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2010年9月16日,驻美国大使张业遂应邀出席科恩集团董事长、美国前国防部长科恩举办的晚餐演讲会,就中美关系发表演讲并回答出席晚餐会的美国政府官员、国会议员、工商界、智库和媒体人士等的提问。张大使演讲全文如下: 驻美国大使张业遂在科恩集团晚餐演讲会的讲话 2010年9月16日

Remarks by Ambassador Zhang YesuiAt the Dinner Hosted by the Cohen Group September 16, 2010 尊敬的科恩前国防部长,女士们,先生们: Secretary Cohen, Ladies and Gentlemen, 首先,我感谢科恩前国防部长的热情介绍。我很高兴出席今天的晚餐会,同这么多重要人士见面。

Secretary Cohen, thank you for your kind introduction.It's a great pleasure and privilege to be among such a distinguished group.我的工作从联合国转到美国,刚好已有半年。按惯例,我该向国内提交述职报告了。我希望今晚同大家的互动交流,能为我准备述职报告带来一些启发。

Since I moved from the United Nations to the United States, six months have passed.And it's time for me to submit to Beijing my initial report on my job as Ambassador here.I hope my interaction tonight with you will give me useful inspirations for my report.在中美关系进入重要发展阶段之时出任中国驻美国大使,我倍感荣幸。当前,中美两国的利益联系日益紧密,相互依存不断加深。现在,两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,过去10年美国对华出口增长了330%,今年前8个月美国对华出口又增长了34.4%。美国对华直接投资总额达640亿美元,美国继续是中国最大的外资来源国。两国之间每年人员往来超过250万人次。约10万名中国留学生正在美国学习深造。中美之间已缔结161对友好城市和36对友好省州。两国还在一系列国际和地区问题上保持着密切沟通与合作。

I am honored to serve as Ambassador of China to the United States at such a historic juncture.The interests of our two countries are more closely tied to one another than ever before.Now we are each other's second largest trading partner.In the last ten years, US exports to China increased by 330%.In the first eight months of this year, US exports to China grew by 34.4%.US direct investment in China has topped 64 billion US dollars and the US remains the No.1 source of foreign direct investment for China.2.5 million visits are made every year across the Pacific ocean.There are more than 100,000 Chinese students in the US.There have been 161 pairs of sister cities and 36 pairs of sister province/state relations between our two countries.We have also been working closely on numerous international and regional issues.我高兴地看到,经过双方共同努力,中美关系已经克服今年初的困难局面,回到正常发展的轨道。通过这半年来的工作,我深切地体会到,保持中美关系稳定发展,确实太重要了。怎么保持中美关系的稳定发展呢?我愿借此机会同大家分享以下三点看法。

Looking back to the days when I just arrived here, I am glad to see that China-US relations have overcome the difficulties we saw earlier this year and are now back on track.One thing that has derived from my six month experience is that it is extremely important to keep our relationship stable and avoid major ups and downs.I would like to share with you three observations on this subject.第一,要牢牢把握中美关系发展的正确方向。

First, we should keep to the positive direction of China-US relations.中美关系是当今世界最重要的双边关系之一,不仅关乎两国和两国人民的根本利益,而且具有日益重要的战略意义和全球影响。胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统去年4月在英国伦敦首次会晤时,就共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系达成重要共识,为两国关系发展指明了方向。奥巴马总统今年3月29日接受我递交国书时也表示,“美中关系具有塑造21世纪的能力”。中美两国休戚与共,合则两利,斗则俱伤。显然,对话比对抗好,合作比遏制好,伙伴比对手好。

China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships.It not only concerns the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, but also assumes increasing strategic significance and global implications.I still remember when I presented my credentials to President Obama on March 29, he said that “our relationship has the ability to shape the 21st century.” I couldn't agree more.Both countries stand to benefit from cooperation, and confrontation would serve no one's interests.Since we are in the same boat, it is evident that dialogue is better than confrontation, cooperation is better than containment, and partnership is better than rivalry.President Hu Jintao and President Obama reached an important agreement to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century when they met for the first time in London in April last year.This has set the direction for the growth of China-US relations and ought to be followed in good faith.第二,要积极拓展各领域务实合作。

Second, we should deepen cooperation in all areas.合作是中美关系发展的不竭动力。当前,中美两国都在积极转变发展方式。双方应支持彼此的经济结构调整,拓展在清洁能源、节能减排、环境保护和基础设施建设等领域的合作。中美在二十国集团峰会和应对国际金融危机方面进行了有效的磋商与协调,为两国经济恢复增长和世界经济的复苏作出了重要贡献。两国应继续密切关注全球经济复苏,与国际社会一道,加强宏观经济政策协调,继续推动国际金融机构改革。中美在维护亚太乃至世界的和平、稳定与发展方面拥有广泛的合作基础,也肩负着重要的共同责任。双方应加强在反恐、防扩散、朝核、伊朗核、气候变化等重大国际和地区问题上的磋商与合作。

Cooperation gives sustained driving force to the growth of our relationship.Both China and the US are transforming economic development patterns.We should support each other's structural adjustment, and expand cooperation in new areas such as clean energy, energy conservation, environment protection and infrastructure.China and the US have had productive consultation and coordination at the G20 summits and in coping with the financial crisis since 2008, which has greatly contributed to restoring the economic growth momentum in our two countries and across the world.We should continue to focus on global economic recovery, and work with the international community to strengthen coordination on global economic policies and to advance the reform of international financial institutions.China and the US have an increasingly broad base of cooperation and share important common responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.We need to strengthen consultation and cooperation on major international and regional issues including anti-terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, Iranian and Korean Nuclear issues, and climate change.第三,要不断增进战略互信。

Third, we should enhance strategic mutual trust.不少有识之士指出,中美两国之间不时出现分歧和问题,根源在于双方缺乏充分的战略互信。实际上,两国政府早已认识到这一问题的重要性,并在继续努力加以解决。我认为,双方应重点在以下三个方面作出努力,不断增进战略互信:

Many insightful commentators have cited the lack of adequate strategic mutual trust as the main cause of problems in our relationship.This has long been recognized by the two governments, and we have been working hard to address this problem.Let me outline three areas where both sides can work together to enhance strategic mutual trust.一是尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切。相互尊重主权和领土完整是指导中美关系的中美三个联合公报的核心。我们希望美方恪守在中美三个联合公报包括有关美售台武器问题的《八·一七公报》以及《中美联合声明》中所作的承诺。

1.To respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns.Sovereignty and territorial integrity is at the core of the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués which guide China-US relations.We hope that the US side would honor and implement its commitments under the three Joint Communiqués, including the August 17 Communiqué on US arms sales to Taiwan, and the Joint Statement issued by our two countries.二是加强对话与沟通。面对面的沟通对于减少误解、增进相互理解和建立互信是不可或缺的。近期,崔天凯副外长来美国举行了中美副外长级政治磋商,美国总统国家安全事务副助理多尼隆和白宫国家经济委员会主任萨默斯联袂访华,双方就中美关系中的一系列重大问题进行了有效的讨论。事实证明,这种深入沟通具有重要积极建设性意义。下周,温家宝总理将在纽约出席联合国大会期间同奥巴马总统举行双边会见。胡锦涛主席已接受奥巴马总统的邀请,将对美国进行国事访问。两国元首还有机会在二十国集团首尔峰会和横滨亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议等场合举行会晤。中美双方正在积极努力,为上述重要高层交往作好准备。

2.To increase dialogue and communication.Face to face communication has an indispensable role to play in reducing misperceptions, enhancing mutual understanding and building mutual trust in our relations.Recently, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai was in DC for the bilateral political consultation.Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, and Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Advisor jointly visited China.The two sides had effective discussions on issues of crucial importance to the bilateral relations.This kind of in-depth exchange of views has proved to be positive and constructive.Next week, Premier Wen Jiabao will meet with President Obama in New York when he comes to the US for the UN General Assembly.President Hu Jintao has accepted the invitation from President Obama to visit the United States.The two presidents also have opportunities to meet during the G20 Summit in Seoul and the APEC Economic Leader's Meeting in Japan in November.We are working with the US side to well prepare for all these important events.三是妥善处理分歧与摩擦。中美两国之间存在这样那样的差异,双方难免出现意见分歧。经贸问题就是经贸问题,不能政治化。中国正在进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性。人民币汇率问题不应被美国某些人用做实现国内政治目的的工具。外部施压只能适得其反。最好的办法就是本着平等和相互尊重的精神,进行对话与磋商。

3.To address differences and disputes in a proper manner.Of course, because of the differences that exist between our two countries, it is natural that we do not always see eye to eye with each other.The best approach to solve disputes is to conduct quiet dialogue and consultation with mutual respect rather than making public accusations.Trade and economic issues should be viewed and handled as trade and economic issues.They should not be politicized.China is proceeding further with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime and enhancing the RMB exchange rate flexibility.The RMB exchange rate should not be used to serve domestic political purposes in this country.在结束演讲之前,我还想告诉大家,我对中美关系的未来充满信心。因为我们两国关系的基本面是好的,对话与合作继续是中美关系的主流。而且,下阶段中美关系面临重要发展机遇。只要双方能够以理解和信任的心态看待彼此的政策意图,采取措施加强对话与合作,就能够不断减少分歧,增进互信,推动中美关系健康稳定发展。我衷心希望在座各位继续为此作出积极努力。

Finally, let me say that I am optimistic about the future of our relationship.The fundamentals in China-US relations are good and solid.Dialogue and cooperation remain the mainstream.And there are many important opportunities.As long as we perceive each other's policy intentions with understanding and trust and take concrete action to advance dialogue and cooperation, we will be able to reduce differences, increase mutual trust and promote the stable and sound growth of China-US relations.And I count on your continued support in performing my duties.谢谢大家。

Thank you very much.

第二篇:张业遂大使关于中美关系的讲话 中英对照


Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Yesui At the Dinner Hosted by the Cohen Group


尊敬的科恩前国防部长,女士们,先生们: Secretary Cohen, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我感谢科恩前国防部长的热情介绍。我很高兴出席今天的晚餐会,同这么多重要人士见面。

Secretary Cohen, thank you for your kind introduction.It’s a great pleasure and privilege to be among such a distinguished group.我的工作从联合国转到美国,刚好已有半年。按惯例,我该向国内提交述职报告了。我希望今晚同大家的互动交流,能为我准备述职报告带来一些启发。

Since I moved from the United Nations to the United States, six months have passed.And it’s time for me to submit to Beijing my initial report on my job as Ambassador here.I hope my interaction tonight with you will give me useful inspirations for my report.在中美关系进入重要发展阶段之时出任中国驻美国大使,我倍感荣幸。当前,中美两国的利益联系日益紧密,相互依存不断加深。现在,两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,过去10年美国对华出口增长了330%,今年前8个月美国对华出口又增长了34.4%。美国对华直接投资总额达640亿美元,美国继续是中国最大的外资来源国。两国之间每年人员往来超过250万人次。约10万名中国留学生正在美国学习深造。中美之间已缔结161对友好城市和36对友好省州。两国还在一系列国际和地区问题上保持着密切沟通与合作。

I am honored to serve as Ambassador of China to the United States at such a historic juncture.The interests of our two countries are more closely tied to one another than ever before.Now we are each other’s second largest trading partner.In the last ten years, US exports to China increased by 330%.In the first eight months of this year, US exports to China grew by 34.4%.US direct investment in China has topped 64 billion US dollars and the US remains the No.1 source of foreign direct investment for China.2.5 million visits are made every year across the Pacific ocean.There are more than 100,000 Chinese students in the US.There have been 161 pairs of sister cities and 36 pairs of sister province/state relations between our two countries.We have also been working closely on numerous international and regional issues.我高兴地看到,经过双方共同努力,中美关系已经克服今年初的困难局面,回到正常发展的轨道。通过这半年来的工作,我深切地体会到,保持中美关系稳定发展,确实太重要了。怎么保持中美关系的稳定发展呢?我愿借此机会同大家分享以下三点看法。

Looking back to the days when I just arrived here, I am glad to see that China-US relations have overcome the difficulties we saw earlier this year and are now back on track.One thing that has derived from my six month experience is that it is extremely important to keep our relationship stable and avoid major ups and downs.I would like to share with you three observations on this subject.第一,要牢牢把握中美关系发展的正确方向。

First, we should keep to the positive direction of China-US relations.中美关系是当今世界最重要的双边关系之一,不仅关乎两国和两国人民的根本利益,而且具有日益重要的战略意义和全球影响。胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统去年4月在英国伦敦首次会晤时,就共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系达成重要共识,为两国关系发展指明了方向。奥巴马总统今年3月29日接受我递交国书时也表示,“美中关系具有塑造21世纪的能力”。中美两国休戚与共,合则两利,斗则俱伤。显然,对话比对抗好,合作比遏制好,伙伴比对手好。

China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships.It not only concerns the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, but also assumes increasing strategic significance and global implications.I still remember when I presented my credentials to President Obama on March 29, he said that “our relationship has the ability to shape the 21st century.” I couldn’t agree more.Both countries stand to benefit from cooperation, and confrontation would serve no one’s interests.Since we are in the same boat, it is evident that dialogue is better than confrontation, cooperation is better than containment, and partnership is better than rivalry.President Hu Jintao and President Obama reached an important agreement to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century when they met for the first time in London in April last year.This has set the direction for the growth of China-US relations and ought to be followed in good faith.第二,要积极拓展各领域务实合作。

Second, we should deepen cooperation in all areas.合作是中美关系发展的不竭动力。当前,中美两国都在积极转变发展方式。双方应支持彼此的经济结构调整,拓展在清洁能源、节能减排、环境保护和基础设施建设等领域的合作。中美在二十国集团峰会和应对国际金融危机方面进行了有效的磋商与协调,为两国经济恢复增长和世界经济的复苏作出了重要贡献。两国应继续密切关注全球经济复苏,与国际社会一道,加强宏观经济政策协调,继续推动国际金融机构改革。

Cooperation gives sustained driving force to the growth of our relationship.Both China and the US are transforming economic development patterns.We should support each other’s structural adjustment, and expand cooperation in new areas such as clean energy, energy conservation, environment protection and infrastructure.China and the US have had productive consultation and coordination at the G20 summits and in coping with the financial crisis since 2008, which has greatly contributed to restoring the economic growth momentum in our two countries and across the world.We should continue to focus on global economic recovery, and work with the international community to strengthen coordination on global economic policies and to advance the reform of international financial institutions.中美在维护亚太乃至世界的和平、稳定与发展方面拥有广泛的合作基础,也肩负着重要的共同责任。双方应加强在反恐、防扩散、朝核、伊朗核、气候变化等重大国际和地区问题上的磋商与合作。

China and the US have an increasingly broad base of cooperation and share important common responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.We need to strengthen consultation and cooperation on major international and regional issues including anti-terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, Iranian and Korean Nuclear issues, and climate change.第三,要不断增进战略互信。

Third, we should enhance strategic mutual trust.不少有识之士指出,中美两国之间不时出现分歧和问题,根源在于双方缺乏充分的战略互信。实际上,两国政府早已认识到这一问题的重要性,并在继续努力加以解决。我认为,双方应重点在以下三个方面作出努力,不断增进战略互信:

Many insightful commentators have cited the lack of adequate strategic mutual trust as the main cause of problems in our relationship.This has long been recognized by the two governments, and we have been working hard to address this problem.Let me outline three areas where both sides can work together to enhance strategic mutual trust.一是尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切。相互尊重主权和领土完整是指导中美关系的中美三个联合公报的核心。我们希望美方恪守在中美三个联合公报包括有关美售台武器问题的《八·一七公报》以及《中美联合声明》中所作的承诺。

1.To respect and accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns.Sovereignty and territorial integrity is at the core of the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués which guide China-US relations.We hope that the US side would honor and implement its commitments under the three Joint Communiqués, including the August 17 Communiqué on US arms sales to Taiwan, and the Joint Statement issued by our two countries.二是加强对话与沟通。面对面的沟通对于减少误解、增进相互理解和建立互信是不可或缺的。近期,崔天凯副外长来美国举行了中美副外长级政治磋商,美国总统国家安全事务副助理多尼隆和白宫国家经济委员会主任萨默斯联袂访华,双方就中美关系中的一系列重大问题进行了有效的讨论。事实证明,这种深入沟通具有重要积极建设性意义。下周,温家宝总理将在纽约出席联合国大会期间同奥巴马总统举行双边会见。胡锦涛主席已接受奥巴马总统的邀请,将对美国进行国事访问。两国元首还有机会在二十国集团首尔峰会和横滨亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议等场合举行会晤。中美双方正在积极努力,为上述重要高层交往作好准备。

2.To increase dialogue and communication.Face to face communication has an indispensable role to play in reducing misperceptions, enhancing mutual understanding and building mutual trust in our relations.Recently, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai was in DC for the bilateral political consultation.Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, and Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Advisor jointly visited China.The two sides had effective discussions on issues of crucial importance to the bilateral relations.This kind of in-depth exchange of views has proved to be positive and constructive.Next week, Premier Wen Jiabao will meet with President Obama in New York when he comes to the US for the UN General Assembly.President Hu Jintao has accepted the invitation from President Obama to visit the United States.The two presidents also have opportunities to meet during the G20 Summit in Seoul and the APEC Economic Leader’s Meeting in Japan in November.We are working with the US side to well prepare for all these important events.三是妥善处理分歧与摩擦。中美两国之间存在这样那样的差异,双方难免出现意见分歧。经贸问题就是经贸问题,不能政治化。中国正在进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性。人民币汇率问题不应被美国某些人用做实现国内政治目的的工具。外部施压只能适得其反。最好的办法就是本着平等和相互尊重的精神,进行对话与磋商。

3.To address differences and disputes in a proper manner.Of course, because of the differences that exist between our two countries, it is natural that we do not always see eye to eye with each other.The best approach to solve disputes is to conduct quiet dialogue and consultation with mutual respect rather than making public accusations.Trade and economic issues should be viewed and handled as trade and economic issues.They should not be politicized.China is proceeding further with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime and enhancing the RMB exchange rate flexibility.The RMB exchange rate should not be used to serve domestic political purposes in this country.在结束演讲之前,我还想告诉大家,我对中美关系的未来充满信心。因为我们两国关系的基本面是好的,对话与合作继续是中美关系的主流。而且,下阶段中美关系面临重要发展机遇。只要双方能够以理解和信任的心态看待彼此的政策意图,采取措施加强对话与合作,就能够不断减少分歧,增进互信,推动中美关系健康稳定发展。我衷心希望在座各位继续为此作出积极努力。

Finally, let me say that I am optimistic about the future of our relationship.The fundamentals in China-US relations are good and solid.Dialogue and cooperation remain the mainstream.And there are many important opportunities.As long as we perceive each other’s policy intentions with understanding and trust and take concrete action to advance dialogue and cooperation, we will be able to reduce differences, increase mutual trust and promote the stable and sound growth of China-US relations.And I count on your continued support in performing my duties.谢谢大家。

Thank you very much.



时间:2011-01-07 12:20来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:53次 2010年11月10日,张业遂大使应邀在美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校“汤普森世界问题论坛”上就“全球化时代的中国与中美关系”发表演讲。


——驻美国大使张业遂在美国内布拉斯加大学的演讲 2010年11月10日

China and China-US Relations in the Era of Globalization--Speech by Ambassador Zhang Yesui at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln November 10, 2010


Chancellor Harvey Perlman, Senator Chuck Hagel, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我感谢珀尔曼校长的盛情邀请和热情介绍。我很荣幸同哈格尔前参议员一起出席今天的“汤普森世界问题论坛”。

Let me start by thanking you, Chancellor Perlman, for your kind invitation and warm introduction.It is a great privilege to join Senator Hagel in attending tonight's E.N.Thompson Forum on World Issues.这是我第一次访问内布拉斯加州。我知道,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校非同一般,是内布拉斯加州最大的公立大学和教育学术文化中心。你们的“Cornhuskers”橄榄球队也非同一般,曾五次荣获全美冠军,而且目前在联盟联赛中表现出色。我相信你们会在不远的时间内再次获得冠军。祝你们好运!

This is my first time in Nebraska.I understand that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is very special.It is Nebraska's biggest public university as well as an educational, academic and cultural center.Your football team, the Cornhuskers, is also very special.You have won five national championships and you currently are doing very well at the Big 12.I trust you will win back the national championship again very soon.So good luck!


As tonight's theme is “Globalization's Promise”, I would like to speak first on globalization and China and then on China-US relations in the era of globalization.2008年国际金融危机爆发以后,许多人开始质疑全球化进程:全球化的趋势会不会逆转?如何看待全球化的影响?如何应对全球化带来的种种问题?

Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, many people have started to question the globalization process.Will the trend of globalization be reversed? How to view the impact of globalization? And how to deal with the various issues arising from globalization?


In spite of the heavy blow to the world economy by the international financial crisis, the main trend of economic globalization has not changed.This is because the three major drivers of globalization remain effective, namely, scientific and technological advances, cross-border trade and investment, and international industrial restructuring.New technologies, with environmental protection, new energy, low-carbon economy and technology at the core, will continue to drive the new round of globalization.In responding to the international financial crisis, there has been more profound industrial restructuring and relocation of resources world wide.经济全球化的“双刃剑”效应继续显现。一方面,毋庸置疑,由于生产要素在全球范围内的流动和配置,降低了成本,提高了效率,进一步提升了世界生产力的总体水平。但另一方面,它也造成了世界经济失衡加剧,不仅南北差距进一步拉大,一些发达经济体也受到全球化的冲击。一些国家的民众对全球化的不满和质疑在增多,贸易和投资保护主义情绪在上升。金融全球化过度发展的风险性和危害性进一步凸显。

The effects of economic globalization as a double-edged sword have become more obvious.On the one hand, the worldwide flow and distribution of elements of production has undoubtedly lowered costs, increased efficiency and further improved overall productivity;but on the other hand, it has aggravated world economic imbalance and widened the gap between different economies.There is growing public discontent and suspicion in many countries, and the mood for trade and investment protection is on the rise.The risks of excessive financial globalization have also been recognized.解决全球化带来的问题,需要全球共同作出努力,尤其需要推动全球化向普惠、协调、均衡的方向发展。为更好地应对全球性挑战,应改善全球治理,建立健全相应的机制和规则。二十国集团机制是加强全球治理的独特平台。同时,要继续改革国际货币基金组织和世界银行等机构,加强国际合作。

Global efforts are needed to address the challenges of globalization.It is necessary to make globalization more universally beneficial, coordinated and balanced.Global governance, with corresponding rules, regulations and mechanisms that can rise to global challenges, needs to be improved.The establishment of the G20 provided a unique platform for enhanced global governance.The reforms of the IMF and World Bank are also necessary steps to improve international cooperation.自1978年实行改革开放政策以来,中国积极参与国际分工与合作,积极引进外资、先进技术和管理经验,促进了产业升级和优化经济结构。30多年来中国的经济发展,从根本上讲靠的是改革开放,当然也得益于抓住了经济全球化带来的机遇。

Since the policy of reform and opening up was adopted in 1978, China has actively participated in international division of labor and cooperation, attracted foreign capital, advanced technology and management expertise, upgraded industrial structure and improved economic pattern.China's economic development over the past 30 years and more is, in essence, attributable to reform and opening up;but at the same time, it has also benefited from the opportunities presented by economic globalization.中国在发展自己的同时,积极地促进世界经济的发展。现在,中国经济日益成为世界经济增长的重要引擎。据预测,2010年中国对世界经济增长的贡献率将超过30%。在应对国际金融危机的过程中,中国率先实现经济回升向好,为推动世界经济尽快企稳复苏发挥了重要作用。

While we pursue our own development in China, we are also making contributions to the growth of the world economy.The Chinese economy has increasingly become an important engine for world economic growth.It is estimated that China will account for more than 30% of world economic growth in 2010.In the wake of the international financial crisis, China was one of the first to recover and has played an important role in promoting an early world economic recovery.随着中国经济日益融入世界经济,中国经济也面临全球化带来的越来越多的风险与挑战。国际金融市场的波动,使中国不少企业和个人手中的资产大幅缩水。国际能源、粮食价格的起落,也直接影响到中国人的生活。中国经济总量虽居世界前列,但人均国内生产总值只有3700美元,不到美国人均国内生产总值的十分之一,排在世界第100位以后。中国每年城市需要就业人口达2400万。中国在前进道路上还面临经济结构不合理、科技创新能力不强、资源环境约束强化、城乡区域发展不平衡、经济社会发展不协调等问题和挑战。这些问题和挑战在全球化的背景下正变得越来越突出。

As China's economy is more integrated with the world economy, it is also exposed to more risks and challenges associated with globalization.Due to the fluctuations of the international financial market, many Chinese companies and individuals have seen the value of their assets drop significantly.The rise and fall of international energy and food prices also directly affect the life of the Chinese people.Although China's GDP is one of the biggest in the world, its per capita GDP is only 3,700 dollars, less than 10% of the per capital GDP in the US and ranking behind 100 other countries.Every year, 24 million people need jobs in Chinese cities.We still face such challenges as irrational economic structure, weak scientific innovation, worsening environmental and resource constraints, uneven development between urban and rural areas and between different regions, and imbalanced economic and social development.These challenges are becoming more acute in the time of globalization.在中国,不管多么小的问题,乘以13亿就会成为很大的问题;不管多么可观的财力、物力,除以13亿就会成为很低的人均水平。这就是中国的实际。中国在发展进程中遇到的问题和挑战,无论是规模还是解决难度,在当今世界都是罕见的。中国实现现代化,还有很长的路要走。中国仍然是一个发展中国家,必须继续聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。中国始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行互利共赢的开放战略。我们将继续积极参与国际合作,履行国际责任和义务。

In China, any issue, no matter how small, will become a big one when multiplied by 1.3 billion, and any resources, no matter how abundant, will become very modest when divided by 1.3 billion.This is China's reality.In terms of magnitude and level of difficulty, the challenges and problems we have encountered in our development are rarely seen in the history of mankind.The road is still long for China to achieve modernization.As a developing country, China will continue to concentrate on development.China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development and the strategy of mutually beneficial opening-up.We will continue to participate actively in international cooperation and fulfill international responsibilities and obligations.在全球化背景下,中美两国的利益联系从未像今天这样紧密。目前,中美互为第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国出口增长最快的海外市场。过去10年,美国对华出口增长了330%,今年前三季度又增长了33.8%。美国还是中国最大的外资来源地。中国公司到美国投资兴业也呈增长态势。

In this age of globalization, the interests of China and the United States have never been so closely connected.China and the US are now each other's second largest trading partner.China has been the fastest growing market for US export.US export to China has grown by 330% over the past decade.It grew by 33.8% in the first three quarters of this year.The US is the No.1 source of foreign investment in China.Investment from Chinese businesses in the US has also been increasing.中美经贸关系是互利双赢的。美国从对华经贸合作中获得了巨大实惠。

Economic and trade ties between China and the US are mutually beneficial.They have brought huge tangible benefits to the US.首先,美国对华出口迅速增长,为美国创造了大量就业机会。美国商务部长骆家辉曾指出,美国对亚洲出口每增加1个百分点,就为美国创造10万个新的就业机会。据估算,2001年至2007年,美国对华出口为美国新增257万个就业机会。摩根斯坦利公司测算,美国400万至800万个就业机会与中美贸易密切相关。

First, the rapid expansion of US export to China has created many job opportunities in the US.According to US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, for every one percent increase in US export to Asia, 100,000 new jobs are created.It is estimated that between 2001 and 2007, US export to China created 2.57 million new jobs in the US.Research by Morgan Stanley has concluded that between four to eight million US jobs are closely associated with China-US trade.第二,中国向美国出口价廉物美的商品,既促进了中国经济发展,也满足了美国市场需要,使美国消费者节省了大量开支,据测算过去10年共节省了6000多亿美元。美中贸易全国委员会一项研究显示,对华贸易推动了美国经济增长,降低了美国通货膨胀率,意味着每年为每一个美国家庭增加1000美元可支配收入。

Second, China's export of good quality but affordable commodities to the US has not just promoted China's economic growth, but also met the needs of American consumers and saved them lots of money.A total of over 600 billion dollars have been saved in the past 10 years, according to one estimate.One study by the US-China Business Council shows that trade with China has boosted economic growth and lowered inflation rate for the US, and that this means an increase of around 1,000 dollars in real disposable income per US household annually.第三,中国企业在美国投资,给当地带来了大量就业。这里仅举一例。中远集团安排货轮挂靠波士顿港,不仅避免了该港被关闭,而且为当地创造了9000个就业岗位。

Third, investment by Chinese companies in the US has helped to create many local jobs.Just to cite one example, when the China Ocean Shipping Company(COSCO)started direct service to the Port of Boston in 2002, it not only saved the Port from being closed down and but also kept 9,000 jobs.第四,中国业务成为美国许多公司全球业务的重要增长亮点,有的公司在华企业甚至成为其唯一仍在赢利的分支。中国美国商会发布的《2010年在华美国企业商务环境调查》报告显示,去年71%的在华美国企业实现赢利,91%的在华美国企业对未来5年的发展前景感到乐观。以通用汽车公司为例,2009年通用汽车在美国申请破产保护,但当年其在华销量大幅增长67%,中国成为通用汽车全球第二大市场。

Fourth, the China business has become the highlight of growth for many American companies.For some, their China operation has been the only business generating profits.According to AmCham-China's 2010 White Paper on the State of American Business in China, 71% of US companies operating in China made profits in 2009 and 91% are optimistic about the prospect in the next five years.Taking General Motors for example, it filed for bankruptcy in 2009 in the US, but its sales in China went up by 67%, making China its second biggest overseas market.当然,中美经贸合作发展快,规模大,领域多,难免出现问题和摩擦,关键是要坚持通过对话与协商妥善处理。一段时间以来,美国一些人把中美贸易不平衡归咎于人民币汇率被低估。但事实上,中美贸易不平衡的根本原因不是人民币汇率问题,而是贸易投资的结构性差异,这恰恰是全球化背景下国际产业分工和转移的结果。

Given the fact that our business ties are growing so fast in so many areas on such a large scale, problems and frictions are hardly avoidable.What is important is to address them properly through dialogue and consultation.For some time, there are some in the US who believe that the trade imbalance between us is caused by the under-valued exchange rate of the RMB.As a matter of fact, the root cause of the trade imbalance is the structural differences in trade and investment, rather than the RMB exchange rate.It is precisely the result of international division of labor and industrial transfer in the era of globalization.中国从不追求贸易顺差。中国的货物贸易是顺差,但服务贸易是逆差。中国对美国和欧洲有贸易顺差,但对日本、韩国和东盟国家有贸易逆差。中国对美国出口的产品绝大部分是劳动密集型、低附加值的消费品,许多产品美国已不再生产,即使不从中国进口,也会从其他国家进口。靠人民币升值解决不了美国的贸易逆差问题,也不会显著降低美国的失业率。2005年至2008年,人民币对美元升值了21.1%,但同期美国贸易逆差继续增加。这充分说明,中美贸易不平衡问题不是人民币汇率造成的。尽管如此,中国将继续推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,但外部施压只会适得其反。

China does not seek trade surplus.China has a surplus in trade of goods, but runs a deficit in trade of services.China has a surplus in trade with the US and Europe, but runs a deficit in trade with Japan, Republic of Korea and ASEAN countries.The majority of China's export to the US are labor-intensive, low value-added consumer goods.Many of them are no longer produced in the US.Even if the US does not import them from China, it will have to buy from other countries.Appreciation of the RMB will not solve the issue of trade imbalance for the US, nor will it noticeably reduce the US unemployment rate.From 2005 to 2008, the RMB has appreciated by 21.1% against US dollar, but the US trade deficit continued to grow during this period.This proves that the RMB exchange rate is not the cause of trade imbalance.Nevertheless, China will further advance the reform of its exchange rate regime, but external pressure can only be counterproductive.我们主张通过综合的办法缓解中美贸易不平衡问题。贸易战、货币战将使双方都成为输家。我认为,双方在以下三个方面加强合作至关重要:

We stand for a comprehensive approach to ease the trade imbalance between China and the US.Both sides will be losers should a trade war or currency war break out.In my view, it is of vital importance for us to cooperate in the following three areas:


First, to continue to support each other's economic restructuring.China is trying to achieve economic growth through boosting domestic demand.The 12th Five-Year Plan, which is being drafted, lays emphasis on continued effort to expand domestic demand, transform the mode of economic development and embark on the path of balanced development.The size of China's domestic market is expected to surpass two trillion US dollars this year, far more than China's total export.At the same time, the US is also changing its high spending, low saving mode of growth.We should support the restructuring efforts of each other and explore cooperation in such areas as clean energy, energy conservation and emission reduction, environmental protection, infrastructure and modern services industry.二是扩大美国高技术产品对华出口。中国将继续增加自美国的进口。但2008年中国进口的高技术产品中,自美国进口比重只占6.9%,这与美国科技大国、强国的地位很不相称。如果美国放宽高技术产品对华出口限制,真正推动自由贸易,美国对华出口将大幅增加。

Second, to increase US export of hi-tech products to China.China is prepared to further increase its import from the US.However, among the hi-tech products we imported in 2008, only 6.9% were from the US.This is not commensurate with the standing of US as the leading nation in science and technology.US export to China will be greatly enhanced if restriction on high-tech export to China be eased and real efforts be made to promote free trade.三是促进中国企业对美国投资。现在中国企业来美国投资面临很多障碍和不确定性。希望美方为中国企业来美国投资提供公平竞争环境,这将有利于鼓励更多中国企业到美国投资,促进美国经济增长和创造就业。

Third, to encourage Chinese businesses to invest in the US.Currently, many Chinese companies face obstacles and uncertainties when making investment in the US.A level playing field needs to be created.This will encourage more Chinese companies to invest in the United States, which will be conducive to job creation and the growth of the economy in this country.中美两国的合作具有日益重要的国际影响。在应对国际金融危机方面,中美两国加强了宏观经济政策协调,共同推动四次二十国集团金融峰会取得积极成果,为促进两国经济和世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。两国在反恐、防扩散、气候变化、朝核、伊朗核等一系列国际地区和全球性问题上也开展了富有成效的磋商与合作。

China-US cooperation has assumed greater international significance.In response to the international financial crisis, China and the US have stepped up macro economic coordination, worked together within the G20 framework, and made important contribution to economic recovery in both countries and in the world.We have also had productive consultation and cooperation on a series of regional and global issues such as counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, climate change, the Korean and Iranian nuclear issues.胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统已就共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系达成重要共识,为两国关系的发展指明了方向。随着中美两国共同战略利益不断增加,两国合作领域不断拓展,中美关系发展的基础将更加牢固,前景更加广阔。

President Hu Jintao and President Obama have agreed to work together to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century.This has set the direction for our bilateral relations.The China-US relationship will grow more solid and stronger as our two countries share more common strategic interests and cooperate with each other in more areas.最后,我想谈谈中国与内布拉斯加州的关系。

Finally, I wish to say a few words on China's relations with Nebraska.近年来,中国与内布拉斯加州的交流合作不断增强。内布拉斯加州与中国贵州省结有友好省州关系。2000年至2009年,内布拉斯加州对华出口增长了306%。2009年,内布拉斯加州整体对外出口同比下降10%,但对华出口2.11亿美元,同比增长6%。这充分说明了内布拉斯加州对华出口的活力和潜力。中国已成为内布拉斯加州第四大出口市场。今天下午,我同海涅曼州长进行会见时,就加强中国与内布拉斯加州的交流合作很好地交换了看法。

In recent years, China and Nebraska have increased mutual exchanges and cooperation.The state of Nebraska and Guizhou province of China have established sister relations.From 2000 to 2009, Nebraska's exports to China increased by 306%.In 2009, Nebraska's total export fell by 10%, but by contrast, its export to China rose by 6% to reach 211 million US dollars.This fully testifies to the strength and potential of Nebraska's export to China.China has become the fourth biggest export market for Nebraska.This afternoon, Governor Heineman and I had a good meeting and we explored ways to enhance cooperation Nebraska and China.教育文化交流是中国与内布拉斯加州联系的重要桥梁。目前,约12万中国留学生正在美国学习深造,其中在内布拉斯加州有1500人,在这里就有500多人。美国在华留学人数已达到近2万人。美国政府已开始实施未来4年向中国派遣10万留学生的计划。我们欢迎更多的美国学生包括内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的学生到中国学习和研究。我高兴地得知,内布拉斯加大学系统詹姆斯·米利肯校长正在中国访问,这是他首次访华,是推进同中国高校交流合作的重要步骤。我祝愿贵校同中国高校开展的联合培养博士生项目、联合科研合作项目和孔子学院等越办越好,为促进中美教育文化交流和人民友谊作出新贡献。

Educational and cultural exchanges can serve as an important bridge between China and Nebraska.At present, 120,000 Chinese students are studying in the US.There are 1,500 in Nebraska, including over 500 in UNL.Currently, there are about 20,000 American students studying in China.The US government has launched a 100,000 Strong Initiative by which it will send 100,000 American students to China in four years.We welcome more American students, including from UNL, to study and do research in China.I am pleased to learn that as we speak, President James Miliken is visiting China.This is his first trip to China, and it represents a major step to enhance exchanges and cooperation with Chinese universities.I hope that the Joint PhD programs, the Joint R&D projects and the Confucius Institute that the UNL has in partnership with Chinese universities will be more and more successful, thus making fresh contribution to the growth of our educational and cultural exchanges and friendship between our two countries.谢谢大家!

Thank you all very much.原文链接:http://








当前中美关系的一个显著特点是中美两国的经济联系日益紧密。现在,中美互为第二大贸易伙伴。2010年,双边贸易额达3853亿美元。中国是美国第三大出口市场,并已连续10年成为美国增长最快的主要出口市场。2000年至2010年,美国对华出口累计增长468%,同期美国对其他国家的出口仅增长 55%。美国是中国最大的外来直接投资来源国,中国则是美国最大的债权国。





















中美之间确实存在贸易不平衡问题,但两国贸易不平衡不是人民币汇率造成的,而是中美贸易投资的结构性差异、两国消费和储蓄模式的不同以及国际产业分工和转移等多种因素综合作用的结果。事实上,自2005 年7月以来,人民币对美元已累计升值30%。而2005年至2011年,美国的失业率由5.1%上升至9.1%。这充分证明,人民币升值无助于降低美国的失业率。








中美两国经济总量约占世界的三分之一,人口之和占世界人口总数的四分之一,贸易总额占世界的五分之一。在全球化时代,在两国联系日益紧密的情况下,两国可以被视作是一个 “利益共同体”,休戚与共。




Speech by Ambassador Zhang Yesui at the China General Chamber of Commerce –

U.S.A.Annual Gala


Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,It’s a great honour and privilege to speak at the first annual event to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the China General Chamber of Commerce – U.S.A.Since its founding in 2005, the General Chamber has fulfilled its mission to serve its members and to serve as a bridge between Chinese and American business communities.I want to congratulate the General Chamber for its good work and its contribution in advancing trade and economic ties between China and the United States.This year marks the 40th anniversary of the reopening of relations between China and the United States.In the last four decades, despite ups and downs, with the shared commitment and joint efforts from the leadership, governments and people of all walks of life in both countries, China-US relationship has surged ahead and has come a long way.Today, China-US relationship has become one of the most important and dynamic relationships in the world.A prominent feature of today’s China-US relations is the interconnectedness between our two economies.We are now each other’s second largest trade partner.Last year, our bilateral trade reached 385 billion US dollars.China has been the third largest and the fastest growing export market for the US.Over the past decade, US exports to China increased by 468%, while its exports to other countries increased only by 55%.The US continues to be the No.1 source of foreign direct investment for China, and China has become the biggest foreign creditor for the US.China-US business ties have brought tangible benefits to the peoples in both countries.It is estimated that between 2001 and 2007 alone, US export to China brought about 2.5 million new jobs to the US.According to a Morgan Stanley report, 4-8 million US jobs are closely associated with China-US trade.For example, in 2010, the US toys retail sector employed about 140,000 people.Among this, about 120,000 jobs are created by imports from China.Chinese high quality yet inexpensive commodities saved a lot of money for American consumers, over 600 billion dollars in the past 10 years.One study shows that trade with China has boosted economic growth and lowered inflation rate for the US.This means an increase of around 1,000 dollars in real disposable income for every US household each year.In January this year, President Hu Jintao paid a successful state visit to the United States.Among the many results that came out of the visit, the most meaningful was the shared commitment that President Hu and President Barack Obama have made in the Joint Statement, that the two sides will work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.The two presidents also recognized the vital importance of building a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership.This has laid the groundwork, and it depends on both sides to work together to make it happen.In my view, as we build this economic partnership, we should focus on the following three priorities:

First, as the two largest economies in the world, we should work together to promote world economic recovery and global financial stability.Currently, both China and the United States are undertaking massive efforts to restructure our economies.The core of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan is to transform the mode of economic development and expand domestic consumption.The US is also striving to jumpstart its economy through revitalizing American manufacturing, strengthening infrastructure and expanding export.It is in our common interest to continue to support each other’s economic restructuring.Our two countries have had productive consultation and coordination within the framework of G20 in coping with the financial crisis since 2008.We have worked closely at the G20 Summit in Cannes and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Hawaii to promote world economic recovery and growth and international financial stability.Second, I see great potential in advancing mutual trade and investment.China is now intensifying efforts to expand domestic demand, so that the economy will be driven by consumption, investment and export in a more balanced way.In the next 5 years, consumption in China will be growing at a fairly fast pace, and the total import is expected to reach more than 8 trillion US dollars.This will provide further opportunities to farmers, manufacturers, and workers in the US and other parts of the world.Currently, US export to China only accounts for less than 7% in China’s total import.This is not compatible with the status of the overall bilateral relationship and China’s demand for import.The question is: To what extent is the US ready to fully utilize the potential Chinese market?

One related issue is the need to ease control of high-tech products to China.The proportion of US high-tech products in China’s overall high-tech import has been declining considerably, from 18.3% in 2001 to just 7.1% in 2010.If the US had been able to maintain its 18.3% share in 2010, it would have meant an increase of 46 billion dollars of its export to China.By 2020, China will have a 600 billion US dollars market for civil aviation, integrated circuit, machine tools and other products.Most of these products fall under the export control regime.If current practices continue, many US businesses will see opportunities easily lost.As far as investment is concerned, there is a growing interest among Chinese investors to come and invest in the US, but Chinese investment in the US is not growing as fast as it should.Among the 317 billion US dollars that Chinese companies have invested abroad by the end of 2010, only about 5 billion, or 1.5%, was made in the US.It requires joint efforts from both sides to enhance mutual investment.We have worked, and will be working to improve our legal framework, strengthen IPR protection, and provide a favorable and level playing field for foreign businesses in terms of indigenous innovation and government procurement.On the part of Chinese investors, they need to know more about US laws, regulations, investment environment and corporate culture in order to make the right investment decisions.It is important that the US side takes similar steps to provide an open and friendly environment for Chinese investment which can contribute to the US economy and employment.Investment coming from China, including those from the state owned enterprises which are public listed companies and operating under market rules, should be viewed in a more positive light.Third, we need to further enhance sub-national cooperation.Local communities are the main players and beneficiaries in China-US economic and trade relations.In the past decade, 47 out of 50 states in the US have seen a three digit, in some cases even 4 digit growth in their export to China.There is great potential for sub-national cooperation.This summer, when the first China-US Governors Forum was held in Salt Lake City, the two sides signed over 20 cooperation agreements, with a total value of 3 billion US dollars.The second Forum was held in Beijing last month, with more agreements and MOUs signed between the two sides.We should make good use of the Forum and other sub-national mechanisms to promote economic and trade cooperation.Our economic and trade relationship is so big and expanding so fast that it is only normal to have problems.These economic problems should be addressed as economic problems through such dialogue and consultation mechanisms as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.We recognize that there is trade imbalance between China and the United States.The trade imbalance is caused by a combination of factors, including the structural trade and investment differences, divergent patterns of saving and consumption, and the international division of labor, rather than an issue of the RMB exchange rate.In fact, the RMB has appreciated by nearly 30% since July 2005.However, between 2005 and 2011, the US unemployment rate increased from 5.1% to 9%.This proves that RMB appreciation alone will not help to reduce the unemployment rate in the US.It is also important to know that China’s trade with the rest of the world is moving toward greater balance.China’s trade surplus is declining on a yearly, even monthly basis.Between January and October this year, China’s imports grew by 5 percentage points faster than exports, and China’s trade surplus was down by 16%.In the same period, the trade surplus accounted for less than 1.4% of China's total GDP.Even if the inflow of the capital account is included, China’s current account surplus is less than 3% of the GDP, much lower than 5.1% in the same period last year.In general, China’s trade is basically balanced, and China’s balance of international payment is within a reasonable range.Facts have shown that the managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies is in line with China’s realities, and is conducive to international economic and financial stability and development.We will continue to progressively promote the reform of the RMB exchange rate regime, and make the exchange rate more flexible in a self-initiated, gradual and controllable manner.We do not believe that legislation is the appropriate mechanism by which to address the currency issue.Because to invoke protectionist measures will only push China and the US toward the brink of a “trade war,” which is exactly what we should avoid when confronted with a sluggish world economy and international financial instability.China and the US are working closely on many important regional and global issues, from traditional security and development areas to newly emerged issues such as anti-terrorism, non-proliferation, climate change, energy and environmental protection;from addressing the global financial crisis and facilitating world economic recovery to the realization of the UN Millennium Development Goals.While it is true that China has achieved remarkable growth in the past decades, it is still a developing country.Although China’s economy is now the second largest in the world, it is far closer to the third than to the first.Our GDP is just over 40% of that of the United States, and per capita GDP is 1/10 of that of the United States.There is clearly a long way to go, and there are enormous challenges and problems ahead.China has taken the path of peaceful development, and will remain committed to it.We will stick to the reform and opening up policy and continue to work hard to ensure a balanced and sustained growth and to improve the living standards and basic rights of the Chinese people.What has happened has proved and will continue to prove that China’s peaceful development is an opportunity, not a threat.It not only brings real benefits to the Chinese people, but also contributes to the welfare of the people of the rest of the world.Together, China and the United States account for about one third of the world economy, one quarter of the world population and one-fifth of international trade.In this era of globalization, and given the size and the degree of interconnectedness of the two countries, China and the US can be regarded as a community of interests.The success of one relies greatly on the success of the other.Such new realities require new thinking.If people continue to look at each other with the cold war mindset, China and the United States will be drawn into confrontation and conflict.It is imperative to shift from the old way of thinking and frame China-US relations from a strategic and long-term perspective.China-US relationship is not and should not be a zero-sum game relationship.If we work together as true partners, we can both emerge as winners.We can create a new model of relationship between the biggest developing country and the biggest developed country to peacefully co-exist and prosper together.Thank you.




Chancellor Harvey Perlman, Senator Chuck Hagel, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我感谢珀尔曼校长的盛情邀请和热情介绍。我很荣幸同哈格尔前参议员一起出席今天的“汤普森世界问题论坛”。

Let me start by thanking you, Chancellor Perlman, for your kind invitation and warm introduction.It is a great privilege to join Senator Hagel in attending tonight's E.N.Thompson Forum on World Issues.这是我第一次访问内布拉斯加州。我知道,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校非同一般,是内布拉斯加州最大的公立大学和教育学术文化中心。你们的“Cornhuskers”橄榄球队也非同一般,曾五次荣获全美冠军,而且目前在联盟联赛中表现出色。我相信你们会在不远的时间内再次获得冠军。祝你们好运!

This is my first time in Nebraska.I understand that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is very special.It is Nebraska's biggest public university as well as an educational, academic and cultural center.Your football team, the Cornhuskers, is also very special.You have won five national championships and you currently are doing very well at the Big 12.I trust you will win back the national championship again very soon.So good luck!


As tonight's theme is “Globalization's Promise”, I would like to speak first on globalization and China and then on China-US relations in the era of globalization.2008年国际金融危机爆发以后,许多人开始质疑全球化进程:全球化的趋势会不会逆转?如何看待全球化的影响?如何应对全球化带来的种种问题?

Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, many people have started to question the globalization process.Will the trend of globalization be reversed? How to view the impact of globalization? And how to deal with the various issues arising from globalization?


In spite of the heavy blow to the world economy by the international financial crisis, the main trend of economic globalization has not changed.This is because the three major drivers of globalization remain effective, namely, scientific and technological advances, cross-border trade and investment, and international industrial restructuring.New technologies, with environmental protection, new energy, low-carbon economy and technology at the core, will continue to drive the new round of globalization.In responding to the international financial crisis, there has been more profound industrial restructuring and relocation of resources world wide.经济全球化的“双刃剑”效应继续显现。一方面,毋庸置疑,由于生产要素在全球范围内的流动和配置,降低了成本,提高了效率,进一步提升了世界生产力的总体水平。但另一方面,它也造成了世界经济失衡加剧,不仅南北差距进一步拉大,一些发达经济体也受到全球化的冲击。一些国家的民众对全球化的不满和质疑在增多,贸易和投资保护主义情绪在上升。金融全球化过度发展的风险性和危害性进一步凸显。

The effects of economic globalization as a double-edged sword have become more obvious.On the one hand, the worldwide flow and distribution of elements of production has undoubtedly lowered costs, increased efficiency and further improved overall productivity;but on the other hand, it has aggravated world economic imbalance and widened the gap between different economies.There is growing public discontent and suspicion in many countries, and the mood for trade and investment protection is on the rise.The risks of excessive financial globalization have also been recognized.解决全球化带来的问题,需要全球共同作出努力,尤其需要推动全球化向普惠、协调、均衡的方向发展。为更好地应对全球性挑战,应改善全球治理,建立健全相应的机制和规则。二十国集团机制是加强全球治理的独特平台。同时,要继续改革国际货币基金组织和世界银行等机构,加强国际合作。

Global efforts are needed to address the challenges of globalization.It is necessary to make globalization more universally beneficial, coordinated and balanced.Global governance, with corresponding rules, regulations and mechanisms that can rise to global challenges, needs to be improved.The establishment of the G20 provided a unique platform for enhanced global governance.The reforms of the IMF and World Bank are also necessary steps to improve international cooperation.自1978年实行改革开放政策以来,中国积极参与国际分工与合作,积极引进外资、先进技术和管理经验,促进了产业升级和优化经济结构。30多年来中国的经济发展,从根本上讲靠的是改革开放,当然也得益于抓住了经济全球化带来的机遇。

Since the policy of reform and opening up was adopted in 1978, China has actively participated in international division of labor and cooperation, attracted foreign capital, advanced technology and management expertise, upgraded industrial structure and improved economic pattern.China's economic development over the past 30 years and more is, in essence, attributable to reform and opening up;but at the same time, it has also benefited from the opportunities presented by economic globalization.中国在发展自己的同时,积极地促进世界经济的发展。现在,中国经济日益成为世界经济增长的重要引擎。据预测,2010年中国对世界经济增长的贡献率将超过30%。在应对国际金融危机的过程中,中国率先实现经济回升向好,为推动世界经济尽快企稳复苏发挥了重要作用。

While we pursue our own development in China, we are also making contributions to the growth of the world economy.The Chinese economy has increasingly become an important engine for world economic growth.It is estimated that China will account for more than 30% of world economic growth in 2010.In the wake of the international financial crisis, China was one of the first to recover and has played an important role in promoting an early world economic recovery.随着中国经济日益融入世界经济,中国经济也面临全球化带来的越来越多的风险与挑战。国际金融市场的波动,使中国不少企业和个人手中的资产大幅缩水。国际能源、粮食价格的起落,也直接影响到中国人的生活。中国经济总量虽居世界前列,但人均国内生产总值只有3700美元,不到美国人均国内生产总值的十分之一,排在世界第100位以后。中国每年城市需要就业人口达2400万。中国在前进道路上还面临经济结构不合理、科技创新能力不强、资源环境约束强化、城乡区域发展不平衡、经济社会发展不协调等问题和挑战。这些问题和挑战在全球化的背景下正变得越来越突出。

As China's economy is more integrated with the world economy, it is also exposed to more risks and challenges associated with globalization.Due to the fluctuations of the international financial market, many Chinese companies and individuals have seen the value of their assets drop significantly.The rise and fall of international energy and food prices also directly affect the life of the Chinese people.Although China's GDP is one of the biggest in the world, its per capita GDP is only 3,700 dollars, less than 10% of the per capital GDP in the US and ranking behind 100 other countries.Every year, 24 million people need jobs in Chinese cities.We still face such challenges as irrational economic structure, weak scientific innovation, worsening environmental and resource constraints, uneven development between urban and rural areas and between different regions, and imbalanced economic and social development.These challenges are becoming more acute in the time of globalization.在中国,不管多么小的问题,乘以13亿就会成为很大的问题;不管多么可观的财力、物力,除以13亿就会成为很低的人均水平。这就是中国的实际。中国在发展进程中遇到的问题和挑战,无论是规模还是解决难度,在当今世界都是罕见的。中国实现现代化,还有很长的路要走。中国仍然是一个发展中国家,必须继续聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。中国始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行互利共赢的开放战略。我们将继续积极参与国际合作,履行国际责任和义务。

In China, any issue, no matter how small, will become a big one when multiplied by 1.3 billion, and any resources, no matter how abundant, will become very modest when divided by 1.3 billion.This is China's reality.In terms of magnitude and level of difficulty, the challenges and problems we have encountered in our development are rarely seen in the history of mankind.The road is still long for China to achieve modernization.As a developing country, China will continue to concentrate on development.China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development and the strategy of mutually beneficial opening-up.We will continue to participate actively in international cooperation and fulfill international responsibilities and obligations.在全球化背景下,中美两国的利益联系从未像今天这样紧密。目前,中美互为第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国出口增长最快的海外市场。过去10年,美国对华出口增长了330%,今年前三季度又增长了33.8%。美国还是中国最大的外资来源地。中国公司到美国投资兴业也呈增长态势。

In this age of globalization, the interests of China and the United States have never been so closely connected.China and the US are now each other's second largest trading partner.China has been the fastest growing market for US export.US export to China has grown by 330% over the past decade.It grew by 33.8% in the first three quarters of this year.The US is the No.1 source of foreign investment in China.Investment from Chinese businesses in the US has also been increasing.中美经贸关系是互利双赢的。美国从对华经贸合作中获得了巨大实惠。

Economic and trade ties between China and the US are mutually beneficial.They have brought huge tangible benefits to the US.首先,美国对华出口迅速增长,为美国创造了大量就业机会。美国商务部长骆家辉曾指出,美国对亚洲出口每增加1个百分点,就为美国创造10万个新的就业机会。据估算,2001年至2007年,美国对华出口为美国新增257万个就业机会。摩根斯坦利公司测算,美国400万至800万个就业机会与中美贸易密切相关。

First, the rapid expansion of US export to China has created many job opportunities in the US.According to US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, for every one percent increase in US export to Asia, 100,000 new jobs are created.It is estimated that between 2001 and 2007, US export to China created 2.57 million new jobs in the US.Research by Morgan Stanley has concluded that between four to eight million US jobs are closely associated with China-US trade.第二,中国向美国出口价廉物美的商品,既促进了中国经济发展,也满足了美国市场需要,使美国消费者节省了大量开支,据测算过去10年共节省了6000多亿美元。美中贸易全国委员会一项研究显示,对华贸易推动了美国经济增长,降低了美国通货膨胀率,意味着每年为每一个美国家庭增加1000美元可支配收入。

Second, China's export of good quality but affordable commodities to the US has not just promoted China's economic growth, but also met the needs of American consumers and saved them lots of money.A total of over 600 billion dollars have been saved in the past 10 years, according to one estimate.One study by the US-China Business Council shows that trade with China has boosted economic growth and lowered inflation rate for the US, and that this means an increase of around 1,000 dollars in real disposable income per US household annually.第三,中国企业在美国投资,给当地带来了大量就业。这里仅举一例。中远集团安排货轮挂靠波士顿港,不仅避免了该港被关闭,而且为当地创造了9000个就业岗位。

Third, investment by Chinese companies in the US has helped to create many local jobs.Just to cite one example, when the China Ocean Shipping Company(COSCO)started direct service to the Port of Boston in 2002, it not only saved the Port from being closed down and but also kept 9,000 jobs.第四,中国业务成为美国许多公司全球业务的重要增长亮点,有的公司在华企业甚至成为其唯一仍在赢利的分支。中国美国商会发布的《2010年在华美国企业商务环境调查》报告显示,去年71%的在华美国企业实现赢利,91%的在华美国企业对未来5年的发展前景感到乐观。以通用汽车公司为例,2009年通用汽车在美国申请破产保护,但当年其在华销量大幅增长67%,中国成为通用汽车全球第二大市场。

Fourth, the China business has become the highlight of growth for many American companies.For some, their China operation has been the only business generating profits.According to AmCham-China's 2010 White Paper on the State of American Business in China, 71% of US companies operating in China made profits in 2009 and 91% are optimistic about the prospect in the next five years.Taking General Motors for example, it filed for bankruptcy in 2009 in the US, but its sales in China went up by 67%, making China its second biggest overseas market.当然,中美经贸合作发展快,规模大,领域多,难免出现问题和摩擦,关键是要坚持通过对话与协商妥善处理。一段时间以来,美国一些人把中美贸易不平衡归咎于人民币汇率被低估。但事实上,中美贸易不平衡的根本原因不是人民币汇率问题,而是贸易投资的结构性差异,这恰恰是全球化背景下国际产业分工和转移的结果。

Given the fact that our business ties are growing so fast in so many areas on such a large scale, problems and frictions are hardly avoidable.What is important is to address them properly through dialogue and consultation.For some time, there are some in the US who believe that the trade imbalance between us is caused by the under-valued exchange rate of the RMB.As a matter of fact, the root cause of the trade imbalance is the structural differences in trade and investment, rather than the RMB exchange rate.It is precisely the result of international division of labor and industrial transfer in the era of globalization.中国从不追求贸易顺差。中国的货物贸易是顺差,但服务贸易是逆差。中国对美国和欧洲有贸易顺差,但对日本、韩国和东盟国家有贸易逆差。中国对美国出口的产品绝大部分是劳动密集型、低附加值的消费品,许多产品美国已不再生产,即使不从中国进口,也会从其他国家进口。靠人民币升值解决不了美国的贸易逆差问题,也不会显著降低美国的失业率。2005年至2008年,人民币对美元升值了21.1%,但同期美国贸易逆差继续增加。这充分说明,中美贸易不平衡问题不是人民币汇率造成的。尽管如此,中国将继续推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,但外部施压只会适得其反。

China does not seek trade surplus.China has a surplus in trade of goods, but runs a deficit in trade of services.China has a surplus in trade with the US and Europe, but runs a deficit in trade with Japan, Republic of Korea and ASEAN countries.The majority of China's export to the US are labor-intensive, low value-added consumer goods.Many of them are no longer produced in the US.Even if the US does not import them from China, it will have to buy from other countries.Appreciation of the RMB will not solve the issue of trade imbalance for the US, nor will it noticeably reduce the US unemployment rate.From 2005 to 2008, the RMB has appreciated by 21.1% against US dollar, but the US trade deficit continued to grow during this period.This proves that the RMB exchange rate is not the cause of trade imbalance.Nevertheless, China will further advance the reform of its exchange rate regime, but external pressure can only be counterproductive.我们主张通过综合的办法缓解中美贸易不平衡问题。贸易战、货币战将使双方都成为输家。我认为,双方在以下三个方面加强合作至关重要:

We stand for a comprehensive approach to ease the trade imbalance between China and the US.Both sides will be losers should a trade war or currency war break out.In my view, it is of vital importance for us to cooperate in the following three areas:


First, to continue to support each other's economic restructuring.China is trying to achieve economic growth through boosting domestic demand.The 12th Five-Year Plan, which is being drafted, lays emphasis on continued effort to expand domestic demand, transform the mode of economic development and embark on the path of balanced development.The size of China's domestic market is expected to surpass two trillion US dollars this year, far more than China's total export.At the same time, the US is also changing its high spending, low saving mode of growth.We should support the restructuring efforts of each other and explore cooperation in such areas as clean energy, energy conservation and emission reduction, environmental protection, infrastructure and modern services industry.二是扩大美国高技术产品对华出口。中国将继续增加自美国的进口。但2008年中国进口的高技术产品中,自美国进口比重只占6.9%,这与美国科技大国、强国的地位很不相称。如果美国放宽高技术产品对华出口限制,真正推动自由贸易,美国对华出口将大幅增加。

Second, to increase US export of hi-tech products to China.China is prepared to further increase its import from the US.However, among the hi-tech products we imported in 2008, only 6.9% were from the US.This is not commensurate with the standing of US as the leading nation in science and technology.US export to China will be greatly enhanced if restriction on high-tech export to China be eased and real efforts be made to promote free trade.三是促进中国企业对美国投资。现在中国企业来美国投资面临很多障碍和不确定性。希望美方为中国企业来美国投资提供公平竞争环境,这将有利于鼓励更多中国企业到美国投资,促进美国经济增长和创造就业。

Third, to encourage Chinese businesses to invest in the US.Currently, many Chinese companies face obstacles and uncertainties when making investment in the US.A level playing field needs to be created.This will encourage more Chinese companies to invest in the United States, which will be conducive to job creation and the growth of the economy in this country.中美两国的合作具有日益重要的国际影响。在应对国际金融危机方面,中美两国加强了宏观经济政策协调,共同推动四次二十国集团金融峰会取得积极成果,为促进两国经济和世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。两国在反恐、防扩散、气候变化、朝核、伊朗核等一系列国际地区和全球性问题上也开展了富有成效的磋商与合作。

China-US cooperation has assumed greater international significance.In response to the international financial crisis, China and the US have stepped up macro economic coordination, worked together within the G20 framework, and made important contribution to economic recovery in both countries and in the world.We have also had productive consultation and cooperation on a series of regional and global issues such as counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, climate change, the Korean and Iranian nuclear issues.胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统已就共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系达成重要共识,为两国关系的发展指明了方向。随着中美两国共同战略利益不断增加,两国合作领域不断拓展,中美关系发展的基础将更加牢固,前景更加广阔。

President Hu Jintao and President Obama have agreed to work together to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century.This has set the direction for our bilateral relations.The China-US relationship will grow more solid and stronger as our two countries share more common strategic interests and cooperate with each other in more areas.最后,我想谈谈中国与内布拉斯加州的关系。

Finally, I wish to say a few words on China's relations with Nebraska.近年来,中国与内布拉斯加州的交流合作不断增强。内布拉斯加州与中国贵州省结有友好省州关系。2000年至2009年,内布拉斯加州对华出口增长了306%。2009年,内布拉斯加州整体对外出口同比下降10%,但对华出口2.11亿美元,同比增长6%。这充分说明了内布拉斯加州对华出口的活力和潜力。中国已成为内布拉斯加州第四大出口市场。今天下午,我同海涅曼州长进行会见时,就加强中国与内布拉斯加州的交流合作很好地交换了看法。In recent years, China and Nebraska have increased mutual exchanges and cooperation.The state of Nebraska and Guizhou province of China have established sister relations.From 2000 to 2009, Nebraska's exports to China increased by 306%.In 2009, Nebraska's total export fell by 10%, but by contrast, its export to China rose by 6% to reach 211 million US dollars.This fully testifies to the strength and potential of Nebraska's export to China.China has become the fourth biggest export market for Nebraska.This afternoon, Governor Heineman and I had a good meeting and we explored ways to enhance cooperation Nebraska and China.教育文化交流是中国与内布拉斯加州联系的重要桥梁。目前,约12万中国留学生正在美国学习深造,其中在内布拉斯加州有1500人,在这里就有500多人。美国在华留学人数已达到近2万人。美国政府已开始实施未来4年向中国派遣10万留学生的计划。我们欢迎更多的美国学生包括内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的学生到中国学习和研究。我高兴地得知,内布拉斯加大学系统詹姆斯·米利肯校长正在中国访问,这是他首次访华,是推进同中国高校交流合作的重要步骤。我祝愿贵校同中国高校开展的联合培养博士生项目、联合科研合作项目和孔子学院等越办越好,为促进中美教育文化交流和人民友谊作出新贡献。

Educational and cultural exchanges can serve as an important bridge between China and Nebraska.At present, 120,000 Chinese students are studying in the US.There are 1,500 in Nebraska, including over 500 in UNL.Currently, there are about 20,000 American students studying in China.The US government has launched a 100,000 Strong Initiative by which it will send 100,000 American students to China in four years.We welcome more American students, including from UNL, to study and do research in China.I am pleased to learn that as we speak, President James Miliken is visiting China.This is his first trip to China, and it represents a major step to enhance exchanges and cooperation with Chinese universities.I hope that the Joint PhD programs, the Joint R&D projects and the Confucius Institute that the UNL has in partnership with Chinese universities will be more and more successful, thus making fresh contribution to the growth of our educational and cultural exchanges and friendship between our two countries.谢谢大家!

Thank you all very much.



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