
时间:2019-05-14 18:38:12下载本文作者:会员上传



This is my first trip.My first foreign trip as a first lady.Can you believe that?(Applause)And while this is not my first visit to the U.K., I have to say that I am glad this is my first official visit.The special relationship between the United States and the U.K.is based not only on the relationship between governments, but the common language and the values that we share.And I'm reminded of that by watching you all today.During my visit I've been especially honored to meet some of Britain's most extraordinary women.Women who are paving the way for all of you.这是我的第一次出访。是我作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信这个事实吗?(掌声)虽然这不是我第一次来英国,我必须说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府之间的关系,而且基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女士。这些女士在为你们所有女孩子铺路。

And I'm honored to meet you, the future leaders of Great Britain and this world.And although the circumstances of our lives may seem very distant, with me standing here as the First Lady of the United States of America, and you, just getting through school.I want you to know that we have very much in common.For nothing in my life's path would have predicted that I'd be standing here as the first African-American First Lady of the United States of America.There is nothing in my story that would land me here.I wasn't raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of.I was raised on the South Side of Chicago.That's the real part of Chicago.And I was the product of a working-class community.My father was a city worker all of his life.And my mother was a stay-at-home mom.And she stayed at home to take care of me and my older brother.Neither of them attended university.My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.But even as it got harder for him to walk and get dressed in the morning--I saw him struggle more and more--my father never complained about his struggle.He was grateful for what he had.He just woke up a little earlier and worked a little harder.And my brother and I were raised with all that you really need: love, strong values and a belief that with a good education and a whole lot of hard work, that there was nothing that we could not do.我也很荣幸见到你们,这些英国和世界未来的领导者。虽然我们的生活境况好像相差很远,我作为美国第一夫人站在这里,而你们还正在上学。我想让你们了解我们有很多共同之处。因为在我生命历程中没有任何东西曾经预示我会站在这里,作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人。我的资历里没有什么东西能使我站在这个位置上。我不是用财富和资源养大的,也谈不上有什么社会地位。我是在芝加哥的南边养大的。那是芝加哥的真实部分。我出身于工人阶级。我父亲一辈子是个市政工人。我母亲是个家庭妇女。她待在家里照顾我和我哥哥。我父母都没上过大学。我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他壮年的时候。但就在他变得难以行走,而且早上难以穿衣的时候--我看着他挣扎得越来越厉害--我父亲却从来没有抱怨过他的困难。他对于自己拥有的一切心存感激。他只是起得更早一点,工作得更努力一点。我哥哥和我在成长过程中得到了人生真正需要的一切:爱,强有力的价值观,以及一个信念,就是靠着良好的教育,还有大量的辛勤工作,没有什么是我们做不到的。

I am an example of what's possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by the people around them.I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life.Grandmothers, teachers, aunts, cousins, neighbors, who taught me about quiet strength and dignity.And my mother, the most important role model in my life, who lives with us at the White House and helps to care for our two little daughters, Malia and Sasha.She's an active presence in their lives, as well as mine, and is instilling in them the same values that she taught me and my brother: things like compassion, and integrity, and confidence, and perseverance.All of that wrapped up in an unconditional love that only a grandmother can give.我的例子就表明女孩子能创造奇迹,只要她们从生命最开始的时候,就受到周围人的爱护和教养。我的生命中围绕着非凡的女性。祖母,老师,姨妈,表姐妹,邻居,她们教会我沉默的力量和尊严。还有我母亲,我生命中最重要的榜样,她和我们住在白宫帮着照顾我们的两个小女儿,玛丽娅和萨莎。她在孩子们和我的生活中都很活跃,并正在给她们灌输,她教给我和我哥哥的价值观: 同情心,正直、自信和坚定。所有这些都包含在无条件的爱之中,那是只有一个祖母才能给予的爱。

I was also fortunate enough to be cherished and encouraged by some strong male role models as well, including my father, my brother, uncles and grandfathers.The men in my life taught me some important things, as well.They taught me about what a respectful relationship should look like between men and women.They taught me about what a strong marriage feels like.That it's built on faith and commitment and an admiration for each other's unique gifts.They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family.And not only to invest in your own home but to reach out and help raise kids in the broader community.我也很幸运地从一些男性榜样那里得到珍爱和鼓励,包括我父亲,我哥哥,叔伯和祖父。我生命中的男人们也教会我一些重要的东西。他们教会我互相尊重的男女关系应该是什么样子的。拥有一个牢固的婚姻是什么感觉。就是建立在信念和承诺之上,以及对彼此独特天赋的赞赏。他们教我意识到什么叫当一个父亲并养育一家人。而且不只是关注自己的家庭也要伸手去帮助养育更广泛的社区里的孩子。


This is my first trip.My first foreign trip as a first lady.Can you believe that?(Applause)And while this is not my first visit to the U.K., I have to say that I am glad this is my first official visit.The special relationship between the United States and the U.K.is based not only on the relationship between governments, but the common language and the values that we share.And I'm reminded of that by watching you all today.During my visit I've been especially honored to meet some of Britain's most extraordinary women.Women who are paving the way for all of you.这是我的第一次出访。是我作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信这个事实吗?(掌声)虽然这不是我第一次来英国,我必须说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府之间的关系,而且基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女士。这些女士在为你们所有女孩子铺路。

And I'm honored to meet you, the future leaders of Great Britain and this world.And although the circumstances of our lives may seem very distant, with me standing here as the First Lady of the United States of America, and you, just getting through school.I want you to know that we have very much in common.For nothing in my life's path would have predicted that I'd be standing here as the first African-American First Lady of the United States of America.There is nothing in my story that would land me here.I wasn't raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of.I was raised on the South Side of Chicago.That's the real part of Chicago.And I was the product of a working-class community.My father was a city worker all of his life.And my mother was a stay-at-home mom.And she stayed at home to take care of me and my older brother.Neither of them attended university.My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.But even as it got harder for him to walk and get dressed in the morning--I saw him struggle more and more--my father never complained about his struggle.He was grateful for what he had.He just woke up a little earlier and worked a little harder.And my brother and I were raised with all that you really need: love, strong values and a belief that with a good education and a whole lot of hard work, that there was nothing that we could not do.我也很荣幸见到你们,这些英国和世界未来的领导者。虽然我们的生活境况好像相差很远,我作为美国第一夫人站在这里,而你们还正在上学。我想让你们了解我们有很多共同之处。因为在我生命历程中没有任何东西曾经预示我会站在这里,作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人。我的资历里没有什么东西能使我站在这个位置上。我不是用财富和资源养大的,也谈不上有什么社会地位。我是在芝加哥的南边养大的。那是芝加哥的真实部分。我出身于工人阶级。我父亲一辈子是个市政工人。我母亲是个家庭妇女。她待在家里照顾我和我哥哥。我父母都没上过大学。我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他壮年的时候。但就在他变得难以行走,而且早上难以穿衣的时候--我看着他挣扎得越来越厉害--我父亲却从来没有抱怨过他的困难。他对于自己拥有的一切心存感激。他只是起得更早一点,工作得更努力一点。我哥哥和我在成长过程中得到了人生真正需要的一切:爱,强有力的价值观,以及一个信念,就是靠着良好的教育,还有大量的辛勤工作,没有什么是我们做不到的。

I am an example of what's possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by the people around them.I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life.Grandmothers, teachers, aunts, cousins, neighbors, who taught me about quiet strength and dignity.And my mother, the most important role model in my life, who lives with us at the White House and helps to care for our two little daughters, Malia and Sasha.She's an active presence in their lives, as well as mine, and is instilling in them the same values that she taught me and my brother: things like compassion, and integrity, and confidence, and perseverance.All of that wrapped up in an unconditional love that only a grandmother can give.我的例子就表明女孩子能创造奇迹,只要她们从生命最开始的时候,就受到周围人的爱护和教养。我的生命中围绕着非凡的女性。祖母,老师,姨妈,表姐妹,邻居,她们教会我沉默的力量和尊严。还有我母亲,我生命中最重要的榜样,她和我们住在白宫帮着照顾我们的两个小女儿,玛丽娅和萨莎。她在孩子们和我的生活中都很活跃,并正在给她们灌输,她教给我和我哥哥的价值观: 同情心,正直、自信和坚定。所有这些都包含在无条件的爱之中,那是只有一个祖母才能给予的爱。

I was also fortunate enough to be cherished and encouraged by some strong male role models as well, including my father, my brother, uncles and grandfathers.The men in my life taught me some important things, as well.They taught me about what a respectful relationship should look like between men and women.They taught me about what a strong marriage feels like.That it's built on faith and commitment and an admiration for each other's unique gifts.They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family.And not only to invest in your own home but to reach out and help raise kids in the broader community.我也很幸运地从一些男性榜样那里得到珍爱和鼓励,包括我父亲,我哥哥,叔伯和祖父。我生命中的男人们也教会我一些重要的东西。他们教会我互相尊重的男女关系应该是什么样子的。拥有一个牢固的婚姻是什么感觉。就是建立在信念和承诺之上,以及对彼此独特天赋的赞赏。他们教我意识到什么叫当一个父亲并养育一家人。而且不只是关注自己的家庭也要伸手去帮助养育更广泛的社区里的孩子。

And these were the same qualities that I looked for in my own husband, Barack Obama.And when we first met, one of the things that I remember is that he took me out on a date.And his date was to go with him to a community meeting.(Laughter)I know, how romantic.(Laughter)But when we met, Barack was a community organizer.He worked, helping people to find jobs and to try to bring resources into struggling neighborhoods.As he talked to the residents in that community center, he talked about two concepts.He talked about “the world as it is” and “the world as it should be.” And I talked about this throughout the entire campaign.What he said, that all too often, is that we accept the distance between those two ideas.And sometimes we settle for the world as it is, even when it doesn't reflect our values and aspirations.But Barack reminded us on that day, all of us in that room, that we all know what our world should look like.We know what fairness and justice and opportunity look like.We all know.And he urged the people in that meeting, in that community, to devote themselves to closing the gap between those two ideas, to work together to try to make the world as it is and the world as it should be, one and the same.这些同样的品质也是我在自己的丈夫身上寻找的,就是巴拉克•奥巴马。在我们最初相识的时候我记得,他带我出去约会。他的约会是和他一起去开一个社区会议。(笑声)是啊,够浪漫的吧。(笑声)我们相识的时候,巴拉克是一个社区组织者。他的工作是帮助人家找工作。以及努力把资源带给有困难的邻里。当他同那个社区中心里的居民交谈的时候他谈到两个概念。他谈到“现实世界”和“理想世界”。我在竞选的整个过程中也谈到这些。他说,我们常常 接受了这两种观念之间的差距。有的时侯我们满足于现实世界,即使它没有反映我们的价值观和愿望。但是那天巴拉克提醒了我们,在那间屋子里的所有人,我们都知道。我们的世界应该是什么样子的。我们知道公平,正义和机会是什么样子的。我们全都知道。他敦促那个会上的人们,那个社区里的人们,把他们自己献身于缩小那两种观念之间的差距,一起努力把现实世界变成和理想世界一样。And I think about that today because I am reminded and convinced that all of you in this school are very important parts of closing that gap.You are the women who will build the world as it should be.You're going to write the next chapter in history.Not just for yourselves, but for your generation and generations to come.And that's why getting a good education is so important.That's why all of this that you're going through--the ups and the downs, the teachers that you love and the teachers that you don't--why it's so important.Because communities and countries and ultimately the world, are only as strong as the health of their women.And that's important to keep in mind.我今天想起这些是因为我确信这所学校里你们所有的人都是缩小这差距非常重要的因素。你们是要建立理想世界的女性。你们将写出历史的下一个篇章。不只是为你们自己,而且是为你们一代人以及未来的几代人。这就是为什么得到良好的教育是这么的重要。这就是为什么你们正在经历的所有这一切好事和坏事,你们喜欢的和不喜欢的老师--为什么都这么重要。因为社区和国家还有归根结底这个世界,它们的强大只取决于其中女性的健康。记住这一点很重要。

A part of that health includes an outstanding education.The difference between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered woman or women, at the center of that family.The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is often the healthy respect between men and women who appreciate the contributions each other makes to society.The difference between a languishing nation and one that will flourish is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls.这个健康的一部分包括出类拔萃的教育。一个艰困的家庭与一个健康的家庭之间的区别通常就是有一个或几个说话算数的女人处于家庭的核心。一个破败的社区与一个茁壮成长的社区的区别通常取决于男女间能否相互尊重他(她)们感激对方为社会所做的贡献。一个日趋衰弱的国家与一个强盛的国家的区别就是其中的男孩和女孩是否有平等受教育的机会。

And this school, named after the U.K.'s first female doctor, and the surrounding buildings named for Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Mary Seacole, the Jamaican nurse known as the “black Florence Nightingale,” and the English author, Emily Bronte, honor women who fought sexism, racism and ignorance, to pursue their passions to feed their own souls.They allowed for no obstacles.As the sign said back there, “without limitations.” They knew no other way to live than to follow their dreams.And having done so, these women moved many obstacles.And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them.And by getting a good education, you too can control your own destiny.这所学校以英国的第一个女医生命名,学校的建筑以其他三位女士命名:墨西哥艺术家福丽达•卡萝,被称为“黑人南丁格尔”的牙买加护士玛丽•希珂,以及英国作家艾米丽•勃朗特,这都是为了纪念这些女士,她们与性别歧视,种族歧视和无知做斗争,从而追求她们的激情以充实自己的灵魂。她们没有顾及任何障碍。就像后面这个标语写的,“全然无限”。她们没想以其它的方式生活而只是追随她们的梦想。正因为如此,这四位女士去除了很多障碍。她们创造了很多新的机会为成百上千万的女医生和女护士们女艺术家和女作家们,她们都追随了这四位女士。通过得到良好的教育你们也可以掌控自己的命运。

Please remember that.If you want to know the reason why I'm standing here, it's because of education.I never cut class.Sorry, I don't know if anybody is cutting class.I never did it.I loved getting 'A's.I liked being smart.I liked being on time.I liked getting my work done.I thought being smart was cooler than anything in the world.And you too, with these same values, can control your own destiny.You too can pave the way.You too can realize your dreams, and then your job is to reach back and to help someone just like you do the same thing.History proves that it doesn't matter whether you come from a council estate or a country estate.请记住这一点。如果你们想知道我能站在这里的原因,那就是因为教育。我从来不逃课。对不起,我不知道这里是否有人逃课。我从来没那么做。我喜欢得‘优' 我喜欢做聪明人。我喜欢准时。我喜欢把我的功课做完。我觉得做聪明人比世界上任何事都要酷。按照同样的价值观,你们同样可以掌控你们自己的命运。你们也可以铺出路来。你们也可以实现你们的梦想,然后你们的任务就是伸出手去帮助像你们一样的人实现梦想。历史证明,无论是你们来自穷人家或来自富人家。

Your success will be determined by your own fortitude, your own confidence, your own individual hard work.That is true.That is the reality of the world that we live in.You now have control over your own destiny.And it won't be easy.That's for sure.But you have everything you need.Everything you need to succeed, you already have right here.你们的成功取决于你们自己的坚韧,你们自己的信心,你们自己的辛勤工作。真是这样。这就是我们所生活的世界的真实情况。你们的命运现在掌握在自己手上。但这并不容易。那是一定的。可是你们拥有你们所需要的一切。要成功所需的一切,你们已经都有了。

My husband works in this big office.They call it the Oval Office.In the White House, there's the desk that he sits at.It's called the Resolute desk.It was built by the timber of Her Majesty's Ship Resolute and given by Queen Victoria.It's an enduring symbol of the friendship between our two nations.And its name, Resolute, is a reminder of the strength of character that's required not only to lead a country, but to live a life of purpose, as well.And I hope in pursuing your dreams, you all remain resolute, that you go forward without limits, and that you use your talents--because there are many.We've seen them.It's there.That you use them to create the world as it should be.Because we are counting on you.We are counting on every single one of you to be the very best that you can be.Because the world is big.And it's full of challenges.And we need strong, smart, confident young women to stand up and take the reins.我丈夫在一个大办公室里工作。他们管它叫椭圆办公室。在白宫里,有一个他坐在那儿办公的桌子。那个办公桌名为“坚决”。桌子是用女王陛下“坚决”号船的木料打造的。是维多利亚女王送的。它是我们两国之间友谊的永久象征。它的名字,“坚决”,提醒我们要有这样的风骨,不只是领导一个国家,而且要度过一个有意义的人生。我希望在追求你们的梦想时,你们都能保持坚定,向前进而不受限制,发挥你们的才能--因为你们才华横溢。我们见识过确实有才华。用你们的才华去创建那个理想世界,因为我们指望着你们。我们指望着你们每一个人尽你们的全力,做到最好。因为这个世界很大。充满了挑战。我们需要坚强的,聪明的,自信的年轻女性站出来执掌乾坤。

We know you can do it.We love you.Thank you so much.我们知道你们能做到。我们爱你们。谢谢大家。




MRS.OBAMA:(Applause.)Thank you.Well, ni-hao.(Laughter.)It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me.Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search.And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus;President Wang;Chairman Zhu;Vice President Li;Director Cueller;Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center;President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai;and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University.Thank you all for joining us.But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today.And I particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction.That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today.See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr.Schafer and Ms.Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that will lead to so much more.And I’m here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among young people like you across the globe.That’s why when my husband and I travel abroad, we don’t just visit palaces and parliaments and meet with heads of state.We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you, because we believe that relationships between nations aren’t just about relationships between governments or leaders--they’re about relationships between people, particularly young people.So we view study abroad programs not just as an educational opportunity for students, but also as a vital part of America’s foreign policy.Through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before.Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button.Companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe.And we can text, email, Skype with people on every continent.So studying abroad isn’t just a fun way to spend a semester;it is quickly becoming the key to success in our global economy.Because getting ahead in today’s workplaces isn’t just about getting good grades or test scores in school, which are important.It’s also about having real experience with the world beyond your borders –-experience with languages, cultures and societies very different from your own.Or, as the Chinese saying goes: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”

But let’s be clear, studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future.It’s also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share.Because when it comes to the defining challenges of our time-– whether it’s climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons--these are shared challenges.And no one country can confront them alone.The only way forward is together.That’s why it is so important for young people like you to live and study in each other’s countries, because that’s how you develop that habit of cooperation.You do it by immersing yourself in one another’s culture, by learning each other’s stories, by getting past the stereotypes and misconceptions that too often divide us.That’s how you come to understand how much we all share.That’s how you realize that we all have a stake in each other’s success--that cures discovered here in Beijing could save lives in America, that clean energy technologies from Silicon Valley in California could improve the environment here in China, that the architecture of an ancient temple in Xi’an could inspire the design of new buildings in Dallas or Detroit.And that’s when the connections you make as classmates or labmates can blossom into something more.That’s what happened when Abigail Coplin became an American Fulbright Scholar here at Peking University.She and her colleagues published papers together in top science journals, and they built research partnerships that lasted long after they returned to their home countries.And Professor Niu Ke from Peking University was a Fulbright Scholarship--Scholar in the U.S.last year, and he reported--and this is a quote from him--he said, “The most memorable experiences were with my American friends.”

These lasting bonds represent the true value of studying abroad.And I am thrilled that more and more students are getting this opportunity.As you’ve heard, China is currently the fifth most popular destination for Americans studying abroad, and today, the highest number of exchange students in the U.S.are from China.But still, too many students never have this chance, and some that do are hesitant to take it.They may feel like studying abroad is only for wealthy students or students from certain kinds of universities.Or they may think to themselves, well, that sounds fun but how will it be useful in my life? And believe me, I understand where these young people are coming from because I felt the same way back when I was in college.See, I came from a working-class family, and it never occurred to me to study abroad--never.My parents didn’t get a chance to attend college, so I was focused on getting into a university, earning my degree so that I could get a good job to support myself and help my family.And I know for a lot of young people like me who are struggling to afford a regular semester of school, paying for plane tickets or living expenses halfway around the world just isn’t possible.And that’s not acceptable, because study abroad shouldn’t just be for students from certain backgrounds.Our hope is to build connections between people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, because it is that diversity that truly will change the face of our relationships.So we believe that diversity makes our country vibrant and strong.And our study abroad programs should reflect the true spirit of America to the world.And that’s why when my husband visited China back in 2009, he announced the 100,000 Strong initiative to increase the number and diversity of American students studying in China.And this year, as we mark the 35th anniversary of the normalization of relationships between our two countries, the U.S.government actually supports more American students in China than in any other country in the world.We are sending high school, college and graduate students here to study Chinese.We’re inviting teachers from China to teach Mandarin in American schools.We’re providing free online advising for students in China who want to study in the U.S.And the U.S.-China Fulbright program is still going strong with more than 3,000 alumni.And the private sector is stepping up as well.For example, Steve Schwarzman, who is the head of an American company called Blackstone, is funding a new program at Tsinghua University modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship.And today, students from all kinds of backgrounds are studying here in China.Take the example of Royale Nicholson, who’s from Cleveland, Ohio.She attends New York University’s program in Shanghai.Now, like me, Royale is a first-generation college student.And her mother worked two full-time jobs while her father worked nights to support their family.And of her experience in Shanghai, Royale said--and this is her quote--she said, “This city oozes persistence and inspires me to accomplish all that I can.” And happy birthday, Royale.It was her birthday yesterday.(Laughter.)And then there’s Philmon Haile from the University of Washington, whose family came to the U.S.as refugees from Eritrea when he was a child.And of his experience studying in China, he said, “Study abroad is a powerful vehicle for people-to-people exchange as we move into a new era of citizen diplomacy.”

“A new era of citizen diplomacy.” I could not have said it better myself, because that’s really what I’m talking about.I am talking about ordinary citizens reaching out to the world.And as I always tell young people back in America, you don’t need to get on a plane to be a citizen diplomat.I tell them that if you have an Internet connection in your home, school, or library, within seconds you can be transported anywhere in the world and meet people on every continent.And that’s why I’m posting a daily travel blog with videos and photos of my experiences here in China, because I want young people in America to be part of this visit.And that’s really the power of technology –-how it can open up the entire world and expose us to ideas and innovations we never could have imagined.And that’s why it’s so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet and through the media, because that’s how we discover the truth.That’s how we learn what’s really happening in our communities and our country and our world.And that’s how we decide which values and ideas we think are best –-by questioning and debating them vigorously, by listening to all sides of an argument, and by judging for ourselves.And believe me, I know how this can be a messy and frustrating process.My husband and I are on the receiving end of plenty of questioning and criticism from our media and our fellow citizens.And it’s not always easy, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.Because time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices of and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.And as my husband has said, we respect the uniqueness of other cultures and societies, but when it comes to expressing yourself freely and worshipping as you choose and having open access to information, we believe those universal rights--they are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet.We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential as I was able to do in the United States.And as you learn about new cultures and form new friendships during your time here in China and in the United States, all of you are the living, breathing embodiment of those values.So I guarantee you that in studying abroad, you’re not just changing your own life, you are changing the lives of everyone you meet.And as the great American President John F.Kennedy once said about foreign students studying in the U.S., he said “I think they teach more than they learn.” And that is just as true of young Americans who study abroad.All of you are America’s best face, and China’s best face, to the world--you truly are.Every day, you show the world your countries’ energy and creativity and optimism and unwavering belief in the future.And every day, you remind us--and me in particular--of just how much we can achieve if we reach across borders, and learn to see ourselves in each other, and confront our shared challenges with shared resolve.So I hope you all will keep seeking these kinds of experiences.And I hope you’ll keep teaching each other, and learning from each other, and building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives and enrich our world for decades to come.You all have so much to offer, and I cannot wait to see all that you achieve together in the years ahead.Thank you so much.Xie-Xie.(Applause.)END

























这是阿比盖尔〃科普林(Abigail Coplin)成为北京美国富布赖特学者时发生的事情。她和她的同事们在首屈一指的科学杂志上共同发表论文,他们建立研究伙伴关系,这段关系在他们回到各自国家后还长久地持续着。

















例如,美国黑石公司的主管史蒂夫 施瓦茨曼正在自助清华大学模仿罗德奖学金的一个新项目。


















正像伟大的美国总统约翰〃肯尼迪(John F〃 Kennedy)曾经在谈到留学美国的外国学生时说的那样,“我想他们所教的比他们学到的还要多。”












And that’s when the connections you make as classmates or labmates can blossom into something more.That’s what happened when Abigail Coplin became an American Fulbright Scholar here at Peking University.She and her colleagues published papers together in top science journals, and they built research partnerships that lasted long after they returned to their home countries.And Professor Niu Ke from Peking University was a Fulbright Scholarship--Scholar in the U.S.last year, and he reported--and this is a quote from him--he said, ―The most memorable experiences were with my American friends.‖这是你们和同学或实验伙伴所建立的联系能够带来更多收获的时候。

这是阿比盖尔·科普林(Abigail Coplin)成为北京美国富布赖特学者时发生的事情。她和她的同事们在首屈一指的科学杂志上共同发表论文,他们建立研究伙伴关系,这段关系在他们回到各自国家后还长久地持续着。


These lasting bonds represent the true value of studying abroad.And I am thrilled that more and more students are getting this opportunity.As you’ve heard, China is currently the fifth most popular destination for Americans studying abroad, and today, the highest number of exchange students in the U.S.are from China.这些长久的纽带代表留学的真正价值..….我很兴奋,越来越多的学生正在得到这样的机会。



But still, too many students never have this chance, and some that do are hesitant to take it.They may feel like studying abroad is only for wealthy students or students from certain kinds of universities.Or they may think to themselves, well, that sounds fun but how will it be useful in my life? And believe me, I understand where these young people are coming from because I felt the same way back when I was in college.尽管如此,太多的学生从来没有这样的机会…....而一些有机会的学生犹豫是否要抓住它。




See, I came from a working-class family, and it never occurred to me to study abroad--never.My parents didn’t get a chance to attend college, so I was focused on getting into a university, earning my degree so that I could get a good job to support myself and help my family.And I know for a lot of young people like me who are struggling to afford a regular semester of school, paying for plane tickets or living expenses halfway around the world just isn’t possible.And that’s not acceptable, because study abroad shouldn’t just be for students from certain backgrounds.我的父母没有上过大学,我将精力集中在进入大学并获得学位,这样我就可以得到一份工作并养活自己。



Our hope is to build connections between people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, because it is that diversity that truly will change the face of our relationships.So we believe that diversity makes our country vibrant and strong.And our study abroad programs should reflect the true spirit of America to the world.我们希望在所有种族和社会经济背景的人之间建立联系,因为正是这样的多样性让我们的国家如此充满活力和强大..….我们的海外留学项目应向世界反映美国的真正精神。

And that’s why when my husband visited China back in 2009, he announced the 100,000 Strong initiative to increase the number and diversity of American students studying in China.And this year, as we mark the 35th anniversary of the normalization of relationships between our two countries, the U.S.government actually supports more American students in China than in any other country in the world.这就是为什么在2009年我丈夫访问中国时,他宣布了我们的100000强倡议,该倡议旨在增加留学中国的美国学生的数量和多样性。


We are sending high school, college and graduate students here to study Chinese.We’re inviting teachers from China to teach Mandarin in American schools.We’re providing free online advising for students in China who want to study in the U.S.And the U.S.-China Fulbright program is still going strong with more than 3,000 alumni.我们正送高中生、大学生和研究生来这里学习中文..….我们正邀请中国老师到美国的学校教授普通话..….我们希望为留学美国的中国学生提供免费的在线咨询..….美中富布赖特项目仍在加强,现在有3000多名学友。

And the private sector is stepping up as well.For example, Steve Schwarzman, who is the head of an American company called Blackstone, is funding a new program at Tsinghua University modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship.And today, students from all kinds of backgrounds are studying here in China.私人部门也在加紧工作。

例如,美国黑石公司的主管史蒂夫 施瓦茨曼正在自助清华大学模仿罗德奖学金的一个新项目。

Take the example of Royale Nicholson, who’s from Cleveland, Ohio.She attends New York University’s program in Shanghai.Now, like me, Royale is a first-generation college student.And her mother worked two full-time jobs while her father worked nights to support their family.And of her experience in Shanghai, Royale said--and this is her quote--she said, ―This city oozes persistence and inspires me to accomplish all that I can.‖ And happy birthday, Royale.It was her birthday yesterday.(Laughter.)来自俄亥俄克里夫兰的罗亚尔·尼克尔森为例,她参加了纽约大学在上海的项目。


And then there’s Philmon Haile from the University of Washington, whose family came to the U.S.as refugees from Eritrea when he was a child.And of his experience studying in China, he said, ―Study abroad is a powerful vehicle for people-to-people exchange as we move into a new era of citizen diplomacy.‖还有来自华盛顿的菲力门·海尔,他还是孩子的时候,他的家人作为厄立特里亚难民来到了美国。


―A new era of citizen diplomacy.‖ I could not have said it better myself, because that’s really what I’m talking about.I am talking about ordinary citizens reaching out to the world.And as I always tell young people back in America, you don’t need to get on a plane to be a citizen diplomat.I tell them that if you have an Internet connection in your home, school, or library, within seconds you can be transported anywhere in the world and meet people on every continent.―一个公民外交的新时代‖—我自己想不出比这更好的说法了。因为这正是我正在谈的,那就是普通公民走向世界。



And that’s why I’m posting a daily travel blog with videos and photos of my experiences here in China, because I want young people in America to be part of this visit.And that’s really the power of technology –-how it can open up the entire world and expose us to ideas and innovations we never could have imagined.这就是为什么我每天都要发一篇旅行博文,里面有我这次中国之行的视频和照片—因为我希望美国的年轻人能够成为这次访问的一部分。


And that’s why it’s so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet and through the media, because that’s how we discover the truth.That’s how we learn what’s really happening in our communities and our country and our world.And that’s how we decide which values and ideas we think are best –-by questioning and debating them vigorously, by listening to all sides of an argument, and by judging for ourselves.同时,这也是为什么信息和思想在互联网上、以及通过媒体自由流动是如此重要。


And believe me, I know how this can be a messy and frustrating process.My husband and I are on the receiving end of plenty of questioning and criticism from our media and our fellow citizens.And it’s not always easy, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.Because time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices of and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.有大量的来自我们媒体和公民的质疑和批评,而我丈夫和我位于接收端......这并非易事......但我们不愿意用它来换世界上的任何东西。


And as my husband has said, we respect the uniqueness of other cultures and societies, but when it comes to expressing yourself freely and worshipping as you choose and having open access to information, we believe those universal rights--they are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet.We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential as I was able to do in the United States.而正像我丈夫所说过的,我们尊重其它文化和社会的独特性。然而,就自由地表达自我、选择自己所崇拜,以及享有信息公开而言—我们相信那些是这个星球上的每个人与生俱来的普世权利。


And as you learn about new cultures and form new friendships during your time here in China and in the United States, all of you are the living, breathing embodiment of those values.So I guarantee you that in studying abroad, you’re not just changing your own life, you are changing the lives of everyone you meet.同时,当你在中国这里以及在美国了解新的文化、结交新的朋友时,你整个人就是那些价值观的鲜活代表。所以我保证,通过出国留学,你们不仅在改变自己的人生,你们也在改变所遇到的每个人的人生。

And as the great American President John F.Kennedy once said about foreign students studying in the U.S., he said ―I think they teach more than they learn.‖ And that is just as true of young Americans who study abroad.All of you are America’s best face, and China’s best face, to the world--you truly are.正像伟大的美国总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F· Kennedy)曾经在谈到留学美国的外国学生时说的那样,―我想他们所教的比他们学到的还要多。‖


Every day, you show the world your countries’ energy and creativity and optimism and unwavering belief in the future.And every day, you remind us--and me in particular--of just how much we can achieve if we reach across borders, and learn to see ourselves in each other, and confront our shared challenges with shared resolve.每一天,你们都在向世界展示你们国家的能量、创造力、乐观以及对未来坚定不移的信念。


So I hope you all will keep seeking these kinds of experiences.And I hope you’ll keep teaching each other, and learning from each other, and building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives and enrich our world for decades to come.所以,我希望你们都会不断寻求这样的经历。我也希望你们会继续教彼此,互相学习,同时建立起友谊的纽带,这些纽带能在未来数十年丰富你们的生活,也丰富我们的世界。

You all have so much to offer, and I cannot wait to see all that you achieve together in the years ahead.Thank you so much.Xie-Xie.(Applause.)END 你们大家都有这么多可以给与,我迫不及待地想看到,未来几年里你们一起实现的所有成就。






MRS.OBAMA:(Applause.)Thank you.Well, ni-hao.(Laughter.)It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me.谢谢。你好。很高兴也很荣幸来到这里,在这所伟大的大学和你们共聚一堂。非常感谢你们邀请我。

Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search.And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.在我今天开始之前,代表我自己和我的丈夫,我想就马来西亚航空公司的MH370航班简短说两句。如我丈夫所说,美国正提供尽可能多的资源协助搜寻工作。请相信,在这个非常艰难的时刻,我们的心和航班上人员的家属和亲人在一起,我们为他们祈祷。Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China,Ambassador Baucus.President Wang;Chairman Zhu;Vice President Li;Director Cueller;Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center;President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai;and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University.Thank you all for joining us.现在,我们首先来认识一下美国新任驻华大使——博卡斯大使。王校长、朱主席、李副校长、Cuelluer主任、Jean Oi教授和斯坦福中心,纽约大学的塞克顿斯校长(该校在上海开设了一个优秀的海外留学项目),以及清华大学全球领袖项目主任约翰·桑顿,由衷地感谢大家的到来。

But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today.And I

particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction.That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today.最重要的是,我要感谢今天所有到场的学生们......我要特别感谢埃里克·谢弗和朱宣皓的精彩英文和中文介绍。这绝佳地诠释了我今天要和大家聊的全部话题。

See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr.Schafer and Ms.Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that will lead to so much more.And I’m here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among young people like you across the globe.你们看,通过学习彼此的语言,通过展现对彼此文化的好奇心和尊重,谢弗先生、朱女士以及你们大家正在搭建理解的桥梁,这些桥梁带来更多的丰硕成果。我今天来到你们这里是因为我知道,我们的未来取决于全球像你们这样年轻人间的这样的联系。

That’s why when my husband and I travel abroad, we don’t just visit palaces and parliaments and meet with heads of state.We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you, because we believe that relationships between nations aren’t just about relationships between governments or leaders--they’re about relationships between people, particularly young people.So we view study

abroad programs not just as an educational opportunity for students, but also as a vital part of America’s foreign policy.这也是为什么我们夫妇在国外访问时,不只参观宫殿、议会和会晤国家元首。我们也来到学校,与像你们一样的学生见面。因为我们相信,国与国之间的关系不只是政府或领导人之间的关系,它们是人民间―特别是年轻人之间的关系。因此,我们认为海外留学项目不只是为学生提供的教育机会,还是美国外交政策至关重要的组成部分。

Through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before.Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button.Companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe.And we can text, email, Skype with people on every continent.通过现代技术奇迹,我们的世界比以往任何时候都更多地联系在一起。思想可以通过点击按钮跨越海洋。全球各地的公司可以进行业务往来和相互竟争。我们可以与各大洲的人们通过短信、电子邮件和Skype进行沟通。

So studying abroad isn’t just a fun way to spend a semester;it is quickly becoming the key to success in our global economy.Because getting ahead in today’s workplaces isn’t just about getting good grades or test scores in school, which are important.It’s also about having real experience with the world beyond your borders –-experience with languages, cultures and societies very different from your own.Or, as the Chinese saying goes: ―It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.‖


But let’s be clear, studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future.It’s also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share.Because when it comes to the defining challenges of our time-– whether it’s climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons--these are shared challenges.And no one country can confront them alone.The only way forward is together.我想要说的是,出国留学绝不仅是改善你们自己的未来,它也关乎塑造你们的国家、关乎我们共有的世界的未来。因为我们这个时代的决定性挑战一一无论是气侯变化、经济机遇,还是核武器扩散一一这些都是我们共同的挑战。没有任何一个国家能够单独应对它们……唯一的出路就是共同携手。

That’s why it is so important for young people like you to live and study in each other’s countries, because that’s how you develop that habit of cooperation.You do it by immersing yourself in one

another’s culture, by learning each other’s stories, by getting past the stereotypes and misconceptions that too often divide us.这就是为什么年轻人到彼此国家学习和生活是如此重要。因为这是你们培养合作习惯的途径一一你们通过融入不同的文化,通过了解彼此的故事,通过跨越常常隔膜我们的成见和误解,来做到这一点。

That’s how you come to understand how much we all share.That’s how you realize that we all have a stake in each other’s success--that cures discovered here in Beijing could save lives in America, that

clean energy technologies from Silicon Valley in California could improve the environment here in China, that the architecture of an ancient temple in Xi’an could inspire the design of new buildings in Dallas or Detroit.这是你们了解到我们共享多少东西的途径。这是你们认识到我们的成功惠及彼此的途径。在北京发现的治序方法可以挽救在美国的生命,来自加州硅谷的清洁能源技术可以改善中国的环境,西安一座古老寺庙的架构可激发达拉斯或者底特律新建筑设计的灵感。



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