
时间:2019-05-14 20:17:38下载本文作者:会员上传




十、以一顶百的核裂变超级句型 【疯狂短评】

“死记一万个单词,硬背一千条语法,不如活用一百个句型。”我们不负众望,为大家精挑细选了100个地道实用的句型!希望你不要放弃,坚持下去,付出的汗水定会结出累累硕果!Pain past is pleasure!【学习建议】


六、星期天复习巩固!连续一个月,四个轮回,基本上可以全面掌握这100个句型!1.According to...按照/根据„„

According to my watch, it's five twenty now.按我的手表看,现在是5点20分。

According to our teacher, we should practice English for at least 30 minutes a day.据我们老师要求,我们每天至少要用半个小时来练习说英语。

2.again and again 不断地/一遍又一遍地„„

Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同一个错误啊? 3.All I want...我所想要的„„

All I want is a little peace and quiet.我所想要的就是一点安宁。All I want is you.我所想要的就是你。4.anything but...除了„„,什么都有/并不,根本不„„【六星级句型】 【李阳老师的话】


这个句型是听力考试中的难点,等到考试的时候去分析语法不如平时反复操练,学以致用,突破听力难点也不过就是脱口而出。除了“...anything but...”,还有一个让人头疼的句型,那就是“...nothing but...”,这个两个句型表达的意思刚好相反。“...nothing but...”这个句型的学习请参看句型72。I will eat anything but pork!①我什么都吃,就是不吃肉。②除了肉,我什么都吃。③我吃除了肉以外的任何东西。④我就是不吃肉。(语气强烈时)⑤我只是不吃肉。(语气较弱时)I can help you with anything but math.I'm terrible with numbers.除了数学,我什么都可以帮你。我的数学遭透了。

5.Are there any....? 有„„吗? Are there any questions? 有什么问题吗? Are there any foreign teachers in your schools? 你们学校有外教吗? 6.Are you satisfied with...? 你对„„满意吗? Are you satisfied with your current salary? 你对目前的工资满意吗? Are you satisfied with our service? 你对我们的服务满意吗? 7.As far as...就„„而言/至于„„

As far as your tuition goes, I'll pay it.至于你的学费,我会支付的。

As far as going home early—that's out of the question.至于早点回家——那是不可能的。

8....as soon as possible.尽快„„

Please reply as soon as possible.请尽快回复。

You must get out of this place as soon as possible.你必须尽快离开这里。

9....be about to...刚要/正要„„

Andrew's Note: Americans often make excuses with this sentence pattern.When asked why you haven't done something, you can simply respond that you were about to do it.美国人经常用这个句型来编造借口。当别人问你为什么没有做某事时,你可以简单地回答说你正要去做。A: How come you haven't called me? 你为什么没给我打电话? B: I was about to call you when you called.我刚要给你打电话你就打给我了。

He was about to say something, but Lucy spoke first.他正要说些什么,露西却先开了口。

10....be regarded as...被认为是„„

She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class.她被认为是我们班上最有前途的学生之一。

11.Can't you...? 你就不能„„吗? Can't you speak a little louder? 你就不能说大声点吗? Can't you stop it? It's really pissing me off.你就不能闭嘴吗?真惹我恼火。

12.Congratulations on...!恭喜/祝贺你„„!Congratulations on your award!恭喜你获奖!Congratulations on becoming a father!恭喜你当爸爸了!13.Could you tell me...? 你能告诉我„„吗? Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了吗? Could you tell me how to use this camera? 你能告诉我怎么使用这个照相机吗? 14....do something about...做点什么„„

Can't you do something about the mess? 你就不能把这些乱七八糟的东西整理一下吗? Do something about your English, or you'll fail the college entrance examination.你的英语该加把劲了,不然你高考会失败的。15.Do you know...? 你知道„„吗? Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗? Do you know his phone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗? 16.Do you mean...? 你的意思是„„? Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? 你的意思是你要找我借钱? Do you mean it's my fault? 你是说这是我的错? 17.Do you want to...? 你想„„吗? Do you want to know why? 你想知道为什么吗? 18.Don't be...!不要„„!Don't be silly!别傻了!Don't be so sensitive!别这么敏感!19.Everybody knows...每个人都知道„„

Everybody knows the boss has a hot temper.每个人都知道这个老板脾气暴躁。

20....have trouble...„„有困难/麻烦。

We're having trouble coming to an agreement on this point.我们在这一点上很难达成一致。I have trouble remembering people's names.我总是记不住别人的名字。

【李阳老师的“三最”记录为:46秒】 【李阳老师的“一口气”记录为:4.5口气】 【学习指南】


21.Have you decided on...? 你决定好„„了吗? Have you decided on where to go for dinner? 你决定好去哪儿吃晚饭了吗? Have you decided on a present for your girlfriend? 你决定好送给你女朋友什么礼物了吗? 22.Have you...yet? 你„„了吗? Have you made up your mind yet? 你决定好了吗? 23.How can you...? 你怎么能„„? Andrew's Note: There is no better way in the English language to express your shoke and disappointment with someone.这个句型是英文中表达你对某人感到震惊和失望的最好方式。How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我? How can you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢? 24.How come...? 为什么„„? How come you never call me? 你为什么从来不给我打电话? How come I have to go to bed so early? 为什么要我这么早睡觉啊!25.How do you know...? 你怎么知道„„? How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字? 26.How is...? „„怎么样? Andrew's Note: It's polite to show an interest in people to whom you talk, and this is a good way to do it.这个句型能够表现出你对你谈话的对象感兴趣,这会让对方觉得你很有礼貌。How is your family? 你家人怎么样? How is your English? 你英语学得怎么样了? 27.How quickly...? „„最快要多久? How quickly can you get here? 你最快多久能过来? 28.I can't imagine...!我真想不出„„!Andrew's Note: When you say,“I can't imagine...” you really have no idea.This is one of the most powerful ways of expressing your ignorance about something.当你说“I can't imagine...”,那表示你真的一点也不知道。这个句型是表达你对某事完全不知道的一种最强烈的口气。I can't imagine who would do something like that!我真想不出谁会做那样的事!I can't imagine how foolish I was at that time? 我真没法想象我那时有多蠢!29.I don't know...我不知道„„

I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么。

30.I don't really enjoy...我不怎么喜欢„„

I don't really enjoy western food.我不怎么喜欢吃西餐。

I don't really enjoy chatting on the Internet.我不怎么喜欢网上聊天。

31.I figure...我估计/我想„„

I figure it's time to look for a new job.我想是跳槽的时候了。

32.I hate...我讨厌„„ I hate waiting in line.我讨厌排队。

I hate people asking me for money.我讨厌别人向我要钱。

33.I have never...我从来没有„„

I have never been to Shanghai.我从没去过上海。

I have never broken my word.我从来没有失信过。

34.I have to...我必须/不得不„„ I have to ask my boss first.我得先问一下我的老板。

35.I haven't...for...我已经„„(时间)没„„

I haven't taken a shower for a week.我已经一个星期没洗澡了。

I haven't studied English for three years.我已经三年没学英语了。

36.I must...我必须……

It's late.I must go now.时候不早了,我必须走了。I must tell you the truth.



Never give up!决不放弃!

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them!只要我们有勇气去追求,所有的梦想都能成真!

Study English for our great future!学好英语,创造美好未来!

1.The secret of success is to do the things you don’t feel like doing every day!


2.Struggle is the only correct way for human beings!


3.It’s not easy being a teenager, nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager!


4.I will be totally responsible for my future!我对我的未来完全负责!

5.I will absolutely make the most of every minute of each day!


6.The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work!


7.Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence!


8.It’s impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!


9. If you can dream it ,you can do it!只要你想得到,你就做得到!

10.If you do your best every day ,your parents are willing to sacrifice anything!


11.Consider each light above as your mother’s watchful eye!


12.Totally mastering English is the most effective way to love your country!


13.Actions speak louder than words!行动比语言更有说服力!

14.By helping others ,you will feel good about yourself!


15.Mistakes show us what we still need to learn!


16.Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours!


17.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning!


18.The world belongs to the energetic!


19.What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?


20.Success is not measured by the position you reach in life;it’s measured by the obstacles you overcome!


21.Life doesn’t require that we be the best ,only that we try our best!


22.Great works are performed not by strength ,but by perseverance!


23.As long as you are dreaming ,believing and doing ,you can go anywhere and achieve anything!


24.Putting off an easy thing makes it hard.Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible!


25.Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time!


26.Your brain needs exercise to stay fit, just like your body!


27.The best way to predict the future is to create it!


28.Time and energy spent worrying are wasted!


29.It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you chieve success!


30.Winners never quit ,quiters never win!


31.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body!


32.One person with passion is better than forty who are merely interested!一个充满激情的人强于四十个仅仅感兴趣的人!

33.Success is a journey ,not a destination!


34.It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer,the achiever ,the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it!


35.It’s better to try to do something and fail than to do nothing and succeed!


36.Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work,so most people don’t recognize them!机会常伪装成艰苦的工作,所以大多数人认不出它们!

37.We are what we watch ,listen to and read!


38.If you do not learn to think when you are young,you may never learn!


39.Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves!


40.To improve is to change;to be perfect is to change often!





进行流利的日常交流,只需要一两百个句型,读懂《时代周刊》,其实也只需一两百个句型。说起来轻松,听起来简单,但“李阳疯狂英语”真的可以帮你做到!1.I am 我是

I am an office worker.我是上班族。2.I work for我在…工作

I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。3.I’m happy to我很高兴

I’m happy to meet you我很高兴见到你。4.I like我喜欢

I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。5.I’m glad to我很高兴

I’m glad to see you again.见到你很高兴。6.I’ll


I’ll call you.我会打电话给你。7.I feel like 我想

I feel like sleeping.我想睡觉。8.I want我想要

I want something to eat.我想要吃饭。9.I need 我需要

I need your help.我需要你的帮助。10.I would like to 我愿意

I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和您谈一谈。11.I have 我有

I have a lot of problems.我有许多问题。12.I hope 我希望

I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想能实现。13.I’m looking forward to 我期待

I’m looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你。14.I’m supposed to 我应该

I’m supposed to go on a diet.我应该节食。15.I heard 我听说

I heard that you’re getting married.Congratulations 听说你要结婚了,恭喜!16.I see 我知道

I see what you mean.我了解你的意思。17.I can’t 我不能

I can’t do this.我不能这么做。18.Let me 让我

Let me explain why I was late.让我解释一下我为什么迟到。19.Let’s….让我们

Let’s have a beer or something.让我们喝杯啤酒或者其它的。20.Where is…? 在哪里

Where is your office? 你办公室在哪里? 21.What is …?


What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 22.When is…? …时间是什么?

When is the store closing? 商店什么时间关门? 23.Would you care to …?


Would you care to see it for a while? 你要不要看一会呢? 24.Are you sure…? 你肯定…吗?

Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你9点能来吗? 25.Am I allowed to …?


Am I allowed to stay out past 10 ? 我可以10点过后再回家吗? 26.Be scheduled to… 排定时间或日期

The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.会议原定两个小时,不过到现在还没结束。27.birthday is…


Tom’s birthday is this week.汤姆的生日就在这个星期。28.Can you …?


Can you cover for me on Friday ? 星期五能请你替我个班吗? 29.Could you…


Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙? 30.crazy about…

对… 着迷

He is crazy about Crazy English.他对疯狂英语很着迷。31.Can you imagine…? 你能想象…吗?

Can you imagine how much he paid for that car ?

你能想象他那部车服付了多少钱吗? 32.Can you believe…?


Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25 ? 你相信我用25 美元买了一台电视吗? 33.Di d you know…?


Did you know he was having an affair on his wife ? 你知道他有外遇了吗? 34.Did you hear about..? 你听说…了吗?

Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗? 35.Do you realize…?


Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?

你知道这些衬衫都要卖半价吗? 36.Do you mind if I …?

你介意… 吗?

Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗? 37.enjoy…

很喜欢… I enjoy working with you very much.我很喜欢和你一起工作。38.ended up…


Did you know that Store ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗? 石头最终和他的秘书结婚了。39.get together…


Let’s get together for lunch.让我们聚在一起吃顿午餐吧。40.getting..for…

获得… 以作为…

I’m getting a new computer for birthday present.我得到一台电脑作为我的生日礼物。41.How did you do on …?


How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何? 42.Do you think…?


Do you think you can come ? 你认为你能来吗? 43.How was…?


How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样? 44.Here…


Here is my card.这是我的名片。45.be used to doing…


He is used to eating out all the time.他已经习惯了在外面吃饭。46.Have you ever …? 你有没有…?

Have you ever driven a BMW? 你有没有开过宝马? 47.How about…?


How about if we go tomorrow instead? 我们改成明天去怎么样? 48.How do you like…?


How do you like Hong Kong? 你喜欢香港吗? 49.How do you want…?


How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟? 50.How did..do…?


How did Mary make all of her money? 球赛结果怎么样? 51.How did … do…? 如何做到?

How did Mary make all of her money? 玛丽所有的钱怎么赚到的? 52.How was …? …怎么样?

How was your date?

你的约会怎么样? 53.How are you doing with…? …做的如何?

How are you doing with your new boss? 你和你的新上司处的咋样? 54.How should I …? 我该如何…? How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息? 55.How much…? 多少…? How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱? 56.How much does it cost to …? …要多少钱?

How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要多少钱? 57.How long will it take to …? 去…要多久?

How long will it take to get your house? 到你家要多久? 58.How long have you …? 你… 多久了?

How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了? 59.How about …? …如何?

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何? 60.I’m sorry… 我对…很遗憾。

I’m sorry that you didn’t get the job.很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。61.I’m afraid …


I’m afraid that it’s not going to work out.我恐怕这事不会成的。62.I guess…


I guess I could come over.我想我能来。63.Is it okay to…? … 可以吗?

Is it okay to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗? 64.It was kind of…

有一点….It was kind of exciting.有一点刺激。65.I know what… 我知道…是什么。

I know what you want.我知道你想要什么。66.Is that why …? 就是这个缘故才导致…吗?

Is that why you don’t want to go home? 就是这个缘故,你才不想回家的吗? 67.I’m sure… 我很肯定…

I’m sure we can get you a great deal.我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。68.help…with 帮忙做…

Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗? 69.I didn’t know…

我不知道….I didn’t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是全世界最有钱的人。70.I’ll have to…


I’ll have to ask my boss first.我必须先问一下我的老板。71.I take it… 这么说来,我认定你是…

I take it you don’t agree.这么说来,我认为你是不同意。72.I tired… 我试过…

I tired losing weight, but nothing worked.我试过减肥,但是毫无效果。73.It makes no sense to… 做…丝毫不可以理解

It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起,没有任何意义。74.It feels like… 它感觉上像是…

It feels like spring.感觉好像春天来了。75.It took+(表示时间的词)+to… 做…花了…

It took years of hard work to speak good English.讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。76.It’s not as…as… 它不像…一样…

It’s not as cold as it was yesterday.今天的天气不像昨天的那么冷。77.It’s not …, it’s… 不是…的问题,而是… It’s not his work that bothers me, it’s his attitude.困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。78.It sounds… 听起来…

It sounds like you enjoyed it.听起来你好像蛮喜欢的。79.It seems… 好像…

It seems to me that he would like to go back home.我觉得他好像想要回家。80.It looks… 看起来…

It looks very nice.看起来很漂亮。81.Is everything …? 一起都…吗?

Is everything under control? 一起都在掌握之中吗? 82.I thought…


I thought you could do a better job.我原以为你的表现会更好。83.It’s time to … 是…的时候了

It’s time for us to say “No” to America.是我们对美国说不得时候了。84.It’s supposed to… 那应当是…

The show is supposed to be good.这场表演应当是相当好的。85.It really depends on… 那全看…情况而定

It depends on who is in charge.那纯粹要看谁负责了。86.It involves a lot of …


It involves a lot of hard work.那需要很多的辛勤工作。87.in… favor 对… 有利

That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。88.I didn’t realize… 我不知道…

I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.我不知道这个对你意义有多大。89.I didn’t mean to…


I didn’t mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。90.I was wondering if … 我想知道…

I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。91.This is great …weather.这是个…好天气。

This is great picnic weather.这是个野餐的好天气。92.Thanks for…


Thanks for taking me to the movie.谢谢你带我去看电影。93.too…to… 太…以至于不能…

I am too tired to speak.我累得说不出话来了。94.Would you …? 你能…

Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? 95.Where did you …? 你从哪里….呢?

Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学的英语的呢? 96.What do you think of…? 你认为…如何?

What do you think of his new job? 你对他的新工作看法如何?





第一套让你速成口语的句子学习软件 汇集口语交流必备、使用频率最高的经典句型 荟萃200余个超级句型,以一顶

十、以一顶百 只需掌握两三百个句型,即可说一口流利的英语~

200个句型,600个对话,1000个实用句子,足够你用一辈子 精彩内容扫描: 最常用的十个句型——让你从此告别哑巴口语 三十大特殊疑问句型——助你成为交流大师 五大祈使句型——培养你说英语的底气 两大感叹句型——让你的英语富有感情 五大动名词句型——一步登天学会高级对话


以交际功能为核心的句型——在合适的场合下说出最合适的话~ 以单词为核心的超级句型——将传统记单词的枯燥一扫而光~ 成功演讲必备的超级句型——让你随时都充满信心地站在大众面前~ 十大卖弄句型——让别人对你的英语另眼相看~ 200多个实用、精彩句型掀起口语学习的革命.你是否能够看懂很难、很专业的英语文章,但就是说不出几句像样的英语?你是否写作和翻译也是一塌糊涂,用词不当、句子不通顺、结构混乱,而且常常是中国式的英语?学语言是一个不断模仿的过程,而模仿句型才是学习的根本!突破句型是你英语速成的最佳途径,让你从此告别聋哑英语,成为交魔大师!说英语就是说句子,而所有句子都是由基本的句型构成的,句型是句子的骨架,你只需要掌扭两三百个句型,即可说一口流利的英语!最常用的十个句型:让你从此告别哑巴口语 三十大特殊疑问句型:助你成为交流大师 五大祈使句型:培养你说英语的底气 两大感叹句型:让你的英语富有感情..五大动名词句型:一步登天学会高级对话 句型大战虚拟语气:降伏英语学习中的一只拦路虎

以交际功能为辕心的句型:在合适的场合下说出最合适的话 以单词为棱心的超撮句型:将传统记单词的枯燥一扫而光 成功演讲必备的超撮句型:让你随时都充满信心地站在大众面前 十大卖弄句型:让别人对你的英语另眼相看


1.Nice to do / doing...很高兴„„ 如果是初次见面,就说: Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你。)2 如果是见过面的,则可以说: Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你们。)当然也可以说: Good to see you again.Glad to see you again.Great to see you again.Pleased to see you again.3 外出旅行回来,你还可以说: Nice to be back home again.(又回到家了,真是高兴。)Nice to see some friendly and familiar faces.(很高兴看到几张友好和熟悉的面孔。)Kim’s Note: These are two sentences to use when you have returned from a trip.I always feel this way when I return from Hong Kong, even though it is not that far away!当你从外地回来的时候,这两个句子就能派上用场。我从香港回来时,总会有这种感觉,尽管香港并不算很远。4 道别时,最好说一声: Nice meeting you.(认识你很高兴。)5 结束谈话时,说一声: Nice talking to you.(跟你谈得很开心。)这句话相当于It’s been nice talking to you.【疯狂点评】这句话非常具有交际技巧性。如果你感觉跟对方很谈得来,但因其它事情不得不结束谈话,用这句话来收场是最合适不过了。但是另一方面,如果你发现对方跟你没什么共同语言,你巴不得趁早结束谈话,也可以用这句话来打发,它不仅不会伤到别人的自尊,而且会使你显得彬彬有礼,给人留下好印象。


A: Excuse me.I have to go to the library.Nice talking to you.B: Me too.See you later!A: See you!A: 对不起,我得去一趟图书馆。跟你谈得真开心。B: 我也是。再见~ A: 再见~ 【疯狂总结】

现在我们回过头来看看Nice to do„„.和Nice doing„„的用法区别,其实很简单,Nice to do„„是见面时说的,而Nice doing„„.是将要分别时说的.2.How is/was...? „„怎么样, 问候语如同感情的催化剂,多一点关心,多一点温暖,友情也就不知不觉地变得更深,如果你不想给人一种冷冰冰的感觉,请务必掌握这个典型的问候句型。第一节 How is…?

A: How’s / How is your family?

B: Everyone is doing great.How about yours? A: 你的家人怎么样, B: 都很好。你的家人呢, A: How’s / How is your girlfriend?

B: Didn’t you hear? We broke up a week ago.A: 你女朋友怎么样, B: 你没听说吗,我们一周前吹了。A: How’s / How is your work? B: I’m really busy.I barely have time to sit down.A:你的工作怎么样, B: 我太忙了,几乎连坐一下的时间都没有。A: How’s / How is your English study?

B: Terrific.I’m really making a lot of progress.It’s amazing.A: 你英语学得怎么样了, B: 挺好。我确实有了很大进步,简直是惊人。A: How’s / How is everything? B: Couldn’t be better!A: 一切好吗, B: 再好不过了。句型一: 如果是问候正在进行的动作“How’s...going?”这个句型。

A: How’s it going?

B: Everything is going just great.And you? A: 进展怎么样了, B: 一切都不错。你呢, A: How’s your new project going?

B: It’s a disaster!We are so far behind, I doubt we’ll ever finish!A: 你们的新项目进展怎么样了, B: 简直是一场灾难~我们落后太远了,我怀疑我们到底能不能完成。

句型二: 问候某个人 “How’s...doing?”。

A: How’s your sister doing? B: She’s doing great.Thanks.A: 你姐姐怎么样, B: 她很好,谢谢~

第二节 How Was..? A: How was your trip? B: It was fantastic.I really had a great time.A: 这次旅行怎么样, B: 太棒了~真的很愉快。A: How was your vacation? B: Awful.It rained every day and my wife got sick.A: 假期过得愉快吗, B: 糟透了~天天下雨,而且我老婆病了。A: How was your interview? B: My interview was super.I think I spoke better English than the man who interviewed me!A: 你的面试怎么样, B: 我的面试简直没得讲。我想我的英语比那个面试我的人还强。A: How was your TOEFL exam? B: Damn hard!I’m just glad it’s over.A: 你的托福考试考得怎么样, B: 太难了~我庆幸终于结束了。额外成就

How was...?实在是太有用了,我们天天都离不开: How was your meeting?(你们的会议怎么样,)How was your day?(你过得怎么样,)How was your date?(你的约会怎么样,)How was your test?(你的考试怎么样,)How was your party?(你们的晚会怎么样,)How was your dinner?(你们的晚餐怎么样,)How was your nap?(你睡得怎么样,)How was your picnic?(你们的野餐怎么样,)【疯狂联想】 How is 可以缩写成How’s 3.Let me...我来„„

“Let me...”是英语中最简单也是最常用的句型,通常用于你想做一件对对方有利的事,请求对方同意时,如“Let me show you the way.” 做人还是要主动一点,热情一点,这个句型不可不学。


Top 1: Let me help you.(我来帮你。)Top 2: Let me show you how to do it.(我来做给你看。)Kim’s Note: This sentence is one of the most useful sentences to offer assistance.It is always easier to show someone how to do something than it is to tell him.这个句子是向人提供帮助时最有用的句子。演示给人家看总比告诉别人如何做要简单一些。

Top 3: Let me give you some advice.(我给你一些建议。)疯狂操练

Let me hold this for you.(我帮你拿吧~)Let me introduce myself.(我来介绍一下我自己。)Let me drive you home.(我来送你回家。)Let me tell you the truth.(我来告诉你事情的真相。)Let me get the doctor.(我去叫医生。)“Let me...”的其它用法: 一时想不起来,可以说: Let me think.(我想一想。)Kim’s Note: This sentence is great when you aren’t sure what to say next, or you can’t think of the right word in English.It makes you sound intelligent and deep.It’s much better than “I don’t know.”


I don’t know”可要好几倍~ 起来很有头脑,很深沉。比“ ?一时下不了决心,可以说: Let me see.(我想想看。)?想满足一下自已的好奇心,可以说: Let me have a look.(让我看一看。)?想确认一下自已的日程安排,可以说: Let me check.(我核对一下。)?想试一试身手,可以说: Let me try.(我来试一试。)Kim’s Note: If you don’t want to tell someone “no” or “I can’t” just use this sentence instead.如果你不想告诉别人“不”或者“我不行”,那就用这个句子吧~ ?和朋友告别时,可以说: Let me hear from you.(给我来信。)?看看自已能不能答应别人,则可以说: Let me see if I will have time.(我看看有没有时间。)“Let me...”有时还可用于警告,如: Let me catch you bullying my brother again.(下次再让我看到你欺负我兄弟的话,有你好看的。)Kim’s Note: This is a classic threat sentence!It’s usually said with a fist raised in the air!这是一个经典的威胁句子~说这话的人常常会举起拳头。

?“Let me...”后面除了跟动词,还可与副词或介词连用,Let me alone.(别碰我。)Let me in.(让我进去。)Let me out of here.(放我出去。)额外成就

如果你想跟对方一起做某事,可以用“Let’s...”来征求对方同意,Let’s go.(我们走吧~)Kim’s Note: You can make this sentence an automatic part of your English by blurting it out after you say“走吧~” 在说完“走吧~”之后,将这个句子脱口而出,以后你就可以很自然地说出这个英文句子了。

Let’s stop here and have lunch!(我们在这里停下来吃饭吧!)Let’s的否定句型“let’s not”也可以用来提出建议。

Kim’s Note: The following sentence pattern is most commonly used all by itself.When someone is too enthusiastic about a bad idea, it is common to hear someone say coldly “Let’s not!” 以下这个句型常常可以独立使用。当有人对一个坏主意很执著时,常常会听到有人冷冷地说Let’s not!”

Young New Employee: “Let’s all work late tonight and share our ideas with each other after work。”

Old Tired Employee: “Let’s not!”

年轻的新职员:“让我们今晚多加一点班,并在工作之后相互交流一下。” 疲惫的老职员:“不行”。

Let’s not forget the reason for this meeting.(我们不要忘了这次会议的主旨。)Let’s not make a big deal out of this.(我们不要小题大做。)Let’s not keep the good news a secret.(我们应该把好消息告诉大家。)Let’s not take a break until we finish.(我们先做完再歇吧。)Let’s not let our country down.(让我们不要让祖国失望。)顺便再学一个成语“let down‖:辜负,使失望,做对不起„„的事 Don’t let me down.I need you.【恋人用语】(别抛下我不管,我需要你。)I’m counting on you to support me –– don’t let me down.(我指望你会支持我——别让我失望。)4.I’d like to...我想„„


Top 1: I’d like to talk to you for a minute.(我想跟你谈一谈。)Top 2: I’d like to introduce myself.(我想做个自我介绍。)Top 3: I’d like to see you again.(我想再见到你。)疯狂操练 I’d like to buy a ticket to Beijing.(我想买一张去北京的机票。)I’d like to make an appointment with Mr.Green.(我想跟格林先生约个时间见面。)I’d like to have dinner with you.(我想跟你一起吃饭。)I’d like to know more about China.(我想对中国作进一步了解。)疯狂实战

A: I’d like to go out with you this weekend.B: Really? I’d love to go out with you this weekend!A: 我想这个周末与你一起出去。B: 真的,我会很高兴与你一起出去。Kim’s Note: This sentence pattern is more mannerly and sophisticated than “I want”.If you tell someone you WANT to have dinner with them/see them again/go out again this weekend etc., you sound a little too much like a desperate psycho!Remember, the key to dating is to play it cool!这个句型比“I want”显得更加得体,更加圆滑。如果你告诉别人你“要”和他们一起吃饭,再见到他们或者这个周末再和他们约会,你给人的感觉就会像一个傻蛋。记住,约会的关键就是要玩得“酷”一点。

5.I need...我需要„„

I need后面可以跟名词,也可以跟不定式。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: I need your help.(我需要你的帮助。)Top 2: I need more time.(我需要更多的时间。)Top 3: I need more money.(我需要更多钱。)1 跟名词

I need an assistant.(我需要一名助手。)I need your support on this matter.(这件事我需要你的帮助。)疯狂实战

A: I need a vacation.I’m really stressed out.B: Yeah, you look awful.You do need to relax a little.A: 我要度个假,我的压力实在太大了。

B: 是啊,你看起来精神很不好。你真的得放松一下了。跟不定式

I need to finish my paper tonight.(今晚我得完成我的论文。)I need to go to the post-office to send a package.我得去邮局寄个包裹。

I need to upgrade my computer.(我得给我的电脑升级。)I need to think about it before I make a decision.(在我下决定之前,我得先想一想。)疯狂实战

A: I need to find a part-time job to supplement my meager salary.B: Your English is so good, you should be able to find a great job!A: 我得找份兼职,以弥补我这可怜巴巴的工资。B: 你的英语很不错,你肯定能找到一份好工作。6.I want to...我想„„


Top 1: I want to be somebody.(我想出人头地。)Top 2: I want to thank you for everything.(我想谢谢你做的一切。)Top 3: I want to go to America.(我想去美国。)疯狂操练

I want to take a rest.(我想休息一下。)I want to buy a ticket to Beijing.(我想买一张去北京的票。)Kim’s Note: Notice that sentence patterns with “I want” don’t usually involve people.When you are dealing with people, “I’d like” is usually a better choice.请注意,“I want”这个句型通常不牵涉到别人。如果要牵涉到人,则用“I’d like”会好一些。

7.May I...? 我可以„„吗, 这个句型将使你显得彬彬有礼。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: May I help you?(我可以帮你吗,)Top 2: May I sit down?(我可以坐下吗,)Top 3: May I be excused?(我失陪一下可以吗,)疯狂操练

May I sit here?(我可以坐这儿吗,)May I ask you a question?(我可以问你一个问题吗,)May I speak to Linda, please?(能叫琳达接电话吗,)疯狂实战

A: May I come in? B: Yes.Come on in.A: 我可以进来吗, B: 可以,进来吧~ A: May I help you? B: No, I’m just looking./No, not right now, thanks.A: 需要买什么吗, B: 不,我只是看看。/ 不,现在不需要,谢谢。Kim’s Note: This is the most common conversation heard when shopping.Don’t be afraid of this question.It’s fine to say “no”.上街买东西时,这是最常听到的对话。别怕这个问题,你说个“No”也没什么大碍~

8.Can you...? 你能„„吗, 这个句型比较随意一点,主要用于熟人之间,如果想更礼貌一些,可将Can改成Could。


Top 1: Can you wait a minute?(你能等一下吗,)Top 2: Can you help me?(你能帮我吗,)Top 3: Can you call me back later?(呆会儿再打电话给我可以吗,)疯狂操练

Can you lend me your car?(你能把车借我用一下吗?)Can you give me some money?(你能给我一些钱吗?)Can you share your house with me? 你能将你的房子跟我合住吗?)(疯狂实战

A: Can you do me a favor? B: Sure.What is it? Just ask.A: 能帮我一下吗, B: 当然,什么事,尽管说吧。Kim’s Note: If you are a generous and helpful person, this will be your first response.If you are a more cautious type, you may want to say “That depends.” The following sentences are good examples of why a cautious response is sometimes a better idea!如果你是一个慷慨大方,乐于助人的人,这将是你的第一反应,反之,如果你做事比较谨慎,That depends.(这得看情况而定。)”有时候,谨慎一点的回答会好一点,以你可能会说“

9.Would you please...? 请你„„好吗, 这是一个非常礼貌的请求句型,要说它的礼貌程度,算得上是最高级了。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: Would you please give me a ride?(请你让我搭个便车好吗,)Top 2: Would you please calm down?(请你冷静一点好吗,)Top 3: Would you please give me a chance to explain?(请你给我一个机会解释一下好吗,)疯狂实战 A: Would you please give me a hand? B: Sure.What can I do for you? A: 请你帮个忙好吗, B: 当然,我能为你做什么呢, A: Would you please speak a little more slowly? B: Sure, I’m sorry.Let me repeat what I just said.A: 请你说慢点好吗, B: 当然可以,对不起,我来重复一下刚才说的话。

10.That sounds...听起来„„



Top 1: That sounds great.(听起来不错~)Top 2: That sounds like a good idea.(听起来是个好主意~)Top 3: That sounds like a lot of fun.(听起来挺有意思~)疯狂实战

A: I was thinking of taking you somewhere special for dinner tonight.B: That sounds nice!A: 我想带你去一个特别的地方吃晚饭。B: 听起来不错~

A: Let’s take that Crazy English class together.We can help each other study.B: That sounds like a great idea!A: 我们一起去上疯狂英语的课吧~我们可以互相帮助。B: 听起来是个好主意。

A: I am thinking of becoming a professional tour guide and traveling around the country.B: That sounds interesting.A: 我想成为一名职业导游,到全国各地旅游。B: 听起来很有意思。

Kim’s Note: “That sounds interesting” is an all-purpose answer to anything.You can never go wrong with this sentence.No matter what someone says, if you say it sounds interesting there will be no bad feelings.Be sure to practice using these handy, ambiguous sentences.They will definitely be useful.Even if someone says something incredibly stupid, you will be prepared.“That sounds interesting”可以用来回答任何事情。你永远都不会用错地方,不管别人说That sounds interesting”,别人怎么也不会感觉不好。一定要多练习使什么,只要你说“用这些方便而又模棱两可的句子,绝对有用~即使别人说一些愚蠢得不可救药的事,你也可以拿这句话来应付。

A: I was thinking about shaving my head, getting a tattoo,opening a bakery where they play rock music and charging people just to come inside.B:(Says)That sounds interesting.(Thinks)You are a jerk.人们可以在那儿玩摇滚,只要进了店的人都得付 A: 我想刮个光头,做个纹身,开个面包店,钱。B: <嘴上说>挺有意思的。<心里想>你简直是个白痴。


A: Hello, Christopher.Nice to see you again.B: Nice to see you too!A: How’s everything going? How was your trip? B: It was fantastic.Let me show you some pictures.A: I’d like to see them, but I don’t have much time.B: Oh, that’s too bad.Why are you in such a hurry?

A: I need to pick up my son from school and I need to stop at the supermarket and I need to go to the bank.I really want to get finished with all my errands before it starts to rain.B: I want to get home before this storm too.A: May I take a look at them some other time? B: Sure, can you come over to my house tonight? I am having some friends over.A: That sounds great.Would you please call me and remind me later this afternoon? B: Sure, I’d be glad to.A: OK, I’ll talk to you later then.A:嗨~克里斯托弗,很高兴再次见到你~ B:我也很高兴见到你~ A:一切还好吧,上次出差还好吗, B:挺不错的。我给你看一些照片。A:我很想看,但我没时间了。B:哦~真不巧。怎么这么急呢, A:我得去学校接我儿子,然后去超市,最后还得上银行去一趟。我真的希望能在下雨前将这些差事干完。

B:我也想在暴风雨到来之前赶回家。A:我以后再看行吗, B:当然,你今晚能来我家吗,我有些朋友要过来。A:好啊。傍晚时打电话提醒我一下,可以吗, B:没问题,我会的。A:那好,我回头再跟你聊。


第一章 以How开头的疑问句型

How about...? „„怎么样, 这个句型后半部分通常接动名词或名词短语。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How about taking a walk?(出去散散步怎么样,)Top 2: How about parking here?(把车停放在这儿行吗,)Top 3: How about going for a trip?(去旅游怎么样,)疯狂实战

A: How about a cup of tea? B: Sounds great.A: 来杯茶怎么样, B: 好的。

A: How about going to a movie tonight? B: Sounds like a good idea.A: 今晚去看电影怎么样, B: 不错的主意。

Kim’s Note: Notice how sentence patterns can be useful to ask questions and provide answers.That is why learning even a few key sentence patterns can dramatically improve your English.你会发现,句型在提问题以及回答问题方面非常有用,这就是为什么学几个关键的句型能大大提高你的英语水平的原因。

Kim’s Note: There is also a very trendy use of this pattern in American English right now.It is, “How about no?” When someone is excited about something and uses the “how about” sentence pattern to say it, friends like to crush their enthusiasm with a sarcastic, “How about no?”

在现今的美国英语中,这个句型还有一种非常时髦的用法,即“How about no?”当某人对how about”来说时,他的朋友会用带有讽刺意味的“How about 某事感到非常激动,并用“no?”来对他泼冷水,如: A: How about walking to the concert instead of taking a taxi? It will be fun!B: How about...no? A: 我们不打车,而是走着去音乐会怎么样,会很有意思的。B:“不行”怎么样, 2.How do you like...? 你认为„„怎么样, 最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How do you like living in China?(你觉得在中国的生活怎么样,)Top 2: How do you like your new job?(你觉得新的工作怎么样,)Top 3: How do you like my new car?(你觉得我的新车怎么样,)疯狂实战

A: How do you like my new dress? B: Terrific.Where did you buy it? A: 你认为我的新裙子怎么样, B: 简直太漂亮了。在哪儿买的, A: How do you like the weather in Guangzhou? B: I like the warm weather here, but it rains too much.A: 你觉得广州的天气如何, B: 我喜欢这里温暖的天气,但是这里雨水太多了。

3.How much shall I pay for...? 我该为„„付多少钱, 疯狂实战

A: How much shall I pay for this? B: I wonder if you can afford it.A: 我要为此付多少钱, B: 我怀疑你能不能付得起。

A: How much shall I pay for the hotel room? B: Actually, it’s free.A: 宾馆住宿要多少钱, B: 事实上,宾馆住宿是免费的。

4.How often do you...? 你多久„„,疯狂实战

A: How often do you go on a vacation? B: I never had a chance to go on a vacation.A: 你多久度一次假, B: 我从来不曾有机会度过假。

A: How often do you work overtime? B: Almost every day.A: 你们多久加一次班, B: 几乎每天都加班。

A: How often do you eat out? B: Oh, I eat out all the time.I hate to cook.I’m too lazy.A: 你多久到外面吃一次饭, B: 哦,我常在外面吃饭。我讨厌做饭。我太懒了。A: How often do you go to the English Corner? B: I used to go to the English Corner every week, but now I seldom go because I find it more and more boring.A: 你多久去一次英语角, B: 我以前每个星期都去,但现在很少去了,因为我发现越来越没意思了。

5.How can you...? 你怎么能„„,Kim’s Note: This is a good sentence pattern because it is strong.If you have a strong feeling or emotion you need to express, this is the pattern for you!这个句型具有很强的感情色彩,是一个很好的句型,如果你想表达很强的感情,就可以用这个句型~


Top 1: How can you stand such terrible weather?(你怎么能受得了这种恶劣天气,)Top 2: How can you stand her nagging all the time?(你怎么能受得了她整天唠叨,)Top 3: How can you stand the pressure here?(你怎么能受得了这里的压力,)疯狂实战

A: How can you treat me like that? B: You’re too sensitive.I didn’t do anything wrong!A: 你怎么能那样对我, B: 你太敏感了。我没做错什么事。A: How can you do such a stupid thing? B: I don’t know.I wasn’t thinking I guess.Besides, what would you have done if you were in my shoes? A: 你怎么能做出这种蠢事, B: 我不知道。可能没有思考过。再说,如果你处于我的位置,你会怎么做呢, 6.How come...? „„是怎么回事, 疯狂讲解 :How come后接的句这个句型与“Why...?用正常语序,不是像其它的疑问句要用半倒装语序~


How come he failed the exam? Isn’t he the best student in the class?(他怎么会在考试中失败呢,他不是班里最优秀的学生吗,)How come you never visit us any more?(你怎么不来看我们了,)Kim’s Note: Little kids love this sentence pattern.They always want to know “How come” they have to do something.小孩子特别喜欢用这个句型。他们总是想知道“为什么”他们要做某事,如: How come I have to go to bed so early?(为什么要我这么早睡觉啊,)How come I’m not allowed to eat candy?(为什么不让我吃糖啊,)How come I can’t get a new bike?(我为什么不能买辆新自行车啊,)7.How long have you been...? 你„„多久了, 疯狂讲解 其后面可以跟名词、介词短语、现在分词或过去分词。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How long have you been learning English?(你学英语有多久了,)Top 2: How long have you been in China?(你到中国有多久了,)Top 3: How long have you been feeling like this?(你感觉这样有多久了,)疯狂操练

How long have you been married?(你们结婚多久了,)How long have you been dating her?(你跟她谈恋爱谈了多久了,)How long have you been working here?(你在这里工作多久了,)How long have you been a teacher?(你从教多长时间了,)How long have you been collecting stamps?(你集邮集了多久了,)How long have you been doing this?(你干这干了多久了,)How long have you been working on this project?(这个项目你们做了多久了,)How long have you been attending night classes?(你上夜校有多久了,)How long have you been doing business with the Japanese?(你跟日本人做生意多久了,)How long have you been a football fan?(你成为一个足球迷有多久了,)How long have you been living in Shenzhen?(你住在深圳有多久了,)How long have you been seeing a psychologist?(你看心理医生有多久了,)Kim’s Note: This sentence pattern is actually a favorite of psychologists.They like to use this pattern to get you to open up about your feelings.事实上,这个句型是心理学家最喜欢用的。他们喜欢用这个句型来使你开口表达你的感情。

特别奉献: 心理医生常用问题PSYCHOLOGIST QUESTIONS How long have you been having these feelings?(你有这些感觉多久了,)How long have you been having this dream?(你做这个梦做了多久了,)How long have you been having trouble sleeping?(你睡不着觉有多长时间了,)How long have you been feeling depressed?(你感觉情绪低落有多久了,)How long have you been keeping this to yourself?(你有这个秘密多久了,)How long have you been in love with your boss?(你跟你上司恋爱多久了,)How long have you been thinking about killing yourself?(你有自杀的念头有多久了,)How long have you been hearing voices?(你听到这种怪声有多久了,)How long have you been keeping this a secret?(你保守这个秘密有多久了,)疯狂实战

A: How long have you been waiting? B: Not very long, just five minutes or so.A: 你等了多久了, B: 不是很久,只不过五分钟左右。

A: How long have you been staying in China? B: I’ve been here for almost two months.A: 你在中国呆了多久了, B: 我到中国已经两个月了。

A: How long have you been on a diet? B: It seems like I’ve been on a diet my whole life.A: 你节食多长时间了, B: 好像我一生都在节食。

A: How long have you been in business? B: We’ve been in business a long time.We were the first chemical company in Western China.A: 你们经营多久了, B: 我们经营已经很长时间了。我们是中国西部第一家化工企业。Kim’s Note: This is a very useful question for business English.Most people like to tell you about their company and this is a good way to start the conversation.这是一个很有用的商务英语问题,大多数人喜欢向你介绍他们的公司,而这是一个打开话题的很好的方式。

A: How long have you been thinking about going abroad? B: All my life I have been dreaming of going abroad.A: 出国的事儿你考虑多久了, B: 我一生都在梦想着出国。

8.How long will it take...? „„要多久, 疯狂讲解 后接动词不定式,用来询问“做什么事要多久”。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How long will it take to get there?(到那里要多久,)Top 2: How long will it take to make a million dollars?(赚一百万要多长时间,)Top 3: How long will it take to rebuild New York city?(重建纽约要多长时间,)疯狂实战

A: How long will it take to conquer English? B: It will depend on how hard you work, and how often you practice!A: 学好英语要多长时间, B: 这要看你有多用功,是不是常练习~

A: How long will it take to finish this project? B: I think it will take us at least two months.A: 完成这个项目要多久, B: 我想至少要两个月。

A: How long will it take to fly from Beijing to New York? B: If you fly directly, it takes about eighteen hours.A: 从北京飞往纽约要多久, B: 如果直飞的话,大约十八小时。

9.How do you know...? 你怎么知道„„,疯狂讲解 后接一个宾语从句,其引导词that在口语中通常省略。最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How do you know I can’t do it?(你怎么知道我做不了,)Top 2: How do you know it won’t work?(你怎么知道没用,)Top 3: How do you know which stocks to buy?(你怎么知道买哪些股票,)疯狂实战

A: How do you know my name? B: We met last month at the IBM sales conference, remember? A: 你怎么知道我的名字, B: 我们上次在IBM的营销会议上见过,还记得吗, A: How do you know she can’t do it? B: Don't you know she’s a stupid girl? A: 你怎么知道她做不了, B: 你不知道她是个愚蠢的女孩子吗, 10.How are you getting along with...? 你跟„„相处得怎么样, 最常用的三个句子

Top 1: How are you getting along with your roommate?(你跟你的室友相处得怎么样,)Top 2: How are you getting along with your colleagues?(你跟你的同事相处得怎么样,)Top 3: How are you getting along with your new girlfriend?(你跟你现在的女朋友相处得怎么样,)疯狂实战

A: How are you getting along with your classmates? B: Just great.I love my new school.A: 你跟同学们相处得怎么样, B: 不错,我喜欢我的新学校。

A: How are you getting along with your new boss, B: OK I guess.I really don’t see him that much.A: 你跟新上司的关系怎么样, B: 我想还不错。我真的很少见到他。

第二章 以What开头的疑问句型

What about...? „„怎么样呢, Kim’s Note: This is a great sentence pattern for getting someone’s opinion.It is particularly useful because it is an “open ended” question.It can’t be answered by “yes” or “no” so it is helpful in keeping a conversation going.这个句型非常适合用来征求别人的意见。特别是,由于是开放式的问题,无法用“yes”与no”来作答,所以有助于延续对话的进行。“


这个句型除了用于征求别人关于某事或某物的意见,也可用于提建议,这一用法与“How about„?”相似。此外,它还可以用来询问关于某事物或某人的情况。


Top 1: What about your future?(你的未来怎么样,)Top 2: What about that new restaurant?(那家新餐馆怎么样,)Top 3: What about going together?(一起去怎么样,)疯狂实战

A: I think Chinese students are more hardworking than American students.What about you? B: I think both countries have some hardworking students and some lazy ones too.A: 我认为中国的学生比美国学生学习更努力。你认为呢, B: 我想两个国家都有勤奋的学生和懒惰的学生。A: People in my country like to drive everywhere they go.What about people in your country? B: More and more people own their own cars in China now too.A: 我们国家的人到哪里都喜欢开车去,你们国家的人怎么样呢, B: 现在中国也有越来越多的人拥有自己的车了。

2.What else...? 还有什么„„,最常用的三个句子

Top 1: What else can I do for you?(我还能为你做什么,)Top 2: What else have you heard?(你还听到了什么,)Top 3: What else do you want to know?(你还想知道什么,)3.What kind of...? 什么样的„„,最常用的三个句子

Top 1: What kind of person do you think you are?(你以为你是什么样的人,)Top 2: What kind of fool do you think I am?(你以为我是什么样的傻瓜,)Top 3: What kind of movies do you like?(你喜欢什么样的电影,)疯狂实战

A: What kind of girl do you like? B: I like a loving, considerate, intelligent girl who is confident and knows what she wants to do with her life.A: 你喜欢什么样的女孩, B: 我喜欢有爱心、善解人意、聪明的女孩,要有自信,懂得生活。A: What kind of girl do you like? B: Oh, I like fat, black girls.The fatter the better!I like a really big, fat girl that I can really hold on to.You know what I mean? That’s sexy!

A: 你喜欢什么样的女孩, B: 哦,我喜欢身材肥胖的黑人女孩,越肥越好~我喜欢一个又高又胖的女孩子,那样有一种实实在在的感觉。你知道我是什么意思吗,那样的女人性感~

A: What kind of food do they serve at the new restaurant? B: They serve western food and Chinese food, but the Chinese food is much better!A: 新餐馆有些什么菜式, B: 有西餐和中餐,但是中餐要好得多~ ? 疯狂情景会话

A: What kind of job do you prefer? B: I like a job that is challenging and exciting.I like to push myself.I like to use my ability.A: What kind of job do you prefer? B: I prefer a job where I am the only guy in the office.A: You mean you like to work with all women? B: No, I mean I don’t like anyone to be around me.I don’t like any interruptions while I’m sleeping or chatting on the internet.A: 你喜欢什么样的工作啊, B: 我喜欢具有挑战性、刺激的工作。我喜欢进取,喜欢发挥自己的潜能。A: 你喜欢什么样的工作呢, B: 我喜欢我工作的办公室里只有我一个男的。A: 你的意思是你喜欢跟一帮女的一起工作, B: 不,我的意思是,我不喜欢周围有任何人。我不喜欢睡觉或在网上聊天时有人来打搅我。

4.What do you think...? 你认为„„怎么样, 疯狂讲解



Top 1: What do you think I should do?(你认为我该怎么做,)Top 2: What do you think he wants?(你认为他想要什么,)Top 3: What do you think America will do to fight terrorism?(你认为美国会怎样打击恐怖活动,)疯狂实战

A: What do you think they are saying to each other? B: They must be gossiping about our new CEO again.A: 你认为他们在说什么, B: 她们肯定又在说我们的新任CEO的闲话了。

A: What do you think the chances are of my passing the TOEFL exam? B: I think that your chances are good.You’ve been preparing for a long time and I’ve noticed a big improvement in your spoken English.A: 你认为我通过TOEFL考试的机会怎么样, B: 我认为你的机会很大。你准备了很长时间,而且我发现你的口语有了很大进步。

5.What would you like to...? 你想„„,最常用的三个句子

Top 1: What would you like to know?(你想知道什么,)Top 2: What would you like to do next?(你下一步想怎么做,)Top 3: What would you like to drink?(你想喝什么,)6.What do you think of...? 你觉得„„怎么样, What do you think of China so far?(你觉得中国怎么样,)这是与外国人交往最有用的句子~但可悲的是,很多中国人会问,但听不懂回答~下面我们为你提供一些


Answer 1: Amazing!/Pretty good!回答一: 令人惊讶~【美国大多数总统都是这个回答】/相当好~ 【疯狂调侃】小布什可能只能说这句话,因为上面那个词对他太难了~ Answer 2: China is a very interesting country.I want to learn more about it.回答二:中国是一个非常有趣的国家。我想了解更多一些。

Answer 3: China has the friendliest people and the best food in the world!So far I’ve been having a fantastic time!

回答三:中国有世界上最友好的人民和最美味的佳肴~到今天为止,我在这里过得非常棒~ Answer 4: China is a fascinating place.Everything here is so different from America.回答四:中国是一个迷人的地方。这里的一切都跟美国不同。Answer 5: China has a long glorious history, and the development in the past twenty years is amazing too.But China still has a long way to go.回答五:中国历史悠久、灿烂,而且过去二十年来发展也很惊人。但是中国还有很长一段路要走。


A: What do you think of her new boyfriend? B: I think he is easy-going, handsome, but stupid.A: 你觉得她新交的男朋友怎么样, B: 我觉得他性格随和、长相英俊,但有点蠢。A: What do you think of Crazy English? B: It’s a good way to improve your English in a short time!A: 你认为疯狂英语怎么样, B: 这是在短期内提高英语的好方法~

7.What's wrong with...? „„怎么了, 最常用的三个句子

Top 1: What’s wrong with George W.Bush?(乔治?布什怎么了,)Top 2: What’s wrong with this world?(这个世界怎么了,)Top 3: What’s wrong with your phone?(你的电话怎么了,)疯狂实战 A: What’s wrong with you?/Are you out of your mind? B: Nothing is wrong with me.What’s wrong with you? A: 你怎么回事儿, B: 我没怎么,你怎么回事儿, A: What’s wrong with this computer? B: It’s a cheap piece of junk.A: 这台电脑怎么了, B: 简直一堆垃圾。

8.What's your favorite...? 你最喜欢„„,疯狂实战

A: What's your favorite food? B: I love spicy food.Sichuan food is my favorite.A: 你最喜欢吃什么, B: 我喜欢吃辣的,最喜欢川菜。

A: What's your favorite kind of music? B: I love rock and roll music.The louder the better!A: 你最喜欢听什么样的音乐, B: 我喜欢摇滚乐。越大声越好~

9.What seems to be the problem with...? „„大概是什么问题, 一旦用了“seem”,你的口语绝对是高级~下面的句子一定比“What’s the problem?”让你更有成就感。Kim’s Note: This is a clever way to get information without offending anyone.You will just sound concerned, not pushy.这是在不冒犯别人的情况下获得信息的好办法。别人会觉得你很关心,而不是多管闲事儿。


A: What seems to be the problem with your sister? She looks very upset this morning.B: I don’t know.She hasn’t been herself lately.A: 你姐姐怎么了,她今天早上似乎心神不宁。B: 我不知道,她最近有点不对劲。

A: What seems to be the problem with those two? B: Oh nothing’s wrong.They are always fighting.A: 他们俩的关系好像出了什么问题, B: 没什么。他们总是吵个不停。

10.What makes/made you...? 你怎么会„„,疯狂讲解

“make sb.+adj./动词原形/过去分词”是一个动词的复合结构,意为“使某人„”。后接形容词时表示某人的状态,接动词原形表示使人做某事,接过去分词也表示状态。


Top 1: What made you so angry?(是什么使你这么生气,)Top 2: What makes you think he did it?(是什么使你认为是他做的,)Top 3: What makes you so motivated?(是什么使你如此受鼓舞,)疯狂实战 A: What makes you so upset? B: I lost my job and I got robbed on the way home.A: 你怎么那么心烦意乱啊, B: 我丢了饭碗,而且在回家路上遭到了抢劫。A: What makes you say that? B: I have been studying English for years.I know what I am talking about.A: 你怎么会那样说, B: 我已经学了几年英语了。我知道我在说什么。

A: What makes you do such stupid things? B: I don’t know.I can’t control myself.I don’t want to do stupid things but I just can’t help it.A: 你怎么会做这些蠢事, B: 我不知道。我无法自控。我不想做蠢事,但我就是不行。

A: What makes you work so hard? B: I want to retire by the time I am thirty.A: 是什么使你这么努力工作, B: 我想在三十岁之前退休。

第三章 以Why开头的疑问句型

各位朋友,现在到了“why”句型~人类天生具有好奇心,什么事都爱寻根究底 Why didn't you...? 你为什么不„„,疯狂讲解 这是一个否定的疑问句,还常用于反问,当你觉得别人应该如何,而对方却没有这么做,就可以用上这个句型。


Top 1: Why didn’t you wait for me?(你为什么不等我呢,)Top 2: Why didn’t you tell me?(你为什么不告诉我呢,)Top 3: Why didn’t you buy it?(你为什么不买下来呢,)疯狂实战

A: Why didn’t you call me?

B: I’m terribly sorry.It slipped my mind.A: 你为什么不打电话给我, B: 实在对不起。我忘掉了。

A: My flight is at 7 o’clock in the morning.B: Why didn't you say something earlier? A: 我乘早上7点的航班。B: 你为什么不早说, 2.Why don't we just...? 我们为什么不„„,疯狂讲解



A: Why don’t we just leave it until tomorrow? B: That’s OK with me.I am dead tired anyway.A: 我们何不留待明天呢, B: 我没问题。不管怎么说,我已经累死了。

A: Why don't we just have dinner together somewhere this Saturday? B: Are you asking me on a date, or do you expect me to pay for your dinner again? A: 我们星期六找个地方一起吃饭吧, B: 你想跟我约会呢,还是想让我付这顿饭钱呢, 3.Why do you think...? 你为什么会认为„„,疯狂讲解

这个句型换个说法就是我们学过的:“What makes you think„„?‖ 疯狂实战

A: Why do you think he is unqualified for the job? B: He has never worked in an international company before and besides that, he can’t even use a computer!

A: 你为什么会认为他不能胜任这项工作呢, B: 他从来没有在跨国公司工作过,而且,他连电脑都不会用。

A: Why do you think Guangzhou is a bad place to live? B: The air is too dirty and it’s just too crowded.A: 你为什么会认为广州不适合居住呢, B: 空气太脏,而且太拥挤。

Why do you have to...? 你为什么要„„,疯狂讲解 “Why do you „..?‖的问法有点质问的语气,加一个“have to‖就缓和了这种语气,因为“have to‖表示“不得不”,听起来已经是为对方找了点理由。


A: Why do you have to tell her the truth? B: Because she always finds out the truth anyway!A: 你为什么要告诉她, B: 因为不管怎么样,她总能发现事情的真相。A: Why do you have to leave so early? B: I have an early appointment tomorrow morning.A: 你为什么要这么早走呢, B: 明天一大早我有个约会。

5.Why is it that...? 为什么„„,疯狂讲解



A: Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive? B: Because you’re a woman.All women find chocolate addictive.A: 我发现巧克力很容易上瘾,这是为什么, B: 因为你是个女人,而所有女人都会发现巧克力上瘾。A: Why is it that I have had nightmares all these nights? B: Maybe you shouldn’t eat so much chocolate before bedtime!A: 这几个晚上我连续做噩梦,到底是怎么了, B: 也许你不应该在睡觉前吃那么多巧克力~ Kim’s Note: There is a superstition that claims eating sweets before bedtime doesn’t give you sweet dreams, it gives you nightmares.Don’t say we didn’t warn you!


第四章 以When开头的疑问句型

1.When are you going to...? 你打算什么时候„„,疯狂讲解

这是询问别人的打算的最好问法。我们还可以说:“When do you plan to„.?‖


A: When are you going to buy a new house? B: When are you going to stop asking such personal questions? A: 你打算什么时候买房子, B: 你什么时候不再问这种私人的问题, A: When are you going to ask your boss for a raise? B: When I think the time is right.This is definitely not the right time!A: 你要等到什么时候才去要求你老板给你加工资啊, B: 在我认为时间适当的时候。现在肯定不是时候~ 2.When would you like to...? 你想什么时候„„,疯狂讲解

这种问句显得你比较尊重对方的意愿~ 疯狂实战

A: When would you like to place an order? B: I’m not sure.I need some time to think it over.A: 你想什么时候下定单, B: 我不清楚。我需要一些时间来考虑。

A: When would you like to have the computer delivered? B: I work until five.Can I have it delivered later in the evening? A: 你想什么时候让我们把电脑送过去, B: 我五点下班。能不能晚上送过来, 3.When do you want me to...? 你想让我在什么时候„„,疯狂操练

When do you want me to report for work tomorrow?(明天你想什么时候让我做工作报告,)When do you want me to have it ready for you?(你想让我在什么时候为你准备好,)4.When could you possibly...? 你大概能在什么时候„„,疯狂讲解 加一个“possibly‖,你的问句听起来就比较委婉,让人感觉舒服。这就是副词的强大作用~


When could you possibly finish this?(你大概什么时候能完成,)疯狂实战

A: When could you possibly let me know the result? B: We’ll let you know the result as soon as possible.A: 你大概什么时候能给我消息, B: 我们会尽快告诉你结果。

When will it be convenient for you to...? 你看什么时候方便„„,疯狂讲解

与人约会时,这个句型是最佳选择~ 疯狂操练

When will it be convenient for you to arrange an interview for me?(你看什么时候方便安排我面试,)疯狂实战

A: When will it be convenient for you to come to my office? B: I’m in Guangzhou from Monday until Thursday.Which day is best for you? A: 你看什么时候方便来我办公室一趟, B: 我从星期一到星期四在广州。你看哪天对你最合适, 第三部分句型突破语法篇

第一章 祈使句常用句型 1.Be...要„„




Top 1: Be careful!(小心~)Top 2: Be polite to the guests.(要礼貌待客。)Top 3: Be specific!(说详细一点~)疯狂实战

A: Be my guest!B: Thanks.I appreciate the hospitality.A: 别客气~

B: 谢谢。我很欣赏你的热情。

A: I’m so nervous about my date tonight.I don’t know how to act.B: Be yourself.Nobody likes a phony!A: 我对今晚的约会很紧张。我不知道怎么表现。B: 自然一些。没有人会喜欢装腔作势的人~ 2.Don't...别;不要„„




Top 1: Don't move!(别动~)Top 2: Don’t believe him.He’s a cheat!(别相信他,他是个骗子~)Top 3: Don't get your clothes dirty!(别搞脏了衣服~)疯狂实战

A: Don’t disturb me when I’m working!

B: I’m sorry.I didn’t know you were working.You looked like you were sleeping.A: 别烦我,我要工作呢~

B: 对不起。我不知道你在工作。你看起来好像在睡觉。

3.Don't be...别;不要„„




Top 1: Don't be lazy!(别偷懒~)Top 2: Don’t be foolish!(别傻了~)Top 3: Don't be childish!(不要耍小孩子脾气~)疯狂实战

A: Do you think these white socks look OK with my black sandals and red pants? B: Don’t be such a nerd!When are you going to learn how to dress yourself properly? A: 你认为这些白袜子跟黑凉鞋和红裤子搭配起来很不错吗, B: 别这么恶心~你到底要什么时候才会学会穿着得体呀, 4.Stop...停止„„




Top 1: Stop fighting!(别吵了~)Top 2: Stop it!You are hurting me!(别弄了,你把我搞痛啦~)Top 3: Stop shouting – you’re giving me a headache!(别嚷了– 你真让我头痛~)5.Keep...保持„„


这个句型后面可接形容词,也可接介词短语,都表示“保持„„.状态”。如果后面接“名词+形容词”构成复合结构,就表示“让„„保持„„状态”。一个特别的用法是“Keep on +动”之意。名词”,这是它表达“继续做„„.最常用的三个句子

Top 1: Keep quiet!(安静~)Top 2: Keep in touch!(保持联系~)Top 3: Keep on trying!(继续努力~)疯狂实战

A: Keep the door open, please!B: I can’t.There are too many mosquitoes.A: 请把门开着~ B: 不行。太多蚊子了~

第二章 感叹句常用句型 1.What...? 多么„„~


“what”型感叹句一般的结构是:“what +(不定冠词a/an)+形容词+名词+~”如果该名词是不可数的或者复数的,就不加不定冠词。


Top 1: What bad news(it is)!(多不好的消息啊~)Top 2: What a beautiful day!(多好的天气啊~)Top 3: What a drastic change!(多么巨大的变化啊~)疯狂实战

A: You know I locked my keys in the car and my little baby was trapped inside!B: What a nightmare!A: 你知道,我把钥匙锁在车里,而我的小孩被卡在里面了~ B: 真是一场噩梦~

A: Jim and Cindy are always together and they never fight.B: What a good couple they are!A: 吉姆和辛迪总是形影不离,而且从来没吵过架。B: 多般配的一对啊~ 李阳老师的话

我很喜欢用这个感叹句型,因为感叹句可以充分地表达出感情色彩!但以前我曾犯过一个小小的错误,把“天气多好啊!”说成“What a beautiful weather!”直到后来我才明白,你可以说:“What a beautiful day!”但如果用:“weather”这个词时,就要说成:“What beautiful weather”是不可数的。weather!”因为“



“How‖ 型感叹句的一般结构是:“How +形容词+(名词/代词+be)+~后半部也可不用,只说前两个字,像“How nice!‖ ―How beautiful!‖ 等等。


Top 1: How delicious!(多么美味啊~)Top 2: How generous he was!(他真是太慷慨了~)Top 3: How smart your son is!(你儿子多聪明啊~)【称赞别人的孩子不失为一种极好的恭维方式。】


How pretty you look in that blue dress!(你穿那条蓝色裙子看起来真漂亮啊~)


【Kim’s Note】You will have to introduce yourself hundreds of times in your life.It is worth the time and effort to practice until you can do it perfectly.Introducing yourself well is a good way to make a first impression.Use our example as a model for your own self-introduction.[1] Hello everybody.My name is Stone.I come from Guangdong province in China.I am very happy to come here to study with you.[2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim.This class feels just like one big family to me.[3] I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.I also enjoy『享受;喜爱』 playing soccer.I would love to play with you sometime.[4] I hope I can become your friend soon.Thank you very much.【李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:14秒】



[1] 嗨,大家好。我的名字叫石头,我来自中国广东。我很高兴来这里和你们一起念书。[2] 当我三天前来到这个学校时,我就喜欢上它了。这里是那么美丽,那么振奋人心,这里的每个人都对我很亲切,特别是Kim老师。而这个班集体对我来说就像一个大家庭。[3] 我对运动、音乐和爬山很有兴趣。我也喜欢踢足球。我非常想和你们一起踢球。[4] 最后,我希望我能很快成为你们的朋友,谢谢。

【额外成就感】 enjoy * I enjoyed reading these books very much.(我很喜欢读这些书。)

* Tom doesn't enjoy going to school.(汤姆不喜欢上学。)

* I enjoyed the party very much.(我非常喜欢这次聚会。)* I enjoy meeting new people.(我喜欢结识新朋友。)

* What do you enjoy doing in your free time?(你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?)

【Kim’s Note】 The news is an excellent source of learning material.The pronunciation of news broadcasters is the most standard pronunciation and the material in the story is always something interesting to talk about with others.The vocabulary and phrases in news stories are often challenging, but easy to remember because they are in the context of useful sentences.Follow along with this news report until you sound like a professional!

[1] Five people suffered minor injuries『伤害;损害』when an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning.It caused some panic『恐慌;惊慌』but little serious damage.James Pomfret reports:

[1] 今天早上台湾发生6.2级地震,有五人受轻伤。地震引起了市民的惊慌,但是几乎没有严重损失。占姆士•庞夫瑞特报道:

[2] “The earthquake struck at 10.35 this morning [girls screams], rocking Taipei for 20 seconds, though much of the city was left unscathed『未受伤的;未受损失的』.Only a few buildings were damaged.This hospital's outer wall was unable to withstand『抵挡;反抗;经得起』the shock, crashing『碰撞;倒下;坠落』onto the pavement, though no one was injured.”


[3] “There were power cuts in some areas and public transport was disrupted『使分裂;使瓦解』, including the Mass Rapid Transit system, which was closed temporarily『暂时地;临时地』for safety checks.”


[4] “According to the central weather bureau, the quake measured 6.2 on the open-ended『无限制的』Richter scale, with its epicenter『震中』 at sea off Taiwan's north-east coast.Just last night, a quake measuring 6.3 originated『发源;来自;产生』from a similar area, but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related.Nine minor aftershocks『余震』have been recorded.”

[4]“根据中央气象局报告,此次地震达到无限量震级6.2 级,震中心位于台湾东北海岸外海域。昨晚,几乎同一海域发生了6.3级地震,但据推测两场地震并无关联。记录显示有九次微小余震。”

[5] “Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most.The stock market fell more than 1.7 per cent, on worries『担心』that aftershocks could affect the island's industries.Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake.James Pomfret, TVB News.”


【额外成就感】 injury * He escaped from the train wreck without injury.(他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。)

* Most people protect themselves from injury to their self-esteem.(大多数人保护自己使自尊心不受伤害。)panic * There was a panic when the fire started.(火灾发生时引起了一场惊恐。)

unscathed * He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.(他安然无恙地从事故现场走开了。)

withstand * Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.(孩子用的家具必须经得起拳打脚踢。)

crashing * The motorcycle crashed into the fence.(摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。)

* An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.(昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁)* His company crashed last year.(他的公司去年破产了。)

disrupt * An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.(一次交通事故使进出这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。)

on worries ★★★★★ 五星级新闻短语

* People were buying lots of extra groceries on worries that a typhoon might hit the island.(由于担心台风袭击岛屿,人们都在购买额外食品。)

* Extra protection was ordered for the president on worries of an assassination attempt.(由于担心暗杀企图,总统安排了额外的警备。)

【Kim’s Note】This is a five star news expression.It is very common in news reports about disasters or possible dangers.



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