
时间:2019-05-14 09:39:15下载本文作者:会员上传


感 谢 信


1)Thank you very much for… 2)Many thanks for your…

3)Please accept my sincere appreciation for××× 4)I am truly grateful to you for××× 5)It was good(thoughtful)of you ×××承蒙好意(关心)××× 6)You were so kind to send××× 7)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待)and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.8)I hope I can reciprocate(回报)your kindness when you come to ××× 9)Thanks a million(or Thanks ever so much)10)Oceans of thanks .(感谢之至)

11)I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(愉快)(relieved, amused, enchanted 轻松)me.12)Please accept my sincere appreciation for…请接受我对……衷心感谢。13)I sincerely appreciate…

14)I am very sincerely grateful to you for…

15)I wish to express my profound appreciation for… 我对……深表感谢。16)Many thanks for your generous cooperation.谢谢贵方的真诚合作。

(一)Dear Kelly,I’ve been back home safely from England.Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England.Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week.I enjoyed myself in your country.We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history.Of course, I also made many new friends.What’s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home.And I’ll never forget the days we spent together.Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me as a gift.It’s a great help for me to learn English well.I will treasure and make full use of it.Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you!

Yours, Li Hua

(二)Dear Lucy, Thanks for your kind visit which has helped me to forget the lonesomeness and minimize the pain of my illness.Curiously enough, the doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily.It is nice to think that your friendship and comfortable remarks have contributed to my coming around.The doctor assured me if such improvement continued, I should be able to leave the sickbed within a few days.You can imagine how the news has cheered me up.Sincerely yours,Jim

(三)Dear Mr.Kelvin, I feel I cannot let the occasion pass without writing a word of thanks for your very kind and acceptable thoughts in providing such a magnificent reunion dinner for us on the last Thursday evening.I am sure that we all found the deliberations before the dinner extremely helpful, and I hope that your staff found the same.We do hope that we will be able to build on the many friendships we made in Britain, and help to forge happy relationship between our two companies during future years.Again with many thanks,Sincerely yours,Helen

(四)Dear Susan, Now that I have become well enough to write, I want to express my sincere thanks not only to you, but also to your parents, for the kind treatment I received during my illness at your house.I am afraid that my being ill must have given you a great deal of trouble, but I know your parents and you will forgive me for being a burden to you against my will.I hope it will be in my power some day to repay this great kindness, and I shall always remember it with feelings of the greatest gratitude.Please give my best regards to your mamma and papa, and accept the same yourself from.Your affectionate friend,Frieda

申 请 信



I am writing to apply for the post of … advertised in …(2)见……上刊登的贵公司广告,我谨申请应聘贵公司的……职务。

In reply to your advertisement in …, I beg to apply for the post of … in your company.(3)看到贵公司在报上招聘……的广告,我马上感到这正是我这段时间所要寻找的工作,并且我能胜任。

Immediately I saw your advertisement in the paper for …I felt it was just the kind of post for which I have the qualifications and for which I have been looking for some time.(4)我想申请入贵校学习。

I would like to apply for admission to your college.(5)我想在贵校……系继续深造。

I would like to further my studies in …department of your university.第二部分:介绍详情


My major interest are …, and I understand your university has a good program in those fields.(2)……年,我出生于…….。…….年,我毕业于…….大学…….专业。毕业后一直在 …….工作,因此积累了该领域丰富的知识和经验。

Born in ……in……I graduated from……University majoring in ……I have been working in ……since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.(3)毕业后,我先担任……, 随后担任……,现任职于…….。

Upon graduation, I first worked as … The following job was …and currently I am working for …


The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me.(2)我认为我具备了报上刊登的贵公司……一职所要求的必要条件和经验。

I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of …advertised in the newspaper.(3)对我来讲,这些经验加上我的学历,使我具备了担任贵公司……一职的条件。

It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of …in a firm such as yours.(一)Dear Ms Chen I’m Li Hua,a student from Class 2,Grade 3.I’m writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because, by offering my service, I will be able to improve my organizational ability, communication skills as well as my confidence in speaking English in public.As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates.Besides, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.Successfully, I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, which have been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations.I will be gratefull if you could give me a kind consideration.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours truly

Li Hua

(二)Hi Sharon, This is Li Xia.I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin.I feel honored to have the chance to help you with your Mandarin learning and I am very happy to have you as my English teacher.I'm good at speaking standard Mandarin.I've been a broadcaster in the school’s broadcasting station for years.When it comes to how to speak fluent Mandarin, I suggest that you learn a bunch of pronunciation rules first, which are quite different from the English ones.Another suggestion is to practice speaking.As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”.However, my English is just OK and I have many problems with my study.I really hope that you can give me good advice on how to study English well.I believe we both can make much progress with each others’ help.Looking forward to your early reply.Li Xia

(三)Gentlemen, Your advertisement for stockbrokers in “China daily” of May 2 has interested me very much.I feel I can fill one of the vacancies you have.I’m twenty-two years of age and female.I will graduate in July.My specialty at college is none other than securities business.I have gained some practical experience in brokerage in recent two years acting as a part-time broker for Beijing Commodities Futures Exchange.At College, I have participated in a lot of activities both at the collegiate level and the department level.I have attended a large number of symposia and conferences on the business of stockbroking.I am young and energetic and maintain good interpersonal relations.I mention these because I know my line of work is a demanding one and I am willing to show that I can face up to any challenge placed before me.Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to satisfy the confidence you may response in me.I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.Faithfully yours,Li Mei

(四)Dear Sir, I should be very grateful if you would let me have information about admission to your university and details of any scholarships that may be offering to students from other countries.I have finished my middle school studies here and hold the Middle School Graduation Certificate.Last year, I was elected to the school’s honor society.And I had been editor of the school yearbook.I would like to go to your university because it emphasizes learning.I also feel that it will provide me with greater opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities such dramatics and writing.I hope for a place for the next autumn.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,×××

(五)Dear sirs: I am pleased to learn of my admission to two-year program of studies leading to degree of M.S.in pharmacy.Indeed, I have dreamed of this opportunity since completing my undergraduate study.In order to reduce the financial responsibility of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantship.Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the possibilities? Should further information be required, please let me know at your earliest convenience.I look forward to hearing good news from you.Sincerely yours,×××







感谢信模板 1 Dear ________,① I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________(感谢的原因).

② If it had not been for/Had it not been for/ Without your assistance in ________(对方给你的具体帮助),I would(not)have been ________(没有对方帮助的后果).

③ Everyone agrees that it was you who ________(给出细节). ④ Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!⑤ Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely,Li Ming

感谢信模板 2 Dear _____________ ,① I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for _____________(感谢事由)。② I'd like you to know how much your meant to me.③ You have a positive genius for_____________(对收信人某一方面的赞美).④ I not only enjoyed _____________, but also_____________.⑤ I shall ever remember _____________as one of the most _____________in my life.⑥ I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating(报答).⑦ I will feel very honored and pleased if you _____________(表达自己回报的心愿)。⑧ I am looking forward to seeing you next time!

⑨ I repeat my thanks for your_____.⑩ Please give my kind regards to your________.Yours sincerely

Li Ming


假设你是某中学高三某班学生李华,高二多年来,经历很多次成功与失败的你,觉得自己似乎一下子成熟了许多,有一种真的长大了的感觉,面对紧张的学习,一次次的考试及今后的打算。。,你有太多的话想对关爱你的父母说。请以书信形式和爸爸妈妈谈谈。参考词汇 鼓励encourage /encouragement 对。。感激be grateful to sb.Dear Mum and Dad How are you doing?


Dear Mum and Dad How are you doing? How time flies。I am now a senior three student ,enjoying many successes as well as going through a number of failures,which shows that I have really grown up.Whenever I am thinking of these,I can’t help feeling grateful to you.It is you who first give me encouragement when I meet with difficulties,especially when I am not getting along well with my my studies.Indeed,your inspiration seems to be a lamp,which offers me light of hope,courage and confidence.And more importantly,you are always teaching me to be good to others,and try to contribute to our society.Yours sincerely,2假设你叫王华,家住外地,暑假期间来北京游玩,住在朋友李海家里。李海为你安排了一周愉快的假期生活,还请假带你出去到许多地方玩。李海的母亲做了美味可口的饭菜款待你。假期期满你回家后写信给李海表示感谢,并请他有机会到你处游玩。


Li Hua Dear Li Hai, I had a very good holiday in your home this summer.During my stay at your home, you showed me around Beijing and your mother prepared very delicious food for me.I enjoyed myself very much.Thank you for all the things you had arranged for me.I hope you can come to visit my hometown some day.I am sure we will have a good time together.Do give my best regards to your parents.Yours,Wang hua


★ 收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激;

★ 在老师的帮助下,学习有了很大的进步,受到老师的表扬和鼓励;

★ 决心更加努力学习,取得更大的进步;

★ 盼望见到Mr.Brown,希望他寄来一张照片。


Dear Mr.Brown,I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me.I could not have returned to school without your help.Thank you so much.I have been working hard since I went back to school.I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers.They often praise me and encourage me.But for your help, I might have left school and couldn’t have got such a good education.I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress.How are you getting on with your life and work? I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so.Would you please send me a photo of yourself?

Thank you again for your generous help and best wishes!

Yours Sincerely,Li Hua


Dear Mr.Rogers,It is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for your hospitality and courtesy to me during my stay in London.Originally I only wanted to call on you and gave my father’s regards to you, as it had been three years since you and he last saw each other.But you insisted that I stay in your house during my visit in London and took good care of my life as if I were a family member of you instead of the daughter of one of your friends.You really added greatly to my convenience and pleasure of the whole trip.Thank you again for your kindness and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality.Yours faithfully,Li Hua


高考英语书面表达-感谢信(A Letter of Thanks)


1.提出感谢,感谢原因(别人做了什么事让你感谢); 2.细述并赞赏对方给予的帮助;

3.再次感谢,如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等)【感谢信注意事项】 1. 灵活把握时态




常用形容词 thank感谢

thanks 谢意

thankful感激的 appreciate感激

gratitude 感激

grateful感激 acknowlege 答谢

appreciation 感谢

heartfelt衷心的be grateful for 感谢

kindness 好意

generous 慷慨的 take the opportunity利用这次机会

hospitality 好客

thoughtful 体贴的 accept my gratitude 接受我的感谢

generosity 慷慨

sincere真诚的 express one’s gratitude表达某人的感谢

assistance帮助 【感谢信常用句式】

第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因 1.I am writing this letter to thank you for… 2.I am writing to express my sincere thanks for…

3.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt(衷心的)thanks to you for… 4.With deepest gratitude I write you this letter to express… 5.I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for… 6.I owe you a great deal for…

句型1.I am writing this letter to thank you for...................仿写:我写这封信是为了表达我对你的感谢,感谢在英国期间你对我的帮助。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 句型2Thank you so much for...........仿写:非常感激你给我寄来的礼物,这是我收到的最好的礼物之一。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给予的帮助 1.It was nice/kind/thoughtful of you to….2.Thank you for very much for your kind hospitality(好客)and the honor you showed me during my visit…

3.It was your kind help that….(强调句)

4.But for/Without your help, I wouldn’t have done…(含蓄虚拟)5.If it had not been for your help/assistance, I wouldn't have…(虚拟语气)句型3 I would like to........仿写:在信中我要为你对我的无私的帮助表达我真挚的谢意。

______________________________________________________________________________ 句型4But for/Without your help, I wouldn’t have done..........(含蓄虚拟)If it had not been for your help/assistance, I couldn't have done.....(虚拟语气)仿写:要是没有你的帮助,我就不可能及时完成这件事。



_______________________________________________________________________________ 第三段:再次感谢,如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等)1. Thanks again for your generous help.2. I appreciate it more than I can say.3. My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.4. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.5. Nothing could ever returen the favor you gave me.句型6I thank again for.................仿写:再次感谢您为帮助我们所做的一切。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 万能模板 Dear________, How about your life/study/work?I’m writing to express my thanks for _____________(感谢的原因).During the ___________________,you gave me generous help and continuous guidance.First,you__________________.Besides,you______________.What’s more, there is still one thing that I can’t forget.That is_________________________.(原因).Thanks a lot for your kindness again.(再次致谢)Give my best regards to ____________________.(祝愿).Yours sincerely.LiHua Dear Wangming ,How about your life ? I’m writing to express my thanks for your warm reception during my visit to Beijing this summer holiday.During the visit,you gave me generous help and continuous guidance.First,I stayed at your home,and you cooked three delicious meals for me.And you showed me around quite a few places of interest,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.Besides,you took many beautiful photos of me.What’s more,there is still one thing that I can’t forget.You went shopping with me.I really had a wonderful time.Another thing that I should mention is that your parents were so kind to drive us.Thank you for your kindness again and give my best regards to your parents.Yours sincerely,LiHua 假如你是一名失学儿童,名叫李华,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr.Brown的资助,可以重返校园。你给Mr.Brown写了一封信,内容如下: 1.收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激;


1.I am writing to express my thank for your help while I was in England.2.Thank you so much for the gift you sent me.It’s one of the most wonderful gifts I ever 6.I thank you again for all the good things you have done in helping me.7.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your selfless help.【感谢信范文学习】

假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to youbecause with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of SydneyUniversity.Last June, when I applied to become agraduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuablehelp.You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who worksin the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions onhow to fill the application forms and write the application letters.It is your unreserved(无保留的)help thatenables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education.For thefollowing two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help andexpectations with excellent grades.Yours truly, Zhang Ying

感谢信练习:A Letter of Thanks

假设你叫李华,现是武汉大学的一名新生。请你根据以下提示,给你中学的英语老师李老师写一封感谢信,表达对他的爱戴和尊敬。词数100左右。提示: 1.对英语李老师教学的评价。2.回顾在校时你的心情。3.对老师的理解和祝愿。

Dear Mr Li, I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you.I am now a freshman of Wuhan University, which I have been dreaming about.Mr Li, I still remember the days when you taught me English.My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work.However, at one time, the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed.I was tired of the warning that if I didn’t do my best, I wouldn’t have the chance to go to college.Thanks for your encouragement;if not, I wouldn’t have realized my dream.And now I really understand you.I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.Are you still so busy? How I miss you!Hoping to hear from you soon.Yours, Li Hua


高考英语书面表达-感谢信(A Letter of Thanks)


1.提出感谢,感谢原因(别人做了什么事让你感谢); 2.细述并赞赏对方给予的帮助;

3.再次感谢,如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等)【感谢信注意事项】 1. 灵活把握时态


表感谢:动词 thank, appreciate;owe(欠债,感激)名词

thanks, gratitude, appreciation;形容词 thankful, grateful, appreciative 因----而感激某人

Thank sb.for…

appreciate one’s doing…

be grateful/thankful to sb.for…

convey/express my thakns/gratitude/appreciation foe…

owe sb.a lot for… 【感谢信常用句式】

第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因 1.I am writing this letter to thank you for… 2.I am writing to express my sincere thanks for…

3.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt(衷心的)thanks to you for… 4.With deepest gratitude I write you this letter to express… 5.I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for… 6.I owe you a great deal for…

第二段:细述并赞赏对方给予的帮助 1.It was nice/kind/thoughtful of you to….1 2.Thank you for very much for your kind hospitality(好客)and the honor you showed me during my visit…

3.It was your kind help that….(强调句)

4.But for/Without your help, I wouldn’t have done…(含蓄虚拟)5.If it had not been for your help/assistance, I wouldn't have…(虚拟语气)

第三段:再次感谢,如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等)1. Thanks again for your generous help.2. I appreciate it more than I can say.3. My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.4. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.5. Nothing could ever returen the favor you gave me.【感谢信范文学习】

假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to youbecause with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of SydneyUniversity.Last June, when I applied to become agraduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuablehelp.You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who worksin the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions onhow to fill the application forms and write the application letters.It is your unreserved(无保留的)help thatenables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education.For thefollowing two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help andexpectations with excellent grades.Yours truly, Zhang Ying 感谢信练习:A Letter of Thanks



Dear Mr Li, I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you.I am now a freshman of Wuhan University, which I have been dreaming about.Mr Li, I still remember the days when you taught me English.My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work.However, at one time, the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed.I was tired of the warning that if I didn’t do my best, I wouldn’t have the chance to go to college.Thanks for your encouragement;if not, I wouldn’t have realized my dream.And now I really understand you.I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.Are you still so busy? How I miss you!Hoping to hear from you soon.Yours, Li Hua



Dear Mr.


I am writing to show my thanks to you.

You tutored

me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing.

With your help I made such rapid progress that I won thefirst place in the Spoken English Competition of the city.

My achievement is owed to your help.

Thank you very mueh.

How are things going with you in Beijing? I haveheard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my schoolwhen you are back.

I am very glad at the news.

In thatcase we can see each other again.

I am looking forward toyour coming.

I am sending you a telehcope as a small gift.

I hope

you will like it.

All the best!


Dear Sue,

Howare you doing?

Iam writing this letter to say “thank you.” First and foremost, it isclear that you, just like “our foreign mother”, were very patient tous.

Additionally, needless to say, you taught me a lot, not only Englishknowledge but also your life wisdom;consequently, all of us have fallen in love with English and study.

Last but certainly not least, there is no doubt that we had a great timetogether, which we will keep in mind forever.

Bythe way, I can't wait to tell you something new about my class.

After you leftfor the America, we had an English competition.

We all did very well, using theknowledge you told us.

No one can deny you helped us so much!

Sue,can you give me some information about your life in America? I miss you somuch.

I am looking forward to your early reply!





My dearest Mother,


The mother‘s day is coming and I would like to say “Happy mother‘s day” in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day.



Your son



假定你是来自英国的旅游者约翰.史密斯, 现用英语给十中的校长写一封感谢信, 内容如下:




Dear sir,

I am a tourist from the UK. Yesterday I visited the park and had a wonderful time there. But when I returned to the hotel, I found my wallet missing. There was a lot of money in it, and above all, there were also my passport and flight ticket. Naturally I was very worried. In the evening , the hotel manager brought a boy to my room. The boy handed me my wallet. I thanked him and offered him some money. But he politely refused. Form the manager, I learned he is a schoolboy of your school and his name is LiHua.


John Smith


Dear Jane,

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for you and your family's warm welcome last month. During I was in America, you took me to many places that I was greatly impressed. I had never experienced such amazing things before. Besides, I am really grateful for you mother's delicious dishes. I liked them very much so that I often think about them now. It's you and your family who brought me wonderful days in America. Please accept my gratitude, now and always. And I sincerely hope that I have a chance to welcome you and your family in China.

Sincerely yours








Dear Mr John,


How are things going with you in Beijing?


I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken english before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that i won the first place in the spoken english competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.


I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news.In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it.


All the best.

Yours,liu jie







You have just come back from the U.S.A as a member of Sino-America culture exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to


1) express your thanks to his/ her warm reception, and

2) welcome him/her to visit China in due course.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to extend my heartfelt gratitude to your for the hospitality you offer me and also the very warm and friendly way in which you receive me.

During the Sino-American culture exchange program in America, (During my staying in America) I feel obliged to you for the selfless assistance you render me. I especially appreciate your organizing the information and activities according to the items on the agenda. It was kind and generous of you to do all of those for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

Finally, I sincerely welcome you to visit China at your convenience and I do hope to have the opportunity to reward/ repay you in the forthcoming future.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei












You have just come back from the U.S.A as a member of Sino-America culture exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to


1) express your thanks to his/ her warm reception, and

2) welcome him/her to visit China in due course.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to extend my heartfelt gratitude to your for the hospitality you offer me and also the very warm and friendly way in which you receive me.

During the Sino-American culture exchange program in America, (During my staying in America) I feel obliged to you for the selfless assistance you render me. I especially appreciate your organizing the information and activities according to the items on the agenda. It was kind and generous of you to do all of those for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

Finally, I sincerely welcome you to visit China at your convenience and I do hope to have the opportunity to reward/ repay you in the forthcoming future.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei












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