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It’s Time to Help Women and Working Families(November 1,2014)《是帮助妇女和工薪家庭的时候了》(2014年11月1日)Hi, everybody.大家好。

On Friday, I had a discussion with working women in Rhode Island, about the economic challenges they face in their own lives, challenges shared by many of you.在周五,我与工薪家庭的妇女在罗德岛州,就她们在自己生活中所面对的经济挑战进行了讨论,你们中的许多人也都共同面对着这些挑战。

Thanks to the work we’ve all put in, our economy has come a long way these past six years.我们的经济在过去的六年里有了长足的进展。

Over the past 55 months, our businesses have added 10.3 million new jobs.在过去的55个月里,我们的经济已经增加了1030万新的就业岗位。For the first time in six years, the unemployment rate below 6 percent.六年以来的

need to make to help more women get ahead in today’s economy.今天,我想提一下我与这些妇女们所讨论的几个方面,我们需要做出的选择来帮助更多的妇女在今天的经济中取得成功。

Right now, women make up almost half of our workers.当下,妇女占据了我们劳动力中的半边天。

More women are their family’s main breadwinner than ever before.比以往更多的妇女成为他们家庭中负担家计的人。

So the simple truth is, when women succeed, America succeeds.因此,简单的事实就是,妇女成功了,美国就成功了。

And we should be choosing policies that benefit women because that benefits all of us.我们需要选择有益于妇女们的政策,因为这对我们所有人都有益。Women deserve fair pay.妇女们应该得到公平的工资。

Even though it’s 2014, there are women still earning less than men for doing the same work.即使是在2014年,仍然存在做相同的工作,妇女却比男性拿到的薪酬更少的情况。

We don’t have second-class citizens in this country, we shouldn’t in the workplace, either.在这个国家,我们没有二等公民,我们也不应该在工作中存在这样的情况。So let’s make sure women earn equal pay for equal work and have a fair shot at success.因此,让我们确保妇女能够同工同酬,并在成功上有相同的机会。

Women deserve to be able to take time off to care for a new baby, an ailing parent, or take a sick day for themselves without running into hardship.妇女们应该能够有时间照料新生儿和患病的父母,并能够请病假,而这些不能让她们陷入贫困。

So let’s make sure all Americans have access to paid family leave.因此,让我们确保所有的美国人都能够获得带薪的家务性休假。

Pregnant workers deserve to be treated fairly.怀孕的员工应该得到公平的对待。

Even today, women can be fired for taking too many bathroom breaks or forced on unpaid leave just for being pregnant.即便是在今天,妇女们仍然能够被轻易地解雇,仅仅因为她们多上卫生间,或者因为怀孕被迫无薪休假。That’s wrong.这是错误的。

And we have to choose policies that ensure pregnant workers are treated with dignity and respect.我们必须选择这样的政策,确保能够给予怀孕的员工尊严与尊重。New parents deserve quality, affordable childcare.刚刚做父母的人应该得到高质量可负担的婴儿保育项目。

There’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your kids are safe while you’re at work.没有什么比这样的平和更重要,那就是在你工作时知道你的孩子是安全的。And the benefits that children get out of early enrichment can pay off for a lifetime.孩子在早起教育中获得好处对一生都有益。

But in many states, sending your kid to daycare costs more than sending them to a public university.但在许多州,送你的孩子到托儿所的开支,比送他们到公立大学还要多。So let’s start demanding Pre-K for our kids.所以,让我们为孩子开设学前班。

And when most low-wage workers are women, but Congress hasn’t passed a minimum wage increase in seven years.大部分低工资的员工都是妇女,但国会已经七年没有通过提高最低工资标准的法案了。

It’s long past time that women deserve a raise.妇女们得到工资的上涨,应该是很长时间之前的事情了。

About 28 million workers would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.将近2800万的员工将从提高最低工资标准到每小时¥10.10上受益。And more than half of those workers are women.这些员工中有一半多是妇女。

The local businesses where these workers spend their money would benefit, too.这些员工进行消费的当地商家也会受益。So let’ do this--let’s give America a raise.所以让我们这样去做——让我们给美国一个提高工资的机会。All of these policies are common sense.所有这些政策都是常识性的。All of them are within our reach.所有这些都在我们能力范围之内。

We’ve just got to speak up and choose them.仅仅需要我们大声说出来并选择它们。

Because they’ll build a stronger America for all of us.因为它们将为我们所有人建设一个更加强大的美国。Thanks, and have a great weekend.谢谢大家,周末快乐。


Now Is The Time to Take Action Against Gun Violence(January 19, 2013)是控枪的时候了(2013年1月19日)

Hi, everybody.This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence.大家好.本周,我宣布了一系列我们需要实施的具体步骤,来保护我们的孩子和社区免受枪支暴力的伤害.These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden and his task force held over the last month with more than 200 different groups – from parents and teachers;to law enforcement and sportsmen;to religious leaders and mental health professionals.出台的这些政策源于拜登副总统和他的特别小组上个月与200多个不同组织的会谈,包括父母和教师,包括执法官员和运动员,包括宗教领袖和心理健康专业人士.And in the weeks ahead, I will do everything in my power to make them a reality.Because while we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of violence in this country, if there is even one thing we can do to reduce it – if even one life can be saved – we’ve got an obligation to try.在未来的几个星期,我动用总统职务的所有力量,确保举措取得效果.因为我们可能无法避免国内的每一起无意识的暴力事件,但即便我们只有一件事情能避免暴力,即便只有一个生命可以拯救,我们也有义务去尝试避免.My administration is taking a series of actions right away – from strengthening our background check system, to helping schools hire more resource officers if they want them, to directing the Centers for Disease Control to study the best ways to reduce gun violence.我的政府现在正在实施一系列的行动,从加强我们的背景检查系统,到帮助学校雇佣他们需要的保安资源,到指导疾病控制中心研究最优的方法来减少枪支暴力.But the truth is, making a real and lasting difference also requires Congress to act – and act soon.但事实是,做出一个真正和持久的改变同样需要国会的行动,并且是尽快行动.First, it’s time for Congress to require a universal background check for anyone trying to buy a gun.The law already requires licensed gun dealers to perform these checks, but as many as 40% of all gun purchases are conducted without one.That’s not safe, it’s not smart, and it’s not fair to responsible gun buyers or sellers.An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that anyone trying to buy a gun should at least have to prove they’re not a felon, or someone legally prohibited from owning one.That’s just common sense.首先,国会是时候要求统一对购枪者进行背景检查的时候了.法律已经要求枪支经销商进行这些检查.当大约40%的枪支进货没有被管理起来.这是不安全的,是不明智的,对枪支的买卖双方都是不负责任的.绝大多数的美国人都赞成任何人买枪时都应该至少证明他们不是罪犯,或者不是被法律禁止购枪的.这仅仅是常识.Second, Congress should restore a ban on military-style assault weapons, and a 10-round limit for magazines.Many assault rifles, when combined with high-capacity magazines, have one purpose and one purpose only: to fire as many bullets as possible as quickly as possible.These weapons have no place in our communities.And a majority of the American people agree with me.其次,国会应该恢复军事化攻击性武器的禁令,禁止超过10发的大容量弹夹销售.许多攻击步枪,和大容量弹夹在一起,有且只有一个目的:尽可能快地发射尽可能多的子弹.这些武器不应该在我们的社区有容身之所.大多数美国人都同意我这一看法.Finally, Congress needs to make it easier, rather than harder, for law enforcement to do its job.We should get tougher on people who buy guns only to turn around and sell them to criminals.And at a time when many communities have been forced to make cuts to their police force, we should put more cops back on the job and back on the street.最后,国会需要让执法者更容易而不是更不方便的开展工作.我们应该让购枪者不容易将枪支转而卖给罪犯.当我们的许多社区被迫削减警力时,我们应该让警察重新就业,回到执勤的街道.Like most Americans, I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms.We have a strong tradition of gun ownership in this country, and the vast majority of gun owners act responsibly.像许多美国人一样,我相信第二修正案保证个人携带武器的权利.我们国家有持有枪支的传统,并且大多数持枪者是负责任的.But I also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking few from causing harm on a massive scale.That’s what these reforms are designed to do.但我也相信,大多数持枪者我们能够在遵守第二修正案的同时,保证少数不负责任的违法者造成大规模的伤害.这就是这些改革的初衷.None of this will be easy.Already, we’re seeing pundits, politicians, and special-interest lobbyists calling any attempt at commonsense reform an all-out assault on liberty – not because that’s true, but because that’s how they get higher ratings and make more money.And behind the scenes, they’re doing everything they can to protect the status quo.没有一件事是容易的.我们已经看到权威,政治家,特殊兴趣的说客试图改变常识,实现全面的攻击自由.不是因为这是对的,而是因为这样能提高他们的评级并赚更多的钱.在幕后,他们在竭尽全力维护现状.But this time, it can’t be up to them.It’s got to be up to you.If, like me, you want this time to be different, then I need your help to make it different.Ask your Member of Congress if they support universal background checks and renewing a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.And if the answer is no, ask them why not.Ask them why an A-grade from the gun lobby is more important than keeping kids safe in a first grade classroom.但这次,不能随着他们.这次取决于你.如果像我,你希望这一次变得不一样,那么我需要你的帮助来创造改变.询问你的国会议员,是否他们支持统一背景检查,恢复军事攻击性武器的禁令和禁止大容量弹夹销售.如果他们的回答时否定的,质问他们为什么一个A级的枪支游说团体比让孩子在安全的一年级教室更重要.Since the tragedy in Newtown, I’ve gotten letters from all over the country – including many from our young people.One of them was from 8-year-old Rachel, who lives in Brooklyn, New York.She wrote: “Please do something so that bad people cannot get guns to kill other people.Children should be safe, especially in school.”


Rachel is counting on us.Let’s get this done for her, and let’s make this country a safer place for all our children to learn and grow.瑞秋正期待着我们.让我们满足他的愿望,让我们这个国家成为我们所有孩子学习成长的安全家园.Thanks, and have a great weekend.谢谢大家,周末快乐.


This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T.Washington High School.Graduations are always happy occasions.But this commencement was especially hopeful – because of just how much the kids at Booker T.Washington High School had overcome.This is a school in the middle of a tough neighborhood in South Memphis.There’s a lot of crime.There’s a lot of poverty.And just a few years ago, only about half of the students at the school graduated.Just a handful went off to college each year.But folks came together to change all that.Under the leadership of a dynamic principal and devoted teachers, they started special academies for ninth graders – because they found that that’s when a lot of kids were lost.They made it possible for students to take AP classes or vocational courses.Most importantly, they didn’t just change the curriculum;they created a culture that prizes hard work and discipline, and that shows every student that they matter.Today, four out five students at the school earn a diploma.70 percent continue their education, many the first in their families to go to college.So Booker T.Washington High School is no longer a story about what’s gone wrong in education.It’s a story about how we can set it right.We need to encourage this kind of change all across America.We need to reward the reforms that are driven not by Washington, but by principals and teachers and parents.That’s how we’ll make progress in education – not from the top down, but from the bottom up.And that’s the guiding principle of the Race to the Top competition my administration started two years ago.The idea is simple: if states show that they’re serious about reform, we’ll show them the money.And it’s already making a difference throughout the country.In Tennessee, where I met those students, they’ve launched an innovative residency program so that new teachers can be mentored by veteran educators.In Oregon, Michigan and elsewhere, grants are supporting the work of teachers who are lengthening the school day, offering more specialized classes, and making the changes necessary to improve struggling schools.Our challenge now is to allow all fifty states to benefit from the success of Race to the Top.We need to promote reform that gets results while encouraging communities to figure out what’s best for their kids.That why it’s so important that Congress replace No Child Left Behind this year – so schools have that flexibility.Reform just can’t wait.And if anyone doubts this, they ought to head to Booker T.Washington High.They ought to meet the inspiring young people who overcame so much, and worked so hard, to earn their diplomas – in a school that believed in their promise and gave them the opportunity to succeed.We need to give every child in America that chance.That’s why education reform matters.Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend.



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