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唐家璇第五届中日友好21世纪委员会闭幕式发言 原文链接:http://



Closing Remarks by Chairman Tang Jiaxuan at the Closing Session of the First Meeting of the Fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century February 2010, Yangzhou


Chairman Taizo Nishimuro, Committee members, Vice Governor Zhang Weiguo, Party Secretary Wang Yanwen, Dear friends,在第五届中日友好21世纪委员会第一次会议即将闭幕之际,我谨代表中方委员作总结发言。首先,我要感谢双方全体委员几天来的积极与会,感谢江苏省和扬州市人民政府的周到安排,感谢相关工作人员的辛勤努力。

Before we conclude the first session of the fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century, I wish to make some closing remarks on behalf of the Chinese members.To begin with, I wish to thank all the Committee members for actively participating in the discussions over the past two days, the people's governments of Jiangsu Province and Yangzhou City for their thoughtful arrangements and all the working staff for their hard work.我们把本届委员会首次会议的闭幕式放在江苏扬州,具有独特的意义。江苏历史悠久,物华天宝,人杰地灵,是中国经济文化最发达的地区之一,而扬州则是江苏大地上一颗璀璨的明珠。特别是,江苏与中日关系有着深厚的渊源。唐代不畏艰辛,东渡日本,在中日文化交往史上留下不朽业绩的鉴真大师就是扬州大明寺 的高僧。我们来到这里,也寓意着追忆先人,勉励来者,表达双方委员致力于推动中日关系不断发展的坚定意愿。今天的江苏,与日本有着密切的友好交往和务实合作,日本对华投资的1/4在江苏,对华贸易的1/5是同江苏进行的,江苏省同日本的友好城市多达36对。希望双方委员通过这次会议,同江苏、同扬州结下更深的缘分,留下美好的回忆,为促进江苏同日本的友好交流与合作多做贡献。

We chose to hold the closing session for the first meeting of this Committee in Yangzhou of Jiangsu Province because there is something uniquely special about this place.Jiangsu enjoys a time-honored history and an abundance of natural resources and creative minds.It is, economically and culturally, one of the most developed regions in China.Yangzhou stands out as a shining pearl on this abundant land.But there is more than that.Jiangsu has a special association with China-Japan relations deeply rooted in history.Monk Jianzhen in the Tang Dynasty, who braved all the hardships to make his eastward voyages to Japan and left an indelible imprint in the history of China-Japan cultural exchanges, was an eminent monk from Daming Temple right here in Yangzhou.We are here now to remember our forbears and encourage the coming generations;we are here now to demonstrate the strong will of members from both sides to stay firmly committed to continuously advancing China-Japan relations.Today, Jiangsu enjoys close friendly exchanges and practical cooperation with Japan.One fourth of Japan's investment in China is made here in Jiangsu.One fifth of Japan's trade with China is done with Jiangsu.There are as many as 36 pairs of sister cities between Jiangsu and Japan.I hope that through this meeting, members from both sides will forge even deeper bonds with Jiangsu and Yangzhou, leave with fond memories, and make even more contribution to friendly exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu and Japan.各位朋友,Dear friends,本次会议是在国际地区格局发生深刻变化,中日关系面临新机遇的大背景下举行的。双方委员怀着高度的责任感和使命感,围绕在新形势下如何提升中日战略互惠关系水平、推动中日关系取得更大发展这一主题,集思广益,踊跃发言,进行了坦诚、深入的讨论,增进了相互理解,加深了信赖友谊。尽管双方委员多为初次相见,但经过两天来的会议,已经成为心灵相通的朋友,我想这也是全体委员的共同感受。温家宝总理昨天在繁忙的国务活动中抽出80分钟时间和大家见面,既倾听,又对话,进行了深入的互动交流,这体现了中国政府对委员会工作的高度重视,也体现了温家宝总理本人对双方委员的殷切期望。This meeting is held amid profound changes in the regional and international patterns and new opportunities for China-Japan relations.With a strong sense of responsibility and mission, members from both sides pooled their wisdom in candid, enthusiastic and in-depth discussions on how to elevate China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit and push China-Japan relations forward in the new circumstances.These discussions helped strengthen mutual understanding and deepen trust and friendship.Most of the members only met for the first time, but in a matter of two days, they have become friends sharing empathy.I believe the empathy is also shared by the entire membership of this Committee.Despite his tight schedule, Premier Wen Jiabao spent 80 minutes meeting, listening to and talking with the members yesterday.It was a deep-going, interactive discussion.This shows not only the great importance the Chinese government attaches to the work of the Committee, but also the ardent hope Premier Wen Jiabao has for all the committee members.总的看,本次会议立意高远,议题广泛,成果丰硕。总的看,我认为有三大特点:

On the whole, the Committee meeting stood high and aimed far, with discussions covering wide-ranging issues, and produced fruitful results.In summary, it had three main features.一是紧扣形势,兼具实效性和前瞻性。委员们立足当前,着眼长远,从战略高度探讨双方未来合作的大方向,形成了一些新的宏观设想,提出了不少有益的建议。

First, it kept abreast with the times and was both practical and forward-looking.Committee members based their discussions on the present realities and explored the general direction for future cooperation from a long-term and strategic perspective.They came up with quite a number of new ideas about overarching issues and put forward many useful suggestions.二是存小异,求大同。委员们开诚布公,坦诚相见,在观点的碰撞中产生出智慧的火花,在建设性的讨论中积极谋求共识。日方委员认为,应以更大的时空视角审视中日关系,在正视两国关系存在的问题和分歧的同时,把握大局,不断深化中日战略互惠关系。

Second, it worked to find common ground while putting aside minor differences.Committee members opened their hearts and spoke their minds to let wisdom sparkle in the clash of ideas and to actively pursue common ground in constructive discussions.Japanese members were of the view that while efforts should be made to face up to the existing problems and differences in the bilateral relations, it is important to take a long-term view and broaden the horizon of China-Japan relations, keep to the general direction and continuously deepen China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit.三是注重开放和互动。会议开幕式和闭幕式全程向媒体开放,双方委员共同会见了记者,水均益委员还携摄制组对会议进行了跟踪采访。上述安排有利于社会各界充分了解委员会的工作状况,有利于中日友好的理念得到更加广泛的传播。

Third, it was open and interactive.The opening and closing sessions were open to the media from the beginning to the end, and members on both sides met the press together.Committee member Shui Junyi and his production team even did a follow-up report on the meeting.Such arrangements helped all sectors of the society learn about the Committee's work fully and spread the idea of China-Japan friendship more extensively.关于本次会议的成果和共识,我认为可以概括为以下几个方面:

The results and consensus of the meeting, in my view, can be summed up as follows:


First, the two sides believed that China-Japan relations have entered a phase of new development opportunities.Both governments attach great importance to the bilateral relations and remain committed to the long-term, stable policy of friendly cooperation.This will provide important political guarantee for the continued growth of the strategic and mutually-beneficial ties.Both sides should seize the opportunity to elevate the position of China-Japan relations in their respective overall diplomatic strategies and promote the bilateral ties in a broader scope and at a higher level.第二,会议认为,两国应着眼后金融危机时代世界经济发展潮流,进一步加大能源环境、绿色低碳、循环经济等领域的合作。中方委员建议两国推出一些大的合作项目,积极打造两国合作新亮点,并提出了一些具体设想:一是开展清洁燃料汽车合作,加大在联合研发、制造、销售等环节的投入。二是合作建设中日循环 经济唐山曹妃甸园区,创建可持续发展合作的示范项目。三是积极探索和推进在信息通讯、生物医药、新材料等新兴战略产业的合作。

Second, the meeting concluded that China and Japan should pay attention to the world economic trend in the post-financial-crisis era and strengthen cooperation in the areas of energy, the environment, green and low-carbon economy and circular economy.The Chinese members suggested launching major cooperation initiatives and creating new highlights in the bilateral cooperation.They also came up with specific proposals: first, cooperate on clean fuel automobile and increase input in joint R&D, production and distribution;second, build together the China-Japan industrial park for circular economy in Caofeidian, Tangshan and carry out demonstration projects on cooperation in sustainable development;third, actively explore and promote cooperation in the newly emerging strategic sectors such as information and communication technologies, biomedicine and new materials.第三,双方委员建议,应不断拓宽人文交流渠道,多管齐下改善国民感情。今年应充分利用上海世博会这一平台,大力扩大人员往来。会议积极评价两国政府即将实施的媒体、社科工作者交流计划,建议将这一领域的交流持续开展下去。中方委员还希望日方进一步简化中国人赴日签证手续,提出加强两国青年作家交流、创设“中日佛教艺术节”等建议。

Third, members from both sides suggested expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges and nurturing favorable mutual sentiments through multiple channels.They advocate making full use of the Shanghai World Expo later this year as a platform to expand people-to-people exchanges.The meeting spoke highly of the bilateral government exchange programs involving media professionals and social scientists of the two countries soon to be implemented and proposed to continue the exchanges in this area.The Chinese members also expressed the hope that Japan would further simplify visa procedures for Chinese visitors and made suggestions regarding closer exchanges between young writers and a China-Japan Buddhist Festival.第四,双方委员认为,应把加强中日在亚洲一体化进程中的合作作为发展中日关系的一个重点方向。会上提出,应进一步加强在区域金融合作上的投入,共同打造金融安全网络。共同参与湄公河次区域开发,推进亚洲基础设施网络化建设。建议中日韩三方加快自贸区官产学联合研究进程,尽快启动官方谈判,以自贸区为抓手推进地区统一市场建设。

Fourth, members from both sides urged China and Japan to prioritize their cooperation on Asian integration in the overall bilateral relations.It was proposed at the meeting that the two countries should increase input in regional financial cooperation and jointly build a financial security network.They should also take part in the development of the Greater Mekong Subregion and accelerate the building of Asia's infrastructure network.It was suggested that China, Japan and the ROK should speed up the industry-academia-government research on the Free Trade Area(FTA), launch official negotiations at an early date and, on the basis of FTA, promote the establishment of an integrated regional market.各位朋友,Dear Friends,首次会议的成功举办,标志着第五届中日友好21世纪委员会顺利扬帆起航。会议期间,双方委员说得最多的一句话就是动人心弦。在会议即将闭幕之际,我想我们可以毫不夸张地说,这次的会议是一次动人心弦的会议,双方委员之间的对话是真诚和动人心弦的对话。我相信,在我们的共同努力下,第五届中日友好21世纪委员会一定能够不断取得积极成果,不负两国政府和人民赋予的使命,为新世纪中日关系的发展作出重要贡献。

The success of the first meeting indicates that the Fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century has set sail smoothly.During the meeting, the most frequently used word was “empathy”.As the meeting is drawing to an end, we can say, without exaggeration, that it is a meeting of great empathy and so is the sincere dialogue between members of the Committee from both sides.I believe that with our joint effort, the Fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century will produce positive outcomes, fulfill the mission entrusted by the two governments and two peoples, and make important contribution to the growth of China-Japan relations in the new century.谢谢大家。

Thank you.


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2010年2月7日 北京

Keynote Speech by Tang Jiaxuan Chair of the Chinese Side At the Opening Session of the First Meeting of The Fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st CenturyFebruary 2010, Beijing


Your Excellency Mr.Taizo Nishimura, Chair of the Japanese side,Committee members from China and Japan,Dear friends,第五届中日友好21世纪委员会双方委员今天齐聚北京,召开首次会议。我代表中方委员,向远道而来的西室泰三先生和日方各位委员表示热烈欢迎,向两国政府对本届委员会的高度重视和大力支持表示衷心感谢。

We, members of the fifth China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century, gather in Beijing today for its first meeting.On behalf of Committee members from the Chinese side, I wish to extend a warm welcome to Mr.Taizo Nishimura and fellow members from Japan and express heartfelt thanks to the governments of China and 两国政府和人民的重托,为推动中日战略互惠关系的不断提升和发展积极建言献策。

The formation of this fifth Committee cannot come at a better time.As we embrace the second decade of the new century, the international and regional situation is undergoing profound changes.With that comes an important period of opportunities for China-Japan relations.The new Committee, as an advisory body to the governments of the two countries, has a great responsibility and an honorable mission.I hope that members of the Committee from both countries will work in concert and prove worthy of the trust of our governments and people by contributing ideas and wisdom to the growth of the China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit.在我四十七年多的外交生涯中,日本是与我渊源最深的国家。我亲身经历了两国实现邦交正常化、缔结中日和平友好条约、发表中日联合宣言等重大历史事件。两国关系虽历经风雨曲折,但总体上不断向前发展,取得了巨大成就。2006年中日政治关系实现转圜以来,两国领导人频繁互访,推动两国关系不断迈上新台阶。特别是胡锦涛主席2008年5月对日本进行国事访问,两国领导人签署第四个政治文件,指明21世纪两国关系的发展方向,使两国关系站到了新的历史起点上。去年9月鸠山内阁成立后,两国关系迅速实现平稳过渡和良好开局,双方政治互信进一步增强,在一系列重大问题上取得新的广泛共识。In my diplomatic career of more than 47 years, I have been involved with Japan more than any other country.I have witnessed major historical events between our two countries, such as the normalization of diplomatic relations, the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the issuance of the Joint Declaration.Our relationship has gone through a tortuous journey, but on the whole, it has been moving forward and made great achievements.Since our political relations were turned around in 2006, our leaders have exchanged visits on a frequent basis, pushing the relationship to new heights.Of particular significance is the state visit to Japan paid by President Hu Jintao in May 2008, during which our leaders signed the fourth political document, mapping

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out the growth of our relations in the 21st century and putting the relationship on a new historical footing.Following the formation of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s cabinet last September, our relations realized a rapid and smooth transition and got off to a good start.The two sides have since enjoyed stronger political trust and achieved new agreement on a number of major issues.回顾战后中日关系不平凡的发展历程,我认为有三条重要启示。第一,要始终坚持中日友好的大方向。在两千多年的历史长河中,两国人民友好交往,形成了中日友好的历史传统,这是中日关系发展得天独厚的宝贵财富。正如邓小平先生生前所说,要把中日关系发展到22世纪、23世纪,要永远友好下去。这件事超过了我们之间一切问题的重要性。第二,要根据中日四个政治文件的原则和精神,相互尊重对方核心利益和重大关切。对于一些具体问题和分歧,要着眼大局,慎重冷静,妥善处理。第三,要客观认识和对待对方的发展,彼此确立正确的定位。在中日第四个政治文件中,两国确认互为合作伙伴,互不构成威胁,相互支持对方的和平发展。这是一个重大的战略性论断,希望在两国国内得到广泛支持,不断深入人心。

I think we can learn three important things from the extraordinary path of China-Japan relations in the post-war period.First, it is important to stick to the direction of China-Japan friendship.The friendly contacts between Chinese and Japanese people in the last two millennia and more have established a time-honored tradition of friendship between our two nations.This is a unique and invaluable asset to the growth of our relations.Mr.Deng Xiaoping once pointed out, we must take a good China-Japan relationship into the 22nd and 23rd century and always be friendly to each other.This is of greater importance than any particular issue between us.Second, it is important to respect each other’s core interests and major concerns in keeping with the principles and spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan.When it comes to dealing with some specific issues and disputes, we must focus on the big picture, take a prudent and calm approach and handle them properly.Third, it is important to approach each other’s development in an objective light and position ourselves with are not threat to support peaceful This is a strategic I and both countries.朋友们,同事们:

Friends and colleagues,中日两国都在不断发展变化,国际地区格局出现大变革、大调整,给中日关系带来重要机遇。我看可以从以下角度加以认识:

Both China and Japan are growing and changing while major transformation and adjustment are taking place in the international and Asian landscape.This brings important opportunities for China-Japan relations.I think the following new factors deserve our attention:


First, the new situation in China’s economic and social development.Last year, China overcame the serious impact of the international financial crisis on its economy.As a result, the economic downturn was curbed, GDP growth accelerated quarter by quarter and a V-shape recovery was secured with an 8.7% GDP growth for the whole year.This made China an important driver behind the recovery of the world economy.In the period to come, China will place more emphasis on transforming the development pattern and restructuring the economy, deepen reform and opening up, promote independent innovation, stimulate domestic demand and maintain steady and relatively fast economic development.As important, next door neighbors, China and Japan are interdependent economically.The good prospects of the Chinese economy will create more opportunities for the 大家网,大家的!http:// 更多精品在大家!

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business cooperation with Japan.二是日本国内形势的新发展。自民党为战后中日关系的重建、改善与发展做出了重要贡献,许多自民党领导人是中日关系的“掘井人”、开创者和推进者,中方对此不会忘记。鸠山内阁和民主党高度重视亚洲和中日关系,提出东亚共同体构想,表示中日韩应成为东亚共同体的核心。鸠山首相还提出“友爱”外交理念,强调不同国家要相互承认并超越体制差异,实现共存共生。日本新政权的亚洲政策,有利于中日增进政治互信,有利于加强双方各领域的交流与合作,有利于中日关系取得更大发展,有利于亚洲地区的和平、稳定与发展。

Second, the new developments in Japan’s domestic situation.The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan(LDP)has made great contribution to the reconstruction, improvement and growth of China-Japan relations in the post-war period.Many LDP leaders have been pathfinders, pioneers and champions of the China-Japan relationship, which China will never forget.Prime Minister Hatoyama’s cabinet and the Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)highly value Japan’s relations with Asia and China.They have proposed an East Asia Community and indicated that China, Japan and the Republic of Korea(ROK)should become the core of this East Asia Community.Prime Minister Hatoyama has also advocated a diplomatic philosophy based on “fraternity”, stressing that different countries should recognize and transcend differences in their systems and achieve coexistence.The Asia policy of the new Japanese government will help China and Japan strengthen political mutual trust, increase bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and make greater progress in our relationship.It is, therefore, good for peace, stability and development in Asia.三是亚洲一体化建设的新时代。亚洲区域合作进程加快走向深入,呈现出各种机制优势互补、协调并进的良好局面。东盟一体化和共同体建设不断推进,中日韩合作站到新的起点上,三国与东盟之间的10+1自贸区相继启动。东亚是世界上发展最快的地区之一,逐步上升为国际经济中的重要一极。有学者把未来十年称为亚洲的“黄金十年”,预测亚洲将成为全球稳定与繁荣的新力量。作为域内主要大国,中日面Third, deepening, with with its integration and community building;cooperation among China, Japan and the ROK is at a new starting point;and the 10+1 free trade areas between ASEAN and the three countries respectively have been launched successively.East Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing areas and is becoming an important pillar of the global economy.Some scholars predict that the next ten years will be a “golden decade” for Asia, and that Asia will emerge as a new force for global stability and prosperity.As major countries in Asia, China and Japan face important opportunities of working together to promote our region’s integration and revitalization.四是后金融危机时代经济发展的新潮流。历史上每一次经济危机都孕育着新的产业和科技革命。此次国际金融危机引发人们对发展模式的思考,推动国际社会进行新的探索。以可持续发展为目标,大力发展能源环境、绿色低碳、循环经济、生物医药、信息通讯、新材料等新兴战略产业,正在成为后危机时代各主要国家的共同追求。着眼这一大势,日本政府最近确定了未来十年经济增长战略,中国正在制定“十二·五规划”。日本在相关领域拥有先进技术和丰富经验,中国则有广阔市场和巨大需求。可以说,在新一轮国际经济转型中,中日两国优势互补,合作潜力巨大。

Fourth, the latest economic trends in the post-crisis era.Every economic crisis in history has brought about breakthroughs in industries, science and technology.The ongoing international financial crisis has stimulated thoughts and inspired the international community to make new explorations regarding development models.In the post-crisis era, it has become the common pursuit of all major countries to energetically develop, with the goal of achieving sustainable development in mind, new industries of strategic importance such as energy, the environment, green and low-carbon economy, circular economy, bio-medicine, information and communications technology, and new materials.Following this trend, the Japanese government has recently adopted an economic growth strategy for the coming decade, while China is working on its twelfth five-year plan.Japan boasts advanced technology and rich experience in relevant areas, while China has a large market

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and great demand.In the new round of world economic transformation, China and Japan have complementary strengths and our cooperation has great potential.我们也要看到,中日关系仍然面临一些不可忽视的问题和挑战。两国政治互信有待进一步提升,国民感情有待进一步改善,一些敏感问题需要妥善把握和处理。

Meanwhile, we must be aware that China-Japan relations still face some problems and challenges that should not be neglected.Our political mutual trust needs to be enhanced, our people’s feelings for each other need to be improved, and some sensitive issues need to be properly handled.朋友们,同事们:

Friends and colleagues,当前新形势下,适应变化,抓住机遇,抑制消极因素,扩大积极因素,提升中日战略互惠关系的水平,推动中日关系取得更大发展,是中日双方的共同目标。希望双方委员围绕这一主题深入探讨,贡献智慧。我愿先谈几点意见:

China and Japan share the goal of upgrading our strategic relationship of mutual benefit and achieving greater progress in our relations through adapting to the new situation, seizing opportunities, reducing negative factors and increasing positive ones.I hope members from both sides will have in-depth discussions and pull wisdom on how we can achieve this.Let me share with you my perspectives:


First, it is important to foster strategic mutual trust.Strategic mutual trust is an important guarantee for sound and steady development of state-to-state relations.Only on the basis of strategic mutual trust can we carry out sides.play a in The promote and carefully the exchange visits also and dialogue between governments, political parties, legislatures and defense authorities at all levels to build trust and remove misgivings through better communication on bilateral relations, our respective domestic and foreign policies and development goals.第二,大力推动中日经贸关系转型升级。中日经贸关系近年来发展势头趋缓,后续动力不足。日本对华贸易投资在中国对外经济关系中所占比重明显下降。中日经贸合作量的扩张难度增大,传统模式遭受挑战。双方合作亟需确立新的思路、寻求新的领域、拓展新的空间。双方应在保持双边贸易投资平稳增长的同时,着眼世界经济发展大趋势,把握各自经济转型机遇,以可持续发展为重点,加大在能源环境、绿色低碳、循环经济和高科技等领域的合作力度,争取推出一些大的合作项目,打造新的合作亮点,实现互利共赢。

Second, it is important to upgrade China-Japan business ties.The growth of our business ties has slowed down in recent years, showing a lack of sustained momentum.The share of trade and investment from Japan has declined sharply in China’s external economic sectors.It is increasingly difficult to expand bilateral trade and traditional patterns now face challenges.Therefore, the two sides need to find a new approach, explore new areas and open up new space.While maintaining steady growth of bilateral trade and investment, we should keep in mind the overall trend of the world economy and capitalize on the opportunities of our respective economic transformation.With focus on sustainable development, we should step up cooperation in energy, the environment, green and low-carbon economy, circular economy and high technology.We should explore the possibility of launching some large cooperation projects and creating new highlights to bring win-win results.第三,不断扩大人文交流,大力改善国民感情。近年来,两国积极开展青少年、中青年干部、媒体和文化交流,取得了积极成效。要进一步完善机制,加大投入,把相关事业持之以恒地开展下去,让更多的两国民众参与其中,增进了解和理解,提升友好感情。今年上海世博会是扩大两国民间交流的难得机遇,大家网,大家的!http:// 更多精品在大家!

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Third, it is important to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cultivate friendship between our people.Active cultural exchanges and interactions between our youth, young and middle-aged officials and media agencies have yielded positive results in recent years.We need to improve the various mechanisms, increase input and carry the cause forward.We should enlist the participation of more people from both countries to increase understanding and friendship between our two nations.The Shanghai World Expo this year offers a good opportunity to expand exchanges.It is my hope that more people from various sectors of Japan will visit the Expo, leading to a climax in people-to-people interactions between China and Japan.第四,以亚洲为主要舞台,加强国际地区事务中的协调与合作。亚洲是中日两国发展的共同战略依托,亚洲的发展也离不开中日两国。双方可进一步共同努力,一是将区域金融合作不断推向深入,打造金融安全网络,增强本地区防范和应对金融危机的能力。二是加快亚洲债券市场建设,为亚洲的长远发展提供金融支持。三是将共同参与湄公河次区域开发作为在亚洲合作的突破口,共同推进亚洲基础设施网络化建设。四是推动中日韩三方加快自贸区官产学研究进程,尽快启动官方谈判,以自贸区为抓手推进地区统一市场建设。

Fourth, it is important to strengthen coordination and cooperation on international and regional affairs, starting with Asia.Asia is the shared strategic base for the development of China and Japan, and the development of Asia cannot be achieved without China and Japan.The two sides should make joint efforts to: First, deepen regional financial cooperation, put in place a financial security network and strengthen Asia’s ability to head off and counter financial crisis.Second, speed up the building of Asian bond market and provide financial support for the long-term development of Asia.Third, integrate the infrastructure networks in Asia, starting with the opportunity created by our joint participation in the Mekong sub-regional development.Fourth, accelerate the tripartite study on free trade zone with the ROK involving our governments, industries and academic 中日友好21世纪委员会成立20多年来,双方委员从政治、经济、文化、民间交流等不同角度向两国政府提出了许多重要政策性建议,有效发挥了政府咨询机构的作用,为推动两国关系改善与发展作出了积极贡献。与前几届委员会相比,本届委员人数增加,涉及领域广泛,有利于更好发挥委员会的作用。我们应该从战略高度,从双边、亚洲和全球的大视角,谈大事,谋大势。牢牢抓住战略互信、互利合作和国民感情等关键环节,为推进中日战略互惠关系提出具有战略性和前瞻性的政策建议。在此过程中,希望双方开诚布公,坦率对话,求大同,存小异,凝聚和扩大共识,为推动两国关系不断向前发展做出委员会的应有贡献。

In the more than two decades since the formation of the China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century, members on both sides have made many important policy suggestions to our governments on political, economic, cultural and non-governmental exchanges.The Committee has effectively played its role as an advisory body to the government and contributed to the improvement and development of China-Japan relations.With a larger membership covering broader areas, this fifth Committee will better play its role.We should discuss big, strategic issues in China-Japan relations, Asia and the world.We should concentrate on topics such as strategic mutual trust, mutually beneficial cooperation and friendly sentiments between our people, and make strategic and forward-looking policy recommendations on growing the China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit.To this end, I hope the two sides will have open and candid dialogue, seek common ground while putting aside minor differences and contribute our share to the continuous progress of China-Japan relations.祝本次会议取得圆满成功。

In closing, I wish this meeting a complete success.谢谢大家!

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