paul bloom: the origins of pleasure 生死自知
william 张 blocked for introverts to independent thinking and exploring opportunities, this is a kind of damage for introverts, is also a kind of loss for the society。
william 张
抑郁,我们各自隐藏的秘密 the opposite of depression is not happy, its vitality.and depression not only need to own a strong heart, but also need the tolerance of the whole society, more patience and mutual efforts.高一(6)
william 张篇三:一篇ted演讲观后感
这不是ted演讲,是ted演唱--《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》观后感 一个天生口吃的女孩,站在ted的讲台上,她要说她的故事,唱她的歌。这令我感触不少。
人有天生的差别,只是差别而已,不是差距。很多客观的、现实的因素,我们无法改变。我们能做的就是找到“上帝给我们开的那一扇窗”,并好好利用这扇窗。如果,你是一个有心人,你能透过这扇窗观看整个世界,也能让世界发现你的存在。而有些幸运的人,即使上帝给他们开了很多门,或许他们也从未走到门外去看看外面的世界。因为他们已经拥有很多门,足以看到许多风景,何必到外面经历没有屋檐的漂泊。所以,透过门看到的世界,不一定就比透过窗看到的世界更精彩。我又想起美国诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选择的路》“黄色的林子里有两条路,很遗憾我无法同时选择两者。”不管一个人年轻的时候有多少选择的机会,最终我们只能走一条路。而且,至于另外一条未选择的路,几乎从此就无缘再见。不管多年我们如何叹息,我们只能选择一条路,而且我们这一生已经被自己选择的路改变了。另一条,只是遗憾,它也不一定就比我们选择的路更迷人。所以,不管是给定的路,还是能选择的路,过后都会或多或少留下遗憾。因为,一切没能经历的,错过的事,都会让我们怀念。假如当时我选择了另外一条路,或者我可以选择另外一条路?? 总之,我们选择的路,或者被选择的路,就造成不同的人生,不同的我们。不管怎样,接受自己吧,真实的自己最特别。
再说一下这场演讲《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》主角megan washington,这个和我们有一点不同的女孩。她从小口吃,却发现唱歌能让她流畅地表达自己。她选择了唱歌,唱歌成就了她。来到ted讲台上,她没有用她培训过的“smooth talking”来做一场完美的演讲,即使她能够这样,也没有刻意的取乐观众。她让一个真实的自己显现在观众面前。我从她的眼神中,看到坦然、平静和坚定。
荷塞.安东尼奥.阿布吕尔:我亲爱的朋友,女士们,先生们,我今天非常高兴 被授予本年度的ted大奖。这个奖属于委内瑞拉全体 优秀的音乐教师们,艺术家和教育工作者们 他们在过去35年一直无私和忠诚地陪伴着我 一起为遍及委内瑞拉全国的青少年乐唱队项目
当我还是个男孩子时 那时候我还很小 我就一心想当个音乐家,感谢上帝,我成功了。我的老师们、我的家人和我的社区,都在我成长为音乐家的道路上给与了许多必要的支持。我此生一直梦想 让委内瑞拉所有的孩子 都能享有和我一样的机会。因为这个愿望 我心里树立了一个理想:让音乐广泛的植根于我们的国家。
从第一次排练开始,我就看到了光明的未来。因为这次排练对我是一次巨大的挑战。那次别人捐了50个乐谱架给我,预备着给100个孩子排练时用。当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?” 我决定接受挑战,就在那个晚上,我向这11个孩子承诺,我一定会把我们的乐队 变成世界上最好的乐队之一。两个月前,我想起了自己当年的承诺,因为一位著名的英国乐评人 在伦敦 《时代》杂志上发表了一篇文章,讨论如果交响乐团有世界杯赛,哪支乐团将名列前茅。他提到了4支世界一流乐团,而第五个名字就是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团。今天我们完全可以说 拉丁美洲的艺术 不再只由精英阶层所专享 它已经成为全社会的权利,为全体人民所享有。
造价值观念训练年轻人 去辅导别的孩子。
我们的项目名为el sistema(即西班牙语中的“体系”)它采用的是一种新型而灵活的管理方式 能灵活地适应每个社区和地区的自身特点 现在有超过30万来自中低下阶层的孩子参与到这个项目来 遍及委内瑞拉全国。它也是一个社会拯救项目 和深层的文化改造 目标人群是委内瑞拉全社会 我们摈弃任何形式的歧视,但更侧重于关注弱势和式微的社会阶层。
el sistema的影响力主要体现在3个方面--在个人/社会层面,家庭层面,以及社区层面。在个人/社会层面,在交响乐团与合唱团的孩子们 他们的智力和情感得以发展。音乐成为帮助人类 在各方面发展的源泉。它使人们的精神得到升华 使人的天性得以全面发展。人类的情感和智力因此获益良多--学会如何领导、教学、训练的方法 培养归宿感,责任感,慷慨与奉献之心 以及个人如何为实现伟大的集体共同目标而努力。这些获益能促成自尊自信之心的形成。
加尔各答的特蕾莎修女 她的一个信念一直令我动容--关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情 并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,而是根本没有自我意识。缺乏存在感,缺少自我认同,不被尊重。这就是为什么 在乐团和合唱团中的成长过程,能让孩子们感受到尊重 使他们成为家庭和社区的模范榜样。使他们在学校里成为更好的学生 因为这会激发他们的责任感,毅力和守时等品质也使他在学校有更好的表现。在家庭中,父母们无条件地支持我们的项目。在他们眼里,孩子成了家里的模范。这对穷孩子来说异常重要。一旦孩子们意识到自己对家庭很重要,他就会尽力提升自己 对自己和社区抱有更高的期望。另外,他也会希望自己家庭的社会和经济地位得到提高。所有这些都会形成一种合力,推动社会进入富有建设性的积极上升的通道。如前所述,我们这个项目里大部分的孩子,都来自委内瑞拉最穷困的阶层。参与这个项目使他们能拥有新的梦想,新的目标,在这些音乐所赐的机遇面前 他们获得了长足的进步。最后,在社区层面,事实证明乐团是个有创造性的文化组织 是观念交流和新意层出的源泉,音乐的美自然而生 所以它不会沦为奢侈品,而只会是全社会共享的财富。因此,当家中的孩子演奏小提琴时,父亲在旁边做着木工活。当家中的小女孩演奏单簧管时,妈妈在旁边做着家务。我们的理念是,在孩子们参与的 乐团与合唱团活动中 整个家庭共享骄傲和喜悦。音乐自身创造的强大精神世界,就在于音乐本身,它能克服物质上的贫乏。从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始,他就不再贫穷,他成了一个正向着职业水平迈进的孩子,他迟早会成长为一个合格的全面发展的公民。更不用说,音乐是首选的 抵御卖淫、暴力、坏习惯的方式,它能使孩子们免受各种负面恶习的侵蚀。几年前,历史学家阿诺德.汤因比就指出 当今世界正面临巨大的精神危机。这种危机不是经济危机或社会危机,而是精神上的。我认为要面对这种危机,只有艺术和宗教才能为人性、和人类最深切的渴望,以及我们时代的历史需要等问题,找到正确的答案。教育是承载智慧和知识的综合体,是建立更完美、更明智 更高尚和更公正社会的正途。满怀激情和热忱地,我们向ted致以诚挚的敬意 为它杰出的人文精神,它崇高的理念,和它公开而慷慨的宣扬年轻人的价值观。我们希望ted能全面而有效地 帮助建立一个全新的音乐教育体系,在这个新体系里,孩子和青少年的 社会和社区责任感、他们的精神追求 就是整个社会应该努力的目标。
The First ,3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview
The speaker is a meteorologist by degree J Marshall Shepherd having a bachelor’s ,master’s and PhD in physical meteorology.He took an example to express that science is not a belief and the great different perception of climate changing between scientists as well as public to pull what shapes perceptions about science out.After giving us the clear answers personally with pointing out belief systems and biases, he stress confirmation bias, Dunning-Kruger and cognitive dissonance shape biases and perceptions that people have about science, but then ,literacy and misinformation that keep us boxed in, as well.After taking some specific facts to show how we get boxed in by our perceptions he question another question that how we expand our radius, taking an inventory of your own biases ,evaluating sources and speaking out, following his own answer again.in order to tell us narrow radius happening on us and concrete way to expand our radius ,Doctor broadcast a clip from one of the top TV meteorologists in the us, Greg Fishel in he Raleigh Durham area.at this moment ,I feel strongly that I have similar situation with meteorologists revered in his region in the short video that I was only looking for information to support what I already thought and was not interested in listening to anything contrary.Certainly, I need to expand my radius by talking more with others and trying to conduct myself the way I’d been taught to conduct myself.to my great impression in the last ,the speaker said that when we expand our radius ,it’s not about making a better future but it’s about preserving life as we know it.so as we think about expanding our own radius in understanding science ,it’s critical for a Thens.Georgia.for Atlanta,Georgia ,for the state of Georgia and for the world, so expand your radius.The second,3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do Stacey Abrams
The orator is black woman.she came from a low-income community, and had grown up in Mississippi.She has great sense of humor, saying that even if their family was poor ,but their parents didn’t think they were poor enough ,so they were going for permanent poverty.one day they’d moved from Mississippi to Georgia.one thing happen on the place would change her entire life.Discriminate from mansion of governor of Georgia makes her to become the governor of this place after 20 years.Next, a question follow this story, that how does move forward, and then 3 answers and questions come out., that what do I want ,that why do I want it ,and that how do I get it.she is the black woman to ever become the nominee for governor in the history of the United States of America for a major party.Through her experience ,we can see today the inequality of sex and colors still exist in American., I appreciate this kind lady’s noble quality of speaking for women and colors ,hoping American women and colors people can be treat equally.The third Positive pessimist
“Good afternoon, everyone!”
“First let me share a piece of music with you.”
“I know its terrible.because I played it.”
“And I am sorry its not the worst one.”
“I still got something to show you.”
“I dont laugh, its an entire story.”
“If you really want to understand what is it talking about.”
“You can check my Weibo later.”
“This picture I painted last year.”
“I have another one to show you this is much better.”
“But this picture I painted 20 years ago.”
“I know you might have a question.How its getting worse?”
“And I also understand that most of your conclusions must be: out of imagination.”
“But how it happened? I think its because I became an adult.”
“Since we became adults.We start to fall into being afraid of making mistakes.”
“We choose to be the best or nothing.So we do not dare to try any mistakes.”
“It seems that we trapped ourselves in the overprotective world.”
“And since then we started to lose a lot of abilities like imagination and creativity.”
“What is the strategy? For me I have a special one.(it)is a positive pessimist.”
“Let me explain the concept first.”
“To be a pessimist means you get low expectation to yourself.”
“And you prepared to lose, and what about being positive.”
“It is easy to understand it means you make best effort on everything.”
“And you have a strong willing of winning the game.”
“But if you combine these concepts together it seems like a paradox.”
“Yes I think so but I also think It is the way the world is born to be.”
This is the original words that Chinese beautiful and brilliant girl Hanxue had said in TED.Why do I repeat them precisely one word by one word here.cause repetition could stress the importance of something under the situation that every word is as shining as a diamond.i was so touched with remind me of thinking my own personal experience on the contrast of positive pessimist when she spoke.Maybe I am always a negative optimist under putting pressure on myself causing my life and study worse and worse.In the following time lady Han share her personal experience to us ,how to be a positive pessimist Its the first time she became a TV series producer.But as we know, she is an actress and singer, but work as a producer was totally unfamiliar for her.she had to imagine what will be the worst consequence.She thinks the worst result must be no one would buy it and she will lose both time and money, and the whole investment equal to the revenue I earned by acting for the past few years.what about the whole market.In China only 20% of TV series can finally sold and broadcast on TV.What about the rest 80%.In the past, they just change into a pipe of tapes.Now even worse, they just only data left, so she asked herself several times “Can you really accept the worst consequence”? she thinks yes, at least she could try so she started shooting.Next step, She has to be positive Because she is a huge digital fan so I decided to use some high techniques in her TV series.she focused on 4K resolution.What 4K is.Usually we see a film on the screen in a movie theatre the size is 2K.What 4K means is 4 times larger than 2K.And it also means 50mb per frame.we might still be a little bit confused.Its OK.Dont worry, we just have to remember it was a huge obstacle.In front of all the TV series group in China.Because before us, only a few groups tries to 4K resolution.They input 4K but no one really tired output 4K productions.Because it was really hard Director Zhang Yimou was trying in his film Coming Home for the first time and when they finished the shooting work when they entered The post production work the real nightmare came.she still remember they want to output a 5 minute trail for Beijing TV Festival.But after a whole days working.Until the computer crashed they just got 50 seconds trail.she was crazy.What can she do? This is a 30 episodes TV series.She just got 50 second, so she asked their counselor because at that time.their technical support was RED, which is the biggest digital camera company in America.Their feedback was they use HP base station in America.But they didnt have any HP base station in China.It was too expensive they can not even afford that ,so they decided to assemble out black Apple and tried.The outcome mode from dozens of combinations.After six months work we succeed.Her TV series ”The Ladies" became the first TV series Which output real 4K resolution production, and she succeeded in selling it and with a very good performance on TV, so after this experience she learnt dont be afraid to take huge challenges.we can prepared to lose but conquer is with grit.I want to say from this moment on, I’m a positive pessimist too.The forth ,3 tips to boost your confidence
Watching the hero speak at Ted about confidence.I dont think many people really have confidence, but more hope to use external objects to improve their confidence.Why are we all afraid to tell others loudly that we can live confidently? In todays life, children are often asked a lot by their parents.Confidence can be practiced.This shows that life is not bad, as long as you have self-confidence, everything is easy.Confidence is about practice.The hero is about a player who needs to keep catching the ball.But this guy is pretty bad, after eight months of practice.Finally went to Europe to play football.So does it take us 10,000 hours to get everything done? No, there are some things that dont take that long.Think of what they do, in the end of April will need to sign up for the test of four spoken English, think of four in the end is the thorn of the People.If you dont adjust the thorn, you wont have trouble.However, I signed up for the speaking test on May 20.I guess I just have to practice, practice, practice.This is a way to improve yourself, keep practicing you will have the confidence to speak other peoples language, if you can even speak blush, your voice shaking, this is to prove that our English lessons are false.Language is meant to be used.Is it any use without saying it? Confidence is about seeing your ability through your own affairs.Confidence is talking to yourself in your head.Only if you think you can do it, will you stop doing other peoples business.Now most people will be well-intentioned, you tell them your things, they dont support it, they will think you cant do it.No one thinks you are better than him, we can not accept others better than us.Why cant we accept our imperfections? Because Im not confident enough.Thats one reason, and the other reason is that you still think youre really worse than everyone else.In fact, everyone is unique, not necessarily the same.Confidence is staying away from people who are holding you back.Everyone has their own energy, what kind of taste you are, you will be looking for people with similar taste with you.Your confidence is about needing compliments from time to time, and who doesnt like genuine compliments? This is your life.Dont belittle your self-perception.Actually, youre great!Without your parents around, no one is going to keep telling you whats great about you.What you need is to have people around you all the time and give you credit for your abilities!You have to believe in yourself.You have to say no to failure.There are a lot of people who dont think we can do that.If you dont really fail.Dont set limits on your life.Dont put yourself down.Confidence is just three tips.1.Repeat.2.Beat yourself up.3.Avoid negative people.This is life.No one is responsible for your actions.You have to pay for your life.The fifth The secrets of learning a new language
This TED is to tell people that the secrets of learning a new language.to be frank, I’m student that has language learning trouble for years.I have been looking the reason ,but I never get the clear answer until watching the TED.That could be sure I study language is not for the reason I feel the interest of it , but it’s only useful for me.I care about achieving some goals by using it when I feel it boring.The speaker shares the secrets that finding a interesting way that can make joy to you is basic, and second way is to revise what you’ve learned regularly.There is no doubt that they will make great sense on me in the future and right now what way I m going to employee.
荷塞.安东尼奥.阿布吕尔:我亲爱的朋友,女士们,先生们,我今天非常高兴 被授予本的TED大奖。这个奖属于委内瑞拉全体 优秀的音乐教师们,艺术家和教育工作者们 他们在过去35年一直无私和忠诚地陪伴着我 一起为遍及委内瑞拉全国的青少年乐唱队项目 筹集资金、为它的发展和壮大而努力。
当我还是个男孩子时 那时候我还很小 我就一心想当个音乐家,感谢上帝,我成功了。我的老师们、我的家人和我的社区,都在我成长为音乐家的道路上给与了许多必要的支持。我此生一直梦想 让委内瑞拉所有的孩子 都能享有和我一样的机会。因为这个愿望 我心里树立了一个理想:让音乐广泛的植根于我们的国家。
从第一次排练开始,我就看到了光明的未来。因为这次排练对我是一次巨大的挑战。那次别人捐了50个乐谱架给我,预备着给100个孩子排练时用。当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?” 我决定接受挑战,就在那个晚上,我向这11个孩子承诺,我一定会把我们的乐队 变成世界上最好的乐队之一。两个月前,我想起了自己当年的承诺,因为一位著名的英国乐评人 在伦敦
《时代》杂志上发表了一篇文章,讨论如果交响乐团有世界杯赛,哪支乐团将名列前茅。他提到了4支世界一流乐团,而第五个名字就是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团。今天我们完全可以说 拉丁美洲的艺术 不再只由精英阶层所专享 它已经成为全社会的权利,为全体人民所享有。
博士:委内瑞拉的西蒙玻利瓦尔青年管弦乐团 最近的巡演 包括美国和欧洲 我们能看到我们的音乐如何打动年轻的听众们 如何直抵他们的心灵。孩子和青少年们如何冲向舞台 争抢演奏者抛下来的外套。观众们如何热情地站立鼓掌,有时甚至长达30多分钟,掌声好像永远不会停止似的,公众在演出结束之后,如何向我们的年轻人致以胜利的祝贺。这不单止是艺术的胜利,也是世界上最发达国家的人们 和年轻的拉美音乐家之间 深沉的情感共鸣,在委内瑞拉也一样,它向观众传达的信息包括音乐、活力、能量 热诚和力量。本质上,交响乐团与合唱团 远不只是艺术组织。他们就是社会生活的样板和学校,因为在一起唱歌和演奏 意味着要紧密相处 一起为达到完美和杰出而努力,保持严格的组织纪律性和合作精神 以寻求声音和乐器 之间的和谐共存。这是他们培养团队意识 和互助精神的方式,塑造自尊自爱之心 培育他们的伦理和美学价值观 从各方面都和音乐产生联系。这是音乐如此重要的原因音乐唤醒情感,塑
造价值观念训练年轻人 去辅导别的孩子。
博士:这个项目里的每个年轻人和孩子都有自己的故事,对我来说,他们都非常重要,意义深远。我举个例子,一个名叫埃迪森.鲁兹的男孩 来自首都加拉加斯的一个教区 他充满热忱地学习低音提琴 在圣奥古斯丁青年管弦乐团。通过自身的努力,还有他母亲、家人和社区的支持 他已经成为柏林爱乐乐团低音提琴部 的一名重要成员。我们另一个知名的例子就是古斯塔夫 杜达梅尔(现今当红知名指挥)。他起初加入了在家乡巴基西梅托 的一个儿童乐团。在那儿他学习小提琴然后学指挥。现在他已经是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团的指挥。同时他还在世界上多个最著名的交响乐团担任指挥。他是洛杉矶爱乐乐团的音乐总监,还担任委内瑞拉青少年交响乐队的总监。他还曾是哥德堡交响乐团的指挥。他是拉美和世界年轻音乐家里 无可争议的榜样。
我们的项目名为El Sistema(即西班牙语中的“体系”)它采用的是一种新型而灵活的管理方式 能灵活地适应每个社区和地区的自身特点 现在有超过30万来自中低下阶层的孩子参与到这个项目来 遍及委内瑞拉全国。它也是一个社会拯救项目 和深层的文化改造 目标人群是委内瑞拉全社会 我们摈弃任何形式的歧视,但更侧重于关注弱势和式微的社会阶层。
El Sistema的影响力主要体现在3个方面--在个人/社会层面,家庭层面,以及社区层面。在个人/社会层面,在交响乐团与合唱团的孩子们 他们的智力和情感得以发展。音乐成为帮助人类 在各方面发展的源泉。它使人们的精神得到升华 使人的天性得以全面发展。人类的情感和智力因此获益良多--学会如何领导、教学、训练的方法 培养归宿感,责任感,慷慨与奉献之心 以及个人如何为实现伟大的集体共同目标而努力。这些获益能促成自尊自信之心的形成。
加尔各答的特蕾莎修女 她的一个信念一直令我动容--关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情 并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,而是根本没有自我意识。缺乏存在感,缺少自我认同,不被尊重。这就是为什么 在乐团和合唱团中的成长过程,能让孩子们感受到尊重 使他们成为家庭和社区的模范榜样。使他们在学校里成为更好的学生 因为这会激发他们的责任感,毅力和守时等品质也使他在学校有更好的表现。
在家庭中,父母们无条件地支持我们的项目。在他们眼里,孩子成了家里的模范。这对穷孩子来说异常重要。一旦孩子们意识到自己对家庭很重要,他就会尽力提升自己 对自己和社区抱有更高的期望。另外,他也会希望自己家庭的社会和经济地位得到提高。所有这些都会形成一种合力,推动社会进入富有建设性的积极上升的通道。如前所述,我们这个项目里大部分的孩子,都来自委内瑞拉最穷困的阶层。参与这个项目使他们能拥有新的梦想,新的目标,在这些音乐所赐的机遇面前 他们获得了长足的进步。
最后,在社区层面,事实证明乐团是个有创造性的文化组织 是观念交流和新意层出的源泉,音乐的美自然而生 所以它不会沦为奢侈品,而只会是全社会共享的财富。因此,当家中的孩子演奏小提琴时,父亲在旁边做着木工活。当家中的小女孩演奏单簧管时,妈妈在旁边做着家务。我们的理念是,在孩子们参与的 乐团与合唱团活动中 整个家庭共享骄傲和喜悦。音乐自身创造的强大精神世界,就在于音乐本身,它能克服物质上的贫乏。从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始,他就不再贫穷,他成了一个正向着职业水平迈进的孩子,他迟早会成长为一个合格的全面发展的公民。更不用说,音乐是首选的 抵御卖淫、暴力、坏习惯的方式,它能使孩子们免受各种负面恶习的侵蚀。
几年前,历史学家阿诺德.汤因比就指出 当今世界正面临巨大的精神危机。这种危机不是经济危机或社会危机,而是精神上的。我认为要面对这种危机,只有艺术和宗教才能为人性、和人类最深切的渴望,以及我们时代的历史需要等问题,找到正确的答案。教育是承载智慧和知识的综合体,是建立更完美、更明智 更高尚和更公正社会的正途。
满怀激情和热忱地,我们向TED致以诚挚的敬意 为它杰出的人文精神,它崇高的理念,和它公开而慷慨的宣扬年轻人的价值观。我们希望TED能全面而有效地 帮助建立一个全新的音乐教育体系,在这个新体系里,孩子和青少年的 社会和社区责任感、他们的精神追求 就是整个社会应该努力的目标。社会不再是为艺术服务,更
不是为精英阶层垄断的艺术服务,相反,艺术应当服务于社会,服务于弱势群体,服务于儿童,服务于老弱病残,服务于那些寻求公义的人们。所用的方法,就是改变这些人的精神状态 提升他们的尊严。
主持人:我们回到加拉加斯的现场。我们现在正和加拉加斯进行现场连线 我们来听听阿布吕尔大师的TED大奖愿望。
阿布吕尔:以下就是我的TED大奖愿望--我希望TED能够帮助创建和起草, 一份特别的培训计划, 挑选50名富有才华的音乐家加以培养, 他们热心于艺术和社会公义,致力于把音乐培养体系"EI Sistema”项目的模式 引入美国和其他国家。非常感谢大家。
Paul Bloom: The Origins of Pleasure My eyes are attached by the title of the speech.Because I have been wondering that how can I feel happier on earth.Maybe I find the answers through the speech.It illustrates that humans are, to some extent, natural born essentialist, which means we don’t respond by things as we see them, as we feel them.We respond by our beliefs about what they are, what we come from.For example, if you drink wine in an exquisite bottle, it will taste better.The reason why we take origins so seriously is that we are snobs, who are focused on status.The theory applies to pain as well.You will hurt more if you know someone do it on purpose.While pain, under certain circumstances, can be transformed into pleasure, so people can seek out low-level pains and take pleasure from them.Actually, I can afford the pain but I don’t need to suffer from the negative emotions.In general, whether I am happy or not depends my own beliefs.After I have watched the speech, some ideas come to my mind.In 2010, I entered into Lixin University of Commerce and majored in Taxation.If I took Taxation as my favorite major, maybe I would work better and feel better in every aspect of school life.Fortunately, it’s not too late to know it.In the future, I’ll try my best to take everything positive and transform the pain to the pleasure.In that, my life will be happier.
The philosopher Stephen Cavebegin begin with a dark and compelling question: when did you first realized that he would die? Then he discusses the people to resist the inevitability of death, tells the story of four across various civilizations for the processing of death.So that we can deal with fear of death.The fear of death is not rational,but over this bias is not easy because the fear of death is so deeply embedded in us.And when we see that the fear is not rational and when we can bring it out in the open, then we could start to try minimize the influence it has on our lives.高一(6)
William 张
In a social and outgoing personality is venerated cultures, become introverted people may find it hard to, it is shameful even.But, from Susan Cain's study, you will find the introvert brought amazing talents and abilities to the world, it is worth to encourage and celebrate.Many people do not understand the introvert.Introversion is a kind of personality.But, introverts can be very good at communication, can also express myself very well, but they enjoy time alone more, not to participate in social activities.Just now the society, especially in the United States education focus too much on team spirit, Blocked for introverts to independent thinking and exploring opportunities, this is a kind of damage for introverts, is also a kind of loss for the society。
William 张
The opposite of depression is not happy, it's vitality.And depressed, we become lifeless."in the deep and disruptive to the speech, the writer Andrew Solomon brought us into the struggling with depression days, he thought the most capable of corner.The experience of depression let he began to travel around the world to find and interview other depression-as a result, he found that with the increasing of the number of his speech, more and more people begin to share their stories with him.Sadness far cannot be compared with depression.Even hurt by the really bad influence that is sad.I was wondering whether I’ve got depression, but now I clear out that sadness is tough,but depression is despair.Get well soon, with an optimistic state of mind to save itself.Overcoming the depression not only need to own a strong heart, but also need the tolerance of the whole society, more patience and mutual efforts.高一(6)
William 张