Instruction 1.Please fill up the application form truly and completely in accordance with the following instruction.2.Please do not change the format.Ⅰ Front Cover 1.1 Name of Applicant Please fill in your name in your own language as in your passport and write your family name in capital letters..1.2 Name of Employer Please fill in your current or intended employer in China.1.3 Time Arriving
Please follow the format of “××(year)—××(month)”,for example:“2015—10”.1.4 Working Platform Please select your working platform from ‘National Key Innovative Project’ , ‘Key Discipline’ , ‘Key Laboratory’ , ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Financial Institution’.1.5 Area of Expertise Please select your area of expertise from ‘Physical and Mathematical Science’, ‘Chemistry’, ‘Environment and Earth Science’, ‘Information Science(the area of software and integrated circuit only)’, ‘Information Science(the area of software and integrated circuit excepted)’, ‘Engineering’, ‘Material Science’, ‘Life Science’ , ‘medical science’, ‘Economics and Management’.1.6 Professional Field Please specify your professional preference.1.7 Contact Person and Information Please fill in the name of contact person in your Chinese employing unit and contact information.Ⅱ Main Body 2.1 Name of Applicant
Please fill in your name both in Chinese and in your own language as in your passport.2.2 Photo The photo is required to be recent and two inches in size, either gelatinous photo or directly printed one.Please also provide electronic version of your photo.2.3 Date of Birth
Please fill in the date of your birth in numbers(year, month, date).2.4 Place of Birth
Please fill in the name of your birth place(City, Province/State and country).2.5 Nationality
Please fill in your current nationality as in your passport 2.6 Passport No.Please fill in your passport number.2.7 Highest Degree Granted, Major, Institution Attended Please fill in the name of your graduate institution, major and degree.The copy of diploma should be enclosed.2.8 Former Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your former employer and position in foreign countries.2.9 Current or Expected Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your current or guaranteed employer and position in China.2.10 Educational and Work Experience Please fill in your educational and work experience in a timely, concise and comprehensive manner.The starting and ending time for each period should be specified.Please list the beginning and ending dates(month, year)of each item.Educational experience shall start from undergraduate.Please name degree, major, institution and country of each item.For working experiences, please name the position, employer and country.Please also footnote any part-time positions.2.11 Field of Expertise and Representative Achievements 1.Field of Expertise: Please generally describe your area of research and achievements.2.Please list the projects led by you(or participated in), including beginning/ending dates, nature and source of the project, total amount of budget, number of participants, your position and task in the project.3.Achievements: Please list your works, papers, patents or products(no more than 20 items for each kind)that best represent your studies and researches.For works and papers, please give publication date, title, publication media, authors(use * to mark a corresponding author);for patents, please give patent number, name, application date, applicant, inventor, owner, legal status of patent, status of changing, licensing and transferring, etc.;for products, please describe the present industrialization level.4.Others: important awards, part-time positions in international organizations, lectures delivered in international academic conferences.2 Please make your statements objective, concise and comprehensive.Relevant documents should be enclosed.2.12 Work Plan Please describe your work contents and objectives, intended contributions as well as work teams.2.13 Brief Introduction of the Employer
Please offer a brief introduction of the employer.2.14 Opinion of Employer
Hereunder to be completed, signed and sealed by your employer in China after careful review of application materials.Please explain the reasons why the applicant is recommended, and specify the intended support for the applicant.
Instruction 1.Please fill up the application form truly and completely in accordance with the following instruction.2.Please do not change the format.Ⅰ Front Cover 1.1 Name of Applicant Please fill in your name in your own language as in your passport.1.2 Name of Employer Please fill in your current or intended employer in China.1.3 Time Arriving
Please follow the format of “××(year)—××(month)”,for example:“2015—10”.1.4 Working Platform Please select your working platform from ‘National Key Innovative Project’ , ‘Key Discipline’ , ‘Key Laboratory’ , ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Financial Institution’.1.5 Area of Specialty Please select your area of specialty from ‘Physical and Mathematical Science’, ‘Chemistry’, ‘Environment and Earth Science’, ‘Information Science’, ‘Engineering and Material Science’, ‘Life Science’ , ‘Economics and Management’
1.6 Professional Field Please specify your professional preference.1.7 Contact Person and Information Please fill in the name of contact person in your Chinese employing unit and contact information.Ⅱ Main Body 2.1 Name of Applicant
Please fill in your name both in Chinese and in your own language as in your passport.2.2 Photo The photo is required to be recent and two inches in size, either gelatinous photo or directly printed one.Please also provide electronic version of your photo.2.3 Date of Birth
Please fill in the date of your birth in numbers(year, month, date).2.4 Place of Birth
Please fill in the name of your birth place(City, Province/State and country).2.5 Nationality
Please fill in your current nationality as in your passport 2.6 Highest Degree Granted, Major, Institution Attended Please fill in the name of your graduate institution, major and degree.The copy of diploma should be enclosed.2.7 Former Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your former employer and position in foreign countries.2.8 Current or Expected Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your current or guaranteed employer and position in China.2.9 Educational and Work Experience Please fill in your educational and work experience in a timely, concise and comprehensive manner.The starting and ending time for each period should be specified.Please list the beginning and ending dates(month, year)of each item.Educational experience shall start from undergraduate.Please name degree, major, institution and country of each item.For working experiences, please name the position, employer and country.Please also footnote any part-time positions.2.10 Field of Specialty and Representative Achievements 1.Field of Specialty: Please generally describe your area of research and achievements.2.Please list the projects led by you(or participated in), including beginning/ending dates, nature and source of the project, total amount of budget, number of participants, your position and task in the project.3.Achievements: Please list your works, papers, patents or products(no more than 20 items for each kind)that best represent your studies and researches.For works and papers, please give publication date, title, publication media, authors(use * to mark a corresponding author);for patents, please give patent length, name, country of granting, owner, etc;for products, please describe the present industrialization level.4.Others: important awards, part-time positions in international organizations, lectures delivered in international academic conferences.Please make your statements objective, concise and comprehensive.Relevant documents should be enclosed.2.11 Work Plan Please describe your work contents and objectives, intended contributions as well as work teams.2.12 Opinion of Employer
Hereunder to be completed, signed and sealed by your employer in China after careful review of application materials.Please fill in reason to recommend and intended support for applicants.3
联系人应为具体负责该项工作的人员,熟悉申报人、申报材料的 1 相关情况。联系电话请同时填写办公电话和手机号码,保证联系畅通。
请填写申报人毕业院校、专业及学位的中、英文全称。如:“美国俄亥俄州立大学 机械工程专业博士”。
(十)回国(来华)前所在国家 指回国(来华)前工作的国家。
指回国(来华)后工作的省份, 中央在京单位统一填写为中央在京。
1、个人专长,请概述本人的专业领域、3 方向,及取得的成就。
如果申报人能在被批准入选“千人计划”的半年内全职到岗工作,同时在国内连续工作时间不少于3年,请申报人亲笔签字作为承诺。请勿空缺,请勿由他人代签。如申报人在国外,可单独传真承诺书和 4 签字。
Instruction 1.Please fill up the application form truly and completely in accordance with the following instruction.2.Please do not change the format.Ⅰ Front Cover 1.1 Name of Applicant Please fill in your name in your own language as in your passport.1.2 Name of Employer Please fill in your current or intended employer in China.1.3 Working Platform Please select your working platform from ‘National Key Innovative Project’ , ‘Key Discipline’ , ‘Key Laboratory’ , ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Financial Institution’.1.4 Area of Specialty Please select your area of specialty from ‘Physical and Mathematical Science’, ‘Chemistry’, ‘Environment and Earth Science’, ‘Information Science’, ‘Engineering and Material Science’, ‘Life Science’ , ‘Economics and Management’ as well as ‘Humanistic and Social Science’.1.5 Professional Field Please specify your professional preference.1.6 Contact Person and Information Please fill in the name of contact person in your Chinese employing unit and contact information.Ⅱ Main Body 2.1 Name of Applicant
Please fill in your name both in Chinese and in your own language as in your passport.2.2 Photo The photo is required to be recent and two inches in size, either gelatinous photo or directly printed one.Please also provide electronic version of your photo.2.3 Date of Birth
Please fill in the date of your birth in numbers(year, month, date).2.4 Place of Birth
Please fill in the name of your birth place(City, Province/State and country).2.5 Nationality
Please fill in your current nationality as in your passport 2.6 Highest Degree Granted, Major, Institution Attended Please fill in the name of your graduate institution, major and degree.The copy of diploma should be enclosed.2.7 Former Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your former employer and position in foreign countries.2.8 Current or Expected Employer and Position
Please fill in the name of your current or guaranteed employer and position in China.2.9 Educational and Work Experience Please fill in your educational and work experience in a timely, concise and comprehensive manner.The starting and ending time for each period should be specified.Please list the beginning and ending dates(month, year)of each item.Educational experience shall start from undergraduate.Please name degree, major, institution and country of each item.For working experiences, please name the position, employer and country.Please also footnote any part-time positions.2.10 Field of Specialty and Representative Achievements 1.Field of Specialty: Please generally describe your area of research and achievements.2.Please list the projects led by you(or participated in), including beginning/ending dates, nature and source of the project, total amount of budget, number of participants, your position and task in the project.3.Achievements: Please list your works, papers, patents or products(no more than 20 items for each kind)that best represent your studies and researches.For works and papers, please give publication date, title, publication media, authors(use * to mark a corresponding author);for patents, please give patent length, name, country of granting, owner, etc;for products, please describe the present industrialization level.4.Others: important awards, part-time positions in international organizations, lectures delivered in international academic conferences.Please make your statements objective, concise and comprehensive.Relevant documents should be enclosed.2.11 Work Plan Please describe your work contents and objectives, intended contributions as well as work teams.2.12 Opinion of Employer
Hereunder to be completed, signed and sealed by your employer in China after careful review of application materials.Please fill in reason to recommend and intended support for applicants.2
(五)联系人、联系电话 指申报单位的联系人和联系电话。
如在国内出生,请按“**省(区、市)**市(县)”格式填写;如在 2 国外出生,请填写出生国家、地区。
请填写申报人毕业院校、专业及学位的中、英文全称。如:“美国俄亥俄州立大学 机械工程专业博士”。
(十)回国(来华)前所在国家 指回国(来华)前工作的国家。
指回国(来华)后工作的省份, 中央在京单位统一填写为中央在京。
请填写申报人回国(来华)后的岗位安排情况;尚未安排的请填 3 写拟安排职务。
3、主要成果,请列出最能体现申报人水平的代表性论著(论文),或专利,或产品,每类均不超过20项。其中,论著(论文)请列出日期、名称、发表载体、全部作者,通讯作者请用“*”注明;专利请列出专利号、专利名称、申请日、申请人、发明人、专利权人、法律状态、专利权变更/许可/转让情况等;产品请标明目前 4 的产业化程度。
1、推荐申报人的主要理由,重 点是申报人对本单位的不可或缺性。