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Good morning, everyone.My topic today is XXXXX.The United States is the only country in the developed countries that has not established a universal social health care system.Historically, the United States had launched a series of campaigns to implement universal health care again and again, but at last they failed.After the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, Americans had a strong voice for health care reform, So Obama regarded it as a focus of his work.After breaking through the resistance, the health care reform was finally approved by the congress in 2010.This report introduce this reform , it contains 3 parts:......let’s come to the frist part.The U.S.health care system is based on commercial health insurance, supplemented by public health insurance.For the commercial health insurance, there are two situations, 1,Company buy insurance for their employees.2, employees will do this by themselves.For the public health insurance, It consists of three parts.Medcare:It is the insurance for the elderly over 65 and disabled people.Medcaid:It is the insurancefor the low-income families.CHIP:It is the insurance for minors.Here are two pictures.The one on the left is XXXX.Of all spending, the spend of federal government and local government were the most, this caused tremendous financial pressure on government.The one on the right is XXXX, We can understand that 13.4% of people in the United States still did not enjoy any health care, when they become ill, all expenses must be paid by themselves.So health care coverage had a lot of room for improvement.Of course there were other issues at that time, The U.S.healthcare issues can be mainly classified into three aspects.XXX,XXX and XXX.The price of medicine in the United States were very expensive, which increases the burden on individuals and insurance agencies.There are many insurance agencies in the United State,each institution has its own policy, which increases the government’s difficulty in regulating the health care market.Even for the government’s own policies, some of them are outdated and cannot keep up with the rhythm of the times, limiting the development of thehealth care market.Due to the existence of these problems, a vicious cycle had gradually emerged among theService Provider, Payer, and the Patient.This had caused dissatisfaction among the U.S.citizens.They often held parades to criticize the bad healthcare system.If the situation continues to develop in this way, The U.S.government’s financial system will eventually collapse and the entire economic structure will become confused.Therefore, the health care system is in urgent need of reform.At that time, U.S.President Barack Obama realized the seriousness of the problem and he reformed the health care system timely.At 2010.03.23, Congress Passed Obama's Healthcare Reform Plan.This bill was the most important document that the United States had established in the medical field since 1965.The goal of the bill was to increase the number of people covered by health care, reduce the price of medicines, and improve the servicequality for patients.Obama hoped that through his efforts, he would improv the quality of life of the American people and build a perfect American dream in the health care field.The bill mainly consists of four parts: Coverage, Tax revenue, Insurance
Types and Fairness.The government can expand the coverage through the mandatory regulations;
The government can increase the taxes in other fields to make up for the financial expenditure of medical care;The government can increase the types of diseases that are reimbursed to reduce the economic burden;and The government can eliminate the unreasonable regulations of insurance companies to ensure that citizens enjoy the fair medical insurance.Obama wanted to form a healthy care system through the measures above.Through his efforts, Obama has achieved some successes.Such as :The number of people enjoying protection increased;unfair rules reduced;The price of medicines had dropped to some extent.But this also had some failures.We all know that the American people believe in free competition,and they oppose the government's intervention in the market.However, Obama’s mandatory measures violated their beliefs clearly.So he received strong criticism from other groups, the President Trump even abolished some contents of the Obama’s bill.And due to the reduction of profits, some health care companies even withdrew from the US market, which reduced the US market vitality.But overall, the benefits of Obama reform outweigh the disadvantages, especially for ordinary people.Both the government and society can learn some useful experiences.For the government, it should regulate drug prices and reduce the cost of treatment;harmonize the health care system and reduce unfair regulations;optimize the allocation of resources to make it utilized fully.For the society, more insurance companies should join the health care system to reduce government pressure.Also social charities should provide free treatment for patients.Obama's health care reform goal is:
To change a low coverage to a widely coverage
To change high-cost into low-cost,ultimately, to provide universal affordable health insurance for the United States
这已经是个老生常谈的东西了,但在当今的形势下,导游到底应该具备什么条件? 身体条件: 我干了 20多年的导游,我的身体是一流的,抗严寒、抗酷热、善于长跑(在中学的时候就是学校的 5000米冠军,工作以后参加过北京万人 13000米的比赛名列 33名,如果在带团的过程中您先病倒了,那 是天大的遗憾,全团最不怕累的人应该是你,让别人看来,活的时间最长的人应该是导游!知识丰富: 看到这个标题,任何人都会和我抬杠,一个导游不是万能的,怎么可能知道所有的知识呢?导游,不 要认为背会了景点导游词就是标准的导游的,你的知识如果仅限于导游词,那你趁早回家,你是一个最最 低级的不值钱的导游,现在网络的语言就是“垃圾”。北京的一名大车司机开旅游车近30年,他只见过 一个他认为最好的导游, 因为他上知天文、下知地理, 就连家长代替孩子问 《勾股定理》 都可以回答........沟通能力: 微笑永远是沟通的第一桥梁!不管是在车站或机场和任何与客人见面的第一地点你的面目表情代表着 你的特性和对来者态度,而你的见面的第一行为有是礼仪的标志,着装、站立姿态也是给对方留下深刻的 印象,当你到异地有服务人员接待你的时候,你绝对不愿意见到一位衣装不整、面容憔悴、东倒西歪的导 游。舒服的语言和适当的幽默!尤其是 外文导游 ,你应该找到你认为最接近和贴切客人的语言,这语言不 是你的知识有多么丰富,而是有多么的亲近于人,关系、爱护、温暖和你平和的眼神方法的运用,有的时 候胜过父母和亲人,我称之为商业温暖........但奴颜婢膝是永远不可取的一种取悦客人的下贱行为,我也见过满脸堆笑,点头哈腰的导游,这是彻 头彻尾的让人恶心的一种做法,不管你是站在谁的面前,人的“腰杆子”永远是硬的,是有骨气的,不能 给中国人丢脸,国民政府培养的下三滥的翻译让人唾弃!2.导游的职能和礼仪(仪容仪表礼节礼貌
每当为旅行社培训,接待部经理永远将(仪容仪表礼节礼貌作为一个培训科目,尤其是我们外语导 游与客人相符的着装就显得很重要,旅游途中客人穿的是运动衫和超短裙,你却是西装革履、由头满面? 所以,当你面对一种场合的时候,您的态度的表现形式就是一种礼仪.......3.标准的带团语言
带团还有标准语言吗?有!初学导游的朋友们开始不理解这个含义,但如果你去了解 5年以上的外语 导游,他们会告诉你:是的,是有标准的带团语言。我们在经常接触国外客人和领队之后,发现他们经常
会用到一些精彩、华丽的语言灌进游客的耳朵:“ would you please get on the bus!” 让客人感到 舒服而愉快的必须服从,有些导游可能会用很多其他的语言表示这个意思,比如:hello ,on the bus!, bus is waiting!bus is waiting for you!这些也是在表达同样的意思,但客人的反应是否舒服? 还有一些带团的中式英文,如:“the boat is going to open in 5 minutes ”这讲的是英语吗?我 们允许带团的时候讲一些中式英文,但您讲的东西应该能让客人听懂呀,英语导游总认为:“they think they can speak Englishi ”,因为在上团以前,导游背会了所有的导游词,一切就是站在景点前的背诵, 一旦和客人产生真正的交流,就变成了似懂非懂的,回答的前言不搭后语。
我们应该如何解决这类问题?如何控制掌握听懂语速快的技巧,甚至有些客人是带口音的,如何与非 英文母语国家的游客交流?应该是:刻苦练听力、每天听一个小时的英语新闻或听力练习,自己和自己较 劲的时候要找难易程度高的,练习说能力要用比较容易的文章,如果你用的很难的口语练习资料,在阅读 的时候你会经常失去信
心(因为生词太多 , 导致放弃口语练习。学会观察对话者的表情、不要不懂装懂、要学会向客人提问,可以用:Sorry, could you say it me again , or Sorry I did not get you, would you pardon me ?口语是一个不能放下的功夫,不接触的时间长了就忘记的。
很多导游的工作方式都是循规蹈矩,总是延续以前的工作模式,从开始跟老导游带团一直到自己亲自 带团方式就从来不变,欢迎词、导游词、欢送词、景点讲解的站位的地点总是套路式的,其实我们大可不 必这样,我们真的应该创新,经过我们的长时间的带团,肯定能总结一些经验: 导游词可长可短,客人由于长途的奔波劳累的时候,我们就没有必要长篇大论的致导游词,甚至只是 安排一个明天的“叫早”时间
和领队的接触千万不要用一贯的方式,一定要根据团队的情况对症下药,耐心的询问团队是否有特别 的情况和要求
创新的讲解方式:冬天可以将客人带到一个比较暖和的地方给客人休息的时间,然后为客人讲解,夏 天天气非常的热,不管是导游还是客人都是非常辛苦的一件事,于是我告诉领队,今天的太和殿讲解将改 到东侧厢房内,领队当时就同意的我的想法,结果效果出乎意料的好,客人甚至席地而坐,倾听导游的讲 解,恩!感觉很好,我觉得我是个老师
你想过和客人一起就餐吗?是谁的规定导游不能和客人一起就餐?有很多导游的说法就是“我已经 累了半天了连吃饭也不能消停?”这句话明显的可以看出导游是厌烦客人的,如果导游真的把客人当做自 己的好友,是绝对不会将客人放在一遍自己去吃饭的;“旅行社没有付我和客人吃饭的标准”是的陪同和 客人的餐标是不一样的,但在大多数的情况下,导游的餐食是比客人要高一个档次的;“旅游局规定导游 不能和客人在一个餐桌上就餐”这些说法都是推辞,我带团 20多年来一直延续着与客人同在一桌吃饭的 做法,感觉是,和客人非常亲近,客人也很愿意导游与他们同吃,交流的机会大大增多。
尝试将客人带进社会餐厅, 18年以来,我还坚持这种游客就餐的方式,因为我早就发现,中国的旅游 餐厅,是饭菜质量最不好的餐厅,因为他们一直延续着所谓“八菜一汤”的标准。尤其是大的旅游餐厅上 千人的同时就餐而且大家吃的是同一个标准, 你认为味道能好吗? 18年来尤其是全陪带团, 从不安排客人 到旅游餐厅用餐,即使在迫不得已的情况下也是不吃标准餐,到处点菜是我的一贯做法,现金或信用卡结 账肯定是非常灵活的一种做法。有人狡辩说:“如果到社会餐厅吃坏肚子旅行社是要负责任的,呵呵,你 以为在旅游餐厅就吃不坏肚子?只要你把好关,进入干净、优雅、服务上乘的餐厅...呵呵你会有体会的。5.如何加强自己与客人亲和力和沟通能力
加强与客人的亲和不是表演出来的,而是长此以往你形成的一种处事方法,不管是和客人见面的开始 还是最后,你的尊严很重要,如何做一个堂堂正正的人?只要你给我 30分钟与客人的交流时间,我会给 客人留下深刻的印象,提出问题、回答问题、记住问题是必须练就的交流功夫,关注与你交流人的眼神, 可以体会他(他们兴趣 , 有没有具体的特点? 导游在和客人见第一面的时候,用很亲切的方式与每一位客人单独聊天,问名字,问要求,全体客人 对导游的做法非常看好,都很亲近她,领队也赞叹这种做法;观察游客的特点是我们的特长,即观察群体 的也关注个体的,一个基督徒游客非常喜欢喝咖啡,甚至是早晨起来的第一件事,在一天早晨我为他安排 了提前 10分钟的叫早,并给他送上我自己带的一杯香浓的咖啡,他记了我一辈子,在他癌症临终的时候 还在 e-mail 中和我开玩笑:“我就是在天堂也照样想喝你的咖啡.....领队的孤独,我们应该注意到, 每个领队都有自己的孤独时刻,这时,有人和他(她聊聊天,让他说说心中的事,会对整个行程有极大 的帮助。一定关注某些游客的生活习惯,美国人很多是素食主义者,在为客人点菜的时候这根弦要永远的 绷紧,为他们点菜后一定要告诉他们将吃到什么样的素菜。
导游带团与很多导游是不一样的,一颗火热的心是太难找到了,为人民服务的心态也会顿时消失在九 霄云外,如何处理亲和力和挣到钱的矛盾呢,很多导游都犯晕.....有的导游向我学习了,将客人带回自己的家用餐,这让旅行社大为恼火和不解,但客人却在其中受益 匪浅。妈妈炖的排骨、小鸡炖蘑菇、凉瓜伴的凉菜,老外不喜欢吗?北京的胡同游,很多老外到中国人家 里吃饭已经是斯通见惯的事,不要小题大做,这是中国人和外国人交流的良好时机。试试吧朋友......导游的功能并不限于景点的讲解,旅游途中的生病,老外也是难免的,我曾经陪一 93岁的老太太到 医院看病,陪一黑人妇女在医院度过通宵,那 93岁的老人家在离开中国的时候告诉我:“你是这一生唯 一陪我去过医院的人”两行热泪流下,小费大大........拥抱和亲吻,尤其是讲英文的导游朋友,在你们带团的历史有 2年以上的,肯定都有过这样的经历, 在机场告别, 客人的拥抱和亲吻是少不了的, 只是礼节, 也同时是对你工作的赞赏, 我们应该大方地接收, 可千万不要躲躲闪闪。
英语导游除讲解景点外,我们的话题还应该讲些什么? 就像前面提到的:光会了导游词,你还不是一个合格的导游。导游每开始一句话都要有目的,无目的 的开头语让游客“晕菜”。中国各地都有各地的旅游特点,导游词之外的知识太多了,导游除导游词外应 该还有什么其他话题?经过讨论,总结出了很多话题:中国的保险、退休、家庭、结婚、离婚、大学生、中学生、小学生、离婚、学校教育、家庭教育、民族、政治、婆媳关系、这是都是欧美人非常关心的,每 当客人问及相关问题的时候,大部分导游就被“击倒”了,简单的回答几句就算应付了,我们为什么不在 闲暇的时候总结出这里问题的答案呢?例如:中国的计划生育,这是几乎美国欧美团都感兴趣的问题。我们思考的方向应该是: 中国为什么要搞计划生育? 是谁提出的这个倡议? 中国是在那一年开始把计划生育列为中国的“基本国策”的? 为什么? 如果没有人口的控制,中国在 2000年或至今会出现什么?
这个项目在实行的过程中发生了什么? 中国人为什么普遍都喜欢生男孩? 中国的农村为什么计划生育很难搞?哪个地区最严重? 中国依然还是这样的政策吗? 计划生育给中国带来什么不好的影响? 诸多问题都在等着我们去总结、还需要用英语表达出来,而我们的工作还不够,还要更多的掌握我们 上面提出的《话题》 总之,站在客人的角度看待中国是我们应该总结的题材.....三、什么是人力不可抗力因素? 人力不可抗力因素有三条:自然灾害、政府行为、战争!这些事情的发生, 旅行社才有可能申请免责!
俚语的运用永远是一个很好的沟通工具和方式。俚语的使用、运用和学习俚语不是一朝一夕的事情, 这需要长时间的理解和运用。
当你用俚语和美国人交流的时候,他们会认为你很“inland”是个局内人,就很容易和你接近,认为 你是很体会美国的生活方式和理解美国文化的人。
一句:“you drive me up to the wall!”就曾经让我都赚了 2000块!aorn does not fell far from the tree!由于我的领队和我合作了很长时间,我们相互了解的非常 熟悉, 我用这句话,批评了领队也解脱了自己的困境......同时又再次拉近了我和领队的关系。以下我们是几句比较实用例子,供朋友门将来在你的工作中实用。
他真是缺根筋!(或他脑子里进水了 He is one brick short of the full load!!这事太简单了 it's piece of cake!您是大人物!我可是个小人物。you are a big potato!I am a small banana!He is a couch Potato , 他是一个无所事事的人,只是坐在沙发上看电视、看报纸的人
play with city hall , 和政府较劲,如:he play with city hall quite often, 他经常违反政策。Do not look at tooth of the gift horse,从直观上看,意思是不要看礼品马的牙齿,但它的实际意义 却是,不要嫌弃别人送给你的礼物
His ladders dose not go all the way to the top ,他办事总是缺乏思考。this place in far in the boonies,这个地方在偏僻的山村, 比如,爨底下村确实是个很远偏僻的地方, the village Chuandixia is really far in the boonies.综服与一日游区别
综服:意思就是综合服务他是从 80年代开始就延续下来的旅行社固有名词,旅行社为游客提供的综 合服务包括订房、订车、订餐、安排导游、安排参观、安排购物,同时还负责客人有 XXX 地区到另一地区 的交通(飞机、火车、汽车、轮船等工具,这样显得旅行社针对这些客人所负的责任要多很多,任何一 个环节出现问题,都属于旅行社的责任范畴,接待的过程中餐厅或司机出现问题游客会直接与旅行社投诉 交涉问题。而一日游的游客(现在是指参加旅行社固定旅游路线的就显得容易得多。在通常的情况下我 们只接到客人或(酒店、朋友、散客 机构的临时委托,我们旅行社只需要按照预定好的(模式化规矩 办事就行了,从服务上:导游、用车、景点、都是相应的固定的。
特殊问题的可以出现在长时间的路途上、无经验的旅游者、天气的变化、交通的变化、客人的不满情 绪、旅行社的工作失误、食物中毒、游客之间的关系问题、服务部门的工作失误、游客受伤、甚至游客死 亡等等。
每当碰到以上的问题,大部分学员的回答是:“通知旅行社....”这种回答是不可取的,因为往往以 上的事情出现时, 旅行社也是鞭长莫及的, 这要看我们导游的应变能力。有句话:将在外, 军令有所不受。我们导游的出现就是为了保证游客的正常活动和应该得到的服务!客人的利益受到侵害时,导游要首 当其冲....解决问题。
After 1621, future Thanksgiving celebrations occurred at various times throughout the year.George Washington declared a feast of Thanksgiving in 1789, and presidents issued similar yearly proclamations after that.During the Civil War, poet Sarah Hale started a campaign to celebrate the holiday on the same day throughout the country.1621年后,感恩庆祝活动持续了好多年,但时间都不固定。1789年,华盛顿总统正式宣布感恩节大餐并庆祝这一节庆活动,此后的多年间总统们也发表类似的公告。在美国内战期间,诗人Sarah Hale推动全国在同一天庆祝感恩节。
President Abraham Lincoln saw it as a way to unite the country, and he in 1863 he proclaimed a national Thanksgiving celebration on the last Thursday in November.It was changed from the last Thursday to the third Thursday by Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 as a way to lengthen the Christmas shopping holiday.In 1941, Roosevelt finally changed the date to the fourth Thursday in November, proclaiming it a Federal holiday in 1941.林肯总统认为可以通过庆祝感恩节来提高国家的凝聚力,于是他在1863年宣布11月的最后一个周四是法定的感恩节假日。在1939年,富兰克林罗斯福总统把这个日子改为了11月的第三个周四,这延长了圣诞采购季,为拉动内需提供帮助。最终,在1941年罗斯福总统把感恩节定为11月的第四个周四,并发布公告,把感恩节定为联邦的法定节假日。
When the Wampanoag people and the Colonists sat down to their three-day feast to give thanks, they dined on lobster, fish packed in salt, dried and smoked meats, and freshly caught wild game.They did not eat corn on the cob(as Indian corn was only good for making corn meal, not eating whole)or eat pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce since sugar, yams, or sweet potatoes had not yet been introduced to the New England region.当印第安土著和英国清教徒们大宴三天,感恩自然的时候,他们的食物是龙虾、腌咸鱼、烟熏肉和一些新鲜野味,他们没吃玉米棒子(那时印第安人种的玉米只能用来碾玉米粉,没法整根儿吃),也没吃南瓜饼、蔓越莓酱和芋头,更没吃甜土豆(那时还没引入新大陆呢)。
Turkey is the big centerpiece of most Thanksgiving celebrations across the United States.Since records of exactly what was eaten at that first celebration in 1621 are fuzzy at best, wild turkey may or may not have even been eaten at the feast.对于如今全美大多数家庭的感恩节大餐来说,火鸡绝对是重头戏,但想知道在遥远的1621年,感恩节大餐上到底吃没吃火鸡,实在是太难了。
The thing is, turkey was one of the staples of the settlers' diets at that time anyway, as turkeys were in great supply and were enjoyed for their eggs as well as their abundant meat.So, even if the feathered bird wasn't there at the first Thanksgiving, the turkey quickly became a fixture at future tables.无论如何,由于火鸡个大肉多产蛋量大,它逐步成为了殖民者们的重要食物。所以,就算在1621年那第一个感恩节大餐上没有火鸡,它也很快成为餐桌上的常客了。
Today, many families opt instead for a roast goose(which was almost definitely present at the first feast), a ham(which was almost definitely not present), or the new “gourmet” tradition of turducken(a turkey stuffed with a duck that's stuffed with a chicken).现如今,很多家庭在制定感恩节菜谱的时候,不愿意选烤鹅(这几乎肯定出现在了1621年那第一次感恩节大餐中),宁愿选火腿(这几乎肯定没出现过)或新的“美味传统火鸡”(火鸡肚子里填满鸡鸭)。
Thanksgiving is one of the few feasts where even the vegetarians can go home full without much modification of the standard menu.Leave out the roast turkey and you still have sweet potatoes, stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce, apple and pumpkin pie, roast squash, brussels sprouts and a host of other seasonal sides and desserts to pig out on.Of course, you can always add Tofurkey(turkey-flavored tofu)or another meat substitute for the non-carnivores and turkey-pardoners of the group.和其他节日比起来,感恩节对于素食主义者来说是个福音,素食主义者们不需要对标准菜单做太多调整,就可以和家人共享大餐了,因为除了烤火鸡外,还有甜土豆、玉米、蔓越莓酱、苹果饼、南瓜饼、烤南瓜、甘蓝、还有一大堆的应季小吃和餐后甜点,说的人口水都流出来的。当然,还有豆腐鸡(火鸡味儿的豆腐)或者其他的肉类替代品可以选择,不吃肉的朋友们也有口福啦。
Dear Sir / Ms:
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On Arbor Day, particular attention is drawn to the part trees play in our lives.It's not just a day to plant trees and then forget the gesture for another twelve months.Planting a tree one day is no credit to us if, during the rest of the year, we neglect to care for it and those already growing.Our thought on Arbor Day should be an expression of enduring feeling, thought and action and not just one single, isolated flame of interest.In schools and other community groups, this day can be celebrated in many different ways.By planting trees or shrubs in school grounds, along neighbouring streets or in civic parks.·By 'adopting' a patch of bush, with the landowner's consent, and caring for it by removal of weeds, rubbish, etc, by preparing firebreaks and by fencing and making paths to reduce trampling.·By presenting a play or mime about trees in the history of Australia.·By completing a project about certain types of trees(eg.jarrah, boab, karri)or a famous tree like the Gloucester Tree near Pemberton.·As a class activity or common interest group go on a visit to a bush area with a spokesperson to explain the characteristics of plant species and their niche in the natural environment.·Collect some tree seeds, germinate them in a classroom, and plant out the seedling.·Carry out identification of trees in a specific part of your school or neighbourhood.A tree labelling ceremony could also be arranged.·Compile a list of everyday objects that are made of wood or woodbased materials, and find out how the wood was processed, where it came from and whatever else you can.Trees and shrubs, whether native or introduced to WA, provide opportunities for the interest and study by the whole community, and when we walk around our own neighbourhood or drive through the countryside, we can appreciate the importance of such a diversity of plants to the well being of humanity.植树节宣传语
1、Reconstruction of a green earth 重建绿色家园
2、Planted a tree, sowing a love栽下一棵树 播撒一份爱
3、Life is green, the hope is that green 生命在于绿色,希望在于绿色
4、Many a green leaf, much a warmth 多一片绿叶,多一份温馨
Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year.Do you know what can we do to help on the day?
In China,Planting Trees Day is on March 12.This special day began in 1979.On that day,people can plant many trees.And if we plant trees more,we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong.In different countries,Planting Trees Days are on different days.Like in India,Planting Trees Day is on July 1.Why do the people plant trees?It is very easy.Because they want to protect the environment.There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees.So more and more trees are cut by them.But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean.So they plant trees as many as they can.All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment.We want to make it better,don’t we?So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.So,everyone,if you want to make the air clean,please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.