
时间:2019-05-14 18:16:22下载本文作者:会员上传



From my family to yours, I’d like to wish you a happy thanksgiving.Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football and reflecting on how truly lucky we are.As Americans, each of us has our own list of things and people to be thankful for.But there are some blessings we all share.We are especially grateful for the men and women who defend our country overseas.To all the service members eating Thanksgiving dinner far from your families: the American people are thinking of you today.And when you come home, we intend to make sure that we serve you as well as you’re serving America.We’re also grateful for the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay.This sense of mutual responsibility, the idea that I’m my brother’s keeper;that I’m my sister’s keeper—has always been part of what makes our country special.And it’s one of the reasons the Thanksgiving tradition has endured.The very first thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we’ve followed that example ever since.Even when the fate of our union was far from certain during a Civil War, two World Wars, a Great Depression, Americans drew strength from each other.They had faith that tomorrow would be better than today.We are grateful that they did.As we gather around the table, we pause to remember the pilgrims, pioneers and patriots who helped make this country what it is.They faced impossible odds, and yet somehow, they persevered.Today, it’s our turn.I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most.But no matter how tough things are right now, We still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.The problems we face didn’t develop overnight, and we won’t solve them overnight.But we will solve them.All it takes is for each of us to do our part.With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it’s easy to wonder if such unity is really possible.But think about what’s happening at this very moment: Americans from all walks of life are coming together as one people, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country.If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other and look out for each other and remember that we’re all in this together, then I know that we, too, will overcome the challenges of our time.So today, I’m thankful to serve as your President and Commander-in-chief, I’m thankful that my daughters get to grow up in this great country of ours.And I’m thankful for the chance to do my part, as together, we make tomorrow better than today.Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.New words: reflect on sth.认真考虑;深思 shelter避难所;收容所;栖身之处

mutual相互的;共同的 endure持久;承受 far from certain未知数;不确定;不稳定 Great Depression经济大萧条(美国20世界30年代)drew strength汲取力量

have faith that…相信 pilgrim 朝圣者;(美)新来的移民

patriot爱国者 odds困难;逆境;杂活


tough艰难;partisanship党派;gridlock交通阻塞 unity统一性;团结一致;walks of life各行各业;Commander-in-chief三军总指挥;










大家好 Hi, everybody.作为奥巴马家庭的代表-On behalf of the Obama family-Michelle Malia Sasha

祖母 Bo和 Sunny-Michelle, Malia,Sasha, Grandma, Bo, andSunny-我想要祝你们都有一个非常快乐的感恩节 I want to wish you a very happyThanksgiving.像你们中的许多人一样

Like so many of you, 这天我们将会与我们的朋友家人

we'll spend the day with friends andfamily, 火鸡和达阵得分(球赛)一起度过 turkey and touchdowns.我们会感谢对方

We'll give thanks for each other, 以及感谢上帝赐给我们的一切 and for all that God has given us.同时我们会回想真正将我们美国人联合在一起的是什么 And we'll reflect on what truly binds us asAmericans.这从来没有那么重要过

That's never been more important.作为一个国家我们刚刚从一个吵闹热情的

As a country, we've just emerged from anoisy, passionate, 并且有时候是造成分裂的竞选季节里显现出来 and sometimes divisive campaign season.毕竟 After all, 选举通常强调的是让我们分开的方面

elections are often where we emphasize whatsets us apart.我们面对一个“我们”和“他们”对抗的比赛

We face off in a contest of “us”versus “them”.我们把重点放在我们支持的候选人身上 We focus on the candidate we support 而不是一些我们共同的理想上

instead of some of the ideals we share.但短短几周后

But a few short weeks later, 感恩节提醒我们

Thanksgiving reminds us that 不管我们之间的分歧有多大 no matter our differences, 我们仍然是一个民族 we are still one people, 一个比我们自己更大的部分

part of something bigger than ourselves.我们是一起向前发展的群体

We are communities that move forwardtogether.我们是会彼此照料的邻舍

We are neighbors who look out for oneanother, 特别是那些我们之中比较贫穷的人

especially those among us with the least.我们永远是也仅仅是美国人

We are always, simply, Americans.这就是为什么通过内战的迷雾

That's why, through the fog of Civil War, 林肯总统看到了最重要的-President Lincoln saw what mattered most 不只是在容易的时候而且是在艰难的时候-not just when it's easy, but when it'shard-


then no one can ever take away our liberty.我们最好的日子将永远在前

Our best days will always be ahead.我们也会继续建设一个未来

And we will keep building a future 一个我们所有的孩子都知道美国的承诺的未来

where all of our children know the promiseof America.祝大家感恩节快乐

Happy Thanksgiving,everybody.





Hi, everybody.On behalf of all the Obamas – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and the newest member of our family, Sunny – I want to wish you a happy and healthy


We’ll be spending today just like many of you – sitting down with family and friends to eat some good food, tell stories, watch a little football, and most importantly, count our blessings.我们今天会和家人朋友一起享用美味的食物、讲故事、看点足球比赛,最重要的是,感恩——就像你们大多数人一样。

And as Americans, we have so much to be thankful for.作为美国人,我们有那么多值得感恩的东西。

We give thanks for the men and women who set sail for this land nearly four centuries ago, risking everything for the chance at a better life – and the people

who were already here, our Native American brothers and sisters, for their generosity during that first Thanksgiving.我们对近400年前航行到这片土地的人们表达感谢,因为他们为了寻求更好的生活,甘冒一切风险。我们还要感激已经在这片土地上的,我们的原住民印第安兄弟姐妹们,感激他们在第一次感恩节上的慷慨大度。

We give thanks for the generations who followed – people of all races and religions, who arrived here from every country on Earth and worked to build something better for themselves and for us.我们对相继而来的世世代代的人们表达感激。来自世界各国的人们——来自不同民族并有着不同宗教信仰,齐心协力为他们自己和我们建筑起更美好的将来。



From my family to yours, I’d like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we are.As Americans, each of us has our own list of things and people to be thankful for.But there are some blessings we all share.We’re especially grateful for the men and women who defend our country overseas.To all the service members eating Thanksgiving dinner far from your families: the American people are thinking of you today.And when you come home, we intend to make sure that we serve you as well as you’re serving America.We’re also grateful for the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay.This sense of mutual responsibility – the idea that I am my brother’s keeper;that I am my sister’s keeper – has always been a part of what makes our country special.And it’s one of the reasons the Thanksgiving tradition has endured.The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we have followed that example ever since.Even when the fate of our union was far from certain – during a Civil War, two World Wars, a Great Depression – Americans drew strength from each other.They had faith that tomorrow would be better than today.We’re grateful that they did.As we gather around the table, we pause to remember the pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who helped make this country what it is.They faced impossible odds, and yet somehow, they persevered.Today, it’s our turn.I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most.But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.The problems we face didn’t develop overnight, and we won’t solve them overnight.But we will solve them.All it takes is for each of us to do our part.With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it’s easy to wonder if such unity is really possible.But think about what’s happening at this very moment: Americans from all walks of life are coming together as one people, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country.If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other, and look out for each other, and remember that we’re all in this together, then I know that we too will overcome the challenges of our time.So today, I’m thankful to serve as your President and Commander-in-Chief.I’m thankful that my daughters get to grow up in this great country of ours.And I’m thankful for the chance to do my part, as together, we make tomorrow better than today.Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.



From my family to yours, I’d like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we truly are.As Americans, each of us has our own list of things and people to be thankful for.But there are some blessings we all share.We’re especially grateful for the men and women who defend our country overseas.To all the service members eating Thanksgiving dinner far from your families: the American people are thinking of you today.And when you come home, we intend to make sure that we serve you as well as you’re serving America.We’re also grateful for the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay.This sense of mutual responsibility – the idea that I am my brother’s keeper;that I am my sister’s keeper – has always been a part of what makes our country special.And it’s one of the reasons the Thanksgiving tradition has endured.The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we have followed that example ever since.Even when the fate of our union was far from certain – during a Civil War, two World Wars, a Great Depression – Americans drew strength from each other.They had faith that tomorrow would be better than today.We’re grateful that they did.As we gather around the table, we pause to remember the pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who helped make this country what it is.They faced impossible odds, and yet somehow, they persevered.Today, it’s our turn.I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most.But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.The problems we face didn’t develop overnight, and we won’t solve them overnight.But we will solve them.All it takes is for each of us to do our part.With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it’s easy to wonder if such unity is really possible.But think about what’s happening at this very moment: Americans from all walks of life are coming together as one people, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country.If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other, and look out for each other, and remember that we’re all in this together, then I know that we too will overcome the challenges of our time.So today, I’m thankful to serve as your President and Commander-and-Chief.I’m thankful that my daughters get to grow up in this great country of ours.And I’m thankful for the chance to do my part, as together, we make tomorrow better than today.Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.



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