2010中国人民银行副行长胡晓炼在《物权法》担保物权司法解释座谈会上的讲话 中英对照

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第一篇:2010中国人民银行副行长胡晓炼在《物权法》担保物权司法解释座谈会上的讲话 中英对照


Deputy Governor Hu´s Speech at the Symposium on Judicial Interpretation

of Law on Real Rights



I am delighted to attend the symposium on judicial interpretation of the Law on Real Rights of the People´s Republic of China organized by the Supreme People´s Court and the People's Bank of China with the support of International Finance Corporation.We have gathered here today to discuss the experiences of reforming the legal system on security interest, security interests in personal property and innovative practices on warranty of titles, so as to promote the drafting of judicial interpretation of the Law on Real Rights Part Four on Security Interest.我国担保信贷在信贷总量中占比80%以上,担保物权法律制度改革与创新,是一项重要的金融基础设施建设。动产担保是物权法体系中最活跃的领域,与经济发展水平、经济结构调整有着极为密切的关系。基于理想动产担保框架四大支柱——宽泛的担保物范围、统一的登记公示系统、清晰的优先权规则和快速的执行程序,人民银行提出了将应收账款、存货等纳入担保物范围、初步创建浮动抵押、保护善意取得第三人所有权、拓宽当事人自治空间、明晰优先顺位原则、明确应收账款担保登记机构、明确动产抵押登记原则以及担保物权登记收费规则等八项建议,已被2007年3月16日通过的《物权法》吸收为具体条文。

Secured credit accounted for more than 80 percent of China's aggregate credit.Therefore, reform and innovation of legal framework concerning security interest is an important part of financial infrastructure.Security interest in personal property is one of the most frequently discussed area in property law system and it is closely related to economic development and restructuring.Based on the four pillars of an ideal framework of security interest in personal property, namely wide range of eligible collateral, a centralized registration and public display system, well-defined rule of priority and streamlined process for implementation, the PBC put forward 8 proposals, i.e.making account receivables and inventory eligible collaterals, establishing a floating charge system, protecting bona fide purchase, expanding party autonomy, defining the rule of priority in a clear-cut manner, designating the institution for the registration of account receivables, defining the principles for the registration of floating charge and rules for the registration and charging of security interest, which have already been written into the Law on Real Rights enacted on March 16, 2007.《物权法》的出台,对促进信贷市场健康发展、防范化解金融风险、缓解中小企业融资难问题均具有重要意义。

The launch of the Law on Real Rights is of great significance to the development of the credit market, prevention and mitigation of financial risks and easing the financing difficulties of SMEs.应该说,中小企业融资问题是一个世界性难题,在发展中国家比较突出。虽然也有企业经营风险大、财务制度透明度差、银行贷款难于管理等诸多方面的原因,但是,中小企业融资瓶颈在于欠缺合法担保物。我国商业银行接受的信贷担保物中70%左右是土地和建筑等不动产,而广大中小企业资产70%以上表现为应收账款和存货,普遍欠缺不动产担保资源。据估算,我国中小企业大约有16万亿的资产由于受到法律等方面的限制,不能用于担保借入信贷资金。允许存货和应收账款担保融资,对解决中小企业融资难问题意义重大。

SME financing is a worldwide challenge, and it is more difficult in developing countries.Out of multiple problems such as large SMEs' exposure to operational risks and lack of financial transparency and banks´ difficulties in managing lending to SMEs, the lack of legitimate collateral is the real bottleneck.Approximately 70 percent of the credit collateral received by commercial banks in China is real estate, while more than 70 percent of the assets of SMEs are account receivables and inventory.It was estimated that 16 trillion yuan worth of assets of SMEs could not be accepted as loan collaterals.Making account receivables and inventory eligible collateral is an important solution to the financing difficulties of SMEs.《物权法》还明确了应收账款质押登记机构,人民银行“应收账款质押登记公示系统”、“融资租赁登记公示系统”分别于2007年10月1日、2009年7月20日上线运行。担保登记产生公示、对抗效力,登记实行形式审查原则,对于保护金融机构作为担保权人的合法权益发挥了重要作用。“应收账款质押登记公示系统”对保理业务也进行登记,一定程度解决了商业银行附回购型保理业务存在的法律风险。

The Law on Real Rights also identifies a dedicated agency for account receivables finance registration.The PBC´s account receivables finance registration and public display system and the financial leasing registration and public display system started to operate on October 1st, 2007 and July 20th, 2009 respectively.The registration of collateral puts collateral information on public display and holds third parties involved legally accountable, playing an important role in protecting legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions as the secured party.The system also registers factoring business, mitigating legal risks of commercial banks´ factoring business with repurchase agreement attached.《物权法》的出台,基本解决了我国动产担保立法相对滞后的问题。但是,我们也看到,《物权法》出台后,国内商业银行依托客户资源和经营关系积极进行担保创新,围绕应收账款、存货等出现了多种物权组合担保形式。在农村地区,针对土地使用权、宅基地等,一些商业银行也尝试进行产品创新。但同时,“应收账款质押登记公示系统”、“融资租赁登记公示系统”运行中也存在登记依据、范围、效力等方面的问题。以上问题迫切需要法律予以明确规范。

The enaction of the Law on Real Rights has largely filled in the gap in China´s legislation on taking floating charge as collaterals.However, after the Law on Real Rights was promulgated, commercial banks have explored taking a mixture of real right as collateral, and they are promoting innovation to include land use right and rural housing site as eligible collaterals.What´s more, the two registration systems still need improvements in terms of basis of registration, scope and effectiveness of the registration, underpinning the urgency of legal definition.These need to be clarified by legislations.今明两天,我们在这里召开专题座谈会,目的就是广泛了解担保创新实践和《物权法》实施中亟待规范的问题,推动担保物权司法解释尽快出台,以全面反映国内担保创新实践,更好地适应和服务国内经济金融发展的需要。

This symposium aims to understand innovative practices concerning collaterals, discuss issues to be solved in the implementation of the Law on Real Rights, so as to promote judicial interpretations of security interest to be released as soon as possible based on latest developments in collaterals and serve economic and financial development in a more effective manner.最后,预祝本次座谈会圆满成功!谢谢大家!

I wish the symposium a complete success.Thank you.

第二篇:2010中国人民银行副行长胡晓炼在《物权法》担保物权司法解释座谈会上的讲话 中英对照


Deputy Governor Hu´s Speech at the Symposium on Judicial Interpretation

of Law on Real Rights



I am delighted to attend the symposium on judicial interpretation of the Law on Real Rights of the People´s Republic of China organized by the Supreme People´s Court and the People's Bank of China with the support of International Finance Corporation.We have gathered here today to discuss the experiences of reforming the legal system on security interest, security interests in personal property and innovative practices on warranty of titles, so as to promote the drafting of judicial

interpretation of the Law on Real Rights Part Four on Security Interest.我国担保信贷在信贷总量中占比80%以上,担保物权法律制度改革与创新,是一项重要的金融基础设施建设。动产担保是物权法体系中最活跃的领域,与经济发展水平、经济结构调整有着极为密切的关系。基于理想动产担保框架四大支柱——宽泛的担保物范围、统一的登记公示系统、清晰的优先权规则和快速的执行程序,人民银行提出了将应收账款、存货等纳入担保物范围、初步创建浮动抵押、保护善意取得第三人所有权、拓宽当事人自治空间、明晰优先顺位原则、明确应收账款担保登记机构、明确动产抵押登记原则以及担保物权登记收费规则等八项建议,已被2007年3月16日通过的《物权法》吸收为具体条文。

Secured credit accounted for more than 80 percent of China's aggregate credit.Therefore, reform and innovation of legal framework concerning security interest is an important part of financial infrastructure.Security interest in personal property is one of the most frequently discussed area in property law system and it is closely related to economic development and restructuring.Based on the four pillars of an ideal framework of security interest in personal property, namely wide range of eligible collateral, a centralized registration and public display system, well-defined rule of priority and streamlined process for

implementation, the PBC put forward 8 proposals, i.e.making account receivables and inventory eligible collaterals, establishing a floating charge system, protecting bona fide purchase, expanding party autonomy, defining the rule of priority in a clear-cut manner, designating the institution for the registration of account receivables, defining the principles for the registration of floating charge and rules for the registration and charging of security interest, which have already been written into the Law on Real Rights enacted on March 16, 2007.《物权法》的出台,对促进信贷市场健康发展、防范化解金融风险、缓解中小企业融资难问题均具有重要意义。

The launch of the Law on Real Rights is of great significance to the development of the credit market, prevention and mitigation of financial risks and easing the financing difficulties of SMEs.应该说,中小企业融资问题是一个世界性难题,在发展中国家比较突出。虽然也有企业经营风险大、财务制度透明度差、银行贷款难于管理等诸多方面的原因,但是,中小企业融资瓶颈在于欠缺合法担保物。我国商业银行接受的信贷担保物中70%左右是土地和建筑等不动产,而广大中小企业资产70%以上表现为应收账款和存货,普遍欠缺不动产担保资源。据估算,我国中小企业大约有16万亿的资产由于受到法律等方面的限制,不能用于担保借入信贷资金。允许存货和应收账款担保融资,对解决中小企业融资难问题意义重大。

SME financing is a worldwide challenge, and it is more difficult in developing countries.Out of multiple problems such as large SMEs' exposure to operational risks and lack of financial transparency and banks´ difficulties in managing lending to SMEs, the lack of legitimate collateral is the real bottleneck.Approximately 70 percent of the credit collateral received by commercial banks in China is real estate, while more than 70 percent of the assets of SMEs are account receivables and inventory.It was estimated that 16 trillion yuan worth of assets of SMEs could not be accepted as loan collaterals.Making account receivables and inventory eligible collateral is an important solution to the financing difficulties of SMEs.《物权法》还明确了应收账款质押登记机构,人民银行“应收账款质押登记公示系统”、“融资租赁登记公示系统”分别于2007年10月1日、2009年7月20日上线运行。担保登记产生公示、对抗效力,登记实行形式审查原则,对于保护金融机构作为担保权人的合法权益发挥了重要作用。“应收账款质押登记公示系


The Law on Real Rights also identifies a dedicated agency for account receivables finance registration.The PBC´s account receivables finance registration and public display system and the financial leasing

registration and public display system started to operate on October 1st, 2007 and July 20th, 2009 respectively.The registration of collateral puts collateral information on public display and holds third parties involved legally accountable, playing an important role in protecting legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions as the secured party.The system also registers factoring business, mitigating legal risks of commercial banks´ factoring business with repurchase agreement attached.《物权法》的出台,基本解决了我国动产担保立法相对滞后的问题。但是,我们也看到,《物权法》出台后,国内商业银行依托客户资源和经营关系积极进行担保创新,围绕应收账款、存货等出现了多种物权组合担保形式。在农村地区,针对土地使用权、宅基地等,一些商业银行也尝试进行产品创新。但同时,“应收账款质押登记公示系统”、“融资租赁登记公示系统”运行中也存在登记依据、范围、效力等方面的问题。以上问题迫切需要法律予以明确规范。

The enaction of the Law on Real Rights has largely filled in the gap in China´s legislation on taking floating charge as collaterals.However, after the Law on Real Rights was promulgated, commercial banks have explored taking a mixture of real right as collateral, and they are promoting innovation to include land use right and rural housing site as eligible collaterals.What´s more, the two registration systems still need improvements in terms of basis of registration, scope and

effectiveness of the registration, underpinning the urgency of legal definition.These need to be clarified by legislations.今明两天,我们在这里召开专题座谈会,目的就是广泛了解担保创新实践和《物权法》实施中亟待规范的问题,推动担保物权司法解释尽快出台,以全面反映国内担保创新实践,更好地适应和服务国内经济金融发展的需要。

This symposium aims to understand innovative practices concerning

collaterals, discuss issues to be solved in the implementation of the Law on Real Rights, so as to promote judicial interpretations of security interest to be released as soon as possible based on latest developments

in collaterals and serve economic and financial development in a more effective manner.最后,预祝本次座谈会圆满成功!谢谢大家!

I wish the symposium a complete success.Thank you.




































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下载2010中国人民银行副行长胡晓炼在《物权法》担保物权司法解释座谈会上的讲话 中英对照.doc


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