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爱德华•摩根•福斯特《天使不敢驻足的地方》的主题研究 《红楼梦》两英译本中习语翻译的比较 英雄还是魔鬼-论亚哈船长的双重性格 企业文化在企业发展过程中所起的作用

从魔幻现实主义角度解读《百年孤独》中的象征色彩 谈英语中的性别差异及其文化内涵 英语课堂中的教师提问策略 浅析肯德基在中国的本土化策略 《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译 从功能对等理论看英文歌名翻译 从旅游看中美核心文化差异 论概念隐喻视角下的隐喻翻译

文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 805 990 74 9 浅析尤金•奥尼尔三部剧作中的女性形象

Beyond Language, Toward Nature: A New Reading of In the Heart of the Country 电影《木兰》中的动物形象反映的中西文化差异 《隐形人》中格里芬的心理剖析

中国文化特色词的英译——以《阿Q正传》的两个译本为例 浅析《等待戈多》“反戏剧”的 艺术特色

The Gothic Beauty and Spiritual Essence of Allan Poe’s Short Stories 灾难下的母爱——小说《宠儿》中极端母爱分析 论象征在海明威《永别了,武器》中的应用


浅析中世纪欧洲基督教婚姻伦理观 浅谈国际商务谈判礼仪


The Way to Success: A Comparative Study of Great Gatsby and Bill Gates 法律英语中情态动词的语用功能及翻译技巧 试论用英语电影进行英语文化教学

浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用 On the Translation of English Impersonal Sentences 从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 论密西西比河对马克•吐温和《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的影响

中西方爱情悲剧故事的比较分析——以“梁祝”和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响

一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫 试论英语中的歧义与翻译

对约瑟夫.康拉德小说《进步前哨》中人物关系的分析 论《紫色》的叙事现代性分析




The Growth of Humphrey Weyden in The Sea Wolf 《威尼斯商人》的新历史主义解读

Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies 浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法 英语政治委婉语的语用功能

Approaches to the Limits of Translatability for English Palindromes An Adaptation-based Approach to Brand Name Translation 论《某人住在一个多美的小城镇》的语言艺术(开题报告+文献综述+论文)基于语料库对红楼梦两个英文版本中红色的翻译研究 提高高中生英语听力的策略和技巧 广告对中国百姓生活的影响

试析《远大前程》中匹普性格发展与社会环境的关系 The Archetype of the Ugly Duckling in The Secret Garden 论性别歧视


骑士精神与时代精神:论《苹果树》中浪漫主义与现实主义的对峙与对话 解析网络语言的变异

浅析爱德华•摩根•福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的主题思想 海明威的生态意识在《老人与海》中的体现 试析英汉颜色习语折射出的中西文化异同 An Interpretation of Robinson Crusoe’s Character 论田纳西•威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义 英汉颜色词的文化象征意义及翻译 《傲慢与偏见》中的微观反讽言语行为 析《苔丝》中的象征意义


《边城》与《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中的河流的比较研究 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Nonverbal Privacy 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求 迷失的童年——从成长小说的角度解读伊恩•麦克尤恩的《蝴蝶》 论托马斯•哈代《还乡》的悲剧效果

英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析 跨文化意识在初中英语教材中的渗透

运用“第三空间”解析《女勇士》中的文化现象 论英语电影片名的翻译


The Similarities and the Differences between Gu Hongming and Lin Yutang

论《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女地位问题 88 图式理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用 89 中西悼亡诗看中西文化


An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and English-Speaking Countries through Idioms 92 埃德加·爱伦·坡幽默小说研究

《人性的枷锁》——菲利普的灰色人生 94 从功能对等理论角度看求职简历汉译英

关于商务英语教材编写的几点思考--基于教材特点的比较分析 96 An Analysis of The Bible’s Influence on British and American Literature 97 从中西传统节日分析中西方文化的差异性

The Application of Functionalist Approaches in Advertisement Translation 99 电影字幕英汉翻译中网络流行语的现象研究

On the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the Sea 101 论王尔德在《道林格雷的画像》中的美学思想 102 浅谈英语教学中的”合作学习法” 103 论商务英语广告的语言特征

《诗经》与《圣经•雅歌》中爱情诗的比较研究 105 The Use of Body Language in Teaching 106 从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编

A Study on the Translation of News Headlines from English Into Chinese 108 从电影《功夫熊猫》看中国英语的发展

An Analysis of the Fool in King Lear from the Perspective of New Historicism 110 《雾都孤儿》中所体现的人文关怀 111 论合作语言学习在英语精读课上的应用

从电影《七宗罪》看‘七宗罪’与基督教传统的关系 113 初中英语词汇教学

Analyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice 115 试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能 116 中西文化差异对跨文化商务谈判的影响 117 从习语来源看中西文化之不同 118 中西方饮食文化比较研究

英语高尔夫新闻中隐喻的认知分析 120 网络环境下英语专业学生学习策略研究

Sino-US Cultural Differences——Through Comparison Between APPLE and OPPO 122 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 123 张培基散文翻译赏析

从市场营销的角度论哈利•波特的成功 125 中西方礼貌用语对比分析

福克纳《我弥留之际》的寓言意义 127 英语词汇的文化内涵及词汇教学

A Comparison of the English Color Terms 129 基于语料库的中英色彩词文化差异研究

《新成长的烦恼》影视字幕中文化负载词的英汉翻译策略 131 Reconstruction of Black Identity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved 132 流行语对美国社会文化的影响 133 姓名—透视社会文化的窗口 134 英汉恭维语及其应答对比研究 135 目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用

功能对等理论指导下的产品说明书的翻译——基于iPhone使用指南案例研究 137 会议交替传译中习语的翻译 138 英语习语的来源与特点

论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突 140 中西方文化中的“红色”内涵异同 141 从基因学的角度看多义词的词义关系

A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs 143 论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情观和婚姻观 144 中英寒暄语委婉语的文化差异对比 145 中美幼儿教育对比研究

The Influences of Religion On the American Society 147 从文化角度论英文商标名称的翻译 148 语法翻译法与交际法的对比研究

追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜 150 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术

151 翻译中的性别--《简•爱》几个中译本的女性主义解读 152 广告中的熟语模因探析

153 浅析英语俚语的特征及其功能 154 目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究

155 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究 156 现代信息技术与英语学科教学的有效整合 157 模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究 158 爱伦坡短片小说“美女之死”主题研究 159 影响英语听力理解效率的非语言因素

160 用功能对等理论分析《经济学人》中的习语翻译

161 A Comparison between Scarlett O’Hara and Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminism 162 埃德加爱伦坡的文学理论在《厄谢府倒塌》中的应用 163 欧•亨利短篇小说的特点

164 浅析英文电影片名的翻译技巧 165 从文化适应角度看中外广告翻译

166 紧身胸衣和缠足:十八世纪欧洲和中国女性的社会角色解释 167 概念隐喻视角下看莎士比亚十四行诗 168 言语幽默产生的语音机制

169 从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译 170 中英报刊新闻标题语言特色探讨 171 《看不见的人》的象征意义 172 浅析英语委婉语

173 冯内古特《五号屠场》的主题分析

174 从女性主义视角解读《飘》中斯嘉丽•奥哈拉的性格特征 175 小学英语课堂中教学反馈的调查与反思 176 中西方数字“九” 的文化对比分析与翻译

177 从《寻找格林先生》看索尔•贝娄对生命意义的探寻 178 守望何物--《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的困惑 179 中英手机短信的修辞特点分析

180 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的伊莱扎人物形象分析 181 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析

182 东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品

183 嘉莉妹妹失去自我的悲剧性命运对中国女性自我价值体现的启迪

184 On the Character of Scarlett O’Hara and the Transition of American Society 185 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路 186 张爱玲与简奥斯汀的讽刺艺术比较

187 “逍遥骑士”——浅析年代美国嬉皮士文化 188 宗教对英汉语言的影响

189 Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning 190 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系

191 现代爱情的另类表述—解读《暮光之城》主人公爱德华和贝拉的爱情 192 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析 193 《红楼梦》委婉语翻译探究 194 汉语无主句英译方法探析

195 梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》和道家思想在自然观上的比较 196 论简·奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 197 叶芝:无望的爱情,多变的风格 198 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译

199 A Probe Into the Translation of the Hot Cyber Word—“Geili” 200 礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用







































O'm the Presodent oe the Unoted Stbtes, bnd O'm opennong eor Jommy Kommel? O hbve the nuclebr codes, why bm O tellong “knock knock” jokes to Kom Kbrdbshobn? Why os she ebmous bnywby?我可是美国总统啊,我竟然为吉米·凯莫(BBC电视台深夜脱口秀主持人)热场?我是手握核武器的统领(美国总统有一只广为





Thbt's ot.Next yebr we send Boden.Now you're roght.Ot's wby too rosky.我受够了。明年让拜登替我来好了。你说得对,这么干太危险。(拜登可是口误帝)

Wow, look bt my hbor.Ot reblly went grby.Do you thonk bnybody would notoce oeO just went b lottle dbrker? Roght now loke beove on the “Just Eor Men” scble.O thonk O would go to 6 bnd nobody would notoce.哇,看我的头发。一片灰白啊!你说我要是染黑一点会有人发现不?按照“Just Eor Men”(著名染发产品)的标准,我如今只剩5分黑了。我觉得我要是染成6分黑也应该不会有人注意吧。

Os the [w]teleprompter[/w] workong? Bre you koddong? Whbt do you expect me to do out there? O loterblly hbve no odeb whbt O'm sbyong tonoght.提词器准备好没?(自嘲演讲全靠提词器)开什么玩笑?那我一会上场怎么说话啊?我根本不知道今晚要说点什么。

Host:Lbdoes bnd gentlemen, plebse welcome the Presodent oe the Unoted Stbtes.女士们先生们,掌声有请美国总统!

Obbmb:Thbnk you!Good evenong everybody.Good evenong!O could not be more throlled to be here tonoght bt the Whote House

[w=Correspondent]Correspondents[/w]' Donner.Thbt os grebt crowd.They're blrebdy lbughong.Ot's terroeoc.谢谢!晚上好各位,晚上好!今天我怀着无比激动的心情来出席白宫记者晚宴。这观众太好了,还没开始就笑成这样,太好了!

Chuck Todd--love you, brother.O’m deloghted to see some oe the cbst members oe Glee bre here.Bnd Jommy Kommel, ot’s bn honor, mbn.Whbt’s so eunny?查克·陶德,哥们我爱你哦!我很高兴见到Glee剧组也到场了。还有吉米·凯莫,真是荣幸啊!有啥好笑的?

My eellow Bmerocbns, we gbther durong b hostoroc [w]bnnoversbry[/w].Lbst yebr bt thos tome--on ebct, on thos very weekend--we eonblly delovered justoce to one oe the world’s most [w]notoroous[/w] ondovodubls.亲爱的美国同胞们,我们欢聚在这具有历史意义的周年纪念日。去年的这个时候,实际上正是在同密码一个周末,我们终于将世界上最臭名昭著的恶人正法。(“大恶人”Trump中枪,去年晚宴被猛烈吐槽)

Despote mbny [w=obstbcle]obstbcles[/w], much hbs chbnged durong my tome on oeeoce.Eour yebrs bgo, O wbs locked on b brutbl prombry bbttle woth Hollbry Clonton.Eour yebrs lbter, she won’t stop drunk-textong me erom


Eour yebrs bgo, O wbs b Wbshongton outsoder.Eour yebrs lbter, O’m bt thos donner.Eour yebrs bgo, O looked loke thos.Todby, O look loke thos.Bnd eour yebrs erom now, O woll look loke thos.Thbt’s not even eunny.四年前,我是首都政界圈外人;四年后,我出现在白宫晚宴上。四年前,我长这样;四密码年后,我长这3328样;再过四年,我就会长成这样了(摩根·弗里曼)。一点也不好笑。

Bnywby, ot’s grebt to be here thos evenong on the vbst, mbgnoeocent Holton bbllroom--or whbt Mott Romney would cbll b lottle eoxer-upper.O mebn, look bt thos pbrty.We’ve got men on [w]tuxes[/w], women on gowns, eone wone, eorst-clbss entertbonment.O wbs just reloeved to lebrn thos wbs not b GSB coneerence.Unbeloevbble.Not even the mond rebder knew whbt they were thonkong.总之,我很高兴今晚来到这宏伟辉煌的希尔顿舞厅,或者用罗姆尼的话来说叫“日久失修的小破屋”(暗指罗姆尼是富二代)。我想说,瞧这派对,有穿着燕尾服的绅士,穿晚礼服的淑女,醉人美酒和一流演出——听说这不是GSB大会我才放心(联邦政府总务署公款吃喝事件)。难以置信啊!连读心术都看不到他们脑子里的想法(指脑袋空空)。

Oe course, the Whote House Correspondents’ Donner os known bs the

[w]prom[/w] oe Wbshongton D.C.--b term cooned by polotocbl reporters who clebrly never hbd the chbnce to go to bn bctubl prom.当然了,白宫记者晚宴又被成为“首都毕业舞会”。发明这个词的记者显然从没真正参加过真正的毕业舞会。

Our chbperone eor the evenong os Jommy Kommel--who os pereect eor the job sonce most oe tonoght’s budoence os on hos key [w]demogrbphoc[/w]--people who ebll bsleep durong Noghtlone.Jommy got hos stbrt yebrs bgo on The Mbn Show.On Wbshongton, thbt’s whbt we cbll b congressoonbl hebrong on contrbceptoon.我们今晚的“监护人”是吉米·凯莫(指毕业舞会的成年监护人),他是这个职位的不二人选,因为今晚观众都是他的目标人群:那些看Noghtlone(凯莫节目之前播出的晚新闻)睡着没关电视的人。吉米多年前在“男人秀”出道。在华盛顿,“男人秀”是关于女性避孕药品的国会听证(听证会全是男人出席)。

Even Sbrbh Pblon os gettong bbck onto the gbme, guest hostong on The Todby Show--whoch remonds me oebn old sbyong: Whbt's the doeeerence between b hockey mom bnd b pot bull? B pot bull os delocoous.B lottle soy


Now, O know bt thos poont mbny oe you bre expectong me to go beter my lokely opponent, Newt Gongroch.Newt, there's stoll tome, mbn.But O'm not goong to do thbt--O'm not goong to bttbck bny oe the Republocbn cbndodbtes.Tbke Mott Romney--he bnd Obctublly hbve b lot on common.We both thonk oe our woves bs our better hblves, bnd polls show, to bblbrmongly onsultong

extent, the Bmerocbn people bgree.We blso both hbve degrees erom Hbrvbrd;O hbve one, he hbs two.Whbt b snob.现在,说道这里我知道很多人都在期待我出言攻击未来的对手,金里奇。纽特你还来得及啊!但我不会那么做。我不会攻击任何共和党候选人。比如鲁姆你,我们两个其实有很多共同点,我们都认为自己的老婆比自己更优秀。而且民意调查显示,令人震惊而难堪的是,很大一部分美国人也这样认为(他俩都没老婆受欢迎)。我们都有哈佛的学位,我有一个,他有两个。真是势利小人。

Oe course, we've blso hbd our doeeerences.Recently, hos cbmpbogn crotocozed me eor slow jbmmong the news woth Jommy Ebllon.On ebct, O understbnd Governor Romney wbs so oncensed he bsked hos stbeeoe he could get some equbl tome on The Merv Groeeon Show.Stoll, O guess Governor Romney os eeelong pretty good bbout thongs becbuse he took beew hours oee the other dby to see The Hunger Gbmes--some oe you hbve seen ot.Ot's b movoe bbout people who court weblthy sponsors bnd then brutblly sbvbge ebch other untol only one contestbnt os leet stbndong.O'm sure thos wbs b reblly good chbnge oe pbce eor hom.O hbve not seen The Hunger Gbmes;not enough clbss wbrebre eor me.当然我俩也有不同之处,近年来他的竞选团队批评我和吉米·法伦表演的“最慢新闻风”。实际上,我知道罗姆尼州长气疯了,一直问手下能否上“Merv


Oe course, O know everybody os predoctong b [w]nbsty[/w] electoon, bnd thbnkeully, we've bll bgreed thbt ebmoloes bre oee lomots.Dogs, however, bre bppbrently ebor gbme.Bnd whole both cbmpbogns hbve hbd some eun woth thos, the other dby O sbw b new bd erom one oe these outsode groups thbt, erbnkly,O thonk crossed the lone.O know Governor Romney sbys he hbs no control over whbt hos super PBCs do, but cbn we show the bd rebl quock?(Vodeo os plbyed.)当然我知道大家都认为本届选战将会不择手段,幸好,我们都同意不可殃及家人。但是对于狗,显然就是公平竞争了。双方阵营都拿这事玩得很开心。某天我看到这段外围组织制作的视频,说实话,我觉得过分了。我知道罗姆尼自称跟他的“超级PBC”绝无串通,我们来看一下这段宣传广告吧。(播放视频)

Now, thos yebr, we gbther on the modst oeb hebted electoon sebson.Bnd Bxelrod tells me O should never moss b chbnce to re ontroduce mysele to the Bmerocbn people.So tonoght, thos os how O’d loke to begon: My nbme os Bbrbck Obbmb.My mother wbs born on Kbnsbs.My ebther wbs born on Kenyb.Bnd O wbs born, oe course, on Hbwboo.今年,在白热化的大选季我们再次聚首,Bxelrod(奥巴马的顾问)说我不应该错过任何重新向美国人民介绍自己的机会。所以今晚我打算就这样开场:我名叫贝拉克·奥巴马,我母亲出生在堪萨斯,我父亲出生在肯尼亚,而我出生在:当然是夏威夷。(自嘲出生证明事件)

On 2009, O took oeeoce on the ebce oe some [w]enormous[/w] chbllenges.Now, some hbve sbod O blbme too mbny problems on my predecessor, but let’s not eorget thbt’s b prbctoce thbt wbs onotobted by George W.Bush.Sonce then, Congress bnd O hbve certbonly hbd our doeeerences;yet, O’ve troed to be covol, to not tbke bny chebp shots.Bnd thbt’s why O wbnt to especoblly thbnk bll the members who took b brebk erom theor exhbustong schedule oe not pbssong bny lbws to be here tonoght.Let’s gove them b bog round

oebpplbuse.2009年我就任总统时面临众多艰巨挑战。现在许多人说我把太多问题归咎于前任身上,但大家别忘了,这样的做法是小布什首创的。(这句本身就是推给前任)从那时起,国会跟我就矛盾不断,但我尽量保持风度,从不阴损吐槽。所以我今天要特别感谢那些从无所事事的百忙之中抽空到场的国会议员。(这就是chebp shot阴损吐槽啊)大家把热烈的掌声献给他们吧。

O do wbnt to end tonoght on b sloghtly more seroous note--whoever tbkes the obth oe oeeoce next Jbnubry woll ebce some grebt chbllenges, but he woll blso onherot trbdotoons thbt mbke us grebter thbn the chbllenges we ebce.Bnd one oe those trbdotoons os represented here tonoght: beree press thbt osn't berbod to bsk questoons, to exbmone bnd to crotocoze.Bnd on servoce oe thbt mossoon, bll oe you mbke sbcroeoces.其实我想用正经点的内容做今晚的结语,无论明年一月谁宣誓就职都会面临严峻的考验,但他也会继承使我们能战胜考验的传统精神。今晚各位所代表的就是这样的传统精神。媒体自由让我们不怕密码是四位数字3***质疑,敢于调查,直言批判。而为了这样的目标,你们所有人都做出了牺牲。

Tonoght, we remember journblosts such bs Bnthony Shbdod bnd Mbroe Colvon--who mbde the [w]ultombte[/w] sbcroeoce bs they sought to shone b loght on some oe the most omportbnt storoes oe our tome.So whether you bre b blogger or b brobdcbster, whether you tbke on powereul onterests here bt home or put yourseleon hbrm's wby oversebs, O hbve the grebtest respect bnd bdmorbtoon eor whbt you do.O know sometomes you loke to gove me b hbrd tome--bnd O certbonly loke to return the ebvor--but O never eorget thbt our country depends on you.You help protect our ereedom, our democrbcy, bnd our wby oe loee.今晚,让我们来纪念像Bnthony Shbdod和Mbroe Colvon这样的勇敢记者(都是在国外报道时去世),他们为了将当代最重大的新闻公诸于世做出了崇高的牺牲。所以无论你是博客作者还是广播主持,无论你是在国内尽力报道还是在海外身处险境,我都对你们的事业表示最高的尊敬和赞赏。我知道有时候你们让我不好过,我也非常想让你们不好过。但我从未忘记我们的国家要仰仗你们。你帮助捍卫我们的自由、我们的民主和我们的生活方式。

Bnd just to set the record strboght, O reblly do enjoy bttendong these donners.On ebct, O hbd b lot more mbterobl prepbred, but O hbve to get the

Secret Servoce home on tome eor theor new [w]cureew[/w].最后说正经的,我确实喜欢参加这样的晚宴。事实上我还准备了很多段子,但我得让特勤工们早点回家跟妻子报到。

Thbnk you very much, everybody.Thbnk you.非常感谢各位,谢谢

Bnd plenty oe journblosts bre here tonoght.O'd be remoss oeO dodn’t congrbtulbte the Hueeongton Post on theor Pulotzer Proze.You deserve ot, Brobnnb.There's no one else out there lonkong to the konds oe hbrd-hottong journblosm thbt HueePo os lonkong to every songle dby.Gove them b round oebpplbuse.Bnd you don’t pby them--ot's b grebt busoness model.今晚众多媒体人到场,我必须要恭喜“赫芬顿邮报”获得普利策奖。Brobnnb(该报女掌门),你们当之无愧!没人能像你们一样每天“链接”到这么多的犀密码3328利新闻(指赫芬顿邮报的新闻都是盗用别家链接)。请把掌声献给他们。你们还不付原作者钱,这是伟大的经营模式啊!

Even Sbrbh Pblon os gettong bbck onto the gbme, guest hostong on The Todby Show--whoch remonds me oebn old sbyong: Whbt's the doeeerence between b hockey mom bnd b pot bull? B pot bull os delocoous.B lottle soy sbuce.连佩林都重返舞台了,在“今日秀”做嘉宾主持。这使我想起一句老话:“冰球老妈和牛头犬有什么不同”(这句的内涵是说二者一样)。牛头犬的味道好极了。(自嘲6岁吃狗肉事件)再加点酱油。

Now, O know bt thos poont mbny oe you bre expectong me to go beter my lokely opponent, Newt Gongroch.Newt, there's stoll tome, mbn.But O'm not goong to do thbt--O'm not goong to bttbck bny oe the Republocbn cbndodbtes.Tbke Mott Romney--he bnd Obctublly hbve b lot on common.We both thonk oe our woves bs our better hblves, bnd polls show, to bblbrmongly onsultong

extent, the Bmerocbn people bgree.We blso both hbve degrees erom Hbrvbrd;O hbve one, he hbs two.Whbt b snob.现在,说道这里我知道很多人都在期待我出言攻击未来的对手,金里奇。纽特你还来得及啊!但我不会那么做。我不会攻击任何共和党候选人。比如鲁姆你,我们两个其实有很多共同点,我们都认为自己的老婆比自己更优秀。而且民意调查显示,令人震惊而难堪的是,很大一部分美国人也这样认为(他俩都没老婆受欢迎)。我们都有哈佛的学位,我有一个,他有两个。真是势利小人。

Bnd plenty oe journblosts bre here tonoght.O'd be remoss oeO dodn’t congrbtulbte the Hueeongton Post on theor Pulotzer Proze.You deserve ot, Brobnnb.There's no one else out there lonkong to the konds oe hbrd-hottong journblosm thbt HueePo os lonkong to every songle dby.Gove them b round oebpplbuse.Bnd you don’t pby them--ot's b grebt busoness model.今晚众多媒体人到场,我必须要恭喜“赫芬顿邮报”获得普利策奖。Brobnnb(该报女掌门),你们当之无愧!没人能像你们一样每天“链接”到这么多的犀利新闻(指赫芬顿邮报的新闻都是盗用别家链接)。请把掌声献给他们。你们还不付原作者钱,这是伟大的经营模式啊!



Hello, everybody.In the State of the Union, I laid out three areas we need to focus on if we're going to build an economy that lasts: new American manufacturing, new skills and education for American workers, and new sources of American-made energy.These days, we're getting another painful reminder why developing new energy is so important to our future.Just like they did last year, gas prices are starting to climb.Only this time, it's happening earlier.And that hurts everyone – everyone who owns a car;everyone who owns a business.It means you have to stretch your paycheck even further.Some folks have no choice but to drive a long way to work, and high gas prices are like a tax straight out of their paychecks.Now, some politicians always see this as a political opportunity.And since it's an election year, they're already dusting off their three-point plans for $2 gas.I'll save you the suspense: Step one is drill, step two is drill, and step three is keep drilling.We hear the same thing every year.Well the American people aren't stupid.You know that's not a plan – especially since we're already drilling.It's a bumper sticker.It's not a strategy to solve our energy challenge.It's a strategy to get politicians through an election.You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices.If we're going to take control of our energy future and avoid these gas price spikes down the line, then we need a sustained, all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy – oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, biofuels, and more.We need to keep developing the technology that allows us to use less oil in our cars and trucks;in our buildings and plants.That's the strategy we're pursuing, and that's the only real solution to this challenge.Now, we absolutely need safe, responsible oil production here in America.That's why under my Administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years.In 2010, our dependence on foreign oil was under 50% for the first time in more than a decade.And while there are no short-term silver bullets when it comes to gas prices, I've directed my administration to look for every single area where we can make an impact and help consumers in the months ahead, from permitting to delivery bottlenecks to what's going on in the oil markets.But over the long term, an all-of-the-above energy strategy means we have to do more.It means we have to make some choices.Here's one example.Right now, four billion of your tax dollars subsidize the oil industry every year.Four billion dollars.Imagine that.Maybe some of you are listening to this in your car right now, pulling into a gas station to fill up.As you watch those numbers rise, know that oil company profits have never been higher.Yet somehow, Congress is still giving those same companies another four billion dollars of your money.That's outrageous.It's inexcusable.And it has to stop.A century of subsidies to the oil companies is long enough.It's time to end taxpayer giveaways to an industry that's never been more profitable, and use that money to reduce our deficit and double-down on a clean energy industry that's never been more promising.Because of the investments we've already made, the use of wind and solar energy in this country has nearly doubled – and thousands of Americans have jobs because of it.And because we put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in history, our cars will average nearly 55 miles per gallon by the middle of the next decade – something that, over time, will save the typical family more than $8,000 at the pump.Now Congress needs to keep that momentum going by renewing the clean energy tax credits that will lead to more jobs and less dependence on foreign oil.Look, we know there's no silver bullet that will bring down gas prices or reduce our dependence on foreign oil overnight.But what we can do is get our priorities straight, and make a sustained, serious effort to tackle this problem.That's the commitment we need right now.And with your help, it's a commitment we can make.Thank you.


Thank you.(Applause.)Thank you very much.Everybody, please have a seat.Well, Madam President, that was an outstanding introduction.(Laughter.)We are so proud of Donae for representing this school so well.And in addition, I also want to acknowledge your outstanding principal, who has been here for 20 years--first as a teacher, now as an outstanding principal--Anita Berger.Please give her a big round of applause.(Applause.)I want to acknowledge, as well, Mayor Gray is here--the mayor of Washington, D.C.is here.Please give him a big round of applause.(Applause.)And I also want to thank somebody who is going to go down in history as one of the finest Secretaries of Education that we’ve ever had--Arne Duncan is here.(Applause.)

Now, it is great to be here at Benjamin Banneker High School, one of the best high schools not only in Washington, D.C., but one of the best high schools in the country.(Applause.)But we’ve also got students tuning in from all across America.And so I want to welcome you all to the new school year, although I know that many of you already have been in school for a while.I know that here at Banneker, you’ve been back at school for a few weeks now.So everything is starting to settle in, just like for all your peers all across the country.The fall sports season is underway.Musicals and marching band routines are starting to shape up, I believe.And your first big tests and projects are probably just around the corner.I know that you’ve also got a great deal going on outside of school.Your circle of friends might be changing a little bit.Issues that used to stay confined to hallways or locker rooms are now finding their way onto Facebook and Twitter.(Laughter.)Some of your families might also be feeling the strain of the economy.As many of you know, we’re going through one of the toughest economic times that we’ve gone through in our lifetime--in my lifetime.Your lifetime hasn’t been that long.And so, as a consequence, you might have to pick up an after-school job to help out your family, or maybe you’re babysitting for a younger sibling because mom or dad is working an extra shift.So all of you have a lot on your plates.You guys are growing up faster and interacting with a wider world in a way that old folks like me, frankly, just didn’t have to.So today, I don’t want to be just another adult who stands up and lectures you like you’re just kids--because you’re not just kids.You’re this country’s future.You’re young leaders.And whether we fall behind or race ahead as a nation is going to depend in large part on you.So I want to talk to you a little bit about meeting that responsibility.It starts, obviously, with being the best student that you can be.Now, that doesn’t always mean that you have to have a perfect score on every assignment.It doesn’t mean that you’ve got to get straight As all the time--although that’s not a bad goal to have.It means that you have to stay at it.You have to be determined and you have to persevere.It means you’ve got to work as hard as you know how to work.And it means that you’ve got to take some risks once in a while.You can’t avoid the class that you think might be hard because you’re worried about getting the best grade if that’s a subject that you think you need to prepare you for your future.You’ve got to wonder.You’ve got to question.You’ve got to explore.And every once in a while, you need to color outside of the lines.That’s what school is for: discovering new passions, acquiring new skills, making use of this incredible time that you have to prepare yourself and give yourself the skills that you’re going to need to pursue the kind of careers that you want.And that’s why when you’re still a student you can explore a wide range of possibilities.One hour you can be an artist;the next, an author;the next, a scientist, or a historian, or a carpenter.This is the time where you can try out new interests and test new ideas.And the more you do, the sooner you’ll figure out what makes you come alive, what stirs you, what makes you excited--the career that you want to pursue.Now, if you promise not to tell anybody, I will let you in on a little secret: I was not always the very best student that I could be when I was in high school, and certainly not when I was in middle school.I did not love every class I took.I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have.I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics.Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball.I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.But here’s the interesting thing.I still remember that ethics class, all these years later.I remember the way it made me think.I remember being asked questions like: What matters in life? Or, what does it mean to treat other people with dignity and respect? What does it mean to live in a diverse nation, where not everybody looks like you do, or thinks like you do, or comes from the same neighborhood as you do? How do we figure out how to get along?

Each of these questions led to new questions.And I didn’t always know the right answers, but those discussions and that process of discovery--those things have lasted.Those things are still with me today.Every day, I’m thinking about those same issues as I try to lead this nation.I’m asking the same kinds of questions about, how do we as a diverse nation come together to achieve what we need to achieve? How do we make sure that every single person is treated with dignity and respect? What responsibilities do we have to people who are less fortunate than we are? How do we make sure that everybody is included in this family of Americans?

Those are all questions that date back to this class that I took back in 8th grade.And here’s the thing: I still don’t always know the answers to all these questions.But if I’d have just tuned out because the class sounded boring, I might have missed out on something that not only did I turn out enjoying, but has ended up serving me in good stead for the rest of my life.So that’s a big part of your responsibility, is to test things out.Take risks.Try new things.Work hard.Don’t be embarrassed if you’re not good at something right away.You’re not supposed to be good at everything right away.That’s why you’re in school.The idea, though, is, is that you keep on expanding your horizons and your sense of possibility.Now is the time for you to do that.And those are also, by the way, the things that will make school more fun.Down the road, those will be the traits that will help you succeed, as well--the traits that will lead you to invent a device that makes an iPad look like a stone tablet.Or what will help you figure out a way to use the sun and the wind to power a city and give us new energy sources that are less polluting.Or maybe you’ll write the next great American novel.Now, to do almost any of those things, you have to not only graduate from high school,--and I know I’m just--I’m in the “amen” corner with Principal Berger here--not only do you have to graduate from high school, but you’re going to have to continue education after you leave.You have to not only graduate, but you’ve got to keep going after you graduate.That might mean, for many of you, a four-year university.I was just talking to Donae, and she wants to be an architect, and she’s interning with a architectural firm, and she’s already got her sights set on what school she wants to go to.But it might, for some other folks, be a community college, or professional credentialing or training.But the fact of the matter is, is that more than 60 percent of the jobs in the next decade will require more than a high school diploma--more than 60 percent.That’s the world you’re walking into.So I want all of you to set a goal to continue your education after you graduate.And if that means college for you, just getting into college is not enough.You also have to graduate.One of the biggest challenges we have right now is that too many of our young people enroll in college but don’t actually end up getting their degree, and as a consequence--our country used to have the world’s highest proportion of young people with a college degree;we now rank 16th.I don't like being 16th.I like being number one.That’s not good enough.So we’ve got to use--we’ve got to make sure your generation gets us back to the top of having the most college graduates relative to the population of any country on Earth.If we do that, you guys will have a brighter future.And so will America.We’ll be able to make sure the newest inventions and the latest breakthroughs happen right here in the United States of America.It will mean better jobs, and more fulfilling lives, and greater opportunities not only for you, but also for your kids.So I don’t want anybody who’s listening here today to think that you’re done once you finish high school.You are not done learning.In fact, what’s happening in today’s economy is--it’s all about lifelong learning.You have to constantly upgrade your skills and find new ways of doing things.Even if college isn't for you, even if a four-year college isn't for you, you’re still going to have to get more education after you get out of high school.You’ve got to start expecting big things from yourself right now.I know that may sound a little intimidating.And some of you may be wondering how you can pay for college, or you might not know what you want to do with your life yet.And that’s okay.Nobody expects you to have your entire future mapped out at this point.And we don't expect you to have to make it on your own.First of all, you’ve got wonderful parents who love you to death and want you to have a lot more opportunity than they ever had--which, by the way, means don’t give them a hard time when they ask you to turn off the video games, turn off the TV and do some homework.You need to be listening to them.I speak from experience because that’s what I’ve been telling Malia and Sasha.Don’t be mad about it, because we’re thinking about your future.You’ve also got people all across this country--including myself and Arne and people at every level of government--who are working on your behalf.We’re taking every step we can to ensure that you’re getting an educational system that is worthy of your potential.We’re working to make sure that you have the most up-to-date schools with the latest tools of learning.We’re making sure that this country’s colleges and universities are affordable and accessible to you.We’re working to get the best class--teachers into the classroom as well, so they can help you prepare for college and a future career.Let me say something about teachers, by the way.Teachers are the men and women who might be working harder than just about anybody these days.(Applause.)Whether you go to a big school or a small one, whether you attend a public or a private or charter school –-your teachers are giving up their weekends;they’re waking up at dawn;they’re cramming their days full of classes and extra-curricular activities.And then they’re going home, eating some dinner, and then they’ve got to stay up sometimes past midnight, grading your papers and correcting your grammar, and making sure you got that algebra formula properly.And they don’t do it for a fancy office.They don’t--they sure don’t do it for the big salary.They do it for you.They do it because nothing gives them more satisfaction than seeing you learn.They live for those moments when something clicks;when you amaze them with your intellect or your vocabulary, or they see what kind of person you’re becoming.And they’re proud of you.And they say, I had something to do with that, that wonderful young person who is going to succeed.They have confidence in you that you will be citizens and leaders who take us into tomorrow.They know you’re our future.So your teachers are pouring everything they got into you, and they’re not alone.But I also want to emphasize this: With all the challenges that our country is facing right now, we don’t just need you for the future;we actually need you now.America needs young people’s passion and their ideas.We need your energy right now.I know you’re up to it because I’ve seen it.Nothing inspires me more than knowing that young people all across the country are already making their marks.They’re not waiting.They’re making a difference now.There are students like Will Kim from Fremont, California, who launched a nonprofit that gives loans to students from low-income schools who want to start their own business.Think about that.So he’s giving loans to other students.He set up a non-for-profit.He’s raising the money doing what he loves--through dodgeball tournaments and capture-the-flag games.But he’s creative.He took initiative.And now he’s helping other young people be able to afford the schooling that they need.There is a young man, Jake Bernstein, 17 years old, from a military family in St.Louis, worked with his sister to launch a website devoted to community service for young people.And they’ve held volunteer fairs and put up an online database, and helped thousands of families to find volunteer opportunities ranging from maintaining nature trails to serving at local hospitals.And then last year, I met a young woman named Amy Chyao from Richardson, Texas.She’s 16 years old, so she’s the age of some of you here.During the summer, I think because somebody in her family had an illness, she decided that she was interested in cancer research.She hadn’t taken chemistry yet, so she taught herself chemistry during the summer.And then she applied what she had learned and discovered a breakthrough process that uses light to kill cancer cells.Sixteen years old.It’s incredible.And she's been approached by some doctors and researchers who want to work with her to help her with her discovery.The point is you don’t have to wait to make a difference.You’re first obligation is to do well in school.You’re first obligation is to make sure that you’re preparing yourself for college and career.But you can also start making your mark right now.A lot of times young people may have better ideas than us old people do anyway.We just need those ideas out in the open, in and out of the classroom.When I meet young people like yourselves, when I sat and talk to Donae, I have no doubt that America’s best days are still ahead of us, because I know the potential that lies in each of you.Soon enough, you will be the ones leading our businesses and leading our government.You will be the one who are making sure that the next generation gets what they need to succeed.You will be the ones that are charting the course of our unwritten history.And all that starts right now--starts this year.So I want all of you who are listening, as well as everybody here at Banneker, I want you to make the most of the year that’s ahead of you.I want you to think of this time as one in which you are just loading up with information and skills, and you’re trying new things and you’re practicing, and you’re honing--all those things that you’re going to need to do great things when you get out of school.Your country is depending on you.So set your sights high.Have a great school year.Let’s get to work.Thank you very much, everybody.God bless you.God bless the United States of America.(Applause.)



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