
时间:2019-05-14 19:52:46下载本文作者:会员上传


Merry Christmas everybody!Now, we're not going to take much of your time because today is about family and being together with the ones you love.大家圣诞快乐!现在,我们不会花很多的时间,因为今天是关于家庭和你所爱的人在一起。

And luckily for me, that means I get a little help on the weekly address, too.The holidays at the White House are such a wonderful time of year.幸运的是我,这意味着我在每周讲话有点帮助,。假期在白宫是一年中的一段美好时光。

We fill the halls with decorations,Christmas trees, and carolers-and this year, we invited morethan 65,000 people to join us.Our theme was “A Children's Winter Wonderland”--and Americans young and old had achance to come together and celebrate the season.我们填满大厅装饰圣诞树,今年carolers-and,我们邀请了超过65000人加入我们的行列。我们的主题是“儿童冬季仙境”——和美国年轻人和老年人有一聚在一起,庆祝这个节日。

And today, our family will join millions across the country in celebrating the birth of Jesus-the birth not just of a baby in a manger,but of a message that has changed the world: to reach out to the sick;the hungry;the troubled;and above all else, to love one another as we would be loved ourselves.今天,我们全家将加入全国数百万在庆祝耶稣的诞生不仅仅出生的婴儿在马槽里,但消息已经改变了世界:接触病人;饥饿的;问题;高于一切,彼此相爱,我们会爱自己。

We hope that this holiday season will be a chance for us to live out that message to bridge our differences and lift up our families, friends, and neighbors and to reconnect with the values that bind1 us together.And as a country, that also means celebrating and honoring3 those who have served and sacrificedfor all of us--our troops, veterans4, and their families.我们希望这个假期将会是一个机会让我们度过这一信息弥合分歧、举起我们的家人,朋友,邻居和重新连接的值bind1我们联系在一起。和作为一个国家,这也意味着庆祝和honoring3那些和sacrificedfor我们所有人——我们的军队,veterans4,和他们的家庭。

In just a few days, our combat5 mission6 in Afghanistan will be over.Our longest war will come to a responsible end.And that gives us an opportunity to step back and reflect upon all that these families have given us.We're able to gather with family and friends because our troops are willing to hug their goodbye and step forward to serve.After a long day, we can comehome because they're willing to leave their families and deploy7.We can celebrate the holidaysbecause they're willing to miss their own.在几天,我们combat5 mission6在阿富汗也就结束了。我们最长的战争将以负责任的方式结束。,退一步,给了我们一个机会反思这些家庭给我们。我们能够收集与家人和朋友,因为我们的军队愿意拥抱他们再见,一步就可以了。漫长的一天后,我们可以comehome因为他们愿意离开他们的家庭和deploy7。我们可以庆祝holidaysbecause他们愿意自己的小姐。

And so, as our troops continue to transition8 back home--back to our businesses, our schools, our congregations, and our communities.It's up to all of us to servethem as well as they have served us.所以,当我们的军队继续transition8回家,回到我们的企业,我们的学校,我们的教会和社区。由我们servethem以及他们为我们。You can visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can honor2 and support the troops, veterans and military families in your communities.That's something we can do not only during the holiday season, but all year round.你可以访问JoiningForces。gov找出如何honor2和支持部队,退伍军人和军人家属在你的社区。这是我们能做的不仅仅是在节日期间,但一年四季。So Merry Christmas, everybody.May God bless you all.And we wish you andyour family a happy and healthy 2015.所以圣诞快乐,每一个人。愿上帝保佑你们所有人。我们祝你和家人健康快乐2015年。


Barack Obama :Merry Christmas, everybody!This is one of our favorite times of the year in the Obama household, filled with family and friends, warmth and good cheer.That’s even true when I spend all night chasing Bo and Sunny away from the cookies we leave for Santa.It’s also my favorite weekly address of the year, because I’m joined by a special holiday guest star: Mrs.Obama.Michelle Obama :Merry Christmas, everyone.Here at the White House, we’ve spent the past month helping everyone get into the holiday spirit.Our theme this year is “A Timeless Tradition,” and the decorations in each room reflect some of our country’s most cherished pastimes – from saluting our troops and their families to helping children dream big dreams for their future.And we’ve invited thousands of families here to the White House to enjoy the festivities – because there’s no holiday tradition more timeless than opening our doors to others.Barack Obama :Today, like millions of Americans and Christians around the world, our family celebrates the birth of Jesus and the values He lived in his own life.Treating one another with love and compassion.Caring for those on society’s margins: the sick and the hungry, the poor and the persecuted, the stranger in need of shelter – or simply an act of kindness.That’s the spirit that binds us together – not just as Christians, but as Americans of all faiths.It’s what the holidays are about: coming together as one American family to celebrate our blessings and the values we hold dear.During this season, we also honor all who defend those values in our country’s uniform.Every day, the brave men and women of our military serve to keep us safe – and so do their families.Michelle Obama :So as we sing carols and open presents, as we win snowball fights...Barack Obama : Or lose snowball fights...Michelle Obama:Let’s also take time to pay tribute to those who have given our country so much.Go to JoiningForces.gov to see how you can serve the troops, veterans, and military families in your community.And together, we can show them just how grateful we are for their sacrifice.That’s a tradition we all can embrace – today and every day.Barack Obama :So on behalf of Malia, Sasha, Bo, Sunny, and everyone here at the White House – Merry Christmas.May God bless our troops and their families.And may God bless you all with peace and joy in the year ahead.巴拉克·奥巴马:祝大家圣诞快乐!这是奥巴马一家最喜欢的节日之一,充满亲朋好友的热情和欢乐。特别是我整晚追着博和桑尼不让他们吃留给圣诞老人的饼干。








米歇尔·奥巴马:所以在我们唱着圣诞歌拆礼物,就在我们扔雪球赢了的时候…… 巴拉克·奥巴马:或者打雪仗失败了的时候……






THE PRESIDENT: Hi everyone.As you gather with family and friends this weekend, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I – and of course Bo – want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.THE FIRST LADY:This is such a wonderful time of year.It’s a time to honor the story of love and redemption that began 2,000 years ago … a time to see the world through a child’s eyes and rediscover the magic all around us … and a time to give thanks for the gifts that bless us every single day.This holiday season at the White House, we wanted to show our thanks with a special holiday to some of the strongest, bravest, and mostmembers of our American family – the men and women who wear our country’sand the families who support them.THE PRESIDENT: For many military families, the best gift this year is a simple one – welcoming a loved one back for the holidays.You see, after nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over.Our troops are coming home.And across America,families are being reunited.So let’s take a moment to give thanks for their service;for their families’ service;for our veterans’ service.And let’s say afor all our troops standing post all over the world, especially our brave men and women in Afghanistan who are serving, even as we speak, in harm’s way tothe freedoms andwe hold dear.THE FIRST LADY: Our veterans, troops, and military families sacrifice so much for us.So this holiday season, let’s make sure that all of them know just how much we everything they do.Let’s ask ourselves, ―How can I give back? How can my family serve them as well as they’ve served us‖

One way you can get started is to visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can get involved in your.THE PRESIDENT: Giving of ourselves;service to others – that’s what this season is all about.For my family and millions of Americans, that’s what Christmas is all about.It reminds us that part of what it means to love God is to love one another, to be our brother’s keeper and our sister’s keeper.But that belief is not just at the center of our Christian , it’s shared by Americans of all faiths and backgrounds.It’s why so many of us, every year, volunteer our time to help those most in need;especially our hungry and our homeless.So whatever you believe, wherever you’re from, let’s remember the spirit of service that connects us all this season – as Americans.Each of us can do our part to serve our communities and our country, not just today, but every day.THE FIRST LADY: So from our family to yours, Merry Christmas.THE PRESIDENT:Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everybody.奥巴马:大家好。本周末当你与家人和朋友团聚时,我和玛利亚,米歇尔,萨沙——还有Bo沙——要祝大家圣诞快乐,节日快乐。










奥巴马:奉献自己,为他人提供服务—— 这就是这个季节最重要的。对于我的家人和百万计的美国人,这是圣诞节的意义所在。它提醒我们,爱上帝就要彼此关心,成为兄弟的保护着,成为姊妹的守护者。但这种信念不只是在我们的基督教信仰的中心,也被不同信仰和背景的美国人共享。这是为什么我们这么多人,每年,志愿贡献我们的时间来帮助那些最需要帮助的人,尤其是那些饥饿和无家可归的人。





Hi, everybody.On behalf of all the Obamas – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and the newest member of our family, Sunny – I want to wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.We’ll be spending today just like many of you – sitting down with family and friends to eat some good food, tell some stories, watch a little football, and most importantly, count our blessings.And as Americans, we have so much to be thankful for.We give thanks for the men and women who(1)nearly four centuries ago, risking everything for the chance at a better life – and the people who were already here, our Native American brothers and sisters, for their generosity during that first Thanksgiving.We give thanks for(2)who followed – people of all races and religions, who arrived here from every country on Earth and worked to build something better for themselves and for us.We give thanks for all our men and women in uniform – and for their families, who are surely missing them very much today.We’re grateful for their sacrifice too.We give thanks for the freedoms(3)– the freedom to think what we want and say what we think, to worship according to our own beliefs, to choose our leaders and, yes, criticize them without punishment.People around the world are fighting and even dying for their chance at these freedoms.We stand with them in that struggle, and we give thanks for being free.And we give thanks to everyone who’s(4)to make the United States a better, more compassionate nation – who spend their Thanksgiving volunteering at a soup kitchen, or joining a service project, or bringing food and cheer to a lonely neighbor.That big-hearted generosity is a central part of our American character.We believe in lending a hand to folks who need it.We believe in pitching in to solve problems even if they aren’t our problems.And that’s not a one-day-a-year belief.It’s part of the fabric of our nation.And we remember that many Americans need that helping hand right now.Americans who’ve lost their jobs and can’t get a new one through no fault of their own.Americans who’ve been trapped in poverty and just need that helping hand to climb out.Citizens whose prayers and hopes move us to act.We are a people who are greater together than we are on our own.That’s what today is about.That’s what every day should be about.No matter our differences, we’re all part of one American family.We are each other’s keepers.We are one nation, under God.That core tenet of our American experience has guided us from the earliest days of our founding – and it will guide us to a future that’s even brighter than today.Thank you, God bless you, and from my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.1.set sail for this land2.the generations

3.they defend4.doing their part


Happy New Year, everybody.This week, /I traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, to talk with folks about /the biggest challenge we face as a country /rebuilding our economy so that, once again, hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and anyone, regardless of who they are /or where they come from, can make it if they try.That’s the economy/America deserves.That’s the economy I’m fighting /every day to build.Now, to get there, the most important thing we need to do/ is get more Americans back to work.And over the past three years, we’ve made /steady progress.We just learned /that our economecession, we’ve added more than 3 million private sector jobs over the past 22 months.And we’re starting 2012 with manufacturing on the rise /and the American auto industry /on the mend.We’re heading in the rightdirection.And we’re not going to let up.On Wednesday the White HWe’ll hear from business leaders wh/follow their lead.Because this is a make or break moment for the middle class /and all those working to get there.We’ve got to keep at it.We’ve got to keep creating jobs.And we’ve got to keep rebuilding our economy /so that everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share / and everyone plays by the same rules.We can’t go back to the days when/ the financial system was stacking the deck against ordinary Americans.To me, that’s not an option.Not after all we’ve been through.That’snation’s new consumer watchdog this week.Richard’s job is simple: to look out for you.Every day, his sole mission is to protect consumers from potential abuses /by the financial industry and to make sure that you’ve got all the transparent information /you need to make the important financial decisions in your lives.I nominated Richard/ for this job last summer.And yet, Republicans in the Senate kept blocking his confirmation not because they objected to him, but because they wanted to weaken his agency.That made no sense.Every day we waited /was a day you and consumers all across the country were at greater financial risk.So this year, I’m going to keep doing whatever it takes to move this economy forward and to make sure that middle class families regain the security they’ve lost over the past decade.That’s my New Year’s resolution to all of you.Thank you, and have a great weekend.



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