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1)当代世界经济与政治 World Economy and Politics


当代世界政治 国家利益是外交的根本目的


雅尔塔体系(英文:Yalta System),是对1945年-1991年间国际政治格局的称呼,得名于1945年初美、英、苏三国政府首脑罗斯福、丘吉尔、斯大林在苏联雅尔塔(今属乌克兰)举行的雅尔塔会议。其特点是:以美国和苏联两极为中心,在全球范围内进行争夺霸权的冷战,但不排除局部地区由两个超级大国直接或间接参与的战争(如朝鲜战争、越南战争、阿富汗战争等)。1989年的东欧剧变和1991年的苏联解体,标志着雅尔塔体系最终瓦解。





3.德国一分为二,社会主义的民主德国和资本主义的联邦德国分别被苏美控制。[2] 4.朝鲜一分为二,社会主义的朝鲜和资本主义的韩国分别被苏美控制。

The Yalta Conference, sometimes called the Crimea Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference, held from February 4 to 11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, represented by President Franklin D.Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill andPremier Joseph Stalin, respectively, for the purpose of discussing Europe's post-war reorganization.The conference convened in the Livadia Palace near Yalta in Crimea.The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe.Within a few years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, Yalta became a subject of intense controversy.To some extent, it has remained controversial.Yalta was the second of three wartime conferences in Crimea among the Big Three.It had been preceded by the Sevastapol Conference(codenamed Grey Wolf Conference)in 1942, the Tehran Conference in 1943, and was followed by the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, which was attended by Stalin, Churchill(who was replaced halfway through by the newly elected British Prime Minister Clement Attlee)and Harry S.Truman, Roosevelt's successor.2)世界政治力量的分化改组,两极格局受到冲击 ;第三世界的崛起The third wolrd begin to rise。万隆会议Asian–African Bandung Conference的召开和不结盟运动Non-Aligned Movement的兴起;雅尔塔体制的瓦解:东欧剧变Great changes in East Europe;两德统一The fall of Berlin Wall。

The first large-scale Asian–African or Afro–Asian Conference—also known as the Bandung Conference(Indonesian: Konferensi Asia-Afrika)—was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on April 18–24, 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia.The twenty-five countries that participated at the Bandung Conference represented nearly one-quarter of the Earth's land surface and a total population of 1.5 billion people.[1] The conference was organised by Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan,Ceylon(Sri Lanka), and India and was coordinated by Ruslan Abdulgani, secretary general of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The conference's stated aims were to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation and to oppose colonialism or neocolonialismby any nation.The conference was an important step toward the Non-Aligned Movement.The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.3)世界局势总体和平,局部战乱;大国之间既相互竞争又相互合作

World political is overall peaceful, regionally conflicting;both great powers compete and cooperate with each other.第二章


International Economic System,1945-Present Dates

Name of System

Type of Management of Governance 1945-1971

Bretton Woods System

Superpower management 1971-1989


Collective management



Global economic governance

The Bretton Woods system rested on three political foundations: 1.The concentration of power in a small number of states;2.The existence of a cluster of important interests shared by those states;3.The presence of a dominant power willing and able to assume a leadership role.The Bretton Woods system enabled Europe and Japan to recover from the devastation of the war, established a stable monetary system, encouraged more open trade, finance, and investment, and in turn led to a period of rapid economic growth.Interdependence

By the 1970s, the Bretton Woods system was replaced by a new international economic system characterized by interdependence.Changes in the nature of international economic interaction and a shift in the balance of power among the key players led to a restructuring of the international economic order.As result, national economies became more interdependence and more sensitive to economic policy and events outside the national economy.Globalization The end of the Cold War had a profound impact on the international economic system.With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the political bases of the global economy shifted dramatically.The impact of globalization was uneven.The speed of economic change accelerated and flows of capital and goods became more volatile, causing rapid and sometimes wrenching changes for hundreds of millions of people.Many countries, companies, and individuals were beneficiaries of globalization.跨国公司是世界经济中重要的非国家主体 跨国公司,是指在两个或两个以上国家同时进行经营活动的公司企业,它包括母公司及其在国外设立的分公司,是世界经济舞台上集投资、贸易、金融、服务等经济功能于一身的特殊主体。A multinational corporation(MNC)is an enterprise that engages in foreign direct investment(FDI)and that owns or controls value-added activities in more than one country.A firm is not really multinational if it just engages in overseas trade or serves as a contractor to foreign firms.FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)-trade-related intellectual property and investment The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)The major rule for implementing free trade under the GATT was the principle of nondiscrimination(非歧视).All of the contraction parties—— that is, all member states agreed to adhere to the most-favored-nation(MFN)principle(最惠国原则),which stipulated that “any advantage, favor, privilege(特权), or immunity(豁免)granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for(指定)any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties.”(某一成员国提供给其他国民的任何利益、优惠、特权或豁免,均应立即无条件地适用于全体其他成员国国民)。

A second element of nondiscrimination in the GATT was the provision for national treatment(国民待遇条款), a rule designed to prevent discrimination against foreign products after they enter a country.In addition to establishing trade principle, the GATT provided a set of rules and procedures for what was to be the principal method of trade management in the postwar period: multilateral trade negotiations.The most important rule was reciprocity(互惠), the concept that tariff reductions should be mutually advantageous.三、社会主义国家的经济与政治

Socialism 可以和中国对外贸易 对应

An economic and political system in which private property is abolished and the means of production are collectively owned and operated by the community as a whole in order to advance the interests of all.In Marxist ideology, socialism is considered an intermediate stage in the inevitable transformation of capitalism into communism.A socialist society is envisioned as being characterized by the dictatorship of the proletariat(无产阶级);the existence of high degree of cooperation and equality;and the absence of discrimination, poverty, exploitation(剥削), and war.With the non-existence of private ownership, the private profit motive is eliminated from economic life.Consequently, market forces do not play a role in organizing the process of production.Instead, large-scale government planning is employed to ensure the harmonious operation of the process of production.Soviet soft power was progressively(不断地)undercut(损害)by the de-Stalinization(非斯大林化运动)in 1956 that exposed his crimes;by the repressions(镇压)in Hungary in 1956, in Czechoslovakia in 1968, and in Poland in 1981;and by the growing transnational communication of liberal ideas.Lenin’s heirs maintained domestic power through a brutal state security system.The net effect of these repressive measures on the Russian people was a general loss of faith in the system.Stalin had created a system of centralized economic direction that emphasized heavy smokestack industries(烟囱工业).It was very inflexible—— all thumbs and no fingers —— and tended to stockpile(囤积)labor rather than transfer it to growing service industries.At the end of the twentieth century, the major technological change of the third industrial revolution was the growing role of information as the scarcest(最稀缺的)resource in an economy.The Soviet system was particularly inept(笨拙的,愚蠢的)at handling information.The deep secrecy of its political system meant that the flow of information was slow and cumbersome(不方便的).There are a great deal of turmoil(骚乱、不稳定的)in the world economy at the end of the twentieth century, but the Western economies suing market systems were able to transfer labor to services, to reorganize their heavy industries, and to switch to computers.The Soviet Union could not keep up with the changes.For instance, when Gorbachev came to power in 1985, there were 50000 personal computers in the Soviet Union;in the United States there were 30 million.Four years later, there were about 400000 personal computers in the Soviet Union, and 40 million in the United States.In the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe also sought limited participation in the international economy.Changes in domestic and international policy in the two key communist countries —— the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China —— opened up the possibility of greater East-West economic interaction

Gorbachev’s perestroika(改革), or restructuring, sought to move the Soviet economy more in the market direction and to open up trade, finance, and investment relations with the west.This move had the unforeseen result of hastening the Soviet Union’s economic decline and helping to bring about the breakup of the Soviet empire.In contrast, China’s economic reform led to rapid growth.2)马克思主义政治经济学 Marxism Political Economics This course is to teach us understand Marxism political and economic theories: 1.商品经济的基本原理Commodity economy。In Marx's theory, a commodity is something that is bought and sold, or exchanged in a market.It has value, which represents a quantity of human labor.[6] Because it has value, implies that people try to economise its use.A commodity also has a use value,[7] anexchange value[8] and a price.2.剩余价值理论Surplus value According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labour-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.。Surplus-value can, in a developed capitalist economy, be viewed also as an indicator of the level of social productivity that has been reached by the working population, i.e.the net amount of value it can produce with its labour in excess of its own consumption requirements.3.垄断资本主义经济的特征和本质monopoly capitalism。State capitalism has also come to refer to an economic system where the means of production are owned privately but the state has considerable control over the allocation of credit and investment Alternatively, state capitalism may be used(sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism)to describe a system where the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses.This practice is often claimed to be in contrast with the ideals of both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism.4.社会主义经济的基本原理和基本特征Socialism。Market socialism refers to an array of different economic theories and systems that utilise the market mechanism to organise production and to allocate factor inputs among socially owned enterprises, with the economic surplus(profits)accruing to society in a social dividend as opposed to private capital owners.3)毛泽东思想概论 MaoZedong Philosopy This course is to teach us our former chairman Mao’s political theories.1.科学发展观第一要义是发展, 科学发展观核心是以人为本。Scientific outlook of growth is sustainable development to suit human’s needs.解放思想与实事求是的关系,实事求是是马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓。Emancipating the mind,seeking truth from the facts.3)新制度经济学 New Institutional Economics New institutional economics(NIE)is an economic perspective that attempts to extend economics by focusing on the social and legal norms and rules(which areinstitutions)that underlie economic activity and with analysis beyond earlier institutional economics and neoclassical economics.[1] It can be seen as a broadening step to include aspects excluded in neoclassical economics.It rediscovers aspects of classical political economy.NIE has its roots in two articles by Ronald Coase, “The Nature of the Firm”(1937)and “The Problem of Social Cost”(1960).In the latter, the Coase Theorem(subsequently so termed)maintains that without transaction costs alternative property right assignments can equivalently internalize conflicts and externalities.Therefore, comparative institutional analysis arising from such assignments is required to make recommendations about efficient internalization of externalities [2] and institutional design, including Law and Economics.在研究方法上,新制度经济学派比旧制度经济学派更彻底地主张制度演进、整体方法,反对新古典经济学抽象演绎法,认为把个人作为经济学的研究出发点是不科学的,认为这种方法以其均衡的、静止的分析去研究资本主义社会关系的外表,没有考虑到社会各个经济利益集团间的矛盾冲突。新制度学派的学者主张从根本上更新现代经济理论的方法论基础。他们认为,由于技术不断变革,资本主义经济制度和结构处于不断的变化过程中,资本主义制度是个动态的因果过程,所以经济学必须研究变化、研究过程。也就是说,对经济问题的研究要采用演进的方法。,交易费用理论表明交易活动是稀缺的,市场的不确定性导致交易也是冒风险的,因而交易也有代价,从而也就有如何配置的问题。资源配置问题就是经济效率问题。所以,一定的制度必须提高经济效率,否则旧的制度将会被新的制度所取代。这样,制度分析才被认为真正纳入了经济学分析之中。新制度经济学认为,产权安排直接影响资源配置效率,一个社会的经济绩效如何,最终取决于产权安排对个人行为所提供的激励。

3)思想道德修养 Moral Education This course is to teach us how to know and identify ourselves, try to establish the moral values and beliefs, how to be open minded and love our own countries, it will do good to our own delelopment.4)马克思主义哲学 Marxism Philosophy Marxist philosophy or Marxist theory are works in philosophy that are strongly influenced by Karl Marx's materialist approach to theory, or works written by Marxists.Marxist philosophy may be broadly divided into Western Marxism, which drew out of various sources, and the official philosophy in the Soviet Union, which enforced a rigid reading of Marx called dialectical materialism, in particular during the 1930s.物质和意识:物质决定意识,意识反作用于物质。

Materials and consciousness: material determines consciousness, mind also have effects on matrials.实践是检验真理的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth 同一性和斗争性是矛盾的两种基本属性,矛盾是事物发展的内在动力。

5)证券理论投资和技巧: Theory of securities Investiment and Technics



Securities are divided into valuable securities and non-valent securities.The difference is negotiability.Valuable securities can be divided into stock and bond.Bond can be divided to treasury bills, government bond, corporate bond, financial bond.证券投资就是投资者为了获取收益购买资本证券形成金融资产的经济活动。目的:获取利润,获取控制权,分散风险,保持资产流动性。

Securities investment is that investors buy capital securities to make them being financial assets, aiming to get benefits, get control rights and spread risks.投资方法中着重讲了,证券组合理论。是研究如何通过多元化投资组合分散风险,各种股票的收益和风险相互叠加,相抵,得到收益最大化。

In the investment methods chapter, the securities combinatorial theory is important.It studied how to get the maximal benefit with different stocks overlap and diversified investments which scatter the risks.As the saying goes, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.6)法律 Basic Theories of Law 7)军事理论Militory theory 8)微积分 Calculus 9)日语 Japanes

10)文献检索与应用 Literature Searching and Ulilization 11)世界著名歌剧欣赏 world famous opera apprieciation.



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