外交部部长杨洁篪在美国和平研究所等举办的中美关系研讨会上的视频讲话 Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi’s Remarks to Conference on China-US Relations by Video
尊敬的基辛格博士、斯考克罗夫特将军、索罗门大使、芮效俭大使、沃克尔主席、张业遂大使,女士们、先生们、朋友们,Dr.Kissinger, General Scowcroft, Ambassador Solomon, Ambassador Roy, Chairman Walker, Ambassador Zhang Yesui, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴通过视频向你们问好。科学技术让我们虽远隔重洋却如同近在咫尺。
It is so good to see you through this video link.Modern technologies have brought us close to each other despite the vast distance between Beijing and Washington.我很荣幸以连线方式参加美国和平研究所、尼克松基金会、基辛格中美研究所举办的纪念尼克松总统访华和“上海公报”发表40周年中美关系研讨会。在习近平副主席近期访美期间,我们刚见过面。我很高兴今天又与你们再次相见。你们长期致力于推动中美关系发展,作出积极贡献,我谨向你们表示衷心感谢。
I am honored to attend this conference on China-US relations hosted by the United States Institute of Peace, the Richard Nixon Foundation and the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States to mark the 40th anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China and the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué.It is so nice to be in your midst shortly after we saw each other during Vice President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to the United States.I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for your abiding commitment and long years of hard work to build up US-China relations.40年前,尼克松总统对中国进行了历史性访问,中美双方发表了具有划时代意义的“上海公报”。两国老一辈领导人以非凡的战略眼光和卓越的政治智慧,打破了中美隔绝的坚冰,开启了中美关系的新纪元。我当时正准备去英国留学,听到这个消息后很激动。这一重要历史事件改变了许多事情,大到整个国际形势,小到许许多多平民百姓的生活。
Forty years ago, President Nixon paid a historic visit to China, during which our two countries issued the epoch-making Shanghai Communiqué.With extraordinary strategic vision and political wisdom, the Chinese and American leaders broke the ice of estrangement between China and the United States and opened a new chapter in our bilateral relations.I was in my early 20s and was about to go to Britain to study when I heard the news.And I was very excited.That historic event has changed so many things, from the overall international environment to the lives of many ordinary people.光阴荏苒,40年过去了。在双方共同努力下,中美关系历经风雨,不断向前发展,已成为世界上最重要、最具活力、最具潜力的双边关系之一。
Forty years have passed since President Nixon’s visit to China.Thanks to concerted efforts of both sides, China-US relations have kept moving forward despite some ups and downs over these years.With strong vitality and great potential, our relationship has grown into one of the most important bilateral ties in the world today.两国高层交往频繁,对话机制逐步完善。过去40年,特别是近年来,中美领导人通过双边互访、多边会晤、通电话、通信等方式保持密切接触,为引领两国关系发展发挥了不可替代的重要作用。两国建立起包括中美战略与经济对话、人文交流高层磋商等60多个对话磋商机制,涵盖政治、经济、安全、人文等广泛领域,级别之高、规模之大、范围之广,在各国外交实践中都十分少见。
Frequent high-level exchanges and growing dialogue mechanisms have become a regular feature of the bilateral ties.Over the past 40 years and particularly the past few years, our leaders have maintained close contacts through mutual visits, meetings at multilateral occasions, telephone conversations, and letters.These high-level contacts have played an irreplaceable part in steering the growth of our bilateral ties.There are now over 60 bilateral dialogue and consultation mechanisms, including the Strategic and Economic Dialogues and the High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange.These mechanisms cover political, economic, security, cultural and many other fields.Indeed, few other two countries can claim to have so many high-level dialogue mechanisms that cover such diverse fields.经贸等双边领域合作快速发展。中美双边贸易额从建交初期的24.5亿美元发展到2011年的4466亿美元,增长182倍。中美经贸合作给双方带来实实在在的利益。根据中方统计,美方累计在华实际投资670多亿美元,为中国经济发展带来资金、技术、经验。同时,美方也从中获益,过去10年对华出口增长468%,增加300多万个就业岗位,美国消费者因购买价廉质优的中国商品而节省6000多亿美元。
Our trade and business ties are flourishing.At the time of the establishment of diplomatic relations, our two-way trade was only 2.45 billion US dollars.But it hit 446.6 billion US dollars last year, representing an increase of 182 times.Such strong business ties have brought real benefits to both sides.According to Chinese figures, the United States has invested a total of over 67 billion US dollars in China, bringing capital, technologies and expertise that serve China’s needs in its economic development.The United States, too, has benefited from trade with China.Over the last decade, US exports to China have grown by 468%, creating over three million jobs.The quality yet inexpensive Chinese goods have saved more than 600 billion US dollars for American consumers.人民交往和地方合作日益紧密。两国人民早已成为经常串门的熟人,每年300多万人往返于太平洋两岸。友好省州增至38对,姐妹城市多达176对。2011年中国大陆赴美留学生近16万。中国成为美国最大的国际学生生源国。同时,“汉语热”在美国不断升温,成为仅次于西班牙语的第二外语。奥巴马总统2009年宣布的“4年内派十万人留学中国计划”正在顺利推进。
There are active people-to-people and local exchanges.Today, it is quite common for Chinese and Americans to visit each other’s country.As a matter of fact, as many as over three million people travel across the Pacific each year.There are 38 sister provinces/states and 176 pairs of sister cities between the two countries.In 2011 alone, nearly 160,000 students from China’s mainland went to study in the United States, making China the largest source of foreign students in the United States.Meanwhile, learning Chinese is becoming increasingly popular in the United States.Chinese is now the second largest foreign language in the United States, next only to Spanish.And the “100,000 Strong” Initiative announced by President Obama in 2009 is well underway.在国际事务中的协调不断加强。从“9.11”事件后的国际反恐斗争,到国际金融危机爆发后的应对危机合作,从朝鲜半岛局势、伊朗核、中东、南亚等地区热点问题,到能源资源安全、公共卫生、防灾减灾等非传统安全挑战,两国沟通合作无处不在,为维护世界和平、稳定与繁荣发挥重要作用。
The two countries have maintained close coordination on international issues.China-US consultation and cooperation cover a wide range of fields.They include the international fight against terrorism after 9/11, response to the international financial crisis, regional hotspot issues such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the Iranian nuclear issue, the Middle East and South Asia, non-traditional security challenges in energy and resources security, public health and disaster prevention and mitigation.By maintaining such close consultation and cooperation, our two countries have contributed much to upholding global peace, stability and prosperity.40年中美关系发展历程表明:中美共同利益远远大于分歧,合作始终是主流,良好的中美关系符合双方利益。我注意到,出席本次研讨会的既有民主党人士,也有共和党人士,不仅有政府官员,也有民间人士。这表明发展积极的中美关系,是美国民主、共和两党的共识,也是美国政府和社会各界的主流共识。
The dynamic growth of China-US relations over the last 40 years proves that our shared interests far outweigh differences, that cooperation has always been the dominant trend of our relations, and that a sound China-US relationship is in the best interest of both countries.Attending today’s conference are both Democrats and Republicans, and both government officials and non-government figures.This shows that to foster strong China-US relationship is the shared view of Democrats and Republicans and is the consensus of both the US government and the general public.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,21世纪是合作共赢的世纪。进入21世纪第二个10年,中美关系站在新的历史起点上。2011年1月,胡锦涛主席访美,与奥巴马总统就共同建设相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系达成共识,引领中美关系进入新阶段。胡锦涛主席、吴邦国委员长、温家宝总理多次同美国领导人进行重要、积极的会晤,就加强两国关系与美方深入交换看法,推进中美合作。上个月,习近平副主席应拜登副总统的邀请,对美国进行了非常成功的访问,与美方一道进一步落实两国元首达成的共识,推进中美合作伙伴关系建设。
The 21st century is a century of win-win cooperation.We have entered the second decade of this century, and China-US relations now stand at a new starting point.In January 2011, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the United States.He reached agreement with President Obama on working together to build a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, thus ushering China-US relations into a new stage.President Hu Jintao, Chairman Wu Bangguo and Premier Wen Jiabao have held many important and positive meetings with US leaders in recent years on strengthening our bilateral relations and promoting China-US cooperation.Last month, at the invitation of Vice President Joseph Biden, Vice President Xi Jinping paid a very successful visit to the United States to further implement the agreement reached between the two presidents, thus advancing the building of China-US cooperative partnership.当前,国际形势正在发生前所未有的复杂深刻变化。和平、发展、合作的时代潮流没有改变,全球性挑战更加突出,各国之间相互依存更加紧密。中美作为两个大国,共同利益更加广泛,共同责任更加艰巨。中美关系的发展事关两国人民福祉,牵系世界和平、稳定与繁荣。
The world is going through complex and profound changes unseen before.Global challenges have become more pronounced, but the trend of our times towards peace, development and cooperation remains unchanged and countries are becoming more inter-dependent.Against this backdrop, our two great nations share more extensive common interests and also heavier responsibilities.The growth of China-US relations is important for the well-being of our two peoples and peace, stability and prosperity of the world.肩负历史的重任,我们应按照中美两国元首达成的共识,紧紧抓住建设中美合作伙伴关系这条主线,加强对话,增进互信,深化合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系健康稳定发展。对此,我有几点建议:
We need to act on the agreement reached between our two presidents and work hard to build China-US cooperative partnership.We must increase dialogue, enhance mutual trust, deepen cooperation, and manage differences to ensure the healthy and steady growth of our relations.Specifically, I think it is important that we take the following steps:
First, we should keep to the right direction in building China-US cooperative partnership.To build a cooperative partnership is the right choice for us to advance China-US relations in a changing world.No matter what difficulties we may encounter on the way ahead, we should not deviate from the course we have embarked on or waver in our resolve and confidence.Only by firmly holding the helm and keeping to the set direction can we ensure the safe and smooth voyage of the giant ship of China-US relations.二要坚持不懈地增进中美战略互信。发展中美合作伙伴关系是两国人民的共同期待,增进中美战略互信是加强合作伙伴关系的重要内容。双方只有理解多了,信任多了,中美关系大厦的基础才会更加牢固,两国的合作潜力才会充分地释放出来。双方应继续加强高层交往和各层级对话,不断促进相互了解和信任。中国将坚定不移地走和平发展道路。希望美方能够正确、客观看待中国发展,多采取有助于增进中美互信的行动。中方希望看到美国的持续发展和繁荣。中美都是亚太国家。中方欢迎美方为亚太地区的和平、稳定和繁荣发挥建设性作用。希望美方同样尊重中国在亚太的利益和关切,与中方一道走出一条大国间良性互动、合作共赢的道路。
Second, we should endeavor to enhance strategic mutual trust.To develop the China-US cooperative partnership is the shared aspiration of Chinese and American peoples, and to enhance strategic mutual trust is an important part of that partnership.Only with better understanding and more trust can we strengthen the foundation of China-US relations and fully harness the potential of our cooperation.The two sides should continue to intensify high-level exchanges and dialogue at various levels to further deepen our mutual understanding and trust.China is committed to peaceful development.We hope that the United States will see China’s development in the right and objective way, and take more steps to increase our mutual trust.We, on our part, would like to see continued development and prosperity in the United States.Both China and the United States are Asia-Pacific nations.China welcomes a constructive role played by the United States for peace, stability and prosperity in the region.And we hope that the United States will respect China’s interests and concerns in the region, and work with us to blaze a trail of sound interactions and win-win cooperation between two big countries.三要毫不动摇地坚持中美关系的政治基础。“上海公报”、《中美建交公报》、“八•一七”公报三个重要政治文件确立了中美关系的原则和基础。它们和之后的三个中美联合声明一道构成了两国关系健康发展的保障。其核心思想是双方相互尊重、平等相待,在共同利益的基础上发展合作。同时双方都应切实尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,求同存异,妥善处理分歧,维护两国关系稳定发展。希望美方在台湾、涉藏等问题上遵守原则,恪守承诺,避免中美关系遭受折腾,确保这一关系稳定发展。
Third, we should adhere to the political foundation of China-US relations.There are three important political documents between China and the United States, namely the Shanghai Communiqué, the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, and the August 17th Communiqué.These documents have established the principles and laid the foundation for China-US relations.Together with the three China-US joint statements, they guarantee the sound development of China-US relationship.The most important principle enshrined in these documents is that the two countries should respect each other, treat each other as equals and enhance cooperation on the basis of common interests.We should earnestly respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, expand common ground while setting aside differences and properly handle differences to maintain steady growth of the bilateral ties.We hope that the United States will abide by principle and honor its commitments on issues related to Taiwan and Tibet, so as to prevent setbacks in China-US relations and ensure their steady growth.四要以开拓创新精神推进互利合作。中美经济合作本质是互利共赢。当前两国经济发展都面临调结构、促增长的共同任务,面临拓展合作的良好机遇。双方既要在传统领域加大合作力度,也要在能源、环境、基础设施建设等新领域寻找新的合作增长点。希望美方排除任何国内政治因素干扰,与中方一道维护两国长期互利合作大局。
Fourth, we should pursue mutually beneficial cooperation in an innovative spirit.Mutual benefit is the defining feature of China-US business ties.Both China and the United States face the task of adjusting economic structure and promoting growth, and this will create greater opportunities for cooperation between us.We should both boost cooperation in traditional sectors and seize opportunities of cooperation in new areas such as energy, the environment and infrastructure.We hope that the United States will guard against any possible interference caused by domestic politics and work with China to uphold the overall interests of our long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.五要不断加强在国际事务中的沟通协调。中美都是安理会常任理事国,在国际事务中发挥重要影响。双方在事关人类福祉的重大问题上应继续加强沟通协调,遵守《联合国宪章》的原则和精神,维护国际关系基本准则,共同承担起促进世界和平、稳定和发展的责任。
Fifth, we should strengthen communication and coordination in international affairs.China and the United States are permanent members of the UN Security Council, and we have important influence in international affairs.We should step up communication and coordination on the major issues that concern the wellbeing of mankind, abide by the principles and spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, uphold the basic norms governing international relations, and jointly shoulder the responsibility for promoting peace, stability and development in the world.六要积极推进民间和地方交流。中美关系发展的不竭动力来自人民之间的友谊与合作。中美两国应用好人文交流高层磋商、省州长论坛等平台,以更灵活多样、更务实有效的方式推进民间、地方、智库、媒体、青年之间的往来,增进了解、积累互利、扩大合作、为两国总体关系发展作出积极贡献。
Sixth, we should encourage people-to-people and local exchanges.Friendship and cooperation between our two peoples are an ever-lasting force driving the growth of China-US relations.We should make full use of platforms such as the High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange and the Governors Forum.We should also carry out exchanges between the non-governmental organizations, localities, think tanks, media organizations and the young people of the two countries in a more flexible, diverse and effective way.Such exchanges will no doubt help us enhance mutual understanding, intensify the mutually beneficial cooperation and advance our overall relations.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,我们推进中美关系发展的重任既光荣,又艰巨。两国几代领导人和各界人士40年来耕耘收获来之不易。未来40年乃至更长时期中美关系的历史等待我们去书写。让我们共同努力,沿着两国领导人确定的方向,把建设中美合作伙伴关系的事业不断推向前进,开创中美关系更加美好的明天。
Thanks to 40 years of hard work by several generations of leaders and people in both countries, China-US relations have come a long way.Our responsibility now is to sustain the growth of China-US relations in the next 40 years and beyond.This is both a glorious and a challenging mission.Let us keep to the goal set by the two presidents, and let us work together to make steady progress in building China-US cooperative partnership and create a greater future for China-US relations!
In conclusion, I wish the conference a big success.谢谢大家!
Thank you.
在华盛顿举办的纪念尼克松总统访华 和《上海公报》发表40周年中美关系研讨会上 的视频讲话
中国外交部部长 杨洁篪(2012年3月7日晚)
两国高层交往频繁,对话机制逐步完善。过去40年,特别是近年来,中美领导人通过双边互访、多边会晤、通电话、通信等方式保持密切接触,为引领两国关系发展发挥了不可替代的重要作用。两国建立起包括中美战略与经济对话、人文交流高层磋商等60多个对话磋商机制,涵盖政治、经济、安全、人文 等广泛领域,级别之高、规模之大、范围之广,在各国外交实践中都十分少见。
女士们、先生们、朋友们,21世纪是合作共赢的世纪。进入21世纪第二个10年,中美关系站在新的历史起点上。2011年1月,胡锦涛主席访美,与奥巴马总统就共同建设相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系达成共识,引领中美关系进入新阶段。胡锦涛主席、吴邦国委员长、温家宝总理多次同美国领导人进行重要、积极的会晤,就加强两国关系与美方深入交换看法,推进中美合作。上个月,习近平副主席 应拜登副总统的邀请,对美国进行了非常成功的访问,与美方一道进一步落实两国元首达成的共识,推进中美合作伙伴关系建设。
三要毫不动摇地坚持中美关系的政治基础。“上海公报”、《中美建交公报》、“八〃一七”公报三个重要政治文件确立了中美关系的原则和基础。它们和之后的三个中美联合声明一道构成了两国关系健康发展的保障。其核心思想是双方相互尊重、平等相待,在共同利益的基础上发展合作。同时双方都应切实尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,求同存异,妥善处理分歧,维护两国关系稳定发 展。希望美方在台湾、涉藏等问题上遵守原则,恪守承诺,避免中美关系遭受折腾,确保这一关系稳定发展。
A State Visit to Advance China-US Relations In the New Era —Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at Luncheon Hosted by the Council on Foreign
2011年1月6日,纽约 New York, 6 January 2011 尊敬的哈斯会长,尊敬的张业遂大使,女士们、先生们:
Dr.Richard Haass, Ambassador Zhang Yesui, Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴在新年伊始来到纽约,同各位老友新朋见面。对外关系委员会作为美国最有影响、世界知名的智库之一,在哈斯会长带领下,在开展中国问题研究、促进中美相互了解与合作方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。我谨对你们表示衷心感谢。
I am delighted to come to New York at the beginning of the new year and meet with you, friends both old and new.The Council on Foreign Relations is one of the most influential US think tanks well-known throughout the world.Led by Dr.Haass, the Council has done a lot of productive work in conducting China studies and promoting the mutual understanding and cooperation between our two countries.I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you.我这次应希拉里·克林顿国务卿邀请来访,是为胡锦涛主席即将应巴拉克·奥巴马总统邀请对美国进行的国事访问做准备,并就当前中美关系和双方共同关心的重大国际地区问题交换意见。在华盛顿期间,我有幸拜会了奥巴马总统,并与克林顿国务卿、多尼隆助理、盖特纳财长、骆家辉部长进行了内容广泛、富有成果的会见和会谈。我还同美国社会各界人士进行了很好的交流。
I am visiting the United States at the kind invitation of Secretary Hillary Clinton.The purpose of my visit is to lay the groundwork for President Hu Jintao's upcoming state visit to the United States at the invitation of President Barack Obama and to exchange views with the US side on the current China-US relations and major regional and international issues of shared interest.During my stay in Washington, I had the high honor of meeting with President Obama and had extensive and productive talks with Secretary Clinton, National Security Adviser Donilon, Secretary Geithner and Secretary Locke.I also had a good exchange of views with people across a broad spectrum.再过两周,胡锦涛主席就要踏上美国的土地。在中美重新打开交往大门40周年和21世纪第二个十年伊始之际进行的这次访问,是中美双方承前启后,推进新时期两国关系的重大安排,必将产生重大而深远的影响。
In two weeks' time, President Hu Jintao will come to the United States.His visit coincides with the 40th anniversary of reopening the gate of exchanges between our two countries and the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.This is an important arrangement made by the two sides with a view to building on the past success and advancing the bilateral ties in the new era.It is bound to have a significant and profound impact.访美期间,胡锦涛主席将与奥巴马总统共同规划新时期中美合作蓝图,并就共同关心的重大问题广泛、深入交换意见。访美期间,胡主席也将发表重要讲话,并广泛接触美国各界人士,系统阐述中国政府的内外政策和发展新时期中美关系的重要主张,并向广大美国人民、特别是美国青少年发出积极参与中美友好事业的邀请。
During the visit, President Hu and President Obama will map out a blueprint together for China-US cooperation for the new era.They will also have extensive and in-depth discussions on major topics of mutual interest.President Hu will make important remarks and meet with people from various walks of life in the United States.He will comprehensively elaborate on the domestic and foreign policies of the Chinese government and on how to advance China-US relations in the new era.He will also invite Americans, young people in particular, to get actively involved in the worthy cause of China-US friendship.中美两国政府有关部门、民间机构和企业界都在以极大的热情为胡主席此访积累务实合作成果。双方有望在经贸、能源、环境、基础设施建设、人文、科技等广泛领域签署一系列合作文件,宣布诸多新的合作项目。
At the moment, Chinese and American government agencies, non-governmental institutions and businesses are all working with great enthusiasm in preparation for President Hu's visit.They want to make the visit more fruitful by reaching new agreements in the field of practical cooperation.The two sides are expected to sign a series of important cooperation documents and announce a host of new cooperation projects in economy and trade, energy, environmental protection, infrastructure development, science and technology and people-to-people exchanges.回顾中美关系历史,两国领导人之间的高层交往一次又一次引领和推进了两国关系的发展。从1972年尼克松总统访华到1979年邓小平同志访美,再到1997年和2002年江泽民主席访美、2006年胡锦涛主席访美,都是这样。我们有理由相信,在双方共同努力下,胡锦涛主席此次国事访问将有力促进新时期积极合作全面中美关系发展,提高中美务实合作水平,增进两国人民了解和友谊,显示中美共同维护世界和平、稳定、发展意愿和行动。
The history of China-US relations shows that the high-level exchanges between leaders of the two countries have time and again given guidance to and promoted the growth of the bilateral relationship.This was true with President Nixon's visit to China in 1972 and Mr.Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States in 1979.And it was true with President Jiang Zemin's visits to the United States in 1997 and 2002 and President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States in 2006.We have good reason to believe that with the efforts of both sides, President Hu's state visit will forcefully move forward the positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship in the new era.It will take our practical cooperation to a new high and enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.And it will demonstrate the will of China and the United States to act together for world peace, stability and development.各位朋友,Dear Friends, 胡主席此次访美适逢奥巴马总统执政两周年。我们积极评价过去两年来中美关系取得的进展。中美关系是当今世界极为重要的双边关系。我们认为,过去两年中美关系虽然遇到一些困难,但总体上取得了重要进展,以下领域尤其突出。
President Hu's upcoming visit to the United States will take place when the Obama administration concludes its second year in office.We commend the good progress the China-US relations have made over the past two years.The China-US relationship is an extremely important bilateral relationship in today's world.We believe that though China-US relationship has seen some difficulties in the past two years, it has made important overall progress particularly in the following areas.一是两国高层交往和各层次沟通密切程度前所未有。中美关系在美国新一任总统就职后很短时间就实现平稳过渡,两国元首在24个月里7次成功会晤并实现国事互访,其他各级官员也不拘形式地频繁接触。双方还建立起中美战略与经济对话、人文交流高层磋商机制,为促进中美互信与合作搭建了独特、有效的平台。
First, the exchanges and communication between the two countries at the high-level and various other levels have never been closer.China-US relations achieved a smooth transition shortly after President Obama took office.In the past 24 months, the two presidents have had seven successful meetings.President Obama paid a state visit to China, and now President Hu will come to the United States for a state visit.Officials of the two countries at various levels have had frequent contacts in diverse forms.The two sides have established the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues and the high-level consultation on people-to-people exchange, setting up unique and effective platforms to enhance mutual trust and cooperation between China and the United States.二是两国加强合作的强烈意愿和决心前所未有。2009年4月,胡锦涛主席和奥巴马伦敦会晤中达成重要共识,双方要共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系,为新时期中美关系发展指明了方向。胡主席多次强调,一个良好的中美关系符合两国根本利益,有利于亚太地区乃至世界的和平、稳定、繁荣;中国政府高度重视对美关系,将努力推进两国合作。同样,奥巴马总统和美国政府也高度重视中美关系,致力于加强两国合作。
Second, the desire and resolve of the two countries to strengthen their cooperation have never been stronger.In April 2009, President Hu and President Obama reached important agreement when they met in London that the two sides should work together to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century.This has charted the course for the growth of China-US relations in the new era.President Hu emphasizes on many occasions that a sound China-US relationship is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and serves peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.He stressed that the Chinese government places high importance on its relations with the United States and will work to promote cooperation with the United States.Likewise, President Obama attaches a great deal of importance to China-US relations.The US government has stressed its commitment to stronger cooperation between the two countries.三是中美利益交融程度前所未有。两国同舟共济应对国际金融危机,推进全球经济治理改革,为推动世界经济复苏共同发挥了重要作用。中美经贸关系迈上新台阶,2010年两国经贸总额有望达到3800亿美元,中国已连续9年成为美国增长最快的主要出口市场。中国企业对美投资快速增长。截至2010年11月底,中国企业对美非金融类直接投资超过44亿美元,为美国经济复苏和保障就业作出了贡献。两国在能源、环境等双边广泛领域的交流合作也在向新的广度和深度拓展。
Third, the Chinese and American interests have converged as never before.Together, we have tackled the international financial crisis, pushed forward the reform of global economic governance and played an important role in spurring world economic recovery.The China-US business ties have been taken to a new level.Two-way trade is expected to top US$380 billion in 2010.China has been the fastest-growing major export market of the United States for nine consecutive years.Investment by Chinese enterprises in the United States has rapidly increased.By the end of November 2010, Chinese businesses had made over US$4.4 billion of non-financial direct investment in the United States.All this has contributed to the economic recovery and the protection of jobs in the United States.Our bilateral exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of areas including energy and environment have been growing in breadth and depth.四是两国人民参与中美关系进程之广泛、深入前所未有。目前,有12万中国人在美留学,2万多美国人在华学习。据中方统计,中美之间的旅游者每年已超过300万,每周有110多次客运航班往返于太平洋两岸。中美已建立起36对友好省州、161对姊妹城市关系。这些密切交往,在中美间架起无数座友谊与合作的桥梁。
Fourth, the two peoples have never been engaged in China-US relations in such a broad and in-depth manner.Today, around 120,000 Chinese students are studying in the United States and more than 20,000 American students are studying in China.According to Chinese statistics, over three million tourists visit each other's countries every year, and 110-plus passenger flights fly between the two countries every week.China and the United States have forged 36 pairs of friendship province/state and 161 sister city relationships.Such close interactions have built countless bridges of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.五是中美在重大国际地区问题上的沟通协调前所未有。两国就朝鲜半岛局势、伊朗核、南亚等地区热点和气候变化、二十国集团、联合国改革、打击跨国犯罪等全球性问题保持着有效协调,共同为维护世界和平安全,促进全球可持续发展发挥了重要积极作用,使中美合作具有更加丰富的战略内涵和更加重要的全球影响。
Fifth, the communication and coordination between China and the United States on major regional and international issues have never been better.The two countries have maintained effective coordination on regional hotspot issues such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the Iranian nuclear issue and South Asia, and on global issues including climate change, G20, the UN reform, and fighting transnational crimes.Working together, the two countries have played an important and positive role in upholding world peace and security and promoting global sustainable development.The China-US cooperation has become more strategic in terms of substance and more important in terms of global impact.回顾这两年的中美关系发展,是什么使我们在合作的道路上彼此走近?我认为,是日益增多的共同利益,是双方为了两国和世界人民的福祉携手抓住机遇、共迎挑战的需要,这就是21世纪中美关系的基础。
What is it that has brought China and the United States closer to each other in the course of cooperation in the past two years? I believe that it is our growing common interests.It is the growing sense of an important reality that China-US relations in the 21st century should be anchored in joint efforts to seize common opportunities and address common challenges for the welfare of our two peoples and the people of the world.尽管中美关系仍存在一些问题,中美双方都有一个基本共识,那就是,中美关系太重要了,中美共同利益远远大于分歧,合作始终是两国关系的主流。我们必须把分歧和矛盾放在恰当位置上来看待并妥善处理。必须以两国合作大局为重,加强风险控制和分歧管理,不能因不同而不睦。应确保中美关系这艘大船继续沿着正确的航向前进。
With regard to issues in China-US relations, whatever the differences, there is a basic consensus between China and the United States, namely, the China-US relationship is far too important, the two countries have far more common interests than disagreements, and cooperation is always the defining feature of this relationship.It is imperative for us to put the differences and problems in the right perspective and address them properly.It is imperative to bear in mind the larger picture of our cooperation and step up efforts to control and manage risks and disagreements.We cannot afford to be at odds just because we are different.We must make sure that this giant ship of China-US relations will continue to sail along the right course.当然我需要指出,应坚持国际关系准则、中美三个联合公报、两国政府间的联合声明。这是处理双边关系尤其是涉及主权、安全和领土完整等敏感问题的基础。
Of course, I need to point out that the norms governing international relations, the three Sino-US joint communiqués and the joint statement between our two governments should be strictly adhered to, as they constitute the basis for conducting our bilateral relations, especially concerning such sensitive issues as those on sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,我愿借此机会谈谈大家都关心的朝鲜半岛局势问题。
As many of you are closely following the situation on the Korean Peninsula, I wish to take this opportunity to make a few observations on the topic.中国同朝鲜半岛陆地相连,隔海相望。我们的半岛政策目标可以用“和平、稳定、无核”六个字来概括。为此,中方一直在敦促半岛南北双方冷静克制,推动他们接触对话。事实说明,施压用强无助于解决问题,对话协商才是根本出路。正是基于此,我们一直积极推动有关方面通过接触对话探寻解决问题的有效办法。我们认为,六方会谈是推进半岛无核化、维护半岛稳定、实现东北亚长治久安的最佳平台和有效依托。我们呼吁尽快举行六方会谈团长紧急磋商,在此基础上适时重启六方会谈,有关各方全面、平衡履行“9·19”共同声明,推动半岛无核化进程继续向前走。
China and the Korean Peninsula are connected by land and share a body of water in between.Our policy objectives vis-à-vis the Peninsula can be summed up in three words: peace, stability and nuclear-free.To this end, we have been urging both the North and the South to keep calm and exercise restraint, and to engage in dialogue.Facts have shown that pressure and force will not lead to a solution.Only dialogue and consultation will offer the way out.It is for this reason that we have been actively encouraging the parties concerned to explore a working solution through contacts and dialogue.We believe that the Six-Party Talks are the best platform and an effective framework to advance denuclearization and uphold stability on the Peninsula and achieve enduring peace and stability in Northeast Asia.We have called for emergency consultations of the heads of delegation to the Six-Party Talks as soon as possible.We call for the resumption of the Talks in due time on the basis of the emergency consultations.And we call on the parties concerned to follow through with the Joint Statement of 19 September 2005 in a comprehensive and balanced manner in order to keep the denuclearization process going.维护和平稳定,实现无核化,是中美在半岛问题上最大的共同利益和目标。过去几年,中美就半岛有关问题开展了密切沟通和协调,进行了很好的合作。我们要继续携手并与其他各方合作,共同维护半岛和平稳定,推动半岛无核化进程,实现东北亚长治久安。
To maintain peace and stability and achieve denuclearization are the largest common interests and goals of China and the United States regarding the Korean Peninsula.In the past few years, China and the United States have had close communication and coordination and cooperation on issues related to the Peninsula.We need to keep working together and cooperate with other relevant parties to uphold peace and stability and promote the denuclearization on the Peninsula and to achieve long-term peace and stability in Northeast Asia.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,在座各位专家学者在各自的研究领域造诣精深,也是重要的“舆论领袖”。你们的研究成果、文章著作,对美国对华民意和舆论导向具有重要影响。希望中美两国学术界多交流、多合作,共同把中国和美国客观、真实、全面地介绍给两国人民,让更多两国民众认识到中美合作的重要意义,让中美友好更加深入人心。
The experts and scholars present today are renowned for outstanding accomplishments in your respective fields of research.You are also important opinion leaders.Your research achievements, articles and works have a major impact on the public opinion and view of the media in the United States towards China.We hope the academia of our two countries will engage in more exchanges and cooperation and work together to introduce China and the United States to the two peoples in an objective, factual and comprehensive way.In this way, more and more people in our two countries will come to recognize the importance of our cooperation and the China-US friendship will take a deeper root in the hearts and minds of the people.中国和美国,一个是最大的发展中国家,一个是最大的发达国家,在一个全球化的世界里拥有巨大的共同利益,担负维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重大责任。这是一项前无古人的事业。我们需要以勇气和智慧携手创造友好相处、共同发展的新型大国关系。
China is the largest developing country and the United States is the biggest developed country.Our two countries have enormous common interests in a globalized world, and shoulder major responsibilities in upholding world peace and promoting common development.We have set out on a path that no one else has ever travelled.We need to have the courage and wisdom to join hands and develop a new type of relationship between major countries in which we live in friendship and develop in parallel.在21世纪第二个十年到来之际,我们愿与美方一道,以胡主席访美为历史性契机和新的起点,保持两国高层交往势头,不断增进战略互信,推进双边各领域务实合作,加强在重大国际地区问题上的沟通协调,以造福两国和世界各国人民。
President Hu's visit to the United States at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century offers us a historic opportunity and marks a new starting point of our relations.We are ready to work with the US side to maintain high-level exchanges, enhance strategic mutual trust, promote wide-ranging practical cooperation, and step up communication and coordination on major international and regional issues in the best interests of our two peoples and the people the world over.谢谢大家。
Thank you.
在上海合作组织外长会议 联合记者会上的讲话
国家外交部部长 杨洁篪(2012年5月11日,北京)
我们一致指出,未来10年是上合组织及其成员国发展的关键时期。在国际地区形势持续复杂变化的大背景下,上合组织应更好地发挥职能,朝着“构建和谐地区、确保长治久安、促进共同发展、推动 世代友好”的共同目标坚定迈进。成员国同意将制定完成的上合组织中期发展战略规划提交今年峰会批准。
Dear friends from the Press,Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon.The sixth round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue has concluded.Over the past two days, the two sides, focusing on the important agreement between our presidents, had sincere and in-depth exchange of views on
promoting a new model of major-country relations between the two countries, reached extensive consensus and achieved important and positive outcomes.The success of the dialogue could not have been achieved without the support and guidance of the two presidents.President Xi Jinping attended the joint opening ceremony of the S&ED and CPE and delivered an important
speech.President Obama sent a written statement.This afternoon, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang will, respectively, meet with the two US special representatives.The personal involvement, direct input and guidance of our leaders have injected a strong impetus into the work of the two teams.During the strategic dialogue, Secretary Kerry and I, focusing on the theme of promoting a new model of major-country relations, had sincere, in-depth and constructive discussions on the bilateral relations and major international, regional and global issues of shared interest.We both spoke positively of the achievements in China-US relations over the past 35 years of our diplomatic ties, decided to enhance pragmatic cooperation,constructively manage differences, and continue to promote the building of a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States in accordance with the consensus reached by the presidents of our two countries.We both reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen exchanges at the top and other levels.The two presidents will maintain frequent communication through visits, meetings, telephone conversations and correspondence.The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on a wide range of areas,including counterterrorism, law enforcement, anti-corruption, customs, fishery, maritime affairs, transportation, consular affairs, protection of persons with disabilities, energy and climate change, nuclear security, environmental protection, science and technology, agriculture, health, and those at
sub-national levels.As part of the strategic dialogue , the two sides held sub-dialogues on strategic security, economic development and reform, and climate change policy, as well as breakout sessions on UN peacekeeping operations, Sudan and South Sudan, and combating wildlife trafficking.The two sides also signed EcoPartnership agreements.The two sides agreed to earnestly implement the consensus reached between our national and military leaders on developing military-to-military relations, deepen exchanges and cooperation between our militaries, and promote a new model of military-to-military relations between China and the United States.The two sides will continue to conduct joint exercises on counter-piracy,maritime search and rescue, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.The two sides are committed to setting up at an early date a notification mechanism for major military activities and have agreed to further strengthen their
consultation on the rules of behavior on military air and maritime activities in international waters.The competent authorities of the two countries held a Climate Change Working Group meeting and reaffirmed their commitment to closer cooperation to phase down hydrofluorocarbons.We have decided that on top of the existing five areas – namely heavy-duty and other vehicles, smart grids, carbon capture, use and storage, collecting and managing greenhouse gas data, and energy efficiency – to add industrial boilers and forests as new areas of cooperation to the work of the working group.The Chinese side reaffirmed its principled position on Taiwan, Tibet and other questions, and emphasized that both sides should respect each other’s
sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect each other’s choice of development
path and social system, and handle their differences and frictions in a constructive manner.The two sides agreed to jointly uphold peace, stability and prosperity in the region, and both sides believe that a constructive China-US relationship is crucial to their Asia-Pacific policies.The two sides pledged to work towards a more stable, peaceful and prosperous Asia-Pacific region and to enhance
communication and coordination on Asia-Pacific affairs.The two sides discussed the latest developments in the Asia-Pacific region and decided to enhance
communication and coordination within multilateral forums, such as APEC, East Asia Summit(EAS)and ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF).The two sides spoke positively about the fifth China-US Asia-Pacific Consultations and decided to hold the next round in the United States later this year.The Chinese side reaffirmed its principled position on the issues of East China Sea and South China Sea, reaffirmed that China will continue to firmly uphold its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, and at the same time, stay committed to handling and resolving relevant issues through dialogue and consultation between the parties directly concerned.China urges the United States to adopt an objective and impartial position, honor its commitment of not choosing sides, and play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in this region.The two sides discussed a number of international and regional issues, and both believe that they have important responsibilities for upholding peace and stability in the world, and will continue their close consultations and
coordination on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue, Afghanistan and other issues.On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the two sides reaffirmed the importance of realizing the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner as well as safeguarding peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.The
Chinese side pointed out that given the current circumstances, all sides should exercise calm and restraint, be discreet in words and actions, and do more things to ease the situation.The two sides agreed to continue their close consultation on the relevant matters.Cyber-security is a common threat and challenge facing all countries.China maintains that countries should strengthen cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and trust, and work together to build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber environment.China believes that cyberspace should not be used to damage the interests of other countries.China hopes that the US would
create conditions for dialogue and cooperation between the two countries in cyber-space.Ladies and gentlemen,This round of dialogue has played an important role in helping the two sides to better understand each other’s strategic intention and policy, deepen
converging interests, promote cooperation in all areas, increase friendship and effectively manage differences.Once again, I wish to thank Secretary Kerry, Secretary Lew and their teams for coming to China to attend the S&ED.I also thank both teams for their hard work, and I look forward to meeting all of you again next year in Washington.