法。77.The date is set.日期已经定了。

78.The film was a box-office hit.这部电影票房爆满。79.The rewards will be great.报酬会很丰厚的。

80.There is no question about it.那是很明显的。

81.There's a first time for everything.凡事都有第一次。82.There's no guarantee.这没有保证。83.Trust me!相信我!

84.Try and cooperate.试着合作些。

85.Use your head.动动脑筋。

86.Use your imagination.发挥你的想象力。

87.We had nothing gut trouble.我们有大麻烦。88.What a struggle!真是艰苦奋斗啊!89.What about it? 有什么问题吗?

90.What can I tell you? 要我说什么?/要我怎 么说呢? 91.What day is today? 今天星期几? 92.What do you say? 你怎么说?

93.Where should I put this? 这东西我该放在哪里? 94.Who is it? 谁啊?

95.You're a cheapskate!/You're cheap!/You cheap bastard!你是个小气鬼!

96.You're a poor loser.你是个输不起的人。97.You can count on me.你可以信任我。

98.You have my word of honor.我以我的名誉向你保证。99.You just watch!你等着瞧!100.You know what? 你知道吗?

第三节 一个最疯狂、最典型的 美国发音--本期奉献“小开口45度 音”/╗/ 经典绕口令

Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.安给安迪送了10只母鸡,安迪给安送了10只钢 笔。Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.安给安迪送了10只母鸡,安迪给安送了10只钢 笔。The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells.他每天卖的鸡蛋比别的 任何一个人卖的要好一 些。The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells.他每天卖的鸡蛋比别的 任何一个人卖的要好一 些。

二十大精彩例句 1.Better luck next time!下次运气好点!

2.I will remember it forever.我将永远记住它。

3.Please send him my best wishes.请代我问候了。

4.Never let your parents down.永远不要令你的父母失 望。5.Everything is so expensive in Japan.在日本什么东西都那么 贵。6.It's getting better every day.每天都好一点了。

7.Get some rest and get well soon!好好休息,快点好起来!8.Let's get together again soon.让我们不久后再相聚。9.Well fed, well bred.吃得好,长得壮。

10.I never get what the president says.我从未听懂过总统说的 话。11.I forget the rest of the lesson.我忘了课文的剩科部分。12.When I get depressed I eat less.沮丧的时候,我会吃得 少些。

13.I'm trying to get ready for my next text.我在为下一次考试作准 备。

14.He broke his leg hen he fell from the bed.他从床上摔下来,摔断 了腿。

15.Can I expect any help with this problem? 你能就这个问题给我一 点帮助吗? 16.Two heads are better than one.一人不及两人智。

17.You never pretend to be my friend 除非向我借钱,unless you ant me to lend you some money.否则你是绝不会装得对 我友善一点的!18.Your extra effort will have excellent effects!你这样加倍努力,一定 会有显着效果的!19.My seven guests are a pain in the neck.我的七个客人真是让人 心烦!

They make a big mess, then go to rest in bed!I wish they'd drop dead!

他们搅得乱七八糟,然 后就上床休息去了!我 希望他们见鬼去!

20.Let's get ready for the next century.让我们为下个世纪作好 准备。

第四节 四星级五星级六星级单 词全面奉献 五星级的名词:genera tion

1.Environmental resources must be preserved for future

generations.我们必须为后代保护环 境资源。

2.This tradition will be handed down from generation to generation.这个传统将世世代代传 下去。

3.It will take at least another generation 要解决世界上的饥饿问 题

to find an answer to the problem of hunger in the world.至少还需要一个人的时 间。

4.This painting has been in the family for generations.这幅画在这个家庭里保 存了好几代了。5.They held a family party 他们举行了

at which all three generations were present.一个三代同堂的家庭聚 会。

6.There younger generation smokes less that their parents did.年青的一代比他们父辈 吸烟吸得少。7.Most people of my father's generation 我父亲那一代人中大多 数

have experienced the hardships of war.都经历过战争的磨难。

8.Falling water may be used for the generation of electricity.离处落下的水可以用来 发电。

9.The new generation of supersonic airliners 新一代的超音速客机吸 引了一大批人

attracted a larger number of visitors to the exhibition.来参观展览会。

10.The company is launching the second-generation model 公司将在三月推出此款 汽车的 of this car in March.第二代产品。

11.Scientists are working 科学家们正致力于

on developing the next generation of supercomputers.开发下一代超型计算机。12.The generation gap is difficult 代沟使青老两代人

for both the younger and the older generations.都感到别扭。额外奉献

十个以-tion结尾的常 用名词 1.application I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing.我写了五份求职信,但 一无所获。

A new invention will have a variety of applications in industry.一项新发现在工业上可 有多种用途。2.appreciation

I want to express my appreciation to all my friends for their support.我想感谢所有支持我的 朋友。

He showed little appreciation of my advice.他对我的劝告并不怎么 领情。3.connection

Do you know that there is a connection 你知道吸烟

between smoking and heart disease? 会导致心脏病吗?

My journey to London is in connection with my work.我的伦敦之行与工作有 关系。

I fixed the loose connection between the TV antenna and the TV.我修好了电视天线与电 视机的接触点。I telephoned my office from my car-phone, 我用车载电话同办公室 联系,but we had a bad connection, 但是线路不畅,and I couldn't hear what they were saying.我听不到他们在说什么。

She has connections with officials in the government.她同政府官员有关系。

His connections helped him get that job.他的熟人帮他得到了那 份工作。4.contribution

The signing of such a treaty 签定这样一项条约,would be a major contribution towards world peace.是对世界和平的重大贡 献。

The editor is short of contributions for the May issue.编辑缺少五月号刊特的 稿件。5.convention

The countries all agreed to sign the convention.各国都同意签署这项协 定。It is a convention for men to wear suits.男子穿西装是一种社会习俗。6.election

In America, presidential are held every four years.美国总统选举每四年举 行一次。The candidate's excellent campaign 这个候选人出色的竞选 活动 was the main reason for his election.是他当选的主要原因。


He described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion.他用激动得发抖的声音 描述了事情的经过。Don't be overcome by emotion handling this case.办这个案子时不要感情 用事。8.explanation He left the room without explanation.他什么也没说就离开了 房间。

Did he have anything to say in explanation of his behavior? 他对自己的行为做过什 么解释吗?

9.foundation He has laid a solid foundation of his success by working hard.他努力工作为自己的成 功打下了坚实的基础。The building's foundation cracked 强烈的飓风

under the high winds of the hurricane.钳了这座建筑的地基。10.intention I'm sorry I offended you;it wasn't my intention.地不起,我冒犯了你,但我决不是有意的。

第五节 语法大战 第一篇 在医院 At the hospital(1)A lot of people are at the hospital 医院里有很多人

waiting to ask the doctor about their health problems.正等着询问敬重有关他 们自己的健康问题。(2)David wants to know if he sprained his ankle.大卫想知道他是不是扭 伤了脚踝。

Kelly needs to know if she should take a blood test.凯利需要知道她是不是 该验血。

Mary wants to find out whether she should take medicine 玛丽想知道她是不是该 吃点药

for her headaches.治头疼。

Mrs.Black is wondering whether her children have the measles.布莱克夫人想知道她的 孩子们是不是得了麻疹。Mr.Smith is hoping to find out if he has a lung problem.史密斯先生希望查出他 是不是肺部有问题。Jenny is going to ask the doctor 珍妮要问医生

whether she has to have an operation on her stomach 她的胃是否需要做手术。

Stone expects to find out whether he needs to have his hearing checked.斯通想知道他是否需要 做个听力检查。And Mrs.Jones is anxious to know if her husband 而琼斯夫人急于知道她 丈夫是否 survived the accident.幸免于难。

(3)It sounds like it's going to be a busy day at the hospital.看来今天医院里会很忙。

Apartment Problems

(1)Mr.and Mrs.Cook have been having a lot of problems 库克-夫妇的公寓最近出了 in their apartment recently.很多问题:

For several weeks their toilet has been leaking, 几个星期以前;他们的 马桶就一直漏水,their washing machine hasn't been working, 洗衣机也坏了,and the wallpaper in their bedroom has been peeling.卧室的墙纸也开始脱落 了。

In addition, they have been taking cold showers 此外,从上个星期开始 他们

since last week because their water heater hasn't been working,就不得不洗冷水澡,因 为他们的热水器坏了; and they haven't been sleeping at night 由于冰箱不断地发出奇 怪的噪音,because their refrigerator has been making strange noises.他们晚上也一直睡不好。(2)Mr.and Mrs.Cook are furious.库克夫妇非常生气,They have been calling their landlord every day 他们每天都在打电话给 房东,and complaining about their problems.不断地向房东抱怨这些 问题。

He has been promising to help them,房东也一直答应要帮助 他们解决问题,but they have been waiting for more than a week, 但是他们等了一个多星 期,and he hasn't fixed anything at all.这个房东却一直什么也 没修。第六节 China Wins WTO Entry

(1)CHINA, the world's most populous nation, 中国,这个世界超级人 口大国,joined the World Trade Organization(WTO)on November 11th 2001,于2001年11月11日正式 加入世界贸易组织,ending 15 years of negotiations.结束了长达15年的谈判。

The step offers China a new place at the table of nations 这使得中国在国际舞台 上迈出了新的一步,and gives new life to centuries of dreams.为世纪的梦想注入了新 的活力。(2)China's entry into the WTO, 在卡塔尔的世贸会议上,announced at the organization's meeting in Qatar, 中国正式加入世贸组织,entitles it to the full trading rights of member countries and regions, 并授予与当前142个成 员国和地区 of which there are currently 142.同等的完全贸易权利。

(3)WTO membership will open more markets for China's 世贸成员国将为中国快 速发展的经济开放 rapidly expanding economy.In turn, 更多的市场。相应地,China must make sweeping changes 在发展中国家

in nearly every sector of its economy, which is both the largest 增长最大、最快的中国 经济

and the fastest growing in the developing world.也必须在各行各业进行 广泛的变革。


Tracy: How are you getting along with your new manager? 和你的新经理相处得好 吗?

David: Just great!We work really well together.非常好!我们俩合作得 很好。

He's got some really modern ideas about how to organize the work.对于如何组织工作他有 一些非常时髦的观念。What impresses me most is that he manages 给我印象最深的是他设 法

to cut through the red tape and get things done very fast.简化了拖拉的公事,工 作完成得很快。

Tracy: Sounds like you two are on the same wavelength.听上去你们俩非常投缘。

David: Right!He is a knowledgeable person 是的!他是一个知识渊 博的人,and has lots of experience on developing new software.在开发新软件方面经验 丰富?

We are going to do a research program together.我们将一起合作一项科 研项目。

I'm all about this is the way life is going to be in the future. 我对这个项目有很大的 兴趣,因为这个项目与 未来生活方式密切相关。I'm glad to hear that.听你这么说我很高兴。

It sounds like the new manager has a different working style 听上去好像你的新上司 与以前的上司在工作方 式上 from the former one. 有很大的差别。

David: Definitely.The former manager lacked honesty.的确如此。以前的上司 缺乏诚意。

He sometimes only paid lip serviced to some work.他有时只是口头上对某 些工作表示支持。But the new one does what he says.

但是这个新老板说到做 到。

In fact, he's doing all the things I always said we should be doing.-事实上,我们时常说 我们应该做的那些事情 他都在着手做。

He's set an example for our staff, and we're following suit.他为我们这些职员树立 了榜样,我们都在向他 学习。He takes great pains with everything he does.他做每户件事情都下了 很大的工夫。Tracy: Do you still have to work overtime? 你还是要像以前那样加 班吗?

David: Not at all.The new manager expects us to work hard

根本不会。这个新上任 的经理希望我们努力工 作,but when the end of the day comes he understands 但他理解我们下班后

that we have a private life to get back to.有自己的私人生活。

I don't have to rush, rush, rush all the time as I did before.我不必像以前那样老是 赶啊,赶啊,赶啊的。It's a nice change from the rat race.能从那种疯狂竞争的工 作环境中解脱出来真的 一件好事。

Tracy: Good luck.祝你好运!David: Thank you!谢谢你!

第三部 第一节

(1)Good morning, everyone.(1)大家早上好,My name Is Stone Lee, and I am from Hong Kong.我叫李斯通,来自香港。

I Am now working for an international trading company, 我现在在一家国际贸易 公司工作,which sent me here to America to get further training.公司派我来美国这里接 受进一步的培训。

My hobbies are playing golf and reading books and magazines,我的爱好是打高尔夫球、看书和杂志,especially those dealing with business and economics, 尤其是有关商业和经济 方面的,which help me a lot in my work 这对我的工作帮助不少。

(2)I've found that we have a tight schedule,(2)我发现我们的行程很紧 凑,so that means there will be a lot of opportunities 这意味着我们有很多机 会

to learn many things and see many places.学习很多东西和参观很 多地方。

I hope we all can exchange experiences and new ideas with each other.我希望我们大家彼此交 流各自的经验和新的观 念,谢谢。

第二节 Too much(1)A Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman 有一位俄国人,一位古 巴人,and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across Europe.一位美国商人和一位美 国律师乘火车在欧洲旅 行。(2)The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, 俄国人拿出一大瓶伏特 加酒,poured each of his companions a drink 给同伴们每人倒了一杯,and then hurted the semi-full bottle out of the window.然后所剩余的半瓶酒巴 扔出了窗外。

(3)“Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman.“你为什么这么做?”美 国商人问。

(4)“Vodka is plentiful in my country,” said the Russian, “伏特加酒在我们国家 多的是,”俄国人说,“ In fact, we have more than we will ever use.” “其实,在我们那儿多 得喝不完。”(5)A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havanas cigars.(5)过了“会,古巴人拿 出上好的雪茄烟分给每 人一支。He took a cou pie of puffs6 of his and then tossed it out of the window.他自己那支只抽了两口 就扔出了窗外。

(6)”I thought the Cuban economy was suffering,“ the businessman said.(6)”我本以为古巴的经 济不是很景气的,“那 个商人说,”Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away.“ 可是你还把几乎一整支 烟都扔了。”(7)“Cigars,” the Cuban replied, “are a dime a dozen in Cuba.(7)雪茄嘛,”古巴人回 答,“在古巴一角钱就 可以买到一打。

We have more of them than we know what to do with.” 多得我们都不知该怎么 办了。“(8)The American businessman sat in silence for a moment.这位美国商人静静地坐 了一会儿,Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer and threw him out of the window.然后站了起来,抓起律 师,把他从窗口扔了出 去。对牛弹琴

playing the tune to a cow In ancient times there was a man who played the zither very well.古时候,有一个有琴弹 得很好。Once, he played a tune in front of a cow,一次,他对着牛弹了一 段曲子,hoping that the cow would appreciate it.希望年也能欣赏他的技 巧。The tune was melodious, 曲子虽然很好听,but the cow showed no reaction, and just kept on eating grass.但是牛却丝毫不理会,只顾埋头吃草。The man sighed, and went away.这个人只好叹了口气离 开了。

This idiom is used to indicate reasoning with stubborn people

”对牛弹琴“这个成语,比喻对不懂道理的人讲 道理。or talking to the wrong audience.也用来讥笑说话的人不 看对象。Notching the Boat to Find the Sword 刻舟求剑

In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu 战国时期有个楚国的人,had a sword which he cherished very much.得到一把宝剑,非常珍 爱:

One day, when he was crossing a river in a boat, 一天,他坐船过江,the sword suddenly fell into the water.不小心把宝剑掉到江中 去了。

The man then made a mark on the side of the boat at the spot

他急忙在剑掉下去的船 舷边上 where the sword had fallen overboard.刻了一个记号,When the boat reached this shore, 船靠岸后,he jumped from the spot he marked into the water 他就从刻有记号的地方 跳下水去 to look for his sword.找他的剑。

This idiom satirizes those who stick to rigid rules ”刻舟求剑,这个成语 讽刺那些办事迂腐,instead of taking changed circumstances into account.不知道变通情况的人。

The Man of Qi Who Worried that the Sky Would Fall 杞人忧天

In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi 春秋时代,杞国

there was a man who always let his imaginationrun away with him.有一个喜欢胡思乱想的 人。

One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head.一天,他突然想到,天 会塌下来。He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep.这个人越想越害怕,整 天愁眉苦脸,坐立不安,白天吃不下饭,晚上 睡不着觉。

Later, someone persuaded him that his fears were groundless.后来有人耐心地开导他,他才放下了心。

This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.“杞人忧天”这个成语讥 笑那些没有必要或毫无 根据的忧虑。

Turn Pale at the Mention of a Tiger 谈虎色变

Once upon a time, a man was telling stories 从前有一个人正在给大 家讲 about how tigers can injure people.老虎伤人的故事,Among the listeners there was a farmer 其中有个农夫,有一次 在山上砍柴时

who had once been attacked by a tiger and almost lost his life.曾被一只老虎咬伤,差 一点送了命。

He was so scared that his face turned pale.所以这个农夫听了老虎 的故事,尤其感到害怕,脸的颜色都改变了。

This idiom means looking nervous and fearful “谈虎色变”这个成语比 喻一提到可怕的事情,when something awful is mentioned.就表现出非常紧张、恐 怖的样子。第四节 副词大战

1.absolutely 是这样;当然是;正是 如此;绝对如此 1)He is absolutely wrong.他压根儿错了。

2)Of course it's absolutely impossible.这当然是绝对不可能的。A: Shanghai is the best city in China.上海是中国最棒的城市。B: Absolutely.I couldn't agree more.绝对的,我完全同意。2.actually 实际上;真实地

1)I don't care much for sweets, actually.说实在的,我并不是很 喜欢吃糖果。

2)He's actually very smart.He just doesn't study. 他实际上很聪明,但他 就是不学习。3.awfully 非常;很;十分

1)It is awfully cold this winter.这个冬天非常冷。2)She's awfully clever.她非常聪明。

A: How's your English coming? 你的英语学得怎么样了 ? B: Actually, I find it awfully difficult.说实在的,我觉得英语 太难了。4.completely 十分;完全地

1)I completely believe her.我完全相信她。2)He completely denied it.他完全否认了。

A: Did you pick up the milk? 你取牛奶了吗?

B: I'm sorry.I completely forgot. 对不起,我忘得一千二 净。5.definitely


1)The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这 个队肯定会输。2)I can't tell you definitely when I will come.我不能确切地告诉你我 什么时候来。A: Is he coming? 他会来吗? B: Definitely!当然!


完全地,彻底地;全部 地;完整地 1)He has traveled entirely around the world. 他游遍了整个世界,2)He did it entirely for your benefit.他这样做完全是为了你,A: Where do you want to go for dinner? 你想去哪里吃饭? B: It's entirely up to you.全由你说了算?


特别,尤其;专门地; 主要地

We want to invite a number of friends, especially John and Peter.我们想邀请几个朋友,特别是约翰和彼得。She is especiallyinterested paining. 她对绘画特别感兴趣。


正确地;精确地;严密 地;正好地 1)Tell me exactly what happened. 告诉我到底发生了什么 事。

2)This is exactly.What I wanted to buy. 这正是我想要买的东西。

A: Do you mean I shouldn't give up my job until I find a better one?

你的意思是说我在找到 一份更好的工作前不应 该放弃现在的工作?

B: That's exactly what I mean. 这正是我的意思。

9.extremely 极(端);极其;非常

1)I enjoyed the movie extremely.


2)It's extremely good of you to do this for me. 你帮我做了这件事,真 是太好了!A: Is it cold in December? 在内蒙古12月份冷吗? B: Yeah.It's extremely cold.是的,冷得要命。

10.frankly 坦白地;直率地;(作 插入语)坦白地 1)He frankly admitted his error.他坦率地承认了自己的 错误。2)Frankly, I don't care at all.坦白说,我一点也不介 意。

A:John, which dress should I wear tonight? 约翰,我今晚穿什么好 呢? B: Frankly, I don't give a damn. 说实话,我毫不在乎。

11.generally 通常;一般地;普遍地

1)The plan has been generally accepted. 这项计划广泛地被人们 接受.

2)He generally keeps silent at a meeting. 他通常在会上保持沉默。12 hardly 几乎不,刚刚,仅

1)He could hardly wait to hear the news. 他迫不及待地要听这消 息。

2)We had hardly stared when began to rain. 我们刚出发,就开始下 雨了。13.particularly 特别地;格外;尤其; 特殊地

1)It is particularly hot today.今天特别热。

2)He isn't particularly clever but he is industrious. 他并不特别聪明,但很 勤奋。

14.personally 亲自;就个人而言;就 自己而言

1)Personally speaking, I'm in favor of the scheme. 就本人而言,我赞成这 个计划。

2)Personally, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.

就我个人而言,我认为 他不诚实,可是有许多 人信任他。

A: That was an awful movie.这部电影真糟糕。

B: Really? Personally, I loved it. 真的吗?就个人而言,我很喜欢。15.presently 现在;目前

1)Presently, she is wrong a book.目前,她正在写一本书。

2)This is the best method presently known. 这是目前所知的最佳方 法。A: So where are you living? 那么你现在住在哪里呢 ? B: Presently, I'm living in New York, 目前我住在纽约,but in a couple of weeks I'm moving to Beijing.但几个星期以后我就会 搬去北京。14 probably 可能

1)It will probably rain. 天很可能要下雨了。

2)He will probably refuse the offer.他很可能会拒绝这个建 议。17.really

很;十分;真正地;实 在地 1)You are really something!你真了不起!

2)I really don't know what you're talking about.我真的不知道你在说些 什么。A: You look great in your new dress.你穿这件新衣服真好看。B: Really? Thank you for saying so.真的吗?谢谢你这么说。18.sincerely

诚实地;忠实地;真挚 地

1)I sincerely hope you'll come with us.我衷心希望你同我们一 起去。

2)I can't believe him even when he speaks very sincerely. 就算他说得非常真诚,我也不会相信他。A: You killed my cat!你杀死了我的猫!

B: I know and I'm sincerely sorry.是的,我真的很抱歉。19.undoubtedly


1)Undoubtedly, Crazy English helps China's English learners a lot.

毫无疑问,疯狂英语使 中国的英语学习者受益 匪浅。2)Undoubtedly, Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers in China.

毋庸置疑,鲁迅是中国 最伟大的文学家之一。20.unfortunately 不幸地;可惜地;遗憾 地 1)I was unfortunately delayed. 我迟到了,真倒霉。

2)Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.

真遗憾,这是我们所看 过的最乏味的演出。(1)Delegates' of the United Nation's climate conference(1)联合国气候会议的 代表们

are attempting to write the rulebook for the stalled Kyoto protocol.正努力尝试制定受阻的 《京都协定书》实施的 规则手册,Environmental ministers as well as representatives4 of 178 countries 来自178个国家的环境 部长和会议代表 are meeting in Bonn, Germany.正在德国波恩参加此次 会议。

Kyoto requires industrial countries to reduce emissions of gasses 《京都协定书》要求工 业国家减少温室气体排 放量,blamed for the gradua warming of the Earth.温室排放的气体被认为 是造成地球温度逐渐变 暖的原因,But disputes remain over how to accomplish 但在如何实施《京都协 定书》的问题上

that Washington's decision to renounces 存在着很大的争议。

that protocol has threatened to derail it.华府关于退出《京都协 定书》的决定已经影响 《京都协定书》的执行,But the chairman of the conference says 但此次会议的主席说,he thinks a compromise TM can be reached.他觉得是有可能达成妥 协的。

(2)Jan Pronk;(Conference Chairman): When I came to Bonn,(2)简·普龙克(会议主 席):我启程来波恩时,I was a bit pessimistic, political statements, 是有点悲观的,因为在 过去的数周里,which were made during the last couple of weeks, 一些人发表了不少政治 声明,that perhaps it would not be possible reach(an)agreement.我原想,要达成一个协 议的可能性不大。However, on the basis of the atmosphere, 不过,根据这三天

which is shown during these official negotiations, 官方会谈的气氛,during these three days, and on the basis of my political 加上我与一些代表进行 的政治会谈,talks with individual delegations,我觉得这次会议

I have the impression that it is possible to reach a result.也是有可能取得成果的。

About 30 countries have ratified the Kyoto pact so far.(3)到目前为止,大约 有30个国家已经批准了 《京都协定书》,At least 55 must back the accord for it to be implemented.《京都协定书》的实施 至少需要有55个国家的 支持。HIV is transmitted through sexual and blood contact, 爱滋病毒通过性接触和 血液接触进行传播 and from mother to baby.并可由母亲传给婴儿。

If you ever practice sharing-needle habits with others, 如果你与他人共用针管,or have unprotected sex,或者在不采取保护措施 下进行性行为,you're at risk of getting HIV infection.你就有感染爱滋病的危 险。Stop sharing needles with others, 请停止与他人共用针管,use condoms properly for safer sex.为安全起见,请正确使 用避孕套。No matter what size your business is, 不管你的生意有多大,if you have something to sell, 如果你有东西要卖,or if there's something you want to buy, 或者如果你有东西要买,now you can find the leads your business needs 现在你都可以在网上找 到买卖所需的信息 and seal a deaf on the internet.并可以即刻拍板成交。

Just meet me at Alibaba.com, 到阿里巴巴网站来,where all business are equal.这里所有的交易都平等,I never heard a tale so sad, so tender, and so true.我从示听过一个故事如 此凄凉,如此温柔,如 此真实。I am a regular reader of this column.我是这个专栏的忠实读 者。I am good and hungry.我好饿。

I cannot but admire his courage.我不得不佩服他的勇气。

She must have everything her own way.她总是一意孤行。

That it should have come to this!事情竟落到这种地步。He failed to do his duty.他未尽到责任。He is anything but a poet.他不是当诗人的料。Not a word did he say.他一句话也没说。

Mighty is the man who conquers himself.最坚强的就是能战胜自 己的人。

So friendly was his letter that she was deeply moved and began to cry.他的信如此亲切,使她 深受感动而开始哭泣。Once you start it you must finish it.有始有终。

Offering an Award 主持颁奖典礼

(1)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.(1)女士们,先生们,We are gathered this evening 晚上好。今天晚上我们 相聚这里,in order to recognize some of our employees 是为了要表扬过去一年 来

for their outstanding performance in the past year.表现杰出的几位员工。

(2)After close consideration and performance evaluation,(2)在评估各位的表现,并经过慎重考虑之后,the selection committee has come to the following decision: 选拔委员会作出了以下 的决定:

the three recipients of the Outstanding Performance Award 杰出表现奖的三位获奖 人员

are Mr.Tiger Wu...Ms.Sally Wang...and Mr.Stone Lee.是吴泰格先生、王莎莉 小姐,以及李斯通先生。(3)Needless to say,(3)不用说,this year's recipients deserves special recognition 今年的获奖人都是因为

for their dedication and accomplishments.他们的贡献和成就,Also, I would like to say that every one of you 而获得特别的褒奖-但 是我还想告诉 who wasn't selected this year has a good chance 今天没有得奖的各位,明年也有很好的机会

of winning this honor next year.I wish you all the best of luck.可以获得这项荣誉;我 祝各位好运。Greetings newcomers 欢迎新进人员

(1)I am Jim Smith, C.E.O.of this company.(1)我是本公司的执行 总裁吉姆·史密斯。

(2)First, I would like to extend a sincere welcome to you

all.(2)首先,我诚挚地欢 迎各位来到本公司。(3)As you know, our company is one of the leaders(3)正如各位所知,本 公司是该领域的先锋,in its industry and has a long tradition.有看悠久的历史:

I think you must be proud of being part of such a great company.我想,各位能成为这种 大公司的一份子,一定 也感到很光荣;

But we cannot afford to rely on tradition alone.但是,光凭传统是不够 的,We need new blood like you to bring us new ideas, new knowledge,我们还需要像各位这样 的新鲜血液,给我们带 来新观念,新知识,and new in sights.以及新的洞察力。

(4)I would like to welcome you once again, and from today,(4)我再次欢迎各位,从 今天起,let us begin to work together.让我们一起携手共进吧!Receiving Foreign Guests 欢迎外宾

(1)We are proud and honored(1)各位贵宾

to have such a distinguished group of guests come all the way

从美国远道而来参观本 公司,from the United States to visit our company.我们感到非常荣幸。

(2)Our staff and employees will do their best(2)本公司员工一定全 尽力

to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile.使各位在访问期间感到 既舒适又充实。

Today, they will introduce you to our newly built plant 今天,他们会带领各位 去参观我们新违的工厂 and research center.以及研究中心。

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.各位如果有任何问题,请别客气,尽管提出来。(3)I want to extend my warmest welcome to you all,(3)我向各位致以最诚 挚的次迎。

and sincerely hope that your visit here will be worthwhile and meaningful.并在心希望各位在此地 的访问既充实又有意义。Buy and Sell 你来我往价格战 Even with volume sales, 即使是大量销售,our product costs for the Heating Pad won't go down much.我们的“热疗垫”生产成 本仍然无法降低太多: OK.What do you want to propose? 那,你的建议是……? We could take a cut on the price.敝公司可以降价,But 20% would slash our profit margin.We suggest a compromise一5%.

但是八折会过度削低我 们的毛利。我们建议双 方各让一步--九五折。

That's a big change from 20%!5% is beyond my negotiating limit.那跟八折差太多了!九 五折实在超出我的谈判 限度。(pause)Any other ideas?(停顿)有其他方案吗?

Yeah, let's suggest a few numbers and see 那让我们再提出一些价 格,if we can reach some middle ground. 看能不能达成折衷。

Sounds good.We propose a structured deal.For the first six months, 那好。我方提议阶段式 协定,we get a discount of 15%, and the next six months we get 10%.前半年先给我们八五折,后半年九折。

James, we can't swing those numbers my boss will turn it down flat.詹姆士,我们没办法接 受这个价格--我老板一 定会打回票的。

Then you'll have to think of something better, Stone. 斯通,那你就得想出更 好的法子了!Self-recommendation 求职信

Dear Mr.Anderson, 亲爱的安德森先生:

Replying to your advertisement in the recent issue of Career Post, 兹申请贵公司在最近的

I think you might be interested in my application for the position of secretary.《求职信息报》上招聘 的秘书职位!

As a senior at Zhongshan University I will graduate 我是一名即将在七月份 毕业的

this coming July with a degree in international business.中山大学四年级学生,主修国际商务专业,During my four years as a business major 在大学四年的学习中,我作为一名商业本科生,I have acquainted myself with the knowledge and practices 对商业贸易领域尤其是 国际贸易范围内的

in business transactions especially in international trade.知识和惯例十分熟悉.

I am convinced that my education combined with my abilities

我相信我所爱的教育以 及我的个人能力 will benefit your company greatly.将对贵公司的工作大有 帮助。

My high level of proficiency in English and Japanese 我在英语和日语方面不 凡的造诣

would provide me with a spectacular advantage as your secretary.是我申请成为贵公司秘 书的一大优势。

I have obtained invaluable experience as an assistant 同时在作为一家贸易公 司的助理 in a trading firm during the Textiles Expo 在纺织品博览会以及为 一个外国访问团 and as an interpreter for a foreign visiting group.作口译的工作中,我获 得了宝贵的经验。My abilities in literature and computer science 我在文学以及计算机方 面的能力 will prove to be a plus for the position.有助于我胜任此项工作。

You may be interested in my professional thesis 您也许会对我发表的一 篇

on management strategy for a multinational corporation like yours.有关类似贵公司的跨国 公司管理战略文章感兴 趣。I am convinced that the qualities of cooperation, diligence 我相信凭借我的合作、努力与乐观精神,and optimism would make me an indispensable secretary.我会成为一名优秀的秘 书。

If you could kindly give me the privilege of an interview, 如果贵公司能给我一个 面试的机会,I would gratefully prove my competence to you.我会向您证明我的能力!Yours faithfully, Eileen

第八节 Guilin 桂林

(1)Situated in the northeastern corner(1)桂林市位于

of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,the city of Guilin

广西壮族自治区东北部,is famous all over the world for its green hills, clear waters, 以山青、水秀,fantastic caves and spectacular rocks.洞守、石美而闻名于世,It is one of China's best-known tourist scenic cities, 有“山水甲天下”的美誉,claiming to have the “finest mountains and rivers under heaven”.是中国着名的风景游览 城市。

“Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around;(2)”千峰环野立,a river winds its way about the city.“ 一水抱城流:

This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery.是对桂林山水的真实写 照。

(3)The hills and pinnacles in Guilin, gifted by nature,(3)桂林山峰秀丽天成,rise sharply from the ground in many different shapes.平地拔起,千姿百态。

Diecai Hill, Fubo Hill, Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Hill, Crescent Hill 市区内主要名山有叠彩 山,伏波山,and Putuo Hill are the biggest attractions for tourists 独秀峰、南溪山、月牙 山、when they make a tour of the city.普陀山等,都是游览胜 地。

(4)The Li River is limpid with crystals water.漓江明洁如镜,清澈见 底。

A boat trip on the river from Guilin to Yangshuo 乘船从桂林到阳朔,covers a distance of 83 kilometres.水程83公里,This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese Painting 风光绮丽,碧水萦回,奇峰林立,with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles.构成一幅锦绣画卷。

Elephant Hill, Chuanshan Hill, Pagoda Hill, Qifengzhen Peak Forest, 沿江尤经象山、穿山、塔山、奇峰镇、Crown Cave, Painted Cliff, Xingping Town and Green Lotus Peak 冠岩、画山、兴坪、are the extraordinary scenic spots along the river.碧莲峰等景致更为绮丽。

(5)Picturesque caves can be found all over the Guilin hills.(5)桂林无山不洞,无 洞不奇。

Reed Flute Cave, Seven-Star Cave and Chuanshan Cave are honored 被誉为”大自然艺术之 宫“的 as ”Palaces of Nature's Art“.芦笛岩、七星岩、穿岩,They are like magnificent buildings in heaven, 一洞琼瑶,万般景象。

with a thousand and one fabulous scenes.洞中的钟乳石和石笋琳 琅满目,Stalacites and stalagmites in the caves present colorful pictures.五彩缤纷。

Visiting these caves is like touring a pearl exhibition or a jade palace.置身于洞中,仿佛进入 珍宝的宫殿。第五部 疯狂挑战篇 第一节 地道美语

Cat Proverbs and Sayings

与猫相关的英语谚语和 俗语 1.Curiosity killed the cat.


A: My son is always going places he shouldn't and getting in trouble.我儿子总是去那些他不 该去的地方,老是给我 惹麻烦。

B: You know what they say.Curiosity killed the cat. 你知道人们常说,好奇 招祸。

2.Has the cat got your tongue?

猫把你的舌头叼去了吗 ?/为什么不吭声? A: I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么。

B: What's the matter?(Has the)cat got your tongue? 怎么了?猫把你的舌头 叼去了吗? 3.It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨。/大雨滂 沱。A: Do you think need my umbrella? 你认为我需要带伞吗?

B: You sure do!it's raining cats and dogs. 当然了!外面正下着倾 盆大雨。

4.let the cat out of the bag 说走了嘴;无意中泄露 秘密

A: Of course I knew you were planning a surprise party for me.我当然知道你在计划为 我搞个惊喜生日聚会。B: Really? Who let the cat out of the bag? 是吗?是谁泄露了秘密 ?

5.When the cat's away, the mice will play.猫儿不在,老鼠成精。/大王外出,小鬼跳梁。A: Do you think he'll throw a party while his parents are out of town?

你认为他会乘父母不在 时搞个聚会吗?

B: Most likely.When the cat's away, the mice will play. 很有可能。猫儿不在,老鼠成精。Dog proverbs and sayings

与狗相关的英语谚语和 俗语 1.a dog's life

穷困潦倒的日子;痛苦 的生活

A: My boss never let's me stop for even a minute.我老板真是一分钟都不 让我歇。B: It's a dog's life. 真是苦日子啊。2.Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意时。A: I'm so unlucky. 我可真够倒霉。

B: Don't worry.Every dog has his day.别担心。凡人皆有得意 时。3.He is a 1ucky dog,他是个幸运儿。

A: Did you hear he won the lottery? 你听说了吗?他买彩票 中奖了。B: He sure is a lucky dog. 他真是个幸运儿。

4.It is better to let sleeping dogs lie.别多事。/别惹麻烦。A:I'm so angry at him. 我对他感到非常生气。

B: Don't say anything to him;it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.别和他说话,还是少惹 麻烦为妙。

5.You can't teach old dogs new tricks.

老狗学不了新把戏;老 年人很难适应新事物。A: Dad, let me show you another way to do that. 爸爸,让我来教你一个 新方法、B: Don't bother you can't teach an old dog new tricks. 不用麻烦了,老狗学不 了新把戏。第二节 高级口译自测

江泽民主席在亚太经合 组织领导人非正式会议 上的讲话节选

Strengthen Cooperation 加强合作,and Meet New Challenges Together in the New Century 共同迎接新世纪的新挑 战 Dear Colleagues, 各位同事:

I am very pleased to be with you all in Shanghai(1)金秋十月,与大家 在上海相聚,in this golden season of autumn to discuss economic cooperation 共商亚太经济合作大计,in the Asia-Pacific region.我感到十分高兴。

On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, and in my-own name, 首先,我代表中国政府 和人民,并以我个人的 名义,I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.向各位表示热烈欢迎。

(2)We, the APEC economic leaders,(2)作为亚太地区的领 导人,have a historic mission to fulfilly: 我们肩负的历史责任是 :

We must adopt a forward-looking approach and formulate 站在促进亚太地区

through discussion, a common development strategy 发展和繁荣的高度,that is responsives to the development requirements 展望未来,讨论制定适 应

of the new century in the interest of promoting” growth 新世纪发展要求的

and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific Region.促进共同发展的战略。

(3)At the first APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 1993,(3)在1993年亚太经合 组织第一次领导人非正 式会议上,I said that what kind of world was to be brought into the 21st century

我曾说过,把一个什么 样的世界带到21世纪,was a crucial issue that we leaders of this generation 是我们这一代领导人

must carefully think about and address.必须认真思考和解决的 重大问题: Today, at the beginning of the 21 st century, 环顾新世纪初的世界

we have found the world situation and that of the Asia-Pacific Region 和亚太地区形势,both encouraging and worrying.可以说是有喜有忧。

(4)All in all, there are both challenges and opportunities ahead.(4)纵观全局,机遇和 挑战并存,We should work together, take action, seize opportunities, 我们应共同努力,采取 措施,and rise to the challenges so as to promote greater economic growth

抓住机遇,迎接挑战,of our region in the new century.推动本地经济在新世纪

This is a major responsibility for us, the leaders of the region.更好地发展。

To strengthen cooperation so that all APEC member economies

这是我们作为本地区领 导人肩负的主要责任: may benefit from economic globalization 加强合作,使各成员

and scientific and technological progress 从经济全球化和科技进 步中受益,should be an objective for APEC to strive for.是亚太经合组织应为之 奋斗的目标。

How to take concrete and effective measures to bolster frience 采取切实有效的措施,增强信心,and realize recovery and growth is a pressing issue 恢复和保持增长,是本 次会议 for this meeting to address.亟需考虑的问题。


第一节 如何在面试中脱颖而出 ? Why don't you like your present job? 你为什么不喜欢现在的 工作?

A: Why don't you like your present job? A:你为什么不喜欢现 在的工作? B: Oh, no.I like it.B:哦,我喜次现在的 工作。A: Then why do you want to leave? A:那么你为什么决定 离开?

B: I decided to leave just because I want a more challenging opportunity.B:我决定离开只是因 为我想得到一个更具挑 战性的机遇。

What is your greatest achievement? 你所获得的最大成就是 什么?

A: What's the greatest achievement you have made? A:你所获得的最大成 就是什么? B: As one of the main members, B:作为主要的参与者 之户,I participated in the structural design of the “Pearl River Bridge”.我参加了珠江大桥的工 程建筑设计工作。A: Oh, that's indeed very well-known.A:噢,那的确是一个 很出名的大桥。B: Yes, I was one of six young architects B:是的,我是这六名 年轻建筑师之一,that spent half a year in working on it.我们花费了半年的时间 未设计它。What are your weak points/faults/weakne sses? 你有什么缺点?

A: What are your weak points? A:你有什么缺点?

B: I am a poor talker, and always work more than I speak.B:我不是一个健谈的 人,总是少说多干。So I've been learning how to speak in public.所以一直在学习如何在 公共场合讲话。A: Obviously, you have made rapid progress.A:显然你已经有了很 大的进步。You made a very good showing today.你今天的表现很好。B: Thank you very much.B:谢谢你的夸奖。Are you qualified for this job? 你能胜任这个职位吗? A: Are you qualified for this job? A:你能胜任这个职位 吗? B: Yes, I think I am.B:是的,我想我能。A: Why?


B: My educational background and work experience B:我的教育背景和工 作经验使我 make me the right one for this position.成为适合于这个职位的 人选。

A: Oh!You are very self-confident.Could you give me some details?

A:噢!你很自信。详 细说说可以吗?

B: Of course, first, I majored in English in university.B:当然可以。首先,我在大学学习的是英语 专业; Moreover I have been working as an interpreter in English 另外我已经在ABC公司 in the ABC Company for five years.担任了5年的英语翻译。

A: Pretty good!Then you must be quite proficient in spoken English.A:很好,那你一定擅 长英语口语了。

B: Yeah, many foreigners say my oral English is fairly good,B:是的,很多外国朋 友夸我的英语说得好,and I also can take dictation in English 而且我还会英文的口授 笔录,and translate it rapidly into Chinese.同时能立即将其翻译成 中文。

How long do you plan to stay with our company? 你打算在这儿工作多久 ?

A: How long do you plan to stay here? A:你打算在这儿工作 多久?

B: To speak frankly, it doesn't depend on me.B:坦白地说,这不取 决于我。A: How so?


B: I really want to obtain a permanent job.B:我真的非常渴望拥 有--个固定的工作,I won't leave as long as I have the opportunity to apply my knowledge

只要我有施展自己才华 的机会

and I get along well with my superiors and colleagues.又能和上级、同事处得 很好,我就不会离开。第二节

English Proverbs Concerning Time 1.Time is money.时间就是金钱。2.Time flies.时间是风,去而不返

3.Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。

4.Time cannot be won again.时间一去不再来。5.Time will tell.时间能说明问题,6.Time reveals all things.万事日久自明,7.Time tries all.时间检验一切。

8.Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。

9.Tomorrow never comes.明日无尽头。/明日何 其多。10.Time works wonders.时间可以创造奇迹。



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