
时间:2019-05-14 18:54:01下载本文作者:会员上传



你知道今年中秋节几月几号吗?已经准备好中秋节礼物了吗?知道中秋节来历,中秋节风俗有哪些吗?2014年中秋节是在9月8日,而中秋节礼物、中秋节来历及风俗,忆百礼品推荐小编都有提及过哦,有兴趣的朋友可以到我们“礼品资讯”板块查看更多相关详情。在中秋节这一天,少不了的是中秋祝福短信或祝福语,那么中秋节英文祝福语你又了解多少呢?下面由小编为大家整理了2014年最全的中秋节英文祝福语,赶紧围观吧。1.祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!i wish your career and life as it phases of the mid-autumn festival, bright bright, festive!2.又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。that is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents.3.这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。the most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.4.一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐!one of the most simple: a happy mid-autumn festival!5.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.6.声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water i placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.7.中秋是一首长篇史诗,永远漫长永远动情;亲情是一团不灭火焰,永远燃烧永远温暖;爱情是一坛温过美酒,永远劳神永远醉心!the mid-autumn festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen;the family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth;love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!8.我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。i carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself a blessed i know you.9.to have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。10.心跳要听到 思念要想到 祝福要心到爱要说到 礼要做到 心要得到 yearning to hear heartbeats to think of blessings to go to say that love to be at the heart should be 11.无论天南海北,不论相聚与离别,有份祝福永远挂在我心中,祝你一切圆满美好!regardless in many, regardless of gathering and leave all those blessings forever linked in my mind, i wish you all every beautiful!12.你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,追追逐逐把你牵;你是明月我是泉,圆圆满满一万年!you cakes i stuffing, smell the meeting;you are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you;you mingyue i springs, menu 10,000 years!13.把酝酿已久的创意交给秋风,任其去演绎相思的旋律;让翘盼团聚的心跃上太空,在月宫桂树下再叙永恒的主题。the long-simmering creativity to the autumn wind, to the interpretation of its acacia melody;alice hope to reunite the hearts leap in space, the moon palace osmanthus trees to syria under an eternal theme.14.中秋,思念的时节,我将真诚与祝福浓缩至短信,带着关怀与思?,随电波飞向你。meanwhile, the yearning season, i will be sincere and best wishes to concentrate messages with care and thought? with the airwaves towards you.15.有多少人要欢聚一堂,又有多少人要千里寄相思? 此时此刻,多少亲情、友情、爱情,多少温馨祝福涌上心头。another is the mid-autumn festival, during the festival times sze.the number of people gathered to, and how many people to send acacia trinidad? at this moment, the number of family love, friendship and love, how many warm wishes in my heart.16.传统的节日里,我们总会有那种很传统的愿望:花常开、月常圆、人常在??中秋节快乐。

the traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire: a regular flower, yuan, chang, who often...happy mid-autumn festival.17.神说:所谓的幸福,就是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友,当你收到此信息,一切都随之拥有!god said: the so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body, the work of a heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you received this information, all subsequent owners!祝中秋愉快!i wish a happy mid-autumn festival!18.一样的月光,在你我的身上;送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心,希望你过得每一天都像十五的月亮一样圆满成功。like the moon, you my possession;into the sweet cakes, blessed with a heart, i hope you live every day like the moon 15 as a success.19.中秋佳节,无以为寄,但送此句,以表吾心:此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。the mid-autumn festival, no longer pin, but sent sentence, as a clay: at this point do not hear each other, china is willing to monthly flow zhao jun.21.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗? my dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? i miss you so.22.在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.23.采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。an inter-mining mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you covered, as appropriate pieces of glass moon palace drunken your heart, and do a blessing zhong yuan your dreams.更多精选礼品资讯,尽在忆百孝心网。


转载请注明出处 忆百孝心网篇二:中秋节中英文祝福语大全


1、祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!wish your career and life as it phases of the mid-autumn festival, bright bright, festive!

2、借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意。i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success.3、采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。

an inter-mining mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you covered, as appropriate pieces of glass moon palace drunken your heart, and do a blessing zhong yuan your dreams.4、我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。i carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself a blessed i know you.5、这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。the most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.6、试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到。try to find the most beautiful message, i did not do.7、一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐!one of the most simple: a happy mid-autumn festival!

8、又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。2001 is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents.9、刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.10、中秋是一首长篇史诗,永远漫长永远动情;亲情是一团不灭火焰,永远燃烧永远温暖;爱情是一坛温过美酒,永远劳神永远醉心!the mid-autumn festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen;the family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth;love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

11、你奔小康我来鼓劲,为了明天我们前进!you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow!


sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water i placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.13、声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water i placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.14、就知道明天你会被铺天盖地的短信包围,英明的我一早就让祝福跨过高山越过高楼大厦穿过大街小巷,闪过卖茶叶蛋的老太太,钻进你的耳朵:中秋快乐!you will know tomorrow will be omnipresent sms surrounded the outset let me wise blessing over high-rise buildings across the mountains through the streets, and passed the old lady selling tea, into your ear: a happy mid-autumn festival!


the traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire: a regular flower, yuan, chang, who often...happy mid-autumn festival.篇三:中秋节的问候(英文版)the joyous mid-autumn festival, the third and last festival for the living, was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox.many referred to it simply as the fifteenth of the eighth moon.in the western calendar, the day of the festival usually occurred sometime between the second week of september and the second week ofoctober.this day was also considered a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant.with delinquent accounts settled prior to the festival , it was a time for relaxation and celebration.food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard.apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates , melons, oranges and pomelos might be seen.special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro, edible snails from the taro patches or rice paddies cooked with sweet basil, and water caltrope, a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns.some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight.of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the mid-autumn festival.origin incense, planting mid-autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances.however, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon.whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them.moon cakes nowadays, there are hundreds varieties of moon cakes on sale a month before the arrival of moon festival.different celebrated forms for thousands of years, the chinese people have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes;joy and sorrow, parting and reunion.because the full moon is round and symbolizes reunion, the mid-autumn festival is also known as the festival of reunion.all family members try to get together on this special day.those who can not return home watch the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones.people in different parts of china have different ways to celebrate the mid-autumn festival.in guangzhou in south china, a huge lantern show is a big attraction for local citizens.thousands of differently shaped lanterns are lit, forming a fantastic contrast with the bright moonlight.in east chias zhejiang province, watching the flood tide of the qian-tang river during the mid-autumn festival is not only a must for local peple, but also an attraction for those from other parts of the country.the ebb and flow of tides coincide with the waxing and waning of the moon as it exerts a strong gravitational pull.in mid autumn, the sun, earth and moon send out strong gravitational forces upon the seas.the outh of the qiantang river is shaped lik a bugle.so the flood tide which forms at the narrow mouth is particularly impressive.spectators crowd on the river bank,watching the roaring waves.at its peak, the tide rises as high as three and a half meters.“成千上万人疯狂下载。。。


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1、without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。

2、east or west, home is best.金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。

3、the moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存

4、where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。5、when we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.如果我们在一起,天上的月亮也会嫉妒的。6 my dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? i miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?

7、to have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。

8、still remember the happy time on mid-autumn festival when we were children? best wishes for you!还记得儿时我们讲度的那个中秋吗?


9、would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight? 今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?

10、wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。

11、is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents.又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三 愿美貌犹如月中仙。

12、the most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。

13、try to find the most beautiful message, i did not do.试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到。

14、one of the most simple: a happy mid-autumn festival!一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐!

15、sky one, the water there, i also have here months.天上有个月,水中有个月,我这儿也有个月。

16、为送礼!for gifts!

17、now the cakes on the water, with penetration of courier from the moonlight.现将月饼放在水中,用月光返照原理速递过来。

18、i wish a happy mid-autumn festival, one more round full moon!祝中秋节快乐,月圆人更圆!

19、sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water i placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。20、the mid-autumn festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen;the family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth;love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!中秋是一首长篇史诗,永远漫长永远动情;亲情是一团不灭火焰,永远燃烧永远温暖;爱情是一坛温过美酒,永远劳神永远醉心!

21、i carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself a blessed i know you.我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。

22、just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。

23、i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success.借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意。

24、you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow!你奔小康我来鼓劲,为了明天我们前进!

25、sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water i placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。

26、i wish your career and life as it phases of the mid-autumn festival, bright bright, festive!祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!

27、i will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would help to the mid-autumn full moon night, i tell you;i thought you, i am your mind, heart, i wish you a happy mid-autumn festival!我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!篇五:关于中秋节的来历中英文对照 关于中秋节的来历中英文对照 zhong qiu jie, which is also known as the mid-autumn festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.it is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon-an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck.adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油).a golden yolk(蛋黄)from a salted duck egg was placed at the 圆形月饼,直径约3一,厚1英寸,1.5英寸的测量,在味道类似西方的水果蛋

糕和一致性。这些蛋糕已经作出瓜子(西瓜子),莲子(莲籽),杏仁(杏仁),切碎的肉,豆沙,陈皮和猪油(猪油)。金色的蛋黄从咸蛋(蛋黄)是放置在每个蛋糕的中心,和金黄色地壳装饰节的象征。传统上,13个月饼堆放在一个金字塔象征的“完整的卫星今年13”,也就是说,12个卫星加上一个闰(闰月的)月亮。according to chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it.one day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat.the earth was saved when a strong archer, hou yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns.yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, chang-e drank it.thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray at the mid-autumn festival.在14世纪,中秋节吃月饼又被赋予了一层特殊的含义。传说在朱元璋带兵起义推翻元朝时,将士们曾把联络信藏在月饼里。因此,中秋节后来也成为汉人推翻蒙古人统治的纪念日。字串7 古代有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。在月下,将月亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。切的人预先算好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起,不能切多也不能切少,大小要一样。in ancient times the on the eve of autumn twilight practices.on the eve of that worship goddess.set large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelons, apples, dates, plums, grapes other offerings, moon cake and watermelon is definitely not small.also cut into the lotus-shaped watermelon.under the month, the moon god on the moon that direction, candle high burning the whole family followed by worship the moon, then the charge of the housewife cut happy moon cake.pre-cut people who count the number of good family, at home, in the field should count together, can not cut more and no cut less the same size.在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面,牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。吃月饼 我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,“月饼”一词,最早见于南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》中,那时,它也只是象菱花饼一样的饼形食品。后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。月饼最初是在家庭制作的,清袁枚在《隋园食单》中就记载有月饼的做法。到了近代,有了专门制作月饼的作坊,月饼的制作越越来越精细,馅料考究,外型美观,在月饼的外面还印有各种精美的图案,如“嫦娥奔月”、“银河夜月”、“三潭印月”等。以月之圆兆人之团圆,以饼之圆兆人之常生,用月饼寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,都成为天下人们的心愿,月饼还被用来当做礼品送亲赠友,联络感情。


Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a speech.Hello!I wonder whether everybody knows the meaning of these two words of “energy-conservation ” and “ low carbon ”? I assume as a matter of course and know.Does “energy-conservation” save the energy? Does “low carbon” reduce carbon emission? Yes, it is really simple.We often chat about them.But, do you really understand them? Have they really taken root on your bottom of heart deeply?

Once, the Earth mother left our rich energy to cause us to be jubilant, sighed on Earth's energy inexhaustible, inexhaustible, now, the newest statistics indicated, the petroleum will dry up after 60 years, the coal also might supply the humanity to use for 250 years;Once, developed first, the environment question the situation which neglected is often occurred, now, the sustainable development, was together harmoniously with the nature the biggest topic.Not difficult to see, the environment question in is taken unceasingly by the people.For all this, the environment question was still stern, the energy conservation reduced the platoon, the low-carbon lives imminently.At the Copenhagen climate congress, this affects the human destiny the question slowly to be unable to reach the agreement actually.In the life, is driving the great displacement automobile, purchases including the fluorine air conditioning, the refrigerator, including the phosphorus laundry powder, turns on the air conditioning the low temperature also one side to bind in the summer the quilt, the daylight lamp is being long all night clearly, water cock water drop sound day and night not rest......These influence environment phenomenon common occurrence.This is rebels with ours position.American President Kennedy has said: Do not have to ask the country can

make any for us, must ask first oneself can make any for the country.The low-carbon life needs everybody to participation!

The low-carbon life first is one kind of life manner.So long as wants, each person may be able to achieve!The electricity saving, saves gas and oil, the solar terms, saving water, the tree-planting, makes use of waste, by step generation of vehicle......The intravenous drip, in life each aspect, all may choose the low-carbon life the manner.The low-carbon life is also representing one kind healthily, the more natural life style.Little eats counter-season food, the generation by works as season food;Little uses the disposable product, the generation by the duplicated things;Little rides an overhead traveling crane, little sits one time the elevator, the generation rides the bicycle, crawls the staircase, while falls the low-carbon withdrawal, we will have a healthier body and mind.We believed, so long as everybody works as one, participation together, humanity's tomorrow certainly will be able to be happier!Schoolmates, today, your low-carbon?








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Low-carbon is a buzzword these days, but the notion is no longer ambiguous for cities in China as the country selects five provinces and eight cities to make them the first batch of low-carbon pilot areas.Su Yi has the detail.The selected areas have promised to work out a low-carbon development plan to accelerate the establishment of a low carbon industry and promote people's low-carbon lifestyles.Lei Hongpeng, senior program officer of climate and energy programme with World Wide Fund for Nature, the world's largest conservation non-governmental organization, says the pilot project is a significant measure China has taken to deal with climate change.“Firstly, from a global perspective, we all know climate change is one of the biggest challenges the whole world is facing, I think China is one of the big emitters and also one of the countries who is affected by climate change, so China should do some thing to tackle climate change.The second is domestic perspective;China needs to explore a way to realize its development target, at the same time with limited sources and environment.”

The selected provinces are Guangdong, Liaoning, Hubei, Shaanxi and Yunnan, while the eight cities include Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanchang, Guiyang and Baoding.Lei Hongpeng explains the government's thinking behind choosing these places as the first batch of the pilot program.“I think from provincial level, the government selected these pilots mainly base on-every area, one province or municipality is selected.For example, northeast we have Liaoning province, north China we have Tianjin municipality and so on.For the cities, I think the governments really consider about capacity and their actions in the past several years, which mean the cities can go forward further with their strong experience and knowledge on low-carbon development.”

By the end of August, these provinces and cities have to submit their plan to the National Development and Reform Commission for approval.Xu Mindong, an official from the Development and Reform Commission of Hangzhou, talks about their plan.“Hangzhou started the preparation long ago, and we have an environmental advantage.The selected areas have their own unique features, some focus on new energy, some focus on ecological construction.Hangzhou's emphasis is on six aspects, including low carbon economy, environment, architecture, transportation and a low carbon society.”

The local governments in those areas have to manage to establish a data gathering system of greenhouse gas emissions, while combining the efforts of all their industries to achieve the goal of maintaining a low-carbon society.For CRI, Im Su Yi.值此第五届中国投资贸易洽谈会召开之际,我谨代表中国政府,向来自世界各地的嘉宾表示热烈欢迎!自1997年以来,中国已经成功地举办了四届投资贸易洽谈会。投资贸易洽谈会在宣传中国利用外资政策、促进外商来华投资、引导中国企业到海外投资等方面发挥了重要作用。

On the occasion of the Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade, I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government, my warm welcome to all distinguished guests coming from all over the world.Since 1997, China has held four successful International Fairs for Investment and Trade.The Fair has played an important role in publicizing China’s policies on foreign investment attraction, promoting foreign capital inflow, and guiding Chinese companies to

make overseas investments.洽谈会采取“引进来”与“走出去”相结合、投资与贸易相结合、展示与洽谈相结合、项目推介与政策咨询相结合、商务活动与学术研讨相结合的方式。洽谈会为海外朋友和企业家了解中国、走进中国,中国企业家了解世界、走向世界创造了一个机会,开辟了一条渠道。

The Fair integrates the strategy of “Attracting Foreign Investment” by “going global”, and deals with investment and trade together.It is combination of exhibitions and negotiations, a venue for both project presentation and policy consultation, and a place where business activities and academic seminars take place at the same time.The Fair has created an opportunity for foreign friends and entrepreneurs to know about China and make their way into this country;on the other hand, it has opened a new channel for Chinese businessmen to get acquainted with the rest of the world and go abroad.



My understanding of Friendship

Good morning(or afternoon), my teachers and classmates!

Today, I would like to give a speech about ‘Friendship’.Friendship is important to us.Good friends are like gems.We all need friends.We cannot live in this world alone without friends.We need friends during our happy and sad times.They would share our joy and sadness with us.Good friends are always on our side to comfort and console us.They would provide us with encouragement.When we fall, good friends help us get back on our feet.My best friend is XXX.He is helpful and supportive, whenever I need a helping hand or a listening ear.I remember he helped me in my schoolwork.He helped me sweeping the classroom floor.And he also helped me a lot of other things.Of course I also helped him quite a lot.I wish to take this opportunity to say to XXX, let’s keep our friendship going on!Thank you!


Good morning(or afternoon), my teachers and classmates!

The friend in need is a friend in deed 患难见真情

A life without friend is a life without sun!Many people will in and out of our life,but only true friend will leave footprints in our hearts.人生没有朋友,犹如生活无太阳。很多人会在我们的生命出现,但是只有真正的朋友会在我们的心里留下脚印。

They like the bright lights in the dark, accompaning with us through the fear and confusion, guiding us to the right way of a nice future.They try their best to help us without thinking what they can get from it.他们如同黑暗中明亮的阳光,陪伴我们度过恐惧和困惑,指引我们走向正确的道路。他们尽他们最大的努力来帮助我们却从不考虑他们能从中得到什么。

They like a warm coat in the rainy day, giving us strength to getting rid of dilemma, embracing us with big arms.They convince us that nothing is hard to conquer as long as they are with us.他们如同下雨天的温暖外套,给我们力量去摆脱困境,用他们宽大的臂膀来拥抱我们。


They like a rule to point out our shortcomings, just hoping us to present best in front of others.The man who tells your faults is the one who really cares about you.他们如同一把标尺指出我们身上的缺点,只是希望我们能在其他人面前表现出最好的自己。能够指出你身上不足的人才是真正关心你的人。

An ordinary friend has never seen your tears,but a real friend has shoulders for you to dilute your tears.An ordinary friend will take a bottle of wine to your part, but a real friend will come early to help you prepare,and go back late to help you tidy.An ordinary friend call you to talk about your trouble, but a real friend call you to handle your trouble 一个普通的朋友从未看过你流泪,但一个真正的朋友却给你肩膀让你依靠。一个普通的朋友会带瓶葡萄酒参加你的派对,但一个真正的朋友会最早一个来帮你准备,最晚一个走来帮你收拾残局。一个普通的朋友打电话给你聊聊你的麻烦,但一个真正的朋友告诉你怎么样处理你的烦恼。

If you establish your friendship when you are in trouble, please cherish it.Otherwise when you lose it, you will find that how important it is.如果你在困难的时候建立起这份友谊的,请珍惜它,否则当你失去的时候,你会发现它是多么的重要。


A forever friend 永远的朋友

A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out.别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。”

Sometimes in life,有时候在生活中,you find a special friend,你会找到一个特别的朋友;,someone who changes your life just by being part of it.他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。

someone who makes you laugh until you cant stop;


someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.他会让你相信人间有真情。

someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。

This is forever friendship.这就是永远的友谊。

When you’re down,当你失意,and the world seems dark and empty,当世界变得黯淡与空虚,your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。

your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。

If you turn and walk away,你转身走开时,your forever friend follows,真正的朋友会紧紧相随,if you lose you way,你迷失方向时,your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励你。

your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.真正的朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。

and if you find such a friend,如果你找到了这样的朋友,you feel happy and complete,你会快乐,觉得人生完整,because you need not worry,因为你无需再忧虑。

your have a forever friend for life,你拥有了一个真正的朋友,and forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境。



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