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李阳疯狂英语900句 Lesson 1: Greetings 打招呼 英语单词:

Florida n.佛罗曝达(美国的一个州)keep in touch 保持联系 英语口语句型 1.Hello.你好.. 2.Hi.嗨。

3.Good morning.早上好。4.Good afternoon.下午好。5.Good evening.晚上好。6.Good night.晚上好/晚安。7.Good day.你好。8.How are you?你好吗?

9.I'm fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。10.Very well, thank you.我很好,谢谢。11.And you?你呢?

12.How are you doing?你最近怎么样? 13.How have you been?你最近好吗? 14.It's been a long time.好久不见。15.How is…?……好吗?

16.How was your day?你今天过得怎么样? 17.What's happening?发生了什么事? 18.What's new?最近怎么样? 19.What's up?近来怎样? 20.I'm home!我回来了!英语情景对话1:

Bill:Good morning, sir.比尔: 早上好 Man:Good morning.男士:早 Paulo:Hello, Bill.How are you today? 保罗:嗨,比尔,今天好吗? Bill: Fine, thanks.Beautiful day!比尔:很好,谢谢你:今天天气真好!

Paulo:Good for busincss.保罗:是个做生意的好日子。Bill:Sure is比尔:说的是。

Paulo:See you later.保罗:回头见。

Bill:OK.Paulo.See you later.比尔: 好,回头见,保罗


Pedro:It's been a long time.佩德罗:好久不见了。Michael: Yes, it is.迈克尔:是的,很久不见了。

Pedro:How have you been?佩德罗:你最近好吗?

Michael: Much better since I spoke to you last.迈克尔:比上次和你讲话时好多了。

Pedro:You know, Michael, I'm sorry about...佩德罗:迈克尔,我要告诉你,我很抱歉关于…… Michael: You don't have to be.迈克尔: 不用道歉。

Pedro: Then why are you still angry? Anyway, I am sorry,佩德罗: 那么你为什么还生气?不管怎么样,我感到很抱歉e

Michael I am, too.I thought we were friends.迈克尔: 我也是,我想我们是好朋友:

Pedro: We were.佩德罗: 是的,我们是好朋友。Michael: How is Marian? 迈克尔:玛丽安她好吗?

Pedro:I don't know.I haven't seen her for almost thrce years.佩德罗: 我不知道。我已经快三年没有看到她了,Michael:Didn't she stay with you? 迈克尔: 她没有跟你在一起吗?

Pedro: No.I saw her for a few weeks, and then she left.She went to Florida.佩德罗: 没有,我们交往就几个星期,她就离开了。她到佛罗里达州去了。

Michael: Haven't you kept in touch? 迈克尔: 你们没有保持联络吗?

Pedro: No.There was no reason to.I was happy to see her go.佩德罗: 没有,没有这个必要,我很高兴她走了。Michael: Then why did you...迈克尔: 那么你为什么要….

Pedro: Now wait a minutc, Michael.I didn't go looking for her.She came to me.佩德罗: 慢着,迈克尔,不是我去找她的,过去是她找上门来的。


Lesson 02 Meeting People 相识 英语单词:

pleased a.高兴;满意 pleasure n.愉快;乐事 museumn. 博物馆 英语口语句型

21.This is…这位是……

22.I want you to meet…我介绍你认识…… 23.Do you know…?你认识……吗? 24.Let me introduce…让我来介绍…一 25.How do you do?您好。

26.I'm very pleased to meet you.很高兴认识你 27.I'm glad to meet you.很高兴认识你口 28.It's nice to meet you.认识你很高兴,. 29.It's a pleasure meeting you.很高兴见到你。


Paulo: Bill!保罗: 比尔!Bill: Hi, Paulo.比尔: 嗨,保罗。J

Paulo: Bill, this is my sister, Joanna Farias.保罗: 比尔,这是我妹妹乔安娜·法瑞斯。Bill: Very pleasedd to meet you.比尔: 很高兴认识你。

Paulo: Excuse me, Bill.Your last name is...? 保罗: 抱歉,比尔。你的姓是……? Bill: O'Neill.比尔: 奥尼尔。Paulo: Bill, O'Neill.保罗: 比尔·奥尼尔。

Joanna: How do you do, Mr.O'Neill? 乔安: 奥尼尔先生,您好。Bill: Call me Bill.比尔: 叫我比尔就可以了。

Woman: Excuse me, sir.Is this the Museum of Modern Art?

女士: 先生,对不起,请问这是不是现代博物馆? Paulo: Good-bye, Bill.See you this aftemoon.保罗: 再见,比尔,下午见。

头,就算是打招呼了。在较正式的场 合,初次见面,当对方说¨How do you do? 及“I'm pleased to meet you.”时,我们只 要再重复一次回答对方就Bill: Good-bye.A pleasure meeting you, Joanna.Now, Miss, the Museum of Modem Art 行了,非常简单。双方是否需要握手致意则按具体情况而定. 年轻人通常会说。Hi!Nice to meet is...比尔: 再见。很高兴和你见面,乔安娜。嗯,小姐,现代艺术博物馆在…


Maria: Howard,this is Paulo Farias, the new manager, and his sister, Joanna.My husband, Howard Becker.霍华德,这位是新来的经理保罗·法瑞斯,和他的妹妹乔安娜。这是我丈夫。

Joanna & Howard: Nice to meet you.乔安娜和霍华德:很高兴认识您。Paulo: Here's the room, 201.保罗:到了,就是这间,201室。文化知识:

按照西方礼仪,一般总是把年轻者介 绍给年长者.把地位,年资较低者介绍给地 位,年资较高者,把男子介绍给女子,以表 示对后者的礼貌和尊重:如This is…(这位 是……).在非正式场合,尤其在年轻人之 间,气氛比较随便,没有拘束,常用Do you know…?(你认识……吗?)有时互相微笑 点一下

you,“之 后再接着说:I've heard a lot about you.(我听说过很多关于你的事)相当于我们常 说的“久仰大名”:I've wanted to meet you for a long time.(我旱 就想认识你了)。如此一来,对话马上就展开。发现彼此熟悉的话题,可以拓展谈话内容,这是会话的秘诀口能说一门流利外语的人,通常 都喜欢讲话,也善于昕别人讲话.那些很容易和人聊起来的社交高手 部具备这种特质.在道别的时候,不妨这么说t lt was nice meeting you 认识你很荣幸)。此处的be动词是用过去式was,所以可以知道 彼此的谈话到此结束。


Lesson 03: Farewell 告别

30.See you.再见。31.Good-bye.再见。32.Good day.日安/再见。33.Good night.晚安。

英语情景对话1: Paulo: Hello, Bill.保罗: 比尔,你好。

Bill: Hi, Paulo.How are you? 比尔: 嗨,保罗,你好吗?

Paulo: Fine, thanks.Bill, this is my motber, Mrs.Farias.Mother, Bill O'Neill.保罗: 很好,谢谢。比尔,这位是我妈妈法瑞斯太太。妈妈,这位是比尔·奥尼尔。

Farias: How do you do, Mr.O'Neill? 法瑞斯太太: 奥尼尔先生您好。Bill: Pleased to meet you, Mrs.Farias.比尔: 很高兴认识您,法瑞斯太太。Farias: Paulo, is that Joanna over there? 法瑞斯太太: 保罗,那边那位是不是乔安娜? Paulo: Yes.Joanna!Joanna!保罗: 是的。乔安娜!乔安娜!

Mrs.Farias: Goodbye, Mr.O'Neill.Nice to meet you.法瑞斯太大: 奥尼尔先生,再见,很高兴认识你。Bill: A pleasure meeting you, Mrs.Farias.Good night, Paulo, see you tomorrow.比尔: 很高兴认识你,法瑞斯太太,祝您晚安。保罗,明天见. 语言文化:

Goodbye这个词是从God be with you.(愿神与你同在)这句话衍生而来的,所以有祝福对方幸运、平安的味道。与人道别的用语不少,还有青年人比较常用的说法,如:See you!(再见),See you+时间!(待会儿见!)但已经完全融人人 们口语中的bye-bye这个宇,其实是小孩子的用语,请不要随意用。在英国,道别的时候也有人说“Good

day!”当然了,达是“Have a good day!”(再见,祝你有美好的一天!省略的结果。道别时还可以说 Good morning或是good evpnjng.这些都是英式的说法,以此类推,在 傍晚时分和人道别时所说的Good night并不是只有-晚安-的意思。

Lesson 04 Pleading 请求 英语单词 bake 烘烤 stew 炖肉菜 steno pad 速记本

corp.=oorporation 大公司 address 地址:住址 brochure 介绍情况的小册了 sincerely 真诚的 florist 花商 英语口语句型

34.Excuse me.对不起。35.Yes?有什么事?

36.Can you help me?您能帮个忙吗? 37.I'm sorry.不行啊。

38.Can you help me with…?你能帮我做……吗?39.No way.没门儿。

40.Would you help me…?你能帮我做……吗? 41.Can you give me a hand?你能帮我一个忙吗?42.I have a favor to ask.我想请你帮个忙。43.Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?

44.May I…? 我可以……吗? 45.I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。46.May I…?我能……吗? 47.Go ahead.进行吧。48.Forget it.休想。

49.I can...can't I?我能……吧? 50.Of course, you may.你当然可以。51.Do you mind…?你介意……吗? 52.Not at all.一点也不。

53.Would you mind if…?如果……,你介意吗? 54.Please.拜托。

55.Do it for…就算是为了…… 英语情景对话1:

Carlo: What are those, Anna? 安娜, 那些是什么? Anna: Baked potatoes.烤的马铃薯.Counterman: Next!下一位!

Man: A hamburger and french fries, please.请给我一个汉堡, 还有一客炸薯条.Counterman: Joe, a burger and fries.Next!乔, 汉堡、薯条一客!下一位!

Anna: You're next, Carlo.卡洛, 轮到你了.Carlo: Uh, stew, a salad, and coffee, please.这个..., 请给我炖肉、一客沙拉、还有咖啡.Counterman: Here you are.The coffee's at that counter over there.Next!

这是你的, 咖啡在那边的柜台上.下一位.Anna: Vegetable soup, please.请给我蔬菜汤.Counterman: Here you are.Next!这是你的.下一位!


Mr.Crawford: Ms.Segura, step into my office, please.Bring your steno pad.瑟姑拉小姐,请带著速记簿到我的办公室来!Laura: Yes, sir!是的,先生。

Mr.Crawford: To Mr.James C.Wilson, President, United Printing Corp.You can look up the address in the files.给联合印刷公司董事长詹姆斯?威尔逊先生, 你可在档案中找到他的地址.Laura: Yes, sir.是的, 先生.Mr.Crawford: “Dear Sir: Please send this office 10,000 copies of the World's Fair brochure.Thank you.Sincerely,” and sign my name.“ 威尔逊先生, 请寄一万份世界博览会手册, 谢谢您” 然后签我的名字.Laura: Yes, sir.是的, 先生.Mr.Crawford: Send that out this morning, Ms.Segura.今天早上要寄出, 瑟姑拉小姐.Laura: Yes, sir.是的, 先生.Mr.Crawford: It's Mrs.Crawford's birthday.Call up the florist and tell him to send my wife a dozen roses.今天是福德太太的生日, 我要买些花给她, 打个电话给花商,请他送一打玫瑰给我太太.Laura: Yes, sir.是的.先生.Lesson 05 Showing Thankfulness 感谢 英语单词

welcome v. 欢迎 mention v. 提及:说起 employment n. 雇用:就业 resign v. 辞职

recommendation n. 推荐;推荐信 英语口语句型

56.Thank you very much.非常感谢 57.I can't thank you enough.不胜感激。58.Thanks for…谢谢你…… 59.You're a sweetheart!你真好。

60.Thank him for me if you get a chance.有机会替我谢谢他。

61.Thank you, anyway.不管怎样还是要谢谢你。62.Sure.应该的。

63.You're welcome.不客气。64.Don't mention it.不足挂齿口 65.Not at all.别客气。

66.At your service.乐意为您效劳口 67.lt's my pleasure.这是我很乐意做的。68.I was happy to do it.我很高兴这么做。69.What are friends for?朋友之间不言谢。英语情景对话1: Girl: Excuse me, sir.先生,请问....Bill: Yes? 什么事?

Girl: Is this the Museum of Modern Art?


Bill: No.This is the Space Building.That's the Museum over there.不是, 这是太空大厦.那边那座是博物馆.Girl: Thank you very much.谢谢您.Bill: You're welcome.不客气.英语情景对话2:

Bill: What about the employment office here at the Fair? Did you check with them? 博览会的人事处如何呢? 你到那边问过没有? Laura: No, I didn't.没有, 我没有.Bill: Why not? 为什么不去呢?

Laura: Because they aren't going to help me.I resigned from a good job!

因为他们不会帮助我的。我已经辞掉一份很好的工作!Bill: Maybe you're wrong.也许你错了.Laura: Oh, Bill.You need recommendations to get a good job.Mr.Crawford isn't going to give me a recommendation.噢, 比尔, 要找一份好工作, 非有以前雇主的推荐不可.郭佛先生不会帮我写推荐函的.Bill: Look.我跟你讲,Bill: Mr.Crawford is difficult to work for, right? 替郭佛先生作事很艰难, 你说是不是? Laura: Right.是.Bill: Well, maybe the employment office knows it, too.也许人事处里也知道这个情形.Laura: Is that possible?


Bill: Of course, it's possible!Maybe you're his seventh secretary in two years!

当然有可能!说不定你是他两年来第七任秘书!Laura: Maybe.Thanks, Bill.也许吧.谢谢你, 比尔.Bill: Don't mention it.Good luck.不足挂齿, 祝你成功!Lesson 06 Apology 道歉 英语单词

interrupt v. 打斯:中断 apologize v. 道歉 pavilion n.亭子;展览馆 sandwich n.三明治 英语口语句型:

70.Excuse me a minute.请原谅我失陪一下。71.I hope l'm not interrupting anything.希望我没有打扰什么。72.I'm sorry.对不起。73.Forgive me.原谅我。74.That's all right.没关系。75.That's OK.没关系。76.It doesn't matter.没关系 77.Forget it.不必在意。78.Don't apologize.不用道歉。

79.You don't have to be sorry.你不必抱歉。英语情景对话1:

Mr.Nikzad: Excuse me, sir.Can you help me? Where is the Italian restaurant?

对不起先生, 您能不能帮个忙? 请问义大利餐馆在?

Bill: It's in the Italian Pavilion, over there.On the second floor.就在那边的义大利馆里面.在二楼.Mr.Nikzad: Thank you.谢谢.Ali: I can have an ice cream sandwich later, can't I?

待会儿我可以吃冰淇淋三明治吗? Bill: Of course, you can.After lunch.当然可以, 但要在吃过午餐以後.英语情景对话2: Joana: Who's that? 是谁啊?

Paulo: He's here.Please, Joana, for me.The door's open!Come in!

他来了, 琼娜请帮我开开门.门没锁, 请进!Michael: Hi, Paulo.嗨, 保罗.Paulo: Hello, Michael.Do you know my sister, Joana?

嗨, 迈克尔.你认不认识我妹妹琼娜? Michael: No, I don't.不认识.Paulo: Joana, I want you to meet Michael Crawford.He's driving us to his parents' party.琼娜, 介绍一下, 这是迈克尔?郭佛.他要载我们去参加他父母的宴会.Joana: How do you do? 你好.Michael: It's a pleasure to meet you Joana.琼娜, 很高兴认识.Paulo: I'm ready, but Joana...我已经准备好了, 但是琼娜她...Joana: Oh, Paulo.Just five more minutes.Sorry to keep you waiting.噢, 保罗, 再五分钟就好了.对不起, 让你等.Michael: Don't apologize.I'm happy you're coming.不用道歉, 我很高兴你们来参加.Lesson 7 Offers and Invitations 邀请


Brazil n.巴西[南美国家] Iran n.伊朗[西亚国家] 英语口语句型:

80.What can I do for you?有什么要我效劳的? 81.Let me know if you need me.需 }我帮忙的话就告诉我。

82.Can I buy you a drink?我能给你买杯喝的吗? 83.Shall we invite...?我们要不要邀请……? 84.Would you like to join us?你愿意参加吗? 85.I'd love to.我很乐意。

86.I'd love to, but.,我很想去,可是....87.He's been invited,已经邀请他了。88.I'd like to invite you to...我想邀请你去。89.Maybe some other time.改天再说吧。90.I'll take a rain check.我下次一定去。英语情景对话2:

Mrs.Farias: When is Michael coming to pick up? 迈克尔几点钟来接你?

Joanna: He said seven.Would you get the door please, Mama? 他说七点钟。妈妈,您帮我开一下门好吗? Mrs.Farias: Hello, Micheal.How are you? 迈克尔,你好吗?

Michael: Fine, thank you, Mrs.Farias.And you? 很好,谢谢法瑞斯太太。您好吗?

Mrs.Farias: Well, as a matter of fact, I'm not feeling very well today.哦!事实上,我今天我一点些不舒服。Michael: What's the matter? 怎么了?

Mrs.Farias: Oh, I'm sure that it's nothing serious.Joana, Michael's here![Joana enters] 噢,我相信并不严重。乔安娜,迈克尔来了!Joanna: Hi, Michael.你好,迈克尔!

Michael: Hi, you look great!你好!你今天可真漂亮。Joanna: Thank you.谢谢!

Mrs.Farias: Will you two please excuse me? I have some things to do in the kitchen.二位失陪了,我厨房里还有一点事。Michael: Certainly.What's up? 不要客气。近来怎样?

Joanna: I have some exciting news.我有一个令人兴奋的消息。

Michael: What is it? I hope you aren't going back home.什么消息?你不会是就要回国了吧?

Joanna: No.Right now I can't think of any place I'd rather be than here.But....没有,我现在除了这里以外。想不出任何更喜欢的地方。但是...Michael: What is it, then? 东堤什么事情嘛?

Joanna: How would you like to go to Brazil for two years?

你有没有兴趣到巴西去住两年? 英语情景对话2:

Bill: Ali, the next bus will be here any minute.阿里, 下一班车随时会来.Yamamoto: I'm going to the Japanese Garden.我要到日本花园去.Ali: Are you Japanese? I'm from Iran.你是不是日本人? 我是伊朗人.Yamamoto: I was born in Japan.我在日本出生.Ali: I went to the Japanese Garden last week.我上个礼拜到日本花园去过.Yamamoto: Did you? 噢, 你去过啦? Ali: Yes, it's very pretty.My mother liked it very much.I think it's too quiet there.but I'll go with 94....is here.……来了。95.Please sit down.请坐。you if you want.是的, 非常漂亮, 我妈妈很喜欢.我觉得那边太安静了, 不过,如果你要去的话, 我就陪你去.Yamamoto: Thank you.But if you come with me, your parents won't know where you are.谢谢.不过, 你如果陪我去, 你父母就会不知道你到那里去了.Ali: If you wait, I'll tell my parents where I'm going.你若能等我一下, 我就告诉我爸爸妈妈我要去那里.Yamamoto: You are a good boy.Maybe some other time.你真乖.。或许, 改天吧.Ali: Do you come here a lot? I'm here every afternoon.My father works in that bank.That's my friend, Mr.O'Neill, the ice cream man.你常常来这里吗? 我每天下午都在这里.我爸爸就在那个银行里上班, 那位是我的朋友, 欧尼尔先生, 冰淇淋摊贩.Yamamoto: Here's the bus.Good-bye, Ali.And thank you.公共汽车来了, 再见, 阿里, 谢谢你!

Lesson 8 Receiving Guests 接待客人 英语单词:

answer the door 应门 host n.主人

confortable a.舒适的 hostess n.女主人 英语口语句型:

91.Would you answer the door 92.The door’s open.门没锁。93.Come in.请进。

96.Sit down, would you? 请坐。97.Make yourself at home.不必拘束。98.Let me show you around.99.Thanks for coming.谢谢你光临。

100.Thank you for inviting me.谢谢你邀请我。101.You're a great host.你是个出色的主人。102.I'm glad you had a good time.我很高兴你玩得开心。

103.Let me walk you to the gate.让我送你去大门口。

英语情景对话1: Marta: Who is it? 哪一位?

Miguel: Miguel.Pedro's friend.米盖尔, 佩德罗的朋友.Marta: What a surprise!Come in.真想不到!请进.Miguel: Thank you.Here.Happy birthday.谢谢.这个给你, 祝你生日快乐.Marta: Oh, Miguel.They're beautiful!Thank you.哦,米盖尔, 真漂亮, 谢谢你.Miguel: I'm sorry about your headache.听说你头痛, 我真替你难过.Marta: Headache? Oh, yes, my headache.I'm fine now, thank you.头痛? 噢, 是的, 我是头痛, 但现在已经好了, 谢谢你.Miguel: I'm glad.Let's go to a movie, then.我很高兴.那麽, 我们一起去看电影, 好不好? Marta: Miguel!What a good idea!米盖尔!那真是一个好主意!英语情景对话2: Michael: Good-bye, Miguel.Nice meeting you.Good-bye, Marta.Thanks for coming.米盖尔再见, 很高兴认识你.玛它再见, 谢谢你的光临.Marta: Bye.Don't forget our English lesson on around.(让我来带你四处看看。)。客人起身告别,可以礼貌地说:Thanks for coming.(谢谢你光临);更为殷勤的,可以接着说:Let me walk you to the gate.(让我送你到大门口)。难怪客人要快你:You are a great host.(你是个出色的主人)。Wednesday.再见, 星期三补习英文, 你可不要忘了!

Michael: I won't.I'll be there.And why don't you come, too, Miguel?

放心好了, 我会来的, 米盖尔你也来, 好不好? MIGUEL: Thank you.I will.And thank you for inviting me to the party.It was a lot of fun.谢谢, 我会来的, 谢谢你邀请我参加宴会.我玩得很开心.Marta: Thank you again, Michael.I'll see you next Wednesday.Joana, it was a pleasure meeting you.迈克尔, 谢谢你, 下星期三见.琼娜, 很高兴认识你.Joanna: Thank you.It was a pleasure meeting you and Miguel.谢谢, 很高兴认识你和米盖尔.ALL: Good night.晚安!

Michael: Well.Let's sit down for a few minutes.I can clean up later.好了, 我们坐一会吧.我等一会再清理.Joanna: No, let me help you.不, 让我来帮你忙.Michael: No, that's all right.I can do it by myself in the morning.不必;没关系, 明天早上我可以自己清理.文化与句法剖析:

中国人最讲究待客之道,与外国朋友接触,也要注意遵守西方利益。朋友让进门:Please sit down.(请坐);用餐时可说:Make yourself at home.(不必拘束);带客人参观自己的小家:Let me show you

Lesson 09 Dining 进餐 英语单词;

cafeteria n.(学校等地的)自助餐厅 flavor n.味道;口味 specialty n.名产;特产

appetizer n.开胃小吃;开胃饮料 martini n.马提尼 lobster n.龙虾 英语口语句型:

104.I'm hungry.我饿了。

105.What do you have for breakfast?你们早餐吃什么?

106.There’s a cafeteria on the ground floor.在一楼有一家自助餐厅。

107.How is the food these?那里的菜好吃吗? 108.The food is nit bad.菜还不错。109.It smell good.闻起来很香: 110.It tastes great,这非常美味可口。111.It's delicious.它很可口。112.It's tasty.它很美味。

113.It's...-flavored.这是… …口味的。114.The rice is terrible.米饭很难吃。

115.May I take your order now? 您现在要点菜吗?

116.Give me…给我… …

117.What are your specialties? 你们有什么特色菜?

118.…is very goad today.今天的……很不错。119.What do your want?你要点什么? 120.I want…我要… …

121.What would you like to have for the appetizer? 您要什么开胃小吃/饮料? 122.I’d like…我想要…… 123.Here you are·给你。

124.Would you like a drink?你要喝点什么吗? 125.Yes,please。好啊。

126.No, thank you。不必了.谢谢。

127.May I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗? 128.ou take your coffee black,don't you? 你喝纯咖啡,对吧? 129.What aye you going to serve? 你要请人家吃什么? 130.I can make…我会做…… 131.Dinner is ready.饭做好了。132.Enjoy your dinner.祝你吃得愉快: 133.Have a bite.吃一口。

134.May I have some more?我能再要点吗? 135.I'm full.我吃饱了。

136.I've had dinner already.我已经吃过晚饭了。英语口语情景对话1: Carlo: Aren't you hungry? 您不饿吗?

Anna: No, I'm not.Not really.还好, 不怎么饿.Carlo: Well, it's 9:30, and I am.哦, 已经九点半了, 我可饿了.Anna: There's a cafeteria on the ground floor.在一楼有一个自助餐厅.Carlo: But it's expensive, isn't it? 可是那家自助餐厅卖得很贵, 不是吗? Anna: No, it isn't.不贵呀.Carlo: How's the food? 菜怎么样?

Anna: It's not bad.还不错.Carlo: OK.then.Let's go to the cafeteria.好吧, 我们就去自助餐厅吧!英语口语情景对话2:

Waiter: Here are your cocktails.这是二位的鸡尾酒.Mr.Crawford: Thank you.谢谢.Waiter: The sherry? 雪利酒是哪一位的?

Mrs.Crauford: For me, thank you.我的, 谢谢.Waiter: And the martini is for you, sir? 这杯马丁尼该是先生的吧? Mr.Crawford: Yes, thank you.是的, 谢谢.Waiter: May I take your order now? 二位要不要点菜? Mr.Crawford: Please.好的.Waiter: The lobster is very good today.今天的龙虾很不错.Mr.Crawford: Dear? 亲爱的, 怎麽样?

Mrs.Crauford: Oh, a fruit salad, please.噢, 请给我一客水果沙拉.Waiter: Certainly.And you, sir? 好的.先生您呢?

Mr.Crawford: The lobster, and a salad, please.请来个龙虾和沙拉.Waiter: Thank you.Wine, sir? 好的, 先生要不要叫一点葡萄酒? Mr.Crawford: Wine, dear? 亲爱的, 要不要酒?

Mrs.Crauford: No, not for me.不, 我不要.Mr.Crawford: No, thank you.不要, 谢谢.Waiter: Very good, sir.好的, 先生.文化和句法剖析

若是到英美国家的餐厅吃饭,你会发现,服务员接受客人点菜的模式几乎都跟本国一样。关键是大家最好先学会一些事物的单词,这样点起餐来就容易多了。143.How much is it? 这多少钱?

144.How much does this dress cost?这连衣裙多少钱?

145.What's the price of...是什么价钱?

146.It's ninety-nine cents a pound,这个九角九分一磅。

147.They're five for a dollar.这些一美元五个。148.May I have a discount?可以给我打个折吗? 若是受邀去朋友家吃饭,则要注意,在整个用餐过程中,客人应不时地对主人准备的菜肴表示赞赏,使主人高兴。通常可以这么说:“This is really delicious.”或“This dish is very tasty.”之类的话。主人总会很有礼貌地回答道:“Thank you, I'm glad you like it.”还要注意的是,在英语中,a drink 通常指酒精类的饮料。所以,“Would you like a drink?”特别是在餐前问,常常是指酒精类的饮料。如果指不含酒精的饮料,通常用短语something to drink.聚餐后在向主人告辞时,一般要说一些表示感谢的话。可以说“Thank you very much.That was really lovely.”或“I've very much enjoyed the meal, thank you.”之类的话。主人也会说“You're welcome.I'm glad you like it.”之类的话。

Lesson 10 Shopping 购物 英语单词:

bargain n.廉价买到的东西 lettuce n.生菜,莴苣 lime n.柠檬 英语口语句型:

137.May I help you?能为您效劳吗? 138.Do you have…? 你有没有…? 139.I'm looking for...,我想买……

140.I want to buy him a present·我想给他买个礼物: 141.We dan't have…today。今天我们没有一卖。142.It's sold out.卖完了。

149.You can haue a 10% discount.可以给你打九折.150.I can give it to you for…我可以一价格卖给你。

151.It's expensive.这很贵.152.They are on sale.这正在特价出售.153.It's a bargain.它物美价廉: 154.It's free of charge.是免费的。155.How much do you need?您要多少? 156.How many do you need?您要几个? 157.How many do you want to order?您要预定多少?

158.How many do you suggest?您认为多少台适? 159.Whose oranges are these?这是谁要的橙子? 160.I'll take it.这个我买了。

161.That's 4 dollars, please.请付四美元.162.Would you like to pay by credit card or in cash?您用信用卡支付还是付现金?

163.Do you accept credit carts? 你这里可以用信用卡付账ILq?

164.Will you change a 100-dollar bill? 你能找得开一百美元的钞票吗?

165.You forgot to pay。你忘记付钱了。166.What time do you close?你们几点关门? 167.What are your business hours? 你们的营业时间是怎样的?

168.The store is open until 9:00,这家店营业到九点。169.Saturday is our busy day at the store.星期六是店里生意很忙的日子.英语情景对话1: Jim: Can I help you? 买什么?

Customer 1: Please.I can't find the lettuce.麻烦你一下, 我找不到莴苣.Jim: Isn't there any in the second case? 第二个箱子里没有吗?

Customer 1: I don't think so.好像没有.Jim: We don't have a lot of lettuce today.How much do you need?

我们今天没有很多莴苣, 您需要多少?

Customer 1: Not much.Only one head.Oh, and a few limes.不多, 一棵就够了.对了, 还要几个酸橙.Jim: The limes are over there.酸橙在那边.Customer 1: There aren't many there.那边没有几个.Jim: Oh? How many do you need? 哦? 您要几个?

Customer 1: Oh, four or five.大概四五个.Yamamoto: Is anything wrong? 有什么问题吗?

Customer 1: Oh, hello, Mr.Yamamoto.噢, 山本先生, 您好.Yamamoto: You know my name? 你知道我的名字啊?

Customer 1: Of course.Your market is famous.当然, 您的店很有名.Yamamoto: Is it? 是吗? 英语情景对话2:

Customer: There's an article about it in the paper.Here, look.“GOING TO THE FAIR? FIRST STOP: YAMAMOTO'S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET.”

报纸上有一篇文章讲它.来, 你看: “打算到博览会去吗? 第一站: 山本果菜店.”

Jim: May I buy the newspaper from you? 我能向你买这份报纸吗?

Customer: No, take it, please.Here.不用, 你拿去好了, 不要客气.给你.Jim: Thank you.Now the lettuce.Here.There was a head in the case with the cabbage.谢谢.现在找找莴苣看, 有了, 箱子里有一棵和洋白菜放在一起.Customer: How much is it? 多少钱一棵?

Jim: Seventy-nine cents.七毛九分.Yamamoto: No.Give it to him for forty cents.It's the last head.不必那麽多, 算它四毛好了, 那是最后一棵.Customer: Thank you, Mr.Yamamoto.Good-bye.谢谢您, 山本先生, 再见.Yamamoto: Good-bye.再见.Jim: OK.Who's next? Whose oranges are these? 好的, 下一位是谁? 这些是谁要的橙子? Customer 2: They're mine.是我要的.Jim: And the potatoes? 马铃薯呢?

Customer 2: Hers.是她的.Jim: That's $1.99, please.一共是一元九毛九分.?

This Friday night? What a good idea!Lesson 11 Telephone Calls 打电话 英语单词:

available a.可以得到或使用的 extension n.分机 英语口语句型

170.Answer the phone,去接电话: 171.Hello.喂。

172.This is…speaking.我是…… 173.Is that...?你是...吗? 174.Wrong number.您打错电话7.175.Will you please put me through to...? 请给我接...176.Will you get me to extension...? 请给我转....分机。

177.May I speak to…? 请找……听电话: 178.Is...available? …能来接电话吗? 179.Hang on, please。请别挂断。180.Hold on.别挂断。181.It's for you.是你的电话: 182.She's not in.她不在: 183.May I leave a message?我能留下口信吗? 184.Would you please tell her I called?请告诉她我打过电话给她好吗? 185.She hung up on me.她挂断了我的电话。186.I've got to go.我得挂电话了。

187.I'll call you later.过一段时间我再给你打电话。188.Call me.给我打电话。

189.What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少? 190.You can find the number in the telephone book.你可以在电话簿里查到号码。

191.I’m only a call's away.有事就打电话给我。英语情景对话1:

Michael.Hello.How nice of you to call!迈克尔, 喂, 你打电话来太好了!

这个星期五晚上? 多好的主意!

Yes.I'm sure Paulo can come.He doesn't work Friday nights.是的, 我确定保罗会去, 他星期五晚上不工作.Can I help? I could bake a cake.要我帮忙吗? 我可以烘蛋糕.Don't be silly.I like to bake, and I love parties.不要傻了, 我喜欢烘蛋糕和参加宴会.Can I see some of your paintings? 我能参观你的一些画吗? Yes, really.I paint, too.是的, 真的吗? 我也画画.I never talk about it.I'm not very good.In fact, my paintings are pretty bad.我从不说它, 我画得不好, 事实上, 我画得很差.No.I don't have any with me.They're all home in Brazil.不, 那些画并没在我身边, 它们全在巴西的家里.Oh, really? Perhaps some afternoon I could go to art class with you.噢, 真的吗? 或许那天下午, 我能够跟你一起上艺术课.Fine.See you Friday, then.很好, 星期五见.Friday, at 8:30.Thank you.Good night.星期五, 八点半, 谢谢你, 晚安.Lesson 12 Identifying People 辨别身份 英语口语句子:

192.What's your name? 你叫什么名字? 193.My name is...我叫……

194.What's your first name? 你叫什么名字? 195.What's your last name? 您贵姓? 196.How do you spell your last name? 你的姓是怎么拼的?

197.Your name is...? 你的名字是……?

198.Your name and address,please.请告知您的姓名和地址。

199.Call me...叫我……吧。

200.May I call you...? 我可以称呼你……吗? 201.Who are you? 你是谁? 202.I'm his father.我是他的父亲。

203.Who do you think I am? 你以为我是谁? 204.Who is it? 是哪一位? 205.It's me.是我啊。206.Are you...? 你是……吗?

207.You're a painter,aren't you? 你是一位画家,是吗?

208.Where are you from? 你从哪儿来的? 209.I'm from...我来自…… 210.I was born in...我出生在……

211.She's from a...family.她出身于……家庭。212.Do I know you? 我们认识吗? 213.Is this...? 这位是……吗?

214.Is it anyone I know? 是我认识的人吗? 215.He used another name.他没有用本名。216.Do you remember me? 你还记得我吗? 217.I could hardly recognize you.我几乎认不出你了.218.You know my name? 你知道我的名字啊? 英语情景对话1: Ali: My name's Ali.我的名字叫阿里.Mrs.Nikzad: Come along, Ali.The man is busy.过来, 阿里, 这位先生很忙.Bill: That's OK.Where are you from, Ali? 没关系, 阿里, 你从哪儿来的? Ali: Iran.伊朗.Bill: Really? 真的吗?

Ali: Yes.I can speak two languages.嗯, 我会说两种语言.Bill: Oh? Your English is very good.哦? 你英文说得很好.Ali: Yes.嗯.Mr.Nikzad: Come, Ali!The restaurant's over here.阿里,来,.Mrs.Nikzad: Come along, Ali.Good-bye, sir.Thank you for your help.快来, 阿里.先生再见, 谢谢你的帮忙.Ali: Bye-bye, ice cream man.拜拜, 卖冰淇淋的先生.Bill: Good-bye, Ali.See you after lunch.阿里,再见, 午餐後再碰头.英语情景对话2:

Ali: Hello, Mr.Vegetable Man.Do you remember me? My name is Ali.您好!卖菜的先生,还记得我吗?我叫埃利。Yamamoto: Yes, Ali.I remember you.记得!埃利。

Ali: I met you when you were going to the Japanese Garden.Did you have a good time? 您到日本花园去的时候我见到过您。那次玩得好吗?Yamamoto: Yes, thank you, Ali.Is this your mother, Ali?


Ali: Yes, it is.Mommy, I told you about this man.对,是我妈妈。妈妈,他就是我跟你说过的那个人。Mrs.Nikzad: His name is Mr.Yamamoto, Ali.Be polite.他是山本先生,埃利。要有礼貌。

Ali: How do you know his name, Mommy? 您怎么知道他的名字,妈妈?

Mrs.Nikzad: Because many of my friends have 227.It’s mine.是我的。228.It’s...’s.是……的。英语情景对话1:

Bill: Well, how's your boss this morning? told me about him and his excellent shop.It's nice to meet you, Mr.Yamamoto.Our name is Nikzad.许多朋友都和我谈起过他和他极好的商店。真高兴见到您,山本先生。我们姓尼克撒德。

Yamamoto: How do you do, Mrs.Nikzad?Your son helped me find my way around the Fair.您好,尼克撒德太太。您的儿子在博览会上给我带过路。

Ali: Are you famous, Mr.Yamamoto? How come? 山本先生,您一定很有名吧?怎么出的名? Yamamoto: Because I have lived in this neighborhood a long time.因为我在这附近住了很长时间了。Ali: But that isn't enough, is it? 但这并能说明问题呀,对吗?

Yamamoto: You have to answer that question for yourself.这个问题你得自己回答。

Lesson 13 Identifying Objects 识别事物 英语口语句型

219.Is this...? 这是……吗?

220.Is that...over there? 那边的是……吗? 221.What's this? 这是什么? 222.What'’s that? 那是什么? 223.What is it? 是什么东西? 224.It’s...那是…… 225.Which one? 哪一个?

226.Whose money is it? 那是谁的钱?


Laura: He's angry.“Miss Segura.Please be here at nine o'clock.”

他生气了.“瑟姑拉小姐, 请您九点钟到.” Bill: Your boss is right.您的老板没有错.Laura: He's a monster!他是一个怪物!

Bill: He's right, Laura.劳拉, 他是对的.Laura: OK, he's right.好吧, 他没有错.Bill: Here.来这儿.Laura: What is it? 那是什麽?

Bill: It's an ice cream sandwich.一个冰淇淋三明治.Laura: How much is it? 多少钱?

Bill: For you-free!给您...免费赠送!

Laura: Oh, Bill.You're a sweetheart!比尔, 您真好!英语情景对话2: Carlo: What's that? 那是什麽?

Anna: Pizza.Pizza.Carlo: No, not in Italian.What is it in English? 不, 不是用意大利文, 英文怎麽讲?

Anna: It's “pizza” in English, too.英文也叫 Pizza.CARL Oh, really? What are those? 哦, 真的? 那些是什麽东西? Anna: Baked potatoes.烤马铃薯.Carlo: And this? 那这个呢?

Anna: Uh...an apple.嗯...是 apple(苹果).Carlo: Are you sure? 你确定吗?

Anna: Yes, I'm sure.当然确定.Carlo: Spell it.把它拼出来.Anna: A-p-p-l-e.A-p-p-l-e.Carlo: A-p-p-l-e, apple.Spell “potato”.A-p-p-l-e, apple, 把 potato(马铃薯)拼出来.Anna: P-o-t-a-t-o.P-o-t-a-t-o.Carlo: And...还有这个...Anna: Look!Isn't that Atsuko, the woman in our class? let's sit there.Hi, Atsuko.Where's your husband?

你看!那不是我们班上的明子吗? 我们坐那边吧.明子你好,你的先生呢?

Atsuko: He's in line again.He's hungry tonight.他又去排队了, 他今天晚上很饿.Carlo: How's the food here? 这里的菜怎麽样?

Atsuko: It's ok.The rice isn't good, but the sandwiches are okay.还可以, 这里的饭不好吃, 但是三明治还不错.Lesson 14 Age 年龄 英语单词: limit n.界限

spaghetti n.意大利面

agency n.代理厅 publicity n.宣传 competition n.竞赛 display v.展示 n.展览 entry n.参加竞赛的人或物 participant n.竞赛者 英语口语句型

229.How old are you? 你有多大年纪? 230.I’m six years old.我六岁。

231.I’d rather not tell my age.我不想谈我的年纪。

232.I’m going to be seven a week later.再过一个星期我就七岁了。

233.My oldest son is seventeen.我最大的儿子十七岁。

234.He's about your age.他跟你年纪相仿。235.You're the same age as...你和……年纪相若。

236.He’s...older than I am 他比我大…… 237.I’m young.我很年轻。238.I'm old.我老了。

239.I’m getting old.我在渐渐变老。

240.You’re too young to...你太小,还不能…… 241.Is there an age limit for...? 有年龄限制吗? 242.He never talks about his age.他从来不提他的年龄。


BILL: Hi, Ali.Where are your parents today? 嗨, 阿里, 你爸妈今天到哪儿去了?

ALI: They're eating in the Italian restaurant again.I like hot dogs more than spaghetti.And ice cream is the most delicious thing in the world.It's not fair.他们又上意大利餐馆去了.我喜欢热狗甚於意大利, 然而冰淇淋又是世界上最美味可口的东西了.那是不公平的.BILL: What isn't fair, Ali? 什麽不公平, 阿里?

ALI: They can eat as much spaghetti as they want.But I can't eat as many hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches as I want.Do you have children?

他们高兴吃多少条就能吃多少, 但我想吃多少热狗和冰淇淋三明治却不能.你有孩子吗?

BILL: I have two boys and two girls, but they are all older than you.我有两男两女, 不过他们都比你大.ALI: How old are the boys? 男孩有多大?

BILL: Bill, Jr., the oldest, is seventeen.Jack is sixteen.小比尔最大, 他十七岁, 杰克是十六岁.ALI: Do they play baseball? 他们打棒球吗?

BILL: They sure do.Do you play baseball? 当然了, 你也打棒球吗?

ALI: Not yet.But I'm going to learn soon.I'm almost seven years old.还没.不过, 我很快会去学的, 我差不多七岁了.英语情景对话2:

Paul: And that, Mr.Crawford, is our plan.We'd like your agency to handle the publicity.郭佛先生, 我们的计划就是这样子.我们愿意由你的代理商去负责宣传.Mr.Crawford: Good.Now let me make sure I have all the facts.很好,让我来确定一下我所知道的整个事情.Paul: Certainly.请便.Mr.Crawford: The Brazilian Pavilion is planning a competition for young artists.巴西馆计划为年轻的艺术家们举办一次比赛.Paul: Yes, and by the way, the Pavilion will display many of the entries during the final month of the competition.对.噢, 对了, 在比赛的最后一个月, 很多应徵的作品要在巴西馆展览出来.Mr.Crawford: I see.Now, the entries must all be oil paintings, correct?

好的.参加比赛的作品都必须是油画, 对不对? Paul: Yes.对.Mr.Crawford: Is there an age limit for the participants?

对参加比赛的人, 有没有年龄上的限制?

PAUL: We were thinking of thirty or thirty-five.But you must know more about this than I do.我们考虑以三十岁或三十五岁为限.不过, 关于这方面的事, 您知道的比我多,PAUL: You have more experience.您的经验比较丰富.Mr.Crawford: I think thirty is the right limit.How old are you, Paulo? May I call you Paulo? 我认为三十岁最好, 保罗, 你几岁了? 我可以叫你保罗吗?

Paul: Of course, sir.Twenty-nine.当然可以, 我二十九岁.Mr.Crawford: You're the same age as my son Michael.你跟我儿子麦可一样大.Paul: Yes.喔.Mr.Crawford: Forgive me.Where were we? 对不起, 我们刚才讲到哪里?

Lesson 15 Size, Quanitity and Weight 大小、数量和重量 英语单词: anniversary n.周年纪念 wedding n.婚礼 bouquet n.花束 lily n.百合

gallon n.加仑[液体单位] 英语口语句型:

243.Do you know the size of...? 你知道……的大小吗?

244.What's the size of...? ……的尺寸是多少? 245.I don’t know.我不知道。246.How long is...? ……有多长? 247.It’s...long.它长……。

248.It’s...in length.它的长度是…… 249.How wide is...? ……有多宽? 250.How broad is...? ……有多宽? 251.How thick is...? ……有多厚? 252.How tall is...? ……有多高? 253.How high is...? ……有多高? 254.How big is...? ……有多大?

255.Is it bigger or smaller than...? 它比……大还是小?

256.It's half the size of...有……的一半大。257.How many...are there? 有多少个……? 258.How much...? ……有多少?

259.How much does...weigh? ……有多重? 260.It weighs...它重…… 261.It's heavy.它很重。262.It's light.它很轻。

263.I'm gaining weight.我的体重在增加。264.I’m trying to lose weight.我在减肥。英语情景对话1:

Nora: Good morning, sir.May I help you? 早安, 先生, 我能效劳吗?

Customer: It's our anniversary today.I'm looking for the same flowers as the ones in her wedding bouquet., 我要找(买)一些和内人在婚

礼上所拿的相同的花束.Nora: What do they look like? 是什麽样子的?

Customer: White.They're white.白色的, 白色的花束.Nora: How tall are they? 有多高啊?

Customer: They're short, I guess.About the same height as those short flowers over there.我想, 它是矮矮的, 差不多跟那边的花朵一样高.Nora: Do they look like roses? 它像玫瑰?

Customer: No.They look like little bells.不像, 它们看起来像个小钟形.Nora: Oh--lilies of the valley.No, I'm sorry.哦--铃兰, 很抱歉, 这个时候我们没有铃兰.Customer: Oh, that's too bad.哎呀, 那太糟了.Nora: What about roses? 买些玫瑰怎麽样?

Customer: OK.How many do you suggest? 好吧!你认为需要多少?

Nora: As many as you like, sir.They're beautiful, aren't they?

你需要多少就买多少, 先生.它们很漂亮, 不是吗? Customer: Yes, they are.是 的, 很漂亮.英语情景对话2:

Salesman: Can I help you? 我能效劳吗?

Mrs.Nikzad: Yes.I want to paint my son's bedroom.I think sky blue is pretty color.是的, 我要粉刷我孩子的卧室, 我想天蓝色的颜色很棒.Salesman: How big is the room?


Mrs.Nikzad: Not very big.不很大.Salesman: How many gallons of paint do you want?

你要多少加仑的油漆呢? Mrs.Nikzad: I don't know.我也不晓得.Salesman: Look, why don't you tell your painter to buy the paint?

嘿, 你为什麽不告诉你的油漆匠去买油漆呢? Mrs.Nikzad: I am the painter.我就是油漆匠.Salesman: Well, then.Do you know the size of the room?

哦, 那麽, 你知道房间的尺寸吗? Mrs.Nikzad: No.I'm sorry, I don't.不, 很抱歉, 我不知道.Salesman: Is it larger or smaller than this store? 它比这个商店大或小?

Mrs.Nikzad: It's about half the size of this store.大约是这个店的一半大小.Salesman: You need two gallons.你需要两加仑.Mrs.Nikzad: Now what do I do? 现在我该怎麽办?

Salesman: Madam, why don't you get a painter?

夫人, 你为什麽不找个油漆匠?

Mrs.Nikzad: My son and I want to paint the room together.我儿子要跟我一起粉刷房间.Salesman: All right.Here.Read these instructions.Do you want the paint now? 好, 这里, 看看这些指导说明, 你现在就要油漆吗?

Mrs.Nikzad: Yes, please.是的.Salesman: Two gallons of sky blue.That's $21.39.两加仑天蓝色的共是二十一元元角九分.? Mrs.Nikzad: Thank you.What time do you close?

谢谢, 你什麽时候关店?

Salesman: We're open till 6:30 tonight.我们今晚营业到六点卅分.Lessson 16 Order 顺序 英语口语句型:

265.He's in line.他在排队。266.Who’s next? 下一位到谁了? 267.You're the next.下一个到你了。268.It’s your turn.轮到你了。

269.This is my first...这是我的第一个…… 270.It’s the last one.这是最后一个了。


Carol: What's that in English? 那个英文怎么讲? Anna: Stew.Stew

Carlo: Spell it.拼出来。Annd: S-T-E-W.S-T-E-W.Carol: S-t-e-w.Stew, stew.S-T-E-W.Stew, stew.Counterman: Next, next.Who's next? 下一位,下一位,下一位是谁?

Carlo: Uh, I'm not ready yet, thank you.这个......我还没有想好,不好意思。Counterman: Take your time.Next.别着急。下一位。

Lesson 17 Whereabouts and Directions 位置和方向 英语单词:

plaza n.广场;商业区 fountain n.喷泉 Martian n.火星人 scared a.害怕的;吓坏的 英语口语句型:

271.Is...here? ……在吗? 272.Where is...? ……在哪里? 273.It's on the second floor.在二楼。274.It’s next to...在……旁边。275.It’s right here.就在这里。276.He’s with...他正和……在一起。277.He’s gone to...他去……了。278.Here I am.我在这里。

279.Where was...? ……刚才在哪儿?

280.I was in the bathroom.我刚才在洗手间。281.She was here a few minutes ago.她刚才还在这里。

282.Where are you going? 你要去哪里? 283.I’m going to...我正打算去……

284.We're on our way...我们正在……的路上。285.Here comes...……来了。286.Where can I find...? ……在哪里? 287.What’s the room number? 房间号码是多少?

288.I don't know my way around...我对……不熟。

289.I got lost.我迷路了。

290.Can you tell me where...is? 请问……在哪里?

291.How can I get to...? 去……怎么走? 292.How far is it to...? 到……有多远? 293.It's quite a long walk from here.从这里走


294.It’s near here.离这里很近。295.It's round the corner.就在附近。296.Go down the street.沿着街向前走。297.Turn left at the first crossing.第一个十字路口向左转。

298.It's to your left.在你的左边。

299.Sorry,I'm new here.对不起,我对这里不熟。300.The campus bus can get you there.你可以乘坐校园巴士去。

301.Where do you live? 你住在哪里? 302.What's your address? 你的住址在哪里? 303.I live at 3B, 552 Bush Street.我住在布什大街552号三楼B座。

304.He lives in the neighborhood.他住在附近。305.What's the zip code? 邮政编码是多少? 英语情景对话1:

Yamamoto: Can you tell me where the Japanese Garden is?

能不能告诉我, 日本花园在那里?

Bill: It's quite a long walk from here.Why don't you take the Fair bus? It stops right over there, in the Plaza of Nations.Between the statue and the fountain.从这里走到那边相当远, 您不妨搭乘博览会公车, 它就停在那边, 在广场里的 雕像和喷水池之间.Yamamoto: The statue? Excuse me, I don't see as well as I used to.雕像啊? 对不起, 我不像以前看得那么清楚.Ali: Hi, Mr.O'Neill.嗨, 欧尼尔先生.Bill: Oh, hi, Ali.哦, Would you do me a favor? 阿里你好, 你愿不愿意帮我一个忙? Ali: Sure.好.Bill: Would you take this gentleman to the bus stop over there?

请你带这位先生到那边巴士站, 好不好? Ali: Sure.Hi.Where do you want to go? 好, 嗨, 你要去那里?

Bill: The gentleman wants to go to the bus stop, Ali.这位先生要到巴士站, 阿里.Ali: But where are you going after that? 然后你要去那里呢?

Bill: He asks a lot of questions.他问了许多问题.Ali: My father says I shouldn't ask so many questions.He says it's not polite.So I'm sorry.But I still want to know.我爸爸说我不该问这么多问题, 他说这样不礼貌.所以我道歉, 但是我还是想知道.英语情景对话2:

Mrs.Nikzad: Ali, my little Martian.Where were you? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You've been gone three hours!Mr.Yamamoto, I can't thank you enough for bringing him back.What happened, Ali? Where were you? I was so worried.阿里, 我的小火星人, 你到哪里去了? 你为什么不告诉我你要去哪里? 你已出去三个钟头了!山本先生, 你把他带回来了, 我真感激不尽.阿里, 到底发生了什么事? 你到哪里去了? 我多么耽心.Ali: Don't cry, Mommy.I won't do it again.I promise.Don't cry.I just went to Mr.Yamamoto's store to invite him to my party.It takes too long to invite people by mail.I got lost.I started walking, and then I didn't know where I was.So I asked people to help me find Mr.Yamamoto's store.Some people said, “Turn left,” and some people said, “Turn right,” and sometimes I forgot what they said.But I didn't

get scared!I kept saying to myself, “You're almost seven!” Anyway, all of a sudden, I was right there in front of Mr.Yamamoto's store.It was like magic!And Mr.Yamamoto can come to my party.I asked him.不要哭了, 妈!我不会再犯了.我答应你.不要哭了.我只是到山本先生的店里去请他参加我的派对.因为写信邀请人太慢.我迷路了.我开始走路, 然后不知道自己在哪里.所以我请别人帮助我找山本先生的商店.有的人说: “往左转,” 也有的人说: “往右转,” 有时候我忘了他们说什么.可是我并不害怕!我一直对自己说: “你快七岁了!” 反正我忽然间, 来到了山本先生商店的门口.就像在变魔术一样!山本先生可以参加我的派对, 我已经问过他了.Yamamoto: You should have seen him, Mrs.Nikzad.When Ali found the store, he may have been shaking a little, but he wouldn't cry.He's a brave boy.可惜你没有看到, 尼克萨德太太.当阿里找到我的店的时候, 虽然似乎有一点发抖, 但他坚决不哭.他是个很勇敢的小男孩.Lesson 18.Time and Date 时间和日期 英语单词:

convenient a.方便的;便利的 deadline n.最后期限 英语口语句型:

306.What time is it? 几点钟了? 307.What’s the time? 几点了? 308.It’s...o’clock.现在……点整。309.It’s half past...……点半了。310.It’s 10 to 8.差十分八点。

311.Do you have the correct time? 你知道准确的时间吗?

312.My watch is slow.我的表慢了。313.It's early.还早。314.It's late.很晚了。

315.What day is today? 今天星期几? 316.It’s Saturday.今天是星期六。317.What’s the date today? 今天几号了? 318.It’s June the eighth.今天六月八号。319.What month is this? 现在是几月? 320.We’re in 2002.现在是2002年。321.When is...? ……是在什么时候?

322.How many days to...? 离……还有几天? 323.How long ago was that? 那是多久以前的事情?

324.It’s two weeks from now.距离现在两星期。325.How long have you been waiting? 你等多久了?

326.Two years is a long time.两年是很长一段时间。

327.Time flies.时光飞逝。

328.The time will pass quickly.时间会过得很快。329.Please be here at nine o’clock.请九点到。330.You're early.你来早了。331.I’m late.我迟到了.332.I forgot the time.我忘了时间。333.Is 2:00 convenient? 两点钟方不方便? 334.How long does it take to...做……需要多长时间?

335.What's the deadline for...? 截止日期是……?

336.You have to finish it by...你必须在……之前完成。

337.I can have it ready in two days.我可以在两天之内准备好。

338.It's time to...该是做……的时候了。339.It's too late.太迟了。

340.Childhood is the happiest time of life.童年是一生中最快乐的时期。英语情景对话1:

Nora: Dinner's almost ready.About five more minutes.再五分钟左右, 晚餐就好了.Bill: When's the big game? 什麽时候大赛?

Billy: Next Saturday.This was our last practice before the game.下星期六.这是我们比赛前的最後一次练习.Jack: I'm hungry.我肚子饿了.Billy: Hey, Jack.Let's practice until dinner's ready.嗨, 杰克.我们再去练, 练到吃晚餐为止.Jack: OK.Superman.Let's go.好吧, 超人.走吧!英语情景对话2;

Ali: Mommy.I'm going to be seven soon, right? 妈妈,我快到七岁了,对吗?

Mrs.Nikzad: Yes, July 17.对,7月17日。Ali: What day is that?是星期几呀? Mrs.Nikzad: It's a Monday.星期一。Ali: May I have a birthday party? 我可以开个生日晚会吗?

Mrs.Nikzad: I'm sure you can.However, we'll have to talk to your father.我想可以。不过,我们要告诉你爸爸一声。

19.Weather 天气

341.How is the weather today?今天天气怎样? 342.lt's fine.天气很好。

343.It's a beautiful day.今天天气真好啊!344.The sun is bright.阳光明媚。

345.What's the temperature today?今天气温是多少?

346.It's a warm day.天很暖和?

347.It's cold for April.对于四月份来说,天很冷。348.There are little white clouds in the sky.天空中有点点的白云。

349.It's cloudy.天气多云。

350.The clouds cleared up.云消散了。351.It's windy.有风。352.It's raining.下雨了。

353.The streets are wet.街道湿了。354.The rain stopped.雨停了。355.There's a rainbow.出彩虹了。

356.What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气会怎样?

357.The weather forecast says…天气预报说…… 358.I don't trust weather reports.我不相信天气预报。对话1

Ytunamoto:What's the weather like today? 山本:今天天气怎么样?

Frank:It's a beautiful spring day.It would be good for you to spend a day in the sun.弗兰克:是个美丽的春日。花一天时间去晒晒太阳对你来说有益处。

Yamtunoto:Can I get to the Fair by bus? 山本:我可以乘公共汽车去博览会吗? Frank:It's not far take a taxi.It won't be expensive.弗兰克:博览会离这儿不远,你可以坐出租车去,不贵的。

Ytunamoto:No, I'II take the bus.山本:不,我要搭公共汽车。

Frank:OK.Take the number 20.It goes right to the Fair.弗兰克:好的。坐二十路公共汽车可以直达博览会。对话2

Pedro:Excuse me.How much is the bus'? 佩德罗:对不起,请问公共汽车票多少钱?

Woman:Fifty cents.女士:五角。

Pedro:Will the driver change a$10 bill? 佩德罗:十美元的钞票司机可以找得开吗? Woman:I don't think so.Oh, here's the bus.Oh, no!

女士:我想不会的,噢,车来了。噢!真糟糕!Bus Driver:What's the matter, lady? 司机 :你怎么了?女士。Woman:Look at me!女士:你看我!

Bus drixrer:You look beautiful to me.司机:我看你很漂亮。

Woman:Look at my dress!lt's ruined!女士:你看我的衣服!完蛋了!Bus Driver:I'm sorry, miss.司机:对不起,小姐。

Woman:Is that all you can say? “I'm sorry, miss.” What about my dress?


Pedro:What are you going to do about this? 佩德罗:这事你该怎么办? Bus Dnrver:Who are you'? 司机:你是谁?

Pedro:Who do you think I am? 佩德罗:你以为我是谁?

Bus Driver:Look, mister.I'm sorry.It's raining.The streets are wet.司机:瞧,先生,我很抱歉。外面下着雨,街道都是湿的。

Pedro:Let's sit down,dear.佩德罗:我们坐吧,女士。

Bus Driver:Hey.mister!You forgot to pay!司机:嘿,先生!你忘了付车钱!Pedro:I did not forget.Is the bus company going to pay for a new dress? 佩德罗:我没有忘记付钱,汽车公司会付新衣服的钱吗?

Bus Dmrer:Forget it!Forget it!Sit down.司机:算了!算了!你坐吧。句法剖析

对于与英美人士接触的中国人来说最保险的话趣莫过于谈天气了。西方人常常说:Mentioning weather can be a uxeful and inoffensive way of starting a conversation.有用又不得罪人的交谈方式)。的确,在英美国家.天气是人们日常谈话中的重要内容。况且,英国人特别喜欢谈天气,有人说这也许是因为英国天气历来变化无常,为人们在茶余饭后提供了有趣的话题。英美人在谈论天气时通常采用下面的表达方式:一般性的谈论:Lovely weather/day,isn't it?或者Terrible weather,isn't it?谈论气温:It's ever so hot/cold today,isn't it?有风:It's windy.(有风);谈论气温变化:It looks like rain,don't you think so?(要下雨了,是吗?):将来天气变化:What will the weather be like tommorrow?(明天天气会怎样?):谈论不正常的天气:It's cold for April.(对于四月份来说,天很冷)。

另外,在谈论天气时,人们往往不仅说一下天气的状况,而且在讲话时经常注入个人的感情和评论。比如.人们一般情况下都不只是说:It's raining today,isn't it?而可能会说:It's raining terribly hard today,isn't it?或者It's raining so heavily,isn't it?事实上,英美人士也很少talking about weather just for the sake of weather(为谈天气而谈天气)。与陌生人在一起的时候,如在火车上、在候机厅里,为了摆脱彼此间面面相觑的尴尬局面,人们会不约而同地谈论天气,从而可以自然地引出许多其他的话题。


20.Family 家庭

359.I have a big family.我有一个大家庭。360.Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?

361.I have a brother.我有一个兄弟。

362.I'm the only child of my parents.我是独生子女。

363.I'm happ.Iy married.我结了婚,生活幸福。364.I'm single.我是单身。

365.I'm a mother of four.我是四个孩子的母亲。366.We had a big family reunion on Christmas Eve.圣诞前夜我们全家大团圆? 对话1

Miguel:Look, here come Mrs.Ortega and Pedro.米盖尔:你看,奥尔特加太太和佩德罗来了。marta:I wish they would go away.玛尔塔:我真希望他们走远一点。

Miguel:You don't real estately mean that, Maria.米盖尔:玛尔塔,你不是真的这样想吧!Pedro:I hope we' re not interrupting anything.We want to say good-bye, too.佩德罗:希望我们没有打扰你们。我们也想道别一下。Mrs.Ortega:Let me give you a kiss, my boy.Remember me to your mother and father.I hope to see them again.I'II miss you.Miguel.奥尔特加太太:孩子,让我亲你一下。替我问候你的父母,我希望能再看到他们。米盖尔:我会想你的。Miguel:I'll miss you, too.It's been a wonderful summer.Thank you.Take care of Pedro.He still needs his mama.米盖尔:我也会想您,这个夏天过得可真愉快。谢谢您。您要照顾好佩德罗,他还需要妈妈。句法剖析

英语在说“兄弟姐妹”的时候,虽然区分男女,可是却没有意识到年龄的差异,这点和中文不同。在对话中,brothers or sisters之所以会一起出现,也是为了要把男女区分清楚。哥哥和姐姐的英文是elder brother和elder sister,这在中学就已经学过了。可是在日常的英语会话中,都是说成big brother,big sister,至于弟弟妹妹,则是kid brother,kid sister。370.I'II clear the table.我来清理桌子。371.Who's washing the dishes?谁来洗碗? 372.How do you use the vacuum cleaner?吸尘器怎么用?

373.I didn't do the rugs and floors.我没有清理地毯和地板。

374.Ihave tO do the laundry.我要洗衣服。375.It's your turn to scrub the bathroom.该你“Married or single?”是许多英语表格需要作出选择的选项,可不要弄错了。Family reunion是指全家大团圆。英美国家通常在圣诞节全家大团圆,一起吃火鸡。而中国人呢,在传统的大年三十团团圆圆包饺子吃。

你的公司今天举办迎新会。当聚会结束后,有同事说“Let's go to a karaoke bar!”,邀你一同去卡拉OK。你是很想去,但碰巧今天是女儿生日,必须早点回家。请说出你不得不离开以及必须赶回家的理由。实力测试

参考句式:l'd love to go very much, but I have to go home now, because I have only one daughter and today is her birthday.21.Housework 家务 mess n.脏乱,杂乱的一团 vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器 scrub v.洗擦 chore n.琐事,家务 allowance n.零钱 filthy a.肮脏的 dessert n.饭后甜点 句型

367.What a mess!真乱!368.Have the dinner ready by six.六点前把晚饭做好。

369.Help me set the table.帮我摆餐具。


376.It's time to sweep up the basement.该打扫地下室了。

377.Clean up the mess in your room.把你乱糟糟的房间清理干净。

378.Y'ou forgot to make up your bed.你忘记整理床铺了。

379.Don't litter.不要乱丢东西。

380.Keep your room clean and tidy.让你的房间保持干净整齐。

381.NO chores,no allowance.不干家务,就不给零用钱。对话1 Hi, kids, 嗨,孩子们:

It's Friday again, so I won't be home from work until 9:15.又是星期五了;因此我要到九点十五分才会下班回家。

Dinner is in the refrigerator.Peggy, you can heat up the stew and make the salad.Suzy, you can set the table.Billy and Jack, I want you to clear the table,wash the dishes,and put them away.晚餐摆在冰箱里。佩吉,你可以把炖肉热一热,并做些沙拉。苏西,你可以摆餐具。比利和杰克,我希望你们清理餐桌,把盘碗洗衣干净收起来。You can get started on the weekly chores.No chores,no allowance.Peggy.please scrub the bathroom.It's filthy.还有每周一次的家务,也可以着手做,不做家务,就不给你们零用钱。佩吉,麻烦你把浴室洗刷一下,太脏了。

Jack,you know how to use the vacuum cleaner.Would you please do the rugs and the floors? 杰克,你知道吸尘器怎么用,请你清理地毯和地板,好不好?

And you, Billy,please clean up the mess in the basement.I don't know what you were doing down there, but you left tools all over the place.And Suzy, you can help Billy sweep up.还有你,比利,地下室又脏又乱,请你清理干净。我不知道你在那里干什么,工具散乱得到处都是。苏西,你要帮助比利打扫。

Dad will be home around 6:30.Why don't you have dinner ready by then? OK, kids? Enjoy your dinner.Oh yes, for dessert, you can have the chocolate cake.But please leave a little piece for your hard-working mother.爸爸大概六点半回来。你们不防在那之前将晚餐准备好,可以吗,孩子们?希望你们吃得愉快。哦,对了,餐后甜点,你们可以把那个巧克力蛋糕拿出来吃。不过,拜托留下一小块给你们工作辛苦的妈妈。

Love 爱你们的

Mom 妈妈 句法剖析

Housework(家务活)与一homework(家庭作业)不要搞混,尽管两样有时都很烦人。现在的父母都太忙,孩子在做完homework之后都要帮忙做点Housework,否则父母就会叫到:Who's washing the dishes?(谁来洗碗?),It's your tum to scrub the bathroom.(该你刷洗浴室了),Clean up the mess in your room.(把你乱糟槽的房间清理干净)。更糟糕的是约法三章:No chored,no allowance.(不干家务,就不给零用钱)。真惨!


参考句式:lt's time to cjean up the mess in your room.Don't forget to scrub the bathroom.22.Study and Language Study学习和语言学习stay up 不睡,熬夜 accent n.口音,腔调 fluent a.说话流利的 Portuguese n.葡萄牙语 confident n.自信的,肯定的 career n.事业 句型

382.I didn't go to college.我没有上大学。383.I go to school at night.我晚上上学。384.He's going to law school.他准备上法律学校。385.He studies business.他学的是商科。386.She's going to take some courses.她打算修几门课。

387.She has a lot to learn.她有很多东西要学。388.I'm going to learn soon.我很快就要去学了。389.I'm doing homework.我正在做家庭作业。390.I read all the time.我所有的时间都在看书。391.I study day and night.我夜以继日地学习。392.I study until late at night.我学习到深夜。393.I stayed up the whole night.我熬了一夜。394.I'm working hard at it.我正为之努力。395.I give English lessons.我教英语课。396.Pay attention to the teacher.认真昕老师讲课。

397.0pen your books tO page l.把书打开到第一页。

398.What's it in English?那个用英语怎么说? 399.Spell it.拼出来。

400.Listen tO this dialogue.听听这段对话。401.Repeat after me.跟着我做。

402.Do you have any questions so far?到目前为止你们有问题要问吗?

403.English is hard.英语很难学。

404.I learn a little more English every day.我每天学会一点英语。

405.The news is in English.新闻是英语的。406.You can practice your English。你可以练习说英语。

407.How well do you know English?你的英语水平怎么样

408.My English is so bad.我的英语那么差。409.Your English is very good.你英语说得很好。410.Y'ou have a good accent.你的语音很好。411.Y'ou're almost fluent.你说话几乎很流利了。412.Do you speak English?你会说英语吗? 413.What language do you speak?你说什么语言?

414.Ican speak two languages.我会说两种语言。对话1

Teacher:Good evening, class.老师:各位同学,晚上好。Students :Good evening.学生:晚上好。

Teacher:Please sit down.Here are your books, New English 900.Now,listen to this dialogue.Books closed.老师:请坐下。这是你们的书,《新英语900句》,现在请把书合起来听听这段对话。Joanna:Paulo, I'm nervous.乔安娜:保罗,我很紧张。Paulo:Why? 保罗:为什么?

Joanna:I'm always nervous in school.乔安娜:上课的时候我总是会紧张。Paulo:Why? The teacher's very nice.保罗:为什么?这位老师很好。

Joanna:Yes, she is.But English is hard.乔安娜:她是很好,可是英文太难了。Paulo:A new language is always hard.保罗:学一种新的语言总是很困难的。Student:Ssssh!学生:嘘!Joanna:I'm sorry. 乔安娜:对不起。

Teacher:Now, open your books to page 1,and repeat after me.老师:现在请将书打开到第一页,并跟着我念。对话2

Paulo:Come on,Joanna.You can't say no to the Crawfords.保罗:乔安娜,帮个忙,你不能拒绝克拉福德家人的邀请。

Joanna:My English is so had,and they don't speak Portuguese.乔安:我的英文那么差,而他们又不会说葡萄牙文。Paulo:Your English is fine.And you have a good accent.保罗:你的英文挺好的,而且你的发音很标准。

Joanna:Do you really think so? 乔安娜:你真的这样认为吗?

Paulo:Yes, I do.And you can practice your English at the party.保罗:是的,我真的这样认为。何况你参加宴会,又可以练习说英文。

Joanna:You're so confident.乔安:你倒很有信心。Paulo:Then you're coming? 保罗:这么说,你是要去了。

Joanna:No, Paulo.I don't want to go.乔安娜:不,保罗,我还是不想去。

Paulo:Please, Joanna.Do it for me.For my career.保罗:乔安娜,我求你,就算是为我好了,为了我的前途。句法剖析

English is hard.《英语很难学)。不少朋友都有此感受。近二十年来,世界各国的英语作为外语(English as a foreign language)的学习发生了深刻的变化,它突出地表现在人们的语言观方面。长期以来,人们普追认为学一门语言就是学习它的语音,语法和词!把这三个方面学好了就意味着学会了这门语言。随着国际交往的日趋频繁,人们终于发现,单单学会一门外语的语音、语法规则和掌握一定量的词汇并不意味着学会了这门外语,许多学了不少英语语言知识的非英语国家学生一踏上英美等国的国土就患了“聋哑症”,在学习和生活中遇到的困难多得不胜枚举。语言是交际工具,学习语言的最终目的是获得用所学语言进行交际的能力这一观点,通过实践已逐渐为各国外语教师和学生所接受。所以,I learn a little more English every day.(我每天学会一点英语)是非常重要的。

23.Work and Employment工作

notice n.终止协议时的颅党通知 resign v.辞职 seek v.寻求

previous a.在先的,在前的

interview n.会见,而淡 v.会见,面谈 assistant a.辅助的 offer v.提供 bankrupt a.破产的 leopard n.豹 spot n.斑点

vanilla cone n.香草甜筒 句型

415.What does he do?他是做什么的? 416.He has a good job.他有个好工作。417.He'S a…他是个……

418.He works in…他在……工作。419.He works for…他为……工作。420.He works as… 他是……

421.He often works overtime.他经常加班。422.He's difficult to work for.为他做事很难。423.l'm giving you two weeks' notice.我给你两星期时间。

424.I quit.我退出不干。

425.I resigned from…我从……辞职了。

426.I have to look for a new job.我必须另找一份工作。

427.You need recommendations to...要……,需要有推荐信。

428.Put an ad for…in…在……登个……的广告。429.We are seeking a tour guide.我公司诚聘导游一名。

430.We prefer those who have had previous experience.有经验者优先.:

431.Ihave a job interview.我要去面试一份工作,432.Did you get the pos…on?你获得那个职位了吗?

433.They want me to be the assistant manager of their company.他们要我担任公司的助理经理。434.They offered me a position.他们提供一份工作给我?

435.The salary is 200 dollars per week.工资是每周二百美元,436.What kind of job would you like?你想要什么样的工作?

437.I'd like to be my own boss。我想自己当老板: 438.I'm afraid I can't hire you.我恐怕不能录用你:

439.We can find you a job in…我们可以在……为你找个工作

440.How much do you need to start a shop?开一家店需要多少钱?

441.…went bankrupt.……破产了。对话1

Friend:What about your work?You like it, don't you? 朋友:你的工作怎么样?你喜欢,对不对? Laura:Yes, I do.And I know I'm a good secretary,but…


Friend:But what'? 朋友:可是什么?

Laura:To him.I'm nothing.A machine.A late machine.I'm not a machine.劳拉:我在他的眼里一文不值,是部机器。一部过时的机器,但我不是机器!

Friend:Why don't you talk to him? 朋友:你为什么不和他说呢?

Laura:Because he's impossible.Leopards don't change their spots.I have to look for a new job.劳拉:因为他不可理喻,本性难移。对话2


Bill:How are you.Laura?Have you found a job yet?


Customer:Do you have vanilla cones? 顾客:有没有香草甜筒?

Bill:Certainly.Here you are.Now, where were we?Oh, yes.I asked if you had found a job yet.比尔当然有的,这就是。我们刚刚谈到哪里了?噢,对了,我问你有没有找到工作。

Laura:No, not yet, but I've been doing a lot of thinking.劳拉:没,还没有,不过我最近想了很多。Bill:Well, you know Paulo Farias, the nice-looking young man at the Brazilian Pavilion?

比尔:嗯,你认识保罗·法瑞斯?就是在巴西馆工作,外表很讨人喜欢的那位青年。Laura:Yes, I remember him.劳拉:认识,我记得他。

Bill:I told him that you had resigned.比尔:我已经告诉他说你辞职了。Laura:You did? 劳拉:真的?

Bill:And that you were looking for a new position.比尔:我还告诉他说你要找新的职位。Laura:What did he say? 劳拉:他怎么说?

Bill:He said that he remembered you.比尔:他说他记得你。

Laura:That's nice.What elsc did he say? 劳拉:那好,他还说什么?

Bill:He said he was looking for a secretary.But he also said he didn't think he could hire you.比尔:他说他正在找秘书,可是他也说大概不能雇用你。

Laura:Oh, why? 劳拉:噢,为什么?

Bill:Because he does a lot of work with Mr.Crawford's office.比尔:因为他跟克拉福德先生的公司经常有生意来往。

Laura:Yes, of course.Oh.weU, thanks for trying.劳拉:对了,那当然。噢!谢谢你帮我打听。句法剖析

“What do you do?”正确来说是“What do you do for a living?”(你是做什么工作的?)的省略问句。询问职业时,也可以单刀直人问对方“What is your job?”在尊重个人更甚于公司的英语环境中,回答的人大多不报公司名称(在知名企业里工作的人例外),而如对话那样,仅介绍自己的职业性质。换工作和辞职在现代社会变得平常。你的朋友说不定哪天告诉你:I resigned from…(我从……辞职了)I have to look for a new job《我必须另找一份工作)。你可以告诉他:Put an ad for…in…(在……登个……的广告)。几天以后,朋友告诉你:I have a job interview.(我要去进行一次面试)。于是,再次相见时,你追不及待地问:Did you get the position?(你获得那个职位了吗?),朋友说:They offered me a position.(他们提供一份工作给我).The salary is $200 per week.(周薪200美元),But I refused.(但我不干)。你问What kind of job would you like?你想要什么样的工作?):结果朋友的回答让你大吃一惊:I'd like to be my own boss.(我想自己当老板)。

你是一家外资广告公司人力资源部主管。公司想急聘一位熟悉广告事务的市场拓展人员,面试过程中你要向应聘者发问,以看看他是否有能力担任此职,你该怎么说呢? 实力测试

参考句式:We prefer those who have had previous experience.What did you do before?


anniversary n.周年纪念 congratulation n.恭喜,祝贺 crelebration n.庆祝 fortune n.运气 turnout n.出席人数 句型

442.Everybody is dressed up.人人都盛装打扮。443.It's our anniversary today.今天是我们的结婚周年纪念日,444.It's her birthday next Sunday.下星期天是她的生日:

445.Happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。446.Here's a present.送你一个礼物.,447.Open it.打开吧。448.It's beautiful.这真漂亮。449.Make a wish.许个愿吧。

450.Blow out the candles.把蜡烛吹灭。451.Congratulations.祝贺你。452.He's celebrating...他在庆祝……

453.Celebrations are for young people.欢庆是属于年轻人的事。

454.It's his only joy.那是他唯一的乐趣。455.He doesn't watch television.他不看电视。456.He doesn't think about happiness.他不考虑如何寻欢作乐。

457.Ineed a break.我需要休息一下。

458.All of us need a day off.我们都需要休息。对话1

Customer:Congratulations,Mr.Yamamoto.You're famous!

顾客:恭喜你,山本先生,你出名了。Yamamoto:Famous? 山本:出名?

Customer:Yes.That was a great article about you in the paper.顾客:是啊!报上有一大篇关于你的文章。Yamamoto:Ssh.Don't tell the vegetables.They don't know yet.山本:嘘!不要跟蔬菜说,它们还不知道呢!Customer:What does your family think about it? 顾客:你家人觉得怎样?

Yamamoto:They're very happy about it.It's good for business.山本:他们很高兴,这有助于生意: Customer:Where's Jim today? 顾客:吉姆今天到哪里去了?

Yamamoto:He's at the Fair.He's celebrating.山本:他在博览会,他庆贺去了。Customer:What's he celebrating? 顾客:他庆贺什么?

Yamamoto:My new fame and fortune.山本 :我的新名气和运气。

Customer:Maybe he's right.Why aren't you celebrating with hime? 顾客:也许他是对的,你为什么没跟他一起庆祝呢? Yamamoto:Celebrations are for young people.山本:庆祝是属于年轻人的。

Customer:Well, maybe.But all of us need a day off,sometimes.Why don't you go to the Fair, Mr.Yamamoto? 顾客:嗯,也许是,不过,我们大家有时候也是需要休息的。山本先生,你何不到博览会去呢? Yamamoto:I don't really like crowds.山本:我真不喜欢人群。

Customer:I can understand that.But you can go on Wednesday or Thursday.It's not so crowded then.顾客:我能了解,不过,你可以在星期三或星期四去,那时候就没有那么拥挤了。Yamamoto:Yes? Well.maybe.山本:是吗?好吧,也许。对话2

Everyone:Happy Birthday to you, 大家:祝你生日快乐,Happy Birthday to you, 祝你生日快乐,Happy Birthday to Ali, 祝阿里生日快乐,Happy Birthday to you.祝你生日快乐。

Mrs.Nikzad:Blow out the candles, Ali, but first make a wish.尼克萨德太大阿里,先许个愿,然后把蜡烛吹熄。Ali:What should I wish for? 阿里:我应许什么愿?

Bill:Anything you want, but don't tell us.If you tell your wish, it won't come true.比尔:任何你想要的都可以,但不要告诉我们。你的愿望如果告诉了别人,就不会实现了。Hussein:Here comes the ice cream!候赛因:冰淇淋来了!

Ali:Wow, look at it all!Gallons and gallons of it!阿里: 哇,大家看!好几桶啊!

Mr& Nikzad:You know, Mr.O'Neill, by the time we left the house, Ali had asked for ice cream at least half a dozen times.I'm glad I didn't let him have any.尼克萨德大大:奥尼尔先生,你可知道,今天出门的时候,阿里已经有好几次要求吃冰淇淋,我很高兴我没让他吃。

Waiter:Here you are.And here's a big spoon.服务员:来,这个大调羹也给你。Reporter:Hold it.Just like that!Now another one, Ali.Hold that spoon up.Good.Thank you.I hadn't expected such a big turnout.Thanks for the story.记者:别动,就这样子!阿里,再来一张,拿着调羹。参考句式:I need a day off first, and then go and have a trip with my family.25.Accidents and Sickness 事故和冷疾病 accident n.意外,事故 好!谢谢!想不到有这么多人来,这个题材很好,谢谢你通知我。Ali:Who is that, Dad? 阿里:爸爸,那是谁?

Mrs.Nikzad:A reporter from The Worlds Fair Newslerrer.尼克萨德先生:《万国博览会通讯报》的记者。Ali:Wow!Will my picture be in the papers? 阿里: 哇!我的照片会不会登在报纸上? Mr.Nikzad:I hope so. 尼克萨德先生:我希望会。句法剖析

Congratulations(祝贺)往往是在他人取得成绩或有喜事时表示愉快、高兴的言语交际,是维系和增进人际关系的重要语言表达手段之一。大致可分为:庆贺出生,生日,升学、毕业.结婚、结婚周年庆祝,乔迁之喜、晋升,获奖等等。朋友对你说:It's our anniversary today.(今天是我们的结婚丹年纪念日)。你可以说“Congratulations!”粗心的你要记住了:It's her birthday next Sunday.(下星期天是她的生日)。唱着生日歌:Happy brithday.(祝你生日快乐),Heres a present.(送你一个礼物),.真浪漫啊!Open it(打开吧),(这真漂亮!)唉,真可谓是:Celebrations are for young people.(欢庆是属于年轻人的事)。

新年假期快到了,公司同事问你“What will you be doing during the holiday?“,你心里想:先休息一天,然后和家人一起去一趟短途旅行(trip)。请用英语说出这个度假计划。实力测试

trip v.绊倒 twist V.扣伤 spin v.快速旋转 sore a.终痛的 regard n.问候:致意 bat n.球棒 mitt n.棒球手套 P.S.又及,另 句型

459.There was a robbery.发生了抢劫案。460.I had an accident.我发生了事故。461.Y'ou don't look well.你好像不舒服。462.You look pale.你脸色苍白。463.Are you all right?你还好吗? 464.Don't you feel we¨?你不舒服吗? 465.Is anything wrong?有什么问题吗? 466.What's wrong?出什么事了? 467.What's the matter?怎么了? 468.What's the problem?问题何在? 469.Itripped and fell.我绊倒了,470.Itwisted my an¨e.我扭伤了脚踝。471.Ibroke my arm.我摔断了手臂: 472.Ican't stand up.我站不起来。473.My knees hurt.我膝盖疼。474.Y'ou're bleeding.你在流血。475.He's ill.他病了。476.She's sick.她生病了。477.She has a headache.她头痛。478.My head is spinning.我头晕脑胀。479.Ihave a stomachache.我肚子痛。480.Ihave a sore throat.我喉咙疼。481.My tooth aches.我牙痛。482.I have a fever.我发烧。

483.You have a high temperature.你体温很高。Pedro:Yes,a headache.佩德罗:是啊.头痛。

Miguel:Where are you going? 484.I'm getting a cold.我感冒了。485.I came down with…我因为……病倒了。486.I can't sleep.我睡不着。

487.I haven't been sleeping well.我睡眠不好。488.I have a bad back。我的脊背不好。489.I've got a pain in…我……痛。490.I lost my appetite.我没胃口。

491.I need some fresh air.我需要新鲜空气。492.Is it serious?严重吗?

493.You'd better go and see a doctor.你最好去看医生。

494.I'm sorry.我很难过。

495.Take this medicine.吃了这药。496.How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?

497.I'm fine now.我现在已经好了。

498.Ifeel much better now.我现在感觉好多了: 499.The cold is gone.感冒好了。500.He died of…他死于…

501.Take good care of yourself.好好照顾自己。对话1

Pedro:Marta isn't going to the party.佩德罗:玛尔塔不参加宴会了。Miguel:Oh?Why'? 米盖尔:哦?为什么? Pedro:She's sick.佩德罗:她生病了。Miguel:Oh, I'm sorry.米盖尔:噢,真可惜,Pedro:A headache.佩德罗:头痛。Miguel:A headache? 米盖尔:头痛?

米盖尔:你要去哪里? Pedro:To the party.佩德罗:去参加宴会。Miguel:You're going alone? 米盖尔:你一个人去吗?

Pedro:Sure.Are you writing to your mother again?

佩德罗:当然:你又要写信给你妈妈? Miguel:Yes.米盖尔:是的,Pedro:Send her my regards.Well.I'm going.Good-bye.佩德罗:请代我问候她。好了,我要走了,再见。Miguel:Bye.See you later.米盖尔:回头见。对话2

Ali:I wish I hadn't eaten dinner last night.阿里:我真希望我昨天晚上没有吃晚餐。Mrs Nikzad:Why.Ali?Don't you feel well? 尼克萨德太太:为什么,阿里?

Ali:Oh.no!I feel fine.But I wish I had room for more ice cream.阿里:噢,不是。我很好。我只是恨不能吃更多的冰淇淋。

Mrs Nikzad:I hope you don't get sick.尼克萨德太太:我希望你不会吃坏肚子。Ali:I won't.But even if I do, I won't be sorry.阿里:不会的啦,但是就算吃坏了肚子我也不会后悔的。

Hussein:I wish I had known about this place for my birthday.Ali, open your presents.Here's one from Mr.Yamamoto.侯赛因:我上次过生日的时候,如果知道有这个地方,那该多好!阿里,拆开你的礼物,这个是山本先生送的。

Ali:OK.Wow!A baseball and a bat.Gee, thank you, Mr.Yamamoto.阿里:好。哇!是一个棒球和一支球棒!谢谢您,山本先生。

Hussein:Here's one from Mr.O'Neill.I wonder if it's agiant ice cream sandwich!侯赛因:这个是奥尼尔先生送的,你看会不会是一个巨大的冰淇淋三明治?

Ali:Oh, boy!I wish it were my birthday every day!阿里:噢,老天!我真希望天天过生日!Mr.Nikzad:I'm glad it's not.尼克萨德先生:我真高兴不是。Ali:Wow, a mitt!阿里:哇,一副棒球手套!

Hussein:Here's a note.I'II read it to you.Dear Ali.You don't know me, but my father says 候赛因:这里有一张纸条,我念给你听。亲爱的阿里:你不认识我,但我爸爸说你是个很好的孩子,you're an OK kid, and you want to learn to play baseball.OK, I'll teach you.Happy birthday.Bill Jr.P.S.I wish I could have come to your party.Wow!I wish we had invited everybody in the world!还说你想学打棒球。好,我教你,祝你生日快乐。小比尔



俗话说,吃五谷生百病。也就是说,人人都有犯病的时候。在英美等西方国家,看病一般都要预约。如果是得了急性病,可以直接送医院,如果只是一般的头痛感冒,不经预约的话,你连医生的面都很难见到。除非你的病很严重才可和医生预约,Is it serious?(严

重吗?)护士小姐通常会通过电话问明白.医生询问病人的病情会直接说:What's the problem?(问题何在?)你就得按情况来回答了:I twisted my ankle.(我扭伤了脚踝),I have a fever.(我发烧)等等。人不生病,关键在于Take good care of yourself.(好好照顾自己)。

今天早上你肚子突然痛得厉害而导致上班迟到了,老板非常不高兴,怒气冲冲地问你是怎么回事,这时你要如何说清楚情况呢? 实力测试

参考句式: l'm sorry to be late.I had a serious stomachache this morning.I feel much better now after l've taken the medicine.26.Relationship 关系 deserve v.应得 flirt v.调情

break up 分手;绝交 divorce n.离婚

acquaintance n.相识的人 mystery n.神秘的人或物 insult v.侮辱

favorite n.最喜欢的人或物 句型

502.Are you alone?你一个人吗? 503.I made a friend.我交了一个朋友。504.I met him at…我是在……认识他的。505.We are friends.我们是朋友。

506.They know each other.他们相互认识。507.I've known him for many years.我认识他已经很多年了。

508.I don't know him very well.我和他不很熟。509.Agood friendship deserves a second chance.深厚的友情应该有言归于好的机会。510.I'm falling in love with…我爱上……了。511.I'm in love with…我爱着…… 512.I flirt with everyone.我谁都逗。513.He's seeing…他在和……谈恋爱。514.She's going out with…她在和……恋爱。515.Will you marry me?和我结婚好吗?

516.She doesn't love him any more.她不再爱他了。

517.She dropped him like a bad habit.她把他视作坏习惯般甩了。

518.He never spoke to me again.他再也不理我了。

519.They broke up.他们分手了? 520.They got a divorce.他们离了婚。521.We work together.我们一起工作。522.We're colleagues.我们是同事。

523.He's one of my business acquaintances.他是我生意上的伙伴之一。

524.They work as a team.他们合作。

525.They are husband and wife。他们是夫妻。526.They are twins.他们是双胞胎。情境对话1

Pedro:OK.OK.I give up.Who is the mystery woman? 佩德罗:好,好,我不猜了。那神秘女郎是谁? Miguel:Maria.米盖尔:玛尔塔。Pedro:Maria!佩德罗:玛尔塔!Miguel:Yes.米盖尔:是的。

Pedro:Thanks for telling me.Women!What can you do?One minute she's crazy about me,and the next minute she's going out with you.佩德罗:谢谢你告诉我。女人!你能怎么办?一分钟前她还为我而疯狂,一分钟后,她却和你恋爱了。Miguel:I'm sorry, Pedro.米盖尔:佩德罗,很抱歉。

Pedro:It's OK.It's your turn.佩德罗:没关系。下一个就轮到你了。Miguel:You're wrong.米德尔:那你就错了。我们是真的互相爱慕。Pedro:Good luck.佩德罗:祝你好运。

Miguel:Pedro!Aren't you ever serious? 米德尔:佩德罗,你就不能正经点吗? 情境对话2

Jim:All right.It's his way.But...吉姆:好吧,那是他的方式,不过… Pearl:But, what? 珀尔:不过什么?

Jim:Why doesn't he like me?Why does he insult me in front of the customers?


Pearl:He doesn't, Jim!I don't believe it.珀尔:他不会的,吉姆,我不相信。

Jim:It's true, Mom.He always says, ”AII of the customers know the prices.Why don't you?“ 吉姆:确实是这样,妈妈,他常常说,“所有的顾客都知道价格,那么为什么你就不知道?” Pearl:Oh, Jim, that's the way he is.珀尔:噢,吉姆,他就是那样。

Jim:OK.But does he have to be that way all the time?Wework together every day,but we never talk to each other.Either he changes or I quit.吉姆:好,但是他有必要整天都这样吗?我们每天一起工作就从来没说过话。不是他改变,就是我不干。Frank:You know, Jim,you are his favorite grandchild.弗兰克:你知道的,吉姆,你是他最疼的孙子。Jim:How do you know? 吉姆:你怎么知道? Frank:He doesn't say it, but I know.法兰无:他没说过,但我明白。Jim:I give up.吉姆:我不说了。句法剖析

英语中恋爱的说法有许多种,日常生活中可少不了,比如:I'm falling in love with…(我爱上……了),我们没有见过面。

533.Inever saw her again.我再也没有见过她。534.I'II write.我会写信的。

535.I'll send a postcard every now and then.我不时会给你寄张明信片。

536.I have received their reply.我已经收到他们的答复。多形象啊,都坠人爱河了.简单点的:I'm in love with…(我爱着……);He's seeing…(他在和……谈恋爱),She's going out with…(她在和……恋爱)。等到水到渠成,关键的一句就可以用上了:Will you marry me?(和我结婚好吗?)。从此往后:They are husband and wife.(他们是夫妻)。

你的两位大学同学合作搞外贸,公司生意也日益兴旺,但两位合伙人近日却因意见有点分歧而大吵了一场,你希望他们能言归于好,你能想出什么规劝的话对他们说吗? 实力测试

参考句式:You've known each other for so many years.A good friendship deserves a second chance.27.Contact 联络 come along 进展,进步 embarrassing a.令人难堪的 appointment n.约会 句型

527.Long time no see.好久不见.,唯一 528.I haven't see you for我……久没有见过你了: 529.Have you heard from...recently你最近有……的音信吗?

530.Haven't you kept in touch?你们没有保持联络吗?

531.We're seeing each other less and less.我们见面越来越少。

532.We never see each other these days.这些天

情境对话1 Bill:Hi, Paulo 比尔:嗨,保罗。

Paulo:Hi, Bill.How's business? 保罗:嗨,比尔,生意怎么样? Bill:Fine.How's yours? 比尔:不错,你呢? Paulo:Coming

along.We're opening some new exhibitions soon.Oh,by the wav.we're looking for a secretary.保罗:还好,我们有一个新展览会快要开幕了。哦,对了,我们正要请一位秘书。

Bill:Really? I know a good one, She wants a new job.比尔:真的?我认识一位好秘书,她需要一个新的工作。

Paulo:Where can I find her? 保罗:她在哪里?

Bill:I can give her your number.I see her every day.比尔:我可以给她你的电话号码,我每天都看到她。Paulo:OK.Here's my card.Tell her to call me.Oh, what's her name?

保罗:好,这是我的名片,叫她打电话给我,对了,她叫什么名字? Bill:Laura Segura.比尔:劳拉·塞格拉。Paulo:Segura...Isn't she Mr.Crawford's secretary? 保罗:塞格拉,她不是克拉福德先生的秘书吗? Bill:She was.She resigned.比尔:那是以前的事,她辞职了。

Paulo:I don't think I can hire her.My office does a lot of work with Mr.Crawford's office.It could Mr.Crawford:Did she leave a message? 克拉福德先生:有没有留话?

Laura:No, sir.And your next appointment is here.Mr.Robert Gardner.劳拉:没有。下一个约见您的人已经来了,罗伯特·加德纳先生。

Mr.Crawford:Send him in.please.be embarrassing.保罗:我恐怕不能用她。我的公司跟克拉福德先生的公司有生意来往,那将会很尴尬的。Bill:I see.That's too bad.比尔:我明白,真遗憾。

Paulo:Yes, it is.But Perhaps we can find her a job in another department.保罗:是的,不过,我们也许可以在其他部门帮她找到工作c Bill:Thanks, Paulo.比尔:谢谢,保罗。Paulo:Sure.Bill.保罗:不客气,比尔。情境对话2

Mr.Crawford:Ms.Segura, Mr.Farias is leaving now.Good-bye, Paulo.克拉福德先生:塞格拉小姐,法瑞斯先生现在要走了,保罗再见。

Paulo:Good-bye, Mr.Crawford.And we'II sec you and Mrs.Crawford for dinner on Wednesday.保罗:克拉福德先生再见,星期三吃晚餐的时候,我们就可以跟您和克拉福德太太见面了。Mr.Crawford:We're lookino forward to it.克拉福德先生:我们正期待着。Mr.Crawford:Were there any calls? 克拉福德先生:有没有电话?

Laura:Yes.Your wife called fifteen minutes ago.劳拉:有。您夫人十五分钟以前打过电话来。

克拉福德先生:请他进来。Laura Yes.sir.劳拉:是的,先生。句法剖析

Long time no see.(好久不见)。本来是中雷式的英文,但在美国的中国人用得多了,久而久之,也成了美国人打貂呼的常用语。I haven't seen you for…(我……久没有见过你了).后加时间:如果想夸张一点,可加上“ages”(好久不见)。朋友之间要注意keep in touch(保持联络),这种情况就不妙了:We're seeing each other less and less.(我们见面越来越少),下一步就会是:I never saw her again.(我再也没有见过她)。这可不行,即使不能常常见面,也要:I'll write.(我会写信的),I'll send a postcard every now and then.(我会不时给你寄张明信片)。


参考句式:We're seeing each other less and less.I haven't seen her for half a year.28.Likes and Dislikes 好恶 brilliant competition be interested in after be tired of philosopher 句型

537.I like…我喜欢……

538.I like…more and more.我越来越喜欢…… 539.I love…我很喜欢一 540.I prefer…我更喜欢……

541.Y'ou're going tO like him.你会喜欢他的 542.Y'ou're his favorite.你是他最喜爱的…… 543.I enjoy…我喜欢…

544.I'm interested in…我对……很感兴趣 545.She's crazy about…她疯狂地爱着… 546.She's after…她在追求……

547.She's getting serious about…她对……认真起来。

548.She's always smiling at you.她常对你微笑。549.He never stops talking about..他一天到晚都在讲….

550.I don't like…我不喜欢……

551.I don't like…any more.我不再喜欢……了。552.I hate…我讨厌….

553.He doesn't care about…他并不关心…一 554.I'm tired of…我对……感到厌倦。555.How do you like it?你喜欢吗?

556.That's what I like about him.我就是喜欢他这一点。情境对话1

Ali:Hello, ice cream man.阿里:你好,冰淇淋先生。

Bill:Hello, Ali.Are you alone? 比尔:阿里,你好,你一个人啊? Ali:Yes.阿里:是的。

Bill:Where are your parents? 比尔:你爸爸妈妈在哪里? Ali:I don't know.阿里:我不知道。Bill:Really?Uh...Ali...比尔:真的?阿里,这个……

Ali:May I have an ice cream sandwich,please? 阿里:我可不可以吃一个冰淇淋!三明洽?可不可以?

Bill:Sure, Ali.Why don't you sit down and talk to me?

比尔:当然可以。你为什么不坐下来跟我聊聊天? Ali:OK.Here's thirty-five cents.阿里:好。给你三角五分钱。Bill:Whose money is that? 比尔:那是谁的钱? Ali:It's mine.阿里:是我的。

Bill:It's yours? You're a rich young man!比尔:是你的?你这个年轻人很有钱。Ali:Yes.阿里:对啊!

Bill:I like your jacket, Ali.比尔:阿里,我很喜欢你的外套。Ali:I don't.It's my brother's.阿里:我不喜欢,是我哥哥的。Bill:Don't you like your brother? 比尔:你不喜欢你哥哥吗?

Ali:No.My father and mother like my brother.He's always good.I don't like him.阿里:嗯,我爸爸妈妈都喜欢哥哥。他总是很乖,我不喜欢他。Bill:I like you,Ali.比尔:阿里,我喜欢你。Ali:May I come home with you? 阿里:我可不可以和你回家?

Bill:Look!Isn't that your mother? She's crying, Ali.比尔:看!那不是你的妈妈吗?阿里,她正在叫你。Ali:Mommy!Mommy!Here I am!阿里:妈妈!妈妈!我在这里!情境对话2

Michael:Do you like it? 迈克尔:你喜欢吗? Pedro:It's brilliant!佩德罗:出类拔萃!

Michael:I hope the judges think so.迈克尔:但愿评审们也这样认为。

Pedro:I hate to tell you, but I heard through a friend of a friend that Leo van der Zee is entering the competition.佩德罗:我不太想告诉你,但是,我一个朋友的朋友说利欧.范.德·西要参加比赛。Michael:I wish you hadn't told me.迈克尔:但愿你没跟我说。

Pedro:Oh.come on.Your painting is great.佩德罗:别这样嘛!你的画非常好。

Michael:Sure, but van der Zee is a fine painter, and he's much better known than I.迈克尔:画是不错,但是范·德·西是一个很出色的画家,而他比我出名得多。Pedro:So what? 佩德罗:那又怎么样?

Michael:I guess you're right.I wish I knew it' I was wasting my time.迈克尔:你大概说得对,我只是想知道我是不是在浪费时间。

Pedro:If you knew what the futurc was going to be like,life would be boring.佩德罗:人要是知道将来会怎么样.人生会显得太无聊。

Michael:I didn't know that you had become a philosopher.迈克尔:我还不知道你已经变成一个哲学家了。Pedro:And I had forgotten that you could be such a pain in the neck.佩德罗:而我都忘了你是个令人头痛的家伙。

Michael:You're right.I'm sorry.I'm driving everyone crazy.Let's change the subject.Do you have any more bad news?

迈克尔:你说得对。很抱歉,我快把每个人都遇疯了,我们换一个话题吧!你还有没有坏消息? Pedro:No.That' s all for today.佩德罗:没有了,今天就是这么多。句法剖析

任何语言都可以表达喜欢与不喜欢的概念,英语当然也不例外。但对于学习英语的人来说,要表达喜欢似乎比表达不喜欢容易一些:因为在表达喜欢时,说话的人可以不必顾虑是否会得罪对方。主要用语有:I enjoy…(我喜欢……),I'm interested in…(我对……很感兴趣),She's crazy about…(她疯狂地爱着……)等。但是在表达dislike《不喜欢》时,我们就得要注意表达方式了,切忌太直截了当,以免伤害对方的感情。

你和朋友一起去纽约旅行,两人正在商量明天的行程。你想前往艺术博物馆参观摄影展。请试着以三种不同的说法向朋友询问他是否对摄影有兴趣? 实力测试 参考句式:

1.Are you interested in photography? 2.How do you like photography? 3.Do you enjoy photography? 29.Wishes and Blessings愿望和祝福 vacation n.假期

remember v代为致意(问候)brochure n.介绍情况的小册子 submit v.捉交,逞送

canvas n.帆布;画在帆布上的油画 stuck a.穷困的,阻塞的 downtown n.(市中)闹市区 broke a.身尤分文的 deliver v.投送 句型

557.I wish…我希望… 558.I hope…我希望… 559.I hope so.希望如此。

560.I wish you the best of luck.祝你好运。561.Good luck.祝你好运。562.It's for luck.这能带给你好运。

563.Have a nice day.祝你度过愉快的一天。564.Have a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快。565.I hope you have a pleasant vacation.祝你度个愉快的假期。

566.Send…my regards.代我问候某人。567.Remember me to…代我问候某人。568.…send you their love.……向你问好。情境对话1

Arturo:There's the plane.Miguel.Wow!It's a 747.阿图罗:米盖尔,飞机就在那里。哇!是架747!Mama:My little Miguel.妈妈:我的小米盖尔。Miguel:Mama, I'm a man!米盖尔:妈妈,我已经长大了。Arturo:747s are beautiful planes.阿图罗:747客机真漂亮。Mama:Where' s your suitcase? 妈妈:你的旅行箱在哪里? Miguel:Right here, Mama.米盖尔:就在这里,妈妈。

Mama:And your tickets? 妈妈:机票呢?

Miguel:They're in my pocket.Mama.米盖尔:在我的口袋里,妈妈。Mama:And your passport? 妈妈:护照呢?

Miguel:lt's in my pocket.too, Mama.米盖尔:护照也在我的口袋里,妈妈。Mama:Here is a present.妈妈:来,这是件礼物。Miguel:Oh,Mama.米盖尔:噢,妈妈。Mama:Open it.妈妈:打开吧!Miguel:It'sbeautiful.米盖尔:真漂亮。Arturo:What is it? 阿图罗:那是什么? Miguel:A gold coin.米盖尔:一块金币。Mama:It's for luck.妈妈:能给你带来好运。Miguel:Thank you, Mama.米盖尔:谢谢妈妈:

Loudspeaker:Flight 212 for New York city gate 3.广播:乘212航班飞往纽约市的乘客请在三号门登机。

Mama:Good-bye, Son.妈妈:再见,孩子。Arturo:Good-bye.Miguel.阿图罗:再见,米盖尔。

Miguel:Good-bye, Arturo.Good-bye.Mama.米盖尔:阿图罗再见,妈妈再见。情境对话2

Michael:You take your coffee black, right? 迈克尔:你喝纯咖啡,对不对? Pedro:Right, thanks.佩德罗:是的,谢谢。Michael:I have a favor to ask.迈克尔:我想请你帮我一个忙。Pedro:What is it? 佩德罗:什么忙?

Michael:I'm entering an art competition, anet I want to use your name.迈克尔:我要参加一项艺术比赛,我想用你的名字。Pedro:What do you mean? 佩德罗:我不懂你什么意思。

Michael:I don't want my father to know I'm entering the competition.迈克尔:我不希望我爸爸知道我参加比赛。Pedro:OK.If you want it that way.You finish the painting.and I'II be happy to sign niy name.I love to see an arlist working.佩德罗:好的,如果你想这么做,你的画完成之后,我将会很乐意签上我的名字,我最喜欢看艺术家绘画。

Michael:Here's the brochure.They call the contest ”Young Artists' Competition“.迈克尔:这是简章,这个比赛叫做“年轻艺术家的比赛”。

Pedro:Money.Brazil.and Joanna!Did thcy design this contest especially for you?Good luck.Are you submitting something new? 佩德罗:金钱、巴西,还有乔安娜!这个比赛是不是专为你策划的?祝你成功,你是不是要用新的作品参加? Michael:Yes.迈克尔:是的。Pedro:May I see it? 佩德罗:可不可以看看?

Michael:There's nothing to see I've finished painting my canvas white, and now l'm stuck.Maybe l need a break.Have you had dinner yet'? 迈克尔:没什么可看的,我已经把画布涂上白色,但现在不知如何下笔了,或许我需要休息一下,你吃过晚餐没有?


Michael:I haven't, eithcr.Do you want to go downtown?

迈克尔:我也没有,要不要到闹市区去? Pedro:l'm broke.佩德罗:我没钱了。

Michael:OK.I'II call that place around the corner and have them deliver a pizza.How's that? 迈克尔:好,那我打个电话叫拐角的那家店送一个意大利馅饼来,怎么样? Pedro:Fine.佩德罗:很好。句法剖析

好友去找工作,你可说:Good luck.(祝你好运)。朋友去郊游,可说:Have a nice day.(祝你度过愉快的一天)。朋友去旅游,可说:Have a pleasant trip(祝你旅途愉快)。问候某人:Send…my regards.(代我问候某人),Remember me to…(代我问候某人),…send you their love.(……向你问好)。这几种常用问候方法大家可要记住啦。

你朋友是一家专门销售进口车的汽车公司的业务员。新年伊始,请用两种不同的说法表示希望他在今年创销售佳绩,卖出100辆以上汽车。实力测试 参考句式:

1.I wish you success and would sell more than 100 cars this year.2.I hope that you can sell more than 100 cars this year.30.Activities 行动 ruin v.破坏 resist v.抵抗:反抗 句型

569.What are you doing?你在做什么?

570.I'm writing to my mother.我正给我母亲写信 Mrs.Nikzad:Why? 尼克萨德太太:为什么?

Ali:I ruin his dinner.He always says, ”Ali, why do you always ruin my dinner?“


571.Are you doing…?你在做……吗? 572.I'm going tO…我将要……

573.I'm seeing her tomorrow.我明天去看她/与她约会。

574.He's coming to pick me up.他要来接我 575.He's driving us to…他将开车送我们去…… 576.You're going alone?你一个人去吗? 577.Do they play…?他们玩……吗?

578.What happened tO…?……发生什么事了? 579.Iused to…我过去常常…… 580.It's growing.它在成长壮大。对话1

Mrs.Nikzad:What are you doing,Ali? 尼克萨德太太:阿里,你在做什么? Ali:Ssh.You have to be very quiet!阿里:嘘,别说话!

Mrs.Nikzad:Why? What are you doing? 尼克萨德太太:为什么?你在做什么?

Ali:Can't you see, Mommy'? The Martians are landing.阿里:妈妈,难道你没注意到吗?火星人着陆了。Mrs.Nikzad:Oh.Well,we're eating dinner.尼克萨德太太:哦,我们要吃饭了。Ali:OK.阿里:好。

Mrs.Nikzad:Aren't you coming? 尼克萨德太太:你不来吃吗? Ali:No, l'm not.阿里:是,我不要吃。

Mrs.Nikzad:Ali, your father will be very angry.尼克萨德太太:阿里,你爸爸会非常生气的。Ali:No, he won't.He'II be happy.阿里:不会的,他会很高兴。

Mrs.Nikzad:He won't say that tonight.尼克萨德太太:他今天晚上不会这样说。Ali:Then he says,”Why can't you be more like Hussein?“ I hate Hussein!I don't wanna be like him.阿里:那他会说:“你为什么不能像侯赛因那样?”我恨侯赛因!我不要像他那样!

Mrs.Nikzad:Ali, that's a terrible thing to say about your brother.尼克萨德太太:阿里,你这样说你哥哥真是太可怕了!Ali:But it's true.阿里:那是真的。

Mrs.Nikzad:Ali, my little Martian, I won't enjoy my dinner without you.I'II miss you.Won't you come to the table and eat with me?


Ali:OK.But remember, it's only for you.阿里:好,可是要记住,我只是为了你。Mrs.Nikzad:I'II remember.It'Il be our secret.尼克萨德太太:我会记住的,那将是我们两个人的秘密。对话2

Pedro:His name is Michael.He was in love with this woman.He wanted to marry her.She was beautiful, but crazy.佩德罗:他叫迈克尔,他跟这位小姐相恋,他想娶她。她很漂亮,但是有点神经兮兮的。Miguel:What do you mean ”crazy“? 米盖尔:你说她神经兮兮的,是什么意思? Pedro:One day, she came to my door.She didn't love Michael anymore.She fell in love with me.佩德罗:有一天她来到我家门口。她不再爱迈克尔了,她爱上了我。

Miguel:Just like that'? 米盖尔:就那样吗?

Pedro:Well, sure, I flirted with her, but I flirt with everyone!佩德罗:这个……当然哆,我逗过她,可是我谁都逗。问以下问题“你在干嘛?在收拾东西吗?你和James之间发生了什么事了?”,了解一下情况。实力测试 参考句式:

What are you doing? Are you packing? What happen to you and James? Miguel:What happened? 米盖尔:结果怎么样?

Pedro:You know I can't resist a pretty face.佩德罗:你是知道的,我没办法抗拒漂亮女孩子的魔力。

Miguel:And Michael? What did he do? 米盖尔:那么迈克尔呢?他的反应怎么样? Pedro:He never spoke to me again.About a year ago I tried to call him, but he hung up on me.佩德罗:他跟我断绝来往了。大概一年前我给他打电话,可是被他挂断了。

Miguel:What happened to the girl? 米盖尔:那个女孩怎么样了?

Pedro:We saw each other a few tlmes.Then she moved to Florida.She has a sister there.Things like that don't Iast long.佩德罗:我们彼此见了几次面,然后她搬到佛罗里达去了。她有一个姐姐住在那里……像那种事情是不持久的。句法剖析

现在进行时,What are you doing?(你在做什么?),I'm writing to my mother.(我正给我母亲写信),Are you doing…?《你在做……吗?)。将来时.I'm going to…(我将要……)I'm seeing her tomorrow.《我明天去看她)。一般过去时What happened to …?《……发生什么事了?)I used to…(我过去常常……)。可要分清啦。

你的好友Ellen本来是与其男友James合租一个房子的,刚才她突然打电话要你立刻去她家帮个忙,你去到她家看到她正在收拾东西想搬出的样子,试试提31.State 状态 photography n.摄影 critic n.评论家 discreet a.谨慎的 句型

581.HOW is he?他怎么样? 582.…is all right.…状况良好。583.It's crowded.很拥挤。

584.I'm not ready yet.我还没有准备好。对话1

Pedro:Michael.lt's over.I'm sorry.What more can I say?Let's have a beer and forget the whole thing.佩德罗:迈克尔,事情已经结束了,我很抱歉,我还能说什么?让我们喝杯啤酒去,把这所有的事情都忘掉吧!

Michael:Hello, Pedro.How have you been? 迈克尔:佩德罗,你好,最近怎么样? Pedro:OK, Michael.It's been a long time.佩德罗:还不错,迈克尔,好久不见。

Michael:Are you still interested in photography? 迈克尔:你仍然对摄影有兴趣吗?

Pedro:Yes, and I've done a lot of new things.Come on, I'II tell you about them.佩德罗:是的,而且我还作了很多新的尝试。来,让我告诉你。

Michael:How's your mother?I've missed her.迈克尔:你妈妈还好吗?我真想念她。

Pedro:She's fine.She'II be glad to see you again.She's missed you, too.So has the rest of my family.佩德罗: 好很好,她会很高兴再看到你。她也想念你,我们一家人都想念你。

Michael:I would be proud to say that I had done it.迈克尔:我如果能够说那是我画的,我会很骄傲。Pedro:I don't like it, either.佩德罗:我也不喜欢。

Michael:Ssh, there's Paulo.Did anyone tell him that I entered the competition under another name?


Joanna:I don't know.But even if he had found out, he certainly wouldn't have told me.Paulo can be very discreet.乔安娜:我不晓得。不过,就算他发现,也绝对不会跟我说,保罗说话很谨慎。句法剖析

询问某人或某事的状态用?How is…就可以了。例如:How is your work?(工作进展得怎么样?),回答:Great!(棒极了!).Not bad.(还不赖),Terrible./A big mess.(糟透了/简直一团糟)。来到水上乐园,你鼓起勇气登上了高台滑梯的阶梯,当指导人员跟你交代清楚注意事项,让你准备往下滑的时候,你想表示你还没准备好,仍很害怕。请问该如何表达? 实力测试

参考句式:No, l'm not ready yet.l'm so scared.32.Cause and Effect 原因和结果 criticize v.批评,挑剔,评论 critical a.批评的,吹毛求疵的 句型

585.Why?为什么? 586.What for?为了什么? 587.How come...?怎么会……? 588.It's because…那是因为…. 589.That's why…这就是为什么…… 590.Are you here for…?你是来……的吗? 对话1

Mrs Crawford:Hi, dear.How was your day? 克拉福德太太:嗨,亲爱的.今天过得好吗? Mrs Crawford:Oh.the same.克拉福德先生:噢,老样子。

Mrs Crawford:How's your secretary? Docs she come in on time now? 克拉福德太太:你那个秘书怎么样?她最近准时上班吗?

Mrs Crawford:Yes...well.in fact, she resigncd today.克拉福德先生:是的……嗯,事实上,她今天已辞职了。

Mrs Crawford:Laura?Resigned?Why? 克拉福德太太:劳拉?辞职了?为什么? Mrs Crawford:I don't know.Maybe because I criticized her typing.克拉福德先生:我不知道。也许是因为我批评她打字技术不好。

Mrs Crawford:She's a good typist.isn't she? 克拉福德太太:她是一位好打字员,对不对? Mrs Crawford:Yes.usually.克拉福德先生:是,通常是打得不错一。Mrs Crawford:Well? 克拉福德太太:怎么讲?

Mrs Crawford:”Usally“ isn't ”always".克拉福德先生:“通常”是不等于“经常”的。Mrs Crawford:You are too criiical.dear.克拉福德太太:你太挑剔了,亲爱的!

Mrs Crawford:Please.lt's my business.克拉福德先生:拜托,那是我的事情。

Mrs Crawford:Don't talk to me that way.And don't forget.it was my father's busincss.You're too.critical of everything and everyone;of me,of the boys...克拉福德太太:不要这样对我说话,你不要忘了,公司本来是我爸爸的,你对每一件事物、每一个人都太挑剔,包括我、我们的儿子……

Mrs Crawford:Jane, please, don't bother me.克拉福德先生:简,我求你不要烦我。

Mrs Crawford:Look, Gary, I live here, too.They are my sons, too.克拉福德太太:加里,你听我说,这个家也是我的,儿子也是我的……

Mrs Crawford:I'm tired, and I don't wanna talk about it.克拉福德先生:我很累,我不想讨论这些。对话2

Ali:No.You have to do something special to be famous.You have to kill a dragon.阿里:不,一个人必须做某种很特殊的事情才会出名,他必须杀死一条龙。

Yamamoto:I've never done that.I have seen many and fought with a few.But to my knowledge I haven't killed any yet.山本:我倒没有杀过龙。我看过不少龙,还有几次和龙打斗,不过据我所知,我还没杀死过龙。Customer:Excuse me, do you have any lettuce? 顾客:老板,对不起,有没有莴苣? Ali:Wow, have you ever...? 阿里: 哇!你曾经……

Mrs.Nikzad:Mr.Yamamoto is a busy man Perhaps, Ali, we have already taken too much of his time.尼克萨德太太:山本先生很忙,阿里,说不定我们已经打扰他太久了。

Yamamoto:I'II be with you in a moment.Not at all, Mrs.Nikzad.If I don't have enough time,it is because I am old,not because I am busy.山本:我马上来。一点也不,尼克萨德太太。就算我时间不够,那也是由于我老了,并不是因为我事情忙。Ali:I don't understand.阿里:我不懂。

Mrs.Nikzad:Mr.Yamamoto is very wise.When you have lived a little longer, you will understand.尼克萨德太太:山本先生是个很聪明的人。当你长大一点以后,你就会懂得了。Ali:I want to understand now.阿里:我现在就要懂。

Yamamoto:Then you must visit me again.山本:那么你必须再来看我。Ali:Can I? I mean, may I? 阿里:我能吗?我是说,我可以再来拜访你吗? 句法剖析

有因必有果。行事前多问几个Whay?《为什么?》或者What for?(为了什么?)来明确目的与作用是大有裨益的。做完一件事后也要总结一下,问自己:How come……?(怎么会……?)It's because…(那是因为……)That's why…(这就是为什么……).也是很有益处的啦!

有位同事正负责一项策划,由于工作过多,担心自己一个人无法在限期之内顺利完成,因而满面愁容、忧心忡忡。你见他最近弄得连人都消瘦了,尝试向他发问,让他把担忧说出来。实力测试 参考句式: 1.Why you look so worried? 2.How come you look so worried? 33.Doubting and Believing 质疑和相信 definitely ad.明显地,肯定地

teenager n.十几岁(13至19岁)的青少年 句型


592.Are you sure?你确定吗? 593.l'm definitely sure.我万分肯定。594.Aren't you…7你难道不……吗? 595.Don't you want…?你难道不想……吗? 596.Don't you believe me?难道你不相信我吗? 597.Believe it or not.信不信由你: 598.I don't believe it.我不信。599.I doubt it.我很怀疑。600.You're lying.你在说谎。对话1

Joanna:Where's the English class? 乔安娜:英文课在哪里上?

Paulo:On the first floor.Room lOl.保罗:在一楼,lOI室。Joanna:Are you sure? 乔安娜:你确定吗? Paulo:No.I' m...保罗:不,我……

Joanna:Look, Paulo.Are those students in our class? 乔安娜:保罗你看,那些学生不是我们班上的吗? Paulo:Maybe they are.Excuse me.Good evening.Are you in English 3? 保罗:或许是。很抱歉,各位晚上好,请问你们是不是上第三级英文? Students:Yes.we are.学生:是的,我们是。

Paulo:What's the room number? 保罗:教室是几号?

Student 1:201.On the second floor.学生l:20 1.在二楼。

Paulo:Thank you.See you there.保罗:谢谢。到那儿见。对话2

Joanna:You know, when l was a teenager,I used to go to panies all the time.I enJoyed mySelf every minute—panies,dances,boys.乔安娜:知道吗?我在少女时代,经常参加聚会。我一天到晚玩得非常开心,参加聚会,去跳舞,交男朋友。

Michael:It sounds like fun.迈克尔:听来蛮有趣的。

Joanna:It was I used to live from dance to dance.On weekends, Paulo and I never used to be home.乔安娜:真的很好玩。一个舞会结束了,我就开始期待着下一个,到了周末,我和保罗根本就不待在家里。Michael:Paulo?I don't believe it.I thought he worked all the time-like my brother.迈克尔:保罗?真难以置信,我还以为他只懂得工作,就像我哥哥一样。

Joanna:Your brother? I di n't know you had a brother.乔安娜:你哥哥?我还不知道你有一个哥哥。Michael:It's a long story.迈克尔:一言难尽。Joanna:We have time.乔安娜:我们有的是时间。

Michael:OK.How about a cup of coffee? Then I'll tell you about mself.迈克尔:好,要不要喝杯咖啡?然后我告诉你一些关于我自己的事。Joanna:Let me help.乔安娜:我来帮忙。

Michael:No.That's OK.This kitchen is too small for two.Look around.Make yourself at home.迈克尔:不,我来就可以了。这个厨房太小,不能容纳两个人。到处随便看看,不要拘束。句法剖析

在现实生活中,当我们和人交往时.我们会发现如果我们能给出十分肯定的信息,我们所表述的内容的可信度就高,对方也就越容易相信我们。这类情况不仅在日常生活中有,就是在商品推销、政治竞选中也很普遍。质疑的问法有好几种,如:Really?(真的吗?)Are you sure?(你确定吗?);回答可根据情况用:I'm definitely sure.(我万分肯定),Don't you believe me?(难道你不相信我吗?),Believe it or not.(信不信由你)。

意外听见你经常光顾的餐厅即将结束营业的消息,你想确定事情的真假。请用两种不同的说法询问店主这件事。实力测试 参考句式: 1.I heard that you're closing down.Really? 2.I heard that you're closing down.Is that true? 34.Being Sure and Guaranteeing 确定和保证 bet n.打赌,赌注 swear v。发誓,宣誓 robbery n.抢功,抢掠 undercover a.秘密的,暗中的 secret agent 密探,特务 vendor n.卖主,商贩 inconvenient a.不方便的 句型

601.I'll make you a bet.我和你打个赌。602.I bet…我敢打赌….

603.I'm never wrong.我从来不会错。604.I'm sure.我敢肯定。

605.There's no doubt about it.这毫无疑问。606.I promise.我保证。607.I swear.我发誓。对话1

Hussein:Ali!Did you hear? There was a robbery at Dad's bank!侯赛因:阿里!你知不知道?爸爸的银行被人抢劫!Ali:Wow!Did they take a lot of money? 阿里:哇!他们抢了很多钱吗’?

Hussein:No.Some undercover policemen at the Fair caught the thieves.侯赛因:没有,博览会有便衣警察把强盗抓住了。Ali:I bet Mr.O'Neill did it!When I grow up, I want to be a secret agent like Mr.O'Neill.阿里:我想一定是奥尼尔先生抓的,我长大了以后,我要当密探,就像奥尼尔先生一样

Hussein:Ali, Mr.O'Neill is an ice cream vendor!侯赛因:阿里,奥尼尔先生是冰淇淋小贩!对话2

Mr.Crawford:Ms.Segura,here is yestcrday's letter to Bissell Industries.There is an error in the second paragraph.Please be more carctul.Ms.Segura.克拉福德先生:塞格拉小姐.这是昨天给比塞尔实业公司的信,在第二段中有个错误.请多加小心.塞格拉小姐。


Mr.Crawford:Any questions? 克拉福德先生:有什么问题吗? Laura:Only one.劳拉:只有一个? Mr.Crawford:Yes? 克拉福德先生:什么事?

Laura:When do you want to look for a new secretary?


Mr.Crawford:I don't understand, Ms.Segura.We don't need another secretary.克拉福德先生:我不明白你的意思,塞格拉小姐,我们并不需要新秘书啊!

Laura:I'm giving you two weeks' notice.Mr.Crawford.I'm sure you can find someone better than I.劳拉:我给您两个星期的时间去物色,克拉福德先生。Mr.Crawford:Are you resigning from the frrm, Ms.Segura?

克拉福德先生:塞格拉小姐,你是要辞职吗? Laura:Yes, Mr.Crawford.劳拉:是的,克拉福德先生,我相信您一定能找到比我更行的(秘书)。

Mr.Crawford:Very well, Ms.Segura.Put an ad for a secretary in tomorrow's paper.克拉福德先生:好吧,塞格拉小姐,在明天的报上刊登个招聘秘书的广告。Laura:Yes.Mr.Crawford.劳拉:是的,克拉福德先生。

Mr.Crawford:This is very inconvenient.克拉福德先生:真是麻烦。Laura:I'm sure it is.劳拉:我相信是很麻烦。句法剖析



【Kim’s Note】You will have to introduce yourself hundreds of times in your life.It is worth the time and effort to practice until you can do it perfectly.Introducing yourself well is a good way to make a first impression.Use our example as a model for your own self-introduction.[1] Hello everybody.My name is Stone.I come from Guangdong province in China.I am very happy to come here to study with you.[2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim.This class feels just like one big family to me.[3] I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.I also enjoy『享受;喜爱』 playing soccer.I would love to play with you sometime.[4] I hope I can become your friend soon.Thank you very much.【李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:14秒】



[1] 嗨,大家好。我的名字叫石头,我来自中国广东。我很高兴来这里和你们一起念书。[2] 当我三天前来到这个学校时,我就喜欢上它了。这里是那么美丽,那么振奋人心,这里的每个人都对我很亲切,特别是Kim老师。而这个班集体对我来说就像一个大家庭。[3] 我对运动、音乐和爬山很有兴趣。我也喜欢踢足球。我非常想和你们一起踢球。[4] 最后,我希望我能很快成为你们的朋友,谢谢。

【额外成就感】 enjoy * I enjoyed reading these books very much.(我很喜欢读这些书。)

* Tom doesn't enjoy going to school.(汤姆不喜欢上学。)

* I enjoyed the party very much.(我非常喜欢这次聚会。)* I enjoy meeting new people.(我喜欢结识新朋友。)

* What do you enjoy doing in your free time?(你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?)

【Kim’s Note】 The news is an excellent source of learning material.The pronunciation of news broadcasters is the most standard pronunciation and the material in the story is always something interesting to talk about with others.The vocabulary and phrases in news stories are often challenging, but easy to remember because they are in the context of useful sentences.Follow along with this news report until you sound like a professional!

[1] Five people suffered minor injuries『伤害;损害』when an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning.It caused some panic『恐慌;惊慌』but little serious damage.James Pomfret reports:

[1] 今天早上台湾发生6.2级地震,有五人受轻伤。地震引起了市民的惊慌,但是几乎没有严重损失。占姆士•庞夫瑞特报道:

[2] “The earthquake struck at 10.35 this morning [girls screams], rocking Taipei for 20 seconds, though much of the city was left unscathed『未受伤的;未受损失的』.Only a few buildings were damaged.This hospital's outer wall was unable to withstand『抵挡;反抗;经得起』the shock, crashing『碰撞;倒下;坠落』onto the pavement, though no one was injured.”


[3] “There were power cuts in some areas and public transport was disrupted『使分裂;使瓦解』, including the Mass Rapid Transit system, which was closed temporarily『暂时地;临时地』for safety checks.”


[4] “According to the central weather bureau, the quake measured 6.2 on the open-ended『无限制的』Richter scale, with its epicenter『震中』 at sea off Taiwan's north-east coast.Just last night, a quake measuring 6.3 originated『发源;来自;产生』from a similar area, but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related.Nine minor aftershocks『余震』have been recorded.”

[4]“根据中央气象局报告,此次地震达到无限量震级6.2 级,震中心位于台湾东北海岸外海域。昨晚,几乎同一海域发生了6.3级地震,但据推测两场地震并无关联。记录显示有九次微小余震。”

[5] “Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most.The stock market fell more than 1.7 per cent, on worries『担心』that aftershocks could affect the island's industries.Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake.James Pomfret, TVB News.”


【额外成就感】 injury * He escaped from the train wreck without injury.(他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。)

* Most people protect themselves from injury to their self-esteem.(大多数人保护自己使自尊心不受伤害。)panic * There was a panic when the fire started.(火灾发生时引起了一场惊恐。)

unscathed * He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.(他安然无恙地从事故现场走开了。)

withstand * Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.(孩子用的家具必须经得起拳打脚踢。)

crashing * The motorcycle crashed into the fence.(摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。)

* An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.(昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁)* His company crashed last year.(他的公司去年破产了。)

disrupt * An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.(一次交通事故使进出这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。)

on worries ★★★★★ 五星级新闻短语

* People were buying lots of extra groceries on worries that a typhoon might hit the island.(由于担心台风袭击岛屿,人们都在购买额外食品。)

* Extra protection was ordered for the president on worries of an assassination attempt.(由于担心暗杀企图,总统安排了额外的警备。)

【Kim’s Note】This is a five star news expression.It is very common in news reports about disasters or possible dangers.



Ann.陈豪刚从大学毕业就在北京的一家美国公司找到了一份工作。今天他收到一张通知,可是里面有一个词他不懂,他只知道让他去参加一个什么训练班。所以他就去请教公司里的美籍华人Mary。(Office ambience)C:Excuse me, Mary, 请问通知上这个词是什么意思呀?E-t-i-q-u-e-t-t-e。M:Oh, etiquette, 原来是法文,意思是礼节。

C: 噢,原来是要我去参加礼节训练班。Mary,这词是怎么发音的? M:E-ti-ket。Q-u是发k的音,而不是发q的音,e-ti-ket。C:我们来公司工作,又不是来社交,为什么要讲礼节呀?

M:Etiquette is very important to business。一个公司的雇员对客户是不是很客气,有礼貌,这对经营有很大关系。


M:Etiquette is a set of rules that allow us to interact with others in a civilized manner。C:以文明的方式对待别人的一些原则。

M:具体地说就是treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you.C:嗯,(若有所思地)对人要有礼貌,要尊敬别人,还要让人觉得和你在一起很自如。这没问题,I'm always polite and courteous to others。

M:但是,训练班讲的是西方礼节-western etiquette,和中国的礼节还不完全一样,因为两国有文化差异。C:这礼节还有文化差异?我得去训练班听听再说。****** C:嗨,Mary,我的训练班结束了,你那天说的文化差异一点也没错。M:听起来训练班好像让你开窍啦?


M:Asking someone's age is offensive to an American.C:参加了训练班才知道不能问美国人年龄的。


M:既然你训练班已经结束,我来考考你: Tell me what is etiquette? C:我来试试。Etiquette is a set of rules that allow us to interact with others in a civilized manner。M:And treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you.C: Mary,以后我有问题还会来请教你哟!M:No problem。


陈豪在北京的一家美国公司工作了一个月。今天下午他有机会见到公司总裁。第一次见面怎么才能给美国老板留下一个好印象呢?他决定去和Mary谈谈。(Office ambience)陈:Mary,我下午会见到总裁,这是第一次见面,你说我要注意些什么事呀?

M: 第一次的印象,first impression,是很重要。美国人说,You never get a second chance to make a first impression。最初的印象只有一次,决没有第二次机会。陈:第一次印象的重要性我知道,问题是怎么才能给人留下好印象。

M:根据一项研究,人们在初次见面时对一个人的评价有55% 是根据他所看到的。陈:这不是只看表面嘛?打扮漂亮就行了吗?

M:不是打扮漂亮,而是打扮得体。你今天不是会见到总裁吗?我们就来看看你有什么地方需要改进的吧 ****** M: 首先,hair should be well maintained。嗯,你的头发梳得很整齐美观。有的人既不洗头,也不梳头,那是非常不礼貌的。


M:我就看出来你今天没有剃胡子。Unshaved look does not work for others。对了,我早上看你带着领带,怎么没有啦?你要去见总裁,领带一定要带。陈:噢,我到了办公室,我把它取下来了。

M:在办公室里放松一会儿是可以的,但是要去见某人或出去办事,ties should be correctly tied。你一会儿千万别忘了把领带带上。

陈:行,行,我一会儿剃一下胡子,带上领带就齐了。M:等等,一般人还会看你的腿和鞋子。哎,你的裤子太长,裤腿都拖在地上了。Pants should not drag on the floor。


M:你这双鞋是新的吧,很干净,擦得很亮。Shoes should be polished and in good condition。陈:哟,那我裤子太长,怎么办哪?

M:别着急,你不是下午才见总裁吗?赶快回家去换条裤子。还有,千万把白袜子给换了。Never wear white sox。


M:Hair should be well maintained;face well shaved;ties properly tied; pants should not drag the floor;shoes should be polished.And no white sox, please.礼节美语003讲

Ann: 陈豪在美国公司已经工作了一段时间。今天老板要找他谈话。老板找谈话会有什么事呢? 陈豪心里有点不安,所以急着去请教美籍华人Mary。(Office ambience)陈:(很着急地)Hey, Mary,快,我有事问你。M:What's the matter? 陈: 老板的秘书通知我老板过一会要找我谈话,可说的话我没听懂,说是为了什么punc...punc...那个词我不知道...M: Punctual? 陈:对,有点像,不过那个词最后的音好像是什么t y 来了。M:Punctuality? 陈:Yes, yes.Punctuality.Punctuality是什么意思呀?哟,不好了,时间到了,我得去了。(Sound of knocking on the door;opening the door)Mr.Jones: Mr.Chen, it has been brought to my attention that you are frequently late for meetings.I want you to know that punctuality is important in American business and in our company too.C: Sorry, Mr.Jones, I am not sure I understand.What exactly do you mean by punc...punctuality? Mr.Jones: Punctuality simply means being on time.If a meeting is scheduled for one o'clock, everyone is expected to be in the meeting room and ready to start.C:(自语:噢,开会要准时!)Mr.Jones, now I understand.I'll be on time for meetings from now on.Ms.Jones: Good.(Sound of pushing chairs and walking)M: 嗨,陈豪,刚才我要告诉你 punctuality就是准时,你匆忙走了,大概没有听见。哎,老板找你干什么呀? C:他批评我开会不准时。他不懂,可我又没法和老板争。你知道有的时候我专心工作忘了时间!

M.那不行,上星期开会讨论财务,可数据全在你手上。你不到,会没法开。There's no way to have the meeting without you,所以你浪费了大家的时间。Being late is a sign of disrespect。C: 我不是有意没礼貌,有的时候是没法控制的。那天我刚要去开会,电话铃响了。

M:That's simple.Don't answer it。打电话的人要是有重要事情他会留言。你开完会可以打回电。陈:还有一次,开会的时间到了,可是一个客户来看我。我总不能不见吧?

M:实在没有办法的时候,inform others that you are delayed。这样别人就会觉得你是尊重他们的。陈:行,知道了。哎,Mary,你再给我总结一下吧,免得我忘了。

M:Punctuality simply means being on time;punctuality is important in American business;Being late is a sign of disrespect。



1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。

2.Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century?


3.Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise

are universally reflected in facial expressions.3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。

4.Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

5.In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。

6.The greater the population there is in a locality;the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。

7.It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。

8.With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

9.The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.9.诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

10.The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.10.膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。

11.Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.11.酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。

12.Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.12.Billie Holiday作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

13.Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.13.理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。

14.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises.14.儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。

15.Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.15.受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。

16.The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them.16.机械计时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械计时器。

17.Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.17.人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测结果,而这样记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的。

18.Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.18.真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便。

19.When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.19.音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。

20.Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United

States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois.20.虽然美洲山河桃树最集中于美国的东南部但是在北至俄亥俄州及伊利诺州也能看见它们。

21.Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.21.用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

22.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.22.一个国家的主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好。

23.Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur.23.在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率。

24.Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.24.大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态。

25.The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.25.大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白。

26.By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the

United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art.26.到了二十一世纪中叶,美国画家和雕塑家开始在世界范围内对艺术产生重大影响。

27.In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.27.伊丽莎白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。

28.Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff.28.Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

29.Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone.29.Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

30.Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance.30.采摘下的迷迭香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷迭香树与怀念联系在一起。

31.Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.31.骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。

32.That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.32.科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的。

33.Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability to predict these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of life.33.对风暴动力学的研究是为了提高风暴预测从而减少损失,避免人员伤亡。

34.The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed.34.消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷的款价值相同。

35.Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.35.未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活。

36.One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.36.Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。

37.Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.37.Lucretia Mott的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。

38.The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer.38.国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。

39.The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.39.大陆分水岭是指北美洛矶山脉上的一道想象线,该线把大西洋流域和太平洋流域区分开来。40.Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them.40.对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。

41.The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined.41.尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。

42.The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support.42.墙花 之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。

43.It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology.43.社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件。

44.No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States.44.给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。

45.Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places.45.典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地。

46.According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.46.根据人类学家的说法,直立行走的人的鼻祖面部轮廓与黑猩猩相似,额头后倾,眉毛突出。47.Not until 1866 was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.47.直到1866年第一条横跨大西洋的电缆才完全成功的架通。

48.In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology.48.John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。

49.Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence.49.父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。

50.The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy.50.北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其他农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。





1、How are you doing, jane?你好吗,简?

2、How are you?你好吗?

3、How do you do?你好吗?

4、How is everything?一切都好吗?

5、How is everything with you?一切都好吗?

6、How is everything with going?一切都好吗?

7、How is the world around you?你周围的世界怎么样?

8、How is life treating you?生活过的怎么样?

9、How have you been?你最近好吗?

10、How is your family?你的家人怎么样?

11、How is your daughter doing?你的女儿好吗? 第二集

1、I’m really glad to see you。能见到你真的高兴。(再次见面)

2、Good to see you。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

3、Good to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

4、I’m glad to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

5、Pleased to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

6、Glad to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

7、I’m really glad to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

8、Nice to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

9、Pleased to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

10、It’s so nice to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面复杂说法)。

11、It’s a pleasure to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面复杂说法)。

12、I’m very glad to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

13、Nice meeting you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

14、It was a pleasure meeting you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

15、Nice talking to you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

16、It’s been nice talking to you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。第三集

1、I’m sorry I’m so late。对不起,我来晚了。

2、I’m sorry I can’t come。对不起,我来不了。

3、I’m sorry I can’t help you。对不起,我帮不了你。

4、I’m sorry I over slept。对不起,睡过头了。

5、I’m sorry I lost your book。对不起,向你借的书让我弄丢了。

6、I’m sorry I dialed the wrong number。对不起,我打错电话了。

7、I’m sorry I took you for someone else。对不起,我把你当成另外一个人了(我认错人了)。

8、I’m sorry I have to cancel the appointment。对不起,我不得不取消约会。

9、I’m sorry I didn’t notice you。对不起,我没有注意到你。

10、I’m sorry I forget to tell you。对不起,我忘了告诉你了。

11、I’m sorry I forgot your name。对不起,我忘了你的名字了。第四集

1、Isn’t it a small world?这世界真小,不是吗?(注意small world的发音)

2、Isn’t it a lovely place?这难道不是一个很好的地方吗?

3、Isn’t it pleasant weather?这难道不是很好的天气吗?

4、Isn’t it a coincidence?这难道不是一个巧合吗?

5、Isn’t it an interesting story?这难道不是一个有趣的故事吗?

6、Isn’t it a wonderful idea?这难道不是一个好主意吗?

7、Isn’t it astrange dream?这难道不是一个奇怪的梦吗?

8、Isn’t it a silly question?这难道不是一个愚蠢的问题吗?

9、Isn’t it a mystery?这难道不是一个谜吗?

10、Isn’t it a something?这难道不是一个东西?

11、Isn’t it a miracle?这难道不是一个奇迹吗?It’s really something。真了不起。


1、How’s everything here?这里的一切都好吗?

2、Everything is ok。一切都好?

3、Everthing is ready。都准备好了?

4、Everthing is going fine。每件事都进行的非常顺利。

5、Thank you for everything。谢谢你为我所做的一切。

6、Everything’s taken good care of。一切都妥善处理了,没有问题了。

7、Everything will be just fine。一切都没有问题的。

8、You are everything to me。男孩子对女孩四说,你是我的一切。

9、Money is everything to him。对他来说钱是一切。

10、Tell me everything about it。告诉我关于他的一切。第六集

1、you look so beautiful。你看上去真漂亮。

2、You look nice!你看上去很漂亮。

3、You look great!你看起来很好。

4、You look good!你看上去真漂亮。

5、You look awesome!你看起来太棒了。

6、You look like a million dollars!你看起来像百万富翁。第七集

1、How about a cup of coffee。来杯咖啡怎么样?

2、How about some beer?去喝啤酒好吗?

3、How about seeing a movie tonight?今晚去看电影好吗?

4、How about having a picnic this weekend?这周末我们去吃野餐好吗?

5、How abouteating out tonight?今晚出去吃饭好吗? 第八集

1、That’s a neat idea。那个主意真不错。

2、That’s a good idea。那是个好主意。

3、That’s a beautiful idea。那是个好主意。

4、That’s a nice idea。那是个好主意。

5、That’s a great idea。那是个好主意。

6、That’s a wonderful idea。那是个好主意。

7、That’s a great suggestion。那是个好的建议。

8、That sounds great。听起来不错。

9、That sounds terrific。听起来很棒。

10、That sounds like a great idea。听起来是个好主意。第九集

1、I’m afraid I must be going。恐怕我得走了。

2、I’m afraid it’s too late。恐怕太晚了。

3、I’m afraid you’re wrong。恐怕你错了。

4、I’m afraid there’s no hope。恐怕没有希望了。

5、I’m afraid I can’t do this for you。恐怕我不能帮你做这件事情。第十集

1、Don’t let me down。别让我失望。

2、Don’t give up。不要放弃。

3、Don’t be late。不要迟到了。

4、Don’t do that。不要做这样的事情。

5、Don’t mention it。不用谢。

6、Don’t trick me。没骗你

7、Don’t say a word。一句话都不要说。

8、Don’t worry about it。别担心。

9、Don’t waste my time。不要浪费我的时间。

10、Don’t get me wrong。不要误解我。

11、Don’t miss the boat。不要错过那个船。

12、Don’t take any chances。不要心存侥幸心理,不要冒险。第十一集

1、I had a really bad day。我今天真倒霉。

2、I’m really sorry。我真的对不起。

3、You’re really lucky。你真的很幸运。

4、You’re really something。

5、The exam was really difficult。考试真的很困难。

6、The weather is really awful。天气真糟糕。

7、His English is really good。他的英语真棒。

8、He’s working really hard。他的工作真努力。

9、It was really not my fault。真的不是我的错。

10、You really shouldn’t say that about her。你不应该那样说她。

11、I really need your help。我真需要你的帮助。第十二集

1、May I use the phone?我可以用电话吗?

2、May I come in?我可以进来吗?

3、May I use your bathroom?我可以用一下你的洗手间吗?

4、May I ask you a question?我可以问你个问题吗?

5、May I ask you something?我能问你一些问题吗? 第十三集

1、I’m sure you’ll enjoy it。你一定会喜欢的。

2、I enjoy losing face。我喜欢露脸。

3、I enjoy yelling English。我喜欢喊英语。

4、I enjoy working with all of you。我喜欢与你们在一起工作。

5、I enjoy traveling。我喜欢旅行。

6、I enjoy teaching。我喜欢教学。

7、I enjoy helping people。我喜欢帮助别人。

8、I enjoy watching TV。我喜欢看电视。

9、I enjoy every day of my life。我喜欢我生活的每一天。

10、I enjoyworking with youvery much。我喜欢和你一起工作。第十四集

1、Are you kidding me?你是在跟我开玩笑吧?(当有人说一个意料之外的事情用这个句型)

2、Are you trying to cheat me?你想骗我吗?

3、Are you trying to kill me?你想害死我呀?(如开车的话,一会撞着这个,一会撞着那个)

4、Are you challenging me?你想挑战我吗? 第十五集

1、Why don’t youjoin us?为什么不加入我们呢?

2、Why don’t you try?为什么不试一试呢?

3、Why don’t you do as I do?为什么不按照我的要求做呢?

4、Why don’t you listen to me?为什么不听我的呢?

5、Why don’t you learn chinese?为什么学中文呢?

6、Why don’t you cooperate with me?你为什么不跟我们合作呢?

7、Why don’t you work with me?为什么不跟我工作呢?

8、Why don’t you join the English club?为什么不参加英语俱乐部呢? 第十六集

1、I felt thesame way。我也有同感。

2、The same to you。你也一样。

3、It’s all the same。都一样。

4、We work in the same company。我们在一个公司工作。

5、We went to the same university。我们在同一所大学毕业的。

6、Let’s meet of the same time tomorrow。让我们明天同一时间见面。第十七集

1、How can I thank all of you?我该怎么感谢大家呢?

2、How can I do something?我怎么能够去做这件事呢。(我不能去做这件事)

3、How can I do this?我怎么能做呢?

4、How can I afford it?我怎么能负担的起呢?

5、How can I forget it?我怎么能忘记呢?

6、How can I accept it?我怎么能够接受呢?

7、How can I marry him(her)?我怎么能嫁给他(她)呢? 第十八集

1、I’d like to meet your daughter someday。我想那一天见见你女儿。

2、I’d like to speak to Mr,Lee。

3、I’d like to talk to you for a minute。我想和你聊几分钟。

4、I’d like to know more about your company。我想了解贵公司更多的情况。第十九集

1、Why are you back so early?你怎么这么早就回来了。

2、Why are you always late?你为什么总是这么晚呢?

3、Why are you always sick?你为什么总是病呀?

4、Why are you so upset?你为什么这么沮丧?

5、Why are you so excited?你为什么这么兴奋呀? 第二十集

1、I’m exhausted。我累死了。

2、I’m tired。我太累了。

3、I’m sleepy。我困了。

4、I’m hungry。我饿了。

5、I’m thirty。我三十了。

6、I’m starving。我快饿死了。

7、I’m broke。我流产了。

8、I’m finished。我完了。第二十一集

1、Why didn’t you tell me?你为啥不早点告诉我?

2、Why didn’t you call me?你为什么不打电话给我呢?

3、Why didn’t you wait for me?你为什么不等我呢?

4、Why didn’t you let me know earlier?你为什么不早点让我知道呢? 第二十二集

1、what do you recommend?你有什么建议?

2、what do you do you think?你认为怎么样?

3、what do you suggest?你有什么建议?

4、what do you like?你喜欢什么? 第二十三集

1、I appreciate your help?我对你的帮助表示满意?

2、I appreciate your cooperation。我对你的合作表示感激。

3、I appreciate your understanding。我对你的理解表示感激。

4、I appreciate your courage。我很欣赏你的勇气。第二十四集

1、Don’t forget to intvite Linda for dinner。别忘了邀请琳达吃饭。

2、Don’tforget to tell him。别忘了告诉他。

3、Don’t forget to take your ID card。别忘了带身份证。

4、Don’t forget to give me a call when you arrive。你到了别忘打电话给我。

5、Don’t forget to bring your wife next time。别忘了下次带妻子来。第二十五集

1、Maybe you shoulddo it again。也许你可以再做一次。

2、Maybe you should tell her about it。也许你应该吧这儿事告诉她。

3、Maybe you should say sorry to her。也许你应该向她表示道歉。

4、Maybe you should try Crazy English。也许你应该说说疯狂英语。第二十六集(动名词作主语)

1、Finding a good job is not easy these days。现在找份好工作不容易。

2、Saying is easy.Doing is difficult。说起来容易,做起来难。

3、Driving is exciting。开车真是刺激。

4、Lying is a bad habit。说谎话是一个坏习惯。第二十七集

1、I prefer hot weather to cold weather。比起天冷,我更喜欢天热。

2、I prefer tea to coffee。比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。

3、I prefer swimming to running。与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。

4、I prefer winter to summer。比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。第二十八集

1、I guess it’s going to rain。我猜要下雨了。

2、I guess you’re right。我想你是对的。

3、I guess I need a doctor。我想我得去看医生。

4、I guess he won’t come。我猜他不回来了。第二十九集

1、I promise I won’t do it again。我保证不会再干这种事了。

2、I promise I won’t do anything stupid。我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。

3、I promise I’ll never lie again。我保证我不会再撒谎。

4、I promise to pay you back。我保证还你钱。第三十集

1、I’m crazy about American movies我痴迷于美国电影。

2、I’m crazy about learning English。我痴迷于学习英语。

3、I’m crazy about Chinese food。我特别喜欢中国菜。

4、I’m crazy about sports。我特别喜欢体育运动。第三十一集

1、I can’t affordto go out to eat every night。我不能每天晚上都出去吃饭。

2、I can’t afford to live in a big city。我住不起大城市。

3、I can’t afford to travel abroad。我没钱旅游。

4、I can’t afford to buy a house。我买不起房子。第三十二集

1、I’m dying to go home。我渴望回家。

2、I’m dying to speak English。我渴望说英语。

3、I’m dying to speak good English。我渴望说一口流利的英语。

4、I’m dying to hear your news。我渴望听到你的消息。

5、I’m dying to take a vacation。我渴望度个假。第三十三集(现在完成进行时)

1、How long have you been learning English。你学英语多久了。

2、How long have you been working here?你在这里工作多久了。

3、How long have you been staying in China?你在中国呆了多久了。

4、How long have you been waiting?你等了多久了。第三十四集

1、Thank you for encouraging me。谢谢你鼓励我。()

2、Thank you for teaching me English。谢谢你教我英语。

3、Thank you for your advice。谢谢你的建议。

4、Thank you for your support。谢谢你的支持。

5、Thank you for trying。谢谢你努力。

6、Thank you for your trying。谢谢你的尝试。第三十五集(Am I allowed to do something)

1、Am I allowed to smoke here?我可以在这吸烟吗?

2、Am I allowed to park here?我可以在这停车吗?

3、Am I allowed to sit here?我可以坐在这里吗?

4、Am I allowed to use your car tonight?今晚我可以用你的车吗? 第三十六集

1、Let me konw if you change your mind。如果改变你的注意,请告诉我。

2、Let me konw if you need money。如果你需要钱,请告诉我。

3、Let me konw if anything goes wrong。如果有任何差池,请告诉我。

4、Let me konw if there’s any difficulty。如果有任何困难,请告诉我。第三十七集

1、Are you sure you can make it?你确信你能做到吗?

2、Are you sure you know how to get there?你确信你知道那里的路吗?

3、Are you sure you can manage it yourself?你确信你能自己搞定吗?

4、Are you sure you really love her?你确信你真的爱她吗? 第三十八集

1、Is it okay for me to call you tonight?今晚我可以打电话给你吗?

2、Is it okay for meto hand in my paper tomorrow?是明天我可以交论文吗?

3、Is it okay for me to ask her out?约她出去玩可以吗?

4、Is it okay for me to come on Wednesday?周三来可以吗? 第三十九集

1、It was kind of strange。有点奇怪。

2、It was kind of boring。有点无聊。

3、It was kind of a surprise。有点令人吃惊。

4、It was kind of exciting。有点激动。第四十集

1、I know you’ll be able to take care of it。我知道你能照顾它。

2、I’ll take care of everything。我会照顾好一切。

3、I’m afraid I can’t take care of this。我恐怕处理不了这件事。

4、I’ll leave this in your care。我将离开你的关心。第四十一集

1、That’s impressive!太棒了!

2、Your English is so impressive。你的英语太棒了!

3、His experience is impressive。他的经验太丰富了。

4、Your determination is impressive。你的决心太棒了!

5、Beijing’s history is very impressive。北京的历史太伟大了!

6、That story is really impressive。那个故事真是太让人惊讶了!

7、The night view of shanghai is very impressive。上海的夜景非常令人难忘!

8、Everything in your company is so impressive。贵公司的一切都令人印象深刻。

9、Your resume is extremely impressive。你的简历令人印象深刻。

10、The development of china is really impressive。中国的发展真是令人称奇。

11、Your daughter is very impressive。你的女儿真是太棒了!

12、My daughter is very impressive。我的女儿真是太棒了!第四十二集

1、AS a matter of fact,I don’t really like American food。其实,我并不是很喜欢美国菜!

2、AS a matter of fact,you’re right。其实,你是对的。

3、AS a matter of fact,I’m leaving tomorrow night。事实上,我明天晚上要走。

4、AS a matter of fact,Beijing is the best city I have ever visited。事实上,北京是我访问过的最棒的城市。

5、AS a matter of fact,I don’t really like living in big cities。事实上,我不喜欢在大城市生活。

6、AS a matter of fact,I have been studying English for twenty years。事实上,我英语已经学了二十年了。第四十三集

1、I believe your can make it。我相信你一定可以做到。

2、I believe china is a very pretty country。我相信中国是个非常美丽的城市。

3、I believe anthing is possible。我相信任何事情都有可能。

4、I believe I’m the best。我相信我是最棒的。

5、I believe that children are the future。我相信孩子是我们的未来。

6、I believe we are doing the right thing。我确信我们在做正确的事情。第四十四集

1、Do you know what I mean?你知道我的意思吗?

2、Do you know who she is?你知道她是谁吗?

3、Do you know what to do?你知道干什么吗?

4、Do you know his background?你知道他的背景吗?

5、Do you know anything about America?你了解美国的情况吗?

6、Do you know how old he is?你知道他多大了吗? 第四十五集

1、I know very little about china。我对中国不了解。Little表示否定,2、I know very a little about china。我对中国有点了解。A little 表示肯定。

3、I know nothing about computers。我对电脑一无所知。

4、I know very little about football。我对足球了解很少。

5、I know very little about western music。我对西方音乐了解很少。

6、I know very little about English grammar。我对英语语法不了解。

7、I know very little about her。我对她不了解。第四十六集

1、Don’t give up!别放弃!

2、Don’t make fun of me!不要开我玩笑!

3、Don’t tell me what to do!不要告诉我该做什么!

4、Don’t make a fool of yourself!

5、Don’t judge a book by its cover!不要以貌取人!

6、Don’t count on it。不要依赖他!第四十七集

1、Can/Could you tell me your name?你能告诉我的名字吗?请问你叫什么名字?有礼貌的问

2、What’s your name?你叫什么名字?随便的问

3、Can you tell me why you came to China?你能告诉我你为什么来中国吗?

4、Can you tell me how to study English?你能告诉我你怎样学英语吗?

5、Can you tell me what I should do?你能告诉我我应该怎样做吗?

6、Can you tell me something about your company?你能告诉我关于你公司的一些事情吗?

7、Can you tell me how to become a successful person?你能告诉我如何才能做一个成功的人吗? 第四十八集

1、Do you remember me?你还记得我吗?

2、Do you remember meeting me in Beijing?你还记得在北京见过我吗?

3、Do you remember how to say this in English?你还记得这个用英语怎么说吗?

4、Do you remember her telephone number?你还记得她的电话号码吗?

5、Do you remember what I told you?你还记得我告诉你什么了吗?

6、Do you remember being here before?你记得来过这里吗? 第四十九集

1、Do you enjoy your work?你喜欢你的工作吗?

2、Do you enjoy traveling?你喜欢旅游吗?

3、Do you enjoy learning English?你喜欢学英语吗?

4、Do you enjoy speaking English?你喜欢说英语吗?

5、Do you enjoy meeting new people?你喜欢认识新的朋友吗?你喜欢打交道吗?

6、Do you enjoy watching movies?你喜欢看电影吗? 第五十集

1、That sounds like fun!听起来挺有趣!

2、That sounds like a good idea。听起来是个好主意!

3、That sounds like a very exciting job。听起来是个很好的工作!

4、That sounds like something I would be interested in。听起来是一个我感兴趣的事情!

5、That sounds like a wonderful place!听起来是一个棒极了的事情。

6、That sounds like a great vacation。听起来是一个非常棒的假期呀!第五十一集

1、Tell me about your family!跟我讲讲你家的情况!

2、Tell me about your country!跟我讲讲你的国家!

3、Tell me about your experiences as a ceo。跟我讲讲你做ceo的经历。

4、Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English。你到底如何把英语说的这么好的,跟我讲讲。

5、Tell me about your trip to china。跟我讲讲你的中国之旅怎么样。

6、Tell me about your business。跟我讲讲你的业务情况。第五十二集

1、Can you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗?

2、Can you help me with my homework?你能帮我做作业吗?

3、Can you help me with my bags please?你能帮我包好吗?

4、Can you help me with this directions?能帮我读一下这个说明书吗?

5、Can you help me with something?能帮我个忙吗?

6、Can you help me with a problem?能帮我解决一个问题吗? 第五十三集

1、In my opinion Chinese people are very friendly!在我看来,中国人非常的友好!

2、In my opinion we should’t buy that stock。我认为什么股票都不要买了。

3、In my opinion she is a very capable woman。我认为她是一个很有能力的女人。

4、In my opinion we should be more careful。在我看来我们应该更加小心。

5、In my opinion English is easy。在我看来英语很容易。

6、In my opinion he is an excellent teacher。在我看来他是一个棒极了的老师。第五十四集(现在进行时表示将来干什么)

1、What are you doing this weekend?这周末你打算干什么?

2、What are you doing tonight?今天晚上你打算干什么?

3、What are you doing after graduation?毕业以后你打算干什么?

4、What are you doing this summer?这个夏天你打算干什么?

5、What are you doing later this afternoon?今天下午你有什么打算吗?

6、What are you doing after work?下班以后干什么? 第五十五集

1、Are you satisfied with my work?你对我的工作满意吗?

2、Are you satisfied with your new job?你对你的新工作满意吗?

3、Are you satisfied with your marriage?你对你的婚姻满意吗?

4、Are you satisfied with your progress in English?你对英语的进步满意吗?

5、Are you satisfied with the results? 你对结果满意吗?

6、Are you satisfied with your life?你对你的生活满意吗? 第五十六集

1、That’s wonderful。太好了

2、Kim is a wonderful teacher。科姆是个好老师。

3、Jim is a wonderful student。吉姆是个好学生。

4、That’s a wonderful idea。真是个好主意。

5、My mother is a wonderful woman。我妈妈是个好女人。

6、China is a wonderful country。中国是个好国家。

7、She has a wonderful personality。她的个性很好。第五十七集

1、would you like to have dinner with me?你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?

2、would you like to get together this weekend?你想这个周末聚一聚吗?

3、would you like to see a movie tonight?今晚你想去看电影吗?

4、would you like to try some Beijing duck?要不要尝一下北京烤鸭?

5、would you like to know how to improve your English?你想知道如何改进你的英文吗?

6、would you like to meet my family?你想见到我的家人吗? 第五十八集

1、would you like some coffee?你想来点咖啡吗?——国际化主人问候的说法

2、would you like somewater?你想来点水吗?

3、would you like some more time?要不要多点时间呀?

4、would you like some advice?要不要多点建议呀?

5、would you like some help?要不要多点帮助呀?

6、would you like something to drink?要不要来点喝的呀? 第五十九集

1、That would be great。那太好了!

2、That would be perfect。太完美了!

3、That would be nice。太好了!

4、That would be terrific。太棒了!

5、That would be super。太棒了!

6、That would be wonderful!太棒了!第六十集

1、I’m tired of my life。我厌倦了我的生活。(每天朝五晚九)

2、I’m tired of studying all the time。我讨厌所有时间都学习。

3、I’m tired of your excuses。我特别讨厌借口。

4、I’m tired of doing the same thing all of the time。我讨厌做同样的事情。

5、I’m tired of looking at your face。我讨厌看着你的脸。

6、I’m tired of her complaining。我特别反感人们总是抱怨。












Mobile Phones at School

Dear editor,[1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.[2] The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone.And what’s more, it’s the latest fashion.[3] However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves.It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone.And it’s easy to cause the students to vie with each other.If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus.[4] In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable.But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies.Yours truly,Li Hua
















2.生词提示:slogan 口号


Beijing Olympic Games

Dear David,[1] How nice to hear from you again.Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Our slogan is “Green Olympics”.12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project.A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places to make Beijing more beautiful.We will use clean energy and try our best to make waste water clean and reuse it.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and a clearer sky.[2] I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008.Yours,Li Hua



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