my favorite hero in ancient Greece我最喜欢的古希腊神话英雄

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第一篇:my favorite hero in ancient Greece我最喜欢的古希腊神话英雄


学号:20101105106 班级:四班

The Outline of My Favorite Hero in Ancient Greece Topic :My Favorite Hero in Ancient Greece.Introduction My favorite hero in ancient Greece is Oedipus.As we all know that Oedipus is one of the most typical tragedy roles in foreign literature of ancient Greece.He is the son of the king Laius and the queen Jocasta in Thebe in ancient Greece.And the The Oedipus complex is also from this hero.I love this role and Oedipus.From my perspective, he is a strong, responsible, brave, smart upright man.That is why I appreciate him so much.Body

I.The detail plot of the Greece myth story of Oedipus.A.Artistic features.B.Central thought C.Oedipus complex.II.The detail plot of the Greece myth story of Electra.A.Electra complex.B.The comparison between Electra and Oedipus.III.The reasons why I like him.A.It is a inevitable destiny of him.B.He is smart.C.He is good and brave.D.He is a respectable and responsible father.E.He is a common man when compared with the other gods.Conclusion Because we all know that the Greece myth story is made up with many interesting and meaningful stories.And there are many gods.From this roles, we can get many useful informations.Some stories are true, so we can not ignore this aspect.Then in this way, we can find a good method to know the west culture and person.My Favorite Hero in Ancient Greece Before I entering university , I did not know what’s Greece myth.Or why the Greece is so famous.And when I was a fresh man in college, I still don’t like read the Greece myth.Until this year , I have this course of the culture of west, I start touch the knowledge of the Greece myth story.To be frank, I still do not it ,maybe because there are so many gods , and I can not remember them all.Maybe because I always think that the Greece myth story is not the real thing.They are just made up by the authors.But until I know that there is a god who killed his father and married his mother, I was totally attracted by this tragedy.Or I can say I was fascinated by him.So My favorite hero in ancient Greece is Oedipus.As we all know that Oedipus is one of the most typical tragedy roles in foreign literature of ancient Greece.He is the son of the king Laius and

the queen Jocasta in Thebe in ancient Greece.And the The Oedipus complex is also from this hero.I love this role and Oedipus.From my perspective, he is a strong, responsible, brave, smart upright man.That is why I appreciate him so much.The Plot summary is like the following.Laius is the son of the king Labradors in Thebe, because of the lack of father in his youth, and the guardian was killed by the state enemy, so all of his rights as the offspring of the king were deprived completely.Then he defected to Pelops, having a job as a tutor for his son Chrysippus.But Laius fell in love with the beautiful guy Chrysippus, and he kidnapped him, finally led the death of Chrysippus.In this way, Laius betrayed his own benefactor, so Pelops cursed him that he would be killed by his son someday.Laius became the king of Thebe.Then after he married Locasta, the oracle “he would be killed by his own son ”from Pelops confirmed again.Because he felt very fear about this oracle, so he always avoid to have sex with his wife.Although there is no express sexual performance, but this story, obviously reflect the relationship between gay for men of taboo(though in reality of Greek society common)and men from a oneness in the social system of women hate(misogyny, misogyny)psychological.In one day, after drunk, Laius had sex with his wife, so led to the birth of Oedipus.That is to say, Laius did not mean to accept this son.The newborn baby was throw into tai Rong cascade of barren hills.Obviously, his intention is to kill this unnamed son.But he did not do it by himself, but abandoned the baby to a natural environment where people can not live normally.However, Laius’ son was saved by a sheepherder, and he was named after his injured feet , that is “swollen feet”, namely Oedipus.He became the adopted son of neighbour country’s king Polybus and the queen ink los cypress who did not have child.In the palace, he was treated and raised up as the their real son.And he was designated as the heir.Gradually he began to doubt his birth.Then he came to the holy of holies Delphi temple asking Apollo oracle, and finally was told that he would “patricide marry a mother” destiny.In order to avoid the oracle's cash,Oedipus determined to return to his biological parents that their king and queen of the city had the Tos and toward the direction of Thebe city.At this time in Thebe city, in order to punish Laius’crime to Chrysippus,Greece divine divinity queen Hera brought the lion with a succubus sphinx, the whole city is in extreme panic.As well known, that sphinx requirements passerby solution “on four legs in the morning, walk with two feet to walk at noon, and on three in the evening walk foot what

animal” riddle.No one can solve riddles, she swallowed Thebe city citizens.Thebe king Laius hoped that through the oracle find a method to repel sphinx.on the way to the Delphi temple, and toward thebe city direction walking, Laius and Oedipus face-to-face.Because the narrow road can only accommodated one person through, and the two people did not know each other, the king Laius rudely command Oedipus away, finally they fought each other.Then the king Laius was dead, but Oedipus did not know that the person he killed was his father.After entered into Thebe city, Oedipus cracked sphinx riddle, made the banshee in shame himself.After saved the Thebe city, he married the queen in Thebe he has fulfilled his word will “patricide marry a mother” oracle.After they got married, they had two daughters and sons.Because of Oedipus unknowingly committing action, married a mother “great sin, pestilence and famine came to thebe city.Looking for disaster indulge in willful persecution, Oedipus finally learned the truth.Also know the truth of the Russian kaas te killed himself, and, after that, Oedipus thorn blind their eyes, in Antigone traction drift under the four winds, then get beat back the monster Camino TaoLuoSi Theseus protection, finally died from the goddess of the holy land.He stood in front of the citizens and admitted that he was the murderer of father, and married his mother.He

was the rascal who was cursed by the gods, and was the evil of the earth.But Theban did not abandon this king they once loved and respected.They felt sympathy for him, even the Creon did not laugh at him.And he brough this person who was punished by the gods into the chamber.Heart broken king Oedipus who disobeyed her deeply moved, he put the throne to Creon, let him replaced his two young sons to reign the country.In addition, he also requested for his unhappy mother to build a tomb.He also put his daughter to the new king.As for himself, he was willing to go abroad, because he was banished to double iniquity defiled the land.And he said, he should be burned to death in Thai Rong the top of the hill, there was the place where parents abandoned him.It was his destiny to be or not to be.Finally, he once again called her daughter.Hand over their head, with their farewell.He thanked Creon for their deep friendship, and to pray for him and the people always be the protection of the gods.Artistic features: Superb structure: the locking type structure, namely in the high tide constantly return to the past, in the ”discovery“ process turn plot.Optimize the combination of circumstances, depending on the needs, set a variety of interconnectedness of foreshadowing.Robust and the idea of dramatic conflicts supplement each other.Center thought: To show the will of people and the fate of the contradiction, to show that

hero is brave, honest, kind, and dares to undertake the responsibility.Outstanding performance the accidental and inevitable complex relationship, the fate of the ”uncertainty“, ”but“.This is our destiny in western myth all point of view.Oedipus complex: Oedipus complex is also said as ”Oedipus complex“, it is a psychoanalysis terms.The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud(Sigmund Freud)suggested that children in sexual development object selection period, began to seek outside sex objects.For children, the object is first parents, the boy to mother for selection and the girl is often in his father's selection.The child made such a choice, on the one hand, is due to its own ”eros“, is also due to the stimulation of the parents to strengthen this tendency, that is due to the mother and father son preference preference contributed to the daughter.In this situation, the boy told his mother there was a kind of special tender feelings, depending on the mother for his own possession, and the father as the property with the enemy, and want to replace the father in the status of parents relationship.Similarly, the girl think mother interference of father's tender feelings, encroached on her position should be accounted for.Therefore, there are also ”Electra complex“ When it comes to ”Electra complex“, there is another important Greek myth story I must introduce to you.Mycenae king, Greek king of kings,the son of Atreus Agamemnon troop buildup, is ready to go on a punitive expedition Troy.Before starting a game, he will be the harvest quite abundantly, boasting a way: ”even if is the goddess of hunting JianFa also just so so.“ So enraged the gods.Hunting goddess Artemis, the door for you to own daughter Phgena and sacrifice to her, will be for expedition army blowing wind.Agamemnon ignored his wife Clytemnestra's Stella and the opposition of the daughter will sacrifice.Army then to Troy.The assistance's Stella decided to revenge Agamemnon, and happened amour with Aegisthus.After ten years, Agamemnon as the Greek army commander in chief triumph, but his wife and her lover with a plot to kill the axe to wash his ten years of war and tired in the bathtub.Then slain and Agamemnon back to Trojan princess, female priests Cassandra.The assistance's Stella and her lover Aegisthus rule the country.The son of Agamemnon Orestes was secretly send to the border of Chuguo by a loyal servant of his father, and was taken in by the king of s method to.The daughter of Agamemnon Electra was imprisoned in a castle by his mother.Many years passed, Electra has grow up as a beautiful woman.In order to make her offspring have no ability to revenge, Clytemnestra's Stella and Aegisthus will marry her to a remote place a farmer, but for her sympathy and respect, her husband and her only keep a fake spouse relationship.And local farmers also always protect her.Time did not washed the her love for her father, the years of shame fanning the flames

of anger in the bottom of her heart never go out.Elektra always hopes het brother can come back for revenge for their father.Finally, in the eighth years, the divination shows that the chance of revenge is coming.In the grave yard of Agamemnon, Electra and her brother recognized each other.With the help of prince Pylade in s method to, her brother and her successfully killed her mother’s lover Aegisthus in the god of wine party.And then Electra designed a plan that let her mother assistance's Stella leave the palace(she lied to her mother that she had birth a little prince, need her to hold neonatal for her son.)and then killed their mother together with her brother.We all know that it is a kind of iniquity which against the god.And make them become fury Eumenides the victim.Fury is always follows them, and their conscience is always suffering from the contrition.Electra and her brother only can request the shelter of the gods,but even the gods’ asylum also can not make them get rid of the nemeans’ tracking.Finally, Athena presided over the court, the judge the revenge for the father and the murderers who killed their mother.The accused and the defendant not dispute.Finally decided to vote for the newspaper to determine father vendetta death mother is guilty.But the number of supporters and critics of consistent, the key is a ticket in hand of Athena.”I'm not born to mothers with the person, I am from father Zeus head jump out, so I maintain the rights of man." Athena support Electra elder

sister and younger brother's behavior, to acquit them.So after this Greek myth story, there is another complex, we called is Electra complex, which means the daughter loves her father more, so just always against her mother in the real daily in a abnormal way.When we put this two complex, it will be a little weird, because we all know that it is totally different, and we can not compare them at the same time.But compared with Electra complex, I think that Oedipus complex will be more acceptably.Why ?because from this two stories, obviously we can get the information that Oedipus married killed his father , but at that time, he did not know that the old man who against him is his father.And at the climax of the story, he married his mother incidentally, because he did not the woman is his mother, neither.This is totally a tragedy.He did not know the truth.We can say this is his inevitable fate.we all know the original sin , maybe this his original sin since he was born to this world.So we can forgive him, and he is innocent.From another aspect of this tragedy, it can be proved that this is his inevitable the beginning of the story, their parents knows that his son Oedipus will destroy their happy family, and in order to avoid this tragedy, they abundant him.Then after Oedipus grows up in another family ,when he hear that one day he will kill his fother and his mother, he left his adopted parents(he did not know that his now parents is his real parents)and went to another country by himself.But unfortunately, he

still meets his real parents.However at the end of the myth story, after he knows that he did killed his father and married his mother, he felt painful ,and thought he is a flagrance man, he sabed his eyes.This end is not pleasing for me, maybe for everyone.He is innocent, it is not necessary for him to hurt himself just because of his tragedy which caused by his inevitable fate.I like him not only just because of his fealty for his parents and his guilty, but also for his brave and smart.When he faced with the challenge from Sphinx,(which kind of animal have four legs when in morning, and have two legs in noon, but have three legs in evening ?), he successfully handle.So from this section, we can clearly guess how clever he is.After all, in the history, no one can get the right answers.Another reasons that I like him is his goodness and brave.Many people had been died from the riddle of Sphinx.Maybe he did not know what’s the right answer, but in order to save all the country’s residents, he just had a try.And finally , he used his braveness saved all the people.He is really something.The only pity is that just because of his this success, he married his mother.Then as a father ,I think he is the most perfect in the world.After his wife, or his mother suicide , he just stabbed his eyes.Then he has no ability to take care of his children.When some parents confronted with this dilemma, maybe they just solubly abandon them.But he did not.He put

his children entrusted to take care of others.From this section , we can know that he is a responsible father.Maybe someone will say ,if he is really a responsible father, then he should n’t had hurt himself.But he can not get rid of his guilty.What he can do is to hurt himself to escape his guilty.So we should be kind to him ,and just forgive his so-called sin.Finally , when compared with other gods, I was deeply attracted by his common.we all know that all the gods which from the Greek myth story have all kinds of power.Such as the god of fire, or the gods of wine, and the like.But Oedipus is just a common people.He has no special power to protect himself or make himself became a great man.He just used his Intelligence to conquer the Sphinx, to save a country.As a student, we should learn more about the Greece myth story.From this course , I do learn a lot.Not only just about Oedipus complex, or Oedipus, but also many thing others.For example, how to be a upright person? How to help others in a right way? How to be a great resident? How to face our own original sin? How to be a brave person who are not afraid of facing challenges? How to correctly analysis a person from all aspects? Because we all know that the Greece myth story is made up with many interesting and meaningful stories.And there are many gods.From this roles, we can get many useful informations.Some stories are true, so we can not ignore this aspect.Then in this way, we can find a good method to

know the west culture and person.






从前深红色的桑葚本是雪白的,变色的经过很特别,也很悲惨,起因是一对年轻恋人的死亡. 皮拉莫斯和笛丝贝,一个是东方的最美的少年,一个是东方最美的少女,住在塞米拉米丝女王的城市巴比伦,两家比邻而居,共邻一到墙,他们并肩长大,自然相亲相爱.可是双方家长不准他们结婚.爱的火焰是禁不了的,阻力愈大烧得愈旺,而且爱情永远找得到出路,两颗燃烧的心不可能永远分隔.







海王波赛冬有个儿子,名叫 奥列翁(Orion),他非常喜欢射箭,是个很好的猎手,还喜欢在海面上狂奔。月亮女神很喜欢奥列翁,他们相识了,并且彼此相爱,经常一起在丛林中狩猎,在海面上狂奔。女神的哥哥阿波罗很讨厌奥列翁,也不喜欢她妹妹与奥列翁的这段感情,于是决意要除掉奥列翁。某天,奥列翁正在海面上飞奔的时候,阿波罗用金色的光罩住奥列翁把他隐藏起来,使任何人都看不出奥列翁的本来面目,然后就去怂恿喜欢射箭的妹妹月亮女神把远处的金色物体当作靶子。月亮女神当然不知道这是哥哥的阴谋,射出一支箭,正中奥列翁的头部。后来她知道了自己射死的是心上人奥列翁,于是陷入绝望之中,日夜哭泣。为了永远珍藏对奥列翁的爱情,她请求宙斯把奥列翁升到天上,希望自己乘坐银马车在天空奔跑中随时可以看到。宙斯接受了她的请求,把奥列翁变为天上的星座——猎户座。女神发誓,终身不嫁,她要永远在夜空中陪伴着奥列翁。



The Homework of Ancient Greece Culture

1.天神宙斯(Zeus):He is in charge of heaven and the king of the gods.2.天后赫拉(Hera):She is in charge of the goddess of marriage and birth and marriage

protector.3.海神波塞冬(Poseidon):He is in charge of the sea and the protector of horses.4.冥王哈得斯(Hades):He is in charge of the underworld and wealth management.5.农神得墨忒耳(Demeter):She is in charge of the goddess of Agriculture.6.战神阿瑞斯(Ares):He likes fight and is the god of war.7.智慧女神雅典娜(Athene):She taught the Greeks spinning, weaving, shipbuilding,metallurgy and ironmaking skills and is the protector of agriculture,horticulture,law and

order.8.太阳神阿波罗(Apollo):He is the light of god and in charge of music, art, medicine and

fable.9.月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis):She is the moon godness , the godness of hunting and in

charge of the brightness.10.爱美之神阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite):She is the symbol of love and the beauty of a woman.11.神使赫耳墨斯(Hermes):He is the messenger and interpretation of Zeus and other gods and

in charge of animal husbandry, business, tourism and sports.12.火神赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus):He is the god of fire and a blacksmith and has made a lot of

the weapons, tools and art.1)An Apple of Discord 争斗之源;不和之因;祸根

2)The Heel of Achilles 唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害

3)The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细

4)A Penelope's Web故意拖延的策略,永远做不完的任务

5)Rest on One's Laurels 吃老本,坐享清福

6)The Augean Stables肮脏的地方,藏垢纳碎之所

7)A Procrustean Bed 普洛克路斯贰斯的床,削足适履

8)Swan Song 最后的杰作,绝笔

9)Under the Rose 秘密地;私下地;暗中

10)Between Scylla And Charybdis进退两难

Clash of the Titans

Content Summary

Perseus raised as a fisherman, but is actually a demi-god.His father was Zeus.Zeus' brother Hades was the one who killed his family, and Perseus wants to kill him.So Perseus leads a band of soldiers on a quest to defeat the Kraken.Finally, Perseus defeated the Kraken monster and Hades and rescued the city of Argo.The impressions after seeing the movie

Perseus is really a hero.At the same time, his buddies are brave and not afraid of death.Moreover, somebody dedicated his life to helping Perseus.This spirit is honorable and in our daily life, we need this spirit;especially ,when we face natural disasters.Also, we know Zeus has many wives and children.As a man, I want to tell everybody loving your only boyfriend or girlfriend.If you love him or her, please deeply.









































不只是文学,在艺术方面,希腊神话入画的故事不胜枚举。文艺复兴时期米开朗琪罗、拉斐尔、达芬奇等大师运用神话主题作的画已经成为不朽巨作和人类文化的宝贵财富。在心理学方面,弗洛伊德借用误犯杀父娶母罪的俄狄浦斯王的故事创造了俄狄浦斯情结一词,在精神分析中指以本能冲动为核心的一种欲望。在文艺理论方面,二十世纪中叶涌现出一批以诺思罗普弗赖伊为首的文艺理论家,认为一切文学类型以及所有作品的每个情节布局,包括表面看来极其复杂和十分真实的作品,无不重复某些神话原型人物和神话的基本公式。希腊神话还大大丰富了英语语言。有些词汇,如chaotic(混乱的)、hypnotic(催眠的)、martial(军事的)、tantalize(逗弄)等,追根溯源,都来自希腊神话。希腊神话在西方社会流传极广,影响深远,渗透到了生活的各个方面。甚至连科技发展计划的命名都有取诸神话故事的,如我们常听说的 三叉戟飞机、阿波罗计划、波塞冬号潜水艇等等。有些神话中的人名、地名和典故早已进入日常生活,成为妇孺皆知的常用语了,例如,特洛伊的木马、潘多拉的盒子,不和的苹果,阿喀琉斯的脚跟等等。




希腊神话与英语词汇 来源:

一 源于希腊神仙名讳的英语单词

1、Flora:古希腊罗马神话中的花神。她嫁给了西风之神Zephyr,丈夫送给她一座满是奇花异草的园子。春天时,Flora和丈夫Zephyr手挽 手在园子里漫步,他们一路走过的地方百花齐放。Flora在现代英语里指代“植物”。衍生词:flower,flour,flourish,floral,florist。



4、Titan(泰坦):曾统治世界的巨人族的一员。Titan在现代英语里指代高大强壮的人,重要人物。衍生词titanic意指巨大的,极大的。“泰 坦尼克号”即以此命名。


6、Atlas:希腊神话中Titans(泰坦)巨神之一,因背叛Zeus(宙斯)被罚在世界的西边尽头以双肩扛天。16世纪地理学家麦卡脱把Atlas擎天 图作为一本地图册的卷首插图。后人争相效仿,atlas从此有了地图、地图集、身负重担的人的含义。其他衍生词:Atlantic。

7、Ceres:庄稼保护神。古罗马遭受大旱,教士们求助女巫占卜,占卜的结果是要立一位新的女神Ceres,向她供奉,这样她就会给大地带来雨水。此 后,Ceres就变成了庄稼的保护神。cereal从拉丁语变化而来,意即“of Ceres”属于谷物女神的。衍生词:cereals(谷类,早餐麦片)。

8、Cronos:宙斯的父亲。害怕子女反抗自己,曾吞食自己的后代。就像无情的时间,吞噬一切。因此字根“chron”意指“time”。衍生 词:chronic(耗费时间的,慢性的):chronology(年代学,年表)。

9、Eros(厄洛斯):爱神。是一位生有双翼的美少年,相当于罗马神话中的Cupid(丘比特)。不管是Eros还是Cupid,成天无所事事,在天上飞来飞去练习射箭,搞得大家人心 惶惶。所以他们衍生出的单词都含贬义:erotic色情的:cupidity贪心,贪婪。



二 源于希腊神话的英语习语

1、Pandora’s box(潘朵拉的盒子):普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人 Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了 Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。于是Pandora’s box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。

2、the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)[3]:Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。一天,国王让他坐在王位上,在 Damocles的头上用一根头发悬一把利剑,告诉他王权的危险就象那把剑一样,随时可能降临。因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。

3、Damon and Pythias[3] :Damon和Pythias是好朋友。Pythias出事被判了死刑,为了使他能够回家探视亲人,Damo留在牢中作人质,如果Pythias不按时返 回,就处死Damon。当期限满,临处刑之际,Pythias及时赶回。国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。

4、Penelop’s web:源自史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)[4]。泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。特洛伊战争持续 了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一 到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。因此Penelop’s web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。

5、apple of discord[5]:意思是“不和的根源、发生纠纷的事端”。佩琉斯和忒提斯举行婚礼时忘记了邀请不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神大为恼火,留下 一个刻有“献给最美者”的金苹果,引起了雅典娜、赫拉和阿芙罗狄忒的纷争。此事导致漫长的特洛伊战争(Trojan War)。

6、Judgment of Paris[5]:意思是“不爱江山爱美人”。Eri不请自来到众神的聚会,离开时留下金苹果。三位女神为了争夺金苹果不分高下,决定让Zeus决定,宙 斯无法在自己的妻子、智慧女神和爱与美的女神之间抉择。为难之际,Zeu拨开云雾向人间看去,看到了Troy的二王子Paris正在牧羊于是将决定权交给 了Paris。三个女神分别以“最大的疆土”,“最智慧的头脑”和“最美丽的女人”作为诱惑,而最终Paris放弃了江山选择了Venus,获得了最美丽 的女人海伦。

7、Helen of Troy:由于是Helen导致特洛伊城的沦陷,“Helen of Troy”就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。

8、The Trojan horse[4]:意思是“用以使敌方或对手上当误以为于自己有益的破坏性的事物或人”。在特洛伊战争中,希腊人为了攻打特洛伊城,造了一匹巨大的木马,其中藏有希腊士兵。他们故意装出弃木马逃走的样子,特洛伊人将木马作为战利品请进城。半夜,士兵们从木马内爬出,将城中的人杀死。特洛伊城陷落。The Trojan Horse经过不断引用已成为一个广泛流传的成语,常用来比喻the hidden danger(暗藏的危险); the covert

wreckers(内奸):to engage in underhandactivities等意义。

9、Stables of Augeas(奥革阿斯的牛圈):意思是“最肮脏的地方:积累成堆难以解决的问题”。厄利斯国王奥革阿斯有牛数千头,牛圈三十年未扫。赫剌克勒斯(Heracles)用一天时间将其打扫干净。

10、Achilles’heel:希腊勇士,人与神的结晶。出生之后被母亲倒提着在冥河中浸过,除了足跟之外,全身刀枪不入。最终在特洛伊战争中死于 Paris箭下。Achilles’heel意指“金无足赤,人无完人”,特指唯一致命弱点、缺点。

11、Swan song[3]:字面译做“天鹅之歌”,源于希腊成语Kykneion asma。在古希腊神话中,天鹅是阿波罗的神鸟,故常用来比喻文艺。传说天鹅平素不唱歌,而在它死前,必引颈长鸣,高歌一曲,其歌声哀婉动听,感人肺腑。这是它一生中唯一的,也是最后的一次唱歌。因此,现代英语中这个习语比喻某诗人、作家、作曲家临终前的一部杰作,或者是某个演员、歌唱家的最后一次表演。早在公元前6世纪,古希腊寓言作家伊索(Aisopos)的寓言故事中,就有“天鹅临死才唱歌”的说法。在英国,乔叟、莎士比亚等伟大诗人、剧作家,都使 用过这个成语典故。如:莎翁的著名悲剧《奥赛罗》(Othello)中塑造的爱米莉娅形象,她在生死关头站出来揭穿其丈夫的罪行。她临死时把自己比做天 鹅,一生只唱最后一次歌[6]。

12、Under the rose:直译“在玫瑰花底下”。源自古罗马神话故事。爱神丘比特(Cupid)是爱与美之神维纳斯(venus红杏出墙和战神玛斯(Mars)所生的儿 子。为了维护其母的声誉,丘比特给沉默之神哈伯克拉底(Harpocrates)送了一束玫瑰花,请他守口如瓶,不要把维纳斯的风流韵事传播出去。哈伯克 拉底接受了玫瑰花就缄默不语了,成为名副其实的“沉默之神”。由于这个神话传说,古罗马人把玫瑰花当作沉默或严守秘密的象征,并在日常生活中相尚成风。人 们去串门做客,当看到主人家的桌子上方画有玫瑰,客人就了解在这桌上所谈的一切均不应外传。Under the rose于是有了“秘密地,私下地,暗中”的意义。

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