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驻联合国大使李保东在联大纪念二战结束65周年特别会议上的发言 2010年5月6日

Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at the General Assembly Special Solem Meeting in Commemoration of the Sixty-fifth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War

主席先生: Mr.President,中国代表团欢迎联大举行庄严的特别会议,纪念第二次世界大战结束65周年,纪念世界反法西斯战争的伟大胜利。在那场空前惨烈的战争中,无数勇敢的人们为了胜利献出了宝贵的生命。我们深切缅怀并向在世界反法西斯战争中英勇献身的烈士们致以崇高敬意,向惨遭侵略者杀戮的所有无辜死难者表示深切哀悼。

The Chinese delegation welcomes the convening of this special solemn meeting by the General Assembly in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the great victory of the world anti-fascist war.Numerous brave people gave their precious lives for the victory of that unprecedentedly tragic war.We deeply mourn for and pay high tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the war and extend our deepest condolences to all the innocent victims.


The world anti-fascist war, a war of unseen magnitude, involved more than 80 countries and regions and about two billion people in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.The fascist invaders wreaked tremendous havoc on the world, and inflicted untold devastation on human civilization.China was one of the main battlefields of the world anti-fascist war.The war caused over 35 million military and civilian casualties in China, ravaged the Chinese civilization, and incurred heavy losses to the Chinese nation.In the face of the war, more than 50 countries, China included, worked together to form a world anti-fascist united front.They supported each other, fought heroically against fascist invaders and won the war of justice.China will never forget the sympathy and support given by all the peace-loving countries and people during the war;China will never forget the Soviet Union Red Army, members of the American Flying Tigers, and medical personnel from Canada, India and other countries who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese people and made heroic sacrifices in the Chinese battlefields.


The victory of the world anti-fascist war marked a great triumph of justice over evil;light over darkness, and progressiveness over reactionary forces.It saved human civilization.History is a textbook.In retrospect, we should never forget the huge suffering inflicted by the barbaric and bloody war upon mankind.We should cherish peace and reconciliation more dearly, and take concrete action to maintain international peace and security.Sixty-five years have passed since the end of the Second World War, but the ghost of Nazism and militarism lingers.The international community must remain vigilant.Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.Only by drawing lessons from the past can we avoid the recurrence of historical tragedies and save the future generations from the scourge of war.主席先生,Mr.President,世界反法西斯战争的胜利,促进了联合国的成立,推动制定了《联合国宪章》和其他国际关系基本准则。65年来,联合国为维护世界和平、促进共同发展和保护人权做出了重要贡献。65年来,世界发生了巨大变化。面对各种全球性威胁与挑战,联合国的作用更加重要。我们要继续坚决维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,维护联合国及其安理会的权威和作用,为创造人类社会共同美好的明天努力奋斗。

The victory of the world anti-fascist war prompted the founding of the United Nations and the formulation of the UN Charter and other basic norms governing international relations.Over the past 65 years, the United Nations has contributed significantly to international peace, common development and protection of human rights.The past 65 years have also witnessed sea changes in the world.In the face of various global threats and challenges, the United Nations has a more important role to play.We, should continue to firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, maintain the authority and role of the United Nations and its Security Council,and strive for a brighter future for the entire humanity.谢谢主席先生。Thank you, Mr.President.





Remarks by Ambassador Li Baodong at UN Academic Impact ConcertNovember 2010


Your Excellency Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro,Your Excellency Under-Secretary-General Kiyotaka Akasaka,Madam Guo Shan, Chairman of Alliance of Asia-Pacific Region Orchestras and President of China Symphony Development Foundation,Ladies and Gentlemen,非常荣幸出席今晚的“学术影响”项目启动仪式音乐会。我代表中国常驻联合国代表团,对“学术影响”项目成功启动表示热烈的祝贺!对为此次活动作出卓越贡献的联合国新闻部和中国交响乐发展基金会表示诚挚的感谢!

I am greatly honored to attend tonight's concert held for the launching of the United Nations Academic Impact.On behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the UN, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations on the launching of the event.I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the Department of Public Information, Alliance of Asia-Pacific Region Orchestras and China Symphony Development Foundation for the remarkable work they have done to make this event possible.联合国作为世界上最具权威性和代表性的国际组织,肩负着维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要职责。为此,联合国必须以开放和包容的心态,不断吸纳和发展新的合作伙伴,共同应对全球性挑战。由潘基文秘书长亲自发起的“学术影响”项目正是基于这一理念的重大创举。

As the most authoritative and representative international organization in the world, the United Nations shoulders the important responsibility of maintaining international peace and promoting common development.To this end, the United Nations must consistently establish and develop new partnerships with an open and inclusive perspective to meet global challenges.The United Nations Academic Impact, initiated personally by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, is a great event based on such an aspiration.“学术影响”项目构建了联合国与国际学术界沟通与合作的重要平台,将推动高等教育机构在解决全球性问题方面发挥更大作用,也将增进世界不同文明和文化间的对话与交流。目前,来自90多个国家的近500所高校已参与到“学术影响”项目中来。我们相信,“学术影响”项目将推动联合国和平、合作、发展的理念更加深入人心。

Academic Impact fosters an important platform for the communication and cooperation between the United Nations and the international academic world.It will enable institutions of higher learning to play a bigger role in addressing global issues and promote the dialogue and exchanges between civilizations and cultures.To date, nearly 500 institutions of higher learning from more than 90 countries have participated in the event.We are confident that Academic Impact will make a great difference in promoting the UN ideals of peace, cooperation and development.音乐是沟通心灵的彩虹,跨越国界的桥梁。用音乐这一形式来庆祝“学术影响”项目的成功启动,具有深远的意义。我要特别感谢来自亚太联合交响乐团的音乐家们,他们的精彩演出将生动展示联合国多元文化和谐共荣的精神。

Music knows no boundary in bringing people together.It is of great significance to celebrate the launching of Academic Impact in the form of music.I wish to thank in particular the musicians from the Alliance of Asia-Pacific Region Orchestras.Their brilliant performance will give vivid expression to the spirit of cultural diversity and harmony advocated by the United Nations.最后,我祝愿今晚的音乐会成功,祝大家度过一个美好的夜晚!

In closing, I wish the concert a great success and wish all of you a pleasant evening!


Thank you.

第三篇:2010中国驻联合国大使李保东在2010年中国纺织品服装贸易展开幕式上的致辞 中英对照


Opening Remarks by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Year 2010 China Textile

and Apparel Trade Show


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我谨代表中国常驻联合国代表团,对2010年中国纺织品服装贸易展正式开幕表示热烈祝贺。

At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, our warmest congratulations on the opening of the Year 2010 China Textile and Apparel Trade Show.中美纺织品服装贸易是过去31年中美经贸合作蓬勃发展的缩影和写照。31年中,中美贸易额从1979年的不足25亿美元,迅速增长到2009年的2982.6亿美元,增长近120倍。2009年中美纺织品服装贸易额达269.03亿美元,中国曾是美国纺织机械的主要进口国,目前仍是美国棉花的最大出口目的地。从最初的中国制造,到目前的中美联合设计制造,中国产品不仅丰富了美国消费者的选择,降低了美国的通胀压力,也为美国产业结构升级提供了更多空间。目前,中美经贸合作的规模迅速扩大,领域不断拓宽,内涵日益丰富,形式更加多样。两国经济高度互补,己形成你中有我、我中有你、利益交融的格局。

Textile and apparel trade between China and the US showcases the brisk growth of China-US economic cooperation over the past 31 years.Our two-way trade has skyrocketed from less than 2.5 billion US dollars in 1979 to 298.26 billion in 2009,almost a 120-fold increase.In 2009,textile and apparel trade between China and the US stood at 26.9 billion US dollars.China was once a major importer of American textile machinery, and now remains the biggest importer of American cotton.Chinese products,initially made in China and now jointly designed and manufactured by China and the US,have not only increased the choices of American consumers and reduced America’s inflationary pressure,but also offered great space for upgrading the US industrial mix.At present, China-US economic cooperation is expanding in size,area, substance and form.Our economies are highly complementary, interlocked and interdependent.中美经贸合作已经超越了单纯的双边范畴。我通过在联合国中的工作经验深深地体会到,美国和中国分别是全球最大的发达国家和发展中国家,对推动世界经济发展和维护世界和平稳定,承担着不可推卸的重大责任,存在着日益宽广的合作空间。中美两国,合则两利,斗则互损。中美经贸合作做为中美关系发展的重要桥梁和推动力,不仅给两国人民带来实实在在的好处,也将对世界和平和发展产生积极影响。

China-US economic cooperation has gone beyond a mere bilateral

dimension.My work experience in the United Nations has driven it home to me that the United States and China, the largest developed and developing countries respectively, shoulder major, unshirkable responsibilities for promoting world economic development and maintaining international peace and stability.Our potential for

cooperation is ever expanding.A peaceful China-US relationship makes both countries winners while a confrontational one makes both losers.China-US economic cooperation has brought our two countries together and lent a great impetus to bilateral relations.It has not only brought real benefits

to both Chinese and American people,but also contributed to world peace and development.


The distinguished guests present today have all worked vigorously to promote and engage in China-US economic cooperation, and have made great contributions to the sustained, healthy and steady development of

China-US trade and economic relations.The development of economic ties between our countries is now faced with some difficulties and challenges,and calls for more care and support from all of you.I am convinced that complementarity is the basis of China-US economic relations,mutual benefit is the essence of our economic cooperation, and cooperation based on mutual trust represents the future of our bilateral relations.Let us work together to create a brighter future for China-US relations.


In closing, I wish the trade show a complete success.



Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of

the Group of 77 for 2012

主席先生: Mr.Chairman,我欢迎迈德勒西(Medelci)外长出席今天的会议。

At the outset, let me welcome H.E.Mr.Mourad Medelci, Foreign Minister of Algeria at today’s ceremony.主席先生,Mr.Chairman,首先,我愿向去年77国集团主席国阿根廷致以敬意并表示由衷感谢。过去一年,在阿根廷的有力领导下,“77国集团和中国”在第四届最不发达国家大会、德班气候变化谈判会议和“里约+20”筹备进程中团结一致,捍卫了共同利益。我们对阿尔奎罗(Arguello)大使及其团队表现出的敬业、勇气、执着和杰出领导能力表示高度赞赏。

I wish to first pay tribute and express my heartfelt thanks to Argentina as last year’s Chairman of the G77.Thanks to Argentina’s able guidance over the past year, the G77 and China stood together and defended our common interest at the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs and the Durban Climate Change Conference and during the preparatory process for Rio+20.We are highly appreciative of the dedication, courage, perseverance and outstanding leadership displayed by Ambassador Arguello and his team.同时,我祝贺和欢迎阿尔及利亚就任2012年77国集团主席。新的一年充满挑战和困难。世界经济复苏依然脆弱,发展中国家深受多重危机困扰。推动和落实国际发展议程,是77国集团和中国面临的艰巨任务。

At the same time, I wish to congratulate and welcome Algeria as the Chairman of G77 for 2012.The new year is fraught with challenges and difficulties.With the world economic recovery still fragile, the developing countries have to grapple with multiple crises.The G77 and China faces the arduous task of promoting and implementing the international development agenda.首先,全面落实联合国发展领域历次峰会成果。当前,国际发展领域面临的最大问题是执行不力。发达国家远未兑现官方发展援助承诺,发展中国家如期实现千年发展目标仍面临许多困难。我们应继续敦促发达国家履行承诺,加强资金支持、技术转让和能力建设;我们应将执行手段作为“里约+20”的核心任务,推动会议取得面向行动、平衡务实的成果。

First, we must strive for the comprehensive implementation of the outcomes of UN summits in the field of development.Currently, the biggest problem facing international development efforts is lack of implementation.The developed countries are far from fulfilling their ODA commitments and the developing countries continue to face an uphill battle in realizing the MDGs on time.We should keep urging the developed countries to honor their commitments by increasing financial support, technological transfer and capacity building to the developing countries;and we should make means of implementation a core task for Rio+20 and push for an action-oriented, balanced and pragmatic outcome of the Conference.第二,维护国际发展合作原则和框架。今年,贸发13大、“里约+20”、卡塔尔气候变化大会将相继举行,联合国发展业务活动四年期全面政策审查也将启动。我们应推动国际社会全面评估进展和差距,认真总结经验教训,坚决维护“共同但有区别的责任”原则,始终将消除贫困置于国际发展议程首位,推动深化国际经济金融体系改革,维护联合国在全球经济治理中的核心作用。

Secondly, we must maintain the principles and framework for international development cooperation.UNCTAD 13, Rio+20, and Qatar Climate Change Conference will all be held this year.The quadrennial comprehensive policy review(QCPR)for UN operational activities for development will also be launched.We should urge the international community to comprehensively assess progress and gaps, carefully sum up lessons learned, firmly uphold the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, always place poverty eradication at the top of the international development agenda, promote the deepening of the reform of the international economic and financial system, and safeguard the important role of the United Nations in the global economic governance.第三,加强联合自强,实现共同发展。多样性是77国集团的智慧所在,团结合作是77国集团的宝贵传统和力量所在。无论国际风云如何变幻,发展中国家间的深厚友谊和共同信念牢不可破。我们应加强建立在平等互利和相互尊重基础上的南南合作,促进共同发展;加强在重要多边谈判中的协调配合,努力克服分歧,保持团结,捍卫发展中国家共同利益。我相信,在阿尔及利亚领导下,“77国集团和中国”将继续发挥集团优势,发出强有力的声音。

Thirdly, we must strengthen unity and self-reliance to achieve common development.Diversity is the wisdom of G77 and China.Unity and cooperation are our valuable traditions and strength.Whatever the vicissitudes of the international situation, the deep-rooted friendship among the developing countries and our shared faith remain unshakable.We should enhance South-South cooperation based on equality, mutual benefit and mutual trust in order to advance our common development;and we should strengthen coordination and cooperation in important multilateral negotiations.To defend the common interest of the developing countries, we must rise above differences and maintain unity as always.I am convinced that under the leadership of Algeria, the G77 and China will continue to leverage our collective strength and speak with a strong voice.主席先生,Mr.Chairman,新的一年里,中国将一如既往,加强与77国集团的协调合作,全力支持主席本米哈迪(Benmehidi)大使的工作。中国政府今年将继续捐款4万美元,支持77国集团主席办公室和秘书处工作。

In the new year, China will, as in the past, strengthen coordination and cooperation with the G77 and fully support Ambassador Benmehidi in his work as the Chairman of the Group.The Chinese government will continue to contribute 40,000 US dollars to support the work of the office of the Chairman and the Secretariat of the G77.谢谢主席先生。

Thank you, Mr.Chairman.


常驻联合国代表李保东大使在安理会武装冲突中保护平民问题公开辩论会上的发言 Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at Security Council Open Debate on Protection of

Civilians in Armed Conflict



I once again congratulate Portugal on assuming presidency of the Security Council this month and thank Mr.President for hosting today’s open debate.我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言,也认真听取了人权高专皮莱女士、负责人道主义事务的助理秘书长布拉格女士和国际红十字会施珀里先生的发言。

I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his statement.I have also listened attentively to the statements made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Madam Pillay, ASG of OCHA Madam Bragg and Mr.Philip Spoerri of the International Committee of the Red Cross.主席先生,Mr.President,在过去几年里,安理会就武装冲突中保护平民问题多次举行了公开辩论,各方有广泛共识,也存在不同看法。安理会近期的一些实践更是引起了国际社会新一轮争论和反思。葡萄牙倡议举行今天的会议,无疑十分及时和重要,我表示高度赞赏。安理会很有必要对武装冲突中保护平民问题进行深入思考和充分讨论,也很有必要认真听取非安理会成员的意见,以更好地代表联合国全体会员国的意志行事。

Over the past few years, the Security Council has held many open debates on protection of civilians in armed conflict.Parties concerned have reached extensive consensus, but remain divided over some issues.The recent experience of the Security Council, in particular, has triggered a new round of debate and reflection in the international community.The meeting initiated by Portugal today is no doubt very timely and important.I highly appreciate the effort.It is imperative for the Security Council to engage in a thorough reflection and full discussion on the issue of protecting civilians in armed conflict.It is also necessary to take the views of non-Council members seriously to act in a way that better represents the will of all UN Member States.主席先生,Mr.President,一、保护平民首先是各国政府和冲突方的责任。

1.Protection of civilians is first and foremost the responsibility of the relevant government and the parties involved in the conflict.平民是战争的最大和最直接的受害者。在武装冲突中出现针对平民的严重暴力行径是不可接受的。人的生命是最宝贵的,武装冲突中的无辜平民,特别是妇女和儿童必须得到有效的保护。在此方面,各国政府负有首要责任。同时卷入冲突或介入其中的其他各方,无论是国内还是外部力量,也都责无旁贷,必须遵守国际人道主义法和其他相关国际法,履行保护平民的职责。

Civilians are the biggest and most direct victims of wars.Serious violence against civilians in armed conflict is unacceptable.Life is the most precious.Innocent civilians, especially women and children, in armed conflict must be effectively protected.In this connection, the government should shoulder the primary responsibility.Other parties involved in the conflict or those who step in, either domestic or external forces, are also duty bound.They must abide by the international humanitarian law and other related international laws, and fulfill their obligations to protect civilians.二、必须遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。

2.The purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be honored.保护平民的相关行动必须符合《宪章》的宗旨和原则,特别是尊重国家主权、统一和领土完整以及不干涉内政原则,必须得到安理会授权并在联合国框架内有序进行。相关行动应重在推动尽快实现停火,通过对话和谈判等政治手段解决争端和分歧,支持包括地区组织和联合国秘书长在内的有关各方发挥斡旋和调解作用,而不是相反。

Action to protect civilians must comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, especially the principle of respecting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of countries and the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs.The action must have the authorization of the Security Council and be taken in an orderly manner under the UN framework.The relevant action should focus on pushing for early realization of ceasefire, resolving conflicts and disputes through dialogue, negotiations and other political means, and supporting the role of good offices and mediation efforts by the related parties, including regional organizations and the UN Secretary-General, rather than the other way around.三、对授权武力保护平民应采取极为慎重的态度。

3.Protection of civilians through use of force should be authorized with extreme caution.中国一贯主张和平解决争端。再先进的武器,再精确的打击,也将不可避免地带来平民的伤亡。实践证明,安理会保护平民的行动,需要经过认真和严肃的讨论,并对授权、执行方、执行条件等严格加以规定。在许多疑问没有得到澄清,问题没有得到回答之前,安理会不应匆忙采取行动。

China always stands for peaceful settlement of conflict.No matter how advanced the weapons are, or how accurate the strikes may be, civilian casualties are just inevitable.It is proved by experience that Security Council action to protect civilians should go through serious and solemn discussion, and there should be stringent provisions on its authorization, implementing parties and implementing conditions.When there are still many questions to be clarified, and before the questions are answered, the Security Council should not take any hasty action.四、应全面、严格执行安理会决议。

4.Security Council resolutions should be fully and strictly implemented.安理会决议必须得到全面和严格地执行,任何方面都不能任意解读,更不能采取超越安理会授权的行动。保护平民是否就可以大规模使用武力?是否就需要轰炸基础设施和居民区?是否就可以容忍造成妇女和儿童的伤亡?这些都是国际社会的合理关切,也是需要得到回答的问题。保护平民属于人道主义范畴,不能夹杂任何政治动机和目的,包括进行政权更迭。因此,如何严密和有效地监督安理会决议的执行,已成为一项重大而急待解决的问题。中方欢迎并将认真研究巴西提出的概念文件,并积极支持就此展开讨论。

Security Council resolutions must be implemented in full and to the letter.No party should willfully misinterpret the resolutions, let alone take action that is beyond the authorization of the Security Council.To protect civilians, can force be used in a large scale? Is there a need to bombard infrastructure and residential areas? Should casualties of women and children be tolerated? These are all legitimate concerns of the international community and questions that demand answers.Protection of civilians falls in the realm of humanitarianism.There should be no political motives or purposes involved, including regime change.In this sense, how to strictly and effectively monitor the implementation of Security Council resolutions has become an important and urgent issue.China welcomes the concept paper proposed by Brazil.We will seriously study it and actively support relevant discussion.五、应摒弃选择性和双重标准的作法。

5.It is imperative to abandon the practice of selectivity and double standard.许多联合国会员国一直呼吁安理会坚持公平和公正原则,在保护平民方面同等重视安理会议程上的所有问题,包括加沙地区、索马里、阿富汗、伊拉克等局势。中国对此是赞同的。选择性的作法或采取双重标准只会损害安理会的作用和权威。

Many UN Member States have all along called on the Security Council to adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, and attach equal importance to all issues on the Security Council agenda involving protection of civilians, including the situations in the Gaza Strip, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq.China endorses this view.Selectivity or double standard will only undermine the role and authority of the Security Council.谢谢主席先生。

Thank you, Mr.President.



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