Dearteacher,I am a seniorschoolstudent of Wuhan,hoping to study at Hong Kong University.
I’m a student of Zhejiang, hoping to study at Hong Kong University.I’m going to introduce myself and reasons for the choice as follow.Above all, the strength is one of the major aspects to encourage me to apply for HK University.The self-control, extensive social skill, high sense of responsibility, strong organization ability is what I acquired from my high school.I have served as vice-minister of propaganda department of students’ union for a year.This precious experience enhances my ability of organization and social contacts,and makes me handle the balance between work and study well.What’s more, I have expansive interests such as painting, writing and playing volleyball.So, up till now I have participated in various activities and all gained good results.With all this things I have learnt, I truly find my connotation become rich and rich.When comes to the reason why I choose HKU, the first thing occurs to me is the atmosphere.Hong Kong’s inherent Chinese and western culture has a powerful attraction on me.Only studying at HK, can I broaden my horizons at a more open and freedom stage.Anticipating a collision of concept, I cannot wait to take this challenge, because young heart will never satisfy.In my eyes, HKU is a university with profound historical culture and free academic exchange.I’m a student of arts, and as far as I know, Hong Kong University’s faculty arts are pretty famous, for it is one of faculties that have the longest history and largest scale.All the advantages are just
great enough to light my passion.The youth is full of unexpected encounters, and I want to have a beautiful encounter with you—Hong Kong University.
第三篇:香港大学自荐信 2
I am XXX, from XXX).I believe in such truth--success never ends.Success is not only the discontinuous moment, but also the self-transcendence and restraint at any time.I have certain good qualities to success.The First one is optimism, which I benefit from my mother.Thanks to my mother's influence, I was able to face the failure of the exam that was for arts special students, which I prepared for three years.Optimistic attitudes and frustration that I overcame train me the strong fighting spirits against difficulties.I believe I will face all the challenges and possible failureswith a smile.Besides optimism, another spirit is drilling exploration.For example, I spent two self-study class time figuring out a physical problem(such as the nature of circular motion), let problems go unless I resolve them completely;on the way fromclassroom to cafeteria, I can keep arguing with friends on topics such as “actions and good thoughts ? which one is real charity” and so on.In my opinion, with such drilling spirits, I will sweep away all the obstacles in my future study.The last one but not the least one, I am a caring person.During my spare time, I go to Nursing House to chat with old people there to make them feel warm and happy.And I always go to special schools to teach those mentally-disabled children to sing and dance.So I like to read books written by Romain Rolland and Mandela.Except these characters, I am versatile.Through years of study, I have a high musical quality, but also develop a gritty, upbeat personality.As I have a comprehensive talent in art, I often served as host of activities at school, which gave an excellent way to exercise my organization and management skills.In senior high school, I took active part in all kinds of activities.As a host, I hosted many activities, including the school’s sports meeting, awards ceremony and so on.In the speech competition of science festival I use proper expressions to encourage the competitors in different conditions, handling the competition successfully..As the vice monitor and literature and art committeeman, I not only took charge of the class daily routine, but also planned and organized different class activities, such as class meetings, class chorus and created the class song.Since I am good at singing, I joined the school choir and took part in choir contests.However all these activities did not have negative influence on my subjects
learning.I always kept among the top of the science students of the grade.With the good results in study, I received different prizes.During the summer vacation of grade 2, I got IELTS X.It is worth mentioning that I was honored to be selected as a student delegate to participate in the activity to visit Japan in March, 2012.During the visit, I communicated with local people from all walks of life and visited local kindergartens, middle schools and universities.I showed the elegant demeanor of Chinese students and broaden my horizon at the same time.After witnessing the advantages of Japanese society, I set objectives in my mind.I believe I will adapt to the new environment and graduate with excellent grades.I am sure I can stand out from other talents in the University of Hong Kong.
第四篇:自主招生自荐信 香港大学自主招生自荐信
自主招生自荐信范文 香港大学自主招生自荐信
2010-03-12 作者: 赵涵漠
时常有学生专门跑到饭堂找她聊天。男孩子总会向她倾诉自己的苦闷,不知道如何讨女孩子欢心之类。女生也会找到三嫂,抱怨男孩子“只顾读书,对她不够好”。多数时候,三嫂只是耐心地听完故事,说一些再朴素不过的道理,“珍惜眼前人”,或是请他们喝瓶可乐,“将不开心的事忘掉”。每年毕业时分,都会有很多穿着学士袍的学生特意跑来与她合影留念。那些大学时独特的味道,成为旧生每年聚会时永恒的话题。一位40多岁的中年男人像个孩子一样夸耀三嫂的手艺:“你知道吗,大西米红豆沙里面的西米直径足有1厘米,好大一颗!” 很少有人知道,为了将这些“大西米”煮软,三嫂要在灶台前站上两个多小时。为了让红豆沙达到完美,她只在其中放新鲜的椰汁。而蒸马豆糕时,为了让它“有嚼劲”,她必须用慢火煲一小时,“不停地用汤勺搅拌”。
总是开名车接送三嫂参加旧生聚会的陈向荣说:“能够做她的司机是我一生的荣幸。” 这些有关三嫂种种琐碎的“好”,事隔若干年仍然潜伏在他们的记忆中。三嫂却说不清自己究竟“好在哪里”。在她看来,“拎出个心来对人”,人生其实就这么简单。
在宿舍工作时,她自己的大儿子正在美国读天文学专业,她只是用“母亲的心”去照顾这群同样在外读书的孩子。退休多年,三嫂仍然常常回校帮忙。要成为U-Hall住宿生,在迎新营必须要喝下Hall Blood。三嫂说,弄过无数菜色,最不忍的是帮忙弄数十杯Hall Blood给新人。“那是用辣椒汁、茄汁、生抽、老抽做的呀!喝过后代表新人会尝到甜酸苦辣,有次我试喝后发觉难喝死了。”后来,她悄悄混进糖,才能令人喝下。大学堂的传统节目“拜齐天大圣”,也仍是由她来负责准备香火;每遇迎新会或开放日,她总要在自家狭小的厨房,制作学生们最喜欢的马豆糕和大西米红豆沙,再由学生们带回去。
大学堂旧生会为庆祝她荣获荣誉院士衔,特意在饭店里摆了30桌酒席,300多个旧生到场祝贺。而她能回赠的,只是一张张自制的、只有手掌般大小的卡片。由她口述、女儿打印的祝福文字,每一字都再普通不过:“读书口既,学业进步!”“做工口既,步步高升!”“做生意口既,生意兴隆!”“揸车、坐车口既,出入平安。” 只是,这个本来只会写自己名字的“院士”,足足用了两天时间又学写了两个新字。她一笔一画、签了300多张感谢卡——“三嫂”。(摘自《中国青年报》第13289期)