
时间:2019-05-14 19:38:24下载本文作者:会员上传


1、Hello, everyone, I am glad to be able to stand here today to share with you the latest news.I am not good at English, if the play is not good please bear with me.First, let us look at a foreign news.Have you seen a movie in 1997 called the Titanic?Do you know this year is the Titanic shipwreck 100th anniversary?Let's look at news.****Titanic's dead mourned 100 years later in poignant ceremony at sinking site

At the shrill sound of a ship's whistle in the North Atlantic, relatives of some of the more than 1,500 people who died when the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg remembered their ancestors in a poignant ceremony a century later.On a still, starry night and with little glare from the moon, the memorial cruise ship MS Balmoral floated above the wreckage of the famous 'unsinkable' luxury liner precisely 100 years to the day it foundered.The ship, the biggest in the world at the time, foundered in frigid Atlantic waters off Newfoundland on April 15, 1912.On Saturday, Balmoral's ship's whistle pierced the air at 11.40 pm, the exact time the Titanic hit the iceberg, followed by a two-minute silence.Most of Balmoral's 1,300 passengers then squeezed onto the deck for a service and hymns, and to watch three wreaths be thrown into the calm waters at 2.20am Sunday morning, the moment she sank.Next let us have a vidio see(视频)

2、Well, let us now to look concerned about the national news.First is that the recent economic situation in China.****China loosens currency controls on the yuan From Monday, the yuan can fluctuate up to 1% in trading against the US dollar from a fixed price set by the central bank, the People's Bank of China said.That is up from the previous limit of 0.5%.The increase of the trading band was announced in English, a rare statement that suggests it was targeted at foreign audiences.China has been under pressure to let the yuan appreciate.Nations like the US believe that China keeps the yuan artificially low to boost its exports, giving it an unfair trading edge.The US Treasury Department on Sunday welcomed the move.“China's decision to widen the daily trading band for its exchange rate, if implemented in a way that allows the value of the exchange rate to reflect market forces, could contribute rebalancing, which would be positive for China, the United States, and the global economy,” an official told Reuters.He added there was still a “misalignment” with regards to China's exchange rate and more progress is needed.3、In recent years,several cases of school bus accidents have taken place , causing death and injury of many children and students, Take Guangdong for example,the accident resulted in two children's deaths and 15 children were injured.Let us see the news

###GUANGZHOU-Two children were killed and 15 others injured when a kindergarten school bus slammed into a truck in South China's Guangdong province, local authorities said Monday.The accident happened at about 4 pm in the city of Yangchun, according to publicity officials in the city.Circumstance of the accidents is very worthy for our government and schools thinking, why not put the lives of children seriously?They are the future of our country!

4、just news maybe a bit sad,Let us look at something interesting and fun.do you heard of Baby dating?

“Baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date.They list detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter-in-law” and display pictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention.“娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式通过互联网给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。他们会详细列出对应征对象的各项要求,并且在有关网站展示自己孩子的照片,吸引其它父母关注。Young parents are doing this for various reasons: 娃娃相亲的目的

1.To find a playmate for their kids.为了给孩子找玩伴

2.In this way, they can “have” a daughter AND a son.过把儿女双全的瘾

3.Through baby dating, the parents can also make new friends in the city.多门亲戚好走动

4.The kids can learn to get along with peers of the opposite sex from an early age.给宝宝积累异性交往经验

5.It will be perfect if they come to a happy ending.多一个美好的期待也不错

5、Then, who heard of diploma inflation??

***Diploma inflation describes a situation that more diplomas are issued in China while overall academic competitiveness of the degree holders is falling, just like the depreciation of currency during inflationary times.“学历通胀”指拥有各类学位的人越来越多,但是其专业竞争力却日渐衰退的状况。这跟通货膨胀时期货币都会贬值是一个道理。

College diploma is a basic requirement if you want to find a job in China nowadays, no matter what kind of industry you are in.Even some labor-intensive industries would require a diploma from job applicants.As a result, many Bachelor’s and Master’s degree holders have to give up their academic pursuit and work as doorman, security guard, busboy, waiter/waitress, etc.时下的中国,无论是哪行、哪业,找工作,张口就要大学文凭。就连一些最简单、最不需要知识含量的行业,在招工时也把文凭放在首位。以致许多大学生在应聘时,不得不放下身段,去应聘那些与自己的所学毫不相干的职业。大学生门童、大学生保安、研究生服务员、研究生勤杂工等层出不穷

Finally, thank everyone for listening.I wish you all happy every day!


why you will fail [fel] to have a great career [k?r??(r)]你为什么不会成就伟业 中英对照演讲稿: i want to discuss with you this morning why youre going to fail to have a great career.(laughter)今天上午我想和你们讨论一下,你为什么不会成就伟业。(笑声)i know some of you have already decided you want a good career.youre going to fail(laughter).those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really, good jobs are now disappearing.there are great jobs and great careers, and then there are the high-workload, high-stress, bloodsucking[bl?ds?k??], soul-destroying [d??str??] kinds of jobs, and almost nothing in between.我知道你们有些人已经决定了,你们想要一个成功的事业。你们也会失败的-(笑声)-。(笑声)想事业有成的人会失败,因为,真的,现在好工作都在消失。有好工作,和好事业,也有工作量大,压力大,吸食血液,侵蚀灵魂的那种工作,而且几乎没有工作能好点的。so the people looking for good jobs are going to fail.im going to talk about those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why youre going to, why youre going to fail.first reason is that no matter how many times people tell you, if you want a great career, you have to pursue [p?sju:] your passion [?p???n], you have to pursue your dreams, you have to pursue, the greatest fascination [?f?s??ne??n] in your life, you hear it again and again and then you decide not to do it.所以想找好工作的人会失败。我谈谈那些寻找伟业的人,你们为什么要寻找,为什么会失败。第一个原因是不管多少次别人告诉你,“如果你想成就伟业,你就必须追随你的热忱,你必须追随你的梦想,你必须追随,你人生中最大的吸引,“ 你听过这句话一遍又一遍,然后你决定,不去这样做。im not quite sure why you decide not to do it.youre too lazy to do it.its too hard.youre afraid if you look for your passion and dont find it, youll feel like youre an idiot [??di?t], so then you make excuses [?k?skjuz] about why youre not going to look for your passion.and they are excuses, boys and girls.were going to go through a whole long list, your creativity, and thinking of excuses not to do what you really need to do if you want to have a great career.我不太确定你为什么决定不去做。你太懒了。这事太难。你害怕如果你去寻找梦想然后找不到,你会觉得你像个白痴,所以你给自己找借口,为什么你不去追寻你的梦想。这些都是借口,女士们先生们。我们要列一个长单子,你的创造力,想想你不去做成就伟业该做的事情的借口。so, for example, one of your great excuses is, well, great careers are really and truly, for most people, just a matter of luck, so im going to stand around, im going to try to be lucky, and if im lucky, ill have a great career.if not, ill have a good career.but a good career is an impossibility, so thats not going to work.所以,举例来说,你众多借口之一是,“嗯,伟业实际上对于大多数人来说,只是运气问题,所以我就在这待着,我就试试做那个幸运的人,然后如果我真幸运的话,我就能成就伟业。如果不能,我就找个还不错的事业。”,但是没有还不错的事业,所以这个行不通。then, your other excuse is, yes, there are special people who pursue their passions, but they are talent.im not a talent.when i was five, i thought i was a talent, but my 然后,你还有其他借口:“是的,有那些与众不同的人,追寻自己的梦想,但是他们是天才。我不是天才。我五岁的时候以为自己是天才,但是我的教授们早就把这个念头,打消了。或者“ 现在你看,如果这是在1950年,完全有能力,就能让你成就伟业。但是你知道么?现在几乎是2013年了。i have an interest!i have an interest!you tell me.i say, thats wonderful!and what, what are you trying to tell me? it is not passion.passion is your greatest love.passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent.passion, interest--its not the same thing.are you really going to go to your partner and say, marry me!youre interesting.and if that, you will die alone.(laughter)我有个兴趣!我有个兴趣!你告诉我。“我说,”太好了!“ 你想告诉我什么呢?那不是热枕。热忱是你最高程度的热爱。热忱是能帮助你最好地成就自己才华,的事情。热忱,兴趣-不是一回事。你真的会去找你的甜心然后说,“嫁给我吧!你很有意思。“(笑声)不会发生的。不会发生,然后你会孤独终老。(笑声)what you want is passion.it is beyond interest.you need 20 interests, and then one of them, one of them might be passion.你想要的是热忱。它超越兴趣。你需要20个兴趣,然后它们其中一个是你的热忱。but then, there are some of you, in spite of all these excuses, you will find, you will find your passion, and youll still fail.但是,你们当中有些人,抛开这些借口,你们会找到,你们会找到自己的热忱,然后你们还是失败了。你会失败,因为,因为你不会着手去做,因为你会想出新的借口,任何让你只说不做的借口,而且这个借口,我已经听过很多次了。“是的,我会追求一番伟业,但是相比成就,我更看重人与人之间的关系。我想做一个好朋友。我想做一个好伴侣。我想做一个好父母,而且我不会为了,伟大的成就而牺牲这些。” 你知道有一天会发生什么? 你的孩子有一天会跟你说,“我知道我想做什么。我知道我想怎么度过一生。”,你特别高兴。这种对话父母最爱听了,而且你知道你会爱听你孩子接下来的话。你孩子说,“我决定了,我想做个魔术师。我想在舞台上表演魔术。”,(笑声)

and what do you say? umm...thats risky, kid.might fail.cant make a lot of money at that.you know , you should think about that again , why not —

然后你说什么? 你说,你说,“嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。有可能会失败,孩子。挣不了大钱,孩子。你知道的,我不知道,孩子,你应该再想想,孩子,为什么不-“ and the kid interrupts you, and says, but it is my dream.it is my dream to do this.and what are you going to say? like this look kid.i had a dream once, too, but--but.so how are you going to finish the sentence with your but?...but i was afraid to pursue it.or, are you going to tell him this? i had a dream once, kid.but then you were born.(laughter)然后你孩子打断你,说,”但是那是我的梦想。我梦想就是成为魔术师。“ 然后你要说什么? 像这样”你看,孩子,我过去也有过梦想。但是-但是。“ 所以你想怎么用”但是“结束你的句子? ”...但是我没敢去追随。“ 还是,你想告诉他这个? ”我过去有梦想,孩子。但是之后你出生了。“(笑声)have said to your kid when he or she said, i have a dream.you could have said, looked the kid in the face, and said, go for it, kid, just like i did.but you wont be able to say that because you didnt.so you cant.(laughter)你真的,真的想利用你的家庭,你真的想把你的伴侣,和你的孩子当成狱卒吗? 你其实可以这么跟你孩子讲。当他/她说“我有个梦想”的时候,你可以说,面对你的孩子,说,“去追随它吧,孩子,就像我那样。但是你没法那么说,因为你没去追随梦想。所以你不能那么说。(笑声)youre afraid to pursue your passion.youre afraid to look ridiculous [r??d?kj?l?s].youre afraid to try.youre afraid you may fail.great friend, great spouse, great parent, great career.is that not a package? how can you be one without the other? but youre afraid.你不敢去追求梦想。你害怕自己看起来像个疯子。你不敢去尝试。你害怕失败。好朋友,好伴侣,好父母,伟业。不是打包在一起的吗?你怎么能符合其中一个却不符合另一个? 但是你害怕。and thats why youre not going to have a great career, unless--unless, that most evocative [??vɑk?t?v] of all english words--unless.but the unless word is also attached [??t?t?t] to that other, most terrifying [ter?fa??] phrase [fre?z], if only i had...if only i had...if you ever have that thought over and over again in your brain, it will hurt a lot.这就是为什么你不会成就伟业,除非-,除非,最引人回忆的词-,除非。但是除非这个词和另外一个,最可怕的短语是连着的,”如果我当初...“ ”如果我当初...“ 如果你曾经有过这个想法在你脑海里回旋,它会特别伤人。so, those are the many reasons why you are going to fail to have a great career, unless...所以,这些就是,你为什么不能成就伟业,的众多原因。除非...,unless.除非。

thank you.(applause)谢谢。(掌声),篇二:英语新闻ppt演讲

1、hello, everyone, i am glad to be able to stand here today to share with you the latest news.i am not good at english, if the play is not good please bear with me.first, let us look at a foreign news.have you seen a movie in 1997 called the titanic?do you know this year is the titanic shipwreck 100th anniversary?lets look at news.****titanics dead mourned 100 years later in poignant ceremony at sinking site at the shrill sound of a ships whistle in the north atlantic, relatives of some of the more than 1,500 people who died when the titanic sank after hitting an iceberg remembered their ancestors in a poignant ceremony a century later.on a still, starry night and with little glare from the moon, the memorial cruise ship ms balmoral floated above the wreckage of the famous unsinkable luxury liner precisely 100 years to the day it foundered.the ship, the biggest in the world at the time, foundered in frigid atlantic waters off newfoundland on april 15, 1912.on saturday, balmorals ships whistle pierced the air at 11.40 pm, the exact time the titanic hit the iceberg, followed by a two-minute silence.most of balmorals 1,300 passengers then squeezed onto the deck for a service and hymns, and to watch three wreaths be thrown into the calm waters at 2.20am sunday morning, the moment she sank.next let us have a vidio see(视频)

2、well, let us now to look concerned about the national news.first is that the recent economic situation in china.****china loosens currency controls on the yuan from monday, the yuan can fluctuate up to 1% in trading against the us dollar from a fixed price set by the central bank, the peoples bank of china said.that is up from the previous limit of 0.5%.the increase of the trading band was announced in english, a rare statement that suggests it was targeted at foreign audiences.china has been under pressure to let the yuan appreciate.nations like the us believe that china keeps the yuan artificially low to boost its exports, giving it an unfair trading edge.chinas decision to widen the daily trading band for its exchange rate, if implemented in a way that allows the value of the exchange rate to reflect market forces, could contribute rebalancing, which would be positive for china, the united states, and the global economy, an official told reuters.he added there was still a misalignment with regards to chinas exchange rate and more progress is needed.3、in recent years,several cases of school bus accidents have taken place , causing death and injury of many children and students, take guangdong for example,the accident resulted in two childrens deaths and 15 children were injured.let us see the news ###guangzhou-two children were killed and 15 others injured when a kindergarten school bus slammed into a truck in south chinas guangdong province, local authorities said monday.the accident happened at about 4 pm in the city of yangchun, according to publicity officials in the city.circumstance of the accidents is very worthy for our government and schools thinking, why not put the lives of children seriously?they are the future of our country!

4、just news maybe a bit sad,let us look at something interesting and fun.do you heard of baby dating? “baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date.they list detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter-in-law” and display pictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention.“娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式通过互联网给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。他们会详细列出对应征对象的各项要求,并且在有关网站展示自己孩子的照片,吸引其它父母关注。young parents are doing this for various reasons: 娃娃相亲的目的

1.to find a playmate for their kids.为了给孩子找玩伴

2.in this way, they can “have” a daughter and a son.过把儿女双全的瘾 3.through baby dating, the parents can also make new friends in the city.多门亲戚好走动 4.the kids can learn to get along with peers of the opposite sex from an early age.给宝宝积累异性交往经验


5、then, who heard of diploma inflation?? “学历通胀”指拥有各类学位的人越来越多,但是其专业竞争力却日渐衰退的状况。这跟通货膨胀时期货币都会贬值是一个道理。college diploma is a basic requirement if you want to find a job in china nowadays, no matter what kind of industry you are in.even some labor-intensive industries would require a diploma from job applicants.as a result, many bachelor’s and master’s degree holders have to give up their academic pursuit and work as doorman, security guard, busboy, waiter/waitress, etc.时下的中国,无论是哪行、哪业,找工作,张口就要大学文凭。就连一些最简单、最不需要知识含量的行业,在招工时也把文凭放在首位。以致许多大学生在应聘时,不得不放下身段,去应聘那些与自己的所学毫不相干的职业。大学生门童、大学生保安、研究生服务员、研究生勤杂工等层出不穷 finally, thank everyone for listening.i wish you all happy every day!篇三:关于举办英语演讲比赛








公外组:所有在校非英语专业学生 专业组:07、08、09级英语专业学生


1.参赛题目: expo and i(可自拟副标题)2.参赛名额

各二级学院: 2名(其中求真学院一名)外国语学院:每班一名 3.公外组:各学院自主进行初赛,按参赛名额要求将优秀选手推送到学校参加决赛(如有特别优秀选手,可适当增加若干名额)。决赛为定题演讲(三分钟)、即兴抽题演讲和评委提问三个环节。




咨询电话: 外国语学院:董恬恬 电话:1542



六、全国比赛参赛安排 本次比赛优秀者将获得参加全国大学生英语演讲比赛资格,组委会将于对参赛学生进行集中强化培训,争取在全国比赛中取得理想成绩,为校争光。

湖州师范学院教务处 外国语学院

二○一0年九月一日 2010年全国大学生英语演讲比赛选拔赛报名表 2010年全国大学生英语演讲比赛选拔赛报名表

(求真学院)篇四:英语翻译ppt及演讲稿 good morning, everyone!(第一页ppt)i’m honored to be here to make a presentation about translation, together with my partners: 杨英坤 and 袁银梅.(第五页)after a brief introduction, let’s get back to our text book and focus on some details.today, we’re going to learn the following 8 units : i will introduce the first one and leave the rest to my partners.(第六页)the first unit is about word translation method,it includes 3 parts :choice of word extension of word conversion of word.(第七页)firstly we can discuss choice of word the first point : according to the word category we can choose and determine the meaning let`s see the following 2 examples,the first sentence: in general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined.this sentence means一般来说,当所要测定的特征能够精确界定时,测试效果最佳 the predicate verb and tests is the subject so work should be translated into “有效的,起作用的

(第八页)the 2 sentence : in this sentence the definite article modifies work ,so work is noun considering piece together matches work,and work cant be together, we can define work as 工作成果

(第九页)the second point :determine the word meaning based on the collocation english and chinese languages have their respective collocation relations.the same word for different idioms, expresses different ideas.so ,in english chinese translation, we should deal with english idioms or collocation by chinese collocation.,and then determine the correct translation for example this word hot.it has various meaning.but in particular collocation the word meaning is very clear(第十页)extension of word we directly analyze the following two examples the first example :elegant systems should be translated into 完美的体系,not 优雅的体系,this point belongs to “replace the word meaning” in a sentence some words from dictionary meaning can make the translation obscure, ambiguous, or even misleading.therefore we need logic context relationships to determine the word meaning the second example:in this sentence offend means 排污超标 this point belongs to specify the word meaning according to chinese habit, the original meaning of the general and abstract words, express more clear and specific(第十一页)finally we analyze conversation of word。the first point :nouns or prepositions are translated into verb there are 2 examples:the first: in this sentence application is noun,but it should be translated into verb,means“用来” the second :

the second point:adjective and verb are translated into nouns there are also 2 examples:the first :篇五:英语ppt演讲 investigation of changjiang road brt system in hefei brt also known as bus rapid transit.its a new passenger transport model between rail transport and regular bus,known as the subway on the ground.its an important means to solve urban transport problems.it has five characteristics ①high quality②high efficiency③low energy consumption④low pollution⑤low cost catalogue chapter one background chapter two status analysis chapter three improvement plan chapter four summary after conducting an investigation of changjiang brt lines road in hefei, we found that bus rapid transit system relief effectively the the flow of the changjiang road traffic pressure, we also noticed that some places are less than perfect, and proposed some corresponding solutions。


妈妈给了哈里两个苹果,一个大一点,另一个小点儿。跟妹妹分着吃。妈妈说。所以,哈里就把小个的给了妹妹,自己开始啃那个大个的。哼,妹妹说,如果妈妈给了我,我会把大的给你,把小的留给自己的。对呀,哈里说,你拿到的不就是小的吗?还着什么急呀?英语笑话:要求加薪 asking for a raiseat the radio station where i worked, the manager called me into his office to preview a new sound-effects package we were considering purchasing.he closed the door so we wouldnt bother people in the outer office.after listening to a few routine sound effects, we started playing around with low moans, maniacal(疯狂的)screams, hysterical(歇斯底里的)laughter, pleading and gunshots.when i finally opened the door and passed the managers secretary, she looked up and inquired, asking for a raise again? 我在一家之声工作。经理把我叫进他的办公室,让我预试一下我们准备购买的一套新的音响 效果设备。他关上门,以免打扰外面办公室的人。听了几个常规的音响效果后,我们开始试听低声的呻吟,狂乱的尖叫,歇斯底里的大笑,哀 求声和枪声。最后我开门出去,从经理秘书旁边经过时,她抬起头问道:又要求加薪了?英语笑话:fish net 鱼网can you tell me what fish net is made, ann? a lot of little holes tied together with strings.replied the little girl.2 嘿,你试穿的时候我来帮你拿包包。


妈妈给了哈里两个苹果,一个大一点,另一个小点儿。跟妹妹分着吃。妈妈说。所以,哈里就把小个的给了妹妹,自己开始啃那个大个的。哼,妹妹说,如果妈妈给了我,我会把大的给你,把小的留给自己的。对呀,哈里说,你拿到的不就是小的吗?还着什么急呀?英语笑话:要求加薪 asking for a raiseat the radio station where i worked, the manager called me into his office to preview a new sound-effects package we were considering purchasing.he closed the door so we wouldnt bother people in the outer office.after listening to a few routine sound effects, we started playing around with low moans, maniacal(疯狂的)screams, hysterical(歇斯底里的)laughter, pleading and gunshots.when i finally opened the door and passed the managers secretary, she looked up and inquired, asking for a raise again? 我在一家之声工作。经理把我叫进他的办公室,让我预试一下我们准备购买的一套新的音响 效果设备。他关上门,以免打扰外面办公室的人。听了几个常规的音响效果后,我们开始试听低声的呻吟,狂乱的尖叫,歇斯底里的大笑,哀 求声和枪声。最后我开门出去,从经理秘书旁边经过时,她抬起头问道:又要求加薪了?英语笑话:fish net 鱼网can you tell me what fish net is made, ann? a lot of little holes tied together with strings.replied the little girl.2 ?二者皆是,孩子,皆是。?the child returns a few minutes later and says, daddy, is michael jackson god?孩子过了一会倒回来说:?爸爸,上帝是迈克杰克逊吗??【每日一乐】男生永远不会说的八句话8 things youll never hear a man say 8)here honey, you use the remote.给,亲爱的,你来用遥控器吧。7)you know, id like to see her again, but her breasts are just too big.你知道,我也愿意再跟她约会,但她的胸部实在太大了!6)ooh, antonio banderas and brad pitt? thats one movie i gotta see!哦!安东尼〃巴德拉斯和布拉德〃皮特?我一定要看那部电影!5)while im up, can i get you anything?我起身的时候,要帮你(顺手)拿点儿什么吗? 4)sex isnt that important, sometimes i just want to be held.性不是那么重要,有时候我只想和你拥抱。3)aww, forget monday night football, lets watch melrose place.哦!星期一晚上看什么足球赛啊,我们来看《飞跃情海》吧!(女生超爱的电视连续剧。)2)hey, let me hold your purse while you try that on.4 嘿,你试穿的时候我来帮你拿包包。1)we never talk anymore.人家再也不跟你说话了啦!no.1 a helping hand a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and p ut his head out the window to check.as he did so a glass eye fell into his hand.he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down.is this yours? he asked.she said, yes, could you bring it up? and the man agreed.on arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink.as she was very attractive he agreed.shortly afterwards she said, im abou t to have dinner.theres plenty.would you like to join me? he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal.as the eve ning was drawing to a close the lady said, ive had a marvelous evening.w ould you like to stay the night? the man hesitated then said, do you act like this with every man you meet?5篇二:课前英语三分钟演讲 good morning everyone ,befor our class,i’m going to share something about basketball ,something about nba.as one of millions nba fans ,i’ve been watching nba games for about six years ,for ,as you know ,the nba court is really an amazing place where miracles happen frequently.especially when there is a buzzer beater taking place at the end of zhe game ,it’s absolutely the most excting point in the game.do you know how popular the nba is in china? look at these pictures , celebrities from different fields are watching the game in the stadium.and this picture reflects how popular it is among college students.no one may have never heared something about kobe ,lenbron james ,jaordan, but i believe not everyone know the origin of basketball.so he grabbed a peach basket he found in the janitor’s closet of the school and hung it on a railing about ten feet from the floor.every time the players made a shot though, they had to take down the basket and grab the ball, which became really annoying.dr.naismith decided to cut a hole in the basket so the ball would go straight through without having to dig it out all the time a group of team owners met on june 6, 1946, in new york to talk about a league they would name the basketball association of america.this meeting was the beginning of what we know today as the nba.nba’s full name is national basketball association and today there are 30 teams in the association.and in recent days the regular season has began.and the games are very excting.if you have any interst , you could watch them in the morning everyday.篇三:英语课前三分钟演讲 英语课前三分钟演讲 friendship i often wonder what friendship is.friendship is too big a topic to talk about either specifically or generally.i guemost of us are still in a puzzling state about what friendship is, and i myself should be included.maybe people who define friendship according to his own life experience will say that they have a good concept of friendship, which i think is too narrow to get an objective psychologically, i still hold that departure is an absolute thing.how could it be possible that your friend(even your closest friend)always keeps you in heart as he/she had, is having and will have different experiences from yours? somehow different experiences make up of different hearts.man’s heart is a quite strange thing.never think that one can wholly touch it.sometimes our heart is so abstract that you don’t even know how to get to them.if we take heart as a cube, and closest friend a gentle breeze, this breeze can only blow one facet of this cube from one direction and can rarely reach any other sides of your heart.i’m not sure whether i have put it very clearly but believe me that there are no fixed closest friend in your life.with different time, place, space, emotion and situation, you have different closest friends.when i play basketball, i have a closest friend who knows how to cooperate with me and together give our when i am proud and a friend dares to stand out to warn me that i should keep modest, he is my closest friend;and, when i read old man and the sea, i think hemingway is my best friend.you see then, how many closest friends i have.but i must say, though i always want to keep all of them in my heart, they are not actually always in my heart.they have their own friends and their own life.winston churchill once said that there’s no perpetual friend, nor perpetual enemy, only perpetual interest.i guehe’s right in some way.personally i think it is a shame for people who take a pet as his closest friend as this is a sheer insult to human being and an good morning ,classmates: today ,i’d like to share a small story about my best friend with me with you.when i was in senior high school ,gard two ,i had a girl friend.one day ,i was walking to home with my best friend tom when she called me.she said that she missed me so i decided to go to meet her.i told tom about it then i went to have a appointment with her.to my surprise ,the next day ,tom got angry with me.maybe he thought i shouldn’t have let him alone.but in my point of view ,it is more difficult to find a girlfriend than to find a friend.what’s more ,in many cases ,your friends can understand you ,but your girlfriend maybe can not.finally ,some words ,you can say to your friends ,while you don’t dare to say to your girlfriend.so ,if you were me ,what would do in such case ?篇五:英语课前三分钟演讲好处多











妈妈给了哈里两个苹果,一个大一点,另一个小点儿。跟妹妹分着吃。妈妈说。所以,哈里就把小个的给了妹妹,自己开始啃那个大个的。哼,妹妹说,如果妈妈给了我,我会把大的给你,把小的留给自己的。对呀,哈里说,你拿到的不就是小的吗?还着什么急呀?英语笑话:要求加薪 asking for a raiseat the radio station where i worked, the manager called me into his office to preview a new sound-effects package we were considering purchasing.he closed the door so we wouldnt bother people in the outer office.after listening to a few routine sound effects, we started playing around with low moans, maniacal(疯狂的)screams, hysterical(歇斯底里的)laughter, pleading and gunshots.when i finally opened the door and passed the managers secretary, she looked up and inquired, asking for a raise again? 我在一家之声工作。经理把我叫进他的办公室,让我预试一下我们准备购买的一套新的音响 效果设备。他关上门,以免打扰外面办公室的人。听了几个常规的音响效果后,我们开始试听低声的呻吟,狂乱的尖叫,歇斯底里的大笑,哀 求声和枪声。最后我开门出去,从经理秘书旁边经过时,她抬起头问道:又要求加薪了?英语笑话:fish net 鱼网can you tell me what fish net is made, ann? a lot of little holes tied together with strings.replied the little girl.2 ?二者皆是,孩子,皆是。?the child returns a few minutes later and says, daddy, is michael jackson god?孩子过了一会倒回来说:?爸爸,上帝是迈克杰克逊吗??【每日一乐】男生永远不会说的八句话8 things youll never hear a man say 8)here honey, you use the remote.给,亲爱的,你来用遥控器吧。7)you know, id like to see her again, but her breasts are just too big.你知道,我也愿意再跟她约会,但她的胸部实在太大了!6)ooh, antonio banderas and brad pitt? thats one movie i gotta see!哦!安东尼〃巴德拉斯和布拉德〃皮特?我一定要看那部电影!5)while im up, can i get you anything?我起身的时候,要帮你(顺手)拿点儿什么吗? 4)sex isnt that important, sometimes i just want to be held.性不是那么重要,有时候我只想和你拥抱。3)aww, forget monday night football, lets watch melrose place.哦!星期一晚上看什么足球赛啊,我们来看《飞跃情海》吧!(女生超爱的电视连续剧。)2)hey, let me hold your purse while you try that on.4 嘿,你试穿的时候我来帮你拿包包。1)we never talk anymore.人家再也不跟你说话了啦!no.1 a helping hand a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and p ut his head out the window to check.as he did so a glass eye fell into his hand.he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down.is this yours? he asked.she said, yes, could you bring it up? and the man agreed.on arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink.as she was very attractive he agreed.shortly afterwards she said, im abou t to have dinner.theres plenty.would you like to join me? he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal.as the eve ning was drawing to a close the lady said, ive had a marvelous evening.w ould you like to stay the night? the man hesitated then said, do you act like this with every man you meet?5篇二:英语课前演讲文稿关于赵薇《致青春》 about so young youth smiles for no reason.it is one of its chiefest charms.青春带来无缘无故的微笑,这是它最主要的魅力之一。the reason i wanted to see so young is that it’s zhao wei’s directorial debut.我想要去看《致我们终将逝去的青春》的原因是:该片是赵薇的导演处女作。is it a mature first project for the actress? definitely.对于演而优则导的赵薇来说,这是她献上的完美首秀吗?答案当然是肯定的。so young has everything a popular youth film should have: beautiful young actors, a story about colorful campus life and intricate romance, and a strong sense of nostalgia.《致我们终将逝去的青春》拥有一切青春题材的流行电影应该具备的元素:养眼的俊男靓女;丰富多彩的校园生活;错综复杂的感情;强烈的怀旧色彩。the leading female character zheng wei(yang zishan)enrolls at university to stay close to her childhood sweetheart lin jing(han geng).but when lin moves abroad to pursue his education, life loses its luster for zheng.until she meets the dashing yet aloof chen xiaozheng(mark chao).女主人公郑微(杨子珊饰)考上大学,为的是和自己青梅竹马的恋人林静(韩庚饰)在一起。但在林静出国留学后,郑微的生活失去了目标,直到她遇见帅气而冷漠的陈孝正(赵又廷饰演)。

the film also features a bunch of vivid supporting characters: the campus queen who falls for a worthless wretch, the rich kid who is rejected by his dream girl, and zheng’s boyish roommate with a huge ego.该片同时也塑造了许多鲜活的配角:爱上窝囊废的校花、被梦中情人拒绝的富二代、自尊心极强的假小子室友.together they put on quite a show under zhao’s direction and her smooth and aesthetic camera work.you’ll find yourself laughing over their trivial yet funny life on campus in the early 1990s.在赵薇的执导下,在一系列流畅且富有美感的影像中,该片的确表现不俗。上世纪90年代初,那些细微而有趣的校园生活令人莞尔。

不出所料,影片后半段将观众带到了数年后,此时片中人物都已步入社会,天各一方。但影片却出乎意料地打破喜剧氛围,转入对生活意义与爱情真谛的严肃探讨。through the events in their current life and flashbacks of their college years, the film portrays how life has changed these characters.通过展现片中人物当下的生活状态和一组追忆大学生活的闪回镜头,影片描绘出生活是如何改变他们的。the good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing.年轻的好处在于,你还没有太多经验,并天生相信一切皆可能。篇三:课前英语三分钟演讲 good morning everyone ,befor our class,i’m going to share something about basketball ,something about nba.as one of millions nba fans ,i’ve been watching nba games for about six years ,for ,as you know ,the nba court is really an amazing place where miracles happen frequently.especially when there is a buzzer beater taking place at the end of zhe game ,it’s absolutely the most excting point in the game.do you know how popular the nba is in china? look at these pictures , celebrities from different fields are watching the game in the stadium.and this picture reflects how popular it is among college students.no one may have never heared something about kobe ,lenbron james ,jaordan, but i believe not everyone know the origin of basketball.so he grabbed a peach basket he found in the janitor’s closet of the school and hung it on a railing about ten feet from the floor.every time the players made a shot though, they had to take down the basket and grab the ball, which became really annoying.dr.naismith decided to cut a hole in the basket so the ball would go straight through without having to dig it out all the time a group of team owners met on june 6, 1946, in new york to talk about a league they would name the basketball association of america.this meeting was the beginning of what we know today as the nba.nba’s full name is national basketball association and today there are 30 teams in the association.and in recent days the regular season has began.and the games are very excting.if you have any interst , you could watch them in the morning everyday.篇四:英语课ppt演讲稿 good morning everyone: my name is yang chen.its my honor to stand here to show our teams ppt.as we can see from the screen.today our topic is about the introduction.well,lets begin.we will divide four parts,the first one is that what is introduction, and the second is establish the topic and literature review.the third one is investigation needed and purpose of the research, and the last one is value of the research and outline of the research.and my work is this part what is introduction.first we should know the definition of the introduction,introduction is often used as the beginning of the paper,it tells us why the author writes it, and summarized the paper.according to the definition,we knowthe location of the introduction at the start of a piece of academic writing.and its purpose is that situate research,give background,present research problem,say how and why this problem should be solved.there are some examples.we can see clearly the location of the introduction at the start of the paper.and this example tells us the purpose of the introduction,(读红字)the safety field of future vehicle can be divided intopassive safety system and active safety system.//give background of the research(读灰字)the remaining of this paper is as follows: in section 2,brief review of the active safety system andclassification methods are given.//tell us the substance of each part and this example.(读红字)give background of the research(读蓝字)tell us the present research problem and say how and why this problem should be solved(读灰字)tell us the substance of each part it is not a coincidence,it is a general character.now,we have known that what is introduction,but we still have some questions.such as how to start the introduction?what type of information should be in my introduction, and in what order?how to end the introduction? those questions will be solved by my teammates.thank you.篇五:英语演讲稿“青春_梦想” flying youth, master our future distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends life is a process of growing up.saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life‘the youth’.however, who can really say what the youth is ? a period of time? a belief? an attitude to life? or anything else? we don’t know.a famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible;youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life.’ what’s more , never ignore the power of knowledge.read more books and travel around.for one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden your horizon.i firmly believe one sentence that‘if you think you can, of course you can!’just believe we can make it!keep on walking towards our dream.flying youth ,master our future.from today, from now on ,from duping middle school!ready ? that’s all.thank you so much for your attention!尊敬的评委,老师,亲爱的朋友们










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    青春 英语ppt演讲配合稿

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