
时间:2019-05-14 19:02:13下载本文作者:会员上传



灾难到来时,我们会发现看似普通的日常生活是多么可贵。2009年1月15日,全美航空1549号班机迫降纽约哈德逊河,Ric Elias 就坐在第一排的位置。听他分享在“人生最后一刻” 学到了什么。

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft.Imagine a plane full of smoke.Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.It sounds scary.想像一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。

Well I had a unique seat that day.I was sitting in 1D.I was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants.So I looked at them right away, and they said, “No problem.We probably hit some birds.” The pilot had already turned the plane around, and we weren't that far.You could see Manhattan.那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1D,我是唯一可以和空服员说话的人,于是我立刻看着他们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。” 机长已经把机头转向,我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。

Two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time.The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River.That's usually not the route.He turns off the engines.Now imagine being in a plane with no sound.And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I've ever heard.He says, “Brace for impact.” 两分钟以后,三件事情同时发生:机长把飞机对齐哈德逊河,一般的航道可不是这样。他关上引擎。想像坐在一架没有声音的飞机上。然后他说了几个字,我听过最不带情绪的几个字,他说,“即将迫降,小心冲击。”

I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore.I could see in her eyes, it was terror.Life was over.我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。

Now I want to share with you 3 things I learned about myself that day.现在我想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。

I leant that it all changes in an instant.We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.As I thought about that later on, I came up with a saying, which is, “collect bad wines”.Because if the wine is ready and the person is there, I'm opening it.I no longer want to postpone anything in life.And that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life.在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经历却没有经历的事。之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都很差。” 因为如果酒已成熟,分享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再把生命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性改变了我的生命。

The second thing I learnt that dayI thought about, wow, I really feel one real regret, I've lived a good life.In my own humanity and mistaked, I've tired to get better at everything I tried.But in my humanity, I also allow my ego to get in.And I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter.And I thought about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people.And after, as I reflected on that, I decided to eliminate negative energy from my life.It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.I've not had a fight with my wife in 2 years.It feels great.I no longer try to be right;I choose to be happy.那天我学到的第二件事是,正当我们通过乔治华盛顿大桥,那也没过多久,我想,哇,我有一件真正后悔的事。虽然我有人性缺点,也犯了些错,但我生活得其实不错。我试着把每件事做得更好。但因为人性,我难免有些自我中心,我后悔竟然花了许多时间,和生命中重要的人讨论那些不重要的事。我想到我和妻子、朋友及人们的关系,之后,回想这件事时,我决定除掉我人生中的负面情绪。还没完全做到,但确实好多了。过去两年我从未和妻子吵架,感觉很好,我不再尝试争论对错,我选择快乐。

The third thing I learnedfirst-grade, not much artistc talent...yet.And I 'm balling, I'm crying, like a little kid.And it made all the sense in the world to me.I realized at that point by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad.Above all, above all, the only goal I have in life is to be a good dad.一个月后,我参加女儿的表演,她一年级,没什么艺术天份,就算如此。我泪流满面,像个孩子,这让我的世界重新有了意义。当当时我意识到,将这两件事连接起来,其实我生命中唯一重要的事,就是成为一个好父亲,比任何事都重要,比任何事都重要,我人生中唯一的目标就是做个好父亲。

I was given the gift of a miracle, of not dying that day.I was given another gift, which was to be able to see into the future and come back and live differently.那天我经历了一个奇迹,我活下來了。我还得到另一个启示,像是看见自己的未来再回來,改变自己的人生。

I challenge you guys that are flying today, imagine the same thing happens on your planebut imagine, and how would you change? What would you get done that you're waiting to get done because you think you'll be here forever? How would you change your relationtships and the negative energy in them? And more than anything, are you being the best parent you can? 我鼓励今天要坐飞机的各位,想像如果你坐的飞机出了同样的事,最好不要-但想像一下,你会如何改变?有什么是你想做却没做的,因为你觉得你有其它机会做它?你会如何改变你的人际关系,不再如此负面?最重要的是,你是否尽力成为一个好父母? Thank you.谢谢。

第二篇:TED演讲 坠机让我学到的三件事


灾难到来时,我们会发现看似普通的日常生活是多么可贵。2009年1月15日,全美航空1549号班机迫降纽约哈德逊河,Ric Elias 就坐在第一排的位置。听他分享在“人生最后一刻”学到了什么。

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft.Imagine a plane full of smoke.Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.It sounds scary。


Well I had a unique seat that day.I was sitting in 1D.I was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants.So I looked at them right away, and they said, “No problem.We probably hit some birds.” The pilot had already turned the plane around, and we weren't that far.You could see Manhattan。


Two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time.The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River.That's usually not the route.He turns off the engines.Now imagine being in a plane with no sound.And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I've ever heard.He says, “Brace for impact.”


I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore.I could see in her eyes, it was terror.Life was over。


Now I want to share with you 3 things I learned about myself that day。


I leant that it all changes in an instant.We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.As I thought about that later on, I came up with a saying, which is, “collect bad wines”.Because if the wine is ready and the person is there, I'm opening it.I no longer want to postpone anything in life.And that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life。


The second thing I learnt that dayI thought about, wow, I really feel one real regret, I've lived a good life.In my own humanity and mistook, I've tried to get better at everything I tried.But in my humanity, I also allow my ego to get in.And I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter.And I thought about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people.And after, as I reflected on that, I decided to eliminate negative energy from my life.It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.I've not had a fight with my wife in 2 years.It feels great.I no longer try to be right;I choose to be happy。


The third thing I learnedfirst-grade, not much artistic talent...yet.And I 'm balling, I'm crying, like a little kid.And it made all the sense in the world to me.I realized at that point by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad.Above all, above all, the only goal I have in life is to be a good dad。


I was given the gift of a miracle, of not dying that day.I was given another gift, which was to be able to see into the future and come back and live differently。


I challenge you guys that are flying today, imagine the same thing happens on your planebut imagine, and how would you change? What would you get done that you're waiting to get done because you think you'll be here forever? How would you change your relationships and the negative energy in them? And more than anything,are you being the best parent you can?


Thank you.谢谢。




灾难到来时,我们会发现看似普通的日常生活是多么可贵。2009年1月15日,全美航空1549号班机迫降纽约哈德逊河,Ric Elias 就坐在第一排的位置。听他分享在“人生最后一刻” 学到了什么。

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft.Imagine a plane full of smoke.Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.It sounds scary.想像一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。

Well I had a unique seat that day.I was sitting in 1D.I was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants.So I looked at them right away, and they said, “No problem.We probably hit some birds.” The pilot had already turned the plane around, and we weren't that far.You could see Manhattan.那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1D,我是唯一可以和空服员说话的人,于是我立刻看着他们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。” 机长已经把机头转向,我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。


1.flight attendant: 空中乘务员。attendant为服务员;侍从的意思。在托福听力当中有出现这个词。

2.pilot: 飞行员pilot project: 试点项目

Two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time.The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River.That's usually not the route.He turns off the engines.Now imagine being in a plane with no sound.And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I've ever heard.He says, “Brace for impact.”



1.Brace for impact: 即将迫降,小心冲击 brace for 是准备迎接困难的意思。


I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore.I could see in her eyes, it was terror.Life was over.我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。

Now I want to share with you 3 things I learned about myself that day.现在我想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。

I leant that it all changes in an instant.We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.As I thought about that later on, I came up with a saying, which is, “collect bad wines”.Because if the wine is ready and the person is there, I'm opening it.I no longer want to postpone anything in life.And that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life.在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经历却没有经历的事。之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都很差。” 因为如果酒已成熟,分享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再把生命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性改变了我的生命。


1.bucket list: 遗愿清单 kick the bucket: 翘辫子。这个词组其实是说人上吊的时候如

果想死的话是把下面的物体如桶踢掉,因此这个意思是翘辫子的意思。所以bucket list是从这个来的,表示遗愿清单。

The second thing I learnt that dayI thought about, wow, I really feel

one real regret, I've lived a good life.In my own humanity and mistake, I've tried to get better at everything I tried.But in my humanity, I also allow

my ego to get in.And I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter.And I thought about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people.And after, as I reflected on that, I decided to

eliminatenegative energy from my life.It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.I've not had a fight with my wife in 2 years.It feels great.I no longer try to be right;I choose to be happy.那天我学到的第二件事是,正当我们通过乔治华盛顿大桥,那也没过多久,我想,哇,我有一件真正后悔的事。虽然我有人性缺点,也犯了些错,但我生活得其实不错。我试着把每件事做得更好。但因为人性,我难免有些自我中心,我后悔竟然花了许多时间,和生命中重要的人讨论那些不重要的事。我想到我和妻子、朋友及人们的关系,之后,回想这件事时,我决定除掉我人生中的负面情绪。还没完全做到,但确实好多了。过去两年我从未和妻子吵架,感觉很好,我不再尝试争论对错,我选择快乐。


1.reflect on: 回想

2.eliminate: v.去除

3.negative energy: n.负面能量咱们中文经常说的负能量就是这个说法

positive energy: 正面能量

The third thing I learnedfirst-grade, not much artistic talent...yet.And I 'm balling, I'm crying, like a little kid.And it made all the sense in the world to me.I realized at that point by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad.Above all, above all, the only goal I have in life is to be a good dad.一个月后,我参加女儿的表演,她一年级,没什么艺术天份,就算如此。我泪流满面,像个孩子,这让我的世界重新有了意义。当当时我意识到,将这两件事连接起来,其实我生命中唯一重要的事,就是成为一个好父亲,比任何事都重要,比任何事都重要,我人生中唯一的目标就是做个好父亲。


1.Ball: 球;舞会。在这里用成动词,是哭的意思。

I was given the gift of a miracle, of not dying that day.I was given another gift, which was to be able to see into the future and come back and live differently.那天我经历了一个奇迹,我活下來了。我还得到另一个启示,像是看见自己的未来再回來,改变自己的人生。

I challenge you guys that are flying today, imagine the same thing happens on your planebut imagine, and how would you change? What would you get done that you're waiting to get done because you think you'll be here forever? How would you change your relationships and the negative energy in them? And more than anything are you being the best parent you can?


Thank you.谢谢。







灾难到来时,我们会发现看似普通的日常生活是多么可贵。2009年1月15日,全美航空1549号班机迫降纽约哈德逊河,Ric Elias 就坐在第一排的位置。听他分享在“人生最后一刻” 学到了什么。

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft.Imagine a plane full of smoke.Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.It sounds scary.想像一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。

Well I had a unique seat that day.I was sitting in 1D.I was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants.So I looked at them right away, and they said, “No problem.We probably hit some birds.” The pilot had already turned the plane around, and we weren't that far.You could see Manhattan.那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1D,我是唯一可以和空服员说话的人,于是我立刻看着他们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。” 机长已经把机头转向,我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。

Two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time.The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River.That's usually not the route.He turns off the engines.Now imagine being in a plane with no sound.And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I've ever heard.He says, “Brace for impact.”


I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore.I could see in her eyes, it was terror.Life was over.我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。

Now I want to share with you 3 things I learned about myself that day.现在我想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。

I leant that it all changes in an instant.We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.As I thought about that later on, I came up with a saying, which is, “collect bad wines”.Because if the wine is ready and the person is there, I'm opening it.I no longer want to postpone anything in life.And that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life.在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经历却没有经历的事。之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都很差。” 因为如果酒已成熟,分享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再把生命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性改变了我的生命。

The second thing I learnt that dayI thought about, wow, I really feel one real regret, I've lived a good life.In my own humanity and mistaked, I've tired to get better at everything I tried.But in my humanity, I also allow my ego to get in.And I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter.And I thought about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people.And after, as I reflected on that, I decided to eliminate negative energy from my life.It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.I've not had a fight with my wife in 2 years.It feels great.I no longer try to be right;I choose to be happy.那天我学到的第二件事是,正当我们通过乔治华盛顿大桥,那也没过多久,我想,哇,我有一件真正后悔的事。虽然我有人性缺点,也犯了些错,但我生活得其实不错。我试着把每件事做得更好。但因为人性,我难免有些自我中心,我后悔竟然花了许多时间,和生命中重要的人讨论那些不重要的事。我想到我和妻子、朋友及人们的关系,之后,回想这件事时,我决定除掉我人生中的负面情绪。还没完全做到,但确实好多了。过去两年我从未和妻子吵架,感觉很好,我不再尝试争论对错,我选择快乐。

The third thing I learnedfirst-grade, not much artistic talent...yet.And I 'm balling, I'm crying, like a little kid.And it made all the sense in the world to me.I realized at that point by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad.Above all, above all, the only goal I have in life is to be a good dad.

第五篇:28 个最精彩的 TED 演讲

I've watched more than 800 TED talks in the last 7 years.Last night, I went through all 1400 TED talks and picked out the talks that left long-lasting impressions.Education: Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity(Part 1)Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!(Part 2)“Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children.He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.”

E.O.Wilson: Advice to young scientists

“Biologist E.O.Wilson explores the world of ants and other tiny creatures, and writes movingly about the way all creatures great and small are interdependent.“

Life Lessons: Ben Dunlap: The life-long learner

“Ben Dunlap is a true polymath, whose talents span poetry, opera, ballet, literature and administration.He is the president of South Carolina’s Wofford College.”

Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything

“Tim Ferriss is author of bestsellerThe 4-Hour Workweek, a self-improvement program of four steps: defining aspirations, managing time, creating automatic income and escaping the trappings of the 9-to-5 life.”

Terry Moore: How to tie your shoes

“Terry Moore is the director of the Radius Foundation, a forum for exploring and gaining insight from different worldviews.”

JJ Abrams: The mystery box

“Writer, director and producer J.J.Abrams makes smart, addictive dramas like TV's Lost, and films like Cloverfield and the new Star Trek.”

Performance: Kenichi Ebina's magic moves

“Self-taught dancer Kenichi Ebina blends hip-hop, martial arts, modern dance, magic and a blast of pop culture in his mesmerizing performances.”

Rives: If I controlled the Internet …

“Performance artist and storyteller Rives has been called ”the first 2.0 poet,“ using images, video and technology to bring his words to life.”

Science: Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end aging “Aubrey de Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging.He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born.”

Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes

“Elaine Morgan is an octogenarian scientist, armed with an arsenal of television writing credits and feminist instincts, on a mission to prove humans evolved in water.”

VS Ramachandran: 3 clues to understanding your brain

“Neurologist V.S.Ramachandran looks deep into the brain’s most basic mechanisms.By working with those who have very specific mental disabilities caused by brain injury or stroke, he can map functions of the mind to physical structures of the brain.”

Stephen Petranek counts down to Armageddon

“When he was editor-in-chief ofDiscover magazine, Stephen Petranek tangled with questions as big as the universe.Here he confronts the biggest question on the planet: What are the 10 most likely ways that life on the Earth could end?”

Society: Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action“In 2009, Simon Sinek released the book ”Start With Why“--a synopsis of the theory he has begun using to teach others how to become effective leaders and inspire change.”

Derek Sivers: How to start a movement

“Through his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burdens(and boredom)of creative people.”

Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

“Reality is broken, says Jane McGonigal, and we need to make it work more like a game.Her work shows us how.”

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds

“Through groundbreaking research and the lens of her own autism, Temple Grandin brings startling insight into two worlds.”

Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread

“Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and blogger who thinks about the marketing of ideas in the digital age.His newest interest: the tribes we lead.”

Jonas Eliasson: How to solve traffic jams“Jonas Eliasson is dedicated to researching transportation flow, analyzing how people think about their commutes and what can influence their travel decisions.”

Larry Lessig: Laws that choke creativity “The U.S.Congress is broken, and law professor and legal activist Lawrence Lessig wants you to help him fix it.In ”Republic, Lost,“ he tells you how.”

Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce“Detective of fads and emerging subcultures, chronicler of jobs-you-never-knew-existed, Malcolm Gladwell's work is toppling the popular understanding of bias, crime, food, marketing, race, consumers and intelligence.”

Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work“Jason Fried thinks deeply about collaboration, productivity and the nature of work.He's the co-founder of 37signals, makers of Basecamp and other web-based collaboration tools, and co-author of Rework.”

Entrepreneurship: Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class

“Thulasiraj Ravilla is the executive director of the Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, helping eye-care hospitals around the world build capacity to prevent blindness.”

Amos Winter: The cheap all-terrain wheelchair

”Amos Winter and his team at MIT built the Leveraged Freedom Chair, a cheap lever-powered wheelchair whose design and develop put the user first.“

Economics: George Ayittey on Cheetahs vs.Hippos

“Economist George Ayittey sees Africa's future as a fight between Hippos--complacent, greedy bureaucrats wallowing in the muck--and Cheetahs, the fast-moving, entrepreneurial leaders and citizens who will rebuild Africa.”

Music: Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music“A leading interpreter of Mahler and Beethoven, Benjamin Zander is known for his charisma and unyielding energy--and for his brilliant pre-concert talks.”

China: Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China

“Yang Lan is often called “the Oprah of China.” The chair of a multiplatform business empire, Yang is pioneering more-open means of communication in the communist nation.”

Hans Rosling: Asia's rise--how and when

“In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings.Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life.And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.”

Leslie T.Chang: The voices of China's workers “In her reporting and writing, Leslie T.Chang explores the lives of workers in China, focusing on the experience of women.”

Not From TED: But they're so good you can't ignore them Randy Pausch: Really achieving your childhood dreams

“Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch motivated thousands of students with his passionate teaching.Millions more around the world found inspiration in his moving 'Last Lecture.'”

Bobby McFerrin plays...the audience!

“Listening to Bobby McFerrin sing may be hazardous to your preconceptions.Side effects may include unparalleled joy, a new perspective on creativity, rejection of the predictable, and a sudden, irreversible urge to lead a more spontaneous existence.”

Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents

“As founder and CEO of Amazon.com, Jeff Bezos defined online shopping and rewrote the rules of commerce, ushering in a new era in business.Timemagazine named him Man of the Year in 1999.”



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