【留学人才网】Career Fair上如何说话,Follow Up?内附提问列表

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第一篇:【留学人才网】Career Fair上如何说话,Follow Up?内附提问列表


【留学人才网】Career Fair上如何说话,Follow Up?内附


上周楼主参加了学校的Job fair, 但是由于针对的是full-time的招聘,所以仅仅感受了下。总的说来,国际学生的状况还不是很乐观,和金融有关的可提供sponsor的公司仅有Citi, HSBC, 和一个楼主不知道的manufacturer。所以大家仍要好好努力才行。至于关于internship的information session 要等到1月左右他们会再到学校宣讲。楼主现在也在纠结去留的问题,迷茫了许久,但是始终抱着不管怎样,只要用心经历都会有所收获和成长,你永远预测不到以往的哪份经历会在后来给你意想不到的助力!

下面是一些关于Job fair 的一些注意事项,与君分享。Good Questions to Ask at a Fair

Q: Can you tell me more about your management development program and what makes a strong candidate for that opportunity?


Q: Besides XYZ that I read on your company’s website, what new initiatives is your company planning that would expand your business in the next several years?


Q: I see you have recently begun expanding into China.At what stage in your expansion are you and would you need internship assistance from someone who has experience in the Chinese market?


Q: On what basis do you make your decisions to invite candidates to interview? 你如何决定邀请哪些申请者参与面试? Q: Please describe your hiring process.能给我描述一下招聘流程么? 海归求职网(www.xiexiebang.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

Q: May I have your business card and what would be the most effective way and time to follow up with you?


Q: I see you are recruiting just for accounting and finance;however, I am an human resources candidate.Is your recruiting process for HR different and what would be the best route for me to apply for future HR openings?


Poor Questions and Common Mistakes Q: What does your company do? 你公司是做什么的呢?

Q: Do you have job openings that I would want? 你有招聘我想要的职位么?

Q: Will you be on campus to interview this semester? 你回来学校面试申请者么?

Q: Do you hire international candidates? 你们招聘国际学生么?

Q: Why would I not apply to your company? 告诉我一个原因让我为什么不申请你们公司 Q: What is your typical starting pay? 起薪多少?

Q: Can I stay in WNY?(when it’s clear in their descriptions where their company locations are)


Don’t confuse the company with its competitors or a company with a similar name 不要把公司的名字弄错,更不要跟他的竞争者的名字弄混 海归求职网(www.xiexiebang.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

Don’t say you’re open to any opportunity they have;it makes you look desperate and unfocused.不要说你对他们公司所有的职位都感兴趣,这让你看起来很饥渴并没有计划 Don’t be more interested in the free samples than the conversation.不要对免费得礼品比对话更感兴趣

Don’t attend the fair with a group of your friends;stay independent and focused 不要和一群朋友一起参加job fair,自己独立的去会更专注。Follow Up

Companies will have literature for you to take, but plan to also write notes that will remind you of your conversation with a particular recruiter.Before moving on to the next table, write down what you want to remember about that company, what the next steps are in its process and what follow up you plan to do.Try to get the business card of the representative with whom you spoke.用笔记下与你聊天的recruiter信息和对话内容。在离开他们台子之前记录好你对他们公司的印象和具体的几个记忆点。别忘了要名片,因为后续联络非常重要!

When conducting follow-up(either through e-mail or telephone calls)remind the recruiter when and where you met, thank the recruiter for your conversation and for educating you on specific aspects of his or her company, and remind him or her of who you are and why you are a strong candidate.Make this targeted and specific(no mass e-mailing)to everyone you met.Make this purposeful and professional.当你做后续联络的时候(邮件或者电话)提醒招聘官你们是在哪里什么时间见过面,感谢他与你的对话和对你在求职上面的指导,同事也别忘记告诉他你为什么是个强有力的申请者。记住针对不同的招聘官要写不同的内容,要写的专业和有目的性。

Ideally, from a fair you learn more about what recruiters expect, more about specific companies and opportunities, and also gain a greater sense of self and confidence about your candidacy.Always reflect on the experience and how you can capitalize from that event afterwards.Follow up.Even if the company is not exactly what you want, you might be able to conduct informational interviewing and at least learn more about the career field and industry.What you get out of the event is directly related to the effort you devote to it.Good luck!海归求职网(www.xiexiebang.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

完美的话,你可以从job fair里了解到招聘官想要什么样的人,更多关于公司和机会的介绍,并且得到更强的自信心。不断地自我总结自我反思,并勇于向前争取下次做得更好。一定要后续联络招聘官,即便是你不想要去的公司,你或许也能因此得到面试的机会。这样的话你可以了解不同的行业和职位,也能获取一些面试经验。没有任何坏处。加油!

文档来源:专业留学生海归求职培训辅导机构 海归求职网AceCareer

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