
时间:2019-05-14 03:26:37下载本文作者:会员上传






阶段一: 利用BBC 和 VOA素材进行反复听写练习,熟悉各类语音、语调、语速,基础较为薄弱的同学可以从慢速VOA开始。




俗话说阅读和听力是四六级的半壁江山,仔细阅读的重要性不言而喻。要做好仔细阅读,第一步就是丰富的词汇量。如果词汇量太小,考场上的文章势必看不懂,那么就更不谈做题了。而谈到背单词,很多人都会觉得头痛,这里分享给大家一些记单词途径;①开心词场 边学边测,让你的单词记得更牢。②英语四级六级应试秘籍:单词记忆法汇总>> 当然单词不是记了就可以了,背了词不用还是会忘光。所以平时记住的单词还有有意识地去用,比如常阅读,常练笔,跟单词混个脸熟,这样考试的时候见到也就不担心啦!有了一定的词汇量,接下来就是做真题练习了,通过做真题,可以知晓自己的实际水平和提升空间。考前两








Hello,everyone!Welcome to listen to our English broadcast.This is our first program, a humble effort that we hope will serve some purpose in your life, whether it be to inspire you, to teach you something new, to motivate you, or even just to entertain you for a while.Please enjoy this issue!板块一 beautifulEnglish(5分钟)

Dream is of great significance in one’s success.Therefore,it’s important that we hold on to our dreams.Please appreciate the beautiful passageCatch the Star That Will Take You to Your Dreams

Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart.Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you.Always believe that your ultimate goal isattainable as long as you commit yourself to it.Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them.Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you’ve made, have faith in your judgment, catch the star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny’s path.Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams.Understand that you may make mistakes, but don’t let them

discourage you.Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique.The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.This is English broadcast on campus.Find the star that twinkles in your heart for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.Give your hopes everything you’ve got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.您正在收听的是校园英语广播电台。寻找心中那颗闪耀的明星,因为只有你自己才能够让美好的梦想变成现实。满怀希望并全力以赴,你就能摘下改变命运的那颗星。Another passage I will recommend today is When Difficulties Arise...“Hang In There”I hope you can enjoy.Difficulties arise in the lives of us all.What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you.It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices.But you are a strong person.It takes courage.But you possess the inner courage to see you through.It takes being an active participant in your life.But you are in the driver's seat, and you can determine the direction you want tomorrow to goin.Hang in there...and take care to see that you don't lose sight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful, and true: Everything will be fine---and it will turn out that way because of the special kind of person you are.You’re listening So...beginning today and lasting a lifetime through---Hang in there, and don't be afraid to feel like the morning sun is shining...just for you.您正在收听的是因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点,坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起!

板块二VOA Special English(15分钟)

Resource:voa 官网

板块三personal interview(10分钟)

Welcome to personal interview.This week ,we are going to listen to Mayun’s lecture in Stanford University.Resource:

板块四 English movie echo(10分钟)

板块五Super songs(5分钟)















A: Good morning everyone.It’s____,Monday.B: Welcome to ourviews of the world.I’m ___.A;I’m__.Here are today’s news titles.B:CPC National Congress gets world attention.(国内政治)A:China's economy regains momentum


B:Mo Yan gives Nobel Prize Speech.(国内热点、国内文化)A:5 children found dead in trash bin

(国内热点、国内民生)B:7.3-magnitude quake hits off Japan

(国际热点、亚洲)A:Obama wins second term, challenges await

(国际热点、美国)B:Apple iPhone 5 on sale in China by December

(国际热点,科技)A:ROK's president-elect seeks better ties


B:CPC National Congress gets world attention Paying close attention to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC), foreign government officials, politicians and media said that the event would chart the course of China's future development and have an influence on the world.Danish Minister for European Affairs NicolajWammen said on Tuesday that the 18th CPC National Congress, which opened in Beijing Thursday, has drawn wide attention in China and overseas, as it would have significant influence on the world.A day later, Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Anatoly Tozik said that the congress would ensure continuity in China's foreign and domestic policy, adding that the more successful China develops, the greater impact it can have on world peace and stability.Jean-Luc Melenchon, French left-wing leader, said in a recent interview that China's development was “a chance for all mankind.” “China, through its rise as well as the relaying of its domestic market, can be a power which will be able to pacify international economic relations by providing the world with a pole of stability,” he added.Hailing the CPC congress as an “event of great significance,” Pham Van Linh, a senior official of the Communist Party of Vietnam(CPV), said on November 4 that the CPC will set forth major guidelines to solve its current problems and open a new chapter for the country's development.The deputy head of the CPV Central Committee's Commission for Propaganda and Education wished the ongoing CPC congress a great success, saying the CPV and the Vietnamese people are confident that under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people will certainly attain greater achievements in building a commonly prosperous and harmonious society.An article, posted on the BBC website on November 2, said “China's economic rise--an annual growth rate of 10 percent for more than 30 years--has been masterminded by the Chinese state.” “It is the most remarkable economic transformation the world has seen since the modern era began with Britain's industrial revolution in the late 18th century,” it added.(音乐)A:China's economy regains momentum China's economy is regaining momentum and growth of the world's second largest economy will exceed 7.5 percent in 2012.But, the groundwork for an economic rebound still needs more work, the head of China's economic planning agency said on Saturday.Signs of an uplift in the economy were obvious in October and China will likely achieve its economic growth target for this year, said Zhang Ping, minister of the National Development and Reform Commission.The country's growth slowed to 7.4 percent in the third quarter of the year, a decline for the seventh consecutive quarter, sparking concerns that China may repeat the economic downturn seen in 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis.But Zhang said the slowdown this year was partly due to government intervention, as a more moderated pace would allow leeway for China to shift its growth model.“Many factors contributed to this year's slowdown.The government has taken the initiative to lower this year's growth target to 7.5 percent to realize more sustainable development of the Chinese economy,” said Zhang at a news conference Saturday during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.External conditions also affected growth.The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has yet to be solved, growth in other major economies had been pessimistic, and these factors have dragged down the growth of emerging economies.“China, as a big economy, became deeply involved in the process of globalization.The worldwide slowdown and weak external demand also had impact on China,” he said.However, recent figures indicate that China may be reversing the trend.October data including total industrial output value, total retail sales and import and export statistics all showed improved performances compared to the last two months.The government is expected to launch a new income-distribution framework soon to reduce income inequality, according to reports.(音乐)

B: Mo Yan gives Nobel Prize speech Chinese writer Mo Yan, winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, described himself as a storyteller in a lecture at the Swedish Academy on Friday afternoon.It is telling stories that earned him the prize, the Nobel laureate said.In the lecture titled “Storytellers,” he talked about how he started story telling as a child and shared with the listeners his memory of his childhood and mother, “the person who is most on my mind at this moment.” “As repayment for mother's kindness and a way to demonstrate my memory, I'd retell the stories for her in vivid detail,” said Mo Yan.He also recalled memories of being surrounded by adults instead of children of his age after he dropped out of school, which “created a powerful reality” in his mind and later became a part of his own fiction.By introducing the background of his most famous works such as “Frog,” “Life and Death are Wearing Me Out,” “Big Breasts and Wide Hips,” “The Garlic Ballads”, “Sandalwood Death” and “The Transparent Carrot,” Mo Yan shared the inspiration behind the stories and the way they were produced.“Many interesting things have happened to me in the wake of winning the prize, and they have convinced me that truth and justice are alive and well,” said Mo Yan.“So I will continue telling my stories in the days to come,” he said at the end of his lecture.Mo Yan, who arrived in Sweden on Thursday morning, will attend the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and the Nobel Banquet next Monday.(音乐)

A:5 children found dead in trash bin

Local authorities confirmed that five vagrant children were found dead in a trash bin in Southwest China's Guizhou province on Friday morning.The investigation into their deaths is ongoing, and the children have not been identified.The government attaches great importance to the case, Xie Di, a publicity official from the city government of Bijie, said on Sunday.Li Yuanlong, a netizen at club.kdnet.net, a popular online forum, wrote on Friday night that the children climbed inside a trash bin to stay warm on Bijie city's Huandong Road and suffocated.The trash bin is about 1.5 meters high and 1.3 meters wide, according to photos that Li posted on Saturday.An elderly woman who picks up trash found the victims, who were around the age of 10, in the trash bin, Beijing News reported.Police have ruled out foul play, the report quoted an anonymous publicity official as saying.The report said the temperature reached a low of 6 C on Thursday night.The children had been living near the trash bin in a shelter they built using plastic tarpaulin, cement blocks and plywood, Li quoted residents who lived nearby as saying.Ma Li, director of a rescue center for homeless children in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, said the children may have eaten food they found in the trash bin and died from food poisoning.Li said the tragedy exposed an unresolved dilemma in the government's rescue work for vagrant children.“Rescue centers don't have a long-term effective way to help these children as they can only provide food and shelter for a maximum of 10 days.After that, the rescue centers are required to send these children home,” he said.Most vagrant children don't want to go home as they have bad relationships with their parents and may be victims of domestic violence, he said.“For this reason, many children shy away from rescue centers and feel reluctant to seek help,” he said.The civil affairs department and rescue centers hand out blankets and padded coats during the winter to the homeless, but more needs to be done, he said.The government should work out a new mechanism that encourages NGOs, schools and individuals to participate in helping vagrants, he urged.(音乐)B:Then let’s focus on some external news.B:7.3-magnitude quake hits off Japan A strong quake centred off northeastern Japan shook buildings as far away as Tokyo on Friday and triggered a one-metre tsunami in an area devastated by last year's Fukushima disaster, but there were no immediate reports of deaths or serious damage.The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3, the U.S.Geological Survey said, adding that there was no risk of a widespread tsunami.The March 2011 earthquake and following tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years when the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant was destroyed, leaking radiation into the sea and air.Workers at the plant were ordered to move to higher ground after Friday's quake.Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, reported no irregularities at its nuclear plants.All but two of Japan's 50 nuclear reactors have been idled since the Fukushima disaster as the government reviews safety.The quake measured a “lower 5” in Miyagi prefecture on Japan's scale of one to seven, meaning there might be some damage to roads and houses that are less quake resistant.The scale measures the amount of shaking and in that sense gives a better idea of possible damage than the magnitude.The quake registered a 4 in Tokyo.The one-metre tsunami hit at Ishinomaki, in Miyagi, at the centre of the devastation from the March 2011 disaster.All Miyagi trains halted operations and Sendai airport, which was flooded by the tsunami last year, closed its runway.Last year's quake, which measured 9.0, triggered fuel-rod meltdowns at Fukushima, causing radiation leakage, contamination of food and water and mass evacuations.Much of the area is still deserted.The government declared in December that the disaster was under control.(音乐)

A:Obama wins second term, challenges await President Barack Obama won a second term in the White House on Tuesday, overcoming deep doubts among voters about his handling of the US economy to score a clear victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney.Americans chose to stick with a divided government in Washington, however, by leaving the US Congress as it is, with Obama's fellow Democrats controlling the Senate and Republicans keeping the House of Representatives.After a long, bitter and expensive campaign, the 51-year-old Obama began trying to bring Americans together in a victory speech before thousands of cheering supporters in Chicago.Accused by Romney throughout the campaign of taking a partisan tone, Obama vowed to reach out to Republicans in his new, four-year term.“You voted for action, not politics as usual,” Obama said, calling for compromise and pledging to work with leaders of both parties to reduce the deficit, to reform the tax code and immigration laws, and to cut dependence on foreign oil.The nationwide popular vote remained extremely close with Obama taking about 50 percent to 49 percent for Romney after a campaign in which the candidates and their party allies spent a combined $2 billion.But Obama comfortably won the electoral votes needed in the state-by-state system used to choose US presidents.Obama scored impressive victories across the country, so much so that the big build-up over Ohio, Virginia and Florida fizzled.Obama reached the 270 electoral votes needed for election even without those three states, rolling up wins in Democratic strongholds and carrying Nevada, Iowa and Colorado.In the end, he also won Ohio and Virginia and was ahead in Florida, where votes were still being counted.(音乐)

B:Apple iPhone 5 on sale in China by December Apple Inc's latest handset, the iPhone 5, is expected to be on sale in China by December, according to a statement from its Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook, in the company's quarterly financial report.Apple has been placing greater emphasis on the Chinese market since Cook took over, illustrated by its store expansion in the country and a shortened new product delivery time gap between the United States and China.The country now delivers about 15 percent of its total income, about 5 percent higher than when Cook took over Apple a year ago.About 60 percent of its revenue comes from outside the US, with China now accounting for a quarter of that, said the report.However, in the smartphone market, Cook admitted that despite iPhone sales in the country enjoying a 38 percent annual rise, its latest handset, iPhone 5 hasn't arrived yet, while its main rival Samsung Electronics Co introduced Google Inc's Android-based system Galaxy III months ago.Apple sold more than 5 million iPhone 5s in the first three days after its launch on Sept 21.But the South Korean company now has double the number of global smartphone shipments of its US rival, and has earned record high quarterly profits from July to September, according to IT research company International Data Corporation

IDC said Apple sold 26.9 million iPhones during the quarter, while Samsung sold 56.3 million smartphones.Wang Jiping, IDC's senior analyst in China, said: “China is the largest smartphone market worldwide, and Samsung has seen dramatic market share growth(there)during the past year.”

The company almost doubled its quarterly profits from a year ago to $7.4 billion, while Apple posted quarterly net profit of $8.2 billion during the same period.Most noticeable were sales of its Galaxy range of smartphones which have now surpassed Apple's iPhone shipments in the Chinese market and globally.(音乐)

A:ROK's president-elect seeks better ties Park Geun-hye, incoming first female president of the Republic of Korea, lost no time on Thursday in paving the way for improved regional ties.Following her hard-fought election victory over Moon Jae-in on Wednesday, Park met top envoys from regional powers.Observers predicted that Northeast Asia's first female president will strike a more balanced approach in Seoul's diplomacy with major players in the Asia-Pacific region, including the United States, China, Russia and Japan, to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula.Park was in the media spotlight on Thursday, having a tight schedule that saw her visit the National Cemetery and deliver a policy speech at her conservative Saenuri Party's headquarters in Seoul.She vowed to place top priority on national security, as Pyongyang's successful long-range rocket launch on Dec 12 underlined the “grave” security reality on the Korean Peninsula, Seoul's Yonhap News Agency reported.Park also said regional tensions stemming from sovereignty and long-standing disputes in Northeast Asia, along with global economic difficulties also weigh heavily on the ROK.(音乐)

B: That’s all for today’s news.Thanks for listening.A:See you next week.(片尾)


《big mouth》

主播:陈冰欣 林培浩



Open ur mouth ,just practice with us.Welcome to big mouth.陈冰欣:hello大家好,欢迎收听《big mouth》,我是主播陈冰心

林培浩:我是主播林培浩,今天我们的节目将会分为三个环节,分别是:Crazy Reading,Daily English和Slang Rolling

陈冰欣:是的,那么希望大家可以在我们的《big mouth》中,不仅可以学习到地道的各式英语,而且更能体会到分享的快乐。

林培浩:OK那么在今天节目的开始之前,主播冰欣姐姐为大家准备了一段非常好听的音乐,来舒缓你们收听《big mouth》之前激动的心情。

陈冰欣:那当然希望大家好好享受这段音乐,但是不要走开,Crazy Reading 马上开始!


林培浩:欢迎大家继续收听《big mouth》那么放松完心情,我是林培浩,接下来就让我们带领大家进入

合:Crazy Reading


陈冰欣:我觉得朗读优美的英语文段,是提高我们英语表达能力,提升英语口语水平和学习掌握英语语法的一个有效方法,一篇英语美文能够陶冶我们的情操,放松我们的心情,还可以从中领悟到作者所传达的思想内涵,林培浩:不错,这就我们Crazy Reading环节的宗旨,就是希望大家通过疯狂地朗读来提高英语水平,同时在激情的朗读中深刻地体会文段中所传达的感情,这是一种超越语言的思想交流!接下来的第一段美文朗诵就交给冰欣姐姐啦陈冰欣:嗯,那么我为大家带来的是《The Poetry of Late Summer 夏末的诗意》

One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the greenof leaves.七月间,人们有余暇观察树叶绿翠的千差万别。

It is no longer a difference in degrees ofmaturity,for all the trees have dar kened to their final tone,and stand in their differences of character and no t of meredate.这不再是成熟上的差异,因为所有的树木,或转苍翠,或呈墨绿,色调均已固着定格,从而展现出来的,并非时节上的不同,而是各自品格上的差异。Almost all the green is grave, not sad and not dull.几乎各种绿色,品味凝重,既不流于悒郁,也不失之沉闷,It has a darkened and a daily color,in majestic but not obvious harmony

with dark grey skies,and might look, to inconstant eyes,asprosaic after spri ng as eleven o'clock looks after the dawn.它具有一种深沉、日常的色泽,与灰暗的苍穹浑然一体,构成庄重却非一眼可见的和谐,故而在游览扫掠的目光看来,可能会有阳春繁景过后的平淡之感。一如黎明之后11点的光景。



林培浩:好的,那我给带来的是一首大家都非常熟悉的诗歌《Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms面朝大海,春暖花开》

From tomorrow on,I will be a happy man.从明天起,做一个幸福的人

Grooming,chopping and traveling all over the world.喂马,劈柴,周游世界

From tomorrow on,I will care foodstuff and vegetable.从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜

Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms.我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开

From tomorrow on,write to each of my dear ones.从明天起,和每一个人通信

Telling them of my happiness.告诉他们我的幸福

What the lightening of happiness has told me.那幸福的闪电告诉我的I will spread it to each of them.我将告诉每一个人

Give a warm name for every river and every mountain.给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字

Strangers,I will also wish you happy.陌生人,我也为你祝福

May you have a brilliant future!


May you lovers eventually become spouses!


May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world!


I only wish to face the sea, with spring blossoms.我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开



陈冰欣:是啊,让我们祝福他在天安好。现在播送一段音乐,音乐过后我们将进入Slang Rolling环节,为大家分享一些唯美的英语语句。


陈冰欣:你好,这是《big mouth》,欢迎大家继续收听。接下来进入Slang Rolling,Let’s go!(1-6陈冰欣 7-11林培浩)

1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

2)No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

3)The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

4)Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

5)Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

6)Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

7)Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

8)Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

9)Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

10)Love deeply and passionately.You might get hurt but it"s the only

way to live life completely.深情且热烈的去爱,你可能会受伤,但是这是唯一一个让你的生命完整的方法。

11)Love endures only when the lovers love many things together and not merely each other.情人不仅彼此相爱,而且有许多共同爱好时,爱才能持久.陈冰欣:听完这些唯美的英语语句,不知道大家是否有什么感触?


陈冰欣:是啊,珍惜珍惜,何其珍惜。一段音乐过后,《big mouth》与你不见不散。



合:Daily Using


To see a world in a grain of sand,一沙一世界,And a heaven in a wild flower,一花一天国,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,君掌盛无边,And eternity in an hour.刹那含永劫。



Roses代表I love youI love you very muchI love you, I miss youI'm infatuated with youI'll love you foreverYou're pretty

White Rose:I be enough tomatch with you.【白玫瑰花语 我足以与你相配】 Yellow roses: friendship,familiar love and domestic happiness.【黄玫瑰代表友谊】

林培浩:勿忘我 即forget me not 它代表Please don't forget my sincere love【请不要忘记我真诚的爱 】2 True love, memories【真爱,记忆 】

陈冰欣:郁金香tulipRed tulip :believe me, declaration of love 【相信我,爱的宣言】 2 There's sunshine in your smile【它还象征着阳光般的笑容】Purple tulip代表: Love Forever 【永恒的爱】

林培浩:风信子hyacinthPurple hyacinth:please forgive me【对不起请原谅我 】White hyacinth: loveliness, I'll pray for you【可爱,我为你祈祷 】 3 Yellow hyacinth: jealousy【嫉妒,羡慕】

陈冰欣:All right,以上是今天Daily Using 所给大家介绍的一些花与话语,希望大家以后在送花方面可以参考参考哈。所以..今天时间过得真快,Time fries , our program is going to an end,Hope it could bring U good mood 希望《big mouth》可以带给你好心情!我是主播陈冰欣。

林培浩:美好的时光总是在不经间流逝,转眼间我们的节目已接近尾声了,节目最后,给大家献上最后一首歌曲,希望大家在学校生活的开心,快乐,健康,幸福。我是主播林培浩,Don't forget me!让我们下次再见!

合: C U next time~~~~



? 即通常先作栏目分析,再写作某次节目的内容。《×××·××× 》节目策划方案(个别项目可依具体情况取舍、调整)








1、主持人: ?






十二、节目目标: 例如:















八、节目制作: 节目的前期内容可以选用报刊上发表的具有典型性的真实事例,也可以请知名人士撰写。以后的稿件可逐步采用听众来稿或本台记者采写的稿件。





(1)张家李家欧阳家家家有本经 喜事趣事烦恼事事事贴人心(2)讲述家庭故事 交流生活感受

(3)说生活喜忧哀愁事 品世间酸甜苦辣味









1.在以动态报道充分反映全省各地群众欢度元旦的各项 ?活动外,精心策划本台的专题报道,以深化节目内容,形成自己的特点和风格,参与媒体的竞争。


3.专题报道的切入口均应以新年活动和新年见闻为内容,以与持续一段时间以来的改革开放20年成就回顾相区别。? ?








三、时段安排 ? 播出日期 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?主要选题 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 执行记者

1月1日 ? ? 1.元旦专稿:我的1998 ? ? 范驰、牛日成、叶励丹、丁海平? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2.录音专访:回顾与展望——访省统计局长 ? 范驰 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.录音述评:激越的旋律——广东新年音乐会侧记

钟翠萍、陈月德及相关记者站记者 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4.录音报道:澳门进入回归前周年 ? ?驻珠海站记者崔伦 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1月2日 ? ?1.录音特写:涌动的春潮——广东农村元旦见闻 ? ? ? ? 陈月德组稿,总值班室综2.录音报道:广东群众元旦兴高采烈参加“生态环境旅游” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?王文峰

3.录音特写:喜盈网络——广东群众兴起计算机网络贺新年的新风 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 梁炳忠 1月3日 ? ?1.录音特写:喧腾的工地——广东重点基础设施建设工程工地见闻 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?梁炳忠

2.录音通讯:畅旺市场——元旦广东市场见闻 ?丁海平? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.录音报道:广州人多样化的节日活动 ? ?李键、赵敏 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1月4日 ? ? 1.录音述评:迎接辉煌——广东科技事业展望 ? 古国真 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.消息:广东元旦期间治安情况良好 ? ? ? ?黎辉 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


节日期间,请第一采访组注意突发事件报道;第二采访组密切注意春运动态。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1998年12月29日 ③广播新闻节目《神州夜航》策划书 ? 节目名称:《神州夜航》 ? 节目类型:直播互动谈话节目 ? 节目长度:120分钟

? 播出时段:中央人民广播电台新闻综合频率中国之声,周一至周五22:30-00:30 ? 节目构想:

2006年1月全新改版的《神州夜航》节目是在整合中央人民广播电台新闻综合频率中国之声原有的两个强档夜话节目《情感世界》和《神州夜航》的基础上重新打造一档大时段夜间互动谈话节目。节目口号是“让新闻成为认识生活的标本”。《神州夜航》以大中学生、年轻的社会从业人员、都市自由职业者、进城务工人群等为主要收听对象,这些人恰恰恰相反是社会中生存困惑较多和承受压力较大的一群。因此利用午夜这个情绪最为交流平台,着重从道德、伦理、心理、情感等方面解读新闻事件,分析、梳理现象背后的社会问题,提供细致、周到、专业实用的生存技巧辅导,应当能够很好地起到舒解生存压力、引导听众用积极健康的心态感悟人生的作用。它应该是每天生活的最后品味,是每日情绪的最后整理,是一副荡在夜空下的情感秋千。? 节目特色:

《神州夜航》节目追求以独特的眼光打量生活,以个性的思考梳理人生,以成熟的心境品味细节,以轻松的话语沟通心灵。节目一反传统夜话节目的轻曼飘忽,着力推出成熟、具有独特生活经历和生命感悟的男女主持人,以主持人十足的个性管带节目总体风格。三位主持人除了具有成熟、知性、真诚、切近心灵的共同风格外,男主持人睿智、深刻、富有激情而又不失理性,两位女主持人善解人意、善于沟通、亲切随和、温柔体贴,各有风格,各具魅力。节目特色主题词:人本、个性、成熟、时尚。? 时段分析: 节目播出的时段是深夜22:30~00:30。深夜是思考者的时间,也是寂寞者的时间。白天越是繁忙,夜晚的梳理就越是必须;白天越是喧闹,夜晚的孤寂就越是深刻。深刻也是沟通心灵的时间——在放松的情绪中人与人才有可能真正交流起来。因此,夜间谈话节目的交互性显得格外重要。同时,无论是梳理思绪,还是抚慰情感,夜间时段的节目对于压力人群都应该具有更强的吸引力。因此《神州夜航》将受众定位在企事业员工、学生、自由职业者、进城务工人员以及其它正在孤独奋斗、寻找生活真谛的人们。? 预期效果:

在目标听众中最大限度地实现节目诉求,培养并逐步扩大稳定的听众群,使中国之声深夜时段的收听率进一步提升,使节目主持人的知名度和美雀度进一步提高,使《神州夜航》节目成为广播界的一个名牌节目。在此基础上,与相关刊物建立资源互惠、广告交换等合作,与出版社会合作进行节目后期开发。? 经费预算:

正式工作人员工资、绩效、兼职(或外出)人员劳务费。在为是深夜直播,需要考虑编播人员的夜餐费、夜班补助费、交通费以及嘉宾稿费。? 制作团队及介绍:


每日节目笄由节目编辑提出,提供相应素材、提纲,并向编务提出相关歌曲、音乐资料清单。提纲经节目负责人初审完善后,编辑会同当期节目主持人共同形成文宁,人工完成节目前期的采访或与嘉宾的沟通。直播中主持人在导播现场配合下主导实现节目策划。? 主持人及简介:




? ? ? ? ?《神州夜航》2006年节目栏目设置

注:其中每日23:35~ 23:40为《气象生活》栏目 ? ? 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 22:30-24:00 冷暖人间 心海航帆 夜空守望者 人生即选择 情感世界 24:00-24:10 整点 新闻 整点 新闻 整点 新闻 整点 新闻 整点 新闻 24:10-24:30 心语心弦 心灵加油站 心语心弦 心语心弦 心语心弦



板块充分发挥夜间谈话节目日益凸显的沟通、干预功能,主持人在解读、探讨和分析新闻事件或故事的过程中,搭建事件、故事中最重要两方之间的沟通桥梁。《神州夜航》有广泛的听众群,节目在关注忙碌的都市人群的同时,不应该忽略另外一部分听众,这就是游走于城市各个角落、生活状态并不太好的人,他们的故事能够更加生动地再现奋斗、沟通、成功等历程,给人以启示。栏目拟从边缘人群入手,讲述关于亲情、爱情、友情的故事,展示社会中每一个普通个体散发出的人性光芒。栏目注重心与心的沟爱,因此主持人在节目中的作用就是让故事中原本陌生或者有隔阂的人能够通过参与节目,互相倾听对方的心声,消融双方心灵的坚冰。节目中将邀请或连线一些专家、学者,用客观、理性的语言和独到的见解提升节目的权威性。节目避免枯燥说教,力求以情感人,寓理于情。? 2.《心海航帆》

? ?以梳理当代人的心理困惑为着眼点,从焦点新闻事件、新闻话题和相关新闻接切人,连线和采访新闻当事人、亲历者和有关部门,同时开放短信平台让听众参与讨论,电话连线心理专家或社会学者一同分析新闻事件相关者背后的心理动因,提出更专业、更积极的建议,使听众能够从中享受生命过程的精彩,领略心灵成长的滋味,该栏目突出节目的心理学特色和人文关怀色彩。? 3.《夜空守望着》

紧跟社会热点,体现新闻性、时效性和社会性,以社会热点问题或热点新闻事件为切入点,关注事件及现象背后“人”的因素,深入分析人情、心态,拷社会道德和群体意识,引导社会成员更加理性和积极地看待问题,倡导无论经历怎样的坎坷,都要始终胸怀梦想,守望希望。栏目强调主持人个性化风格,睿智、深刻、富有激情而不失理性。栏目特别注重听众的即时参与和互动,充分发挥短信、声讯平台、网络留言板、电子邮件等交互优势,变有限的直播室空间为无限的交流空间。? 4.《人生即选择》

该栏目所选取的故事都是生活中真实发生的故事而非虚构,利用“讲故事,做好人生选择题”的形式,体现“走好人生路,关键就几步,不同的选择不同的路”的栏目理念。通过栏目,培养和提高听众在人生十字路口的思辨能力,用通俗易懂及参与性较强的方式调整人们在生活可能出现的价值观偏差,力求引导听众树立正确的价值、人生观。该栏目有着较强的形式感:其一提前录制小广播剧形式,在故事关键处设置十字路口,由听众参与选择,主持人加以总结后,继续故事的发展,经历一至三个十字路口后,展观重重选择后的最终结果;其二,采取听众连线或直播间采访的形式。故事的讲述以主持人旁白与现场主人公采访相结合的方式,依然在关键处设置十字路口,听众参与选择,最终请当事人亲自讲述经历广播节策划与制作。重重选择后的感悟和启示。? 5.《情感世界》







总之,对于一档广播节目而言,通过策划使特色和差异化产生的变量有以下因素: 节目 ? ? ? ? ? 主持人 ? ? ? ? 在播包装 ? ? ? ? ?离播包装 内容策划 ? ? ? ? 声音表现 ? ? ? ? 片头设计 ? ? ? ? 节目活动 音乐选择 ? ? ? ?语言组织 ? ? ? ? ?片花设计 ? ? 节目可视广告 风格选择 ? ? ? ?主持风格 ? ? ? ? 频率呼号设计 ? ?节目纪念品 编排策略 ? ? ? ?个人魅力 ? ? ? ? ? 节目口号 ? ? ?节目衍生品



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    School days 广 播 节 目 策 划 小组成员:杨博(1030020142) 罗四维(1030020238) 吴春晓(1030020118) 孙延润(1030020243)广播节目策划书 一:节目名称:《school days》 二:节目类型:生活......


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    XX之声广播站 《心语》节目策划书学院:XX学院 系院:XXXXX系 姓名:XXX 学号:XXXXXXXX 一、节目构思:现代青年.有很多在温室中长大,只知伸手要,不知伸手给,感恩二字对他们来说已经很......


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    《带着耳朵去旅行》 节目策划 节目名称:带着耳朵去旅行节目播出时段:没周三下午17:30内容构想:一个和旅游有关的节目,但不同于单纯的旅游资讯或旅游向导性的节目,我们以第一人......


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