
时间:2022-09-29 02:43:09下载本文作者:会员上传






There are different opinionsamong people as to ____ .Some peoplesuggest that____.


There is an old saying______。 Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases eventoday.


Today,____,which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily life. First,____Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.


Nowadays,it is common to ______.

Many people like______because ______.Besides,______.


Everything has two sides and______is not an exception,it has bothadvantages and disadvantages.


Peoples opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.


Man is now facing a bigproblem ______which is becoming more and more serious.


______ has become a hot topicamong people,especially among theyoung and heated debates are right on their way.


_____ has been playing anincreasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot ofbenefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentagesin the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that ______ while. Obviously,______,but why


Recently,the problem of hasaroused peoples concern.


Internet has been playing anincreasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot ofbenefits but has created some serious problems as well.


Nowadays,(overpopulation) hasbecome a problem we have to face.


With the development ofscience and technology,more and more people believe that...


1.I will conclude by saying最后我要说

2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信

3.All things considered,总而言之It may be safely said that它可以有把握地说

4.Therefore, in my opinion, its more advisable因此,在我看来,更可取的是

5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论

6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that通过数据我们得到的结论是,

7.It can be concluded from the discussion that从中我们可以得出这样的结论

8.From my point of view, it would be better if在我看来也许更好


1.As far as is concerned就而言

2.It goes without saying that不言而喻,

3.It can be said with certainty that可以肯定地说

4.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that它必须注意到,

6.Its generally recognized that它普遍认为

7.Its likely that这可能是因为

8.Its hardly that这是很难的

9.Its hardly too much to say that它几乎没有太多的说

10.What calls for special attention is that需要特别注意的是

11.Theres no denying the fact that毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that没有什么比这更重要的是

13.whats far more important is that更重要的是


优美作文开头和结尾 开头: 1.美在何方?我时常问自己。我曾经登上泰山的顶峰观看日出,认为那是壮观的美;曾经与九寨沟清澈的溪水嬉戏,认为那是活泼的美;曾经看过夏天满天的繁星与银河,认为那是忧郁的美……可是,我总以为美是短暂的,稍纵即逝,就像无比绚烂的烟花。可是,现在我知道了——美在我身边。2.爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使贫病交迫的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是一泓出现在沙漠里的泉水,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是一首飘荡在夜空的歌谣,使孤苦无依的人获得心灵的慰藉。3.如果说友谊是一颗常青树,那么,浇灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉;如果说友谊是一朵开不败的鲜花,那么,照耀它的必定是从心中升起的太阳。多少笑声都是友谊唤起的,多少眼泪都是友谊揩干的。友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆。友谊不是感情的投资,它不需要股息和分红。4.宽容,是一种坦荡,可以无私无畏,无拘无束,无尘无染。宽容,是一种豁达,是比海洋和天空更为博大的胸襟,是宽广和宽厚的叠加,延续和升华。宽容有度,宽容无价,宽以待人,这是人生处世的基本法则.5.人生似一束鲜花,仔细观赏,才能看到它的美丽;人生似一杯清茶,细细品味,才能赏出真味道。我们应该从失败中、从成功中、从生活品味出人生的哲理。6.生命是盛开的花朵,它绽放得美丽,舒展,绚丽多资;生命是精美的小诗,清新流畅,意蕴悠长;生命是优美的乐曲,音律和谐,宛转悠扬;生命是流淌的江河,奔流不息,滚滚向前。7.生活如花,姹紫嫣红;生活如歌,美妙动听;生活如酒,芳香清醇;生活如诗,意境深远,绚丽多彩.8.生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师,它常常春风化雨,润物无声地为我们指点迷津,给我们人生的启迪。结尾: 1.母爱是迷惘时苦口婆心的规劝;母爱是远行时一声殷切的叮咛;母爱是孤苦无助时慈祥的微笑。2.母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。3.母爱是一滴甘露,亲吻干涸的泥土,它用细雨的温情,用钻石的坚毅,期待着闪着碎光的泥土的肥沃;母爱不是人生中的一个凝固点,而是一条流动的河,这条河造就了我们生命中美丽的情感之景。4.因为爱心,流浪的人们才能重返家园;因为爱心,疲惫的灵魂才能活力如初。渴望爱心,如同星光渴望彼此辉映;渴望爱心,如同世纪之歌渴望永远被唱下去。5.爱心是一股撞开冰闸的春水,使铁石心肠受到震撼;爱心是一座亮在黑夜的灯塔,使迷途航船找到港湾:爱心是一柄撑起在雨夜的小伞,使漂泊异乡的人得到亲情的荫庇;爱心是一道飞架在天边的彩虹,使满目阴霾的人见到世界的美丽。爱心是一瓢纷洒在春天的小雨,使落寞孤寂的人享受心灵的滋润;爱心是一泪流淌在夏夜的清泉,使燥热不寐的人领略诗般的恬静;爱心是一杯泼洒在头顶的冰水,使高热发昏的人得能冷静地思索;爱心是一块衔含在嘴里的奶糖,使久饮黄莲的人尝到生活的甘甜。6.爱的力量是无比大的,爱的色彩是无比美的,她可使心中有爱的人幸福,贡献出爱的人快乐,得到爱的人欢笑。可使家庭美满,使社会安定,使世界和平。关心、宽恕和体谅都是爱,让我们一起把爱贡献出来,给社会,给世界,给人间,使人间处处有温暖,处处有温情,处处都有爱。爱是一盏灯,黑暗中照亮前行的远方;爱是一首诗,冰冷中温暖渴求的心房 真诚是美酒,年份越久越醇香浓型;真诚是焰火,在高处绽放才愈是美丽;真诚是鲜花,送之于人手有余香。7.如果你失去了金钱,你只失去了一小部分;如果你失去了健康,你只失去了一小半;如果你失去了诚信,那你就几乎一贫如洗了 8.尊重别人是一种美德,受人尊重是一种幸福。“朋”可理解成两个月亮坐在天空,相互关怀,相互照亮,缺一不可,那源源不断的光芒是连接彼此的纽带和桥梁!人间的长旅充满了多少凄冷、孤苦,没有朋友的人是生活的黑暗中的人,没有朋友的人是真正的孤儿。朋友是夏天的树阴,为你送来一片清凉;朋友是人生中的风景,没有他旅途便黯然失色。朋友是你失意时无言地安抚你的人,朋友是你高兴时与你分享的人;朋友是你骄傲时提醒你的人,是你自卑时鼓励你的人… 9.友谊,源于爱心。跌倒时,伸出扶持的双手,忧伤时,送上一缕安慰;孤独时,捎去一瓣心香。友谊之火温暖了朋友受伤的心,照亮了迷途者前进的方向,驱散了孤独者心中的阴云,点燃了失败者新的希望。10.未经历坎坷泥泞的艰难,哪能知道阳光大道的可贵;未经历风雪交加的黑夜,哪能体会风和日丽的可爱;未经历挫折和磨难的考验,怎能体会到胜利和成功的喜悦。11.谅解如一杯清茶,冲淡彼此之间的误会;谅解像一缕春风,吹化人间隔膜的冰层;谅解像一只寒梅,预示心灵来春的温情;谅解是一架彩虹,让就不相逢的情感放射光彩。


Mores, which embodied each culture’s ideal principles for governing every citizen, were developed in the belief that the foundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powers to be placed in service to the community.Convinced of the importance of education, modern states ‘invest’ in institutions of learning to get back ‘interest’ in the form of a large group of enlightened young man and women who are potential leaders.2.In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all.3.Atomic power is associated in the public mind with the destructive force of atom bombs and partly for this reason, though it is claimed that there is no danger to be associated with atomic power stations, they are being sited away from popular centers.4.Although the speaker overlooks certain circumstances in which undue skepticism might be counterproductive, and even harmful, on balance I agree that we should not passively accept whatever is passed off as fact;otherwise, human knowledge would never advance.5.One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.1.The wisdom of our sages and the blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment.2.And should we wander from them in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety.3.History bears witness to the fact that a just nation is trusted on its word when recourse is had to armaments and wars to bridle others.4.Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any potion of ills you fly from have no real existence? Will you, while the certain ills you fly to are greater than all the real ones you fly from, will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake?

5.Heretofore, only menaced, is now formidably attempted.6.east, west, home’s best.1.If we define a “ better” society as one characterized by greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, greater respect for individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, then the children of the most recent half-century are creating a better society.2.And, while reasonable people with differing political and social viewpoints might disagree about what makes for a “better” society, in my observation our society is steadily evolving into a more civilized, respectful and tolerant one.3.If too many parties become involved in making decisions about day-to-day instruction, the end result might be infighting, legal battles, boycotts, and other protests, all of which impede the educational process;and the ultimate victims are the children themselves.4.Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.5.Encouraging students to question and criticize helps students not only to learn more productively but also become qualified citizens that will be able to actively participate in social affairs.A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling.Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a person's education is a most important aspect of his life.$ |: s9 v7 P6 t6 ]* z/ M许多人存在这样的误解,认为离开学校就意味着结束了他们的教育。显然,他们忽视了教育是人生重要部分这一基本事实。

The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.3 J A0 V(Y, J-w.Z-Y1 T0 W 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。

* Moreover, children will have less time to play and communicate with their peers due to extra studies, consequently, it is difficult to develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills.They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness./ {3 N# Q)[2 X 而且,由于要额外地学习,孩子们没有多少时间和同龄的孩子玩耍和交流,很难培养他们的个性和交际能力。他们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些心理疾病。

People differ in their attitudes towards failure.Faced with it, some of them can stand up to it, draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do.Others, however, lose heart and give in..v+ |: J5 i$ c+ N1 m$ P4 x人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人能够经得起考验,从失败中汲取教训,并努力去完成他们下定决心要做的事情。然而,另一些人却丧失信心并退却了。

As a popular saying goes, “everything has two sides.” Now the public are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions.On the other hand, the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble.People in many countries are suffering from public hazards.' g7 c+ U6 k0 B5 p)V3 z“ a常言道:事情总是一分为二的。如今人们从科技发明中得到越来越多的好处。另一方面,科技进步也给我们带来了许多麻烦。现在许多国家 的人民饱受公害之苦。

Examples of important films underscore the point that creative accounts of the human experience hold more lasting significance than bare factual accounts.Without any sure way to evaluate the legitimacy of these avenues of inquiry, participant become vulnerable to self-deception, false hopes, fantastic ideas, and even delusion.Socialization is only one factor influencing the extent to which an individual will ultimately contribute to a better society.The speaker asserts that government of countries where lesser-known languages are spoken should intervene to prevent these languages from becoming extinction.Indeed, on a systemic scale undue emphasis on the exploration of our emotion can have deleterious societal consequences.It is the test of imagination, while imagination without experience is like tree without roots and thus is useless fantasies.As one famous executive once said, “The better a man is, the more mistakes he will make, for the more new things he will try.I would never promote to a top-level job a man who was not making mistakes.Regard every one as a tree in the garden, then the laws is like the gardener, who pollard redundant leaves and twigs in order to restrict these trees’ growth in a certain way and thus help them grow healthily and properly.What is the most important, consider the item “better society” as equality, prosperity, stabilization, then we do have experienced great improvement and progress during the last decades.Nevertheless, it is often the interior factors, rather than the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life that prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.we are all trying our best to finish everything effectively to catch up with other’s pace

Common sense tells us that a face to face communication and discussion brings information and knowledge more directly and acceptably.Try your best;you will be a better pilot of your life.According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Science It is too presumptuous to make the judgment that… Although the speaker’s assertion has some merit when it comes to the education of young people, I find it erroneous when it comes to higher education.The empirical evidence supporting this position is overwhelming;yet one need look no further than a television set.In my view, the speaker’s threshold and ultimate claims are both specious.However, upon further reflection it becomes evident that following the speaker’s advice would on balance do disservice to students and to society.1,Popular musical acts with nothing truly innovative to offer musically eventually disappear form the music scene.2,Anyone who frequents yards sales knows that today’s best-selling books often become tomorrow’s pulp.3,This combination of very high density of population, goods and services, and machines, all increasing with almost brutal speed, does account for some really antisocial tendencies in modern urban growth.4,The major problem with the argument is that the stated similarities between Company A and B are insufficient to support the conclusion that Company A will suffer a fate similar to Company B’s.5,Experience alone is far from being enough to guarantee minimized processing costs.3 1.The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities.The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive.The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see pass by.2.Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence.3.Television, the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world.4.”The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.“ Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer.This view has been shared now by more and more people.5.In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve purpose.# s7 h' 5 1.Technologyhas made fantastic advances that have affected us beneficially in nearly every aspect of life: better health, more wealth, less drudgery, greater access to information.2.The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in an even greater boon to humanity: in pure sciencea more equitable distribution of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.3.William Shakespeare said: ”The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together."

4.I am not an authority in genetics, but from my readings and life-long observation I do not see any evidence that we are genetically condemned to commit evil.5.The human species may be brought to an end by the use of the tools of destruction, themselves the product of science and technology.8 In my view, the speaker unfairly generalizes about the……, while completely missing the function and value of science.To some extent the speaker overstates fiction’s comparative significance.On balance, however, I tend to agree with the speaker.And it is human experience, and not bare facts and figures, that endures in our minds and souls.Finally, when it comes to the political area, again at first blush it might appear that pragmatism is the best, if not the only, way to succeed.At the first glance the balance of empirical evidence would seem to lend considerable credence to the speaker’s claim.10 Being abreast with the ever-increasing pace of industrialization, environmental problems are also on their way to undermine our prosperous and contented life.These people inadvertently lose the large picture on such an issue.Strict legislations should be correspondently promulgated to thwart those people who have the penchant to undermine the environment.There are countless ways of attaining greatness, but any road to reaching one’s maximum potential must be built on bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellent, and a rejection of mediocrity.What ethical conduct and socially responsible behavior have in common is they both start from values and, when applied effectively, both enhance the company's reputation and so contribute to performance and shareholder value.11 1.Democracy and efficiency don't always go together.2.Firsthand observations and satellite images show that the immediate area around the geographic North Pole is now mostly annual, or first-year, ice—thin new ice that forms each year during the winter freeze.3.A fundamental change is coming sooner than you might think.4.As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated.5.That no one should be above the law is perfectly true, but it is feasible in a dream world in which the legal system is similar to the Common Law one of Britain and it's(ex)colonies where they have a long tradition of civil rights & manners and, mostly, the public prosecutor and the judge are not even allowed to talk to each other.飘aiq 1.“Draw your strength in the days ahead from your faith in God.Let it be the moral compass that guides you in the decisions you make.”

2.The groups of cadets and midshipmen, who do not know each other, echo the same view: that the military, regardless of its official policies, by emphasizing religion, especially Christianity, at events that students are required to attend sends the message that to be considered successful officers they have to believe in God.3.No midshipmen have wanted to take action until now, Ms.Jeon said.Three recent graduates, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation

4.Moreover, increased production by other countries would tend to offset reduced production by the United States, so that the effect on global warming and global pollution is likely to be modest.5.The primary long-term threat to newspapers is the Internet’s siphoning away of ad revenue, a trend that has been under way for more than a decade, but one that has picked up speed in the last year.2,1号

emotion can serve as important catalysts for academic accomplishment in the arts.When it comes to the war on drags, free speech and religion, abortion issues, and sexual choices, public policy today seems mirror the vote’s fears and prejudices.In the long term, however, the significance of image wanes considerably.As our lives become busier, our attention spans briefer, and our choices among products and services greater, I expect this trend to continue unabated-for better or worse.Through ability to inspire others and lift human spirit Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were eminently effective in leading others to effect social change through civil disobedience.2号

1.The world is full of conflicts: Jews and Arabs;Indians and Pakistanis;white men and Negroes in Africa;and, overshadowing all minor conflicts, the titanic struggle between communism and anticommunism

2.As geological time is reckoned, Man has so far existed only for a very short period one million years at the most.3.For countless ages the sun rose and set, the moon waxed and waned, the stars shone in the night, but it was only with the coming of Man that these things were understood.4.If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise;if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universal death.5.Is all this to end in trivial horror because so few are able to think of Man rather than of this or that group of men? Is our race so destitute of wisdom, so incapable of impartial love, so blind even to the simplest dictates of self-preservation, that the last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet?-for it will be not only men who will perish, but also the animals, whom no one can accuse of communism or anticommunism.-----------------------shall we choose death Bertrand Russell

编号4 apprentice_ll26 第一次

1.If we define a “ better” society as one characterized by greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, greater respect for individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, then the children of the most recent half-century are creating a better society.2.And, while reasonable people with differing political and social viewpoints might disagree about what makes for a “better” society, in my observation our society is steadily evolving into a more civilized, respectful and tolerant one.3.If too many parties become involved in making decisions about day-to-day instruction, the end result might be infighting, legal battles, boycotts, and other protests, all of which impede the educational process;and the ultimate victims are the children themselves.4.Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.5.Encouraging students to question and criticize helps students not only to learn more productively but also become qualified citizens that will be able to actively participate in social affairs.第二次

1.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world;they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.2.indeed, as one imagine the underground world to become increasingly elaborate, one can visualize much of the food supply eventually deriving from growth in artificially illuminated areas underground.3.Where there was once intimacy and contact, now there is only absence and despair.4.A leader must stir our blood, not appeal to our reason.5.He gave the greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people in the world today.第三次

Also, while many working adults might temporarily define themselves in terms of their work for practicality’s sake, at bottom we humans are nothing if not social animals.Whether certain means are justifiable in reaching a goal must be determined on a case-by-case basis, by weighing the benefits of attaining the goal against the costs, or harm that might accrue along the way.Although I agree that technology cannot ultimately prevent us from harming one another, the statement fails to account for the significant positive impact that modern industrial and computer revolutions have had on the quality of life-at least in the developed world.Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism.Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us.Sjn(eaglewatch)It is common knowledge that we are always living in a society with limitations, and as the development of society we can gradually have a comprehensive realization of the world.though their ideas and activities may have transcended the understanding of the masses at that time and thus tarnished, disdained or even buried, it will finally be uncovered and enshrined by descendants.3,Only combine the evaluation made by both contemporaries and descendants, can we decide the greatness of individuals more objectively.4,Actually, the latter can embrace the former in many cases.As the social development and responding the needs of city life, many buildings with great historic values were replaced with(by)new buildings or restyled with new forms.the modernization in today will be the tradition in tomorrow.1.At the time when technology means ever more harmful carbon in the air we breathe, we need these forests now more than ever.2.As for me, the declining of traditional technology and methods is not a bad thing;it is the natural result of progress of society.3.There is much discussion over science and technology.One of the questions under debate is whether traditional technology and methods are bound to die out when a country begins to develop modern science and technology.4.It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.5.To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that English often means a good opportunity for one's career, is this really the case? 11号

From farmers' markets to happy chickens, sales of organic food have rocketed in recent years.Darkness fell, not the dark of a moonless or cloudy night, but as if the lamp had been put out in a dark room.Even the expected can sometimes be disquieting.The competition to claim the title of the world’s worst-run bank has seldom been more intense, but Bradford & Bingley, a British mortgage lender, must fancy its chances.Given their history, a lot of Israelis will run almost any risk to prevent a state that calls repeatedly for their own state’s destruction from acquiring the wherewithal to bring that end about.For all his bluster, it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph.He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes.Hoping that he'll have the courage to answer.Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betray.It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation.Survival.When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate.They call it zugunruhe.The pull of the soul to a far-off place.Following a scent in the wind, star in the sky.The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together.Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come.The earth is large.Large enough that you think you can hide from anything.From fate.From god.If only you found a place far enough away.So you run.You can run far.You can take your small precautions.But have you really gotten away? Can you ever escape?

Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny.But the world is not small, you are.And fate can find you anywhere.Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers.How are these happening? What are they? Why them , not others? Why now?

What does it all mean?












岁月无情。我想,时间终会慢慢蚀去一个人的记忆,淡去一个人的思念,抚去一 个人的伤痕。(可有可无)但它依旧会在我的精神世界里熠熠发光。








一、题目:顽皮的小女孩 【开头】: 从易到难,从少到多,从简到烦,总有那段经历的过程,合深印在上面抹不去的印记。从稚嫩到成熟,如今的我,已不再是那个天真的小女孩…… 【结尾】: 成长的一路上,如今再次回首那段路程,一路走来深一脚浅一脚的坑坑洼洼。这一切的一切,才让我成长。

二、题目:朋友 【开头】:朋友,是你高兴时与你分享快乐;是你幸福时使幸福增倍;是你困难时使困难分解;是你孤单时帮你赶走它;是你落魄时给你鼓励的那个人。【结尾】:其实,无所求的朋友难得,不妨闭上眼,将有所求的朋友一一删去,最后还有几位?因为真正的友情是“无所求”,她不应要求什么,不依靠什么。友情需要用心浇灌,用生命来培养,才能开出灿烂的友情之花。

三、题目:师生情 【开头】:光阴如梭,再过几个月就要离开母校了。小学的生活像一条河,同学的帮助、老师的关心就像一条条小船荡漾在河里。师生情——老师和学生的情谊,这让我想起了一个下雨天…… 【结尾】:这份浓浓的师生情就像这绵绵的雨,怎能那么容易就放下呢?这丝丝的情怀就像这阵阵的风,怎能那么容易就割断呢?这胜父子之情,胜过母女之爱的情谊,怎能那么容易就忘掉呢?师生真情永远难忘!





一、题目:岁月 【开头】:岁月像秋天的风,从身边呼呼刮过,从手指尖轻轻绕过,从发梢上匆匆掠过,带来了萧瑟,带来了甜美,也带来了繁星般的琐事。转眼到了六年级,摘下一颗秋风携带着的金色苹果,轻轻旋转,在阳光下依然灼灼生辉,香浓,发人深思。【结尾】:我想,这是岁月送给我的一个芬芳的苹果,那黄灿灿的色泽与那香浓的滋味能够震撼心灵,使心灵得到启迪,变得美好起来。

二、题目:快乐的笑容 【开头】:金色的阳光洒下来,湖面波光粼粼,耳边似乎传来鸟的私语,嗅着醉人的花香,细看,是哪家的孩子在“急走追粉蝶”,天空依然清朗,风筝翱翔在云朵边上,我的心却不再平静了…… 【结尾】:每每我丧气灰心的时候,想想那些笑,阳光般灿烂的笑,便会有一种勇气,一直支持着我,走向成功的未来。


【开头】:鸟已经在天空中自由自在的翱翔,只为我留下片刻的剪影,那么,我呢? 【结尾】:故事的结局,我明白了。我放飞了那只鸟,那只相思鸟在楼下徘徊了一会儿后,振翅飞走,耳边,仿佛又传来了初见时那委婉的叫声……

四、题目:十四岁的天空 【开头】:如果花儿是红色的,如果小草是绿色的,如果大海是蓝色的,那么十四岁的天空,会是什么颜色的吗? 【结尾】:不知不觉已经写了这么多,十四岁的天空,是什么颜色的呢?红色的拼搏,橙色的梦想,黄色的希望,绿色的友谊,蓝色的挫折,青色的收获,紫色的等待……十四岁的天空,因有你,因有我,更加精彩!

五、题目:我的小学生话 【开头】: 生活中的点点滴滴、磕磕绊绊,一幕幕精彩的瞬间,相信都有值得我们回味和感动的事吧!走进岁月的长廊,翻阅生命的相册,重温那曾今令我感动的瞬间……

【结尾】: 那一幕幕瞬间,如今已经成为回忆。人会深陷那张感动的网,触及到我心中最柔软的角落,勾起我无限的回忆。

















3、开头: 透过冰凉的玻璃,看见雨滴顺着玻璃滑下,留下模糊的影子,逐渐散去散去,而那段记忆却怎么也挥之不去……
























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