
时间:2019-05-14 07:13:58下载本文作者:会员上传
















As is depicted in the cartoon, a +什么身份的人(是学生,老师还是游客)is doing sth.(如果还有另外一个人,则继续写另外一个人做什么And sb is doing sth).In fact, the phenomenon conveyed in the picture does not surprise us, because as society develops, the topic concerningincreasingly arouses people’s attention.如漫画所示,图片中有某人正在做某事。事实上,我们对图片所反映的现象毫不惊奇,因为对着社会的发展,有关___的话题日益引起人们的关注。


Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of _______In fact,hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without______________.As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce,we must defeat our rivals through______________.Numerous examplesavailablecan be given, butacase in point is ….Thiscaseeffectively clarifiesthat___________really counts in this competitivesociety.毫无疑问,漫画家旨在提醒我们_____的重要性。事实上,没有_____,任何人都不会取得事业的成功。随着各行各业的竞争日趋激烈,如果我们想要打败竞争对手就要通过______.可举的例子不计其数,但是一个恰当的例子是…….这个例子有效地说明了_____在这个竞争的社会相当重要。


Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications fromthe above picture.For one thing,we should frequently use it to enlighten the young.For another,we should cultivate the awareness of people that________carriesgreat importance tous.Only by doing so,can we become winner in the face of difficulties, and only by doing,so help to make theplanet a better place to live in.因此,从以上这幅漫画中的得出积极的含义对我们而言尤其重要。一方面,我们要经常用这幅漫画来启迪年轻人;另一方面,我们应该培养年轻人意识到_______至关重要。只有这样,我们才能在困难面前成为胜者;只有这样,我们才能为建设美好家园助以一臂之力。









dreams/ objectives 梦想和目标的意义

the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of our dreams/objectives.definitely, no once can deny the importance of it.our dreams/goals/ideals/objectives will prevent us from quitting easily especially when we are in great trouble.they will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best in us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith.to further illustrate the importance of dreams/objectives, i would like to take helen keller as a case in point: how could she, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote if i had three days to see without her dreams to overcome physical limitations.accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of dreams/objectives.furthermore, we must set up proper goals before we start to do anything and stick to it whatever difficulties we meet.“one of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve.” paul nitze once said

topic 5:modesty 谦虚的意义

the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty.definitely, no once can deny the importance of it.modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success.those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target.moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others’ trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship.to further illustrate the importance of modesty, i would like to take newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the law of momentum conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding three laws of motion ?

accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new




Confidence / team spirit / persistence / perseverance / strong will / Modesty / diligence / optimism / dreams / ideals / goals

A is crucial for every individual.With its seemingly magic power, A can not only better accelerate individuals' development, but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the world.Those equipped with A are always admired and respected, because A may endow them with more competence, chances, self-confidence to overcome difficulties and approach challenges.Those people appear to possess a special charm, bringing to others hope, passion and surprise, and, thus winning others' favor and trust.When coming across hardship, others will turn to them for help, and help them more willingly in return.Therefore, with the good fortune derived from A, they can proceed more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly.首先,A对于每个人来说,都是至关重要的。A似乎具有神奇力量,它既能促进个人的发展,又能成为个人改变世界的有效工具。(拥有/掌握/具备/获得)A的人,总是令人羡慕和受人尊敬,因为A可能赋予他们更强的能力、更多的机会、更多的自信和更好的。。去克服困难,应对挑战。(拥有/掌握/具备/获得)A的人,仿佛有一种独特的魅力。他们总能带来希望、激情和惊喜,总能给人信任和好感。每当人们遇到难以解决的困难时就会想到向他们求助,作为回报,人们也更乐意帮助他们。所以他们依靠源自A的幸运,能更轻松地前进,更快地梦想成真。

In short, where there is better A, there are more hopes, vitality and development.Each of us should attach high emphasis on A.When we are benefiting from A, we shall also do our utmost to maintain its vitality to ensure ourselves a brighter future.总之,哪里有更好的A,哪里就有更多的希望,活力和发展。我们每一个人都应给予A高度的重视,所以,我们在享受A之甜蜜果实的同时,也应竭尽所能,去维持A之火焰熊熊燃烧,因为它的光辉能让我们的未来更加灿烂。

1.合作(团结)的重要性 The importance of unity/cooperation Significance:

Cooperation can help people achieve their goals more smoothly.If everyone in a group can cooperate with each other and play their own strength,those unachievable tasks for one single person can be successfully accomplished with combined efforts.For example, after the financial crisis swept the whole world in 2008, how can the economy recover at such a high speed without the cooperation among countries ?

Another case in point is iPhone, researched and designed in America while assembled respectively in global factories around the world.Without orderly and efficient cooperation among different departments, how can iPhone be featured by perfect functions and trust-worthy quality.(88 words)How: For one thing, we should bear in mind that in such a competitive world of today,no individual or organization can achieve success without cooperation.Secondly, We should foster a sense of cooperation by attending various group activities.Only through cooperation can we achieve our goals and realize our dreams more smoothly.(54 words)

坚持和毅力的重要性 Significance:

Persistence can help us carve out a way to success, although the road lead to success is bumpy and full of inevitable setbacks.Without persistence , how could Thomas Edison possibly succeed in producing the first electric lamp after thousands of times of failure.(44words)

Persistence can make impossible possible.Helen Keller, she was born blind and deaf.However,throughout all her life,she never lost her heart.Instead,she persist in learning how to read and write not matter how hard it is for her.Finally, he became a well-known writer throughout the world.(53 words)How :

The way lead to success is filled with thorns.When being caught in some troubles, we should grit our teeth and stick to the belief/faith that our efforts and persistence will be rewarding.“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin once said.3.乐观和悲观心态(人生哲理)


Optimism can help people achieve their goals smoothly.As it can inspire people to approach challenges and overcome difficulties with bravery.Optimism is also highly related to the improvement of people’s living quality, those optimistic can always find the positive side of life and they are more likely to be exposed to more opportunities.(54 words)How:

We should always bear in mind that optimism plays a vital role in our daily life.So, it is essential for us to cultivate and maintain a positive mindset.Additionally, we should do our utmost to influence those who are pessimistic, to inform them of the detrimental impact on their life and help them build a positive mental attitude.Only in this way can we create a positive and harmonious world.optimism is crucial for every individual.With its seemingly magic power, optimism can not only better accelerate individuals' development, but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the world.Those equipped with optimism are always admired and respected, because it may endow them with more competence, chances, self-confidence to overcome difficulties and approach challenges.Those people appear to possess a special charm, bringing to others hope, passion and surprise, and, thus winning others' favor and trust.When coming across hardship, others will turn to them for help, and help them more willingly in return.Therefore, with the good fortune derived from optimism, they can proceed more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly.4.(谦虚的好处)骄傲自满的弊端

Significance: Modest can help people gain greater success.Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievement.Instead, they will work constantly to realize their next objective.As the common saying goes, “pride goes before a fall”.If you are obsessed with your past success and think nothing of further efforts.you will fail to keep pace with the development of the society and even be thrown out of the society one day.(79words)How:

We should always bear in mind that modest will prompt us to go farther.At no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishment, instead, it is essential for us to keep an open mind to new things, information, knowledge and opportunities.“Success consists in industry and modesty.” Li Kashing,Hong Kong 's most powerful businessman,once said.(61 words)


Our dreams/goals/ideals will keep up from giving up especially when we are in great trouble.They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best of us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith.(They are like beacons in the sea which can spur us to break through the darkness into our desired destination.)It is impossible for those who has no compass in life to achieve success.A man who lives without a goal is similar to a broken-line kite that has lost it's direction and then disappears blankly 经典补充: The man who aims high may not reach his goal but he will get a lot nearer to it than the man who aims low or shoots without aiming at all.The poorest people in the world are those aimless , for what else do they have even without dreams ?

Someone lives a life without any aim , just like a tiny grass in the river.They never walk but drift to the wind

The slowest horse , so long as it does not lose its aim , will still be faster than a lingering man without aims.No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain purpose How:

We should bear in mind that the poorest people in the world are those aimless , for what else do they have even without dreams ? accordingly,we need to set a proper aim,even we may not reach our goal but we will get a lot nearer to it than the man who shoots without aiming at all.Only in this way can we realize our dreams more smoothly.6.助人既助己(人生哲理)

To offer help to others is to receive help from others.Because someday they may help us in return when we come across difficulties.Helping others could not only be able to bring convenience and benefit to others, but realize our own values and secure happiness and satisfaction.In order to help others, each and everyone of us must give some time to our fellow man.Even if it is a little thing, we should do something for those who are in need of help.We should remember that we don’t live in a world all our own, our brothers and sisters are here, too.(190 words)


As the common saying goes, “Love makes the world go around.” not only could love be able to help those who are in need out of trouble, but make the world more beautiful and harmonious.How can Wenchuan, one of the areas hit hardest by earthquake happened in 2008, rebuild their homeland at such a high speed without love from people at home and abroad ?(66 words)Donation is a way to express our love.Contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need reflects individuals’ sense of social responsibility.It also generates a feeling that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is.Therefore,I strongly advocate that everybody offers a hand to others.Only with our love and contribution,I am sure,would our society become more beautiful and more harmonious.






2、经得住挑战:withstand challenges



5、进取精神:striving spirit


7、增长见识:widen one’s knowledge






We should embrace positive attitudes and behave confidently.Only in this way can we crack down the difficulties confronting us successfully and lead a happy life.2、我们应当始终把“没有付出就没有收获”当作工作学习的座右铭。只有那些努力工作,不畏困难的人才能到达成功的顶峰。

To begin with, “No pains, no gains” should always be our motto in our life and work.Only those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter difficulties of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.3、学习生活中我们肯定会遇到一些挫折。但一定要勇于面对,三思而后行。成功是一个过程,需要一步步地去实现。谚语说的好“罗马不是一天建成的”。简言之,努力工作的精神和面对现实的态度是通往成功的关键。

In terms of our life, work and study, we will meet lots of trials.We must always face reality and have a second thought before we make our final decision.Success is also a process and needs to be realized step by step.As a proverb goes “Rome was not built within a day”.In short, hard-working spirit and a realistic attitude lead to success.4、无论在何种环境下我们都应该保持乐观。在生命中,我们必然会经历和面对很多困难,为了实现目标,我们应该积极而不是消极地解决问题。

We should keep optimistic no matter what kinds of circumstance we undergo.In the course of life, we are bound to experience and encounter a variety of difficulties.In order to achieve our goals, we should tackle the obstacles in a positive way rather than in a negative way.5、年轻人只有经历更多的逆境,才能磨练出坚强的个性以及形成未来发展所需要的能力,也只有这样他们才能在这个竞争变化的世界最终取得成功。

Only by undergoing more adversities can young people develop strong personality and ability needed in the future, and only in this way can they eventually become winners in our competitive changing world.6、在人生的道路上,我们不能仅仅满足于一两次的成功,而只有不断地追求,我们才能够取得进步和发展。

On the way of life, we shouldn’t focus merely on one or two success.Only through persistent pursuit can we be able to make progress and development.7、坚持是我们保持精神向上的不可或缺的驱动力,并且能够帮助我们完成自己的学习和工作。

Persistence functions as an indispensable driving force to keep up our spirit and to assist us to fulfill our study and work.8、事实上,只有那些努力的、勇敢的人才能克服各种困难,才更有可能摘得成功的桂冠。In fact, only those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter obstacles of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.



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