
时间:2019-05-14 05:36:50下载本文作者:会员上传


Cloze test

More and more children are becoming overweight and near-sighted because they spend too much time in front of TVless and lea creative since watching TV doesn’t any active thought.Last week, the TV-Turnoff Organization began its ninth TV-Turnoffin theUSA.The organization encourages(鼓励)people to play games, family members and friends instead of watching TV.American school children average(平均),1,000hours a year watching TV-more That’s too much, said the doctors who organized this year’s TV-Turnoff Week.Doctors say that the children watch television, the more overweight they many become.The food children eat while they are watching TV makes this weight more serious.To keep healthy, ,talk with friends and family members, read, and explore the world around them.Could you go for a week without television? It might be try?




()4.A.wait forB.look forC.argue withD.talk to








Unit 1 What’s the matter? 重点短语

lie down 躺下 have a cold 感冒

have a stomachache 胃痛

take one’s temperature 量体温 have a fever发烧

go to a doctor 看医生 get off 下车

to one’s surprise 使···惊讶的;出乎···意料 agree to(do sth)同意(做某事)get into trouble 造成麻烦(或烦恼)fall down 摔倒

be used to习惯于·····;适应于····· take risks(take a risk)冒险 run out(of)用尽 15.cut off 切除

get out of 离开;从·····出来 be in control of 掌管;管理

keep on(doing sth.)继续或坚持(做某事)give up 放弃 in time 及时

hurt oneself 割伤自己

get/be hurt 受伤 cut oneself 割伤自己 be interested in 对·····感兴趣

be ready to do sth.准备好做某事;乐意做某事 重点词汇拓展 foot---feet(pl.)lie---lying(v.-ing)lay(p.)hurt---hurt(p.)hit---hit(p.)knife---knives(pl.)mean---meat(p.)importance(n.)---important(adj.)decision(n.)---decide(v.)death(n.)---die(v.)dead(adj.)die---dying(v.-ing)died(p.)


Saturday, June 5th,2013

Early in the morning, Mum and Dad went out to visit their friends.Only grandpa and I stayed at home.I invited my friend Jim to my home and have lunch with us.We planned to do homework together.Suddenly I heard grandpa shout for help.When we went to the living room.we saw him lying on the floor.He said his right leg was hurt and he couldn’t move at all.I didn’t know what to do.Jim helped me call a taxi and move my grandpa to the hospital in time.The doctor said there was noting serious.He put some medicine on grandpa’s leg and told him to stay in bed for several days.When Mum and Dad came back, they thanked Jim for his help.Unit 2 I’ll help to clean the city parks 重点短语

clean up 打扫(或清除)干净

cheer up 变得高兴;振奋起来

give out = hand out 分发;散发

come up with 追赶上;比得上;提出,想出(办法计划)

put off(doing)sth.推迟做某事

make a plan / plans 制定计划

used to 曾经···过去···

care for = look after = take care of 照顾;照料

decide(not)to do sth.决定(不)做某事

try out for 竞争报名参加

put out 张贴公布

a good way to do sth.做···最好方式

raise money 募筹基金

take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像= be similar to give away 赠送捐赠

fix up 修理修补 = repair write the letter to sb.给某人写信

thank sb.for(doing)sth.set up 建起设立

make a(bit)difference to sth.影响(很大);有(很大)作用(尤指好的方面)

be excited about 对···感到兴奋

be able to 能,会

send ab.Sth.= send sth.to sb 给某人寄某物

work out 解决解答;计算出;产生结果;发展 25.be strong in = be good at 擅长于 重点词汇

difficulty —— difficulties(pl.)understand —— understood(p.)

owner —— own(v.)—— own(adj.)

excited —— exciting(adj.)—— excite(v.)kindness —— kind(adj.)美文欣赏

Dear Mr.Zheng,I’m Li Hua,a student from class Five,Grade Eight.I read your notice yesterday.I am interested in the project“Old people’s home visit”.Old people need our help,because most of them don’t stay with their sons or daughters.the sometimes feel lonely and sad.What’s more,some of them are too old to look after themselves.So we should help them.I’ll try my best to help them.I’ll go there every Tuesday morning and won’t be late.I’ll do some chores for them.Also,I will cheer them up by chatting with them.I really hope I can get the chance.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua Unit3重点词汇拓展






6.ill---illness 重点短语

1.Take out the rubbish倒垃圾

2.at least至少


4.be back from sp.从某地返回

5.any minute now 随时

6.throw down扔掉

7.all the time 频繁

8.do housework=do chores做家务

9.n surprise惊讶的 10.pass sb.sth.=pass sth.to sb.递给某人某物

11.borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物

12.lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人

13.hate to do sth.讨厌去做某事

14.hate doing sth..讨厌做某事

15.a waste of time 浪费时间

16.spend money /time on sth.在···花费时间/金钱

17.spend money /time in(doing)sth.花费时间/金钱做某事

18.in order(not)to目的(不)是

19.there’s no need for„to do sth.做„是某人的工作

20.provide sth.for sb.=provide sb.with sth.给某人某物

21.depend on 依靠

22.as a result 结果

23.fall ill生病

fall-fell 24.mind doing sth.介意做某事 美文欣赏

Ladies gentleman.Good morning!I’m Wang Ming.It’s my honor to give you a speech.My topic is “We should help parents do housework ”.Now many students are too lazy to do housework because they are busy with work and tired after work.I often help my parents do many chores.In the morning , I always make the bed and water flowers.They are relaxing and interesting.In the evening ,I often clean the room and take out the rubbish.When I see the tidy room , I feel proud of myself.My parents are pleased with me.I think it’s our duty to help our parents with some chores.That’s all.Thanks for your listening!

unit 4

Why don't you talk to your parents? 词汇:

1.communication(n)-communicate(v)2.argue(v)-argument(n)3.old比较级-elder 4.second(adj)-secondly(adv)5.development(n)-develop(v)6.usual(adj)-usually(adv)短语:

1.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 2.allow(doing)sth.允许(做)某事 3.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事

4.get into/have a fight with sb.与某人吵架 5.so that 以便;为了 6.talk about sth.谈论某事

7.on the phone 在电话里;在接电话中 8.find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事 9.look through 浏览 10.work out 成功地发展

11.get on with=get along with 和睦相处 12.offer to do sth.主动做某事

13.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.为某人提供某物 14.communication with sb.与某人交流(沟通)15.explain to sb.sth.向某人解释某事 16.surprise sb.使某人惊讶 17.cut out 删除

18.compare...with...比较(常表示同类相比较)19.be good/bad for...对...有利/害 20.in future=from now on 今后 作文

unit 4

假如你是某英文杂志的“知心姐姐”(Agony Sister),Helen.请阅读下面的这封求助信,并根据信的内容写一封回信。要求:1.80词左右

2.文中不要出现作者本人的真实信息。Dear Helen,Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the park.I want to take some photos.My father was out at that time, so I took his camera without telling him.Unfortunately, the camera went out of my bag and dropped on the ground when I was

climbing the hill.It did not work at all.I put it back quietly after I returned home.And I have not told him till

now.When I face my father ,I feel terrible.What should I do?

Yours, David Dear David,First, I think you’d better tell your father immediately.If you tell him the truth ,he will be angry with you.But at least you will prove how honest you are.Then I think you should offer to pay.But you should not use your pocket money.Yes, a camera is expensive, maybe you can’t afford it.If you offer to do some jobs around the house, he will realize that you are truly sorry.Oh, remember to be careful next time.Best wishes,Helen Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 重点短语

At the time of 在···的时候 Go off(闹钟)发出响声 Pick up 接电话 Fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着

Die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 In silence 沉默;无声 At first 首先;最初 重点词汇拓展



One day, I got home at four o’clock, a little earlier than usual.My parents were still at work then.As I didn’t want to do my homework at once, I turned on the computer and played computer games first.The game was so exciting that I forgot all the other things.When my parents came back home, I wan playing computer games happily.My parents allowed me to play computer games on weekends.Then, of course, my parents were very angry with me.They told me not to play computer games for one month.What a terrible day!unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains 词汇:


1.as soon as 一...就...2.instead of 代替

3.once upon a time 从前

4.give birth(to sb./sth.)生孩子 5.turn...into 变成

6.be/become interested in(doing)sth.对(做)某事感兴趣 7.fall in love with sb.相爱 8.get married 结婚

9.can’t stop doing sth.=can’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事 10.be born 出生

11.remind sb.that...使某人想起...Unit 6 假设学校戏剧俱乐部正在举办“奥斯卡影片欣赏月”活动,上周播放的影片是《少年派》。请据此写一篇80词左右的英文观后感。内容提示如下: 影片由李安(Ang Lee)执导,他因此片获最佳导演奖。

影片讲述了一个名叫派(Pi)的年轻人的故事,他独自乘小船出行 他要应付恶劣的天气,还要找到足够的食物,最终安全返回。观后感想。注意:


Our school Drama Club is holding a film activity.We saw Life of Pi last week.It is directed by Any Lee.And he gets the Best Director Award for it.The film is about the story of a young man called Pi.He takes a about trip along.He not only has to deal with difficult weather conditions but also needs to find enough food for himself.And at least he comes back home safely.Many people think Life of Pi is one of the years’ best films.It tells us we should be brave enough to face any problem and find ways to solve it.We are heroes of ourselves.Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

一.重点词汇拓展 1.Asia—Asian 2.tour—tourist 3.southwestern—southwest 4.succeed—success—successful—successfully 5.excitement—excite—excited—exciting 二.重点短语

1.The population of „„的人口 2.As far as I know 据我所知 3.Take in 吸入;吞入

4.In the face of


5.Achieve one’s dream = realize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想 6.At birth 出生时 7.Die from 死于

8.Fewer than 少于;不到 三.美文欣赏

Saving Tigers

Do you like tigers? Maybe you think they are scaring.But I think a tiger is one of the cleverest animals in the zoo.And I like them best.They are also one of the most important animals in the world.Now there are only about 3,200 tigers in the world.But there used to be lots of tigers in the forests.When the humans started to cut down lots of trees, they began to have less and less place to live in.What’s worse ,many people kill them for their fur and bones.So there are fewer and fewer tigers now.in order to protect them, we must plant as many trees as we can.And we must stop people from killing them.Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 重点词汇拓展




4.beauty---beautiful 重点短语

1.hurry up赶快急忙(做某事)

2.can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事

3.ever since then从那时起

4.the home of···的发源地

5.belong to属于 美文欣赏

My favorite pop star Zhou Hunjan.He is one of most popular stars in Chine.He is from Taiwan.He likes playing basketball.I like him very much because he is handsome and he sings songs beautifully.I like song Friend best.He has already recorded more than thirty records ,and I can sing most of his songs.He has also given many concerts in different cities in China.Last year , he gave a concerts in my city.About 2,500 fans went to the theater to see him.I wanted to go to the concert , too.But unluckily , I didn’t get a ticket.So I watched him on TV.I have introduced him to most of my friend , and they also like his songs.Listening to his songs makes me feel very relaxed.You can also have a try.Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?


thousands of 数以千计的;许许多多的 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

have problem(in)ding sth 做某事有困难 hear of 听说 a couple of 两个 重点词汇拓展

believe(n.)—— believable(adj.)——unbelievable(adj.)rapid(adj.)——rapidly(adv.)usually(adj.)——usual(adj.)——unusual(adj.)peaceful(adj.)——peace(n.)


Japanese(adj.&n.)——Japan(n.)美文欣赏 Dear John,I am glad to hear from you.I’ve heard that you want to visit China.That’s a good idea.As you know, Beijing is the capital of China.It’s a big city with a long history and there are many place of interest, such as the Great Wall , the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and so on.Summer and autumn are the best time to visit Beijing.In summer, you can go surfing in Dalian or Qing Dao, the beaches there are wonderful.You can also visit Hainan, the weather there is warm all year round.So whenever you come to China, you can have a great time.I’m looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible.Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.重点短语

yard sale 庭院拍卖会 check out 察看;观察 board game 棋类游戏

no longer 不再;不复=not„any longer to be honest 说实在的 part with 失去

millions of 数百万的;无数的;许许多多的 search for 寻找;搜索

regard with(某种心态)来看;对·····持·····态度 according to 依据;按照 so far 到目前为止 in one’s opinion 依·····看 重点词汇


Hi, I’m Amy.My family will have a yard sale this weekend.We’ll sell many old things to raise money for the homeless children.I plan to sell some old books and old toys.My favorite toy, Snoopy is one of them.Snoopy is a lovely toy dog.It’s special to me because it’s the only toy I have had since birth.My grandma bought it for me before I was born.Now my grandma has died, Snoopy often reminds me of my grandma.



备课年级:初二年级 执笔人:王丽芳 备课时间: 授课时间:



1. 了解课文内容,理解两篇短文的主题 2.有感情地朗读课文,学习散文诗优美的语言 3.品味关键语句






1.在朗读的基础上品味语言 2.理解两篇文章的精神实质






































③、如何理解“没有了光和热,这人间不是会成为黑暗的寒冷世界吗?” 这是本文要表达的中心,正是为了整个世界的光明和热力,才会有飞蛾、夸父的牺牲行为。他们热烈追求光和热的行为,一方面是自己本身的向往,另一方面也是为了整个世界不被黑暗所笼罩。






因为这里的飞蛾已不仅仅是一个单纯的生物,它寄托了作者的理想,它成为了一种象征,是为了追求光明不惜牺牲自己生命的美好人格的象征。作者写的虽然是 3





⑧、如何理解“日”、“飞蛾”、“夸父”、“姮娥”等的象征意义? 这些人和物都寄托了作者的理想,表达了作者追求光明、拒绝寒冷的思想感情。(教学中,首先引导学生了解这些神话传说)。





见小练习册P18 1-4题:






《月》则表现作者细腻幽静的一面,作者赞颂妲娥为了一个不知名的理想而放 4



12、布置作业: 优化设计 板书设计:









寄托人格理想 5

第四篇:八年级英语下册 课文短文填空 人教版

八年级英语下册 课文短文填空 人教新目标版

短文填空Unit 1(根据3a,Section B改写)

Ten years l______, I’d like to become a r_______.I will live in Shanghai because I like the city v______ m______.It’s really b_________.If I am a reporter, I am sure I will meet many i___________ people.I will live in an a__________ with my best friends because I don’t want to live a_______.If possible, I will have m______ p______ in my apartment in ten years because I like them.My mother h______ them so I can’t have any now.I probably keep a pet p________ in my room.And I will go s______ and s______ very often.On weekday,I will wear a u_______ because I want to look smart.On w________, I can dress more c_________.I will go to Hong Kong on v______ and one day I might even visit A________.Predicting the future can be difficult.There are many predictions that never c______(1)true.Before 1929, there was no s______(2)in movies.The head of one of the b______(3)movie companies in the United States predicted that no one w_______(4)want to see actors t______(5).Of course, he was wrong!In 1977, the head of the largest computer c______(6)in the United States said, “N______

(7)one will want to have a c______(8)in his or her h_______(9).” He thought that computers would be n______(10)used by most people.短文填空 Unit 2(根据3a,Section B改写)

My name is Mary and I am in charge of(主管)a newspaper advice column(专栏).Here is a letter from a lonely kid.In the letter, he says he has a p________ and n______ my help.He always thought he was p________ at school.But he just f_______ o_____ that his friends were p_________ a birthday party for his best friend and they didn’t i_______ him.E______ e________ in his class was i_______ e_______ him, and he doesn’t know w_______.He can’t think what he did w_______.He is very u________ and doesn’t know what to do.My dear friends, can you give him some advice? Thank you!

短文填空 Unit 3(根据3a.Section B改写)

Linda loves her dog Davy.They went to the New York City last Saturday.While Linda was b_________ a newspaper a___ the train station, the dog got out o____ his box and r_____ a________.The station was c_________ and Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.When Linda s__________ his name, some people looked at her but Davy didn’t come.Then she called the police.While she was talking o___ the telephone, Davy met a________ dog outside the station.While the police were coming, Linda walked around the station and called Davy’s name.She didn’t think about looking o________ the station.F________, a little boy said to her, “Did you look outside? I saw a big black dog when I came in.” When Linda finally saw Davy, he was j_________ andrunning w_______ another dog.There was a police officer next to them.The police officer said to Linda, “I think my dog f________ your dog.”

短文填空Unit 4(根据3a,Section B改写)

Dear grandma,How’s it going? I hope that grandpa is well now.I was s________ to hear that he had a cold last week.I hope you are in good h_________.Things are fine here.I finished my e______________ exams last week, and got my r_____ card today.I always get n_________ when I see the e_________ from school in the mail, but l_________ I did OK this time.I had a really hard time w______ science this s___________, and I wasn’t s___________ to find that my w__________ report was from my science teacher.She said I was l_________, which isn’t t_______.It’s just that I find science really d_______.Another d______________ result was in history.My history teacher said I c______ do better.The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working.And my Spanish teacher said my l___________ was good.Well, that’s about all the news I have f______ now.Mom and Dad s______ their love.Love,Alan

My best friend is Xiao Li, but last week in school we had a big f__________, and she didn’t t________ to me.It all s_________ when she asked me i____ she could c_______ my homework.I asked her why she wanted to do that, and she said that she had f_____ to do hers.I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to copy my h_________.It w_____ start a bad h_______ and she should do her o_____ work.She got really m____ at me and she didn’t want to be my best friend a__________.I said I was s_______ she would g_______ o__________ it.Yesterday she told me she was s_________.She said it was much b_________ if she did her own work.短文填空Unit 5(根据3a, Section B改写)

If I become an athlete, _______I _____ happy?

F___ many young people, b_________ a professional athlete m_______ seem like a dream job.If you become a p_________ athlete, you’ll be able to make a living d_______ something you love.If you become f_______, people all over the world will know you.Many a_______ give money to schools and c_________, and do a lot of work to help people.This is a great c_________ that many people do not have.H________, professional athletes can also have many problems.If you are famous, people will w_______ you all the time and f________ you everywhere.This can make life d_______.If you play sports for a l________, your job will sometimes be very d__________.Many professional athletes get i_________.And if you become r____, you will have a difficult time _________ who your r_______ friends are.In fact, many famous people c_________ that they are not happy.They say they were h_______ before they became rich and famous.短文填空Unit 6(根据3a, Section B改写)

Thanks for s________ me the snow globe of the monster.I love it.In fact, I think it’s p________ my f_________.I’ve been c_______ snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them.My mom s_____ I have to stop, because we’ve ______________________ to store them.They’re all around our a_________.I e_______s_______ them in boxes under my bed.The first one I e______ got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday.I e__________ love globes with animals.I have a big one with bears in it, and a________ one with penguins.If you know anyone else who c_________ them, please tell me.I’d like to start a snow globe c_________ club.By the way, what’s your h________?

短文填空Unit 7(根据3a, Section B改写)

We asked some people what a________ them.Here’s what they said:

I don’t like w_______ in line when a shop assistant h____ a long telephone conversation.When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind h_______ me?” And I don’t like it when shop a_________ follow me around.Then I say, “Could you please not f_______ me around? I’ll ask you i____ I need some h_____.” U_________, the shop assistants say they are sorry, but s__________ they get mad.If that h___________, I won’t go back to that store again.短文填空Unit 8(根据3a, Section B改写)

The t__________ kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig.David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig c_____ Connie.“Pot-bellied pigs m_______ the best pets,” said David.“She w_______TV on the sofa with me every night.She’s my best friend.” H_________, life w______ a pig isn’t always p________.“When I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot.Now she’s t______ big t______ sleep in the house, so I m_________ her a special pig house.Also, pigs need a lot of love.Sometimes I don’t have e________ time to spend w_________ her.”

E________ likes gifts.Some little kids think they don’t get e________ gifts.Some old people think they get too many g_____.Different people like different k_____ of gifts.Some presents are never too small.A little child may give his mother a l______ from a tree.It is enough to make her very h_______.Gift g_______ is different in different c________.In Japan, people sometimes give s_________ gifts.But they are not opened.L________, the same gift may be g_______ away to someone e____.Many people have enough things and don’t want too many gifts t_________.In Canada, many people will not give big gifts to someone else.They will p______ for a park bench or a tree to help r_______ a person.In the USA, some people ask their families to r_____ money for charity r_______ than buy them gifts.In Sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift.People don’t need to s________ too mnch money.I______, making a meal is enough.短文填空Unit 9(根据3a, Section B 改写)

Mei Shan has been a f_______t________ for ten years.She wanted to t________ all over the world.She studied E_______ for five years.David wants to be a t________g_______.He has never been to an E___________ country.He has been l__________ at the school for one year.He is thinking of being an English teacher i__________.短文填空Unit 10(根据3a, Section B 改写)

Dear Tony,Thanks for i____________me to watch a football game.I was r_______happy to have the

t____________.I had a w_________ time on Saturday night.Sometimes it’s not easy being the new kid at school.But you are really f________ to me.Friends like you makes it a lot easier to get a_______ in a new place.I had a hard time s_______ English until you came along.You always help me with my English p_________.I feel like p_________ of the group now.Thank you so much again.Yours sincerely,John

短文填空1Water is the most i________ of all the things we eat and d_______.Not many people uthis but it’s quite t.People can live wfood for a long time, yet two or three days without water can usually make people d.Many people don’t understand how much water the human body n.If we don’t have ewater, we’ll feel tand many of us will get i.So you know, how important water is to us all.短文填空2

Nowadays(当今), in China, you can ________ a lot of parents pay special attention to(特别关注)their one child’s growing _______.When their child is two or three years old or even _________, they will _______ to choose a good kindergarten(幼儿园)_______ his kid.Some parents will spend about eight hundred to nine hundred yuan _______ their kid’s tuition(学费).This is a ________ burden(负担)for the young ________.But for their little emperor’s bright(光明的)_________, what _______ could they do?

短文填空 3

Last year English was _________ for me.First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher ________ she talked to the class.Because I thought she spoke too _______ and I couldn’t understand every word._______, I realized(意识到)that it doesn’t matter ________ you don’t understand every word.Also I was afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates

might ________ at me.I couldn’t always make complete(完整的)sentences, either.Then I started to ________ English TV.It helped a lot.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _________ a good language learner.Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar(语法).So I decided to _______ lots of grammar notes in every class.Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.It’s amazing how much this helped.Now I and enjoying learning English and I got ________ A this term.短文填空4

If you are on a school bus, follow these safety rules---they could help you.Be sure to get to the bus stop early.Be there five minutes earlier ________ the bus comes.Don’t _________ in the street while you are waiting for the school bus.Make sure the bus ________ before you try to get on.When the bus stops, the door will open.Hold the handrail(扶手)and get on the bus.Be ___________!It’s a big step for a little person._________ push while you are getting on or off the bus.When you get on the bus, go to your seat(座位)and sit _________.Keep all parts of your body inside the bus at all times.You shouldn’t put your hands or head out of the __________. After getting off the school bus, _________ quickly to the sidewalk(人行道).短文填空 5

Ellen likes to _______ snow globes._______ she was only 7 years old, she _______ to collect them.On her seventh birthday, she got a _________ present, a snow globe _______ a birthday cake in it.That’s her _______ snow globe.From then on, she has _______ collecting snow globes for 7 years, and has collected 226 of them.She could _______ find room to store them, even them in boxes under her bed, they have been all around her apartment.So her mother asked her to ________ collecting them.But she really likes them, _________ loves globes with animals.She wants to __________ a snow globe collectors’ club.If you know anyone _______ who collects them, please tell her.Thank you!

短文填空 6

Yesterday when school was over,I ______ back home.______ my way home,I ______ a boy fall off(掉下)his bike and hurt himself.He ______ on the road.I ______ him to the nearest hospital at once.The doctor ______ over the boy carefully and _______, “There ______ nothing serious(严重的)”The boy _________ me he must be careful next time.We both _________ the doctor and left..短文填空 7

Mr.Johnson had a factory.He once ______ on TV that animals could be taught to ______ some work for people if they were given ________ to eat.He loved the idea.He thought it would be ________ to have a dog look after his ____________ and an elephant do most heavy jobs _______ his factory.He bought a dog _______ an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him.Of course, he also bought a lot of ________ for them.Several months later, the dog and the elephant _________ fatter and fatter, but they _________do any work for him.At last, Mr.Johnson had to give up.




Happiness is for everyone.You don't need to care about the rich.Though they have beautiful

In into it.When you are in ,people around

you feel unhappy;when you succeed in something, your friends will sayyou.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always are around you.money.It is a feeling of your heart.Although you are poor, you can also say you are very happy.Money is You have something else thatyou have more chances to challenge(挑战)yourself.So you can not always say you are luck.If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.(B)

the environment and the earth.Choose with a few of your own.● Plant flowers, grass or trees.●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there----keep rubbish in a

you can put it in a dustbin.●Turn the lights, TV sets when you leave the room.This saves a lot of electricity.●Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.You can save some water by not letting it run.●Keep the doors and windows in winter to keep warm air in.●Give your old books and magazines7a library instead of throwing them away.●Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.●Use both sides of paper.●Stop8dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby.●Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You don’t have to until Earth Day to do these things.Make every day Earth Day.If everyone makes a contribution , the world will become much more beautiful.(C)

I have a problem.Yesterday afternoon I with my best friend,Kim.And he was very angry.I thought about it a long time last night.Now I know I wasat that time.But I don’t know do.My mother thinks Igo to see Kim and tell him I was wrong.My father thinks I should to him.And my brotherI should call Teen talk,the radio advice program.My sister tellsI should callmy teacher for advice.Can you tell me what I should do?


day he went to sell his caps.He wentin it.It was very hot and the man wanted to rest a little.He came up to a large tree, put his caps on the and soon fell.“Where are my caps?” Smith cried when he woke up.He looked up and saw many

its head.“Give me back my caps!” The

man shouted at the monkeys.But the monkeys didn’t understand him.They only laughed.The man , took off his own cap, threw it on the ground and cried, “If you want all my caps, you may take this one, too!”And what do you think.Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground.The man was very glad.He quickly collected all his caps and went on his way.(E)

Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.“What will our world bein the year 2050? ” “I don’t know, ” says Fred,“What do you think? ” “Well, no one knows, but it’s “In the year 2050 everyone will carry a pocket computer.The to all their problems.We shall all have telephones in our pockets, too, and we’ll be our friends all over the world.Perhaps we’ll be able to see them at the time.” “A lot of people will live and work under the.Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.” “Machines will doperhaps they’ll work only two three days a week.They’ll be able to fly to the moon byand spend their holidays there.” “I’m lookingthe year 2050.I hope to go to the moon!” “And I hope I’ll be able to live under the sea.” says Fred, “Won’t that be very interesting?Just like a fish!”


Round eyes, round head, round ears and also round body!What is this lovely little animal? He looks like a bear,but he is not a bear.He’s a KOALA.live safely.No one can kill them for their pretty fur(毛皮).When a koala is born, he has no fur.And

脚趾of her body.The baby stays in this warm pocketsix months.When he leaves the pocket, he has much fur.He climbs onto his mother’s back.There he learns Koala is a loving mother.She takes good care of her 顽皮的), she beats him.If she beats him hard, he will cry like a child.a special kind of tree.The tree gives him both homefood.For most of the day the koala sleeps

How lovely the koalas are!


When two Englishmen meet, the topic of their small talk is often about the weather.One person might say, “It’s a fine day, it?”“OK , it’s fine and we don’t have many fine days, do?” The topic on the weather has been popular among people.It is said that, , the famous playwright(剧作家)George Bernard Shaw walked in the street.There came an old man and said “Good afternoon, Mr Shaw!Such a lovely day, isn’t it?” , “Oh, yes.But today twenty people have told me about it in the past two hours.Thank you all the.”

Why do the British like to discuss the weather while ? There are two reasons.First, about personal things, so they can only talk about the weather.Britain is for its terrible weather—thick fog, heavy rain and icy snow.



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