第一篇:change the unchangeable
When I was about 10 years old in primary school, I believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and English.Now, I play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future I will be hosting an English salon.Changing the unchangeable seemed to be a mission impossible to me at first sight, but then it dawned on me that to say whether one thing is unchangeable or not is sometimes quite a personal judgment.It might be our fear, indecisiveness or carelessness that prevent us from finding the solutions.We are just sometimes too used to the settled plans, customs and routines that we fail to come up with the idea of making changes.To change the unchangeable is just like to give a good speech on the stage that the priority is always to jump out of the box and see the things from different perspectives.Impassioned speech Landmark On Friday, first lady Michelle Obama gave an impassioned speech on diversity to high school graduates in Topeka, Kansas, where the landmark Brown v.Board of Education case started.周五,在堪萨斯州托皮卡市,美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马就高中毕业生多样化发展作了激情的演讲。美国历史上意义重大的布朗诉托皮卡教育局案就发生在托皮卡市。
You all are the living, breathing legacy of this case, ” Obama said.“Many districts in this country have pulled back on efforts to integrate their schools.Many communities have become less diverse.“
Obama also delivered the commencement address to graduates of Dillard University in New Orleans.米歇尔也在新奥尔良市的迪拉德大学作毕业典礼演讲。
“No dream is too big, no vision is too bold, ” she said on May 10.“As long as we stay hungry for education and let that hunger be our North Star, there is nothing, graduates, nothing, that we cannot achieve.”
At the University of Massachusetts Lowell on Sunday, Bill Nye had a similar message for graduates: ”Change the world.“
”I'm not kidding.Change the world in new, exciting and big ways, “ Nye, better known as ”The Science Guy, “ said.”Keep reaching.Keep seeking.Keep using your abilities to bring out the best in those around you, and let them bring out the best in you.“ 内是一位著名的科普专家,他说:“这不是开玩笑。用全新、全面、振奋人心的方式去改变这个世界吧。不断攀登,不断探索,用你们的能力把最好的东西奉献给周围的人,同样,你周围的人也会这样影响着你。”
Nye also railed against climate-change deniers.”Conspiracy theories are for lazy people, “ he said.”People that don't want to get down to the business at hand....Instead of just doing less, we have to find ways of doing more with less.That's the key to the future.“ Also, he added, ”if you smell fresh paint, don't walk under the ladder.“ 内也责骂那些否认气候变化的人。他说:“阴谋论是为懒人准备的。那些不愿办正事的人们„„我们必须找到方法,有更多地行动,这才是未来的关键。”他还说,“如果你看到危险,就别再靠近。”
@周丁益 说句题外话,have you ever seen Queer as flock?【潜水】周丁益 2014/6/6 21:18:16
@山财-Jerry all the time【冒泡】东秦刘兰教师 2014/6/6 21:18:38
@浙江——Monica 我也想去尼泊尔,带上我吧。你是浙江哪个学校的?我是浙江理工的。嘿嘿。
2014/6/6 21:30:31
longing 【吐槽】华政-施汇慧 2014/6/6 21:30:41
desire 【潜水】山财-Jerry 2014/6/6 21:30:42
这让我想起了几句话 【潜水】山财-Jerry 2014/6/6 21:30:52
一个是关于英国的一个登山家的 【吐槽】华政-施汇慧 2014/6/6 21:31:22
@山财-Jerry 等着英文诗
【吐槽】空军基地 2014/6/6 21:31:33
推荐大家看一份演讲,why we choose the moon 【冒泡】东秦刘兰教师 2014/6/6 21:18:38
【潜水】周丁益 2014/6/6 21:24:05
【吐槽】空军基地 2014/6/6 21:26:07
问:大家有没想过change the unchangeable的目的是什么或者不改变坚持自我的木的是什么
to excel yourself
make differences
【吐槽】空军基地 2014/6/6 21:30:22
George Mallory 乔治马洛里,他之前尝试过攀登珠峰,但是失败了,go away了,去之前人们问他问什么要选择那座山,他说because it is there “你们为什么要去登珠穆朗玛?”美国《纽约时报》记者问英国登山家乔治·马洛里。“Because it is there(因为山在那里)。”这是1924年在珠峰8100米处遇难的马洛里留给后人的名言。一幅书法置于案头,“山在那边”。众人观赏。何意?有人不解。孟老说:“那就是一种对未来的憧憬,一种期待。”我想此话确有道理。未知的前方总是充满神秘、惊险、刺激,新高度、新成就成了人类永远的憧憬和追求。未知的那座山激励着人们不放弃、不停步。山,值得景仰;山,值得期待;山,值得向往。期待美好的一切,期待本身就是一种美好。it is the widest dream
”Why do we travel to remote locations? To prove our a or to tell stories about incredible things? We do it to be alone amongst friends and to find ourselves in a land without man."
即使失败也要从头在来what if we fall down,at least we are yong.The Rebellious Life of Mrs.Rosa Parks Well, let’s recall the rebellious life of Mrs.Rosa parks
God has always given me the strength to say what is right...I had the strength of God and my ancestors with me
【潜水】温医 Engen
just follow my heart?
@山财-Jerry 有句话叫:你还在,我就爱。一个意思。
推荐大家看一份演讲,why we choose the moon
queer as flok同志亦凡人
一年来开始看脱口秀和纪录片,对他的英语积累起到了非常大的帮助。他告诉我们,“学习语言一定要保持大量的输入,光看课本是绝对不够的。还有就是要训练输出。我在校广播台录制了一年的脱口秀节目,语言组织能力获得了很大的提高。因为对话都是临场组织,不能有语法错误。录完之后,还要对节目进行剪辑。每周一次的节目,对我来说是很好的训练。笔者接着问道,他在语言学习的过程中,什么是他取得优异成绩的重要因素,他向我们总结道,融会贯通,归纳总结。他认为,学习语言是没有止境的,所以死记硬背效率非常低。我在新东方做助教的时候发现,托福听力的技巧可以用于口译,而GRE写作的素材在辩论中非常有用。生活中的许多东西是相通的,语言只是浅层的,真正需要学习的是逻辑思维,批判思考,还有学习的能力。我一般会用一个幽默的开场白吸引观众的注意力。笑声过后我在台上能清楚地看到很多观众抬起头来,微笑着看着我,这说明我已经成功地吸引到了他们。接下来就需要给出更实质的东西了,或是真情实感,或是奇思妙想,或是人生哲理,这需要不断地和观众互动,当观众在微笑,点头,赞叹的时候,说明你是成功的。很多演讲者喜欢引用名言或者名人事例,这当然不失为一种很好的方法,但是如果通篇演讲只有这些,则显得空洞无物,毫无吸引力。好的演讲在听过之后,一定会留下些什么,那些隽永的东西才是我们应该追求的。再就是语言需要雕琢,如果把很多演讲者的演讲稿写在纸上,常常经不起推敲。好的演讲稿需要好的语言,写在纸上,同样是一篇好文章。我偏爱使用押韵,对仗的修辞方法,创造出一些具有文学价值的“金句”。一篇演讲稿中只要有两三句这样的“金句”,通常就能大放异彩。语言值得玩味,内容余韵无穷,这才是一篇好的演讲。很多人花许多时间去练习演讲的仪表,这在我看来没有必要。如果你有东西要讲,你自然而然地就会散发出一种吸引力。可惜的是,许多人是不得不讲,却又无话可说。所以多读书,多思考,多经历才是正途。一个有故事的人绝对不会是一个不会讲故事的 尼克松辞职的那一篇 奥巴马yes,we can i have never benn a quitter 芭芭拉布什的choice and change 克林顿的自传呢
组织行为学,商务沟通 我听托福tpo.china daily 和21世纪英文网站 我常逛亚马逊 法语四级
A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age
Carly drowned her sorrows in vodka cocktails at a South Beach nightclub.卡莉在一家南海滩夜总会喝伏特加鸡尾酒借以消愁
Their cheers drowned out the protests of demonstrators.他们的欢呼声淹没了示威者的抗议。
They have been listening to people's moans and praise.他们一直在倾听人民的抱怨与称赞。
It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.这是对一位青年的人格蓄意的、下流的和恶毒的攻击。
It is clearly prudent to take all precautions.采取一切防范措施显然是慎重的。
It would be a riot of colour, of poppies and irises and flowers of every kind.那将会是五彩斑斓的颜色,由罂粟花、鸢尾花以及各种花卉组成。
He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.他在控制开支方面一丝不苟。
At times the memories returned to torment her.有时这些记忆会又来折磨她。
After years of turmoil and torment, she is finally at peace.经历多年的动荡与痛苦后,她终于安心下来了。
The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.整个意大利文化是围绕着饮食习俗的。He could feel his fingers growing numb at their tips.他能感觉到他的手指尖正在变得麻木。
The mother, numb with grief, has trouble speaking.那位母亲,由于悲伤而木然,说不出话来。
The cold numbed my fingers.寒冷使我的手指失去了知觉。
We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times.我们必须革新我们的社会生活以适应时代的要求。
The jewels on her fingers sparkled.她手指上的珠宝闪闪发光。
Sometimes I wonder if people are intrinsically evil.有时我怀疑人是否生来就是邪恶的。
He took an oath of loyalty to the government.他做了效忠于政府的宣誓。
Divorce releases both the husband and wife from all marital obligations to each other.离婚解除了夫妻相互之间的所有婚姻义务
It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.它讲述了一个有志青年试图超越其街头穷困生活的故事。、Only a coward gives in to his fate.Hormones 只有懦夫才向命运屈服。
Tonight, at a time when the pundits(博学者,权威人士)said it was no longer possible, we rose above the weight of our politics.We pushed back on the undue influence(不正当影响)of special interests.We didn't give in to mistrust or to cynicism(犬儒主义,愤世嫉俗)or to fear.Instead, we proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest challenges.We proved that this government--a government of the people and by the people--still works for the people.三段 原因