
时间:2019-05-14 17:23:37下载本文作者:会员上传


Treasure of Life

生命的财富(九6班,陈婷婷)I am a rich girl, because I have a lot of treasure.我是一个富有的女孩,因为我拥有着许多的财富。

Friends are my treasures.朋友是我的财富。

Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.当我伤心或者低落的时候,我知道他们会握着我的手并温暖我的心。They show me how amazing the friendship is.他们告诉我友谊有多么美好。

Families are also my treasures.家人也是我的财富。

Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side.无论时间将我们分开或者让我们靠得更紧,他们总是陪伴着我。They tell me how wonderful to be loved by people you love.他们让我知道被自己所爱的人爱着的美妙。

Experience is my treasure.经历是我的财富。

Whatever good or bad situation I have to face, 无论我将面对的是好还是坏,It would show me the right way.它总是指引给我正确的方向。It helps me to know more about life.它帮助我更多地理解生活。

I believe I will be richer in the future, because the way of life is just like a journey of finding treasure.我相信我在将来的日子里会变得更加富有,因为生命之路就像一段寻宝的路途。

You never know when and where you can find them.你不知道何时何地你们找到他们。

You just keep going and they will be found in some time at some place.你只需停下脚步,便能在某事某地找到他们。I will cherish what I have had and keep finding with my curiosity and passion.我将珍惜现在所有,并满怀好奇心和热情去追寻。curiosity [ kjʊəriˈɒsəti] n.好奇心

passion [ˈpæʃn] n.激情,热情;热心

I fall in love with reading, because I can get the treasure of


I take part in activities, because I can find the treasure of cooperation我积极参加活动,因为我能在其中找到合作之宝。I enjoy music, because I can find out the treasure of beauty.我享受音乐,因为我能在其中找到美之瑰宝。cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] n.合作;协作

Life is precious ,isn’t it? How can we get so many beautiful and

valuable things without life? 生命如此珍贵,不是吗?没有生命,我们如何能感知到如此美好而有价值的东西?

Dear friends, Let’s feel the world with heart, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go.亲爱的朋友们,让我们用心感知这世界,让心中装满阳光,找到能指引你不断向前的梦想。You will have what it takes to make our ways of success.That is the treasure of life!你会得到助你通向成功之路的东西,那就是生命的财富!Thank you very much!!

What life is about 生活的真谛

九6班 石明艳

As we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude to it, lots of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed.Here are some of the suggestions for us.众所周知,关于生活最重要的我们对待生活的态度,不同的人以不同的方式对待生活,一些人成功了,一些人失败了。这里有一些关于生活的建议给我们大家。

Life isn’t about keeping score.Life isn’t about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin.生活不是为了保持高分,生活也不仅仅是你的鞋子、你的发型和你的肤色。

In fact,it’s not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are.Life just isn’t about that.实际上,生活也不只是你拥有多少朋友,或者你是否孤独;生活也不仅仅意味着你被别人接受与否。生活并不仅仅是这些。

But life is about whom you love and who you hurt.但是,生活是关于你所爱的和你所伤害的那些人。It’s about how you feel about yourself.生活就是你对自己的所有感觉。It’s about trust, happiness and compassion.它是关于信任、幸福和包容。

It’s about supporting your friends and replacing inner hate with love.它是你对朋友的支持和如何用爱来融化内心的憎恨。Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence.生活就是远离嫉妒、克服无知和建立信心。

It’s about what you say and what you mean.It’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have.生活是关于你的言行和思想。生活就是关注人的自身,而不是关注别人的拥有。

And we should always remember to be ourselves.而且我们必须记住保持我们的本色。

Other might have things that we hope ,but being ourselves is the only way leading to the true life.虽然,生活的另一面令我们向往,但保持我们的本色是通往生活真谛的必由之路。

Most of all, it’s about choosing to use your life to touch someone’s way that they could have never been achieved.总之,生活就是用你整个的生命去触摸其他人从未企及的选择。The puzzlement of our life is that we have taller buildings but shorter patient;we buy more but enjoy them less.在生活我们常常困惑的是我们拥有越来越高大的建筑,但我们也越来越缺乏耐心;我们购买的越来越多,但我们从中得到的快乐越来越少。

We’ve learnt how to make a living but not a life, we’ve added years to life, but not life to years.我们学习如何活着但那却不是生活;人类的寿命越来越长,但有意义的生活并因此而延长。

And it is time for us to choose whether to make a difference in our life.因此,现在正是我们选择使我们的人生变得不同凡响的时候了。So these choices are what life is about.这些选择就是生活的真谛。






n.嫉妒,妒忌,猜忌;overcoming n.克服

overcome[ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] vt.& vi.战胜,克服;压倒,ignorance [ˈɪgnərəns] n.无知,愚昧;puzzlement

[ˈpʌzlmənt] n.迷惑,费解;谜

What success means to me?


九9班 李成诗

Once upon a time, an old rich woman left all her property to the person who could answer her question correctly.Her question was this “what is the most important thing for a person who wants to succeed?” To my surprise, the answer was not money, not power, not even opportunity, but “ambition”.曾经有一位富婆,她将所有的财产留给了一个能答出她的问题的人。她是这样问的:对于一个想取得成功的人来说,什么是最重要的?令我惊奇的是,答案不是金钱,不是权力,甚至也不是机遇,却是野心。Why is ambition so important? A person without ambition is like a near-sighted lion.All the things in the distance appear blurred.No matter how strong it is, it can’t go far.为什么野心如此重要?一个没有野心的人就犹如一头目光短浅的狮子。远方的一切在它的眼里都是模糊不清的。无论它有多么强大,他都不可能步出狭隘,走向远方。

A lion lives to control the whole plain.A person must prove that “I am a king here”, at least you are the king of yourself.狮子为统治整个草原而生。一个人也应该证明“我是某个领域的王者”。至少,你也应该是你自己的主宰。Nowadays, the world is very competitive.Even if you get to the top of your own field, there might be still someone better than you.So we have to ask ourselves: what is the proof of success? I believe it is doing something for this world.当今世界,竞争十分激烈。即便你达到了自己的极至,也许还有人会领先于你。这样,我们不得不自问:究竟什么才能证明你的成功?我认为,是为这个世界做些贡献。

Remember: As a successful person, except ambition, the other key you must hold is love.When you look back at history, you’ll find you were standing on the shoulders of the giants.You have enjoyed what they had left you.So we should live to work for the improvement of the world.From president to citizen, we should all take part in building a new www.xiexiebang.comfort and safe life.诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适稳定的生活.However, it is really true that lack of money can cause great distress.It is a common view that “money is the root of all evil.” The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal.In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, which leads to someone

is in mistake.然而,同样缺钱往往引起巨大的忧伤.人们常常认为“金钱是万恶之源”,对金钱的追求驱使许多人去骗去偷.在某些地方,没有钱买不到的东西,这导致人们深陷于误解中。

So, money does not mean happiness.It all depends on how it is used.If we make honestly and wisely use of money, it can be a good way to happiness.所以,金钱并不一定就意味着幸福.这取决于怎样使用金钱,如果我们诚信明智地使用金钱,它将是幸福的基石.Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is used well.尽管金钱买不到幸福, 但是如果它被利用的好的话,它可以使幸福成为可能。




n.悲痛;危难,抑郁 pursuit



My dream我的梦想



Students, teachers, good morning.Everyone.I am ZhangDandan.My English name is Anny, I am sixteen years old.I am a happy girl.同学们、老师们,大家早上好!我是张丹丹,我的英文名字叫安妮,我十六岁了。我是一个快乐的女孩。

Today I and everyone together to share my dream.My dream is helping others.今天我和大家一起来分享我的梦想。我的梦想就是帮助别人。

My mother is a small boss, but she is a friendly person.Everyone likes her very much.But the most important is that she likes to help others.Mother's work is very tired, But she always thinks for others.When others are resting, my mother is always busy.Many people


my mother



good woman.Sometimes when she is walking on the road.There are many people are very kind to her.I feel very happy.I have got a lot respect for my mother.So my dream is helping others like my mother.Helping others is what we should do.You help others, others will help you.So the world will be more beautiful.Everyone likes that, does it? So everyone should help someone else!我妈妈是一个小老板,但她是一个友善的人,每个人都很喜欢她。但最重要的是,她喜欢帮助别人.母亲的工作很累,但她总是为别人着想,别人休息,妈妈总是在忙。许多人认为她是一个好女人。有时侯走在路上有很多人亲切的问候她,我感到非常高兴。我很崇拜我的妈妈,所以我的梦想就是帮助别人像我的妈妈一样。帮助别人是我们应该做的,你帮助别人,别人会帮助你,那么世界就会更加美丽。每个人都喜欢这样是吗,所以每个人都来帮助别人吧!

This is my dream, but it is just a dream, I believe that I will always be hard, one day it will become true.It will make my heart is full of happiness, yes I can.Please give me some encouragement.这是我的梦想,但它仅仅是一个梦想。我相信我只要一直努力,总有一天它会梦想成真的,它将使我的内心充满了快乐,是的,我可以。请给我一些鼓励!

Thank you everyone.That is all my speech.Please don't forget me!

















第三篇:英语演讲比赛 即兴演讲题目资料

1.With the rapid development of cities, more and more young people are moving into cities leaving their parents behind.Elders in China struggle with loneliness, as well as physical and mental problems.Some people say that there should be a law requiring people to visit and care for their elderly parents and the employers should provide vacation time to allow this.Others say that you cannot enforce laws concerning how people treat their parents.What do you think?

2.Last year a senior official at the Ministry of Human Resources said that Central and Provincial governments will now only recruit new public servants from among those with “two years of work experience.” Although most jobs offer on-the-job training, many feel that workers with previous experience will do a better job than new college graduates.What is your opinion? Should the government still hire graduates who lack experience?

3.The Ministry of Education has asked universities around the nation to make business ownership courses mandatory for all undergraduate students if possible.The courses should foster students’ “entrepreneurial spirit” and give them the basic skills to start their own businesses.Should compulsory entrepreneurship courses be introduced to every student at Chinese universities?

4.Many doctors and health officials say that cigarette addiction is a serious disease which causes great suffering and costs billions of Yuan a year.From this perspective, using public resources(such as medical insurance)to help cure people of this addiction seems like a good idea.However, critics point out that about 1 out of 5 Chinese people are smokers.It would be unfair to non-smokers to bear the cost of helping cure so many people addicted to smoking.What is your opinion?

5.Shanghai government is trying to ban the wearing of pajamas outdoors in an attempt to improve the image of the city, because they feel that people wearing them outdoors makes the city look ugly.However, the locals say that this habit is a unique local custom.In addition, they say that wearing pajamas outdoors is not like spitting or smoking because it doesn’t harm anyone.Do you think the city has the right to try to improve its image in this way?

6.Recently in Asia and Russia there has been a large rise in obsession with name brands and luxury goods.For 1 instance, it has become fashionable in Korea for women to eat instant noodles at lunch time and spend the money they saved on an expensive cup of coffee instead of having a healthy meal.Many young people in China save for long periods of time to buy a Prada bag or Hermes scarf.What do you think about this?

7.The widening gap between rich and poor has slowed the development of a harmonious society.To help solve this problem, officials in Wuhan have required all new development projects to set aside areas for low-priced housing and high-priced housing in each housing community.They hope to end the practice of having distinct rich areas and poor areas in the city.Do you think having rich and poor living near each other will solve the problems created by the income gap?

8.In China government agencies and internet service providers are working hard to stop fraud, theft and other internet crimes.They have suggested that their work would be much more successful if people were required to use their real names when they blog or post comments online.Others say that anonymity allows people to state their opinions online without fear of revenge from people they know, business interests, or government agencies.What is your opinion? Should people be required to use their real names online?

9.There is an old Chinese idiom that goes like this: Raise a son to provide for you in old age, just as you store grain for hungry times.In Chinese culture, grown children are supposed to care for their parents.But because of rising competition at work, housing costs, and living expenses, it can be hard for young adults to fulfill their duties to their parents.Do you think the government should improve the social security system to help adult children with this responsibility, or do you think children have this duty regardless of social-economic circumstances?

10.In China’s schools at all levels every class has a class council(ban wei)which is made up of several students in charge of affairs like study, sports, organization and helping teachers organize the class, among others.This practice has been criticized by many in China, saying that this class council system has a negative impact on children’s personality development.However, many parents and teachers are in favor of keeping the system.Do you think the class council system should be cancelled? Why or why not?

11.Recently a phenomenon similar to the Chinese-American “Tiger Moms” of 2010 has come out in China.A father who got three of his four children into Peking University recently wrote a book about the secret of his success.“Beat them if they don’t work hard enough.” This man, who is being called a “Wolf Dad”, has stirred up controversy.Some people say that teaching children discipline in this way is essential if they are going to succeed.Others point out that, not only is beating children wrong, but forced success doesn’t always equal real success.2 What do you think? Are “Wolf Dad” methods good for creating success?

12.This year many people have been discussing a possible “boy crisis” in China.They say that boys are falling behind in academic achievement, getting lower scores on the college entrance exam and occupying fewer seats in college.Many educators say that schools need to be reformed based on gender so that boys can be educated in a way more suitable to them.Others say that there are still more men than women holding higher degrees and men get more opportunities in the workplace… So obviously we do not need gender-based education.Do you think we need to change our schools so that boys can do better than girls?

13.Recently, some members of the government have proposed lowering the marriage age to 18.They say that any citizen aged 18 is legally an adult and they should have the right to marry at that age.Lowering the age will give people more choices.Others say that, because of society and cultural reasons, the marriage age should not be lowered.They say also that, physical maturity and mental maturity do not come at the same time.What do you think about lowering the marriage age to 18?

14.As bookstore chains go out of business and e-books become more popular, some are predicting that printed books are going to disappear entirely.It is thought that the convenience and portability of e-books will win over readers to such an extent that traditional publishing will not be economically viable.Others hold that ink-on-paper books are here to stay, since there will always be some people who prefer to turn physical pages.What do you believe the future holds for printed books?

15.In an attempt to gain a competitive edge, a number of professional soccer teams in China are paying exorbitant sums of money to recruit talented foreign players.Some believe that importing star players from other countries will help raise the standard of play within China.Others feel that benefits accruing to teams with overseas players will be merely short-term and are not likely to address the problems that have plagued the sport in China, such as corruption.What's your take on this issue?

16.Beauty contests on college and university campuses have been the subject of controversy in recent years.Some see them as harmless entertainment and an opportunity for students to distinguish themselves, or even to advance their careers.Others see them as a distraction at best.The harshest critics denounce the contests as sexist and anti-intellectual.Furthermore, these pageants allegedly exploit students for financial gain.What is your view 3 concerning beauty contests on campus?

17.During this year's summer Olympics in London, a number of athletes competed for countries with which they do not apparently have strong ties.Some have immigrated from one country to another.Others hold dual citizenship, but have competed in the past for a different country than the one they represented this year.How do you feel about an Olympic athlete changing their citizenship and competing for a different country?

18.The field of online education continues to expand.Even many prestigious universities are offering online courses, often free of charge.However, there is often no way to obtain a formal diploma or certificate upon completion of such courses.Some argue that online education is essentially equivalent to traditional classroom-based learning.Others maintain that there are significant differences between the two.In your view, should those who study online receive the same credentials as those who attend brick-and-mortar institutions of higher learning?

19.Some leading universities in this country have proposed that they offer generous scholarships in order to attract top students.Some feel that drawing the best and the brightest from abroad would make Chinese institutions more competitive.Others think that additional money for scholarships would not be effective in making top Chinese universities truly world-class.Instead, they advocate improving the quality of the faculty and research facilities.What do you believe would be the best move for Chinese higher education at this time?

With rising prices in the housing market and uncertain job prospects, a number of young people are getting married without first establishing themselves financially.Some believe that love is enough to overcome any obstacle a couple may face in their life together.In some cases they even want to make a statement against materialism.Others are alarmed at the prospect of people getting married without first preparing a home and otherwise securing their financial future.Are those who marry without savings, a home, car or other possessions wise or foolish?

21.Yao Ming's daughter was born in the United States.Yao, together with his wife, chose American citizenship for their daughter—rather than Chinese citizenship.It makes sense in the eyes of many for Yao's daughter to have kept her US citizenship.Others feel the only patriotic thing to have done would have been to have his daughter abandon ties to the US and fully embrace her roots as a Chinese citizen.What do you think of Yao's decision?

22.Given that 20% of the world's population speaks Chinese, it is a legitimate question whether all Chinese students should in fact be learning English.Some feel that the thousands of hours invested by students in learning English could be better spent focusing on their majors.Others maintain that English, as the de-facto international language, is essential for China's future.Do you think English should continue to be a required subject for the vast majority of Chinese students?

23.To combat speculation in Beijing's housing market, there are restrictions on who can buy an apartment.Only those who have permanent residence there or have lived within the city for the past five consecutive years, paying taxes and making social security payments, are eligible.Some say these regulations unfairly discriminate against hard-working non-permanent residents of Beijing.Others hold that the measures are necessary to keep housing prices under control.What is your opinion about the restrictions?

24.It has been proposed by the Kunming city government that visitors to Dianchi Lake be charged a fee for environmental protection.Some see this as a legitimate charge, believing that fighting pollution requires money.Others counter that the main sources of pollution in the region are local factories, population growth, and agricultural practices.It may not be fair to tourists to make them pay this fee.Do you agree with the city government's plan?

25.After a number of school bus accidents in recent years, new manufacturing standards for school buses have been proposed.The Yutong bus company has played a major role in formulating the new standards.It is hoped that the standards would save lives.However, some are concerned that buses built under the proposed standards would be too costly for schools in rural areas.Others raise the possibility that Yutong is not genuinely concerned about the safety of students, but simply wants to make more money.Should the standards be implemented or scrapped?

26.Recently an undergraduate journalism student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology complained about the mandatory math classes that he has to take.His complaint seemed reasonable to many other humanities students who complain that hard science classes are a waste of brain power.Others disagree and say that “comprehensive” development is helpful to people in all fields.Should college students’ studies be fully separated into the humanities and sciences?

第四篇:英语演讲比赛 竞赛 口语 评分细则标准







































































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